diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b77fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+name: Postman Collection Validation
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ test:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Check out code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Set up Node.js
+ uses: actions/setup-node@v4
+ with:
+ node-version: 'latest'
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: make install-dependencies
+ - name: Convert Postman Collection to OpenAPI
+ run: make convert2openapi
+ - name: Lint OpenAPI Specification
+ continue-on-error: true
+ run: make lint-oas
+ - name: Check for uncommitted changes
+ run: make check-git-status
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90a283a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+SHELL=/bin/bash -e -o pipefail
+PWD = $(shell pwd)
+# Lint OpenAPI files
+ @docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/work:ro dshanley/vacuum:v0.9.15 lint OpenAPI/v1.yml
+ @docker run --rm -v $(PWD):/work:ro dshanley/vacuum:v0.9.15 lint OpenAPI/v2.yml
+# Install dependencies for converting postman files to OpenAPI
+ @npm install -g postman-to-openapi
+# Convert postman files to OpenAPI
+ @p2o ./proximity/v2.json -f ./OpenAPI/v2.yml
+ @p2o ./proximity/v1.json -f ./OpenAPI/v1.yml
+# Check for uncommitted git changes
+ @if git diff --quiet && git diff --staged --quiet; then \
+ echo "No uncommitted changes detected."; \
+ else \
+ echo "Error: Uncommitted changes detected." >&2; \
+ echo "Run `make convert2openapi` again and push changes!" >&2; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OpenAPI/v1.yml b/OpenAPI/v1.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4941071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenAPI/v1.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17805 @@
+openapi: 3.0.0
+ title: Exivity API v1
+ description: >-
+ This is the Exivity API specification, and should be used as a reference
+ guide for creating requests and parsing responses. For a more general
+ introduction to Exivity, please refer to our
+ [documentation](https://docs.exivity.com/).
+ Download latest [Postman
+ collection](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/exivity/postman-collections/master/proximity/v1.json)
+ from our [GitHub
+ repository](https://github.com/exivity/postman-collections).
+ # Overview
+ 1. This API uses principles and constraints of [REST
+ APIs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer#Architectural_constraints).
+ 2. You need a valid API token for requests.
+ 3. The API is rate limited.
+ 4. Most resource endpoints listen to and responds with data structures as
+ defined by the [JSON:API standard](https://jsonapi.org/). You'll recognise
+ these endpoints when the documentation lists the following headers:
+ ```
+ Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
+ Accept: application/vnd.api+json
+ ```
+ # Authentication
+ The default method of authentication against the API is done through a
+ stateless [JWT token](https://jwt.io/).
+ It is also possible to authenticate the API via LDAP or SAML, if your
+ administrator has set up access to either of these systems.
+ #### **How to use the token**
+ The default method of authentication against the API is done through a
+ stateless [JWT token](https://jwt.io/), sent along as an Authentication
+ header. To obtain a token, a request to the API endpoint `/v1/auth/token`
+ should be made with the user credentials.
+ Once a token has been generated, please include it in the headers of other
+ requests to allow authorization.
+ _Example:_
+ ```
+ Authorization: Bearer [token]
+ ```
+ The JWT token will expire after _4 hours_ for security reasons. This value
+ is configurable. Please see
+ [/configuration](#dcc7d52d-c5f5-35bd-a28b-182dbba9eec3) or
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#authentication-token](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#authentication-token)
+ for more information.
+ # Working with the API
+ ## Placeholders
+ Different variables have double curly brackets around them (`{{`, `}}`).
+ These used for placeholders in this documentation. When working with the
+ API, these placeholders should be replaced with real values. Examples
+ include:
+ `{{base_url}}` - replace this with your API's url
+ `{{workflow_id}}`, `{{report_id}}`, `{{account_id}}`, etc - these are
+ placeholders for a specific ID for an object.
+ ## Query String Parameters
+ Some requests using the JSON:API format accept additional query string
+ parameters.
+ ### Filtering
+ To filter results, use the `filter[attribute]` query string parameter.
+ The following formats are supported for filtering results:
+ | Token | Description | Example |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | `^` | Field starts with | `filter[name]=^John` |
+ | `$` | Field ends with | `filter[name]=$Smith` |
+ | `~` | Field contains | `filter[favorite_cheese]=~cheddar` |
+ | `<` | Field is less than | `filter[lifetime_value]=<50` |
+ | `>` | Field is greater than | `filter[lifetime_value]=>50` |
+ | `>=` | Field is greater than or equals | `filter[lifetime_value]=>=50` |
+ | `<=` | Field is less than or equals | `filter[lifetime_value]=<=50` |
+ | `=` | Field is equal to | `filter[username]==Specific Username` |
+ | `!=` | Field is not equal to | `filter[username]=!=common username` |
+ | `[...]` | Field is one or more of | `filter[id]=[1,5,10]` |
+ | `![...]` | Field is not one of | `filter[id]=![1,5,10]` |
+ | `{...,...}` | Between exclusive (e.g. 2 up to 99) | `filter[id]={1,100}` |
+ | `={...,...}` | Between inclusive (e.g. 1 up to 100) |
+ `filter[id]=={1,100}` |
+ | `NULL` | Field is null | `filter[address]=NULL` |
+ | `NOT_NULL` | Field is not null | `filter[email]=NOT_NULL` |
+ _Example - get accounts that start with W:_
+ ```
+ GET /accounts?filter[name]=^W
+ ```
+ #### Multiple filters
+ The filter parameter can occur multiple times in a request to filter by
+ multiple fields.
+ _Example - get accounts that start with W and level is set to one:_
+ ```
+ GET /accounts?filter[name]=^W&filter[level]==1
+ ```
+ #### Related entities filters
+ A filter can also use related entities (which don't have to be included in
+ the request with the `include` parameter).
+ _Example - get users with MANAGE_USERS permission, and an email address
+ ending with "example.com":_
+ ```
+ /user?filter[usergroup.permissions]=~MANAGE_USERS&filter[email_address]=$example.com
+ ```
+ ### Pagination
+ When making requests to endpoints which can return more than one entity,
+ results are paginated. The number of results per page and the requested page
+ can be adjusted with the `page[limit]` and `page[offset]` query string
+ parameters.
+ _Example:_
+ ```
+ GET /user?page[limit]=50&page[offset]=2
+ ```
+ When the page limit is set to `-1`, all results are returned.
+ The `links` element in the JSON response contains references to URLs which
+ can be used to navigate the resultset.
+ The `meta` element in the JSON response contains a reference to the total
+ number of items in the resultset.
+ ### Sorting
+ It is possible to sort results by using the `sort` query string parameter. A
+ descending sort order can be requested by prefixing a hyphen (U+002D).
+ _Example:_
+ ```
+ GET /user?sort=-username
+ ```
+ ### Include Related Resources
+ Inclusion of related resources in the response can be requested with the
+ `include` query string parameter. Multiple entities can be specified by
+ separating them with a comma (U+002C). Each endpoint definition specifies
+ which includes can be requested.
+ _Examples:_
+ ```
+ GET /user?include=usergroup,accounts
+ GET /user/[id]?include=usergroup,accounts
+ ```
+ ### Fetching relationships
+ It is also possible to fetch relationship data to a single resource using a
+ separate endpoint. Relationships data on resources can be
+ [queried](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-relationships) and
+ [modified](http://jsonapi.org/format/#crud-updating-relationships) by using
+ the `/[resource]/[id]/relationships/[relation]` endpoint structure.
+ ```
+ GET /user/[id]/usergroup
+ ```
+ # Error responses
+ Errors are returned as a JSON object, following the [JSON:API error
+ standard](https://jsonapi.org/format/#errors). We use HTTP error responses
+ in the status field, to indicate whether the request was a success (`2xx`)
+ or a failure(`4xx`, `5xx`).
+ _Example:_
+ ``` json
+ {
+ "errors": [
+ {
+ "status": "422",
+ "title": "Attribute validation error",
+ "detail": "Password must contain at least 8 characters."
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+ Possible response codes:
+ | Code | Description |
+ | --- | --- |
+ | `400 Bad request` | Something in the request is missing or invalid |
+ | `401 Unauthorized` | JWT token is missing or invalid |
+ | `403 Forbidden` | Missing required permission for this operation |
+ | `404 Not found` | Entity can't be found |
+ | `409 Conflict` | Entity type or id doesn't match endpoint |
+ | `422 Unprocessable Entity` | Parameters validation error |
+ | `503 Service Unavailable` | Rate lime exceeded |
+ ## Authentication error response
+ If an authorization token is missing, expired or malformed, an error
+ response will be returned. These errors will always have a `401
+ Unauthorised` status.
+ _Example:_
+ ``` json
+ {
+ "errors": [
+ {
+ "status": 401,
+ "title": "AuthException",
+ "detail": "Invalid token provided, please login again."
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+ ## Authorization error response
+ Some endpoints require a different set of permissions than others. If
+ insufficient permissions are granted to the authenticated user, a `403
+ Forbidden` response is returned.
+ # Rate limits
+ All API requests are rate limited to avoid overloading the server.
+ The rate at which you can make requests to the API is limited by client IP
+ address, and is limited at 10 requests per second. The API allows for short
+ request bursts (i.e. you can exceed this limit for a short period of time).
+ If you've exceeded your API rate limit, you'll get back a `503 Service
+ Unavailable` response.
+ Requests containing a user password in the payload are even further rate
+ limited to mitigate brute-force attacks in user credentials.
+ # Terms of service
+ You can find the terms of service [on our
+ website](https://www.exivity.com/terms).
+ # API Reference
+ version: 1.0.0
+ - url: http://{{base_url}}
+ securitySchemes:
+ noauthAuth:
+ type: http
+ scheme: noauth
+ bearerAuth:
+ type: http
+ scheme: bearer
+ - name: General
+ - name: Authentication
+ description: >-
+ The default method of authentication against the API is done through a
+ stateless JWT token.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#authentication](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#authentication)
+ - name: Authentication > /token
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/Security/Authentication/Token](https://docs.exivity.com/Security/Authentication/Token)
+ #### **Token object**
+ | **name** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | token | _string_ | JWT token |
+ | permissions | _array_ | What permissions the user has |
+ | user | _object_ | See user object for more information. |
+ - name: Authentication > /saml
+ description: >-
+ Endpoints for supporting Single Sign-On authentication flow using SAML.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/advanced/integrate/sso/](https://desktop.postman.com/?desktopVersion=9.16.0&userId=4939400&teamId=48706)
+ - name: Authentication > /resetpassword
+ description: >-
+ If a user forgets their password, this endpoint can be used to generate a
+ new password. There are two steps:
+ 1. **Request a password reset** \- this generates a new reset token,
+ which is emailed the user.
+ 2. **Perform a password reset** - the reset token is used to validate the
+ user and then reset their password.
+ - name: Reports
+ - name: Reports > /reports
+ description: >-
+ The report object contains the definition of how to generate a report, and
+ once the report has run, the report data itself.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#report](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#report)
+ #### **The report object**
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | Unique name, max 255 chars |
+ | dset | _string_ | Dataset name, max 255 chars |
+ | created | _string_ | Date created (UTC) |
+ | last_updated | _string_ | Date last updated (UTC) |
+ | lvl1_key_col lvl2_key_col lvl3_key_col lvl4_key_col
+ lvl5_key_col | _string_ | Key column, max 255 chars |
+ | lvl1_name_col lvl2_name_col lvl3_name_col lvl4_name_col
+ lvl5_name_col | _string_ | Name column, max 255 chars |
+ | lvl1_label lvl2_label lvl3_label lvl4_label
+ lvl5_label | _string_ | Label, max 255 chars |
+ | lvl1_metadata_definition_id lvl2_metadata_definition_id
+ lvl3_metadata_definition_id lvl4_metadata_definition_id
+ lvl5_metadata_definition_id | _int_ | Metadata ID |
+ | depth | _int_ | |
+ | data_status | _array of objects_ | See data_status object below |
+ #### **The data_status object**
+ If a report has data, it will be contained inside data_status objects.
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | first_date | _date_ (ISO string) | The first date of the report data |
+ | last_date | _date_ (ISO string) | The last date of the report data |
+ | missing | _int_ | The total number of days with missing data |
+ | errors | _int_ | The total number of days with errors |
+ | status | _array of objects_ | See the status object below |
+ #### **The status object**
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | date | _date_ (ISO string) | Data date |
+ | missing | _bool_ | True if this day has data |
+ | column_status | _string_ | Possible values: \- unknown \-
+ invalid \- ok \- missing |
+ | account_sync | _bool_ | True if this day has the accounts synchronized
+ (part of preparation) |
+ | prepared | _bool_ | True if this day is fully prepared |
+ - name: Services
+ description: >-
+ Categories services can be grouped under. A category can contain multiple
+ services, but each service can only be in one category.
+ Examples of categories: `Software`, `Web services`
+ - name: Services > /servicecategories
+ description: "Categories services can be grouped under. A category can contain multiple services, but each service can only be in one category.\n\nExamples of categories: `Software`, `Web services`\n\n#### The Service Category Object\n\n| **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- |\n| name | *string* | 📝\uFEFF editable | Required, unique name for service category. Max 255 chars. |\n\nThe following resources can be included:\n\n| **relationship** | **cardinality** | **required** |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| services | 0:n | ❌ |\n| adjustments | n:m | ❌ |\n| budgetitems | n:m | ❌ |"
+ - name: Services > /services
+ description: >-
+ Services can be anything that is a sellable item, that can be consumed.
+ And should relate to (extracted) consumption data.
+ Exivtiy documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#service](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#service)
+ #### **The Service Object**
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **editable** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | key | _string_ | ❌ | Unique identifier, [read
+ more](https://docs.exivity.com/transform/language/service/#key) |
+ | description | _string_ | ✔️ | Friendly name, [read
+ more](https://docs.exivity.com/transform/language/service/#description) |
+ | unit_label | _string_ | ❌ | Unit of consumption, [read
+ more](https://docs.exivity.com/transform/language/service/#unit_label) |
+ | dset | _string_ | ❌ | Dset this service is linked to |
+ | type | _enum_ | ❌ | One of `service_name_in_header` or
+ `service_name_in_data`, [read
+ more](https://docs.exivity.com/transform/language/services/#service_type)
+ |
+ | usage_col | _string_ | ❌ | Dset column containing keys, [read
+ more](https://docs.exivity.com/transform/language/services/#usages_col) |
+ | consumption_col | _string_ | ❌ | Dset column containing consumption
+ amount, [read
+ more](https://docs.exivity.com/transform/language/services/#consumption_col)
+ |
+ | instance_col | _string_ | ❌ | Dset column containing unique instance
+ id's, [read
+ more](https://docs.exivity.com/transform/language/services/#instance_col)
+ |
+ | interval | _enum_ | ❌ | One of `never`, `individually`, `second`,
+ `minute`, `hour`, `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`. Currently, only
+ `individually`, `day` and `month` are implemented, [read
+ more](https://docs.exivity.com/transform/language/services/#consumption_col)
+ |
+ | charge_type | _enum_ | ❌ | One of `none`, `manual`, `manual_per_unit`,
+ `manual_per_interval`, `automatic`, `automatic_per_unit`,
+ `automatic_per_interval` or `other`, read more below |
+ | cogs_type | _enum_ | ❌ | One of `none`, `manual_per_unit`,
+ `manual_per_interval`, `automatic_per_unit` or `automatic_per_interval`,
+ read more below |
+ | proration_type | _enum_ | ✔️ | One of `none` or `full`. If "full" with
+ monthly, only charges for the days used. |
+ | created_at | _datetime_ | ❌ | Datetime (UTC) the service was first
+ created |
+ | updated_at | _datetime_ | ❌ | Datetime (UTC) the service was last
+ updated |
+ | seen_at | _date_ | ❌ | ISO-8601 date (YYYY-MM-DD) the service was last
+ seen in a dset |
+ #### Charge and cogs type
+ The attributes `charge_type` and `cogs_type` define how the rate is used
+ when calculating charge and cogs metrics using consumption of the service.
+ - The first part denotes whether the rate is dynamically derived from the
+ usage data itself (`automatic`) or specified explicitly in rate entities
+ (`manual`).
+ - The second part denotes whether an amount per unit of consumption
+ (`per_unit`) and/or per interval (`per_interval`) should be applied.
+ When the second part is omitted, both `per_unit` and `per_interval` are
+ used. If no rate should be applied at all, `none` can be used. A value of
+ `other` means a configuration is used not currently supported by the API.
+ - name: Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ description: >-
+ Subscriptions enable users to manage one-off and recurring transactions
+ for charging non-metered services.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/services/subscriptions](https://docs.exivity.com/services/subscriptions)
+ ⚠️ Available since v3.0.0
+ #### The Service Subscription Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | *string* | |
+ | quantity | *int* | |
+ | rate | *int* | |
+ | cogs | *int* | |
+ | type | recurring/one_off | |
+ | start_date | Y-m-d | |
+ | end_date | Y-m-d | |
+ | alt_interval | day/month/year or null | If not set, the associated
+ service interval is used for the subscription. |
+ | charge_day | number | Only validated when type=recurring and interval is
+ year or month. Format: * **year:** *\--MM--DD*, example:
+ --01-31 * **month** *number*, examples: 1 or 28. |
+ | instance | string | |
+ - name: Services > /rates
+ description: >-
+ Rates allows you to configure manual rates for services that do not have a
+ rate provided with their data source.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/services/rates](https://docs.exivity.com/services/rates)
+ #### The Rate Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | rate | _numeric_ | |
+ | rate_col | _string_ | |
+ | threshold | _numeric_ | |
+ | min_commit | _nullable/numeric_ | |
+ | effective_date | _required, format: yyyy-mm(-dd)_ | If a service is
+ tiered, rates are applied for whole months. So the format is year-month. |
+ | end_date | nullable, format: yyyy-mm(-dd) | This date is inclusive, so
+ the rate is also applied to this date/month. Can only be applied to
+ account-related rates. If a service is tiered, rates are applied for whole
+ months. So the format is year-month. |
+ | tier_aggregation_level | _nullable/numeric_ | |
+ | fixed | _numeric_ | |
+ | fixed_col | _string_ | |
+ | cogs_rate | _numeric_ | |
+ | cogs_rate_col | _string_ | |
+ | cogs_fixed | _numeric_ | |
+ | cogs_fixed_col | _string_ | |
+ - name: Services > /ratetiers
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ These endpoints are currently in alpha and may change at any time.
+ Please don't use in production.
+ - name: Services > /adjustments
+ description: >-
+ Adjustments allow a user to create account-specific rate adjustment
+ policies.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#adjustment](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#adjustment)
+ #### The Adjustment Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | amount | _double_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | sort | _integer_ | 📝 editable | Required, min: 0 |
+ | type | _enum_(`relative`, `absolute`) | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | target | _enum_(`charge`, `quantity`) | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | first_interval | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required, format: Y-m |
+ | last_interval | _string?_ | 📝 editable | Format: Y-m |
+ | created_at | _timestamp_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ | updated_at | _timestamp_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following resources can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | has one | account | ✔️ |
+ | has many | services | ❌ |
+ | has many | servicecategories | ❌ |
+ - name: Accounts
+ - name: Accounts > /accounts
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/reports/accounts](https://docs.exivity.com/reports/accounts)
+ #### The Account Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | *string* | 📝 editable | required, max 255 |
+ | level | *integer* | 👁 read-only | between 1-5 |
+ | lvl1_key lvl2_key lvl3_key lvl4_key lvl5_key |
+ *string* | 👁 read-only | |
+ - name: Accounts > /budgets
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/reports/budget](https://docs.exivity.com/reports/budget)
+ #### The Budget Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** |
+ | --- | --- |
+ | interval | *required, in: month, quarter, year* |
+ | description | *required, string* |
+ | metric | *in: charge, cogs* |
+ - name: Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ description: |-
+ #### The Budget Review Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** |
+ | --- | --- |
+ | effective_from | required, string, unique with in budget |
+ - name: Accounts > /budgetitems
+ description: |-
+ #### The Budget Item Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** |
+ | --- | --- |
+ | kind | *required, in: account, service category, service* |
+ | status | *required, in: regular, excluded, remainder* |
+ | filter | *in: none, servicecategory, service* |
+ | percent | *required, bool* |
+ | amount | *required if* *`percent`* *if true, number 0-100* |
+ | distribution | *required, in: none, even, shared* |
+ - name: Data pipelines
+ - name: Data pipelines > /extractors
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/extract](https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/extract)
+ #### Extractor Attributes
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | *string* | |
+ | contents | *string* | Extractor scrip |
+ | variables | *array* | Extractor variables |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /transformers
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/transform](https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/transform)
+ #### Transformer Attributes
+ | **attribute** | **type** |
+ | --- | --- |
+ | name | string |
+ | contents | string |
+ | hash | string |
+ | last_modified | string |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /dsets
+ - name: Data pipelines > /file
+ description: >-
+ ⚡ **Not JSON:API compliant** ⚡
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ This endpoint lets you work with files in the [Exivity home
+ directory](https://docs.exivity.com/getting%20started/installation/1%20node/directory%20structure/#home-directory).
+ Currently, only uploading files is supported.
+ _Note: starting with Exivity v3.0.0, the response structure for all
+ endpoints will be streamlined._
+ - name: Data pipelines > /metadatadefinitions
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/metadata](https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/metadata)
+ #### The Metadata Definition Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** |
+ | --- | --- |
+ | name | required, string, unique |
+ | fields | required, array of Field Objects |
+ #### **The Field Object**
+ | **attribute** | **type** |
+ | --- | --- |
+ | name | required, string |
+ | type | required, in: string, list, numeric, date |
+ | list | required if type=list |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /metadata
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/metadata](https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/metadata)
+ #### The Metadata Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** |
+ | --- | --- |
+ | values | required, array |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /workflows
+ description: >-
+ A workflow allows you to schedule various tasks and execute them at a
+ specific date and time.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/Architecture%20concepts/Glossary#workflow](https://docs.exivity.com/Architecture%20concepts/Glossary#workflow)
+ **To create a workflow**
+ 1. Create a workflow object
+ 2. Create a workflow schedule
+ 3. Add steps to the workflow
+ #### The Workflow Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | description | _string_ | 📝 editable | |
+ | created_at | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ | updated_at | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | steps | hasMany | workflowstep | ❌ |
+ | schedules | hasMany | workflowschedule | ❌ |
+ | runs | hasMany | workflowrun | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#workflowschedule](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#workflowschedule)
+ Schedule how often a workflow should run.
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | start_time | _datetime_ | 📝 editable | Required. Earliest time workflow
+ can start. |
+ | timezone | _timezone_ | 📝 editable | Required. The timezone is used
+ only when adjust_for_dst is set to true. If the timezone doesn't use
+ daylight saving time _(i.e. (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, (UTC+01:00)
+ West Central Africa etc.)_, no changes are applied when calculating the
+ next run. |
+ | adjust_for_dst | _boolean_ | 📝 editable | Required. If true, and
+ the timezone uses daylight saving time, the workflow run time is adjusted
+ to take this into account. **Example:** \* in winter, 00:01 UTC
+ means 01:01 in Berlin \* in summer, 00:01 UTC means 02:01 in Berlin |
+ | frequency | _enum_ (`hourly`_,_ `daily`_,_ `monthly`) | 📝 editable |
+ Required |
+ | frequency_modifier | _integer_ | 📝 editable | Examples
+ _**frequency**_**: daily,** _**frequency_modifier**_**: 2** - the
+ workflow will run every two days _**frequency**_**: hourly,**
+ _**frequency_modifier**_**: 3** - the workflow will run every three hours
+ |
+ | next_run | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | workflow | hasOne | workflow | ✔️ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ description: >-
+ A workflow requires one or more steps. These steps are executed when a
+ workflow is run.
+ #### The Workflow Step Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | type | enum( `extract`, `transform`, `prepare_report`, `execute`,
+ `proximity`, `publish_report`, `evaluate_budget` ) | 📝 editable |
+ Workflow step type |
+ | options | _required, array, values depend on_ `type` | 📝 editable |
+ Each different step `type` has different options, which are documentated
+ in the "Add a new ... step" sections. |
+ | timeout | _integer_ | 📝 editable | In seconds, default: 3600,min:1,
+ max:86400 |
+ | wait | _boolean_ | 📝 editable | If false, the step will run
+ simultaneously with the previous step. If true, all previous steps
+ will finish executing before this steps is started. |
+ | ~~sort~~ | ~~_numeric_~~ | | _deprecated, use previous relationship
+ instead_ |
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | previous | hasOne | workflowstep |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /workflowruns
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ **We plan to deprecate these endpoints in the next version of Exivity.
+ A new** **`/jobs`** **endpoint will be added which will offer the same
+ functionality.**
+ Runs contain workflow status information of workflow runs.
+ #### The Workflow Run Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | start_date | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only |
+ | end_date | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only |
+ | status | _enum_ (`started`, `success`, `failed`, `timed_out`, `invalid`,
+ `internal_error`, `killed`) | 👁 read-only |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | workflow | hasOne | workflow | ✔️ |
+ | steplogs | hasMany | workflowsteplog | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /workflowsteplogs
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ We plan to deprecate these endpoints in the next version of Exivity. A
+ new `/jobs` endpoint will be added which will offer the same
+ functionality.
+ - name: Profile
+ - name: Profile > /notificationchannels
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/notifications](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/notifications)
+ - name: Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ - name: Profile > /notifications
+ - name: Administration
+ - name: Administration > /users
+ description: >-
+ Everyone connecting to our API needs a valid user account. Users can
+ change some of their details themselves.
+ Users with the "manage_users" permission can view, create, edit and delete
+ users on the system.
+ #### The User Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | id | *guid* | Unique identifier |
+ | account_access_type | *in: all/custom* | |
+ | current_password | *string* | Only used when update current user |
+ | display_name | *string* | |
+ | email_address | *string* | Unique email address, max 255 characters |
+ | password | *string* | Min 8 characters |
+ | source | *in: local/ldap/saml* | |
+ | username | *string, unique username, between 2-255 characters* | |
+ - name: Administration > /users > /users/me
+ - name: Administration > /usergroups
+ description: >-
+ It is possible to create custom usergroups, with different permissions.
+ Users can be assigned to different usergroups.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/user-management/groups](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/user-management/groups)
+ #### The Usergroup Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** |
+ | --- | --- |
+ | name | required, string, max:255, unique |
+ | permissions | array |
+ | saml_provisioning | nullable, only with SAML usergroups |
+ #### Permissions
+ Please see the Exivity documentation for more information on specific
+ permissions:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/user-management/groups#user-permissions](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/user-management/groups#user-permissions)
+ The following is a list of currently supported permission on our system:
+ * view_audit
+ * view_billing
+ * view_budgets
+ * view_cogs
+ * view_logs
+ * manage_accounts
+ * manage_catalogue
+ * manage_data_sources
+ * manage_datasets
+ * manage_files
+ * manage_metadata_definitions
+ * manage_reports
+ * manage_settings
+ * manage_users
+ * manage_workflows
+ - name: Administration > /configuration
+ description: >-
+ #### Configuration Keys
+ The system can be configured using these endpoints.
+ | **key** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | APP_DEBUG | _bool, default_ `false` | Turn debug mode on/off. In debug
+ more, a lot more log files are generated. Not recommended for production
+ systems. |
+ | APP_NAME | _string, default_ `Exivity` | The name of the application |
+ | APP_ICON | string, max length: 1024 kilobytes | Inline image, encoded in
+ base64 |
+ | APP_LOGO | string, max length: 512 kilobytes | Inline image, encoded in
+ base64 |
+ | APP_FAVICON | string, max length: 5 kilobytes | Website favicon. Inline
+ image, encoded in base64 |
+ | APP_COLOUR | _string, default_ `#00a8d8` | Brand colour |
+ | APP_CSS | _string_ | Custom CSS to use on the website |
+ | APP_DOCUMENTATION | _bool, default_ `true` | Enable to show
+ documentation link in the website header. |
+ | APP_LANGUAGE | _string, default_ `en` | |
+ | FINGERPRINTER | _string, default_ `secure_ip_useragent` | Fingerprint
+ algorithm used to verify user location matches location where token was
+ generated. **secure** - checks protocals match (e.g. http/https)
+ **ip** - Checks the IP addresses match. **useragent** - Checks
+ the request is coming from the same user agent. Possible values:
+ `secure_ip_useragent` / `secure_useragent` |
+ | PUBLIC_ROOT | | The default front-end URL clients should connect to.
+ Fill out as [https://example.com](https://example.com). |
+ | SSO_LOGIN_METHOD | _in: local_user_or_ldap, local_user_only,
+ local_user_or_saml, saml_only, local_user_or_ldap_or_saml**Default_
+ `local_user_or_ldap` | |
+ | ANALYTICS | | |
+ | ERROR_TRACKING | | Enabling this option will report anonymous error
+ metrics so we can make our product better. |
+ | USE_CACHE | | |
+ | CURRENCY | _string, default:_ `EUR` | |
+ | CURRENCY_FORMAT | _string, default:_ `€` | |
+ | DECIMAL_SEPARATOR | _string, default:_ `.` | |
+ | CSV_DELIMITER | _in:_ `,`, `;`, `:`, `\t`, pipe _Default_: `,` |
+ Field delimiter for CSV exports |
+ | CSV_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR | _in:_ `,`, `.` _Default:_ `.` | Decimal
+ separator for CSV exports |
+ | THOUSAND_SEPARATOR | _nullable, in:_ `,`, `.`, `'` or space
+ _Default:_ `,` | |
+ | RATE_PRECISION | _int, default:_ `8` | Precision for rates as displayed
+ on the summary report. |
+ | REPORT_PRECISION | _int, default:_ `2` | Precision for currency amounts
+ displayed on reports other than summaries. |
+ | SUMMARY_PRECISION | _int, default:_ `2` | Precision for currency amounts
+ displayed on the summary report. |
+ | QUANTITY_PRECISION | _int, default:_ `6` | |
+ | PERCENTAGE_PRECISION | _int, default:_ `2` | |
+ | DATE_FORMAT | _string, default:_ `dd-MM-yyyy` |
+ [https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table)
+ |
+ | SUMMARY_TITLE | _string, default_ `Summary` | |
+ | SUMMARY_MIN_COMMIT | _string, default_ `Uplift for minimum commitment of
+ {quantity} {label}` | Used as line item description for minimum commit
+ uplifts. The identifier `{quantity}` will be replaced with the minimum
+ commitment quantity, and `{label}` will be replaced with the unit label. |
+ | GRAPH_MAX_SERIES | _int, default_ `15` | |
+ | REPORT_START_MONTH | _int, default_ `1` | |
+ | DISCLAIMER_ENABLED | _bool, default_ `false` | Show disclaimer as a page
+ overlay once to new users. Users will only be allowed to continue to the
+ app if they agree with the disclaimer text. |
+ | DISCLAIMER_TITLE | _string, default_ `Disclaimer` | Title shown in the
+ disclaimer overlay. |
+ | DISCLAIMER_TEXT | _string_ | Main disclaimer text shown in the
+ disclaimer overlay. Markdown is supported. |
+ | DISCLAIMER_AGREE_BUTTON_TEXT | _string, default_ `I agree` | Button text
+ shown in the disclaimer overlay which users have to click in order to
+ continue to the app. |
+ | TOKEN_TTL | _string, default_ `4 hours` | Token lifetime - Set the token
+ expiration time interval. Users will have to login again after their token
+ expires. |
+ | ALLOW_PERSISTENT_TOKENS | _bool, default_ `false` | Allow users to
+ remain logged in for duration of the token lifetime. |
+ | PASSWORD_POLICY | _in: length, length_dictionary,
+ length_dictionary_entropy.**Default_ `length_dictionary` | `length` - min
+ 8 characters long `dictionary` - does not allow comon dictionary
+ words. `entropy` - the [Shannon
+ Entropy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)) of
+ the characters must be greater than 3.5 |
+ | MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS | _int, default_ `5` | |
+ | LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_INTERVAL | _string_ | If null, there's no limit,
+ otherwise, `15 minutes`, `1 hour`, `2 hours`, `30 minutes`, etc. |
+ | BLOCK_LOGIN_DURATION | _string, default_ `15 minutes` | `15 minutes`, `1
+ hour`, `2 hours`, `30 minutes`, etc. |
+ - name: Administration > /audit
+ - name: Administration > /log
+ description: >-
+ Exivity offers the possibility to get insight into the log files of
+ different components. This feature enables the users to identify any
+ potential errors on their own, making the overall troubleshooting process
+ smoother.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/troubleshooting/logs](https://docs.exivity.com/troubleshooting/logs)
+ - name: Administration > /dump
+ - name: Administration > /system
+ - name: Administration > /system > /licence
+ - name: Administration > /system > /cache
+ - name: Administration > /system > /saml
+ - name: Administration > /system > /services
+ - name: Administration > /translations
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ The translations feature is deprecated and not used anymore in new
+ releases. The GUI is now available in several languages (beta feature). We
+ may add similar functionality in the future, to allow editing some
+ terminology used in the GUI.
+ - name: Administration > /environments
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/transform/language/environment](https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/transform/language/environment)
+ - name: Administration > /variables
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/settings/global-variables](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/settings/global-variables)
+ - name: Administration > /failed-jobs
+ /:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - General
+ summary: Power-on self-test
+ description: >-
+ A simple test to check the system is set up correctly. If all is well,
+ this request should return a simple HTML page with a link to the API
+ documentation.
+ It is also possible to ask for a JSON response, using the `Accept:
+ application/json` header.
+ This will return a 204 response if all is good, or a 500 error with a
+ JSON error message if something is not correct.
+ In debug mode, this will also contain a `meta` field, listing the area
+ where the problem is.
