if hte path to future to start o get narroarwed which i tohught fior awhile then it i gonna get touch from her no what
was i suppose to go superliminual to knwow what happend in the past wowowowoow... for 1005 corect acucrate result... un oh my gosh whatl yeahess
you need higher speed of light to quarnetenend to found out certian things okay... acpcprodmg tp sepciality relaicity..and again speicality realtifie tiy is rspeclaity reliacity and nothing to do with my undesratnding of speciali relaitity... I don't know how to you can you do enough
you mab try to think like a bohmaina biran if youthink hard enough or studied hard enoufh..and whethe and thenr if i undesrand it or not..that is
narcisistisc thinkers makei things you proejc on them all the time!!! If
if oyu tihnk i a proejcting okay. but if oyu odnt have to. it is jsut words. words just hat wrods arnet necessary music' can be a lousy music by some definition and it vna be
(if people be like it looks like he is xyz.) my reacted response would be ; m
if you ever meet a narcisist, that makes everyhting you said 100000005 worst.
No I don't like evil mom now now