This agreement is for collaboration, it may not be detailed enough, if it is not clear how to do what you want, this is a normal situation, just ask your colleagues.
git clone
cd ever-smv-dao
git checkout -b feature/name-of-feature origin/main
Coding and testing local see Develop
Git history: work log vs recipe
git commit --message "feat: paypal payment for different users"
git commit --message "fix: hide password display when searching for a user"
Push and create pull requests
git push --set-upstream origin feature/name-of-feature
Follow by link:
A tidy, linear Git history
Get the latest upstream changes and update the working branch:
git fetch --prune origin
git rebase --autostash --ignore-date origin/main
During the rebase, there may be conflicts, they need to be resolved and after the decision to continue the rebase:
git rebase --continue
Upload the updated working branch to the repository, given that we changed the history, this should be done with the force option:
git push --force --set-upstream origin feature/name-of-feature
More details can be found in the tutorial: git rebase.