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Content-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: gzip
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: text/html; charset=UTF-8
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 19:06:06 GMT
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx/1.13.5
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Vary:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Accept-Encoding
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: |-
+ Exivity
+ Exivity API
+ api reference
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 09 Jan 2023 13:27:44 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X7574be9668bd804d63540673a3778baa
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X7574be9668bd804d63540673a3778baa
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-GcXPDxDVPvlZVzRg6hxq4YsvDMi65YWb';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-GcXPDxDVPvlZVzRg6hxq4YsvDMi65YWb';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: bec46c98-d7be-43ea-8b60-372572c423d1
+ Set-Cookie:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ expires=Mon, 09 Jan 2023 15:27:44 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/;
+ httponly; samesite=lax
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ '500':
+ description: Internal Server Error
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 09 Jan 2023 13:21:50 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X091fff584dd0837c66e0d8e945feabc9
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X091fff584dd0837c66e0d8e945feabc9
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-p8Dp4cU467ZKsv1akFNtUEwVyHEgfkjx';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-p8Dp4cU467ZKsv1akFNtUEwVyHEgfkjx';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 8f28487f-effe-4485-8ceb-f0c3948b0932
+ Set-Cookie:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ bIEYZP21mqjNDnAgsTe1sk4ETsxk3zeqbQhkGJpz=eyJpdiI6IkkrU1B6NkpSdHZvN2JnTE9TTytJTnc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoicHEwb0xOU3Fua2paYncxMXlUQjlBTnE5cENHd3R2MS90aDdqakhjNnl5dDlQYTM5REIwNVBleUNxNzU4Qjd0dms2TDJKTS9iN0g2L0I1MGUycFVlcVlkOWhhaU10a0toWW1Ja055ckZrbWwzTjNMUWZBN0hHVy85WDBqSitqaS9seDFaNWFTNVpIT2Z5OHdjckRndC9CN0dGbXdBRWNKNmI3ZXE5OXdIeFY4YXkvT2h2R1o0b2RJdzVLYmdwMHdWZWJuWGdtY1JLZE9pOURRcFZYMmtBODJoQ2FMMG0wSzhjZmJLbEdIbUFQRmdCODdtd0kwZzcvbTdGZDFZQ0oyU0FlUzhSeXJPTnY5c0swZEVueHoxL1dCVkpsWmd5UlBlQTNHNXRUSXVncDZPZU1kWUNzM2xFZTNyS2NWUURhM1FyclRFU0c1elZvK3BPM21XdE5Rb2JvbUlKOExzTncwbDNtS3lERkorSmFZPSIsIm1hYyI6ImFhZjlhMDA1MmRjM2EwODdjMTEzMmIyYzA4YjJmNGIxMmQxZjVhNjA1ZGQ1ZWE2NzFkYzg2YTE1ZTc3OWUzODMiLCJ0YWciOiIifQ%3D%3D;
+ expires=Mon, 09 Jan 2023 15:21:50 GMT; Max-Age=7200; path=/;
+ httponly; samesite=lax
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ errors:
+ '0':
+ status: 500
+ title: InternalException
+ detail: >-
+ There appears to be a problem with the system set-up.
+ Please check the log files for more information.
+ meta:
+ postgres: true
+ environment: false
+ home_dir: true
+ program_dir: true
+ /v1/auth/token:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /token
+ summary: Generate token
+ description: Generate a new JWT authentication token.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/x-www-form-urlencoded:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ username:
+ type: string
+ description: string
+ example: '{{username}}'
+ password:
+ type: string
+ description: string
+ example: '{{password}}'
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx/1.17.4
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Vary:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Accept-Encoding
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.3.10
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 15:00:14 GMT
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ Content-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: gzip
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ token: >-
+ eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1NzY2ODEyMTMsImV4cCI6MTU3NzI4NjAxMywidXNlciI6IjVmNDg1NzU1LTFiZTItNDBjNS05ZGIwLWFmZTcxMDFlOTg0OSJ9.az7bIkGHzmKN0rJzNvRBwmCApyxytly4jiC5igtzeH4
+ user:
+ id: 5f485755-1be2-40c5-9db0-afe7101e9849
+ username: admin
+ email_address: somebody@example.com
+ account_access_type: '1'
+ source: local
+ permissions:
+ - '*'
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /token
+ summary: Refresh token
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/x-www-form-urlencoded:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 13:15:33 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X757c37d4a2946abcf6494169d55c2f18
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X757c37d4a2946abcf6494169d55c2f18
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-69WXbqhdNLZ0fKilJnTktWxDdMHIm93e';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-69WXbqhdNLZ0fKilJnTktWxDdMHIm93e';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 74cb7eb3-6ff2-45c2-86e2-3c26b3f87ff2
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ token: >-
+ eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NDM2MzQ5MzMsImV4cCI6MTY0MzY0OTMzMywidXNlciI6ImU3N2UzZjkwLTY3NjQtNGM2NS05NTIxLWRhNzBjYzkwMDFhOCIsImZpbmdlcnByaW50IjoiZTE2NjIzYmU4YmYxNjhhYjYyYmRkNWFjZTVmYWU5ODNjNjdhNjZkYSJ9.b3kVFuWumyvtfhan9bP7nguQaZ9g3B2ra1O0UtBnQsE
+ user:
+ id: e77e3f90-6764-4c65-9521-da70cc9001a8
+ username: admin
+ email_address: somebody@example.com
+ account_access_type: all
+ source: local
+ display_name: admin
+ permissions:
+ - '*'
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /token
+ summary: Revoke token
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content` success status response will be
+ returned.
+ ⚠️ Available since v3.0.0
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 14:06:35 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X0e9d312509bc68d6c95f0bc048d4e5a7
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zNqUj6Ll5GNyUIITJOa14aHiK61lvZzn';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zNqUj6Ll5GNyUIITJOa14aHiK61lvZzn';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: c6f38885-93a3-41b6-9037-de99639dcad3
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/auth/saml/login:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /saml
+ summary: Initiate SAML login request
+ description: >-
+ Redirects to SAML Identity Provider SSO URL set in the SAML
+ configuration. After a successful authentication (possibly interactive),
+ it will redirect back to this APIs ACS endpoint.
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: return_url
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/auth/saml/logout:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /saml
+ summary: Initiate SAML logout request
+ description: >-
+ Redirects to SAML Identity Provider SLO URL set in the SAML
+ configuration. After the user has been logged out, it will redirect back
+ to this APIs SLS endpoint.
+ parameters:
+ - name: return_url
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Glass URL to return to after logging out. If not specified, inferred
+ from Referer header.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/auth/saml/metadata:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /saml
+ summary: Entity ID endpoint
+ description: >-
+ Metadata about the SAML Service Provider instance will be published at
+ this URL.
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/auth/saml/acs:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /saml
+ summary: ACS endpoint
+ description: >-
+ Assertion Consumer Service. If the received response from the SAML
+ Identity Provider is valid, redirects to the Exivity dashboard.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ multipart/form-data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/auth/saml/sls:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /saml
+ summary: SLS endpoint
+ description: >-
+ Single Logout Service. If the received response from the SAML Identity
+ Provider is valid, redirects back to the login screen of Exivity.
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/auth/resetpassword:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /resetpassword
+ summary: Request a password reset
+ description: >-
+ This request required an email address. It checks that it is valid in
+ our system and they email the user a reset token.
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content` success status response will be
+ returned.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '"{\n \"email_address\": \"somebody@example.com\"\n}"'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 15:17:06 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X9864258680cd12b5a15887acf40e19bf
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X9864258680cd12b5a15887acf40e19bf
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ZCZYDDSg2AV60LgFq6dt0mW9JDAOiLvZ';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ZCZYDDSg2AV60LgFq6dt0mW9JDAOiLvZ';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f941e0e5-ae11-4441-ac49-a8e057dbf1e1
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ put:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /resetpassword
+ summary: Perform a password reset
+ description: >-
+ This request validates the reset token and username, and then resets a
+ users password.
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content` success status response will be
+ returned.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"token\": \"{{reset_token}}\",\n\t\"username\":
+ \"{{username}}\",\n\t\"password\":
+ \"{{password}}\",\n\t\"password_confirmation\":
+ \"{{password_confirmation}}\"\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/auth/ping:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication
+ summary: Play pong
+ description: >-
+ Test authentication is working correctly. If should reply with `pong` if
+ all is correct.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 15:34:10 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: text/html; charset=UTF-8
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X4e4707e0221c8d8ad7d667c6b49a19bd
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-IZoE9TZlXZ9rH49bIixPxpIUWvnXIUao';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-IZoE9TZlXZ9rH49bIixPxpIUWvnXIUao';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 2967fc21-90f9-448d-818c-df24cfb75ced
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: pong
+ /v1/reports:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reports
+ summary: Retrieve a list of report definitions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this
+ attribute.
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `accounts`,
+ `metadatadefinitions`, `dset`, `budgets`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 02 Jan 2023 10:01:10 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xfae34b907e37d3f28c0a737e04000e0e
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-CdGzsTmhEidwgF3fLxwZUc7aDSu29pOI';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-CdGzsTmhEidwgF3fLxwZUc7aDSu29pOI';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: eadeb6c1-a4a8-4c89-a30b-079d35abc24b
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: report
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ dset: test.usage
+ created: '2023-01-02T09:43:13Z'
+ last_updated: '2023-01-02T09:43:13Z'
+ lvl1_key_col: Reseller
+ lvl1_name_col: Reseller
+ lvl1_label: Reseller
+ lvl1_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl2_key_col: Customer
+ lvl2_name_col: Customer
+ lvl2_label: Customer
+ lvl2_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl3_key_col: Region
+ lvl3_name_col: Region
+ lvl3_label: Region
+ lvl3_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl4_key_col: Department
+ lvl4_name_col: Department
+ lvl4_label: Department
+ lvl4_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl5_key_col: UniqueID
+ lvl5_name_col: UniqueID
+ lvl5_label: UniqueID
+ lvl5_metadata_definition_id: null
+ depth: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
+ errors: 0
+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: ok
+ account_sync: true
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: ok
+ account_sync: true
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: ok
+ account_sync: true
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/1
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/1/relationships/accounts
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/1/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/1/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/1/metadatadefinitions
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/1/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/1/dset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/1/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/1/budgets
+ - type: report
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - 200
+ dset: test.usage
+ created: '2023-01-02T09:44:47Z'
+ last_updated: '2023-01-02T09:44:47Z'
+ lvl1_key_col: Country
+ lvl1_name_col: Country
+ lvl1_label: Country
+ lvl1_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl2_key_col: Reseller
+ lvl2_name_col: Reseller
+ lvl2_label: Reseller
+ lvl2_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl3_key_col: ''
+ lvl3_name_col: ''
+ lvl3_label: ''
+ lvl3_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl4_key_col: ''
+ lvl4_name_col: ''
+ lvl4_label: ''
+ lvl4_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl5_key_col: ''
+ lvl5_name_col: ''
+ lvl5_label: ''
+ lvl5_metadata_definition_id: null
+ depth: 2
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
+ errors: 0
+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/relationships/accounts
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/metadatadefinitions
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/dset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/budgets
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 2
+ count: 2
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reports
+ summary: Add a new report definition
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"report\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Test
+ report - {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"dset\":
+ \"{{dset_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"lvl1_key_col\":
+ \"Customer\",\r\n \"lvl1_name_col\":
+ \"Customer\",\r\n \"lvl1_label\":
+ \"Customer\",\r\n \"lvl2_key_col\":
+ \"Reseller\",\r\n \"lvl2_name_col\":
+ \"Reseller\",\r\n \"lvl3_label\":
+ \"Reseller\"\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 15:59:50 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/Report/Reports
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X460c10da27ee94e5a7c65b3d7cacd2e5
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-MWxh2sCSlVT2YH9cWmKOd1zmGAxrM3Iw';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-MWxh2sCSlVT2YH9cWmKOd1zmGAxrM3Iw';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 7d533138-6309-4f22-a6e5-b3c4123d026a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: report
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - 25
+ dset: test.usage
+ created: '2022-01-31T15:59:49Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-01-31T15:59:49Z'
+ lvl1_key_col: Customer
+ lvl1_name_col: Customer
+ lvl1_label: Customer
+ lvl1_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl2_key_col: Reseller
+ lvl2_name_col: Reseller
+ lvl2_label: ''
+ lvl2_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl3_key_col: ''
+ lvl3_name_col: ''
+ lvl3_label: Reseller
+ lvl3_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl4_key_col: ''
+ lvl4_name_col: ''
+ lvl4_label: ''
+ lvl4_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl5_key_col: ''
+ lvl5_name_col: ''
+ lvl5_label: ''
+ lvl5_metadata_definition_id: null
+ depth: 2
+ data_status: []
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/relationships/accounts
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/metadatadefinitions
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/dset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/reports/3/budgets
+ /v1/reports/{report_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reports
+ summary: Retrieve a report definition
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: report_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: Report ID
+ example: '{{report_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reports
+ summary: Update a report definition
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"report\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{report_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\":
+ \"Modified test report\"\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: report_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reports
+ summary: Delete a report definition
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: report_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{report_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 16:58:47 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xa750375a3d42705bf30ac7841176a88c
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-CwFMA0e3udnEBkZWcEFOtVHR0pyZmkiy';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-CwFMA0e3udnEBkZWcEFOtVHR0pyZmkiy';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 7e5cf6f9-e388-4377-aa04-457a9568bf0e
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/reports/{report_id}/prepare:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reports
+ summary: Prepare a report
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/x-www-form-urlencoded:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The start of the date range (inclusive) you want to prepare the
+ report for in `YYYY-MM-DD` format.
+ example: '{{start}}'
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The end of the date range (inclusive) you want to prepare the report
+ for in `YYYY-MM-DD` format.
+ example: '{{end}}'
+ - name: report_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{report_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/reports/{report_id}/run:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reports
+ summary: Run a report
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ The `filter[parent_account_id]` is deprecated. Please use
+ `filter[account_id]` instead.
+ The output format when either `json` or `csv` is selected as the
+ `format` parameter:
+ | attribute | type | description |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | rate_id | _string_ | Key for the applicable rate |
+ | service_id | _string_ | Key for the applicable service, only when
+ `services` is included in the `dimension` parameter |
+ | servicecategory_id | _string_ | Key for the applicable service
+ category, only when `services` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ |
+ | account_id | _string_ | Key for the applicable account, only when
+ `accounts` is included in the `dimension` parameter |
+ | instance_value | _string_ | Unique identifier for the applicable
+ instance, only when `instances` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ |
+ | day | _string_ | The day in `YYYYMMDD` format, only when the
+ `timeline` parameter is set to `day` |
+ | month | _string_ | The month in `YYYYMM` format, only when the
+ `timeline` parameter is set to `month` |
+ | subtotal_quantity | _float_ | Quantity before adjustments and mininum
+ commit are applied |
+ | min_commit_delta_quantity | _float_ | Difference in quantity based on
+ applying minimum commit, only populated when `instances` is not included
+ in the `dimension` parameter |
+ | total_quantity | _float_ | Quantity after adjustments and mininum
+ commit are applied. If `instances` is included in the `dimension`
+ parameter, equal to _subtotal_quantity_. |
+ | unit_based_subtotal_charge | _float_ | Fraction of charge based on a
+ per unit rate, before adjustments and mininum commit are applied |
+ | interval_based_subtotal_charge | _float_ | Fraction of charge based on
+ a per interval rate, before adjustments and mininum commit are applied |
+ | avg_unit_based_rate | _float_ | Average per unit rate |
+ | subtotal_charge | _float_ | Charge (same as
+ `unit_based_subtotal_charge + interval_based_subtotal_charge`) before
+ adjustments and mininum commit are applied |
+ | min_commit_delta_charge | _float_ | Difference in charge based on
+ applying minimum commit, only populated when `instances` is not included
+ in the `dimension` parameter |
+ | total_charge | _float_ | Charge after adjustments and mininum commit
+ are applied. If `instances` is included in the `dimension` parameter,
+ equal to _subtotal_charge_. |
+ | total_cogs | _float_ | COGS, only if user permissions includes
+ | total_net | _float_ | Net (same as `total_charge - total_cogs`), only
+ if user permissions includes `VIEW_COGS` |
+ | account_key | _string_ | Key for the applicable account, only when
+ `accounts` is included in the `dimension` parameter and `account_key` is
+ included in the `include` parameter |
+ | account_name | _string_ | Name for the applicable account, only when
+ `accounts` is included in the `dimension` parameter and `account_name`
+ is included in the `include` parameter |
+ | service_key | _string_ | Key for the applicable service, only when
+ `services` is included in the `dimension` parameter and `service_key` is
+ included in the `include` parameter |
+ | service_description | _string_ | Description for the applicable
+ service, only when `services` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ and `service_description` is included in the `include` parameter |
+ | servicecategory_name | _string_ | Name for the applicable service
+ category, only when `services` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ and `servicecategory_name` is included in the `include` parameter |
+ | start_date | _string_ | The start of the date range (inclusive), only
+ when `start_date` is included in the `include` parameter |
+ | end_date | _string_ | The end of the date range (inclusive), only when
+ `end_date` is included in the `include` parameter |
+ | adjustment_name | _string_ | Comma-separated list of the names of
+ applicable adjustments, only when `adjustment_name` is included in the
+ `include` parameter |
+ | adjustments | _array_ | Adjustments data (see below), only populated
+ when `instances` is not included in the `dimension` parameter |
+ | breakdown | _object_ | Daily breakdown data of consumed instance
+ quantities which are charged monthly (see below), only populated when
+ `instances` is included in the `dimension` parameter |
+ | tier_breakdown | _array_ | Tier breakdown data (see below) |
+ The output format of the embedded adjustments data:
+ | attribute | type | description |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | id | _integer_ | Key for the applicable adjustment |
+ | charge | _float_ | Difference in quantity based on applying this
+ adjustment |
+ | quantity | _float_ | Difference in charge based on applying this
+ adjustment |
+ The output format of the embedded daily breakdown data:
+ | attribute | type | description |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | date _(object keys)_ | _string_ | Usage date |
+ | quantity _(object values)_ | _string_ | Usage quantity |
+ The output format of the embedded tier breakdown data:
+ | attribute | type | description |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | id | _integer_ | Key for the applicable rate tier |
+ | quantity | _float_ | Quantity in this rate tier |
+ | charge | _float_ | Charge for this rate tier |
+ | cogs | _float_ | COGS for this rate tier |
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The start of the date range (inclusive) you want to run the report
+ for in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ example: '{{start}}'
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The end of the date range (inclusive) you want to run the report for
+ in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ example: '{{end}}'
+ - name: dimension
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The dimension you want to include in the output. One of `accounts`,
+ `services` or `instances` (or a combination of those as a comma
+ separated list). Defaults to `accounts,services`. When `instances`
+ is included, price and quantity adjustments and minimum commit are
+ not reflected in the data.
+ - name: timeline
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: One of `day`, `month` or `none`. Defaults to `day`.
+ - name: depth
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The depth in the report definition you want to report on. Defaults
+ to 1.
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optionally specify a list of extra fields you want to output with
+ the results. Possible fields are `account_key`, `account_name`,
+ `service_key`, `service_description`, `servicecategory_name`,
+ `start_date`, `end_date`, `adjustment_name` (or a combination of
+ those as a comma separated list). The account and service fields are
+ only available if their respective dimension is included in the
+ request.
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optionally filter the output by the supplied field. Possible fields
+ are `account_id`, `parent_account_id`, `service_id`,
+ `servicecategory_id`, `instance`. This parameter can occur multiple
+ times in a request to filter by multiple fields.
+ - name: format
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: One of `json`, `csv` or `pdf/summary`. Default to `json`.
+ - name: precision
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Specify `highest` to get raw precision, use configuration otherwise.
+ Defaults to `configuration`.
+ - name: progress
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ When set to `1` and format is `json`, results will be streamed with
+ progress indicator in response body. When format is `csv`, results
+ are always streamed without progress indicator, `pdf/ínvoice` is
+ never streamed. Defaults to `1`.
+ - name: csv_delimiter
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The CSV delimiter to use. Only applicable when `format` is set to
+ `csv`. Possible values: `,`, `;`, `:`, `\t`, `|`. Leave blank to use
+ configuration.
+ - name: csv_decimal_separator
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The decimal separator to use. Only applicable when `format` is set
+ to `csv`. Possible values: `,`, `.`. Leave blank to use
+ configuration.
+ - name: summary_options
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ List of options for the pdf/summary format, in a comma seperated
+ list. Possible options: `consolidated`, `accounts`, `services`,
+ `instances_by_instance` and `instances_by_service`. Defaults to
+ `services`.
+ - name: report_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: ID of report to run
+ example: '{{report_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 09 Oct 2023 08:28:48 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X126a7fdd74fff7f092bd0d9414b05159
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X126a7fdd74fff7f092bd0d9414b05159
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-47VAq3vYoEQfUgzAPB5sphguIfMzipJB';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-47VAq3vYoEQfUgzAPB5sphguIfMzipJB';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 14a0cfad-632d-40d9-b57e-9d249b302f18
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ report:
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '13.000000'
+ total_quantity: '13.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '32.50'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '32.50'
+ total_charge: '32.50'
+ total_cogs: '28.60'
+ total_net: '3.90'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '1'
+ service_id: '71'
+ servicecategory_id: '53'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '6.000000'
+ total_quantity: '6.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '7.20'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '7.20'
+ total_charge: '7.20'
+ total_cogs: '4.80'
+ total_net: '2.40'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '1.20000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '1'
+ service_id: '72'
+ servicecategory_id: '53'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '116.000000'
+ total_quantity: '116.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '1985.04'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '1985.04'
+ total_charge: '1985.04'
+ total_cogs: '1600.80'
+ total_net: '384.24'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '17.11240000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '1'
+ service_id: '73'
+ servicecategory_id: '54'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '120.000000'
+ total_quantity: '120.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '240.04'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '240.04'
+ total_charge: '240.04'
+ total_cogs: '120.02'
+ total_net: '120.01'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.00030000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '1'
+ service_id: '74'
+ servicecategory_id: '54'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '3.111100'
+ total_quantity: '3.111100'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '7.78'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '7.78'
+ total_charge: '7.78'
+ total_cogs: '6.84'
+ total_net: '0.93'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '2'
+ service_id: '71'
+ servicecategory_id: '53'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '1.999900'
+ total_quantity: '1.999900'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '2.40'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '2.40'
+ total_charge: '2.40'
+ total_cogs: '1.60'
+ total_net: '0.80'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '1.20000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '2'
+ service_id: '72'
+ servicecategory_id: '53'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '10.100000'
+ total_quantity: '10.100000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '14.81'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '14.81'
+ total_charge: '14.81'
+ total_cogs: '112.21'
+ total_net: '-97.40'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '1.46612903'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '2'
+ service_id: '75'
+ servicecategory_id: '55'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '13.000000'
+ total_quantity: '13.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '32.50'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '32.50'
+ total_charge: '32.50'
+ total_cogs: '28.60'
+ total_net: '3.90'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170826'
+ account_id: '1'
+ service_id: '71'
+ servicecategory_id: '53'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '116.000000'
+ total_quantity: '116.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '1996.77'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '1996.77'
+ total_charge: '1996.77'
+ total_cogs: '1612.43'
+ total_net: '384.33'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '17.21350000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170826'
+ account_id: '1'
+ service_id: '73'
+ servicecategory_id: '54'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '119.798000'
+ total_quantity: '119.798000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '239.63'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '239.63'
+ total_charge: '239.63'
+ total_cogs: '119.82'
+ total_net: '119.81'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.00030000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170826'
+ account_id: '1'
+ service_id: '74'
+ servicecategory_id: '54'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '3.111100'
+ total_quantity: '3.111100'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '7.78'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '7.78'
+ total_charge: '7.78'
+ total_cogs: '6.84'
+ total_net: '0.93'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170826'
+ account_id: '2'
+ service_id: '71'
+ servicecategory_id: '53'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '24.000000'
+ total_quantity: '24.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '60.00'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '60.00'
+ total_charge: '60.00'
+ total_cogs: '52.80'
+ total_net: '7.20'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170827'
+ account_id: '1'
+ service_id: '71'
+ servicecategory_id: '53'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '116.000000'
+ total_quantity: '116.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '1985.04'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '1985.04'
+ total_charge: '1985.04'
+ total_cogs: '1600.80'
+ total_net: '384.24'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '17.11240000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170827'
+ account_id: '1'
+ service_id: '73'
+ servicecategory_id: '54'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '120.000000'
+ total_quantity: '120.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '240.04'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '240.04'
+ total_charge: '240.04'
+ total_cogs: '120.02'
+ total_net: '120.01'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.00030000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170827'
+ account_id: '1'
+ service_id: '74'
+ servicecategory_id: '54'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '5.111100'
+ total_quantity: '5.111100'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '12.78'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '12.78'
+ total_charge: '12.78'
+ total_cogs: '11.24'
+ total_net: '1.53'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170827'
+ account_id: '2'
+ service_id: '71'
+ servicecategory_id: '53'
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >
+ rate_id,subtotal_quantity,total_quantity,unit_based_subtotal_charge,interval_based_subtotal_charge,subtotal_charge,total_charge,total_cogs,total_net,min_commit_delta_quantity,min_commit_delta_charge,adjustments,tier_breakdown,avg_unit_based_rate,avg_interval_based_rate,breakdown,day,account_id,service_id,servicecategory_id
+ ,13.000000,13.000000,32.50,0.00,32.50,32.50,28.60,3.90,0.000000,0.00,,,2.50000000,0.00000000,,20170825,1,71,53
+ ,6.000000,6.000000,7.20,0.00,7.20,7.20,4.80,2.40,0.000000,0.00,,,1.20000000,0.00000000,,20170825,1,72,53
+ ,116.000000,116.000000,1985.04,0.00,1985.04,1985.04,1600.80,384.24,0.000000,0.00,,,17.11240000,0.00000000,,20170825,1,73,54
+ ,120.000000,120.000000,240.04,0.00,240.04,240.04,120.02,120.01,0.000000,0.00,,,2.00030000,0.00000000,,20170825,1,74,54
+ ,3.111100,3.111100,7.78,0.00,7.78,7.78,6.84,0.93,0.000000,0.00,,,2.50000000,0.00000000,,20170825,2,71,53
+ ,1.999900,1.999900,2.40,0.00,2.40,2.40,1.60,0.80,0.000000,0.00,,,1.20000000,0.00000000,,20170825,2,72,53
+ ,10.100000,10.100000,14.81,0.00,14.81,14.81,112.21,-97.40,0.000000,0.00,,,1.46612903,0.00000000,,20170825,2,75,55
+ ,13.000000,13.000000,32.50,0.00,32.50,32.50,28.60,3.90,0.000000,0.00,,,2.50000000,0.00000000,,20170826,1,71,53
+ ,116.000000,116.000000,1996.77,0.00,1996.77,1996.77,1612.43,384.33,0.000000,0.00,,,17.21350000,0.00000000,,20170826,1,73,54
+ ,119.798000,119.798000,239.63,0.00,239.63,239.63,119.82,119.81,0.000000,0.00,,,2.00030000,0.00000000,,20170826,1,74,54
+ ,3.111100,3.111100,7.78,0.00,7.78,7.78,6.84,0.93,0.000000,0.00,,,2.50000000,0.00000000,,20170826,2,71,53
+ ,24.000000,24.000000,60.00,0.00,60.00,60.00,52.80,7.20,0.000000,0.00,,,2.50000000,0.00000000,,20170827,1,71,53
+ ,116.000000,116.000000,1985.04,0.00,1985.04,1985.04,1600.80,384.24,0.000000,0.00,,,17.11240000,0.00000000,,20170827,1,73,54
+ ,120.000000,120.000000,240.04,0.00,240.04,240.04,120.02,120.01,0.000000,0.00,,,2.00030000,0.00000000,,20170827,1,74,54
+ ,5.111100,5.111100,12.78,0.00,12.78,12.78,11.24,1.53,0.000000,0.00,,,2.50000000,0.00000000,,20170827,2,71,53
+ /v1/reports/{report_id}/resources:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reports
+ summary: Fetch report resources
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ This endpoint is currently in alpha and may change at any time.
+ Please don't use in production.
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | service_ids | *string\[\]* | Key for the applicable service, only when
+ `services` is included in the `dimension` parameter |
+ | servicecategory_ids | *string\[\]* | Key for the applicable service
+ category, only when `services` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ |
+ | account_ids | *string\[\]* | Key for the applicable account, only when
+ `accounts` is included in the `dimension` parameter |
+ | instance_values | *string\[\]* | Unique identifier for the applicable
+ instance, only when `instances` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ |
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The start of the date range (inclusive) you want to run the report
+ for in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ example: '{{start}}'
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The end of the date range (inclusive) you want to run the report for
+ in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ example: '{{end}}'
+ - name: dimension
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The dimension you want to include in the output. One of `accounts`,
+ `services` or `instances` (or a combination of those as a comma
+ separated list). Defaults to `accounts,services`.
+ - name: depth
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The depth in the report definition you want to report on. Defaults
+ to 1.
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this
+ attribute. Possible fields are `account_id`, `parent_account_id`,
+ `service_id`, `servicecategory_id`, `instance`. This parameter can
+ occur multiple times in a request to filter by multiple fields.
+ - name: report_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: Report to fetch resources on
+ example: '{{report_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 09 Oct 2023 08:31:51 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xabb4d507d53c1e97b3dc3916a7d269de
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xabb4d507d53c1e97b3dc3916a7d269de
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-IORts05ldYH603cbiJCTikss9hK7rq5C';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-IORts05ldYH603cbiJCTikss9hK7rq5C';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 2da0e8e7-9a52-4f6b-87a1-253f22ea0223
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ resources:
+ account_ids:
+ - '1'
+ - '2'
+ service_ids:
+ - '71'
+ - '72'
+ - '73'
+ - '74'
+ - '75'
+ servicecategory_ids:
+ - '53'
+ - '54'
+ - '55'
+ /v1/servicecategories:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicecategories
+ summary: Retrieve a list of service categories
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `services`,
+ `adjustments`, `budgetitems`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 09 May 2022 13:47:02 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xda57a555dfe588a6a63b8be096de75ad
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-SxUOJsUwdLUGGdVvbN44sVlp3p6YyhsB';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-SxUOJsUwdLUGGdVvbN44sVlp3p6YyhsB';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: fc2ea5f8-abe5-4824-942a-e0dd74ab2a8a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: servicecategory
+ id: '241'
+ attributes:
+ name: Web services
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/241
+ relationships:
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/241/relationships/services
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/241/services
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/241/relationships/adjustments
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/241/adjustments
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/241/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/241/budgetitems
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 1
+ count: 1
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicecategories
+ summary: Add a new service category
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n
+ \"type\":\"servicecategory\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"name\": \"Test service category -
+ {{$randomInt}}\"\n }\n }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 10:21:06 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/ServiceCategory/ServiceCategorys
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X61f0fed58b37d18141732377f72fd23d
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-yfL5bhiLc2sbsbVMAJ4GfWV3idtu3QtY';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-yfL5bhiLc2sbsbVMAJ4GfWV3idtu3QtY';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ffa033f8-a617-44b7-b927-ed63832d8d0b
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: servicecategory
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test service category
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/6
+ relationships:
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/6/relationships/services
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/6/services
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/6/relationships/adjustments
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/6/adjustments
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/6/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/6/budgetitems
+ /v1/servicecategories/{servicecategory_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicecategories
+ summary: Retrieve a service category
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `services`,
+ `adjustments`, `budgetitems`.
+ - name: servicecategory_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicecategory_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 16:36:14 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xe25617240099426c0ce74d47954a2309
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-I7YfiW1sNCbrXwVyW359SFYQ64zI4N03';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-I7YfiW1sNCbrXwVyW359SFYQ64zI4N03';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f163278b-4f0f-4b68-beb8-65f5079d1b97
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: servicecategory
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test serice category - 123
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/4
+ relationships:
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/4/relationships/services
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/4/services
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/4/relationships/adjustments
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/4/adjustments
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/4/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicecategories/4/budgetitems
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicecategories
+ summary: Update a service category
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n
+ \"type\":\"servicecategory\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{servicecategory_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"name\": \"Test serice category -
+ {{$randomInt}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: servicecategory_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicecategory_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicecategories
+ summary: Delete a service category
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: servicecategory_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicecategory_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 16:55:10 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf69f4d73f8317762539990f3557cb6f9
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-0hRJUPQqXQe2hCKiy3Eva3PdE2Z8mNBs';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-0hRJUPQqXQe2hCKiy3Eva3PdE2Z8mNBs';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 9826747f-db8a-41b4-9118-5879c4e7a091
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/services:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Retrieve a list of services
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values:
+ `servicecategory`, `rates`, `adjustments`, `dset`, `metadata`,
+ `budgetitems`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Nov 2022 12:57:44 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xd34ed5c47054593f3808eb82d200be61
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-9lvsVGOyBxQEW0leF2jOcWyDIfzcr6NY';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-9lvsVGOyBxQEW0leF2jOcWyDIfzcr6NY';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 08a5e570-d0ac-4e42-8262-339a89336239
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: service
+ id: '15'
+ attributes:
+ key: CRM Enterprise
+ description: License for CRM Enterprise
+ unit_label: Licenses
+ dset: test.usage
+ type: service_name_in_data
+ usage_col: service_name
+ consumption_col: quantity
+ instance_col: UniqueID
+ interval: day
+ cogs_type: automatic_per_unit
+ proration_type: none
+ charge_model: null
+ charge_model_specific_day: null
+ created_at: '1970-08-23T00:58:21Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-11-01T10:00:47Z'
+ seen_at: (not supported yet)
+ charge_type: automatic_per_unit
+ orphan: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/relationships/adjustments
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/adjustments
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/dset
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/dataset
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/relationships/metadata
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/metadata
+ servicecategory:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/relationships/servicecategory
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/servicecategory
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/relationships/rates
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/rates
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/15/budgetitems
+ - type: service
+ id: '16'
+ attributes:
+ key: MS Office Pro
+ description: Microsoft Office Professional
+ unit_label: Licenses
+ dset: test.usage
+ type: service_name_in_data
+ usage_col: service_name
+ consumption_col: quantity
+ instance_col: UniqueID
+ interval: month
+ cogs_type: automatic_per_unit
+ proration_type: none
+ charge_model: peak
+ charge_model_specific_day: null
+ created_at: '1970-08-23T00:58:21Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-11-01T10:00:47Z'
+ seen_at: (not supported yet)
+ charge_type: automatic_per_unit
+ orphan: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/relationships/adjustments
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/adjustments
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/dset
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/dataset
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/relationships/metadata
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/metadata
+ servicecategory:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/relationships/servicecategory
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/servicecategory
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/relationships/rates
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/rates
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/16/budgetitems
+ - type: service
+ id: '17'
+ attributes:
+ key: VM Large W0
+ description: W0pping Large VM
+ unit_label: VM's
+ dset: test.usage
+ type: service_name_in_data
+ usage_col: service_name
+ consumption_col: quantity
+ instance_col: UniqueID
+ interval: individually
+ cogs_type: automatic_per_unit
+ proration_type: none
+ charge_model: null
+ charge_model_specific_day: null
+ created_at: '1970-08-23T00:58:21Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-11-01T10:00:47Z'
+ seen_at: (not supported yet)
+ charge_type: automatic_per_unit
+ orphan: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/relationships/adjustments
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/adjustments
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/dset
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/dataset
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/relationships/metadata
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/metadata
+ servicecategory:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/relationships/servicecategory
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/servicecategory
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/relationships/rates
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/rates
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/17/budgetitems
+ - type: service
+ id: '18'
+ attributes:
+ key: VM Small T1
+ description: Tiny Small VM
+ unit_label: VM's
+ dset: test.usage
+ type: service_name_in_data
+ usage_col: service_name
+ consumption_col: quantity
+ instance_col: UniqueID
+ interval: individually
+ cogs_type: automatic_per_unit
+ proration_type: none
+ charge_model: null
+ charge_model_specific_day: null
+ created_at: '1970-08-23T00:58:21Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-11-01T10:00:47Z'
+ seen_at: (not supported yet)
+ charge_type: automatic_per_unit
+ orphan: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/relationships/adjustments
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/adjustments
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/dset
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/dataset
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/relationships/metadata
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/metadata
+ servicecategory:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/relationships/servicecategory
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/servicecategory
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/relationships/rates
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/rates
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/18/budgetitems
+ - type: service
+ id: '19'
+ attributes:
+ key: Website Std.
