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Blake Niemyjski edited this page Jul 2, 2016 · 9 revisions

Please read this guide when upgrading from any version of Exceptionless. Upgrading is meant to be an easy process. Most users will just have to upgrade the NuGet package.

If you run into any issues after upgrading the NuGet packages please take a look at the sections below.

  1. Ensure you have the latest version of the NuGet Package manager installed.
  • If you are using Visual Studio 2012/2013 version 2.12+ is required.
  • If you are using Visual Studio 2015 than version 3.5+ is required.
  1. Open the NuGet Package Manager dialog.
  2. Click on the Updates tab.
  3. Select the Exceptionless platform specific NuGet package (Ex. Exceptionless.Web) and click the Update button.
  4. For more information please see the official NuGet documentation.


Upgrading from Exceptionless 3.x

Please read this guide when upgrading from Exceptionless 3.x. The Exceptionless latest client has a few breaking changes from 3.x client that users should be aware of when upgrading. Please follow the guide below after upgrading your NuGet packages from version 3.x to the latest version.

  • The Exceptionless.Portable package and Exceptionless.Extras assembly was merged into the Exceptionless package.
    • The ExceptionlessClient.Default.Register() method has been removed as the functionality was merged into ExceptionlessClient.Default.Startup() method.
    • As a result the ConfigurationSection type was moved into the exceptionless assembly Exceptionless. The NuGet package will automatically handle updating app.config and web.config configuration sections with the new assembly full name.

Upgrading from Exceptionless 2.x

Please read this guide when upgrading from Exceptionless 2.x. The Exceptionless latest client has a few breaking changes from 2.x client that users should be aware of when upgrading. Please follow the guide below after upgrading your NuGet packages from version 2.x to the latest version.


The following changes affect a very small portion of users.

Renamed Enrichments to Plugins. The following changes will need to be made if you were using enrichments:

  • IEventEnrichment has been renamed to IEventPlugin
  • IEventPlugin.Enrich(context, event) signature has been changed to IEventPlugin.Run(context). The event has been moved to the context
  • client.Configuration.AddEnrichment<IEventEnrichment>(); has been renamed to client.Configuration.AddPlugin<IEventPlugin>();
  • EventPluginContext.Data property has been renamed to EventPluginContext.ContextData
  • EventSubmittingEventArgs.EnrichmentContextData property has been renamed to EventSubmittingEventArgs.PluginContextData

Upgrading from Exceptionless 1.x

Please read this guide when upgrading from Exceptionless 1.x. The Exceptionless latest client has a few breaking changes from 1.x client that users should be aware of when upgrading. Please follow the guide below after upgrading your NuGet packages from version 1.x to the latest version.

Signed Packages

If you require a strong named NuGet package please remove the existing NuGet package and install the signed NuGet version. Example: Remove Exceptionless NuGet package and install the Exceptionless.Signed NuGet package.

ExceptionlessClient API Changes


ExceptionlessClient.Current.GetLastErrorId() has been renamed to ExceptionlessClient.Default.GetLastReferenceId(). NOTE: To have a reference id automatically generated, you must call ExceptionlessClient.Default.Configuration.UseReferenceIds()


The following changes affect a very small portion of users.

  1. client.Create(Exception) has been renamed to client.CreateEvent().
  2. client.CreateError(Exception) has been renamed to client.CreateException(Exception). NOTE: This now submits the exception.
  3. client.SubmitError(Error) has been renamed to client.SubmitEvent(Event).
  4. client.SubmitError(Exception) and client.Submit(Exception) has been renamed to client.SubmitException(Exception).
  5. client.ProcessUnhandledException(Exception) has been renamed to client.SubmitUnhandledException(Exception).
  6. client.SubmitPatch(string id, object patch) has been removed.
  7. client.SuspendProcessing() has been moved to client.Configuration.Resolver.GetEventQueue().SuspendProcessing().
  8. client.UpdateConfiguration() has been moved to Exceptionless.Configuration.SettingsManager.UpdateSettings(client.Configuration).


ExceptionlessClient.Current has been deprecated and replaced with ExceptionlessClient.Default.


The following changes affect a very small portion of users.

  1. ErrorBuilder has been renamed to EventBuilder.
  2. client.Tags has been moved to client.Configuration.DefaultTags.
  3. IExceptionlessPlugin has been replaced with IEventPlugin. NOTE: Plugins can be registered via client.Configuration.AddPlugin<IEventPlugin>();
  4. client.Configuration["MySetting"] has been moved to client.Configuration.Settings["MySetting"].


1event EventHandler UnhandledExceptionReporting1 has been removed and replaced with 1event EventHandler SubmittingEvent1. You’ll need to wire up to 1SubmittingEvent1 and check the 1IsUnhandledError1 property.


The following changes affect a very small portion of users.

  1. event EventHandler<SendErrorCompletedEventArgs> SendErrorCompleted has been removed. To get notified of when an event has been submitted you must implement a custom ISubmissionClient and register it with the dependency resolver (Ex. client.Configuration.Resolver.Register<ISubmissionClient, SubmissionClient>() ).
  2. event EventHandler<RequestSendingEventArgs> RequestSending has been removed. To override how an event is sent you must implement a custom ISubmissionClient and register it with the dependency resolver (Ex. client.Configuration.Resolver.Register<ISubmissionClient, SubmissionClient>() ).
ExceptionlessClient.Default.SubmittingEvent += OnSubmittingEvent;
private static void OnSubmittingEvent(object sender, EventSubmittingEventArgs e) {
  if (!e.IsUnhandledError)

  if (e.Event.Message == "Important Exception")

Attribute Configuration Changes

  1. QueuePath has been renamed to StoragePath
  2. ExceptionlessAttribute(string serverUrl, string apiKey, ...) signature has been changed to ExceptionlessAttribute(string apiKey)
  3. The ExceptionlessAttribute attribute must be in the entry or calling assembly or it won’t be picked up. To have it be picked up from a different location, you need to pass in the assembly as shown below.


[assembly: Exceptionless("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE", ServerUrl = "...", StoragePath = "|DataDirectory|\Queue")]
// You must specify the assembly where the attribute is defined only if it's not defined in the entry or calling assembly.

XML Configuration Changes

These changes will be automatically upgraded by our NuGet installer.

  1. queuePath has been renamed to storagePath
  2. extendedData has been renamed to data.
  3. The exceptionless configuration section has been moved into the Exceptionless assembly. NOTE: Xml configuration is not available if you are only using the PCL client.


  <section name="exceptionless" type="Exceptionless.ExceptionlessSection, Exceptionless"/>

<exceptionless apiKey="YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" storagePath="|DataDirectory|\Queue">
    <add name="SimpleValueFromConfig" value="Exceptionless"/>

Collector API End Point Changes

The api end point the client reports to has been changed from to Please note that will continue to work.

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