In this exercise you'll be writing code to help a freelancer communicate with a project manager by providing a few utilities to quickly calculate daily and monthly rates, optionally with a given discount.
We first establish a few rules between the freelancer and the project manager:
- The daily rate is 8 times the hourly rate.
- A month has 22 billable days.
The freelancer is offering to apply a discount if the project manager chooses to let the freelancer bill per month, which can come in handy if there is a certain budget the project manager has to work with.
Discounts are modeled as fractional numbers representing percentage, for example 25.0
Implement a function to calculate the daily rate given an hourly rate:
# => 480.0
The returned daily rate should be a float.
Implement a function to calculate the monthly rate, and apply a discount:
FreelancerRates.monthly_rate(77, 10.5)
# => 12130
The returned monthly rate should be rounded up to the nearest integer.
Implement a function that takes a budget, a hourly rate, and a discount, and calculates how many days of work that covers.
FreelancerRates.days_in_budget(20000, 80, 11.0)
# => 35.1
The returned number of days should be rounded down to one decimal place.