+ description: Standard Website Domain
+ unit_label: Websites
+ dset: test.usage
+ type: service_name_in_data
+ usage_col: service_name
+ consumption_col: quantity
+ instance_col: UniqueID
+ interval: month
+ cogs_type: automatic_per_unit
+ proration_type: full
+ charge_model: peak
+ charge_model_specific_day: null
+ created_at: '1970-08-23T00:58:21Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-11-01T10:00:47Z'
+ seen_at: (not supported yet)
+ charge_type: automatic_per_unit
+ orphan: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/relationships/adjustments
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/adjustments
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/dset
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/dataset
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/relationships/metadata
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/metadata
+ servicecategory:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/relationships/servicecategory
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/servicecategory
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/relationships/rates
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/rates
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/19/budgetitems
+ - type: service
+ id: '20'
+ attributes:
+ key: test - 134
+ description: test service
+ unit_label: hours
+ dset: test.usage
+ type: service_name_in_header
+ usage_col: unique_key
+ consumption_col: quantity
+ instance_col: hostname
+ interval: month
+ cogs_type: none
+ proration_type: full
+ charge_model: peak
+ charge_model_specific_day: null
+ created_at: '1970-08-23T00:58:21Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-11-01T12:57:19Z'
+ seen_at: (not supported yet)
+ charge_type: manual_per_unit
+ orphan: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/adjustments
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/adjustments
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/dset
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/dataset
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/metadata
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/metadata
+ servicecategory:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/servicecategory
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/servicecategory
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/rates
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/rates
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/budgetitems
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 6
+ count: 6
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Add a new service
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"service\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"key\": \"test
+ - {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"description\": \"test
+ service\",\r\n\t\t\t\"unit_label\":
+ \"hours\",\r\n\t\t\t\"dset\":
+ \"{{dset_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"service_name_in_header\",\r\n\t\t\t\"usage_col\":
+ \"unique_key\",\r\n\t\t\t\"consumption_col\":
+ \"quantity\",\r\n\t\t\t\"instance_col\":
+ \"hostname\",\r\n\t\t\t\"interval\":
+ \"month\",\r\n\t\t\t\"charge_type\":
+ \"manual_per_unit\",\r\n\t\t\t\"cogs_type\":
+ \"none\",\r\n\t\t\t\"proration_type\":
+ \"full\",\r\n\t\t\t\"charge_model\":
+ \"peak\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"servicecategory\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"servicecategory\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{servicecategory_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n
+ \t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Nov 2022 12:57:19 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/Service/Services
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xa6fef1134596333e7a4714dde4f3fc5b
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-gt3j6RUUolWhpoP4TEvU2J0ImGSeeQwO';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-gt3j6RUUolWhpoP4TEvU2J0ImGSeeQwO';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 7d035efc-9e70-4d09-bb04-0d78b35ba0f6
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: service
+ id: '20'
+ attributes:
+ key: test - 134
+ description: test service
+ unit_label: hours
+ dset: test.usage
+ type: service_name_in_header
+ usage_col: unique_key
+ consumption_col: quantity
+ instance_col: hostname
+ interval: month
+ cogs_type: none
+ proration_type: full
+ charge_model: peak
+ charge_model_specific_day: null
+ created_at: '1970-08-23T00:58:21Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-11-01T12:57:19Z'
+ seen_at: (not supported yet)
+ charge_type: manual_per_unit
+ orphan: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/adjustments
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/adjustments
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/dset
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/dataset
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/metadata
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/metadata
+ servicecategory:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/servicecategory
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/servicecategory
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/rates
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/rates
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/budgetitems
+ /v1/services/{service_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Retrieve a service
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values:
+ `servicecategory`, `rates`, `adjustments`, `dset`, `metadata`,
+ `budgetitems`.
+ - name: service_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{service_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Nov 2022 12:57:34 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xed8e93b2dea2d304cf3d486a5e948bda
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-cdhiMDgvv7NmOZKQ77olFPdjwEBdSzOj';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-cdhiMDgvv7NmOZKQ77olFPdjwEBdSzOj';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ae0b84ef-ec79-448b-9d77-283cc89928cc
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: service
+ id: '20'
+ attributes:
+ key: test - 134
+ description: test service
+ unit_label: hours
+ dset: test.usage
+ type: service_name_in_header
+ usage_col: unique_key
+ consumption_col: quantity
+ instance_col: hostname
+ interval: month
+ cogs_type: none
+ proration_type: full
+ charge_model: peak
+ charge_model_specific_day: null
+ created_at: '1970-08-23T00:58:21Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-11-01T12:57:19Z'
+ seen_at: (not supported yet)
+ charge_type: manual_per_unit
+ orphan: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/adjustments
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/adjustments
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/dset
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/dataset
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/metadata
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/metadata
+ servicecategory:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/servicecategory
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/servicecategory
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/rates
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/rates
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/budgetitems
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Update a service
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n \"data\": {\n \"type\": \"service\",\n
+ \"id\": \"{{service_id}}\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"key\": \"{{service_key}}\",\n
+ \"description\": \"modified test service\",\n
+ \"unit_label\": \"hours\",\n\t\t\t\"dset\":
+ \"{{dset_id}}\",\n\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"service_name_in_header\",\n\t\t\t\"usage_col\":
+ \"unique_key\",\n\t\t\t\"consumption_col\":
+ \"quantity\",\n\t\t\t\"instance_col\":
+ \"hostname\",\n\t\t\t\"interval\":
+ \"month\",\n\t\t\t\"charge_type\":
+ \"manual_per_unit\",\n\t\t\t\"cogs_type\":
+ \"none\",\n\t\t\t\"proration_type\":
+ \"full\",\n\t\t\t\"charge_model\": \"average\"\n }\n
+ }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: service_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{service_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Nov 2022 12:58:04 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X50b58369b2f94105ec67cf7aad12a303
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-S1ORsK9fWhdYcfl4KNVrdgIfVU7023PS';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-S1ORsK9fWhdYcfl4KNVrdgIfVU7023PS';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1288d91f-9a8a-4b5c-9454-7de97c82f4ae
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: service
+ id: '20'
+ attributes:
+ key: key - 473
+ description: modified test service
+ unit_label: hours
+ dset: test.usage
+ type: service_name_in_header
+ usage_col: unique_key
+ consumption_col: quantity
+ instance_col: hostname
+ interval: month
+ cogs_type: none
+ proration_type: full
+ charge_model: average
+ charge_model_specific_day: null
+ created_at: '1970-08-23T00:58:21Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-11-01T12:58:04Z'
+ seen_at: (not supported yet)
+ charge_type: manual_per_unit
+ orphan: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/adjustments
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/adjustments
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/dset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/dset
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/dataset
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/metadata
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/metadata
+ servicecategory:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/servicecategory
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/servicecategory
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/rates
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/rates
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/services/20/budgetitems
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Delete a service
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: service_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{service_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/services/{service_id}/prepareAffectedReports:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Prepare affected reports
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '""'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: service_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: Service ID
+ example: '{{service_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 11:31:17 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xfdbfd6fd395249d630cdc71f64eb3bf2
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xfdbfd6fd395249d630cdc71f64eb3bf2
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-c5q44AsGHpwV6Bc2iUYKWAgM9woY1KvG';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-c5q44AsGHpwV6Bc2iUYKWAgM9woY1KvG';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 73d14dae-0ace-4752-9bc5-50e413acb188
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ prepare_report:
+ - info:
+ report_name: test
+ range: all
+ data:
+ - report_id: 1
+ dset: test.usage
+ first_date: '20170825'
+ last_date: '20170827'
+ status:
+ - date: '20170825'
+ result: skipped
+ records: 0
+ - date: '20170826'
+ result: skipped
+ records: 0
+ - date: '20170827'
+ result: skipped
+ records: 0
+ - info:
+ report_name: Test report - 976
+ range: all
+ data:
+ - report_id: 2
+ dset: test.usage
+ first_date: '20170825'
+ last_date: '20170827'
+ status:
+ - date: '20170825'
+ result: ok
+ records: 20
+ - date: '20170826'
+ result: ok
+ records: 20
+ - date: '20170827'
+ result: ok
+ records: 20
+ - info:
+ report_name: Test report - 25
+ range: all
+ data:
+ - report_id: 3
+ dset: test.usage
+ first_date: '20170825'
+ last_date: '20170827'
+ status:
+ - date: '20170825'
+ result: ok
+ records: 20
+ - date: '20170826'
+ result: ok
+ records: 20
+ - date: '20170827'
+ result: ok
+ records: 20
+ report:
+ - info:
+ report_name: test
+ start_date: '20170825'
+ end_date: '20170827'
+ days_in_range: 4
+ days_missing: 0
+ days_unprepared: 0
+ days_with_errors: 0
+ output_table: pgp_1
+ instance_output_count: 40
+ service_output_count: 40
+ total_output_count: 80
+ result: success
+ - info:
+ report_name: Test report - 976
+ start_date: '20170825'
+ end_date: '20170827'
+ days_in_range: 4
+ days_missing: 0
+ days_unprepared: 0
+ days_with_errors: 0
+ output_table: pgp_2
+ instance_output_count: 40
+ service_output_count: 11
+ total_output_count: 51
+ result: success
+ - info:
+ report_name: Test report - 25
+ start_date: '20170825'
+ end_date: '20170827'
+ days_in_range: 4
+ days_missing: 0
+ days_unprepared: 0
+ days_with_errors: 0
+ output_table: pgp_3
+ instance_output_count: 40
+ service_output_count: 11
+ total_output_count: 51
+ result: success
+ /v1/servicesubscriptions:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Retrieve a list of service subscriptions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `account`,
+ `service`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Add a new service subscription
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"servicesubscription\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"name\": \"test\",\r\n \"quantity\": 10.10,\r\n
+ \"rate\": 10.10,\r\n \"cogs\": 10.10,\r\n \"type\":
+ \"recurring\",\r\n \"start_date\": \"2017-08-28\",\r\n
+ \"end_date\": \"2017-08-29\",\r\n \"alt_interval\":
+ \"day\",\r\n \"charge_day\": null,\r\n \"instance\":
+ \"exivity\"\r\n },\r\n \"relationships\": {\r\n
+ \"account\": {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"account\",\r\n \"id\": \"{{account_id}}\"\r\n
+ }\r\n },\r\n \"service\": {\r\n \"data\":
+ {\r\n \"type\": \"service\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{service_id}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 11:34:17 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/ServiceSubscription/ServiceSubscriptions
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X211679449127f4518765de78c80f1189
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-xJI9IQFv2PldD8OmCyYko7evYu0H6gbK';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-xJI9IQFv2PldD8OmCyYko7evYu0H6gbK';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: a2e791fc-95e3-4175-ab68-fe2851782a68
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: servicesubscription
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ quantity: 10.1
+ rate: 10.1
+ cogs: 10.1
+ type: recurring
+ start_date: '2017-08-28'
+ charge_day: null
+ end_date: '2017-08-29'
+ alt_interval: day
+ instance: exivity
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/servicesubscriptions/1
+ relationships:
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicesubscriptions/1/relationships/account
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicesubscriptions/1/account
+ service:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicesubscriptions/1/relationships/service
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/servicesubscriptions/1/service
+ /v1/servicesubscriptions/{servicesubscription_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Retrieve a service subscription - check check
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `account`,
+ `service`.
+ - name: servicesubscription_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicesubscription_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Update a service subscriptions
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"servicesubscription\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{servicesubscription_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"name\": \"modified_test\",\r\n \"quantity\":
+ 20.20,\r\n \"rate\": 20.20,\r\n \"cogs\":
+ 20.20,\r\n \"type\": \"one_off\",\r\n \"start_date\":
+ \"2017-08-29\",\r\n \"alt_interval\": \"month\",\r\n
+ \"instance\": \"exivity-updated\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: servicesubscription_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicesubscription_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Delete a service subscriptions
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: servicesubscription_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicesubscription_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 12:21:20 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X6afa5174beb74d138784a5ec75408860
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-w7UyLMjBTNlZZLsQ8BpdYzI8MpPYpy1I';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-w7UyLMjBTNlZZLsQ8BpdYzI8MpPYpy1I';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 77957464-db7c-476e-a9e1-1fb808fe1e17
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/servicesubscriptions/{servicesubscription_id}/prepareAffectedReports:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Prepare affected reports
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '""'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: servicesubscription_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicesubscription_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/rates:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Retrieve a list of rates
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `service`,
+ `account`, `ratetiers`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Add a new rate
+ description: "Account specific rates can be created through this endpoint by specifying the `account` relationship in the request body, e.g.:\n\n```\n\"relationships\": {\n\t\"service\": { ... },\n\t\"account\": {\n\t\t\"data\": {\n\t\t\t\"type\": \"account\",\n\t\t\t\"id\": \"1\"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n```"
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"rate\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"rate\":
+ \"1.0\",\r\n\t\t\t\"rate_col\":
+ \"rate_col\",\r\n\t\t\t\"fixed\":
+ \"2.0\",\r\n\t\t\t\"fixed_col\":
+ \"fixed_col\",\r\n\t\t\t\"cogs_rate\":
+ \"3.0\",\r\n\t\t\t\"cogs_rate_col\":
+ \"cogs_rate_col\",\r\n\t\t\t\"cogs_fixed\":
+ \"4.0\",\r\n\t\t\t\"cogs_fixed_col\":
+ \"cogs_fixed_col\",\r\n\t\t\t\"effective_date\":
+ \"2017-08-28\",\r\n \"tier_aggregation_level\":
+ \"1\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"service\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"service\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{service_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 12:48:25 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/Rate/Rates
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xd1dbcf262a1a8a58e332e8d86b764a21
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6JOrDHS0aHFuAbBOsEEBwCwi2GjIzzyK';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6JOrDHS0aHFuAbBOsEEBwCwi2GjIzzyK';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 83cb0846-0454-404c-9c26-f0618b4fc7d5
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Add a new rate
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: rate
+ id: '10'
+ attributes:
+ rate: 1
+ rate_col: rate_col
+ min_commit: 0
+ effective_date: '2017-08-28'
+ tier_aggregation_level: 1
+ fixed: 2
+ fixed_col: fixed_col
+ cogs_rate: 3
+ cogs_rate_col: cogs_rate_col
+ cogs_fixed: 4
+ cogs_fixed_col: cogs_fixed_col
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/10
+ relationships:
+ service:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/10/relationships/service
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/10/service
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/10/relationships/account
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/10/account
+ ratetiers:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/10/relationships/ratetiers
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/10/ratetiers
+ example-1:
+ summary: Add a new rate with an account
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: rate
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ rate: 1
+ rate_col: rate_col
+ min_commit: 0
+ effective_date: '2017-08-27'
+ tier_aggregation_level: 1
+ fixed: 2
+ fixed_col: fixed_col
+ cogs_rate: 3
+ cogs_rate_col: cogs_rate_col
+ cogs_fixed: 4
+ cogs_fixed_col: cogs_fixed_col
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/9
+ relationships:
+ service:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/9/relationships/service
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/9/service
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/9/relationships/account
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/9/account
+ ratetiers:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/9/relationships/ratetiers
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/9/ratetiers
+ /v1/rates/{rate_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Retrieve a rate
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `service`,
+ `account`, `ratetiers`
+ - name: rate_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: Rate ID
+ example: '{{rate_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 12:44:47 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X8731b074e90a76fd8a316927e7d54002
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ufbIP398ZLvcQFljjaEBOh6J8KvnnPKP';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ufbIP398ZLvcQFljjaEBOh6J8KvnnPKP';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ec14108f-8f81-4c69-ad27-10d62027584c
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: rate
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ rate: 1
+ rate_col: rate_col
+ min_commit: 0
+ effective_date: '2017-09-27'
+ tier_aggregation_level: 1
+ fixed: 2
+ fixed_col: fixed_col
+ cogs_rate: 3
+ cogs_rate_col: cogs_rate_col
+ cogs_fixed: 4
+ cogs_fixed_col: cogs_fixed_col
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/8
+ relationships:
+ service:
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/8/relationships/service
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/8/service
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/8/relationships/account
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/8/account
+ ratetiers:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/8/relationships/ratetiers
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/rates/8/ratetiers
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Update a rate
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"rate\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{rate_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"min_commit\": 50,\r\n \"rate\": \"10.0\",\r\n
+ \"rate_col\": \"rate_col2\",\r\n \"fixed\":
+ \"20.0\",\r\n \"fixed_col\": \"fixed_col2\",\r\n
+ \"cogs_rate\": \"30.0\",\r\n \"cogs_rate_col\":
+ \"cogs_rate_col2\",\r\n \"cogs_fixed\": \"40.0\",\r\n
+ \"cogs_fixed_col\": \"cogs_fixed_col2\"\r\n \r\n }\r\n
+ }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: rate_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{rate_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Delete a rate
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: rate_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{rate_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 12:40:26 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf3dcf248919675fa9c371c11a52ef871
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-1BF6Fk5A9HGdT86x4uWzaBoyI6ijAdUk';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-1BF6Fk5A9HGdT86x4uWzaBoyI6ijAdUk';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 9ea319e8-afbf-43bc-94f0-2eef822d40d1
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/rates/{rate_id}/prepareAffectedReports:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Prepare affected reports
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '""'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: rate_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{rate_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/ratetiers:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /ratetiers
+ summary: Retrieve a list of rate tiers
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `rate`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /ratetiers
+ summary: Add a new rate tier
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"ratetier\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"threshold\":
+ \"0\",\r\n\t\t\t\"rate\":
+ \"4.0\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"rate\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"rate\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{rate_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/ratetiers/{ratetier_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /ratetiers
+ summary: Retrieve a rate tier
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `rate`.'
+ - name: ratetier_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /ratetiers
+ summary: Update a rate tier
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"ratetier\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{ratetier_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"cogs\": 10\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: ratetier_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /ratetiers
+ summary: Delete a rate tier
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: ratetier_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/adjustments:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Retrieve a list of adjustments
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `account`,
+ `services`, `servicecategories`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Add a new adjustment
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: adjustment
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ amount: '-10'
+ type: relative
+ target: charge
+ first_interval: 2017-01
+ last_interval: 2017-12
+ relationships:
+ account:
+ data:
+ type: account
+ id: '{{account_id}}'
+ services:
+ data:
+ type: service
+ id: '{{service_id}}'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 13:38:09 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/Adjustment/Adjustments
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X00e07c52ec0a9a2c4024d18287fbdeca
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6k30XXcmUg34psJwl2ufoEDuG49zT5Xq';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6k30XXcmUg34psJwl2ufoEDuG49zT5Xq';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 86b22c30-805c-49bc-9cb1-64703b5abac8
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: adjustment
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ amount: -10
+ sort: 0
+ type: relative
+ target: charge
+ first_interval: 2017-01
+ last_interval: 2017-12
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/adjustments/2
+ relationships:
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/adjustments/2/relationships/account
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/adjustments/2/account
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/adjustments/2/relationships/services
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/adjustments/2/services
+ servicecategories:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/adjustments/2/relationships/servicecategories
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/adjustments/2/servicecategories
+ /v1/adjustments/{adjustment_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Retrieve an adjustment
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Include additional related resources
+ - name: adjustment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{adjustment_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Update an adjustment
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"adjustment\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{adjustment_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"name\": \"modified_test\",\r\n \"amount\":
+ \"-20\",\r\n \"type\": \"absolute\",\r\n \"target\":
+ \"quantity\",\r\n \"first_interval\": \"2018-01\",\r\n
+ \"last_interval\": \"\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: adjustment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{adjustment_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Delete an adjustment
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: adjustment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{adjustment_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:37:53 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X7a968656dd5c9833df9ef97cdda1f71e
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ZmubC0GRrYBR7VG0JAlhRWqPCGhyqtN3';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ZmubC0GRrYBR7VG0JAlhRWqPCGhyqtN3';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d6fbc10d-ad48-45c4-bfe6-f738b1b4c466
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/adjustments/{adjustment_id}/prepareAffectedReports:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Prepare affected reports
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '""'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: adjustment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{adjustment_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/accounts:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /accounts
+ summary: Retrieve a list of accounts
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `report`,
+ `parent`, `children`, `rates`, `adjustments`, `users`, `metadata`,
+ `budgetitems`, `servicesubscriptions`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx/1.17.4
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.3.10
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 15:00:59 GMT
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: account
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ level: 1
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: ''
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/1
+ - type: account
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: Wholesale IT Services
+ level: 1
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: ''
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/2
+ - type: account
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ name: Fresh Bakery Inc
+ level: 2
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Fresh Bakery Inc
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/3
+ - type: account
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Rusty Bicycles Ltd
+ level: 2
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Rusty Bicycles Ltd
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/4
+ - type: account
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: Deegan Daggers
+ level: 2
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Deegan Daggers
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/5
+ - type: account
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ name: Boezem Bezems
+ level: 2
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Boezem Bezems
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/6
+ - type: account
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ name: Europe
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Fresh Bakery Inc
+ lvl3_key: Europe
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/7
+ - type: account
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ name: Australia
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Fresh Bakery Inc
+ lvl3_key: Australia
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/8
+ - type: account
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ name: United Kingdom
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Rusty Bicycles Ltd
+ lvl3_key: United Kingdom
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/9
+ - type: account
+ id: '10'
+ attributes:
+ name: Benelux
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Rusty Bicycles Ltd
+ lvl3_key: Benelux
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/10
+ - type: account
+ id: '11'
+ attributes:
+ name: Japan
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Deegan Daggers
+ lvl3_key: Japan
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/11
+ - type: account
+ id: '12'
+ attributes:
+ name: London
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Deegan Daggers
+ lvl3_key: London
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/12
+ - type: account
+ id: '13'
+ attributes:
+ name: Brighton
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Deegan Daggers
+ lvl3_key: Brighton
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/13
+ - type: account
+ id: '14'
+ attributes:
+ name: Zeist
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Boezem Bezems
+ lvl3_key: Zeist
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/14
+ - type: account
+ id: '15'
+ attributes:
+ name: Marketing
+ level: 4
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Fresh Bakery Inc
+ lvl3_key: Europe
+ lvl4_key: Marketing
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/15
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 2015
+ count: 15
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 135
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ next: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=135
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /accounts
+ summary: Add a new account
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"account\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"My
+ new account\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"report\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"report\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{report_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 24 Jul 2019 09:06:27 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.3.6
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://localhost:8012/v1/account/51
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf09c59da7e0aae44acf4a03b5c141f7f
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Add a new account with a parent
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: account
+ id: '51'
+ attributes:
+ name: My new account
+ level: '2'
+ lvl1_key: My new account
+ lvl2_key: My new account
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/51
+ example-1:
+ summary: Add a new account
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: account
+ id: '48'
+ attributes:
+ name: My new account
+ level: 1
+ lvl1_key: My new account
+ lvl2_key: ''
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/relationships/adjustments
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/adjustments
+ children:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/relationships/children
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/children
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/relationships/metadata
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/metadata
+ parent:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/relationships/parent
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/parent
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/relationships/rates
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/rates
+ report:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/relationships/report
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/report
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/relationships/users
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/48/users
+ /v1/accounts/{account_id}/:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /accounts
+ summary: Retrieve an account
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `report`,
+ `parent`, `children`, `rates`, `adjustments`, `users`.
+ - name: account_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/accounts/{account_id}:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /accounts
+ summary: Update an account
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"account\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{account_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n \"name\":
+ \"My new account name\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: account_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/accounts/{accountId}:
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /accounts
+ summary: Delete an account
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: accountId
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{account_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:43:53 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xef2740bc9f5d305e3ed9c9c4fd8892ec
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xef2740bc9f5d305e3ed9c9c4fd8892ec
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-mznUHcXqL2uCNNJL1zvGKUnRdSpPxdk6';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-mznUHcXqL2uCNNJL1zvGKUnRdSpPxdk6';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 9e03a9ab-b2a6-4344-b576-e27be820d7a4
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/budgets:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Retrieve a list of budgets
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `revisions`,
+ `report`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Add a new budget
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"budget\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"interval\":
+ \"year\",\r\n\t\t\t\"description\": \"This is a new
+ budget\",\r\n\t\t\t\"metric\":
+ \"cogs\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"report\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"report\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\" :
+ \"{{report_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:47:24 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/Budget/Budgets
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X4642dfbf0e8197bc7838bb3b7598ea2b
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-JWXbpWdPXoQArHPOvr7EGxj8itQqRETA';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-JWXbpWdPXoQArHPOvr7EGxj8itQqRETA';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d630bf36-a884-46e8-955d-e9d54e895a5c
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: budget
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ interval: year
+ description: This is a new budget
+ metric: cogs
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgets/1
+ relationships:
+ revisions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgets/1/relationships/revisions
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgets/1/revisions
+ items:
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgets/1/relationships/items
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgets/1/items
+ report:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgets/1/relationships/report
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgets/1/report
+ /v1/budgets/{budget_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Retrieve a budget
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources: `revisions`'
+ - name: budget_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budget_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Update a budget
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"budget\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{budget_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"description\":
+ \"modified_test\",\r\n\t\t\t\"interval\":
+ \"year\",\r\n\t\t\t\"metric\": \"cogs\"\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budget_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budget_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Delete a budget
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budget_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budget_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:47:47 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xb5e3c6102209ee145b3ded716bae6d3f
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-3QO59sP2EfDbo4N3Qye5FGTCKv8gAeqF';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-3QO59sP2EfDbo4N3Qye5FGTCKv8gAeqF';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ba56e379-2cf7-4b86-8fb3-f7505cd1e2f2
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/budgets/{budget_id}/run:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Run a budget
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '{{start}}'
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '{{end}}'
+ - name: budget_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budget_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '422':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/budgetrevisions:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Retrieve a list of budgets revisions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `budget`,
+ `items`
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Add a new budget revision
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n \"type\":\"budgetrevision\",\n
+ \"attributes\": {\n \"effective_from\":
+ \"2019-06-06\"\n },\n \"relationships\":
+ {\n \t\"budget\": {\n \t\t\"data\": {\n
+ \t\t\t\"type\": \"budget\",\n \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{budget_id}}\"\n \t\t}\n \t}\n }\n
+ }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:56:09 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/BudgetRevision/BudgetRevisions
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xce1189ea1cf7fd2ec30f6cd57558b796
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-iXn6aXFqVVswIJMEbqAyGIaA5WYmKa42';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-iXn6aXFqVVswIJMEbqAyGIaA5WYmKa42';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 78a1ddf6-5276-420a-aba3-80cc3d8f6de3
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: budgetrevision
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ effective_from: '2019-06-06'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetrevisions/1
+ relationships:
+ budget:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetrevisions/1/relationships/budget
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetrevisions/1/budget
+ items:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetrevisions/1/relationships/items
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetrevisions/1/items
+ /v1/budgetrevisions/{budgetrevision_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Retrieve a budget revision
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `budget`,
+ `items`
+ - name: budgetrevision_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetrevision_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Update a budget revision
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n \"type\":\"budgetrevision\",\n
+ \"id\":\"{{budgetrevision_id}}\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"effective_from\": \"2019-08-08\"\n
+ }\n }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budgetrevision_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetrevision_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Delete a budget revision
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budgetrevision_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetrevision_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:56:30 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xb3c568ae1d05ed53a172acd6ceddc3ed
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Bw4JhWvdWtkEmzxXUUaS9DPR6ngrvXsj';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Bw4JhWvdWtkEmzxXUUaS9DPR6ngrvXsj';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: cc34fcf4-5221-43bc-9e22-998431c76e9c
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/budgetrevisions/{budgetrevision_id}/validate:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Validate a budget revision
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budgetrevision_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetrevision_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/budgetitems:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Retrieve a list of budgets items
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `revision`,
+ `parent`, `children`, `account`, `services`, `servicecategories`
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Add a new budget item
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n \"type\":\"budgetitem\",\n
+ \"attributes\": {\n \"kind\":
+ \"account\",\n \"status\": \"regular\",\n
+ \"percent\": false,\n \"distribution\":
+ \"even\",\n \"filter\": \"none\",\n
+ \"amount\": 5\n },\n \"relationships\": {\n
+ \t\"revision\": {\n \t\t\"data\": {\n
+ \t\t\t\"type\": \"budgetrevision\",\n \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{budgetrevision_id}}\"\n \t\t}\n \t},\n
+ \t\"account\": {\n \t\t\"data\": {\n
+ \t\t\t\"type\": \"account\",\n \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{account_id}}\"\n \t\t}\n \t}\n }\n
+ }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 09:29:50 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.3.6
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitem/6
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X91ef46877eaaf096034f2a823f457554
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Add a new budget item with a parent item
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: budgetitem
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ kind: account
+ status: regular
+ filter: none
+ amount: null
+ percent: false
+ distribution: even
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/6
+ example-1:
+ summary: Add a new budget item
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: budgetitem
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ kind: account
+ status: regular
+ filter: none
+ amount: null
+ percent: false
+ distribution: even
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1
+ relationships:
+ revision:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/relationships/revision
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/revision
+ parent:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/relationships/parent
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/parent
+ children:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/relationships/children
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/children
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/relationships/account
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/account
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/relationships/services
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/services
+ servicecategories:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/relationships/servicecategories
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/1/servicecategories
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Patch budget items (create, update, delete)
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"operations\": [\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"op\":
+ \"add\",\n\t\t\t\"data\": {\n\t\t
+ \"type\":\"budgetitem\",\n\t\t \"attributes\":
+ {\n\t\t \"kind\": \"account\",\n\t\t
+ \"status\": \"regular\",\n\t\t \"percent\":
+ 0,\n\t\t \"distribution\": \"even\",\n\t\t
+ \"filter\": \"none\"\n\t\t },\n\t\t
+ \"relationships\": {\n\t\t \t\"revision\": {\n\t\t
+ \t\t\"data\": {\n\t\t \t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"budgetrevision\",\n\t\t \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{budgetrevision_id}}\"\n\t\t \t\t}\n\t\t
+ \t},\n\t\t \t\"account\": {\n\t\t \t\t\"data\":
+ {\n\t\t \t\t\t\"type\": \"account\",\n\t\t
+ \t\t\t\"id\": \"{{account_id}}\"\n\t\t \t\t}\n\t\t
+ \t}\n\t\t }\n\t\t
+ }\n\t\t},\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"op\":\"update\",\n
+ \"data\": {\n \"type\":
+ \"budgetitem\",\n \"id\":
+ \"{{budgetitem_id}}\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"kind\": \"service\"\n
+ }\n }\n\t\t},\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"op\":
+ \"delete\",\n \"data\": {\n \t\"type\":
+ \"budgetitem\",\n \t\"id\":
+ \"{{budgetitem_id}}\"\n }\n\t\t}\n\t]\n}\n"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/budgetitems/{item_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Retrieve a budget item
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `revision`,
+ `parent`, `children`, `account`, `services`, `servicecategories`
+ - name: item_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetitem_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/budgetitems/{budgetitem_id}:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Update a budget item
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n \"type\":\"budgetitem\",\n
+ \"id\":\"{{budgetitem_id}}\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"amount\": 100\n }\n }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budgetitem_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetitem_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Delete a budget item
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: budgetitem_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetitem_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:03:19 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X2d10bd68cfa047c45afbe87b7710704a
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X2d10bd68cfa047c45afbe87b7710704a
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-nVmJSJKWNXNfXKeRYyEI5PYgEMET6msh';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-nVmJSJKWNXNfXKeRYyEI5PYgEMET6msh';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f193a080-1aee-41b1-9348-b30f871609bb
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/extractors:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Retrieve a list of extractors
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Add a new extractor
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"name\": \"Extractor test - {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n
+ \"contents\": \"print Hello\\nvar key1 = value1\\npublic var
+ key2 = value2\\npublic encrypt var key3 = 0\"\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:10:13 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X6aefe4e5adf9d01d43582439fc404e08
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X6aefe4e5adf9d01d43582439fc404e08
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-JTPxct1sF9uJic7zoh0dqDasPy4TcZIV';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-JTPxct1sF9uJic7zoh0dqDasPy4TcZIV';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 5bc92130-d345-4a31-9644-f620a63d8e5d
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ name: MyExtractor
+ contents: |-
+ print Hello
+ var key1 = value1
+ public var key2 = value2
+ public encrypt var key3 = 0
+ variables:
+ - name: key2
+ value: value2
+ type: normal
+ line: 3
+ comment: ''
+ - name: key3
+ value:
+ type: encrypted
+ line: 4
+ comment: ''
+ hash: 1c264e7285b12cb21e14bfe4f916808fa08c8dd5
+ last_modified: '2022-02-04T09:10:13Z'
+ /v1/extractors/{extractor_name}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Retrieve an extractor
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: extractor_name
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:11:18 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X62bb6384361e96c4b8f46ec55195a6e1
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X62bb6384361e96c4b8f46ec55195a6e1
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-PGEpabRd3GLvY9RRlsSI7UioCMgF59Xw';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-PGEpabRd3GLvY9RRlsSI7UioCMgF59Xw';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: cad80ab2-5da0-4d59-b26d-3bc38dcc1761
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ name: MyExtractor
+ contents: |-
+ print Hello
+ var key1 = value1
+ public var key2 = value2
+ public encrypted var key3 = fV5WxHB6IA7M2BjrAx0jLA==
+ variables:
+ - name: key2
+ value: value2
+ type: normal
+ line: 3
+ comment: ''
+ - name: key3
+ value:
+ type: encrypted
+ line: 4
+ comment: ''
+ hash: 04460da520d3cf3ef36263f645fe7e46d18b91fa
+ last_modified: '2022-02-04T09:10:13Z'
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Update an extractor (variables)
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"variables\": [\r\n {\r\n \"name\":
+ \"key2\",\r\n \"value\": \"value2\",\r\n
+ \"type\": \"normal\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n
+ \"name\": \"key3\",\r\n \"value\":
+ \"value3\",\r\n \"type\": \"normal\"\r\n
+ }\r\n ]\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: extractor_name
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Delete an extractor
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: extractor_name
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:31:06 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X076bcabd4e5d38f1744b64000238a633
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X076bcabd4e5d38f1744b64000238a633
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-nnmG6LsqtgpBsYx1lTjerb8j5qc3XPgq';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-nnmG6LsqtgpBsYx1lTjerb8j5qc3XPgq';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: e708f866-9154-4c2d-aab5-02ef714b4b00
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/jobs:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Run an extractor
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: job
+ attributes:
+ type: extract
+ id: '{{extractor_name}}'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: arguments
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/transformers:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Retrieve a list of transformers
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Add a new transformer
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"name\": \"Transformer test {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n
+ \"contents\": \"# script here\"\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:53:47 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X99d7ae859bfee38b9ccd03ab94e7e457
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X99d7ae859bfee38b9ccd03ab94e7e457
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-SKAIwKRPZ9TnJ53bYDN6G1VbTYhQDYAz';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-SKAIwKRPZ9TnJ53bYDN6G1VbTYhQDYAz';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f04bbeab-35e2-46d8-94b1-ba21a6f080b4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ name: Transformer_test_465
+ contents: '# script here'
+ hash: d76e9395d92c0263e8462f7a3aaa4f11cd45df35
+ last_modified: '2022-02-01T15:53:47Z'
+ /v1/transformers/{transformer_name}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Retrieve a transformer
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: transformer_name
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{transformer_name}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:33:22 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X027857f61af915f5292f12a937f44b41
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X027857f61af915f5292f12a937f44b41
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-1x4eaqsvMBwZClaDUSq89SQHWEgBzW3J';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-1x4eaqsvMBwZClaDUSq89SQHWEgBzW3J';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 5eee3947-4125-4173-90b7-7d84cd02abb8
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ name: test
+ contents: "# usage data\r\nimport usage from test\r\noption services = overwrite\r\nfinish\r\n\r\noption services = overwrite\r\n\r\nservices {\r\n service_type = automatic\r\n description_col = description\r\n category_col = category\r\n instance_col = UniqueID\r\n usages_col = service_name\r\n rate_col = rate\r\n cogs_col = cogs\r\n interval_col = interval\r\n model_col = model\r\n unit_label_col = unit\r\n consumption_col = quantity\r\n}\r\n"
+ hash: b46ac2d312397e9343a8f59360f361197ca89273
+ last_modified: '2022-02-04T09:09:16Z'
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Update a transformer
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '"{\r\n \"contents\": \"# modified script here\"\r\n}"'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: transformer_name
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Delete a transformer
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: transformer_name
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:38:03 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X0deb90e36eed194b117bdd583b7e16d1
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X0deb90e36eed194b117bdd583b7e16d1
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-PxhO5QqkqpupROWRKpVh2W9udAUiaxnF';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-PxhO5QqkqpupROWRKpVh2W9udAUiaxnF';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d55ebbc5-d9cf-4400-b23e-32a24f7a248d
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/transformers/{transformer_name}/run:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Run a transformer
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ multipart/form-data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: date
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Date to run the fransformer for (in `YYYY-MM-DD` format).
+ example: '{{date}}'
+ - name: start_date
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ If the transformer should be run for a range of dates, the start
+ date to run the fransformer for (in `YYYY-MM-DD` format).
+ - name: end_date
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ If the transformer should be run for a range of dates, the end date
+ to run the fransformer for (in `YYYY-MM-DD` format).
+ - name: limit
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the number of records to preview, defaults to `10`.
+ - name: break_at
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ When in preview mode, stop executing the transformer before this
+ line.
+ - name: preview
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ If set to `1`, all statements which modify the system will be
+ skipped and the default dataset will be included with the response.
+ - name: snapshot_deset
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ With preview only - name of dset to preview. If not selected,
+ default dset will be used.
+ - name: environment_id
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Environment ID (optional)
+ - name: transformer_name
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{transformer_name}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/dsets:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /dsets
+ summary: Retrieve a list of datasets
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `services`,
+ `reports`, `metadatadefinition`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/dsets/{name}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /dsets
+ summary: Retrieve a dataset
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: name
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{dset_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /dsets
+ summary: Update an dataset
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"dset\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{dset_id}}\",\r\n \"relationships\":
+ {\r\n \"metadatadefinition\": {\r\n
+ \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"metadatadefinition\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{metadatadefinition_id}}\"\r\n
+ }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: ''
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: name
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{dset_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /dsets
+ summary: Delete a dataset
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The start of the date range (inclusive) you want to delete from the
+ dataset. If not specified, use the first date of the dataset.
+ example: '{{start}}'
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The end of the date range (inclusive) you want to delete from the
+ dataset. If not specified, use the last date of the dataset.
+ example: '{{end}}'
+ - name: name
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{dset_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/file:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /file
+ summary: Upload a file
+ description: >-
+ Only the following file types are accepted:
+ - csv
+ - txt
+ - json
+ - xml
+ Uploaded files are stored as
+ `%EXIVITY_HOME_PATH%/import/[group]/[yyyy]/[mm]/[dd]_uploaded_[sequence].[extension]`,
+ where _sequence_ is a 3 characters long numberic string with padded
+ zeros (e.g. `001` or `026`).
+ _Note: starting with Exivity v3.0.0, this endpoint will no longer
+ include the `/import/` prefix in the returned JSON response._
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ multipart/form-data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ file:
+ type: string
+ description: File to be uploaded
+ format: binary
+ group:
+ type: string
+ description: Optional parameter to specify group (default=generic)
+ date:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optional parameter to specify date in YYYY-MM-DD format
+ (default=current date)
+ sequence:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optional parameter to specify sequence (default=1 or auto
+ incrementing if current sequence is already in use)
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 02 Jun 2022 14:24:50 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X365cdf2ad1db92de04da287ab112e77a
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X365cdf2ad1db92de04da287ab112e77a
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-DFpgcrIqVXHLOadu2ZbbB8aTm8MLwvT2';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-DFpgcrIqVXHLOadu2ZbbB8aTm8MLwvT2';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: cda7e03a-e1c7-470c-9a65-92155220f0ad
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ filename: /generic/2022/06/02_uploaded_001.txt
+ /v1/file/a.txt:
+ put:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /file
+ summary: Upload a file into a folder
+ description: "Only the following file types are accepted:\r\n\r\n- csv\r\n- txt\r\n- json\r\n- xml\r\n\r\nUploaded files are stored as `%EXIVITY_HOME_PATH%/import/[path]`, where the `path` is derived from the request URL. Existing files will be overwritten."
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ text/plain: {}
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ responses:
+ '400':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/file/{folder}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /file
+ summary: List files in folder
+ description: >-
+ List the files in a given folder.
+ Example:
+ - /v1/file/generic
+ - /v1/file/generic/2023
+ All files are stored in the `%EXIVITY_HOME_PATH%/import` folder. So
+ **/v1/file/generic** would return the files from
+ `%EXIVITY_HOME_PATH%/import/generic`.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: folder
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: Folder path
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 01 Jun 2023 10:28:21 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.2.6
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xa27a8d61715227559d70d17795dd716e
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xa27a8d61715227559d70d17795dd716e
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-dLpwQNl8MwCnAHrwG3Y9sNoVgVn3FWxK';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-dLpwQNl8MwCnAHrwG3Y9sNoVgVn3FWxK';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: c26fc692-8bb4-490d-a8ea-06d3f3f7a44d
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: List files in specific folder
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: file
+ name: 01_uploaded_001.txt
+ path: /generic/2023/06
+ example-1:
+ summary: List files in root folder
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: folder
+ name: generic
+ path: /
+ children:
+ - type: folder
+ name: '2023'
+ path: /generic
+ children:
+ - type: folder
+ name: '06'
+ path: /generic/2023
+ children:
+ - type: file
+ name: 01_uploaded_001.txt
+ path: /generic/2023/06
+ - type: folder
+ name: temp
+ path: /
+ children:
+ - type: folder
+ name: '2023'
+ path: /temp
+ children:
+ - type: folder
+ name: '06'
+ path: /temp/2023
+ children:
+ - type: file
+ name: 01_uploaded_001.txt
+ path: /temp/2023/06
+ - type: file
+ name: 01_uploaded_002.txt
+ path: /temp/2023/06
+ /v1/file/{folder}/{filename}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /file
+ summary: Retrieve file
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: folder
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ - name: filename
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /file
+ summary: Delete a file
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: folder
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ - name: filename
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '404':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/metadatadefinitions:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadatadefinitions
+ summary: Retrieve a list of metadata definitions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[name]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `metadata`,
+ `datasets`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadatadefinitions
+ summary: Add a new metadata definition
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"metadatadefinition\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Test definition\",\r\n\t\t\t\"fields\":
+ [\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t \"name\": \"country\",\r\n\t\t\t\t
+ \"type\":
+ \"string\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t]\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:53:37 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/MetadataDefinition/MetadataDefinitions
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X410554f4a7443d5db3fe846ed959c80f
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-YcJ4NZjHsqcGYUPZtoCiDLfj8pzjCegN';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-YcJ4NZjHsqcGYUPZtoCiDLfj8pzjCegN';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ced32353-e701-473d-b967-2ced43bc1858
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Add a new metadata definition (string)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test definition
+ fields:
+ - name: country
+ type: string
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/2
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/2/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/2/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/2/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/2/datasets
+ example-1:
+ summary: Add a new metadata definition (string with regex validation)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test definition
+ fields:
+ - name: colour
+ type: string
+ validate: /([a-z])\w+/
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/5
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/5/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/5/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/5/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/5/datasets
+ example-2:
+ summary: Add a new metadata definition (list)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ name: Country
+ fields:
+ - list:
+ - France
+ - The Netherlands
+ - Germany
+ - Spain
+ - Japan
+ name: country
+ type: list
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/6
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/6/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/6/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/6/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/6/datasets
+ example-3:
+ summary: Add a new metadata definition (date)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ name: Date Of Birth
+ fields:
+ - name: dob
+ type: date
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/7
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/7/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/7/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/7/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/7/datasets
+ example-4:
+ summary: Add a new metadata definition (numeric)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ name: Number
+ fields:
+ - name: cars
+ type: numeric
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/8
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/8/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/8/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/8/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/8/datasets
+ example-5:
+ summary: Add a new metadata definition (mulitple)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ name: Employee
+ fields:
+ - list:
+ - France
+ - The Netherlands
+ - Germany
+ - Spain
+ - Japan
+ name: country
+ type: list
+ - name: colour
+ type: string
+ validate: /([a-z])\w+/
+ - name: dob
+ type: date
+ - name: cars
+ type: date
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/9
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/9/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/9/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/9/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/9/datasets
+ /v1/metadatadefinitions/{metadatadefinition_id}/:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadatadefinitions
+ summary: Retrieve a metadata definition
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Include additional related resources.
+ - name: metadatadefinition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:40:42 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xdc8a5a604634bc6ca3f98917f5b7e5d6
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-HX1KoKuxsFcwIrwNsTNLcNTDn9hXxdWT';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-HX1KoKuxsFcwIrwNsTNLcNTDn9hXxdWT';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 20d378f7-ff64-4908-8b35-5cb38deba070
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test definition
+ fields:
+ - name: country
+ type: string
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/1
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/1/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/1/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/1/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/1/datasets
+ /v1/metadatadefinitions/{metadata_definition_id}:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadatadefinitions
+ summary: Update a metadata definition
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"metadatadefinition\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{metadatadefinition_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Modified test definition -
+ {{$guid}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"fields\":
+ [\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t \"name\":
+ \"country\",\r\n\t\t\t\t \"type\":
+ \"string\"\r\n\t\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n
+ \"name\": \"city\",\r\n\t\t\t\t \"type\":
+ \"string\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t]\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: metadata_definition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{metadatadefinition_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 11:39:51 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xbec6399d6191b7c2c2b98ba3aa9e4628
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-BsqM6lmC8Svr7UZJdWBVj9hTIesxBf30';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-BsqM6lmC8Svr7UZJdWBVj9hTIesxBf30';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d0956825-9c46-4a0f-9bd3-b41321382212
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: >-
+ Modified test definition -
+ c9bb0f79-c9fb-41f5-8f5b-2d22b614063f
+ fields:
+ - name: country
+ type: string
+ - name: city
+ type: string
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/2
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/2/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/2/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/2/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadatadefinitions/2/datasets
+ /v1/metadatadefinitions/{metadatadefinition_id}:
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadatadefinitions
+ summary: Delete a metadata definition
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: metadatadefinition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:40:54 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X139dbee20c0bda4b2ee56c281a7d4b54
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X139dbee20c0bda4b2ee56c281a7d4b54
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-HCg5ycOXmMkOqbbzSPoiYqOuJJ3ojKL7';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-HCg5ycOXmMkOqbbzSPoiYqOuJJ3ojKL7';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: dd52f7e2-ae6c-4c9b-b710-ebf74d584d3f
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/metadata:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadata
+ summary: Add new metadata
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"metadata\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"values\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"country\": \"The
+ Netherlands\"\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"definition\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"metadatadefinition\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{metadatadefinition_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 15:53:23 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/Metadata/Metadatas
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X46f67613b6e44fd564ef6becd22f3e84
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-LtMFNMZ6vC0ljOsq5At3GR6f80gdp3cs';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-LtMFNMZ6vC0ljOsq5At3GR6f80gdp3cs';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d75207f6-2909-4a20-99fd-40a1ff1d78eb
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: metadata
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ values:
+ country: The Netherlands
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/1
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/1/relationships/accounts
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/1/accounts
+ definition:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/1/relationships/definition
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/1/definition
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/1/relationships/services
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/1/services
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadata
+ summary: Retrieve a list of metadata
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[name]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `definition`,
+ `accounts`, `services`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/metadata/{metadata_id}/:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadata
+ summary: Retrieve metadata
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Include additional related resources.
+ - name: metadata_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:14:50 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X66262b81b794a2c4746d392d58ba5d45
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-NnLDJjSh3VHljBQuaGf1YQlI6lFlhJQP';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-NnLDJjSh3VHljBQuaGf1YQlI6lFlhJQP';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: c12eaef4-f368-43c5-9c8a-7dd29f6892f4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: metadata
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ values:
+ country: The Netherlands
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/2
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/2/relationships/accounts
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/2/accounts
+ definition:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/2/relationships/definition
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/2/definition
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/2/relationships/services
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/metadata/2/services
+ /v1/metadata/{metadata_id}:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadata
+ summary: Update metadata
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"metadata\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{metadata_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"values\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"country\": \"The
+ Netherlands\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\"city\":
+ \"Zeist\"\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: metadata_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadata
+ summary: Delete metadata
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: metadata_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:14:59 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xb3c42d2f6ee17b42e0ceed441e5bcfe2
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xb3c42d2f6ee17b42e0ceed441e5bcfe2
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zxkcCdbp5stfPsUjbWfSsqSu0oq7mE7r';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zxkcCdbp5stfPsUjbWfSsqSu0oq7mE7r';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: cd36133a-0b78-4db0-8e58-4cdd8d8819f3
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/workflows:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Add a new workflow
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"workflow\",\r\n
+ \t\"attributes\": {\r\n \t\t\"name\":
+ \"test\",\r\n \"description\": \"This is test
+ task\"\r\n \t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:17:15 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/Workflow/Workflows
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf0eb0fc1c1bb9b1038766023915ef353
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-mcMqOAds8DaCyx3Qi2n8Q50WleEDOaC2';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-mcMqOAds8DaCyx3Qi2n8Q50WleEDOaC2';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d045e665-1040-4955-80eb-8824e124763b
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ description: This is test task
+ created_at: '2022-02-04T10:17:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-02-04T10:17:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/schedules
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Retrieve a list of workflows
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `steps`,
+ `schedules`, `runs`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 25 Feb 2019 13:24:02 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.21
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '24'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T09:35:02+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T09:35:03+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/24
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/24/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/24/runs
+ data:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '2'
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '3'
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '25'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ description: This is test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T09:35:59+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T13:26:14+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/25
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/25/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/25/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '31'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T10:27:14+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T10:27:15+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/31
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/31/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/31/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '37'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T10:31:07+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T10:31:08+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/37
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/37/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/37/runs
+ data:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '7'
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '10'
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '41'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T12:12:34+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T12:12:39+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/41
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/41/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/41/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '45'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T12:40:54+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T12:41:00+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/45
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/45/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/45/runs
+ data:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '1'
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '46'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ description: This is test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T13:49:51+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T13:49:51+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/46
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/46/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/46/runs
+ data:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '5'
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '47'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ description: This is test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T13:50:14+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T13:50:14+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/47
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/47/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/47/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '51'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-20T16:01:21+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-20T16:01:26+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/51
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/51/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/51/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '57'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-25T08:23:01+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-25T08:23:06+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/57
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/57/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/57/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '61'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-25T08:26:24+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-25T08:26:28+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/61
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/61/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/61/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '65'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-25T12:26:01+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-25T12:26:05+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/65
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/65/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/65/runs
+ data: []
+ included:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:34:52.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:34:52.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 3
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/2
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:35:00.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:35:00.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 5
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/3
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-20 14:33:27.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-20 14:33:27.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 5
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/7
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '10'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-20 14:33:28.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-20 14:33:28.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 5
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/10
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:34:52.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:34:52.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 3
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/1
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:35:03.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:35:03.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 5
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/5
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 12
+ count: 12
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows?page%5Blimit%5D=&page%5Bruns%5D%5Blimit%5D=2&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=runs&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows?page%5Blimit%5D=&page%5Bruns%5D%5Blimit%5D=2&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=runs&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows?page%5Blimit%5D=&page%5Bruns%5D%5Blimit%5D=2&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=runs&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ /v1/workflows/{workflowId}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Retrieve a workflow
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: workflowId
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflow_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:17:28 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xd1982c0f1100b0a0b535a059a81ce4b4
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-w5Fy8XS9tHYNbwbhTZWhYEaVBXUCYczo';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-w5Fy8XS9tHYNbwbhTZWhYEaVBXUCYczo';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 78cde0d4-0baa-42f7-87cf-3ddef16cf24c
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ description: This is test task
+ created_at: '2022-02-04T10:17:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-02-04T10:17:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/1/schedules
+ /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Update a workflow
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"workflow\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{workflow_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\"name\": \"modified test\",\r\n\t\t\"description\":
+ \"This is a modified test task\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: workflow_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 11:50:06 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf5104d68289bf7d35541c03ae96a0500
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-HVrIhXAL0PYWAim7CZXnUUtMSSqaVOpS';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-HVrIhXAL0PYWAim7CZXnUUtMSSqaVOpS';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 5c4f3acb-fae7-4715-80e4-7c8dedb48bbc
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ created_at: '2023-09-05T11:49:59Z'
+ updated_at: '2023-09-05T11:50:06Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/5
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/5/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/5/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/5/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/5/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/5/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/5/schedules
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Delete a workflow
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: workflow_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:17:34 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X94456b43569c7281fbecb72012ce3015
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X94456b43569c7281fbecb72012ce3015
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-mmH3VsECX3NzfrxAc5UE9HOFpNvn5Vlm';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-mmH3VsECX3NzfrxAc5UE9HOFpNvn5Vlm';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 56808d47-a632-446e-afa6-caae5123cfcf
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/run:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Run a workflow
+ description: >-
+ Once a workflow has been created and steps have been added, you can now
+ run the workflow. See `workflow_runs` and `workflow_step_logs` to view
+ the output of a run.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '""'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: date
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The date to manually run the workflow for (in `YYYY-MM-DD` format).
+ Defaults to the current date.
+ - name: workflow_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:31:31 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X012ac040ceef439202bd4999e5bfd728
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X012ac040ceef439202bd4999e5bfd728
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-2jjra9G5pnWd42XU1P74p91rRNMpN1ue';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-2jjra9G5pnWd42XU1P74p91rRNMpN1ue';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: b07457fc-6fb8-4b12-ba3a-4d0d5be8b9b5
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ output: []
+ status: true
+ /v1/workflowschedules:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ summary: Add a new schedule
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"workflowschedule\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"start_time\":
+ \"{{tomorrow}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"timezone\":
+ \"Europe/Amsterdam\",\r\n\t\t\t\"adjust_for_dst\":
+ true,\r\n\t\t\t\"frequency\":
+ \"daily\",\r\n\t\t\t\"frequency_modifier\":
+ 2\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"workflow\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"workflow\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{workflow_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:19:40 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/WorkflowSchedule/WorkflowSchedules
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X048f5350fd08da3544c5dcdac7de1a1b
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zUBusmtAXMAsCA7SWmHpbWUlmqW6XvRJ';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zUBusmtAXMAsCA7SWmHpbWUlmqW6XvRJ';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 4fea186b-9645-4046-b044-31b6691c79c3
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowschedule
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2020-01-01T18:00:00Z'
+ timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: daily
+ frequency_modifier: 2
+ next_run: '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowschedules/1
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowschedules/1/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowschedules/1/workflow
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ summary: Retrieve a list of schedules
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `workflow`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/workflowschedules/{workflowschedule_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ summary: Retrieve a schedule
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Include additional related resources
+ - name: workflowschedule_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:20:11 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X8080573c708fcfb6e9767116beee1fee
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-jB9Dj5jU9Ij1DUGA00aopqi1sOBerhPr';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-jB9Dj5jU9Ij1DUGA00aopqi1sOBerhPr';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 5ca9458d-a33a-4dac-aeba-d0895a034c1a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowschedule
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2020-01-01T18:00:00Z'
+ timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: daily
+ frequency_modifier: 2
+ next_run: '2022-02-05T18:00:00Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowschedules/1
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowschedules/1/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowschedules/1/workflow
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ summary: Update a schedule
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"workflowschedule\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{workflowschedule_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"timezone\": \"Europe/London\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: workflowschedule_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ summary: Delete a schedule
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: workflowschedule_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:20:33 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf9ccd5b7be1e9d625536fd2da8bd0564
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf9ccd5b7be1e9d625536fd2da8bd0564
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-PaZLwZmsBKrW4TYSO1tGBkRHKlBbeZSF';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-PaZLwZmsBKrW4TYSO1tGBkRHKlBbeZSF';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: b9dac2e2-ceb4-402a-83d8-e13ff8ddd3ba
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/workflowsteps:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Add a new budget step (development only)
+ description: |-
+ #### Options
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | budget_id | numeric | 📝 editable | Required |
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"workflowstep\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"type\": \"evaluate_budget\",\r\n \"timeout\":
+ 600,\r\n \"options\": {\r\n
+ \"budget_id\": \"234\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n
+ \"relationships\": {\r\n \"workflow\":
+ {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n
+ \"type\": \"workflow\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{workflow_id}}\"\r\n }\r\n
+ },\r\n \"previous\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"workflowstep\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{workflowstep_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n
+ }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 10:20:46 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/WorkflowStep/WorkflowSteps
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X73987a2d7a5c059750e4a0962872dce9
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-XLKILcZIBwPi2gzPAhfU8Huu0v5Sjcze';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-XLKILcZIBwPi2gzPAhfU8Huu0v5Sjcze';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: a8f8c44d-8224-476e-a4e7-0e47865475be
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ id: '27'
+ attributes:
+ type: evaluate_budget
+ options:
+ budget_id: '1'
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/27
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/27/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/27/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/27/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/27/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/27/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/27/previous
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Retrieve a list of steps
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `workflow`,
+ `steplogs`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 14:36:43 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X90990ab50795a57558b2c0441a1e8dcb
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-FVMzub1Eed1xzTheMGxmZ7owkgWEDoHO';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-FVMzub1Eed1xzTheMGxmZ7owkgWEDoHO';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 9ed02746-64e3-4937-9154-48727cc248f0
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '20'
+ attributes:
+ prev: null
+ next: '19'
+ type: proximity
+ options:
+ command: exivity:gc
+ arguments: ''
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ sort: 0
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/20
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/20/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/20/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/20/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/20/steplogs
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '19'
+ attributes:
+ prev: '20'
+ next: null
+ type: proximity
+ options:
+ command: exivity:gc
+ arguments: ''
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ sort: 0
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/19
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/19/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/19/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/19/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/19/steplogs
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 2
+ count: 2
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ /v1/workflowsteps/{workflowstep_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Retrieve a step
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `steplogs`,
+ `workflow`.
+ - name: workflowstep_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{proximity_workflowstep_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 14:35:34 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf01dd318783334a864c9b84b4eb2cdb5
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-b2zRiIZ7nq2NNPihTgGBPRDyxvH3QADi';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-b2zRiIZ7nq2NNPihTgGBPRDyxvH3QADi';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 0ce36394-0f1f-4605-b7cb-76a40587a444
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ id: '19'
+ attributes:
+ prev: null
+ next: null
+ type: proximity
+ options:
+ command: exivity:gc
+ arguments: ''
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ sort: 0
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/19
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/19/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/19/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/19/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/19/steplogs
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Update a step
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"workflowstep\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{execute_workflowstep_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"options\": {\r\n \"command\":
+ \"echo \\\"testing\\\"\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n
+ }\r\n}\r\n"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: workflowstep_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{execute_workflowstep_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 15:12:29 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xdf934bedde43dee25891d357e40c8187
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Etg2xNhOWz0cnqvR27gIq1Ge0KKvs8OM';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Etg2xNhOWz0cnqvR27gIq1Ge0KKvs8OM';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: fe5807f6-a477-45ce-806d-c43df4e5c88f
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ id: '91'
+ attributes:
+ type: execute
+ options:
+ command: echo "testing"
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/91
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/91/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/91/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/91/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/91/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/91/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowsteps/91/previous
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Delete a step
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: workflowstep_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{proximity_workflowstep_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:33:40 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X64eb6aebad991aaf3deffca888631f93
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X64eb6aebad991aaf3deffca888631f93
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-2BbEytlXcgoOAOl2sdJlceNEwNrovvfc';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-2BbEytlXcgoOAOl2sdJlceNEwNrovvfc';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 4f251025-cf47-41ca-ae6b-34bb5b3af567
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/workflowsteps/{workflowstep_id}/logs:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Fetch step logs
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: workflowstep_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflowstep_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:33:11 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X6d31f78559410b1af9f570f0f81a89a3
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X6d31f78559410b1af9f570f0f81a89a3
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-5dH3IGWcQadd9ckGMMC4M563HISZfL9k';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-5dH3IGWcQadd9ckGMMC4M563HISZfL9k';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 6ad16fe0-b4c8-434b-922e-da6479f2f597
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ logs:
+ - start_timestamp: '2022-02-04T10:31:31Z'
+ end_timestamp: '2022-02-04T10:31:31Z'
+ success: false
+ status: 3
+ command: >-
+ {"job_id":2,"params":"\"testing\"","program":"echo","timeout":600,"to_date":20220204,"user_id":"469e01d8-1c95-4923-8bc6-1aebfdf30bc8","from_date":20220204}
+ output: ''
+ logfile: null
+ /v1/workflowruns:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowruns
+ summary: Retrieve a list of workflow runs
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `workflow`,
+ `steplogs`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 09:57:43 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X361912fffeaa0aa3ea79862de40908f0
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-DZCsXW8MaOvlYNw0adl9lCK8zEWWan4w';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-DZCsXW8MaOvlYNw0adl9lCK8zEWWan4w';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: b5df2af0-d951-4fbf-bd15-bb49e03b3da1
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2024-04-23T09:57:42Z'
+ end_date: '2024-04-23T09:57:42Z'
+ status: failed
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/7
+ relationships:
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/7/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/7/steplogs
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/7/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/7/workflow
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 1
+ count: 1
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ /v1/workflowruns/{workflowrun_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowruns
+ summary: Retrieve a workflow run
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `steplogs`,
+ `workflow`
+ - name: workflowrun_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflowrun_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/workflowsteplogs:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteplogs
+ summary: Retrieve a list of workflow step logs
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `run`,
+ `step`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/workflowsteplogs/{workflowsteplog_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteplogs
+ summary: Retrieve a workflow step log
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `run`,
+ `step`.
+ - name: workflowsteplog_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflowsteplog_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/notificationchannels:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationchannels
+ summary: Get all notification channels
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Possible values: `subscriptions`, `user`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationchannels
+ summary: Create a new channel
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n
+ \"type\":\"notificationchannel\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"type\": \"mail\",\n \"name\":
+ \"E-mail for someone\",\n \"info\": {\n
+ \t\"recipient\": \"someone@exivity.com\"\n }\n
+ },\n \"relationships\": {\n \t\"user\": {\n
+ \t\t\"data\": {\n \t\t\t\"type\": \"user\",\n
+ \t\t\t\"id\": \"{{user_id}}\"\n \t\t}\n
+ \t}\n }\n }\n}\n"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 03 Jul 2019 08:30:32 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.3.6
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://localhost:8012/v1/notificationchannel/5
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xe5f83c7faa917c5a431a80222d484915
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Phone number
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationchannel
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: My phone number
+ type: nexmo
+ info:
+ recipient: '+31612345678'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/notificationchannels/5
+ example-1:
+ summary: Slack channel
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationchannel
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ name: My slack channel
+ type: slack
+ info:
+ recipient: >-
+ https://hooks.slack.com/services/abc123def456ghi789jkl
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/notificationchannels/7
+ example-2:
+ summary: Email address
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationchannel
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ name: E-mail for someone
+ type: mail
+ info:
+ recipient: someone@example.com
+ cc: null
+ bcc: null
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/notificationchannels/6
+ undefined:
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/notificationchannels/{notification_channel_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationchannels
+ summary: Get a channel
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: subscriptions,user
+ - name: notification_channel_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationchannels
+ summary: Edit a channel
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"notificationchannel\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{notification_channel_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"info\": {\r\n \t\"recipient\":
+ \"anybody@exivity.com\"\r\n \t}\r\n }\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: notification_channel_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationchannels
+ summary: Delete a channel
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: notification_channel_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 12:35:30 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf770f9b2f4b14bfed3fce893c27eeac2
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf770f9b2f4b14bfed3fce893c27eeac2
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-TNpMmGvxQag0NrwbKtzQMfbBbml5EMuE';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-TNpMmGvxQag0NrwbKtzQMfbBbml5EMuE';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 9eb267d5-e72b-4be9-b880-8a2680113543
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/notificationsubscriptions:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ summary: Get all notifications subscriptions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ summary: Create new notification subscription
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n
+ \"type\":\"notificationsubscription\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"name\": \"Important workflow has
+ ended\",\n \"type\": \"workflow_ended\",\n
+ \"info\": {\n \t\"follow\": [\"*\"],\n
+ \t\"only_status\": [\"successful\", \"failed\"]\n
+ }\n },\n \"relationships\": {\n \t\"user\":
+ {\n \t\t\"data\": {\n \t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"user\",\n \t\t\t\"id\": \"{{user_id}}\"\n
+ \t\t}\n \t},\n \t\"channels\": {\n
+ \t\t\"data\": {\n \t\t\t\"type\": \"channel\",\n
+ \t\t\t\"id\": \"{{notification_channel_id}}\"\n
+ \t\t}\n \t}\n }\n }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 14:58:01 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.21
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://localhost:8012/v1/notificationsubscription/7
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Create a new notification subscription with channel
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ name: Important workflow has ended
+ type: workflow.ended
+ info:
+ follow:
+ - '*'
+ only_status:
+ - successful
+ - failed
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/notificationsubscriptions/7
+ example-1:
+ summary: Create workflow subscription with file attachement
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Important workflow has ended
+ type: workflow_ended
+ enabled: true
+ info:
+ follow:
+ - '*'
+ only_status:
+ - successful
+ - failed
+ files:
+ filename:
+ - extractor_[0-9]{,2}\.[a-z0-9]{2,4}
+ - transformer_[0-9]{,2}\.[a-z0-9]{2,4}
+ edited_since_workflow_started: true
+ compress_attachments: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscriptions/4
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/user
+ example-2:
+ summary: Create new budget_evaluated notificaiton subscription
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Important workflow has ended
+ type: budget_evaluated
+ enabled: true
+ info:
+ budget_id: 1
+ threshold_percentage: 80
+ only_once: true
+ account_ids:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 3
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscriptions/4
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/user
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/channels
+ example-3:
+ summary: Create new report_published notificaiton subscription
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: Important workflow has ended
+ type: report_published
+ enabled: true
+ info:
+ report_id: 2
+ report_type: separate
+ account_depth: 1
+ date_settings: previous_month
+ format: csv
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscriptions/5
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/5/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/5/user
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/5/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/5/channels
+ /v1/notificationsubscriptions/{notification_subscritpion_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ summary: Get a notification subscription by ID
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: channels
+ - name: notification_subscritpion_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ summary: Edit a notification subscription
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"notificationsubscription\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{notification_subscritpion_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Super important budget
+ overruns\"\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: notification_subscritpion_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ summary: Delete a notification subscription
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: notification_subscritpion_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 12:36:03 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xc3610a09c6ac164f8ad10ee1094d8d57
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xc3610a09c6ac164f8ad10ee1094d8d57
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-8GouHED3q1ovg26nRa1gnR6cQI3bqqqA';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-8GouHED3q1ovg26nRa1gnR6cQI3bqqqA';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 944a136c-a96d-4837-b74a-d6853860a593
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/notifications:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notifications
+ summary: Get all database notification
+ description: Get all database notification for auth user
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/users/me:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users > /users/me
+ summary: Retrieve the current user
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users > /users/me
+ summary: Update the current user
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"user\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{user_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"email_address\": \"tester@exivity.com\",\r\n
+ \"current_password\": \"exivity\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ undefined:
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/users/me/key:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users > /users/me
+ summary: Generate a new key
+ description: "⚠️ Available since v3.0.0.\r\n\r\nThis will invalidate all previously issued tokens."
+ requestBody:
+ content: {}
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/users/me/state:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users > /users/me
+ summary: Update the current users app state
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '"{\r\n\t\"state\": {\r\n\t\t\"key\": \"value\"\r\n\t}\r\n}"'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: app
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: The client to update the state for. One of `glass`, `lens`.
+ example: glass
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users > /users/me
+ summary: Delete the current users app state
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: app
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: glass
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/users:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Retrieve a list of users
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `usergroup`,
+ `accounts`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Add a new user
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"user\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"username\": \"User
+ - {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"email_address\":
+ \"someone_{{$randomInt}}@exivity.com\",\r\n\t\t\t\"password\":
+ \"super-complex-password\",\r\n\t\t\t\"account_access_type\":
+ \"custom\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"usergroup\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"usergroup\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{usergroup_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/users/{new_user_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Retrieve a user
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `usergroup`,
+ `accounts`, `channels`, `notificationsubscriptions`.
+ - name: new_user_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Update a user
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"user\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{new_user_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"username\": \"modified_user - {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n
+ \"email_address\":
+ \"someone+modified_{{$randomInt}}@exivity.com\",\r\n
+ \"account_access_type\": \"all\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: new_user_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 09 Nov 2021 16:20:01 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-deA0a21he0JbtFJxaHyEB83rQFyLn7Qt';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-deA0a21he0JbtFJxaHyEB83rQFyLn7Qt';font-src 'self' data:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: user
+ id: 4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8
+ attributes:
+ username: modified_user - 700
+ email_address: someone+modified_504@exivity.com
+ account_access_type: all
+ source: ldap
+ display_name: modified_user - 700
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8
+ relationships:
+ usergroup:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8/relationships/usergroup
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8/usergroup
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8/accounts
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8/notificationchannels
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/users/4deaa843-6c62-4534-97b6-27bbf29d7ad8/notificationsubscriptions
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Delete a user
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: new_user_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/users/{new_user_id}/key:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Generate a new key
+ description: "⚠️ Available since v3.0.0.\r\n\r\nThis will invalidate all previously issued tokens."
+ requestBody:
+ content: {}
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: new_user_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/usergroups:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /usergroups
+ summary: Retrieve a list of usergroups
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /usergroups
+ summary: Add a new usergroup
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"usergroup\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\":
+ \"testers\",\r\n\t\t\t\"permissions\":
+ [\"manage_users\"]\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:40:11 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/Usergroup/Usergroups
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X323af56c4fb301e0486c88f7c4cf7d0f
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-gv1trTAypt554N11EfFQfK9dcSjC6qST';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-gv1trTAypt554N11EfFQfK9dcSjC6qST';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: a0b70752-55d1-419c-84f6-9172f8cdb7b8
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: usergroup
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: testers
+ permissions:
+ - manage_users
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/usergroups/2
+ relationships:
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/usergroups/2/relationships/users
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/usergroups/2/users
+ /v1/usergroups/{usergroup_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /usergroups
+ summary: Retrieve a usergroup
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: usergroup_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:40:32 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X8e2cf05b5cd5d28f0319aed6d61ea6e4
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-qcMmTIePg06esIKTgCSO8vmZl4fgiUjw';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-qcMmTIePg06esIKTgCSO8vmZl4fgiUjw';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 2909f9bd-0202-4722-acaa-3776609fef85
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: usergroup
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: testers
+ permissions:
+ - manage_users
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/usergroups/2
+ relationships:
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/usergroups/2/relationships/users
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/usergroups/2/users
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /usergroups
+ summary: Update a usergroup
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"usergroup\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{usergroup_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\":
+ \"modified_testers\",\r\n\t\t\t\"permissions\":
+ [\"manage_users\", \"manage_settings\"]\r\n\t\t}\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: usergroup_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{usergroup_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 09 May 2022 10:28:21 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xeb8203777b90fdf0e1e9f834b8aeb98e
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zu6uqk7kFL4mWW7Fyx99cPvEG6xL5x3B';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zu6uqk7kFL4mWW7Fyx99cPvEG6xL5x3B';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: cfc5135e-02f5-41d7-adc9-b24e179a9399
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: usergroup
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: testers
+ permissions:
+ - manage_users
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/usergroups/5
+ relationships:
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/usergroups/5/relationships/users
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/usergroups/5/users
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /usergroups
+ summary: Delete a usergroup
+ description: >-
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: usergroup_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:40:42 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X5757b8b223cea381c78dbfac006c549b
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X5757b8b223cea381c78dbfac006c549b
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-dUKQckVyuTqNsgURsVw38PE9CJ7TzLt9';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-dUKQckVyuTqNsgURsVw38PE9CJ7TzLt9';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ca72d4c1-80a9-4097-97ce-dfe5f401bdec
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v1/configuration:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /configuration
+ summary: Retrieve configuration (unauthenticated)
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /configuration
+ summary: Update configuration
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{ \r\n \"configuration\":{ \r\n \"APP_NAME\":
+ \"MyNewApp\"\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:42:02 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xfb8bd0c7529c9f7d1524cb7938d08cf0
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xfb8bd0c7529c9f7d1524cb7938d08cf0
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ZxZ3arF8c5wF7DLRU0xZYQjjTvDSFgN2';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ZxZ3arF8c5wF7DLRU0xZYQjjTvDSFgN2';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 6bc23c80-b769-43b7-b889-97a88b1d6c53
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ code: 200
+ message: Configuration saved.
+ configuration:
+ APP_DEBUG: false
+ APP_NAME: Exivity
+ APP_LOGO: null
+ APP_ICON: null
+ APP_COLOUR: '#00a8d8'
+ APP_CSS: ''
+ PUBLIC_ROOT: https://localhost:8001
+ SSO_LOGIN_METHOD: local_user_or_ldap
+ TOKEN_TTL: 4 hours
+ USE_CACHE: true
+ DATE_FORMAT: dd-MM-yyyy
+ SUMMARY_EXTRA: Updated from Postman Test
+ SUMMARY_MIN_COMMIT: Uplift for minimum commitment of {quantity} {label}
+ PASSWORD_POLICY: length_dictionary
+ /v1/audit:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /audit
+ summary: Get audit trail
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The start of the date range (inclusive) you want to view the audit
+ trail for in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The end of the date range (inclusive) you want to view the audit
+ trail for in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:42:26 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xbd735fb17da1598c1b617ec8c413c3c5
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xbd735fb17da1598c1b617ec8c413c3c5
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-DH2PEZATWmaGBgxCM53PwH7iDkQeZrea';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-DH2PEZATWmaGBgxCM53PwH7iDkQeZrea';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 11e17ef9-bb2f-41ac-8997-2044a10914b0
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ audit:
+ - id: 1
+ user_id: ''
+ user_name: ''
+ component: proximity
+ category: usergroup
+ action: create
+ message: Usergroup 'admins' with id=1 created
+ created_at: '2022-02-04T09:07:26Z'
+ - id: 2
+ user_id: ''
+ user_name: ''
+ component: proximity
+ category: user
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ User 'admin' with id=469e01d8-1c95-4923-8bc6-1aebfdf30bc8
+ created
+ created_at: '2022-02-04T09:07:27Z'
+ /v1/log:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /log
+ summary: Retrieve logfiles
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: component
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Required, in: use, transcript, edify, proximity, chronos, pigeon,
+ horizon, merlin, griffon
+ example: '{{component}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:43:45 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X0f122269ff964353786cbc4fff1c7831
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X0f122269ff964353786cbc4fff1c7831
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-cmsbVJxxI00gD7AjOZboZDAtPfNh6RHm';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-cmsbVJxxI00gD7AjOZboZDAtPfNh6RHm';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 9cd267cb-12f9-4ee2-aa23-e3f811aa004a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ logfiles:
+ - filename: proximity-2022-02-04.log
+ created: '2022-02-04T08:53:05Z'
+ metadata: []
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-02-04T08:53:05.260+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: App\Audit::write
+ metadata:
+ appName: local
+ request-id: b05307d1-dfc7-4d43-b1af-73b73c921c86
+ message: Failed login attempt for 'admin' from ::1
+ url: /v1/auth/token?app=
+ ip: '::1'
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-02-04T10:04:30.640+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: The name has already been taken.
+ metadata:
+ appName: local
+ request-id: b721bf44-973d-4531-999a-3b5fcd6862f0
+ rules:
+ name: required|string|unique:metadata_definition,name
+ fields: required|array
+ fields.*.name: required|string
+ fields.*.type: required|in:string,list,numeric,date
+ fields.*.list: required_if:fields.*.type,list
+ url: /v1/metadatadefinitions
+ ip: '::1'
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ /v1/dump/data:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /dump
+ summary: Get a full data dump
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Specify either text/csv or application/json.
+ example: text/csv
+ - name: models
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally provide a comma separated list of models to include.
+ - name: progress
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Use progress separators within dump, can be 0 or 1. Defaults to 1.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/system/licence:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system > /licence
+ summary: Check licence
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:27:15 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:27:15 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: a089800cd6c1b11c33b854a251694d98
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ status: expired
+ message: The current license was valid until January 31, 2017.
+ hash: 4062176ea1471472332ab3afbc2d5dc58af621b7
+ expiresAfter: '2017-01-31'
+ payload:
+ start: '2017-01-01'
+ end: '2017-01-31'
+ type: all
+ limits:
+ account_limit: '1'
+ service_limit: '1'
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system > /licence
+ summary: Update licence
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '"{\n \"licence\": \"{{licence}}\"\n}"'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:23:47 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:23:47 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: c6b7d899a9439eb8ec11ed209dd47c69
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ status: valid
+ message: The current licence is valid until July 1, 2027.
+ hash: 83b44524e07b8cb94f110010dd15fa82b352d1fa
+ expiresAfter: '2027-07-01'
+ payload:
+ _version: '1'
+ start: '2021-06-01'
+ end: '2027-07-01'
+ limits: '{}'
+ /v1/system/cache:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system > /cache
+ summary: Get cache information
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:30:01 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:30:01 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: df70786eedbca0f8fa5fae6872d8321c
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ proximity:
+ size: (not running)
+ edify:
+ size: (unknown)
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system > /cache
+ summary: Delete cache
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: component
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optionally specify a component to delete the caches for. Available
+ options: `proximity`, `edify`.
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:35:02 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:35:02 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example: {}
+ /v1/system/saml:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system > /saml
+ summary: Get SAML configuration
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system > /saml
+ summary: Update SAML configuration
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{ \r\n \"configuration\":{ \r\n \"SAML_ENTITY_ID\":
+ \"https://test\",\r\n \"SAML_X509_CERTIFICATE\":
+ \"...\"\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/system/services/:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system > /services
+ summary: Get system services config
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 14:23:29 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xca216bec4b574aaa9674875037096db0
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xca216bec4b574aaa9674875037096db0
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-4NJshgzhPzByydyFbIVEPvXoFFjPKI7U';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-4NJshgzhPzByydyFbIVEPvXoFFjPKI7U';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 50d44c84-a28d-4ea4-b792-ab0f9e26d13e
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ configuration:
+ LDAP_BASE_DN: null
+ LDAP_HOSTS: null
+ LDAP_PORT: '389'
+ MAIL_HOST: null
+ MAIL_PASSWORD: '********'
+ MAIL_PORT: '465'
+ NEXMO_KEY: null
+ NEXMO_SECRET: '********'
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system > /services
+ summary: Update system services config
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{ \r\n \"configuration\":{ \r\n \"MAIL_FROM_NAME\":
+ \"MyApp\"\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 14:23:06 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X4088466fa1eab1bfe624eb653f2d98a4
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X4088466fa1eab1bfe624eb653f2d98a4
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zv35WcSJs8Lo7LLbzDKyOZMRdN7BhrCU';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zv35WcSJs8Lo7LLbzDKyOZMRdN7BhrCU';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 5b84e15e-ce08-4b99-8e08-fb48ebcbd14a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ code: 200
+ message: Configuration saved.
+ configuration:
+ LDAP_BASE_DN: null
+ LDAP_HOSTS: null
+ LDAP_PORT: '389'
+ MAIL_HOST: null
+ MAIL_PASSWORD: '********'
+ MAIL_PORT: '465'
+ NEXMO_KEY: null
+ NEXMO_SECRET: '********'
+ /v1/system:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system
+ summary: Get system overview (unauthenticated)
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ This endpoint is deprecated and may be removed in future versions of
+ Exivity. Use `/system/version` and `/system/flags` instead.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 761895ecc35993dc557ff3149dc64d58
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ version: 1.2.0
+ components:
+ exivityd:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 89747002f3daa264fd58782f820854414c2b71f9
+ db:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 2c25fbe3b49608b745c5337787c8845ed8f9504a
+ use:
+ ref: v1.2.0
+ hash: 7e937cbc5b8ccb1557c0108af4c48aad8735fe53
+ transcript:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: f9a9db7c57896cefd2a6a4d96aacbe294d67e29f
+ edify:
+ ref: v1.0.2
+ hash: 34017a9bebe5b42290534d0c5ab6988759eb25f6
+ glass:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: ea3b0d344ddd80227f40a00baf8b8af5691a2e8d
+ proximity:
+ ref: v1.0.3
+ hash: 72ae7b190714f69918575d5c1baa212db962fea8
+ api: v1
+ eternity:
+ ref: v1.0.1
+ hash: 6d0ff2b38d15d9832297bc16c807320e035ddb96
+ /v1/system/version:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system
+ summary: Get version information (unauthenticated)
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 761895ecc35993dc557ff3149dc64d58
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ version: 1.2.0
+ components:
+ exivityd:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 89747002f3daa264fd58782f820854414c2b71f9
+ db:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 2c25fbe3b49608b745c5337787c8845ed8f9504a
+ use:
+ ref: v1.2.0
+ hash: 7e937cbc5b8ccb1557c0108af4c48aad8735fe53
+ transcript:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: f9a9db7c57896cefd2a6a4d96aacbe294d67e29f
+ edify:
+ ref: v1.0.2
+ hash: 34017a9bebe5b42290534d0c5ab6988759eb25f6
+ glass:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: ea3b0d344ddd80227f40a00baf8b8af5691a2e8d
+ proximity:
+ ref: v1.0.3
+ hash: 72ae7b190714f69918575d5c1baa212db962fea8
+ api: v1
+ eternity:
+ ref: v1.0.1
+ hash: 6d0ff2b38d15d9832297bc16c807320e035ddb96
+ /v1/system/flags:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system
+ summary: Get available flags
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 761895ecc35993dc557ff3149dc64d58
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ version: 1.2.0
+ components:
+ exivityd:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 89747002f3daa264fd58782f820854414c2b71f9
+ db:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 2c25fbe3b49608b745c5337787c8845ed8f9504a
+ use:
+ ref: v1.2.0
+ hash: 7e937cbc5b8ccb1557c0108af4c48aad8735fe53
+ transcript:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: f9a9db7c57896cefd2a6a4d96aacbe294d67e29f
+ edify:
+ ref: v1.0.2
+ hash: 34017a9bebe5b42290534d0c5ab6988759eb25f6
+ glass:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: ea3b0d344ddd80227f40a00baf8b8af5691a2e8d
+ proximity:
+ ref: v1.0.3
+ hash: 72ae7b190714f69918575d5c1baa212db962fea8
+ api: v1
+ eternity:
+ ref: v1.0.1
+ hash: 6d0ff2b38d15d9832297bc16c807320e035ddb96
+ /v1/system/third-party-licences:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system
+ summary: Get third party licences
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:37:42 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:37:42 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: efaa89faf52487b85b36df11a8f142d2
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ use: ...
+ transcript: ...
+ edify: ...
+ proximity: ...
+ glass: ...
+ /v1/translations/{locale}/{filename}:
+ put:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /translations
+ summary: Create translation
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ This endpoint is deprecated and may be removed in future versions of
+ Exivity.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"hello\": \"Hello
+ World\",\r\n\t\t\"bye\": \"Goodbye\",\r\n\t\t\"happy\":
+ true\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: locale
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: ISO 639-1 two letter code representation of names of language
+ example: en
+ - name: filename
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: words
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /translations
+ summary: Get translation
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ This endpoint is deprecated and may be removed in future versions of
+ Exivity.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: locale
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: ISO 639-1 two letter code representation of names of language
+ example: en
+ - name: filename
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: words
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /translations
+ summary: Update translation
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ This endpoint is deprecated and may be removed in future versions of
+ Exivity.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"hello\": \"Hello
+ World\",\r\n \"bye\": \"Goodbye\",\r\n \"happy\":
+ 2\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: locale
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: ISO 639-1 two letter code representation of names of language
+ example: en
+ - name: filename
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: works
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/environments:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /environments
+ summary: Retrieve a list of environments
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `variables`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /environments
+ summary: Add a new environment
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"environment\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\":
+ \"test\",\r\n\t\t\t\"default_flag\": true\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:51:58 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/Environment/Environments
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X512aea4af93e782e75d410526f1f3486
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-NiHxxY2MVXCsEDNMRwOnbZmMcJTcTpvy';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-NiHxxY2MVXCsEDNMRwOnbZmMcJTcTpvy';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f2adcad8-c028-463c-ae42-32f7d3e6be12
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: environment
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ default_flag: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/environments/2
+ relationships:
+ variables:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/environments/2/relationships/variables
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/environments/2/variables
+ /v1/environments/{environment_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /environments
+ summary: Retrieve an environment
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `variables`.'
+ - name: environment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:52:12 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xb5af9380e916f1d37e37cb832d3c1d4f
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-sHqz5syJn4c26yYIhDZsBYHVFUP9PO7b';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-sHqz5syJn4c26yYIhDZsBYHVFUP9PO7b';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 2870f925-b210-4c9b-8919-f452b9c6201b
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: environment
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ default_flag: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/environments/2
+ relationships:
+ variables:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/environments/2/relationships/variables
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/environments/2/variables
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /environments
+ summary: Update an environment
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"environment\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{environment_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"name\": \"Updated environment name -
+ {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n \"default_flag\": false\r\n }\r\n
+ }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: environment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /environments
+ summary: Delete an environment
+ description: >-
+ You can't delete the default environment.
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content success status response` will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: environment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{environment_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/variables:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /variables
+ summary: Retrieve a list of variables
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values:
+ `environment`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:50:39 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X2a3c4061bdfd1160c940b37513275288
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-o2ChsSJZdytZbrS3r0YgyXSRWBw33Xjf';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-o2ChsSJZdytZbrS3r0YgyXSRWBw33Xjf';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: a8c95676-b515-4092-a60c-73e6fbf5ec8b
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: variable
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: USERNAME
+ value: admin
+ encrypted: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/variables/1
+ relationships:
+ environment:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/variables/1/relationships/environment
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/variables/1/environment
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 1
+ count: 1
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/variables?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/variables?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/variables?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /variables
+ summary: Add a new variable
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"variable\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\":
+ \"USERNAME\",\r\n\t\t\t\"value\":
+ \"admin\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\": {\r\n
+ \t\"environment\": {\r\n \t\t\"data\": {\r\n
+ \t\t\t\"type\": \"environment\",\r\n \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{environment_id}}\"\r\n \t\t}\r\n
+ \t}\r\n }\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:50:23 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v1/Variable/Variables
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xcb2e8c3491365fe0e87a4d79201c3578
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-pUFBkahh6JTDf4qIV8Qdz9w25WaUG7tN';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-pUFBkahh6JTDf4qIV8Qdz9w25WaUG7tN';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 25f670be-f4a9-49c8-a00d-aee3edd695f6
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: variable
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: USERNAME
+ value: admin
+ encrypted: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/variables/1
+ relationships:
+ environment:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/variables/1/relationships/environment
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v1/variables/1/environment
+ /v1/variables/{variable_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /variables
+ summary: Retrieve a variable
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `variables`.'
+ - name: variable_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /variables
+ summary: Update a variable
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"variable\",\r\n\t
+ \"id\": \"{{variable_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"USERNAME\",\r\n\t\t\t\"value\":
+ \"alice\",\r\n\t\t\t\"encrypted\": false\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: variable_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /variables
+ summary: Delete a variable
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: variable_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/failed-jobs:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /failed-jobs
+ summary: Get all failed jobs
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
diff --git a/OpenAPI/v2.yml b/OpenAPI/v2.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9383a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenAPI/v2.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,78255 @@
+openapi: 3.0.0
+ title: Exivity API v2 (Beta)
+ description: >-
+ **This documentation pertains to the beta release of API v2.**
+ **We aim to provide clear and comprehensive information, yet we invite your
+ feedback to further refine the documentation. We welcome any suggestions for
+ improvement, bug reports, or additional comments to enhance the overall
+ utility and accuracy.**
+ **Please note that as this is a beta version, some endpoints are subject to
+ potential changes. We will promptly document all modifications in this
+ section and include them in our release notes.**
+ ---
+ This is the Exivity API specification, and should be used as a reference
+ guide for creating requests and parsing responses. For a more general
+ introduction to Exivity, please refer to our [documentation](https://).
+ Download latest [Postman collection](https://) from our [GitHub
+ repository](https://).
+ # Overview
+ 1. This API uses principles and constraints of [REST APIs](https://).
+ 2. You need a valid API token for requests.
+ 3. The API has rate limiting.
+ 4. Most resource endpoints listen to and responds with data structures as
+ defined by the [JSON:API standard](https://). You'll recognise these
+ endpoints when the documentation lists the following headers:
+ ```
+ Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
+ Accept: application/vnd.api+json
+ ```
+ # Authentication
+ The default method of authentication against the API is done through a
+ stateless [JWT token](https://).
+ It is also possible to authenticate the API via LDAP or SAML, if your
+ administrator has set up access to either of these systems.
+ #### **How to use the token**
+ The default method of authentication against the API is done through a
+ stateless [JWT token](https://), sent along as an Authentication header. To
+ obtain a token, a request to the API endpoint `/v1/auth/token` should be
+ made with the user credentials.
+ Once a token has been generated, please include it in the headers of other
+ requests to allow authorization.
+ _Example:_
+ ```
+ Authorization: Bearer [token]
+ ```
+ The JWT token will expire after _4 hours_ for security reasons. This value
+ is configurable. Please see [/configuration](https://) or
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#authentication-token](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#authentication-token)
+ for more information.
+ # The Resource Object
+ Each section of the API Reference contains an object, detailing the
+ different attributes the endpoint accepts.
+ _Example:_
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required, unique name for service
+ category. Max 255 chars. |
+ ## Types
+ The follow types appear in this document:
+ - `integer`
+ - `float`
+ - `double`
+ - `string`
+ - `array`
+ - `enum`\- this will be followed by an array of possible values. e.g
+ _enum_(`charge`,`quantity`)
+ - `date`
+ - `datetime`
+ - `time`
+ Date, datetime and time follow the ISO 8601 standard
+ - `Y` - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits e.g, `1996`,
+ `2021`
+ - `m` - Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros e.g. `01`
+ through `12`
+ - `d` - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros e.g. `01` to `31`
+ - `H` - 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros e.g. `00` to `23`
+ - `i` - Minutes with leading zeros e.g. `00` to `59`
+ - `s` - Seconds with leading zeros e.g. `00` to `59`
+ - `Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z` - ISO 8601 datetime e.g. `2022-05-17T13:35:25Z`
+ _Examples:_
+ - Y-m = `2017-01`
+ ### Nullable values
+ Nullable values will have a question mark listed after the type. Examples:
+ `integer?`, `string?`
+ ## Mutability
+ This column states whether a value is changable.
+ - 📝 editable - These values can be changed
+ - 🔏 immutable - Once set, these values cannot be changed
+ - 👁 read-only - This values are set internal by the system and the user
+ cannot change them
+ ## Relationships
+ It is possible to include related relationships with a give resource request
+ (see Working with the API -> Include Related Resources for how to do this).
+ The possible relationships are listed under the resource object.
+ Example:
+ | **relationship** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | hasOne | adjustments | ✔️ |
+ | hasMany | services | ❌ |
+ | hasOne | usergroup | ❌ |
+ ### Required
+ Some resources require a relationship to be created e.g. creating a new user
+ required a usergroup. Any required relationships will be give in the **Add**
+ example of the resource.
+ # Working with the API
+ ## Placeholders
+ Different variables have double curly brackets around them (`{{`, `}}`).
+ These used for placeholders in this documentation. When working with the
+ API, these placeholders should be replaced with real values. Examples
+ include:
+ `{{base_url}}` - replace this with your API's url
+ `{{workflow_id}}`, `{{report_id}}`, `{{account_id}}`, etc - these are
+ placeholders for a specific ID for an object.
+ ## Query String Parameters
+ Some requests using the JSON:API format accept additional query string
+ parameters.
+ ### Filtering
+ To filter results, use the `filter[attribute]` query string parameter.
+ The following formats are supported for filtering results:
+ | Token | Description | Example |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | `^` | Field starts with | `filter[name]=^John` |
+ | `$` | Field ends with | `filter[name]=$Smith` |
+ | `~` | Field contains | `filter[favorite_cheese]=~cheddar` |
+ | `<` | Field is less than | `filter[lifetime_value]=<50` |
+ | `>` | Field is greater than | `filter[lifetime_value]=>50` |
+ | `>=` | Field is greater than or equals | `filter[lifetime_value]=>=50` |
+ | `<=` | Field is less than or equals | `filter[lifetime_value]=<=50` |
+ | `=` | Field is equal to | `filter[username]==Specific Username` |
+ | `!=` | Field is not equal to | `filter[username]=!=common username` |
+ | `[...]` | Field is one or more of | `filter[id]=[1,5,10]` |
+ | `![...]` | Field is not one of | `filter[id]=![1,5,10]` |
+ | `{...,...}` | Between exclusive (e.g. 2 up to 99) | `filter[id]={1,100}` |
+ | `={...,...}` | Between inclusive (e.g. 1 up to 100) |
+ `filter[id]=={1,100}` |
+ | `NULL` | Field is null | `filter[address]=NULL` |
+ | `NOT_NULL` | Field is not null | `filter[email]=NOT_NULL` |
+ _Example - get accounts that start with W:_
+ ```
+ GET /accounts?filter[name]=^W
+ ```
+ #### Multiple filters
+ The filter parameter can occur multiple times in a request to filter by
+ multiple fields.
+ _Example - get accounts that start with W and level is set to one:_
+ ```
+ GET /accounts?filter[name]=^W&filter[level]==1
+ ```
+ #### Related entities filters
+ A filter can also use related entities (which don't have to be included in
+ the request with the `include` parameter).
+ _Example - get users with MANAGE_USERS permission, and an email address
+ ending with "example.com":_
+ ```
+ /user?filter[usergroup.permissions]=~MANAGE_USERS&filter[email_address]=$example.com
+ ```
+ ### Pagination
+ When making requests to endpoints which can return more than one entity,
+ results are paginated. The number of results per page and the requested page
+ can be adjusted with the `page[limit]` and `page[offset]` query string
+ parameters.
+ _Example:_
+ ```
+ GET /user?page[limit]=50&page[offset]=2
+ ```
+ When the page limit is set to `-1`, all results are returned.
+ The `links` element in the JSON response contains references to URLs which
+ can be used to navigate the resultset.
+ The `meta` element in the JSON response contains a reference to the total
+ number of items in the resultset.
+ ### Sorting
+ It is possible to sort results by using the `sort` query string parameter. A
+ descending sort order can be requested by prefixing a hyphen (U+002D).
+ _Example:_
+ ```
+ GET /user?sort=-username
+ ```
+ ### Include Related Resources
+ Inclusion of related resources in the response can be requested with the
+ `include` query string parameter. Multiple entities can be specified by
+ separating them with a comma (U+002C). Each endpoint definition specifies
+ which includes can be requested.
+ _Examples:_
+ ```
+ GET /user?include=usergroup,accounts
+ GET /user/[id]?include=usergroup,accounts
+ ```
+ ### Fetching relationships
+ It is also possible to fetch relationship data to a single resource using a
+ separate endpoint. Relationships data on resources can be
+ [queried](https://) and [modified](https://) by using the
+ `/[resource]/[id]/relationships/[relation]` endpoint structure.
+ ```
+ GET /user/[id]/usergroup
+ ```
+ # Atomic Operations
+ Many endpoint support Atomic Operations. This provides a means to perform
+ multiple “operations” in a linear and atomic manner.
+ At the top of all endpoints, it states whether or not it supports atomic
+ operations:
+ - Atomic support: ✔️
+ - Atomic support:❌
+ Please read the [JSON:API Atomic
+ Operations](https://jsonapi.org/ext/atomic/) documentation to understand how
+ this works.
+ **Example**
+ Add a workflow and a workflow step in a single request:
+ ``` json
+ {
+ "atomic:operations": [
+ {
+ "op": "add",
+ "data": {
+ "type": "workflow",
+ "lid": "foo",
+ "attributes": {
+ "name": "Atomic workflow",
+ "description": "My new atomic workflow"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "op": "add",
+ "data": {
+ "type": "workflowstep",
+ "lid": "bar",
+ "attributes": {
+ "type": "execute",
+ "timeout": 600,
+ "options": {
+ "command": "echo \"testing\""
+ }
+ },
+ "relationships": {
+ "workflow": {
+ "data": {
+ "type": "workflow",
+ "lid": "foo"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+ All atomic request must be submitted throught the atomic endpoint:
+ `POST {{base_url}}/v2/`
+ See [General/Json API atomic
+ operation](#d00d58da-6562-45db-bcb1-917dd57e6fb5) for more examples.
+ # Error responses
+ Errors are returned as a JSON object, following the [JSON:API error
+ standard](https://). We use HTTP error responses in the status field, to
+ indicate whether the request was a success (`2xx`) or a failure(`4xx`,
+ `5xx`).
+ _Example:_
+ ``` json
+ {
+ "errors": [
+ {
+ "status": "422",
+ "title": "Attribute validation error",
+ "detail": "Password must contain at least 8 characters."
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+ Possible response codes:
+ | Code | Description |
+ | --- | --- |
+ | `400 Bad request` | Something in the request is missing or invalid |
+ | `401 Unauthorized` | JWT token is missing or invalid |
+ | `403 Forbidden` | Missing required permission for this operation |
+ | `404 Not found` | Entity can't be found |
+ | `409 Conflict` | Entity type or id doesn't match endpoint |
+ | `422 Unprocessable Entity` | Parameters validation error |
+ | `503 Service Unavailable` | Rate lime exceeded |
+ ## Authentication error response
+ If an authorization token is missing, expired or malformed, an error
+ response will be returned. These errors will always have a `401
+ Unauthorised` status.
+ _Example:_
+ ``` json
+ {
+ "errors": [
+ {
+ "status": 401,
+ "title": "AuthException",
+ "detail": "Invalid token provided, please login again."
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+ ## Authorization error response
+ Some endpoints require a different set of permissions than others. If
+ insufficient permissions are granted to the authenticated user, a `403
+ Forbidden` response is returned.
+ # Rate limits
+ All API requests are rate limited to avoid overloading the server.
+ The rate at which you can make requests to the API is limited by client IP
+ address, and is limited at 10 requests per second. The API allows for short
+ request bursts (i.e. you can exceed this limit for a short period of time).
+ If you've exceeded your API rate limit, you'll get back a `503 Service
+ Unavailable` response.
+ Requests containing a user password in the payload are even further rate
+ limited to mitigate brute-force attacks in user credentials.
+ # Terms of service
+ You can find the terms of service [on our website](https://).
+ # API Reference
+ version: 1.0.0
+ - url: http://{{base_url}}
+ securitySchemes:
+ bearerAuth:
+ type: http
+ scheme: bearer
+ noauthAuth:
+ type: http
+ scheme: noauth
+ - name: General
+ - name: Authentication
+ description: >-
+ The default method of authentication against the API is done through a
+ stateless JWT token.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#authentication](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#authentication)
+ - name: Authentication > /token
+ description: >-
+ #### **Token object**
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | id | *string* | read-only | GUID token ID |
+ | value | *string* | read-only | Authentication token value |
+ | permissions | *array* | read-only | User permissions. See the usergroup
+ section for more information. |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | user | hasOne | ❌ |
+ - name: Authentication > /saml
+ description: >-
+ Endpoints for supporting Single Sign-On authentication flow using SAML.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/advanced/integrate/sso/](https://docs.exivity.com/advanced/integrate/sso/)
+ - name: Authentication > /resetpassword
+ description: >-
+ If a user forgets their password, this endpoint can be used to generate a
+ new password. There are two steps:
+ 1. **Request a password reset** - this generates a new reset token, which
+ is emailed the user.
+ 2. **Perform a password reset** - the reset token is used to validate the
+ user and then reset their password.
+ - name: Reports
+ - name: Reports > /reportdefinitions
+ description: >-
+ The report object contains the definition of how to generate a report, and
+ once the report has run, the report data itself.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#report](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#report)
+ #### **The report object**
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 📝 editable | Unique name, max 255 chars |
+ | created | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | Date created, format:
+ Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z |
+ | last_updated | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | Date last updated, format:
+ Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z |
+ | depth | _integer_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ | outdated_start_date | _date_ | 👁 read-only | Signals date from which
+ the data are outdated because of changes and need to be prepared. |
+ | outdated_end_date | date | 👁 read-only | Signals end date of outdated
+ data. If outdated but value is null, all data from start date is outdated.
+ |
+ | level_keys | _array of objects_ | 👁 editable | See level_key objects
+ below |
+ #### **The level_key object**
+ The report levels are contained inside level_key objects.
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | key_column | _string_ | 📝 editable | Key column, max 255 chars |
+ | name_column | _string_ | 📝 editable | Name column, max 255 chars |
+ | label | _string_ | 📝 editable | Label, max 255 chars |
+ | metadata_definition_id | _integer_ | 📝 editable | Metadata definition
+ ID. Or -1 if inheriting from parent (levels 2-5 only). |
+ | level | _integer_ | | 1-5 |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | dataset | hasOne | dataset | ✔️ |
+ | accounts | hasMany | account | ❌ |
+ | budgets | hasMany | budget | ❌ |
+ | metadatadefinitions | hasMany | metadatadefinition | ❌ |
+ | reportstatuses | hasMany | reportstatus | ❌ |
+ - name: Reports > /reportdata
+ - name: Reports > /reportstatuses
+ - name: Services
+ - name: Services > /servicecategories
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Categories services can be grouped under. A category can contain multiple
+ services, but each service can only be in one category.
+ Examples of categories: `Software`, `Web services`
+ #### The Service Category Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | *string* | 📝 editable | Required, unique name for service
+ category. Max 255 chars. |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | services | hasMany | service | ❌ |
+ | adjustments | hasMany | adjustment | ❌ |
+ | budgetitems | hasMany | budgetitem | ❌ |
+ - name: Services > /services
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Services can be anything that is a sellable item, that can be consumed.
+ And should relate to (extracted) consumption data.
+ Exivtiy documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#service](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#service)
+ #### The Service Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | key | _string_ | 🔏 immutible | Required, unique, max 255 chars. |
+ | description | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | unit_label | _string_ | 🔏 immutible | Required. Label given to the
+ units of consumption. |
+ | service_type | _enum_ (`service_name_in_header`, `service_name_in_data`)
+ | 🔏 immutible | Required |
+ | usage_col | _string_ | 🔏 immutible | Required. Dset column from which
+ the number of units consumed can be derived. |
+ | consumption_col | _string_ | 🔏 immutible | Required. Dset column
+ containing consumption amount. |
+ | instance_col | _string_ | 🔏 immutible | Required. Dset column
+ containing unique instance id's. |
+ | interval | _enum_ (`never`, `individually`, `second`, `minute`, `hour`,
+ `day`, `week`, `month`, `year`) | 🔏 immutible | Required. Currently, only
+ `individually`, `day` and `month` are implemented. |
+ | charge_type | _enum_ (`none`, `manual`, `manual_per_unit`,
+ `manual_per_interval`, `automatic`, `automatic_per_unit`,
+ `automatic_per_interval`, `other`) | 🔏 immutible | Required. Cannot be
+ `none` if `cogs_type=none`. |
+ | cogs_type | _enum_ (`none`, `manual_per_unit`, `manual_per_interval`,
+ `automatic_per_unit`, `automatic_per_interval`) | 🔏 immutible | Required.
+ Cannot be `none` if `charge_type=none`. |
+ | proration_type | _enum_ (`none`, `full`) | 🔏 immutible | Required. If
+ "full" with monthly, only charges for the days used. |
+ | charge_model | _enum_? (`peak`, `average`, `specific_day`, `last_day`) |
+ 📝 editable | Only available if `interval=month`. |
+ | charge_model_specific_day | _integer? (between 1 and 28)_ | 📝 editable
+ | Required if `charge_model=specific_day` |
+ | created_at | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | Unix datetime the service was
+ first created |
+ | updated_at | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | Unix datetime the service was
+ last updated |
+ | seen_at | _date_ | 👁 read-only | ISO-8601 date the service was last
+ seen in a dset (not yet supported) |
+ The following resources can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | adjustments | hasMany | adjustment | ❌ |
+ | budgetitems | hasMany | budgetitem | ❌ |
+ | dataset | hasOne | dataset | ❌ |
+ | metadata | hasMany | metadata | ❌ |
+ | rates | hasMany | rate | ❌ |
+ | servicecategory | hasOne | servicecategory | ✔️ |
+ ### Charge and cogs type
+ The attributes `charge_type` and `cogs_type` define how the rate is used
+ when calculating charge and cogs metrics using consumption of the service.
+ - The first part denotes whether the rate is dynamically derived from the
+ usage data itself (`automatic`) or specified explicitly in rate entities
+ (`manual`).
+ - The second part denotes whether an amount per unit of consumption
+ (`per_unit`) and/or per interval (`per_interval`) should be applied.
+ When the second part is omitted, both `per_unit` and `per_interval` are
+ used. If no rate should be applied at all, `none` can be used. A value of
+ `other` means a configuration is used not currently supported by the API.
+ - name: Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Subscriptions enable users to manage one-off and recurring transactions
+ for charging non-metered services. [Read
+ more.](https://docs.exivity.com/services/subscriptions)
+ #### **The Service Object**
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | quantity | _float_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | rate | _float_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | cogs | _float_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | subscription_type | _enum_ (`recurring`, `one_off`) | 📝 editable |
+ Required |
+ | start_date | _date_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | charge_day | _datepartial?_ (`D` / `--MM-DD`) | 📝 editable | Required
+ if `alt_interval=month` then value between 1 and 28. If
+ `alt_interval=year` then valid date in format `--MM-DD`. |
+ | end_date | _date?_ | 📝 editable | Null or equal to `start_date` if
+ `type=one_off`, null or after `start_date` if `type=recurring`. |
+ | alt_interval | _enum?_ (`day`, `month`, `year`) | 📝 editable | If
+ `null` and `type=recurring`, the interval on the service is used. |
+ | instance | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ The following resources can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | account | hasOne | account | ✔️ |
+ | service | hasOne | service | ✔️ |
+ - name: Services > /rates
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Rates allows you to configure charge/cogs rates either manually or
+ automatically.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/services/rates](https://docs.exivity.com/services/rates)
+ #### The Rate Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | effective_date | _date|year-month_ | immutable | Required, unique. If a
+ service is tiered, rates are applied for whole months. So the format is
+ year-month. |
+ | end_date | _date?|year-month?_ | immutable | This date is inclusive, so
+ the rate is also applied to this date/month. Can only be applied to
+ account-related rates. If a service is tiered, rates are applied for whole
+ months. So the format is year-month. |
+ | rate | _double?_ | 📝 editable | Required if `service` attribute
+ `charge_type=manual_per_unit`. Defaults to `null`. |
+ | rate_col | _string?_ | 📝 editable | Required if `service` attribute
+ `charge_type=automatic_per_unit`. Defaults to `null`. |
+ | fixed | _double?_ | 📝 editable | Required if `service` attribute
+ `charge_type=manual_per_interval`. Defaults to `null`. |
+ | fixed_col | _string?_ | 📝 editable | Required if `service` attribute
+ `charge_type=automatic_per_interval`. Defaults to `null`. |
+ | cogs_rate | _double?_ | 📝 editable | Required if `service` attribute
+ `cogs_type=manual_per_unit` |
+ | cogs_rate_col | _string?_ | 📝 editable | Required if `service`
+ attribute `cogs_type=automatic_per_unit`. Defaults to `null`. |
+ | cogs_fixed | _double?_ | 📝 editable | Required if `service` attribute
+ `cogs_type=manual_per_interval`. Defaults to `null`. |
+ | cogs_fixed_col | _string?_ | 📝 editable | Required if `service`
+ attribute `cogs_type=automatic_per_interval`. Defaults to `null`. |
+ | min_commit | _double?_ | 📝 editable | Cannot be set if service
+ attribute `charge_type` is one of `manual_tiered_standard`,
+ `manual_tiered_inherited`. Defaults to `null`. |
+ | tier_aggregation_level | _integer?_ | 📝 editable | Defaults to `null`.
+ |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | service | hasOne | service | ✔️ |
+ | account | hasOne | account | ❌ |
+ | ratetiers | hasMany | ratetier | ❌ |
+ - name: Services > /ratetiers
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Rate tiers allows you to configure tiered pricing.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/services/rates](https://docs.exivity.com/services/rates)
+ #### The Rate Tier Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | threshold | _double_ | 📝 editable unless it is `0`. | Required, unique,
+ gte:0 and first `ratetier` associated with a particular `rate` must have
+ `threshold=0`. |
+ | rate | _double?_ | 📝 editable | Required if `service` attribute
+ `charge_type` is one of `manual_tiered_standard`,
+ `manual_tiered_inherited` |
+ | cogs | _double?_ | 📝 editable | Required if `service` attribute
+ `cogs_type` is one of `manual_tiered_standard`, `manual_tiered_inherited`
+ |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **tyoe** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | rate | hasOne | rate | ✔️ |
+ - name: Services > /adjustments
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Adjustments allow a user to create account-specific rate adjustment
+ policies.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#adjustment](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#adjustment)
+ #### The Adjustment Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | amount | _double_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | sort | _integer_ | 📝 editable | Required, min: 0 |
+ | adjustment_type | _enum_ (`relative`, `absolute`) | 📝 editable |
+ Required |
+ | target | _enum_ (`charge`,`quantity`) | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | first_interval | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required, date format: Y-m |
+ | last_interval | _string?_ | 📝 editable | Date format: Y-m |
+ The following resources can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | has one | account | ✔️ |
+ | has many | services | ❌ |
+ | has many | servicecategories | ❌ |
+ - name: Accounts
+ - name: Accounts > /accounts
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/reports/accounts](https://docs.exivity.com/reports/accounts)
+ #### The Account Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutabilty** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | string | 📝 editable | Required, unique and max 255 chars. |
+ | level | _integer (between 1-5)_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ | level_keys | _array of objects_ | 👁 read-only | See level_key objects
+ below |
+ #### The level_key object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutabilty** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | level | _integer (between 1-5)_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ | key | _string_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | reportdefinition | hasOne | reportdefintion | ✔️ |
+ | parent | hasOne | account | ❌ |
+ | children | hasMany | account | ❌ |
+ | rates | hasMany | rate | ❌ |
+ | adjustments | hasMany | adjustment | ❌ |
+ | users | hasMany | user | ❌ |
+ | metadata | hasMany | metadata | ❌ |
+ | budgetitems | hasMany | budgetitem | ❌ |
+ | servicesubscriptions | hasMany | servicesubscription | ❌ |
+ - name: Accounts > /budgets
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/reports/budget](https://docs.exivity.com/reports/budget)
+ **To create a budget**
+ 1. Create a budget object
+ 2. Create a budget revision
+ 3. Add budget items to the budget revision
+ ## The Budget Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | interval | _enum_ (`month`, `quarter`, `year`) | 📝 editable | Required
+ |
+ | description | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | metric | _enum_ (`charge`, `cogs`) | 📝 editable | Defaults to `charge`
+ |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | reportdefinition | hasOne | reportdefintion | ✔️ |
+ | revisions | hasMany | budgetrevision | ❌ |
+ - name: Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/reports/budget](https://desktop.postman.com/?desktopVersion=9.16.0&userId=2892066&teamId=48706)
+ ## The Budget Revision Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | effective_from | *date* | 📝 editable | Required |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | budget | hasOne | budget | ✔️ |
+ | items | hasMany | budgetitem | ❌ |
+ - name: Accounts > /budgetitems
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/reports/budget](https://desktop.postman.com/?desktopVersion=9.16.0&userId=2892066&teamId=48706)
+ ## The Budget Item Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | kind | _enum_ (`account`) | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | status | _enum_ (`regular`, `excluded`, `remainder`) | 📝 editable |
+ Required |
+ | amount | _double_ | 📝 editable | |
+ | percent | _boolean_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | distribution | _enum_ (`none`, `even`, `shared`) | 📝 editable |
+ Required |
+ | filter | _enum_ (`none`, `servicecategory`, `service`) | 📝 editable |
+ Defaults to `none` |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | revision | hasOne | budgetrevision | ✔️ |
+ | account | hasMany | account | ❌ |
+ | parent | hasOne | budgetitem | ❌ |
+ | children | hasMany | budgetitem | ❌ |
+ | servicecategories | hasMany | servicecategory | ❌ |
+ | services | hasMany | services | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines
+ - name: Data pipelines > /extractors
+ description: >-
+ ⚡ Not JSON:API compliant
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ Extraction is the process by which USE (Unified Scriptable Extractor)
+ retrieves data from external locations. [Read
+ more.](https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/extract)
+ #### The Extractor Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 🔏 immutible | Required, unique, max 255 chars. |
+ | contents | _string_ | 📝 editable | Extractor script |
+ | variables | _array_ | 📝 editable | Array of Variable Objects |
+ | updated_at | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ #### The Variable Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | value | _string_ | 📝 editable | |
+ | type | _string_ | 📝 editable | |
+ The following resources can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | jobs | hasMany | job | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /transformers
+ description: >-
+ ⚡ Not JSON:API compliant
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ Transformers are user-definable scripts (termed tasks) used to produce one
+ or more Reporting Database Files (RDFs) from one or more input Dataset
+ files in CSV format. These RDFs are later used by the reporting engine to
+ generate results. [Read
+ more.](https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/transform)
+ #### The Transformer Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 🔏 immutible | Required, unique, max 255 chars. |
+ | contents | _string_ | 📝 editable | Transformer script |
+ | updated_at | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following resources can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | jobs | hasMany | job | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /datasets
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ A Dataset is the data once it has been imported by a Transcript task. A
+ Dataset resides in RAM during the Transform phase and, if referenced by a
+ finish statement, is then stored in a database file for long-term use.
+ [Read more
+ here](https://docs.exivity.com/advanced/digging-deeper/dataset-lifecycle#dsets)
+ and [here](https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/datasets).
+ Many users will want to include datasetdays, as this contains the
+ information previously held in `rdf_detail` which has been promoted to
+ actual resource with relationship to dataset.
+ #### The Dataset Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | columns | _array_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following resources can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | metadatadefinition | hasOne | metadatadefinition | ✔️ |
+ | services | hasMany | service | ❌ |
+ | reportdefinitions | hasMany | reportdefinition | ❌ |
+ | datasetdays | hasMany | datasetday | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /datasetdays
+ description: >-
+ Datasetdays is a read-only resource. Datasetdays are the objects that
+ contain information on the days on which there is usage data within a
+ specific dataset.
+ #### The Datasetday Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | date | *date* | 👁 read-only | |
+ | created_at | *datetime* | 👁 read-only | |
+ | updated_at | *datetime* | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following resources can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | dataset | hasOne | dataset | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /files
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ This endpoint lets you work with files in the [Exivity home
+ directory](https://docs.exivity.com/getting%20started/installation/1%20node/directory%20structure/#home-directory).
+ Currently, only uploading files is supported.
+ - name: Data pipelines > /metadatadefinition
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Metadata allows you to store information related to a specific account or
+ service. Metadata definitions define the shape of the metadata.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/metadata](https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/metadata)
+ ## The Metadata Definition Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required, unique |
+ | fields | _array_ | 📝 editable | Required, array of **Field Objects**
+ (see below) |
+ **Field Object**
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required, unique |
+ | type | _enum_ (`string`, `list`, `numeric`, `date`) | 📝 editable |
+ Required |
+ | list | _array_ | 📝 editable | Required if `type=list` |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | metadata | hasMany | metadata | ❌ |
+ | datasets | hasMany | datasets | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /metadata
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Metadata allows you to store information related to a specific account or
+ service.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/metadata](https://docs.exivity.com/data-pipelines/metadata)
+ #### The Metadata Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | values | _array_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | definition | hasOne | metadatadefinition | ✅ |
+ | services | hasMany | service | ❌ |
+ | accounts | hasMany | account | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /workflows
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/Architecture%20concepts/Glossary#workflow](https://docs.exivity.com/Architecture%20concepts/Glossary#workflow)
+ A workflow allows you to schedule various tasks and execute them at a
+ specific date and time.
+ **To create a workflow**
+ 1. Create a workflow object
+ 2. Create a workflow schedule
+ 3. Add steps to the workflow
+ #### The Workflow Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | _string_ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | description | _string_ | 📝 editable | |
+ | created_at | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ | updated_at | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | steps | hasMany | workflowstep | ❌ |
+ | schedules | hasMany | workflowschedule | ❌ |
+ | runs | hasMany | workflowrun | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#workflowschedule](https://docs.exivity.com/architecture%20concepts/glossary/#workflowschedule)
+ Schedule how often a workflow should run.
+ #### The Workflow Schedule Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | start_time | _datetime_ | 📝 editable | Required. Earliest time workflow
+ can start. |
+ | timezone | _timezone_ | 📝 editable | Required. The timezone is used
+ only when adjust_for_dst is set to true. If the timezone doesn't use
+ daylight saving time _(i.e. (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time, (UTC+01:00)
+ West Central Africa etc.)_, no changes are applied when calculating the
+ next run. |
+ | adjust_for_dst | _boolean_ | 📝 editable | Required. If true, and
+ the timezone uses daylight saving time, the workflow run time is adjusted
+ to take this into account. **Example:** \* in winter, 00:01 UTC
+ means 01:01 in Berlin \* in summer, 00:01 UTC means 02:01 in Berlin |
+ | frequency | _enum_ (`hourly`_,_ `daily`_,_ `monthly`) | 📝 editable |
+ Required |
+ | frequency_modifier | _integer_ | 📝 editable | Examples
+ _**frequency**_**: daily,** _**frequency_modifier**_**: 2** - the
+ workflow will run every two days _**frequency**_**: hourly,**
+ _**frequency_modifier**_**: 3** - the workflow will run every three hours
+ |
+ | next_run | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | workflow | hasOne | workflow | ✔️ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ A workflow requires one or more steps. These steps are executed when a
+ workflow is run.
+ #### The Workflow Step Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | step_type | enum( `extract`, `transform`, `prepare_report`, `execute`,
+ `proximity`, `publish_report`, `evaluate_budget` ) | 📝 editable |
+ Required |
+ | options | _array, values depend on_ `step_type` | 📝 editable |
+ Required. Each different `step_type` has different options, which are
+ documentated in the "Add a new ... step" sections. |
+ | timeout | _integer_ | 📝 editable | In seconds, default: 3600,min:1,
+ max:86400 |
+ | wait | _boolean_ | 📝 editable | If false, the step will run
+ simultaneously with the previous step. If true, all previous steps
+ will finish executing before this steps is started. |
+ | prev | _integer?_ | 📝 editable | Number of previous step in workflow.
+ Null if first step. |
+ | next | _integer?_ | 📝 editable | Number of next step in workflow. Null
+ if last step. |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | workflow | hasOne | workflow | ✔️ |
+ | steplogs | hasMany | workflowsteplog | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /workflowruns
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ Runs contain workflow status information of workflow runs.
+ #### The Workflow Run Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | start_date | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only |
+ | end_date | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only |
+ | status | _enum_ (`started`, `success`, `failed`, `timed_out`, `invalid`,
+ `internal_error`, `killed`) | 👁 read-only |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | workflow | hasOne | workflow | ✔️ |
+ | steplogs | hasMany | workflowsteplog | ❌ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /workflowsteplogs
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ A steplog contains information about a workflowstep that ran.
+ #### The Workflow Steplog Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | start_date | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ | end_date | _datetime_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ | status | _enum_ (`started`, `success`, `failed`, `timed_out`, `invalid`,
+ `internal_error`, `killed`) | 👁 read-only | |
+ | exit_code | _integer_ | 👁 read-only | 0 or 1 |
+ | log | _string_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ | output | _string_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ | logfile | _string_ | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | run | hasOne | workflowrun | ✔️ |
+ | step | hasOne | workflowstep | ✔️ |
+ - name: Data pipelines > /jobs
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Jobs are long-running processes, running in the background.
+ #### The Job Object
+ ##### Generic variables
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | job_type | _enum_ (`extract`, `prepare_report`, `transform`) | 🔏
+ immutable | |
+ | status | _enum_ (`not_started`, `running`, `succeed`, `failed`,
+ `timeout`, `error_format`, `error_cannot_run`, `killed`) | 👁 read-only |
+ `error_format` - message format error in run command (indicates internal
+ error). `error_cannot_run` - process cannot be executed (typically -
+ executable wasn't found). `killed` - rocess was killed on receipt of
+ kill command |
+ | start_datetime | _string_ | 👁 read-only | Date, format:
+ Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z |
+ | end_datetime | _string_ | 👁 read-only | Date, format: Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z
+ |
+ | timeout | _integer_ | 👁 read-only | In seconds. Default: 86400 (one
+ day). |
+ | options | _array_ | | Input depends on `job_type`. |
+ ##### Extract job options
+ This job will be handled by the Use backend component.
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | extractor_name | _string_ | 🔏 immutable |
+ | arguments | _string?_ | 🔏 immutable |
+ | environment_id | _integer?_ | 🔏 immutable |
+ ##### Prepare report job options
+ This job will be handled by the Edify backend component.
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | report_id | _string_ | 🔏 immutable | |
+ | start_date | _date?_ | 🔏 immutable | Format: Y-m-d |
+ | end_date | _date?_ | 🔏 immutable | Format: Y-m-d |
+ ##### Transform job options
+ This job will be handled by the Transcript backend component.
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | transformer_name | _string_ | 🔏 immutable | |
+ | environment_id | _integer?_ | 🔏 immutable | |
+ | start_date | _date?_ | 🔏 immutable | Format: Y-m-d |
+ | end_date | _date?_ | 🔏 immutable | Format: Y-m-d |
+ | date | _date?_ | 🔏 immutable | Format: Y-m-d |
+ - name: Profile
+ - name: Profile > /notificationchannels
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Notifications are messages that are sent to a specific channel (e-mail,
+ SMS, Slack, webhook) based on an event such as a Published Report, a
+ Budget Evaluation, or a Workflow exit status.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/notifications](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/notifications)
+ ## The NotificationChannel Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | *string* | 📝 editable | Required unless `type=database` |
+ | type | *enum*( `database`, `mail`, `slack`, `nexmo`, `webhook`) | 📝
+ editable | Required |
+ | info | *object* | 📝 editable | Required unless `type=database`. **Info
+ Object** (see below) |
+ **Info Object**
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | recipient | *string* | 📝 editable | Required. Email format if
+ `type=email`. URL format if `type=webhook`. |
+ | cc | *string*? or *array?* | 📝 editable | Can be used if `type=email`.
+ Email format |
+ | bcc | *string?* or *array?* | 📝 editable | Can be used if `type=email`.
+ Email format |
+ | headers | *array* | 📝 editable | Can be used if `type=webhook`. |
+ | tls_verification | *boolean* | 📝 editable | Can be used if
+ `type=webhook`. |
+ | include_attachments | *boolean* | 📝 editable | Can be used if
+ `type=webhook`. |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | hasOne | user | ✔️ |
+ | hasMany | notificationsubscriptions | ❌ |
+ - name: Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Notifications are messages that are sent to a specific channel (e-mail,
+ SMS, Slack, webhook) based on an event such as a Published Report, a
+ Budget Evaluation, or a Workflow exit status.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/notifications](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/notifications)
+ ## The NotificationSubscription Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | *string* | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | type | *enum*(`workflow_ended`, `report_published`, `budget_evaluated`)
+ | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | enabled | *boolean*? | 📝 editable | |
+ | title | *string*? | 📝 editable | It can contain some tags that are
+ being replaced when the notification is sent. Each notification type has
+ its own tags that can be used. For example, workflow.ended supports
+ ${workflow_id}, ${workflow_name}, and ${workflow_status}. |
+ | description | *string*? | 📝 editable | Same behavior as title attribute
+ |
+ | info | *object* | 📝 editable | Required. **Info Object** (see below) |
+ ### **Info Object**
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** | |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | follow | *array*? | 📝 editable | Pass "`*`" to follow all, or pass an
+ array of IDs corresponding to the `type` attribute. | |
+ | only_status | *array* | 📝 editable | `successful`, `failed` | |
+ | files | *object*? | 📝 editable | Use if `type=workflow_ended` **Files
+ Object** (see below) | |
+ | report_id | *number* | 📝 editable | Required if `type=report_published`
+ | |
+ | account_depth | *number* | 📝 editable | Required if
+ `type=report_published` 1-5 | |
+ | report_type | *enum*(`separated`, `consolidated`) | 📝 editable |
+ Required if `type=report_published` | |
+ | dimension | *array* | 📝 editable | Use if `type=report_published`.
+ Specify `services` and/or `instances`. `accounts` can also be included if
+ `report_type=consolidated`. | |
+ | group_by | *enum*( `instances_by_instance`, `instances_by_service`) | 📝
+ editable | Use if `type=report_published`. Dimension must specify
+ `instances`. | |
+ | account_filter | *number*? | 📝 editable | Use if
+ `type=report_published`. | |
+ | date_settings | *enum*(`previous_month`, `month_to_date`) | 📝 editable
+ | Required if `type=report_published` | |
+ | format | *enum*(`csv`, `pdf/summary`) | 📝 editable | Required if
+ `type=report_published` | |
+ | budget_id | *number* | 📝 editable | Required if `type=budget_evaluated`
+ | |
+ | threshold_percentage | *number* | 📝 editable | Required if
+ `type=budget_evaluated`. 0-100 | |
+ | only_once | *boolean* | 📝 editable | Required if
+ `type=budget_evaluated` | |
+ | account_ids | *array* | 📝 editable | Required if
+ `type=budget_evaluated` | |
+ #### Files Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | compress_attachments | *boolean*? | 📝 editable | |
+ | edited_since_workflow_started | *boolean*? | 📝 editable | |
+ | filename | *array* | 📝 editable | List of filenames to include. Can use
+ regular expressions |
+ ## Relationships
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | user | hasOne | user | ✔️ |
+ | channel | hasOne | notificationchannel | ✔️ |
+ - name: Profile > /notifications
+ description: >-
+ Get all database notifications.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/notifications](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/notifications)
+ - name: Administration
+ - name: Administration > /users
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Everyone connecting to our API needs a valid user account. Users can
+ change some of their details themselves.
+ Users with the "manage_users" permission can view, create, edit and delete
+ users on the system.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/user-management/users](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/user-management/users)
+ ## User Object
+ | attribute | type | mutability | description |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | id | string | 👁 read-only | Required, unique |
+ | account_access_type | enum(all, custom) | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | current_password | string | 🔏 immutable | Required only used when
+ updating user |
+ | display_name | string | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | email_address | string | 📝 editable | Required, unique email, max 255
+ characters |
+ | password | string | 📝 editable | Required, min 8 characters |
+ | source | enum(local, ldap, saml) | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | username | string | 📝 editable | Required, unique |
+ Relationships
+ | relationship | cardinality | type | required |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | usergroup | hasOne | usergroup | ✔️ |
+ | accounts | hasMany | account | ❌ |
+ | channels | hasMany | notificationchannel | ❌ |
+ | notificationsubscriptions | hasMany | notificationsubscriptions | ❌ |
+ - name: Administration > /users > /users/me
+ - name: Administration > /usergroups
+ description: >-
+ ## Usergroup Object
+ It is possible to create custom usergroups, with different permissions.
+ Users can be assigned to different usergroups.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/user-management/groups](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/user-management/groups)
+ | attribute | type | mutability | description |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | *string* | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | permissions | *array* | 📝 editable | Required, *permissions* (**see
+ below**) |
+ **Permissions**
+ Please see the Exivity documentation for more information on specific
+ permissions:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/user-management/groups#user-permissions](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/user-management/groups#user-permissions)
+ The following is a list of currently supported permission on our system:
+ * `view_audit`
+ * `view_billing`
+ * `view_budgets`
+ * `view_cogs`
+ * `view_logs`
+ * `manage_accounts`
+ * `manage_catalogue`
+ * `manage_data_sources`
+ * `manage_datasets`
+ * `manage_files`
+ * `manage_metadata_definitions`
+ * `manage_reports`
+ * `manage_settings`
+ * `manage_users`
+ * `manage_workflows`
+ | relationship | cardinality | type | required |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | users | hasMany | user | ❌ |
+ - name: Administration > /configurations
+ description: The system can be configured using these endpoints.
+ - name: Administration > /configurations > system
+ description: >-
+ #### System Configuration Keys
+ | **key** | **type** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- |
+ | APP_DEBUG | _bool, default_ `false` | Turn debug mode on/off. In debug
+ more, a lot more log files are generated. Not recommended for production
+ systems. |
+ | APP_NAME | _string, default_ `Exivity` | The name of the application |
+ | APP_ICON | string, max length: 1024 kilobytes | Inline image, encoded in
+ base64 |
+ | APP_LOGO | string, max length: 512 kilobytes | Inline image, encoded in
+ base64 |
+ | APP_FAVICON | string, max length: 5 kilobytes | Website favicon. Inline
+ image, encoded in base64 |
+ | APP_COLOUR | _string, default_ `#00a8d8` | Brand colour |
+ | APP_CSS | _string_ | Custom CSS to use on the website |
+ | APP_DOCUMENTATION | _bool, default_ `true` | Enable to show
+ documentation link in the website header. |
+ | APP_LANGUAGE | _string, default_ `en` | |
+ | FINGERPRINTER | _string, default_ `secure_ip_useragent` | Fingerprint
+ algorithm used to verify user location matches location where token was
+ generated. **secure** - checks protocals match (e.g. http/https)
+ **ip** - Checks the IP addresses match. **useragent** - Checks
+ the request is coming from the same user agent. Possible values:
+ `secure_ip_useragent` / `secure_useragent` |
+ | PUBLIC_ROOT | | The default front-end URL clients should connect to.
+ Fill out as [https://example.com](https://example.com). |
+ | SSO_LOGIN_METHOD | _in: local_user_or_ldap, local_user_only,
+ local_user_or_saml, saml_only, local_user_or_ldap_or_saml**Default_
+ `local_user_or_ldap` | |
+ | ANALYTICS | | |
+ | ERROR_TRACKING | | Enabling this option will report anonymous error
+ metrics so we can make our product better. |
+ | USE_CACHE | | |
+ | CURRENCY | _string, default:_ `EUR` | |
+ | CURRENCY_FORMAT | _string, default:_ `€` | |
+ | DECIMAL_SEPARATOR | _string, default:_ `.` | |
+ | CSV_DELIMITER | _in:_ `,`, `;`, `:`, `\t`, pipe _Default_: `,` |
+ Field delimiter for CSV exports |
+ | CSV_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR | _in:_ `,`, `.` _Default:_ `.` | Decimal
+ separator for CSV exports |
+ | THOUSAND_SEPARATOR | _nullable, in:_ `,`, `.`, `'` or space
+ _Default:_ `,` | |
+ | RATE_PRECISION | _int, default:_ `8` | Precision for rates as displayed
+ on the summary report. |
+ | REPORT_PRECISION | _int, default:_ `2` | Precision for currency amounts
+ displayed on reports other than summaries. |
+ | SUMMARY_PRECISION | _int, default:_ `2` | Precision for currency amounts
+ displayed on the summary report. |
+ | QUANTITY_PRECISION | _int, default:_ `6` | |
+ | PERCENTAGE_PRECISION | _int, default:_ `2` | |
+ | DATE_FORMAT | _string, default:_ `dd-MM-yyyy` |
+ [https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table)
+ |
+ | SUMMARY_TITLE | _string, default_ `Summary` | |
+ | SUMMARY_MIN_COMMIT | _string, default_ `Uplift for minimum commitment of
+ {quantity} {label}` | Used as line item description for minimum commit
+ uplifts. The identifier `{quantity}` will be replaced with the minimum
+ commitment quantity, and `{label}` will be replaced with the unit label. |
+ | GRAPH_MAX_SERIES | _int, default_ `15` | |
+ | REPORT_START_MONTH | _int, default_ `1` | |
+ | DISCLAIMER_ENABLED | _bool, default_ `false` | Show disclaimer as a page
+ overlay once to new users. Users will only be allowed to continue to the
+ app if they agree with the disclaimer text. |
+ | DISCLAIMER_TITLE | _string, default_ `Disclaimer` | Title shown in the
+ disclaimer overlay. |
+ | DISCLAIMER_TEXT | _string_ | Main disclaimer text shown in the
+ disclaimer overlay. Markdown is supported. |
+ | DISCLAIMER_AGREE_BUTTON_TEXT | _string, default_ `I agree` | Button text
+ shown in the disclaimer overlay which users have to click in order to
+ continue to the app. |
+ | TOKEN_TTL | _string, default_ `4 hours` | Token lifetime - Set the token
+ expiration time interval. Users will have to login again after their token
+ expires. |
+ | ALLOW_PERSISTENT_TOKENS | _bool, default_ `false` | Allow users to
+ remain logged in for duration of the token lifetime. |
+ | PASSWORD_POLICY | _in: length, length_dictionary,
+ length_dictionary_entropy.**Default_ `length_dictionary` | `length` - min
+ 8 characters long `dictionary` - does not allow comon dictionary
+ words. `entropy` - the [Shannon
+ Entropy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)) of
+ the characters must be greater than 3.5 |
+ | MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS | _int, default_ `5` | |
+ | LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_INTERVAL | _string_ | If null, there's no limit,
+ otherwise, `15 minutes`, `1 hour`, `2 hours`, `30 minutes`, etc. |
+ | BLOCK_LOGIN_DURATION | _string, default_ `15 minutes` | `15 minutes`, `1
+ hour`, `2 hours`, `30 minutes`, etc. |
+ - name: Administration > /configurations > saml
+ - name: Administration > /configurations > services
+ - name: Administration > /configurations > /configurationchecks
+ - name: Administration > /auditentries
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ ## The Audit Object
+ | attribute | type | mutability | description |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | user_id | *string* | 👁 read-only | |
+ | user_name | *string* | 👁 read-only | |
+ | component | *string* | 👁 read-only | `scaffold`, `proximity`,
+ `transcript`, `edify` |
+ | category | *string* | 👁 read-only | `budget`, `extractor`, `rate`,
+ `rdf`, `report`, `service`, `subscription`, `system`, `transformer`,
+ `user`, `usergroup`, `workflow` |
+ | action | *string* | 👁 read-only | `login`, `access`, `create`,
+ `modify`, `delete`, `other` |
+ | message | *string* | 👁 read-only | |
+ | created_at | *string* | 👁 read-only | |
+ | relationships | *string* | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | relationship | cardinality | type | required |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | user | hasOne | user | ❌ |
+ - name: Administration > /logs
+ description: >-
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/troubleshooting/logs](https://docs.exivity.com/troubleshooting/logs)
+ - name: Administration > /licence
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support:❌
+ In order to have a fully functional solution, you need a valid license.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/licence](https://docs.exivity.com/how%20to%20guides/how%20to%20update%20your%20license/)
+ #### The Licence Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutabilty** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | status | _enum_ (`valid`, `expired`, `invalid`, `pending`, `notfound`,
+ `error`) | 👁 read-only | |
+ | expiresAfter | _string_ | 👁 read-only | Date, format: Y-m-d |
+ - name: Administration > /system
+ - name: Administration > /system > /cache
+ - name: Administration > /environments
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ Environments store global variables. An environment can be set as the
+ default; variables defined in the default environment are also available
+ in all other environments and can be overridden in each environment.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/settings/global-variables](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/settings/global-variables)
+ ## The Environment Object
+ | attribute | type | mutability | description |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | string | 📝 editable | Required, unique |
+ | default_flag | boolean | 📝 editable | Required |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | relationship | cardinality | type | required |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | variables | hasMany | variables | ❌ |
+ - name: Administration > /variables
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ✔️
+ *Global Variables* enable users to configure Exivity system-wide variables
+ which can be used in any Extractor or Transformer script.
+ Exivity documentation:
+ [https://docs.exivity.com/administration/settings/global-variables](https://docs.exivity.com/administration/settings/global-variables)
+ ## The Variables Object
+ | attribute | type | mutability | description |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | name | string | 📝 editable | Required, unique |
+ | value | string | 📝 editable | Required |
+ | encrypted | boolean | 🔏 immutable | Required |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | environment | hasOne | environment | ✔️ |
+ - name: Administration > /failed-jobs
+ - name: Administration > Billing
+ - name: Administration > Billing > /cuprs
+ description: |-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ #### The CUPRS Object
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | month | string | 👁 read-only | In yyyy-mm format. |
+ | value | integer | 👁 read-only | |
+ | meta | | 👁 read-only | |
+ The following relationships can be included:
+ | **relationship** | **cardinality** | **type** | **required** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | dset | hasOne | dset | ✔️ |
+ /:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - General
+ summary: Power-on self-test
+ description: >-
+ A simple test to check the system is set up correctly. If all is well,
+ this request should return a simple HTML page with a link to the API
+ documentation.
+ It is also possible to ask for a JSON response, using the `Accept:
+ application/json` header.
+ This will return a 204 response if all is good, or a 500 error with a
+ JSON error message if something is not correct.
+ In debug mode, this will also contain a `meta` field, listing the area
+ where the problem is.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Content-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: gzip
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: text/html; charset=UTF-8
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 05 Mar 2018 19:06:06 GMT
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx/1.13.5
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Vary:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Accept-Encoding
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: |-
+ Exivity
+ Exivity API
+ api reference
+ /v2/:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - General
+ summary: JSON API Version information
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 11:38:47 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X5089b2c8b8a9f43ba7727d989f458a5b
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-qhd1DnWhmfYBJ6yijPsKBoFDr8EEgAjc';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-qhd1DnWhmfYBJ6yijPsKBoFDr8EEgAjc';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: c41ee291-c35a-48e8-9dea-f7fd8793c289
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ jsonapi:
+ version: '1.1'
+ ext:
+ - https://jsonapi.org/ext/atomic
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - General
+ summary: JSON API atomic operation
+ description: >-
+ Many endpoint support Atomic Operations. This provides a means to
+ perform multiple “operations” in a linear and atomic manner.
+ At the top of all endpoints, it states whether or not it supports atomic
+ operations.
+ Example: Atomic support: ✔️
+ Please read the [JSON:API Atomic
+ Operations](https://jsonapi.org/ext/atomic/) documentation and see the
+ examples to understand how this works.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ atomic:operations:
+ - op: add
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ lid: foo
+ attributes:
+ name: Atomic workflow
+ description: My new atomic workflow
+ - op: add
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ lid: bar
+ attributes:
+ type: execute
+ timeout: 600
+ options:
+ command: echo "testing"
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ lid: foo
+ - op: add
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ lid: bar
+ attributes:
+ type: extract
+ timeout: 600
+ options:
+ script: Workflow_extractor
+ from_date_offset: '-2'
+ to_date_offset: '2'
+ arguments: test1 test2
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ lid: foo
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json;ext="https://jsonapi.org/ext/atomic"
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 11:34:13 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Xzj1vgBU6i1N2MrvT0tIZQnRvqYytAoL';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Xzj1vgBU6i1N2MrvT0tIZQnRvqYytAoL';font-src 'self' data:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Example add operation
+ value:
+ - data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '39'
+ attributes:
+ name: Atomic workflow
+ description: My new atomic workflow
+ created_at: '2021-04-22T11:34:13Z'
+ updated_at: '2021-04-22T11:34:13Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/2/workflows/39
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/39/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/39/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/39/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/39/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/39/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/39/schedules
+ example-1:
+ summary: Example update operation
+ value:
+ - data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '42'
+ attributes:
+ name: Atomic workflow
+ description: My new description
+ created_at: '2021-04-22T11:37:32Z'
+ updated_at: '2021-04-22T11:46:57Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/2/workflows/42
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/42/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/42/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/42/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/42/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/42/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/2/workflow/42/schedules
+ example-2:
+ summary: Example remove operation
+ value:
+ - {}
+ example-3:
+ summary: Example LID operation
+ value:
+ atomic:results:
+ - data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '11'
+ attributes:
+ name: Atomic workflow
+ description: My new atomic workflow
+ created_at: '2022-10-24T10:22:46Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-10-24T10:22:46Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/11
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/11/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/11/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/11/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/11/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/11/relationships/schedules
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/11/schedules
+ - data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ id: '11'
+ attributes:
+ type: execute
+ options:
+ command: echo "testing"
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/11
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/11/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/11/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/11/relationships/steplogs
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/11/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/11/relationships/previous
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/11/previous
+ - data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ id: '12'
+ attributes:
+ type: extract
+ options:
+ script: Workflow_extractor
+ from_date_offset: -2
+ to_date_offset: 2
+ arguments: test1 test2
+ environment_id: null
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/12
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/12/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/12/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/12/relationships/steplogs
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/12/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/12/relationships/previous
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/12/previous
+ /v2/auth/token:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /token
+ summary: Generate token
+ description: |-
+ ⚡ Not JSON:API compliant
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ Generate a new JWT authentication token.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/x-www-form-urlencoded:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ username:
+ type: string
+ description: string
+ example: '{{username}}'
+ password:
+ type: string
+ description: string
+ example: '{{password}}'
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 02 Mar 2021 15:28:26 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-SX7L8Ye7duU8Jrne9OLmj9WCuExQMZX6';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-SX7L8Ye7duU8Jrne9OLmj9WCuExQMZX6';font-src 'self' data:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: auth
+ id: 2021-03-02 15:28:261f437713-e6e6-483e-9dac-7ffd508433fc
+ attributes:
+ type: token
+ value: >-
+ permissions:
+ - '*'
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ id: 1f437713-e6e6-483e-9dac-7ffd508433fc
+ username: admin
+ email_address: tester@exivity.com
+ account_access_type: all
+ source: local
+ display_name: admin
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /token
+ summary: Refresh token
+ description: 'Atomic support: ❌'
+ requestBody:
+ content: {}
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `user`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 19 May 2022 09:51:30 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X2c579cd1c86a7ff379ab181ac2e38a7d
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X2c579cd1c86a7ff379ab181ac2e38a7d
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-66Uvchfcjhvt6gzrQo8VQAeY61i8MEDl';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-66Uvchfcjhvt6gzrQo8VQAeY61i8MEDl';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: be427631-7bb4-4b07-9ef5-e2508decf08a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Refresh token
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: auth
+ id: 2022-05-19 09:51:300d7c5635-c97e-4944-9f0c-cacd4c9cbcd3
+ attributes:
+ type: token
+ value: >-
+ eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTI5NTM4OTAsImV4cCI6MTY1Mjk2ODI5MCwidXNlciI6IjBkN2M1NjM1LWM5N2UtNDk0NC05ZjBjLWNhY2Q0YzljYmNkMyIsImZpbmdlcnByaW50IjoiZTE2NjIzYmU4YmYxNjhhYjYyYmRkNWFjZTVmYWU5ODNjNjdhNjZkYSJ9.HvJdL4u0jjvZkugCGwOsBSJWs6zB62K-Z0v8FJouoVI
+ permissions:
+ - '*'
+ example-1:
+ summary: Refresh token including user
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: auth
+ id: 2022-07-21 13:59:005ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46
+ attributes:
+ type: token
+ value: >-
+ eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTg0MTE5NDAsImV4cCI6MTY1ODQyNjM0MCwidXNlciI6IjVlZTBjZGNhLTI3NzMtNGI5Ny05ZjA5LTgyM2IwOTE5OGI0NiIsImZpbmdlcnByaW50IjoiZTE2NjIzYmU4YmYxNjhhYjYyYmRkNWFjZTVmYWU5ODNjNjdhNjZkYSJ9.p6vqp56oer4SLi6K4DjSvZyyoQ0-P9GjlYI7gk9O0_o
+ permissions:
+ - '*'
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ data:
+ type: user
+ id: 5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46
+ included:
+ - type: user
+ id: 5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46
+ attributes:
+ username: admin
+ email_address: ''
+ account_access_type: all
+ source: local
+ display_name: admin
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46
+ relationships:
+ usergroup:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46/relationships/usergroup
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46/usergroup
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46/accounts
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46/notificationchannels
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/users/5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46/notificationsubscriptions
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /token
+ summary: Revoke token
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content` success status response will be
+ returned.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 19 May 2022 09:53:32 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X14136f0c07e5434849705c5e2346460c
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ODehl4E3uE3u6Kkdxz6iKDOSKYhUMUtc';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ODehl4E3uE3u6Kkdxz6iKDOSKYhUMUtc';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ad950107-ea55-4a83-a35e-89bea5aaf0c4
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/auth/saml/login:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /saml
+ summary: Initiate SAML login request
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ Redirects to SAML Identity Provider SSO URL set in the SAML
+ configuration. After a successful authentication (possibly interactive),
+ it will redirect back to this APIs ACS endpoint.
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: return_url
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/auth/saml/logout:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /saml
+ summary: Initiate SAML logout request
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ Redirects to SAML Identity Provider SLO URL set in the SAML
+ configuration. After the user has been logged out, it will redirect back
+ to this APIs SLS endpoint.
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: return_url
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Glass URL to return to after logging out. If not specified, inferred
+ from Referer header.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/auth/saml/metadata:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /saml
+ summary: Entity ID endpoint
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ Metadata about the SAML Service Provider instance will be published at
+ this URL.
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/auth/saml/acs:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /saml
+ summary: ACS endpoint
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ Assertion Consumer Service. If the received response from the SAML
+ Identity Provider is valid, redirects to the Exivity dashboard.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ multipart/form-data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/auth/saml/sls:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /saml
+ summary: SLS endpoint
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ Single Logout Service. If the received response from the SAML Identity
+ Provider is valid, redirects back to the login screen of Exivity.
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/auth/resetpassword:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /resetpassword
+ summary: Request a password reset
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ This request required an email address. It checks that it is valid in
+ our system and they email the user a reset token.
+ On success, a `HTTP 204 No Content` success status response will be
+ returned.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '"{\n \"email_address\": \"{{email_address}}\"\n}"'
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 19 May 2022 10:05:55 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X565465f79c1e0e1e9dcf0da140fa6b39
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X565465f79c1e0e1e9dcf0da140fa6b39
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6L73sovaiU5FEBZn7LsrMzkMIFNFSlpO';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6L73sovaiU5FEBZn7LsrMzkMIFNFSlpO';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: fe8faaf6-d295-4f28-93a8-41a5c6221cf3
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ put:
+ tags:
+ - Authentication > /resetpassword
+ summary: Perform a password reset
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ This step uses the reset token send in an email to validate the user and
+ then reset their password.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"token\": \"{{reset_token}}\",\n\t\"username\":
+ \"{{username}}\",\n\t\"password\":
+ \"{{password}}\",\n\t\"password_confirmation\":
+ \"{{password_confirmation}}\"\n}"
+ security:
+ - noauthAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/reportdefinitions:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reportdefinitions
+ summary: Retrieve a list of report definitions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `accounts`,
+ `metadatadefinitions`, `dataset`, `budgets`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 09:09:24 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X98a1a3bd5cb17ad45a8680b4787dd7cf
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-sjlsB9jHirCZDOfrSw2jm8sACOsdE2FA';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-sjlsB9jHirCZDOfrSw2jm8sACOsdE2FA';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 97cb2687-bed9-4bcc-bd68-a055aafddb00
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: reportdefinition
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ created: '2022-09-29T07:19:19Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-09-29T07:19:19Z'
+ depth: 5
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 1
+ - key_column: Customer
+ name_column: Customer
+ label: Customer
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 2
+ - key_column: Region
+ name_column: Region
+ label: Region
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 3
+ - key_column: Department
+ name_column: Department
+ label: Department
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 4
+ - key_column: UniqueID
+ name_column: UniqueID
+ label: UniqueID
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
+ errors: 0
+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: ok
+ account_sync: true
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: ok
+ account_sync: true
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: ok
+ account_sync: true
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/1
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/1/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/1/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/1/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/1/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/1/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/1/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/1/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/1/budgets
+ - type: reportdefinition
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - 657
+ created: '2022-09-29T07:20:26Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-09-29T07:20:26Z'
+ depth: 2
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Country
+ name_column: Country
+ label: Country
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 1
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 2
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
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+ level: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
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+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
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+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/3
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/3/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/3/accounts
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+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/3/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/3/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/3/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/3/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/3/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/3/budgets
+ - type: reportdefinition
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - visualize back-end communities
+ created: '2022-10-13T15:24:16Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-10-13T15:24:16Z'
+ depth: 2
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 1
+ - key_column: Customer
+ name_column: Customer
+ label: Department
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 2
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 3
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 4
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
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+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
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+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/4
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/4/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/4/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/4/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/4/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/4/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/4/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/4/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/4/budgets
+ - type: reportdefinition
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - whiteboard out-of-the-box e-tailers
+ created: '2022-10-24T08:40:51Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-10-24T08:40:51Z'
+ depth: 2
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 1
+ - key_column: Customer
+ name_column: Customer
+ label: Department
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 2
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 3
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 4
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
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+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/5
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/5/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/5/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/5/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/5/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/5/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/5/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/5/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/5/budgets
+ - type: reportdefinition
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - seize dynamic synergies
+ created: '2022-10-24T08:41:49Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-10-24T08:41:49Z'
+ depth: 2
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 1
+ - key_column: Customer
+ name_column: Customer
+ label: Department
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 2
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 3
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 4
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
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+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/6
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/6/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/6/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/6/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/6/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/6/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/6/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/6/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/6/budgets
+ - type: reportdefinition
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - recontextualize world-class experiences
+ created: '2022-10-24T09:08:16Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-10-24T09:08:16Z'
+ depth: 2
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 1
+ - key_column: Customer
+ name_column: Customer
+ label: Department
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 2
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 3
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 4
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
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+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/7
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/7/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/7/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/7/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/7/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/7/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/7/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/7/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/7/budgets
+ - type: reportdefinition
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - exploit cross-media architectures
+ created: '2022-10-24T09:08:27Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-10-24T09:08:27Z'
+ depth: 2
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 1
+ - key_column: Customer
+ name_column: Customer
+ label: Department
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 2
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 3
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 4
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
+ errors: 0
+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/8
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/8/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/8/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/8/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/8/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/8/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/8/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/8/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/8/budgets
+ - type: reportdefinition
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - productize robust platforms
+ created: '2022-10-24T09:08:37Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-10-24T09:08:37Z'
+ depth: 2
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 1
+ - key_column: Customer
+ name_column: Customer
+ label: Department
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 2
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 3
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 4
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
+ errors: 0
+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/budgets
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+ total: 8
+ count: 8
+ per_page: 15
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+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
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+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
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+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reportdefinitions
+ summary: Add a new report definition
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"reportdefinition\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Test report -
+ {{$randomBs}}\",\r\n \"level_keys\":
+ [\r\n {\r\n \"key_column\":
+ \"Reseller\",\r\n \"name_column\":
+ \"Reseller\",\r\n \"label\":
+ \"Reseller\",\r\n \"level\":
+ 1\r\n },\r\n
+ {\r\n \"key_column\":
+ \"Customer\",\r\n \"name_column\":
+ \"Customer\",\r\n \"level\":
+ 2\r\n },\r\n
+ {\r\n \"label\":
+ \"Department\",\r\n \"level\":
+ 3\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n\t\t},\r\n
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+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"dataset\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{dataset_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
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+ - bearerAuth: []
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+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 08:25:25 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.2.6
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v2/ReportDefinition/ReportDefinitions
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
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+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
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+ example: 1; mode=block
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+ type: string
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
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+ example: 087ecc0a-36d6-425d-8951-1e6ccd9c67ab
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: reportdefinition
+ id: '11'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - implement extensible portals
+ created_at: '2023-07-18T08:25:25Z'
+ updated_at: '2023-07-18T08:25:25Z'
+ depth: 2
+ outdated_start_date: null
+ outdated_end_date: null
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ level: 1
+ metadatadefinition_id: null
+ - key_column: Customer
+ name_column: Customer
+ label: null
+ level: 2
+ metadatadefinition_id: null
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11/relationships/accounts
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11/metadatadefinitions
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+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11/budgets
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+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11/relationships/reportstatuses
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/11/reportstatuses
+ /v2/reportdefinitions/{reportdefinition_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reportdefinitions
+ summary: Retrieve a report definition
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: reportdefinition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{reportdefinition_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 09:10:40 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X2939ee9da6306eba669363b7bd128951
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ZdrumpO5nwqA8lp0ZeZNT613vL36Yl8M';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ZdrumpO5nwqA8lp0ZeZNT613vL36Yl8M';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: a8e2571c-7dfc-458b-b266-65e769099b71
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: reportdefinition
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test report - productize robust platforms
+ created: '2022-10-24T09:08:37Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-10-24T09:08:37Z'
+ depth: 2
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 1
+ - key_column: Customer
+ name_column: Customer
+ label: Department
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 2
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 3
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 4
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
+ errors: 0
+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/accounts
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/budgets
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reportdefinitions
+ summary: Update a report definition
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"reportdefinition\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{reportdefinition_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Modified test report -
+ {{$randomBs}}\"\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: reportdefinition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 24 Oct 2022 09:12:35 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X7cd3b6c4c7de07ef9f70da95707b361a
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Qsqq3XL4Wa7lIPcrCL1q5l97gQCiWZq0';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Qsqq3XL4Wa7lIPcrCL1q5l97gQCiWZq0';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 5e3fe0e4-9383-4cef-be3a-831adaab59b2
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: reportdefinition
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ name: >-
+ Modified test report - disintermediate compelling
+ applications
+ created: '2022-10-24T09:08:37Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-10-24T09:12:35Z'
+ depth: 2
+ level_keys:
+ - key_column: Reseller
+ name_column: Reseller
+ label: Reseller
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 1
+ - key_column: Customer
+ name_column: Customer
+ label: Department
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 2
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 3
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 4
+ - key_column: ''
+ name_column: ''
+ label: ''
+ metadata_definition_id: null
+ level: 5
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
+ errors: 0
+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: unknown
+ account_sync: false
+ prepared: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/accounts
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reportdefinitions/9/budgets
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reportdefinitions
+ summary: Delete a report definition
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: reportdefinition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{reportdefinition_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 19 May 2022 15:18:55 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xb360dba33dad4b207dc6538636fac9a2
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xb360dba33dad4b207dc6538636fac9a2
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-unkhahtnFklukvLScqFplLaxID7SY2aM';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-unkhahtnFklukvLScqFplLaxID7SY2aM';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 5398c895-5b92-4a38-8bd8-bb4d658bdaa4
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/reportdata/{reportdefinition_id}/run:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reportdata
+ summary: Get report data
+ description: >-
+ The output format when either `json` or `csv` is selected as the
+ `format` parameter:
+ attribute | type | description
+ --------------------------------|-------------|-----------------------
+ rate_id | *string* | Key for the applicable
+ rate
+ service_id | *string* | Key for the applicable
+ service, only when `services` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ servicecategory_id | *string* | Key for the applicable
+ service category, only when `services` is included in the `dimension`
+ parameter
+ account_id | *string* | Key for the applicable
+ account, only when `accounts` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ instance_value | *string* | Unique identifier for
+ the applicable instance, only when `instances` is included in the
+ `dimension` parameter
+ day | *string* | The day in `YYYYMMDD`
+ format, only when the `timeline` parameter is set to `day`
+ month | *string* | The month in `YYYYMM`
+ format, only when the `timeline` parameter is set to `month`
+ subtotal_quantity | *float* | Quantity before
+ adjustments and mininum commit are applied
+ min_commit_delta_quantity | *float* | Difference in quantity
+ based on applying minimum commit, only populated when `instances` is not
+ included in the `dimension` parameter
+ total_quantity | *float* | Quantity after
+ adjustments and mininum commit are applied. If `instances` is included
+ in the `dimension` parameter, equal to _subtotal_quantity_.
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge | *float* | Fraction of charge based
+ on a per unit rate, before adjustments and mininum commit are applied
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge | *float* | Fraction of charge based
+ on a per interval rate, before adjustments and mininum commit are
+ applied
+ avg_unit_based_rate | *float* | Average per unit rate
+ avg_interval_based_rate | *float* | _placeholder_
+ subtotal_charge | *float* | Charge (same as
+ `unit_based_subtotal_charge + interval_based_subtotal_charge`) before
+ adjustments and mininum commit are applied
+ min_commit_delta_charge | *float* | Difference in charge
+ based on applying minimum commit, only populated when `instances` is not
+ included in the `dimension` parameter
+ total_charge | *float* | Charge after adjustments
+ and mininum commit are applied. If `instances` is included in the
+ `dimension` parameter, equal to _subtotal_charge_.
+ total_cogs | *float* | Cogs, only if user
+ permissions includes `VIEW_COGS`
+ total_net | *float* | Net (same as
+ `total_charge - total_cogs`), only if user permissions includes
+ adjustments | *array* | Adjustments data (see
+ below), only populated when `instances` is not included in the
+ `dimension` parameter
+ account_name | *string* | Name for the applicable
+ account, only when `accounts` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ and `account_name` is included in the `include` parameter
+ service_description | *string* | Description for the
+ applicable service, only when `services` is included in the `dimension`
+ parameter and `service_description` is included in the `include`
+ parameter
+ servicecategory_name | *string* | Name for the applicable
+ service category, only when `services` is included in the `dimension`
+ parameter and `servicecategory_name` is included in the `include`
+ parameter
+ The output format of the embedded adjustments data:
+ attribute | type | description
+ --------------------------------|-------------|-----------------------
+ id | *integer* | Key for the applicable adjustment
+ charge | *float* | Difference in quantity based on applying
+ this adjustment
+ quantity | *float* | Difference in charge based on applying
+ this adjustment
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The start of the date range (inclusive) you want to run the report
+ for in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ example: '{{start}}'
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The end of the date range (inclusive) you want to run the report for
+ in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ example: '{{end}}'
+ - name: dimension
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The dimension you want to include in the output. One of `accounts`,
+ `services` or `instances` (or a combination of those as a comma
+ separated list). Defaults to `accounts,services`. When `instances`
+ is included, price and quantity adjustments and minimum commit are
+ not reflected in the data.
+ - name: timeline
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: One of `day`, `month` or `none`. Defaults to `day`.
+ - name: depth
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The depth in the report definition you want to report on. Defaults
+ to 1.
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optionally specify a list of extra fields you want to output with
+ the results. Possible fields are `account_key`, `account_name`,
+ `service_key`, `service_description`, `servicecategory_name`,
+ `start_date`, `end_date`, `adjustment_name` (or a combination of
+ those as a comma separated list). The account and service fields are
+ only available if their respective dimension is included in the
+ request.
+ - name: filter[field]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optionally [filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this
+ attribute. Possible fields are `account_id`, `parent_account_id`,
+ `service_id`, `servicecategory_id`, `instance`. This parameter can
+ occur multiple times in a request to filter by multiple fields.
+ - name: format
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: One of `json`, `csv` or `pdf/summary`. Default to `json`.
+ - name: precision
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Specify `highest` to get raw precision, use configuration otherwise.
+ Defaults to `configuration`.
+ - name: progress
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ When set to `1` and format is `json`, results will be streamed with
+ progress indicator in response body. When format is `csv`, results
+ are always streamed without progress indicator, `pdf/ínvoice` is
+ never streamed. Defaults to `1`.
+ - name: csv_delimiter
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The CSV delimiter to use. Only applicable when `format` is set to
+ `csv`. Possible values: `,`, `;`, `:`, `\t`, `|`. Leave blank to use
+ configuration.
+ - name: csv_decimal_separator
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The decimal separator to use. Only applicable when `format` is set
+ to `csv`. Possible values: `,`, `.`. Leave blank to use
+ configuration.
+ - name: summary_options
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ List of options for the pdf/summary format, in a comma seperated
+ list. Possible options: `consolidated`, `accounts`, `services`,
+ `instances_by_instance` and `instances_by_service`. Defaults to
+ `services`.
+ - name: reportdefinition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: ID of report to run
+ example: '{{reportdefinition_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 19 May 2022 15:18:18 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xacc387a439f53c6c50277701a698ec42
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xacc387a439f53c6c50277701a698ec42
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6A7UAvMgVvOkdyWY1qvkOGjJpzVHLIfX';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6A7UAvMgVvOkdyWY1qvkOGjJpzVHLIfX';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 66a14368-6869-41b3-b2f9-7d98dc231387
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: report
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Modified test report - scale one-to-one experiences
+ dset: test.usage
+ created: '2022-05-19T14:50:51Z'
+ last_updated: '2022-05-19T14:51:23Z'
+ lvl1_key_col: Customer
+ lvl1_name_col: Customer
+ lvl1_label: Customer
+ lvl1_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl2_key_col: Reseller
+ lvl2_name_col: Reseller
+ lvl2_label: Reseller
+ lvl2_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl3_key_col: ''
+ lvl3_name_col: ''
+ lvl3_label: ''
+ lvl3_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl4_key_col: ''
+ lvl4_name_col: ''
+ lvl4_label: ''
+ lvl4_metadata_definition_id: null
+ lvl5_key_col: ''
+ lvl5_name_col: ''
+ lvl5_label: ''
+ lvl5_metadata_definition_id: null
+ depth: 2
+ data_status:
+ first_date: '2017-08-25'
+ last_date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: 0
+ errors: 0
+ status:
+ - date: '2017-08-25'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: ok
+ account_sync: true
+ prepared: true
+ - date: '2017-08-26'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: ok
+ account_sync: true
+ prepared: true
+ - date: '2017-08-27'
+ missing: false
+ column_status: ok
+ account_sync: true
+ prepared: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/reports/4
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reports/4/relationships/accounts
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reports/4/accounts
+ metadatadefinitions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reports/4/relationships/metadatadefinitions
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reports/4/metadatadefinitions
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reports/4/relationships/dataset
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reports/4/dataset
+ budgets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reports/4/relationships/budgets
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/reports/4/budgets
+ meta:
+ report:
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '2.000000'
+ total_quantity: '2.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '5.00'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '5.00'
+ total_charge: '5.00'
+ total_cogs: '4.40'
+ total_net: '0.60'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '56'
+ service_id: '64'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '2.000000'
+ total_quantity: '2.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '2.40'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '2.40'
+ total_charge: '2.40'
+ total_cogs: '1.60'
+ total_net: '0.80'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '1.20000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '56'
+ service_id: '65'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '116.000000'
+ total_quantity: '116.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '1985.04'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '1985.04'
+ total_charge: '1985.04'
+ total_cogs: '1600.80'
+ total_net: '384.24'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '17.11240000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '56'
+ service_id: '66'
+ servicecategory_id: '47'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '11.000000'
+ total_quantity: '11.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '27.50'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '27.50'
+ total_charge: '27.50'
+ total_cogs: '24.20'
+ total_net: '3.30'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '57'
+ service_id: '64'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '4.000000'
+ total_quantity: '4.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '4.80'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '4.80'
+ total_charge: '4.80'
+ total_cogs: '3.20'
+ total_net: '1.60'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '1.20000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '57'
+ service_id: '65'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '120.000000'
+ total_quantity: '120.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '240.04'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '240.04'
+ total_charge: '240.04'
+ total_cogs: '120.02'
+ total_net: '120.01'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.00030000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '57'
+ service_id: '67'
+ servicecategory_id: '47'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '3.111100'
+ total_quantity: '3.111100'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '7.78'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '7.78'
+ total_charge: '7.78'
+ total_cogs: '6.84'
+ total_net: '0.93'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '58'
+ service_id: '64'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '1.999900'
+ total_quantity: '1.999900'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '2.40'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '2.40'
+ total_charge: '2.40'
+ total_cogs: '1.60'
+ total_net: '0.80'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '1.20000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '58'
+ service_id: '65'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '3.000000'
+ total_quantity: '3.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '4.40'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '4.40'
+ total_charge: '4.40'
+ total_cogs: '33.33'
+ total_net: '-28.93'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '1.46612903'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '58'
+ service_id: '68'
+ servicecategory_id: '48'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '7.100000'
+ total_quantity: '7.100000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '10.41'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '10.41'
+ total_charge: '10.41'
+ total_cogs: '78.88'
+ total_net: '-68.47'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '1.46612903'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170825'
+ account_id: '59'
+ service_id: '68'
+ servicecategory_id: '48'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '2.000000'
+ total_quantity: '2.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '5.00'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '5.00'
+ total_charge: '5.00'
+ total_cogs: '4.40'
+ total_net: '0.60'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170826'
+ account_id: '56'
+ service_id: '64'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '116.000000'
+ total_quantity: '116.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '1996.77'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '1996.77'
+ total_charge: '1996.77'
+ total_cogs: '1612.43'
+ total_net: '384.33'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '17.21350000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170826'
+ account_id: '56'
+ service_id: '66'
+ servicecategory_id: '47'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '11.000000'
+ total_quantity: '11.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '27.50'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '27.50'
+ total_charge: '27.50'
+ total_cogs: '24.20'
+ total_net: '3.30'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170826'
+ account_id: '57'
+ service_id: '64'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '119.798000'
+ total_quantity: '119.798000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '239.63'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '239.63'
+ total_charge: '239.63'
+ total_cogs: '119.82'
+ total_net: '119.81'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.00030000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170826'
+ account_id: '57'
+ service_id: '67'
+ servicecategory_id: '47'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '3.111100'
+ total_quantity: '3.111100'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '7.78'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '7.78'
+ total_charge: '7.78'
+ total_cogs: '6.84'
+ total_net: '0.93'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170826'
+ account_id: '58'
+ service_id: '64'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '3.000000'
+ total_quantity: '3.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '7.50'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '7.50'
+ total_charge: '7.50'
+ total_cogs: '6.60'
+ total_net: '0.90'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170827'
+ account_id: '56'
+ service_id: '64'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '116.000000'
+ total_quantity: '116.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '1985.04'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '1985.04'
+ total_charge: '1985.04'
+ total_cogs: '1600.80'
+ total_net: '384.24'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '17.11240000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170827'
+ account_id: '56'
+ service_id: '66'
+ servicecategory_id: '47'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '21.000000'
+ total_quantity: '21.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '52.50'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '52.50'
+ total_charge: '52.50'
+ total_cogs: '46.20'
+ total_net: '6.30'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170827'
+ account_id: '57'
+ service_id: '64'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '120.000000'
+ total_quantity: '120.000000'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '240.04'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '240.04'
+ total_charge: '240.04'
+ total_cogs: '120.02'
+ total_net: '120.01'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.00030000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170827'
+ account_id: '57'
+ service_id: '67'
+ servicecategory_id: '47'
+ - rate_id: null
+ subtotal_quantity: '5.111100'
+ total_quantity: '5.111100'
+ unit_based_subtotal_charge: '12.78'
+ interval_based_subtotal_charge: '0.00'
+ subtotal_charge: '12.78'
+ total_charge: '12.78'
+ total_cogs: '11.24'
+ total_net: '1.53'
+ min_commit_delta_quantity: '0.000000'
+ min_commit_delta_charge: '0.00'
+ adjustments: []
+ tier_breakdown: []
+ avg_unit_based_rate: '2.50000000'
+ avg_interval_based_rate: '0.00000000'
+ breakdown: null
+ day: '20170827'
+ account_id: '58'
+ service_id: '64'
+ servicecategory_id: '46'
+ /v2/reportdata/{reportdefinition_id}/resources:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reportdata
+ summary: Get report resources
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ This endpoints are currently in alpha and may change at any time.
+ Please don't use in production.
+ attribute | type | description
+ --------------------------------|-------------|-----------------------
+ service_ids | *string[]* | Key for the applicable
+ service, only when `services` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ servicecategory_ids | *string[]* | Key for the applicable
+ service category, only when `services` is included in the `dimension`
+ parameter
+ account_ids | *string[]* | Key for the applicable
+ account, only when `accounts` is included in the `dimension` parameter
+ instance_values | *string[]* | Unique identifier for
+ the applicable instance, only when `instances` is included in the
+ `dimension` parameter
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The start of the date range (inclusive) you want to run the report
+ for in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ example: '{{start}}'
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The end of the date range (inclusive) you want to run the report for
+ in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ example: '{{end}}'
+ - name: dimension
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The dimension you want to include in the output. One of `accounts`,
+ `services` or `instances` (or a combination of those as a comma
+ separated list). Defaults to `accounts,services`.
+ - name: depth
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The depth in the report definition you want to report on. Defaults
+ to 1.
+ - name: filter[field]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optionally filter the output by the supplied field. Possible fields
+ are `account_id`, `parent_account_id`, `service_id`,
+ `servicecategory_id`, `instance`. This parameter can occur multiple
+ times in a request to filter by multiple fields.
+ - name: reportdefinition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{reportdefinition_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 19 May 2022 15:18:39 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xb06af8bb6a763e3a51b21d09ecf25213
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xb06af8bb6a763e3a51b21d09ecf25213
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-7FWXzzZaoj11oW6oJrpo4ZK7WA2htUoP';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-7FWXzzZaoj11oW6oJrpo4ZK7WA2htUoP';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 106f8bc4-f6dc-4952-96df-07356d32a8db
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ resources:
+ account_ids:
+ - '56'
+ - '57'
+ - '58'
+ - '59'
+ service_ids:
+ - '64'
+ - '65'
+ - '66'
+ - '67'
+ - '68'
+ servicecategory_ids:
+ - '46'
+ - '47'
+ - '48'
+ /v2/reportstatuses:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Reports > /reportstatuses
+ summary: Retrieve a list of report statuses
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `dataset`,
+ 'report'.
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 14:51:47 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X21e63fed01d6d3e882a095c82a0fd1b8
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-qcpti4rOqtYiQo3Bd652LGeKFsM0R8Uh';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-qcpti4rOqtYiQo3Bd652LGeKFsM0R8Uh';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 2fae024a-c023-471c-bba0-6c0799bda853
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: reportstatus
+ id: test.usage-20170825
+ attributes:
+ last_synced: '2022-09-29T07:19:19Z'
+ last_prepared: '2022-10-24T10:41:58Z'
+ column_status: ok
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170825
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170825/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170825/dataset
+ report:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170825/relationships/report
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170825/report
+ - type: reportstatus
+ id: test.usage-20170826
+ attributes:
+ last_synced: '2022-09-29T07:19:19Z'
+ last_prepared: '2022-10-24T10:41:58Z'
+ column_status: ok
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170826
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170826/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170826/dataset
+ report:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170826/relationships/report
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170826/report
+ - type: reportstatus
+ id: test.usage-20170827
+ attributes:
+ last_synced: '2022-09-29T07:19:19Z'
+ last_prepared: '2022-10-24T10:41:58Z'
+ column_status: ok
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170827
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170827/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170827/dataset
+ report:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170827/relationships/report
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses/test.usage-20170827/report
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 3
+ count: 3
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses?include=&page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses?include=&page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/reportstatuses?include=&page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ /v2/servicecategories:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicecategories
+ summary: Retrieve a list of service categories
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `services`,
+ `adjustments`, `budgetitems`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicecategories
+ summary: Add a new service category
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n
+ \"type\":\"servicecategory\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"name\": \"Test service category -
+ {{$randomInt}}\"\n }\n }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 09:30:20 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/ServiceCategory/ServiceCategorys
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-0DzkV8bDCIFxi4Vamt87Z5Ho04QIRRwW';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-0DzkV8bDCIFxi4Vamt87Z5Ho04QIRRwW';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f89dfdb8-9f5e-4b2c-89dd-0f202d66bed5
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: servicecategory
+ id: '754'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test service category - 347
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/servicecategories/754
+ relationships:
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/servicecategories/754/relationships/services
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/servicecategories/754/services
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/servicecategories/754/relationships/adjustments
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/servicecategories/754/adjustments
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/servicecategories/754/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/servicecategories/754/budgetitems
+ /v2/servicecategories/{servicecategory_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicecategories
+ summary: Retrieve a service category
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: servicecategory_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicecategory_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 09:12:25 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-JOWIy3OHM3hLVfQYStEw67ObOo8BTxUz';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-JOWIy3OHM3hLVfQYStEw67ObOo8BTxUz';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: c668d514-295d-46f5-8034-03f6f0a0f058
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: servicecategory
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ name: Web Services
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost/v2/servicecategories/3
+ relationships:
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost/v2/servicecategories/3/relationships/services
+ related: https://localhost/v2/servicecategories/3/services
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost/v2/servicecategories/3/relationships/adjustments
+ related: https://localhost/v2/servicecategories/3/adjustments
+ budgetitems:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost/v2/servicecategories/3/relationships/budgetitems
+ related: https://localhost/v2/servicecategories/3/budgetitems
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicecategories
+ summary: Update a service category
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n
+ \"type\":\"servicecategory\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{servicecategory_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"name\": \"Test service category -
+ {{$randomInt}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: servicecategory_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicecategory_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicecategories
+ summary: Delete a service category
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: servicecategory_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicecategory_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/services:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Retrieve a list of services
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values:
+ `servicecategory`, `rates`, `adjustments`, `dataset`, `metadata`,
+ `budgetitems`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/services:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Add a new service
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"service\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"key\": \"test
+ - {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"description\": \"test
+ service\",\r\n\t\t\t\"unit_label\":
+ \"hours\",\r\n\t\t\t\"dset\":
+ \"{{dset_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"service_name_in_header\",\r\n\t\t\t\"usage_col\":
+ \"unique_key\",\r\n\t\t\t\"consumption_col\":
+ \"quantity\",\r\n\t\t\t\"instance_col\":
+ \"hostname\",\r\n\t\t\t\"interval\":
+ \"month\",\r\n\t\t\t\"charge_type\":
+ \"manual_per_unit\",\r\n\t\t\t\"cogs_type\":
+ \"none\",\r\n\t\t\t\"proration_type\":
+ \"full\",\r\n\t\t\t\"charge_model\":
+ \"peak\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"servicecategory\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"servicecategory\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{servicecategory_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n
+ \t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/services/{service_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Retrieve a service
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values:
+ `servicecategory`, `rates`, `adjustments`, `dataset`, `metadata`.
+ - name: service_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{service_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Update a service
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n \"data\": {\n \"type\": \"service\",\n
+ \"id\": \"{{service_id}}\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"key\": \"{{service_key}}\",\n
+ \"description\": \"modified test service\",\n
+ \"unit_label\": \"hours\",\n\t\t\t\"dset\":
+ \"{{dset_id}}\",\n\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"service_name_in_header\",\n\t\t\t\"usage_col\":
+ \"unique_key\",\n\t\t\t\"consumption_col\":
+ \"quantity\",\n\t\t\t\"instance_col\":
+ \"hostname\",\n\t\t\t\"interval\":
+ \"month\",\n\t\t\t\"charge_type\":
+ \"manual_per_unit\",\n\t\t\t\"cogs_type\":
+ \"none\",\n\t\t\t\"proration_type\":
+ \"full\",\n\t\t\t\"charge_model\": \"average\"\n }\n
+ }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: service_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{service_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Delete a service
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: service_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{service_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/services/{service_id}/prepareAffectedReports:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /services
+ summary: Prepare affected reports
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '""'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: service_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{service_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/servicesubscriptions:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Retrieve a list of service subscriptions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `account`,
+ `service`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Add a new service subscription
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"servicesubscription\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"name\": \"test\",\r\n \"quantity\": 10.10,\r\n
+ \"rate\": 10.10,\r\n \"cogs\": 10.10,\r\n \"type\":
+ \"recurring\",\r\n \"start_date\": \"2017-01-02\",\r\n
+ \"end_date\": \"2017-01-07\",\r\n \"alt_interval\":
+ \"day\",\r\n \"charge_day\": null,\r\n \"instance\":
+ \"exivity\"\r\n },\r\n \"relationships\": {\r\n
+ \"account\": {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"account\",\r\n \"id\": \"{{account_id}}\"\r\n
+ }\r\n },\r\n \"service\": {\r\n \"data\":
+ {\r\n \"type\": \"service\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{service_id}}\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/servicesubscriptions/{servicesubscription_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Retrieve a service subscription
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `account`,
+ `service`.
+ - name: servicesubscription_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicesubscription_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Update a service subscriptions
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"servicesubscription\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{service_subscription_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"name\": \"modified_test\",\r\n \"quantity\":
+ 20.20,\r\n \"rate\": 20.20,\r\n \"cogs\":
+ 20.20,\r\n \"type\": \"one_off\",\r\n \"start_date\":
+ \"2017-01-10\",\r\n \"alt_interval\": \"month\",\r\n
+ \"instance\": \"exivity-updated\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: servicesubscription_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicesubscription_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Delete a service subscriptions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: servicesubscription_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicesubscription_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/servicesubscriptions/{servicesubscription_id}/prepareAffectedReports:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /servicesubscriptions
+ summary: Prepare affected reports
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '""'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: servicesubscription_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{servicesubscription_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/rates:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Retrieve a list of rates
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `service`,
+ `account`, `ratetiers`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Add a new rate
+ description: "Account specific rates can be created through this endpoint by specifying the `account` relationship in the request body, e.g.:\n\n```\n\"relationships\": {\n\t\"service\": { ... },\n\t\"account\": {\n\t\t\"data\": {\n\t\t\t\"type\": \"account\",\n\t\t\t\"id\": \"1\"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n```"
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"rate\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"rate\":
+ \"1.0\",\r\n\t\t\t\"rate_col\":
+ \"rate_col\",\r\n\t\t\t\"cogs_rate\":
+ \"3.0\",\r\n\t\t\t\"cogs_rate_col\":
+ \"cogs_rate_col\",\r\n\t\t\t\"effective_date\":
+ \"2017-08-27\",\r\n \"tier_aggregation_level\":
+ \"1\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"service\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"service\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{service_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 09:31:01 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/Rate/Rates
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-mfEPv0DJWTRpd7iQRdtT5pi2Gm2zkcG8';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-mfEPv0DJWTRpd7iQRdtT5pi2Gm2zkcG8';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 4a7c6a11-afe4-4d27-ad2e-233142483642
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: rate
+ id: '143'
+ attributes:
+ rate: 1
+ rate_col: rate_col
+ threshold: null
+ min_commit: 10
+ effective_date: '2017-08-27'
+ fixed: null
+ fixed_col: null
+ cogs_rate: 3
+ cogs_rate_col: cogs_rate_col
+ cogs_fixed: null
+ cogs_fixed_col: null
+ tier_aggregation_level: 1
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143
+ relationships:
+ service:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/relationships/service
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/service
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/relationships/account
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/account
+ ratetiers:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/relationships/ratetiers
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/ratetiers
+ /v2/rates/{rate_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Retrieve a rate
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `service`,
+ `account`, `ratetiers`
+ - name: rate_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{rate_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 09:31:18 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-2M2OrdEh6JLFDedJ18e0Cgw3zer45lcD';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-2M2OrdEh6JLFDedJ18e0Cgw3zer45lcD';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: efa4c4d0-e65a-4cee-95a9-3eca2cb0cf01
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: rate
+ id: '143'
+ attributes:
+ rate: 1
+ rate_col: rate_col
+ threshold: null
+ min_commit: 10
+ effective_date: '2017-08-27'
+ fixed: null
+ fixed_col: null
+ cogs_rate: 3
+ cogs_rate_col: cogs_rate_col
+ cogs_fixed: null
+ cogs_fixed_col: null
+ tier_aggregation_level: 1
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143
+ relationships:
+ service:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/relationships/service
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/service
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/relationships/account
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/account
+ ratetiers:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/relationships/ratetiers
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/rates/143/ratetiers
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Update a rate
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"rate\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{rate_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"min_commit\": \"50\",\r\n \"rate\": \"10.0\",\r\n
+ \"rate_col\": \"rate_col2\",\r\n \"cogs_rate\":
+ \"30.0\",\r\n \"cogs_rate_col\": \"cogs_rate_col2\"\r\n
+ }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: rate_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{rate_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Delete a rate
+ description: >-
+ A rate that has the earliest `effective_date` from the perspective of
+ the associated `service` cannot be deleted.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: rate_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{rate_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/rates/{rate_id}/prepareAffectedReports:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /rates
+ summary: Prepare affected reports
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '""'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: rate_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{rate_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/ratetiers:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /ratetiers
+ summary: Retrieve a list of rate tiers
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `rate`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /ratetiers
+ summary: Add a new rate tier
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"ratetier\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"threshold\":
+ \"0\",\r\n\t\t\t\"rate\":
+ \"4.0\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"rate\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"rate\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{rate_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 10:08:40 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/RateTier/RateTiers
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-CVOcQphYWzLzIYD55K1EEbaDbNSY2OM7';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-CVOcQphYWzLzIYD55K1EEbaDbNSY2OM7';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 3e961b4f-0c68-4747-b5b5-461815d21baa
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: ratetier
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ threshold: 0
+ rate: 4
+ cogs: null
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/ratetiers/1
+ relationships:
+ rate:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/ratetiers/1/relationships/rate
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/ratetiers/1/rate
+ /v2/ratetiers/{ratetier_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /ratetiers
+ summary: Retrieve a rate tier
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `rate`.'
+ - name: ratetier_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{ratetier_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 10:13:19 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-sZP4yLRxu0SkRTukCyV12AdZF9jyN475';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-sZP4yLRxu0SkRTukCyV12AdZF9jyN475';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 2bd1949b-f3fd-478b-bb47-3d65fac64e11
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: ratetier
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ threshold: 0
+ rate: 4
+ cogs: null
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/ratetiers/2
+ relationships:
+ rate:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/ratetiers/2/relationships/rate
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/ratetiers/2/rate
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /ratetiers
+ summary: Update a rate tier
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"ratetier\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{ratetier_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"cogs\": 10\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: ratetier_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{ratetier_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /ratetiers
+ summary: Delete a rate tier
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: ratetier_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{ratetier_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/adjustments:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Retrieve a list of adjustments
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `account`,
+ `services`, `servicecategories`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 23 May 2022 08:00:41 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X82c3d74f387f5a036f1d245ce06c7343
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Clh6ZGgZ1t6el3oTeiuwTnSJFEdSC5X0';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Clh6ZGgZ1t6el3oTeiuwTnSJFEdSC5X0';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f999e1ba-7081-4e3b-92e0-f036c95497b6
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: adjustment
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ amount: -10
+ sort: 0
+ type: relative
+ target: charge
+ first_interval: 2017-01
+ last_interval: 2017-12
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1
+ relationships:
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/account
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/account
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/services
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/services
+ servicecategories:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/servicecategories
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/servicecategories
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 1
+ count: 1
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Add a new adjustment
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"adjustment\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\":
+ \"test\",\r\n\t\t\t\"amount\": \"-10\",\r\n\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"relative\",\r\n\t\t\t\"target\":
+ \"charge\",\r\n\t\t\t\"first_interval\":
+ \"2017-01\",\r\n\t\t\t\"last_interval\":
+ \"2017-12\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"account\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t
+ \"type\": \"account\",\r\n\t\t\t\t \"id\":
+ \"{{account_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 23 May 2022 08:00:17 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v2/Adjustment/Adjustments
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X45e95f944acc9279f8d6a3a7669c1ca2
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-pWrfUgb7Qn2Ug8xQTK9riCiSiNKvgdMm';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-pWrfUgb7Qn2Ug8xQTK9riCiSiNKvgdMm';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: e2c1a73e-aa64-48f6-9953-867a351a5b3b
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: adjustment
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ amount: -10
+ sort: 0
+ type: relative
+ target: charge
+ first_interval: 2017-01
+ last_interval: 2017-12
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1
+ relationships:
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/account
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/account
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/services
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/services
+ servicecategories:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/servicecategories
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/servicecategories
+ /v2/adjustments/{adjustment_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Retrieve an adjustment
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Include additional related resources
+ - name: adjustment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{adjustment_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 23 May 2022 08:01:56 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xe1ea472790e5e4c05235a66b75182aea
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-szJEH7fIAFw6FKxeIh3KKlLr9V8IWJMs';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-szJEH7fIAFw6FKxeIh3KKlLr9V8IWJMs';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: daa0ab4a-b29c-4929-b667-32d15fdcf9fc
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: adjustment
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ amount: -10
+ sort: 0
+ type: relative
+ target: charge
+ first_interval: 2017-01
+ last_interval: 2017-12
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1
+ relationships:
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/account
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/account
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/services
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/services
+ servicecategories:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/servicecategories
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/servicecategories
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Update an adjustment
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"adjustment\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{adjustment_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"name\": \"modified_test\",\r\n \"amount\":
+ \"-20\",\r\n \"type\": \"absolute\",\r\n \"target\":
+ \"quantity\",\r\n \"first_interval\": \"2018-01\",\r\n
+ \"last_interval\": \"\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: adjustment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{adjustment_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 23 May 2022 08:02:21 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X7e0c90315c0ac61975de2c7c2127ad28
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Z3mRND9S7omXxWHNvyM4NITlKCy8j4Qs';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Z3mRND9S7omXxWHNvyM4NITlKCy8j4Qs';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 8c2415f5-c109-4965-b42b-8526f05809b3
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: adjustment
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified_test
+ amount: -20
+ sort: 0
+ type: absolute
+ target: quantity
+ first_interval: 2018-01
+ last_interval: null
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1
+ relationships:
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/account
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/account
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/services
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/services
+ servicecategories:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/relationships/servicecategories
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/adjustments/1/servicecategories
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Delete an adjustment
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: adjustment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{adjustment_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/adjustments/{adjustment_id}/prepareAffectedReports:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Services > /adjustments
+ summary: Prepare affected reports
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support: ❌
+ The preparation of a report populates the accounts table and also
+ optimizes the performance when running your reports. When adjustments
+ change, it is a good idea to run this command to update any effected
+ data.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '""'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: adjustment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: integer
+ example: '{{adjustment_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/accounts:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /accounts
+ summary: Retrieve a list of accounts
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[name]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `report`,
+ `parent`, `children`, `rates`, `adjustments`, `users`, `metadata`,
+ `budgetitems`, `servicesubscriptions`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx/1.17.4
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.3.10
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 15:00:59 GMT
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: account
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ level: 1
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: ''
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/1
+ - type: account
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: Wholesale IT Services
+ level: 1
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: ''
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/2
+ - type: account
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ name: Fresh Bakery Inc
+ level: 2
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Fresh Bakery Inc
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/3
+ - type: account
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Rusty Bicycles Ltd
+ level: 2
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Rusty Bicycles Ltd
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/4
+ - type: account
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: Deegan Daggers
+ level: 2
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Deegan Daggers
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/5
+ - type: account
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ name: Boezem Bezems
+ level: 2
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Boezem Bezems
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/6
+ - type: account
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ name: Europe
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Fresh Bakery Inc
+ lvl3_key: Europe
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/7
+ - type: account
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ name: Australia
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Fresh Bakery Inc
+ lvl3_key: Australia
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/8
+ - type: account
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ name: United Kingdom
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Rusty Bicycles Ltd
+ lvl3_key: United Kingdom
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/9
+ - type: account
+ id: '10'
+ attributes:
+ name: Benelux
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Rusty Bicycles Ltd
+ lvl3_key: Benelux
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/10
+ - type: account
+ id: '11'
+ attributes:
+ name: Japan
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Deegan Daggers
+ lvl3_key: Japan
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/11
+ - type: account
+ id: '12'
+ attributes:
+ name: London
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Deegan Daggers
+ lvl3_key: London
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/12
+ - type: account
+ id: '13'
+ attributes:
+ name: Brighton
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Deegan Daggers
+ lvl3_key: Brighton
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/13
+ - type: account
+ id: '14'
+ attributes:
+ name: Zeist
+ level: 3
+ lvl1_key: Wholesale IT Services
+ lvl2_key: Boezem Bezems
+ lvl3_key: Zeist
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/14
+ - type: account
+ id: '15'
+ attributes:
+ name: Marketing
+ level: 4
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: Fresh Bakery Inc
+ lvl3_key: Europe
+ lvl4_key: Marketing
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts/15
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 2015
+ count: 15
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 135
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ next: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net:8002/v1/accounts?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=135
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /accounts
+ summary: Add a new account
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"account\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"My
+ new account\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"report\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"report\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{report_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 24 Jul 2019 09:06:27 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.3.6
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://localhost:8012/v1/account/51
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf09c59da7e0aae44acf4a03b5c141f7f
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: account
+ id: '51'
+ attributes:
+ name: My new account
+ level: '2'
+ lvl1_key: My new account
+ lvl2_key: My new account
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/accounts/51
+ /v2/accounts/{account_id}/:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /accounts
+ summary: Retrieve an account
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `report`,
+ `parent`, `children`, `rates`, `adjustments`, `users`.
+ - name: account_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{account_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 13:26:36 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-3wyorsDBeWOQMsWRrRoDRIz1kZW22Ah8';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-3wyorsDBeWOQMsWRrRoDRIz1kZW22Ah8';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 7e29eba8-f143-4cf1-b74b-7a1e83028aff
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: account
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ level: 1
+ lvl1_key: Mucho Cloud Corp
+ lvl2_key: ''
+ lvl3_key: ''
+ lvl4_key: ''
+ lvl5_key: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1
+ relationships:
+ adjustments:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/relationships/adjustments
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/adjustments
+ children:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/relationships/children
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/children
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/relationships/metadata
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/metadata
+ parent:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/relationships/parent
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/parent
+ rates:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/relationships/rates
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/rates
+ report:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/relationships/report
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/report
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/relationships/users
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/accounts/1/users
+ /v2/accounts/{account_id}:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /accounts
+ summary: Update an account
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"account\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{account_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n \"name\":
+ \"My new account name\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: account_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{account_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /accounts
+ summary: Delete an account
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: account_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/budgets:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Retrieve a list of budgets
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `report`,
+ `revisions`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Add a new budget
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"budget\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"interval\":
+ \"year\",\r\n\t\t\t\"description\": \"This is a new
+ budget\",\r\n\t\t\t\"metric\":
+ \"cogs\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"report\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"report\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\" :
+ \"{{report_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 13:14:24 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/Budget/Budgets
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-KQ0bQgHOuI3Zqanq5UpxIbUVJwIaFXnC';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-KQ0bQgHOuI3Zqanq5UpxIbUVJwIaFXnC';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 814f17f9-8d41-4e3a-a3c9-4ac303d2549f
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: budget
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ interval: year
+ description: This is a new budget
+ metric: charge
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7
+ relationships:
+ revisions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/relationships/revisions
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/revisions
+ items:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/relationships/items
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/items
+ report:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/relationships/report
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/report
+ /v2/budgets/{budget_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Retrieve a budget
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources: `revisions`'
+ - name: budget_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budget_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 13:39:36 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-stNH15aKCa7f6V3dhCg672z3DpWCUjJn';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-stNH15aKCa7f6V3dhCg672z3DpWCUjJn';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f1614a26-6bf2-4bbe-8b40-77e058432b8d
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: budget
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ interval: year
+ description: This is a new budget
+ metric: charge
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7
+ relationships:
+ revisions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/relationships/revisions
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/revisions
+ items:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/relationships/items
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/items
+ report:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/relationships/report
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgets/7/report
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Update a budget
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"budget\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{budget_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"description\":
+ \"modified_test\",\r\n\t\t\t\"interval\":
+ \"year\",\r\n\t\t\t\"metric\": \"cogs\"\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budget_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budget_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Delete a budget
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budget_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budget_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/budgets/{budget_id}/run:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgets
+ summary: Run a budget
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '{{start}}'
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '{{end}}'
+ - name: budget_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budget_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '422':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/budgetrevisions:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Retrieve a list of budgets revisions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `budget`,
+ `items`
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Add a new budget revision
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n \"type\":\"budgetrevision\",\n
+ \"attributes\": {\n \"effective_from\":
+ \"20190606\"\n },\n \"relationships\": {\n
+ \t\"budget\": {\n \t\t\"data\": {\n
+ \t\t\t\"type\": \"budget\",\n \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{budget_id}}\"\n \t\t}\n \t}\n }\n
+ }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 13:54:56 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/BudgetRevision/BudgetRevisions
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-JQdsQnwVGn5Fie6mrlRzlvRlmu5dINSv';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-JQdsQnwVGn5Fie6mrlRzlvRlmu5dINSv';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 813e9c6b-ca1a-4c1e-977f-64687fef06dc
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: budgetrevision
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ effective_from: '2019-06-06'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetrevisions/9
+ relationships:
+ budget:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetrevisions/9/relationships/budget
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetrevisions/9/budget
+ items:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetrevisions/9/relationships/items
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetrevisions/9/items
+ /v2/budgetrevisions/{revision_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Retrieve a budget revision
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `budget`,
+ `items`
+ - name: revision_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetrevision_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 13:56:53 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-0xfbiJgadbJJ6LTFUy4Z8z2wViLBGAIi';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-0xfbiJgadbJJ6LTFUy4Z8z2wViLBGAIi';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: c3d7c2f5-049d-46a8-9680-65d99cf8eba4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: budgetrevision
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ effective_from: '2019-08-08'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetrevisions/9
+ relationships:
+ budget:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetrevisions/9/relationships/budget
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetrevisions/9/budget
+ items:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetrevisions/9/relationships/items
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetrevisions/9/items
+ /v2/budgetrevisions/{revision_id}/validate:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Validate a budget revision
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: revision_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetrevision_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/budgetrevisions/{budget_revision_id}:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Update a budget revision
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n \"type\":\"budgetrevision\",\n
+ \"id\":\"{{budgetrevision_id}}\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"effective_from\": \"20190808\"\n }\n
+ }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budget_revision_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetrevision_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetrevisions
+ summary: Delete a budget revision
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budget_revision_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetrevision_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/budgetitems:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Retrieve a list of budgets items
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `revision`,
+ `parent`, `children`, `account`, `services`, `servicecategories`
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Add a new budget item
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n \"type\":\"budgetitem\",\n
+ \"attributes\": {\n \"kind\":
+ \"account\",\n \"status\": \"regular\",\n
+ \"percent\": false,\n \"distribution\":
+ \"even\",\n \"filter\": \"none\"\n },\n
+ \"relationships\": {\n \t\"revision\": {\n
+ \t\t\"data\": {\n \t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"budgetrevision\",\n \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{budgetrevision_id}}\"\n \t\t}\n \t},\n
+ \t\"account\": {\n \t\t\"data\": {\n
+ \t\t\t\"type\": \"account\",\n \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{account_id}}\"\n \t\t}\n \t}\n }\n
+ }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 26 Aug 2019 09:29:50 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.3.6
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitem/6
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X91ef46877eaaf096034f2a823f457554
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: budgetitem
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ kind: account
+ status: regular
+ filter: none
+ amount: null
+ percent: false
+ distribution: even
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/budgetitems/6
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Patch budget items (add, create, delete)
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"operations\": [\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"op\":
+ \"add\",\n\t\t\t\"data\": {\n\t\t
+ \"type\":\"budgetitem\",\n\t\t \"attributes\":
+ {\n\t\t \"kind\": \"account\",\n\t\t
+ \"status\": \"regular\",\n\t\t \"percent\":
+ 0,\n\t\t \"distribution\": \"even\",\n\t\t
+ \"filter\": \"none\"\n\t\t },\n\t\t
+ \"relationships\": {\n\t\t \t\"revision\": {\n\t\t
+ \t\t\"data\": {\n\t\t \t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"budgetrevision\",\n\t\t \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{budgetrevision_id}}\"\n\t\t \t\t}\n\t\t
+ \t},\n\t\t \t\"account\": {\n\t\t \t\t\"data\":
+ {\n\t\t \t\t\t\"type\": \"account\",\n\t\t
+ \t\t\t\"id\": \"{{account_id}}\"\n\t\t \t\t}\n\t\t
+ \t}\n\t\t }\n\t\t }\n\t\t},\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"op\":
+ \"delete\",\n \"data\": {\n \t\"type\":
+ \"budgetitem\",\n \t\"id\":
+ \"{{item_id}}\"\n
+ }\n\t\t},\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"op\":\"update\",\n
+ \"data\": {\n \"type\":
+ \"budgetitem\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"kind\": \"service\"\n
+ }\n }\n\t\t}\n\t]\n}\n"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/budgetitems/{item_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Retrieve a budget item
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `revision`,
+ `parent`, `children`, `account`, `services`, `servicecategories`
+ - name: item_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetitem_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 15:48:27 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-3d2tXysA1nKLhw3QO6SFXbXjcr0IS7AA';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-3d2tXysA1nKLhw3QO6SFXbXjcr0IS7AA';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: dda86bd3-a016-4062-bf3a-23388cb8460f
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: budgetitem
+ id: '31'
+ attributes:
+ kind: account
+ status: regular
+ filter: none
+ amount: null
+ percent: false
+ distribution: none
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31
+ relationships:
+ revision:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/relationships/revision
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/revision
+ parent:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/relationships/parent
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/parent
+ children:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/relationships/children
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/children
+ account:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/relationships/account
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/account
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/relationships/services
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/services
+ servicecategories:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/relationships/servicecategories
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/budgetitems/31/servicecategories
+ /v2/budgetitems/{budgetitem_id}:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Update a budget item
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n \"type\":\"budgetitem\",\n
+ \"id\":\"{{budgetitem_id}}\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"amount\": 100\n }\n }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: budgetitem_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetitem_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Accounts > /budgetitems
+ summary: Delete a budget item
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: budgetitem_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{budgetitem_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/extractors:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Retrieve a list of extractors
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Add a new extractor
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"name\": \"Extractor test - {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n
+ \"contents\": \"print Hello\\nvar key1 = value1\\npublic var
+ key2 = value2\\npublic encrypt var key3 = 0\"\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/extractors/{extractor_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Retrieve an extractor
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: extractor_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{extractor_name}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 20 May 2022 13:24:07 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Vary:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Accept-Encoding
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ci1roiEtMioitHRcS4KKdTUCyPLKHoFW';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ci1roiEtMioitHRcS4KKdTUCyPLKHoFW';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 129f158c-32cc-4896-add3-60d4e56019cb
+ Content-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: gzip
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: extractor
+ id: dummy-extractor
+ attributes:
+ name: dummy-extractor
+ contents: |-
+ # Dummy data generated extractor
+ print "Hello World"
+ variables: []
+ hash: cccfc37f6cf7522970be23d9e74cb37b015527b8
+ last_modified: '2022-05-17T16:35:28Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/extractors/dummy-extractor
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Update an extractor (variables)
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"extractor\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{extractor_name}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"variables\": [\r\n
+ {\r\n \"name\":
+ \"key2\",\r\n \"value\":
+ \"value2\",\r\n \"type\":
+ \"normal\"\r\n },\r\n
+ {\r\n \"name\":
+ \"key3\",\r\n \"value\":
+ \"value3\",\r\n \"type\":
+ \"normal\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n
+ }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: extractor_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{extractor_name}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Delete an extractor
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: extractor_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{extractor_name}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/extractors/{extractor_id}/run:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /extractors
+ summary: Run an extractor
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ multipart/form-data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: arguments
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: extractor_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{extractor_name}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/transformers:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Retrieve a list of transformers
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Add a new transformer
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"name\": \"Transformer test {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n
+ \"contents\": \"# script here\"\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/transformers/{transformer_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Retrieve a transformer
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: transformer_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{transformer_name}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Fri, 20 May 2022 13:23:14 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Vary:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Accept-Encoding
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-s1cwKn42BEWtgJHwBCNzS7uCInoyqphW';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-s1cwKn42BEWtgJHwBCNzS7uCInoyqphW';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f073f406-f8ac-4a29-9ab1-009347a9cee9
+ Content-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: gzip
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: transformer
+ id: dummy-transformer
+ attributes:
+ name: dummy-transformer
+ contents: >-
+ import
+ system/extracted/${dataYear}/${dataMonth}/${dataDay}_usage.csv
+ source dummy-data alias dummy-usage
+ finish
+ services {
+ usages_col = service_name
+ service_type = automatic
+ description_col = service_name
+ category_col = category
+ instance_col = UniqueID
+ model_col = model
+ rate_col = rate
+ cogs_col = cogs
+ interval_col = interval
+ unit_label_col = unit
+ consumption_col = quantity
+ }
+ hash: 0728ca8e495f9775ec42aa2aa4ba326dedeb5706
+ last_modified: '2022-05-17T16:28:04Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/transformers/dummy-transformer
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Update a transformer
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '"{\r\n \"contents\": \"# modified script here\"\r\n}"'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: transformer_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{transformer_name}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Delete a transformer
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: transformer_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{transformer_name}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/transformers/{transformer_id}/run:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /transformers
+ summary: Run a transformer
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ multipart/form-data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: date
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Date to run the fransformer for (in `YYYY-MM-DD` format).
+ example: '{{date}}'
+ - name: start_date
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ If the transformer should be run for a range of dates, the start
+ date to run the fransformer for (in `YYYY-MM-DD` format).
+ - name: end_date
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ If the transformer should be run for a range of dates, the end date
+ to run the fransformer for (in `YYYY-MM-DD` format).
+ - name: limit
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the number of records to preview, defaults to `10`.
+ - name: break_at
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ When in preview mode, stop executing the transformer before this
+ line.
+ - name: preview
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ If set to `1`, all statements which modify the system will be
+ skipped and the default dataset will be included with the response.
+ - name: snapshot_deset
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ With preview only - name of dset to preview. If not selected,
+ default dset will be used.
+ - name: environment_id
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Environment ID (optional)
+ - name: transformer_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{transformer_name}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/datasets:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /datasets
+ summary: Retrieve a list of datasets
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `services`,
+ `reports`, `metadatadefinition`, `datasetdays`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/datasets/{dset_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /datasets
+ summary: Retrieve a dataset
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `services`,
+ `reports`, `metadatadefinition`, `datasetdays`.
+ - name: dset_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{dset_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 05 Jul 2022 12:41:57 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X9394191403ecac13d1186b9461026c8a
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-my0FgMufngV675bNY9jM663RD6ehm17m';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-my0FgMufngV675bNY9jM663RD6ehm17m';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: b34d3373-8f64-46b3-adc3-d3af6f3917be
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Retrieve a dataset
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: dataset
+ id: demo.usage
+ attributes:
+ columns:
+ - customer_id
+ - Subscription GUID
+ - usageStartTime
+ - usageEndTime
+ - meter_id
+ - resource_name
+ - resource_category
+ - resource_subcategory
+ - quantity
+ - unit
+ - resourceUri
+ - location
+ - partNumber
+ - orderNumber
+ - objectType
+ - region
+ - interval
+ - service_name
+ - Resource Group
+ - Resource
+ - Cloud Provider
+ - tenantId
+ - Customer
+ - Domain
+ - Type
+ - Relationship
+ - Omschrijving
+ - Verkoopprijs
+ - Inkoopprijs
+ - Artikelgroep
+ - friendly_name
+ - creation_date
+ - effective_start_date
+ - commitment_end_date
+ - status
+ - Reseller
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage
+ relationships:
+ metadatadefinition:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/relationships/metadatadefinition
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/metadatadefinition
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/relationships/services
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/services
+ reports:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/relationships/reports
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/reports
+ datasetdays:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/relationships/datasetdays
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/datasetdays
+ example-1:
+ summary: Retrieve a dataset with datasetdays
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: dataset
+ id: demo.usage
+ attributes:
+ columns:
+ - customer_id
+ - Subscription GUID
+ - usageStartTime
+ - usageEndTime
+ - meter_id
+ - resource_name
+ - resource_category
+ - resource_subcategory
+ - quantity
+ - unit
+ - resourceUri
+ - location
+ - partNumber
+ - orderNumber
+ - objectType
+ - region
+ - interval
+ - service_name
+ - Resource Group
+ - Resource
+ - Cloud Provider
+ - tenantId
+ - Customer
+ - Domain
+ - Type
+ - Relationship
+ - Omschrijving
+ - Verkoopprijs
+ - Inkoopprijs
+ - Artikelgroep
+ - friendly_name
+ - creation_date
+ - effective_start_date
+ - commitment_end_date
+ - status
+ - Reseller
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage
+ relationships:
+ datasetdays:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/relationships/datasetdays
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/datasetdays
+ data:
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220501
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220502
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220503
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220504
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220505
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220506
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220507
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220508
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220509
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220510
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220511
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220512
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220513
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220514
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220515
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220516
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220517
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220518
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220519
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220520
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220521
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220522
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220523
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220524
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220525
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220526
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220527
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220528
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220529
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220530
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220531
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220601
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220602
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220603
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220604
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220605
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220606
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220607
+ metadatadefinition:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/relationships/metadatadefinition
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/metadatadefinition
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/relationships/services
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/services
+ reports:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/relationships/reports
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasets/demo.usage/reports
+ included:
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220501
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-01'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:14Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:14Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220501
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220501/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220501/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220502
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-02'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220502
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220502/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220502/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220503
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-03'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220503
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220503/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220503/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220504
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-04'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220504
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220504/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220504/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220505
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-05'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220505
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220505/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220505/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220506
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-06'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220506
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220506/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220506/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220507
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-07'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220507
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220507/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220507/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220508
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-08'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220508
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220508/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220508/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220509
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-09'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220509
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220509/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220509/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220510
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-10'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:15Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220510
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220510/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220510/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220511
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-11'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220511
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220511/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220511/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220512
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-12'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220512
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220512/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220512/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220513
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-13'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220513
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220513/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220513/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220514
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-14'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220514
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220514/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220514/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220515
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-15'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220515
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220515/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220515/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220516
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-16'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220516
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220516/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220516/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220517
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-17'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220517
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220517/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220517/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220518
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-18'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220518
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220518/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220518/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220519
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-19'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:16Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220519
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220519/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220519/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220520
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-20'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220520
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220520/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220520/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220521
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-21'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220521
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220521/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220521/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220522
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-22'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220522
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220522/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220522/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220523
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-23'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220523
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220523/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220523/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220524
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-24'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220524
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220524/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220524/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220525
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-25'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220525
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220525/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220525/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220526
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-26'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220526
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220526/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220526/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220527
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-27'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:17Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220527
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220527/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220527/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220528
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-28'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220528
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220528/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220528/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220529
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-29'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220529
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220529/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220529/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220530
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-30'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220530
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220530/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220530/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220531
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-05-31'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220531
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220531/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220531/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220601
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-06-01'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220601
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220601/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220601/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220602
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-06-02'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220602
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220602/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220602/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220603
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-06-03'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220603
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220603/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220603/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220604
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-06-04'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220604
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220604/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220604/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220605
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-06-05'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220605
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220605/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220605/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220606
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-06-06'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220606
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220606/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220606/dataset
+ - type: datasetday
+ id: demo.usage-20220607
+ attributes:
+ date: '2022-06-07'
+ created_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:19Z'
+ updated_at: '2022-06-07T09:53:19Z'
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220607
+ relationships:
+ dataset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220607/relationships/dataset
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/datasetdays/demo.usage-20220607/dataset
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /datasets
+ summary: Update a dataset
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"dataset\",\r\n \"id\": \"{{dset_id}}\",\r\n
+ \"relationships\": {\r\n \"metadatadefinition\":
+ {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n
+ \"type\": \"metadatadefinition\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{metadatadefinition_id}}\"\r\n
+ }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: dset_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{dset_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /datasets
+ summary: Delete a dataset
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The start of the date range (inclusive) you want to delete from the
+ dataset. If not specified, use the first date of the dataset.
+ example: '{{start}}'
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The end of the date range (inclusive) you want to delete from the
+ dataset. If not specified, use the last date of the dataset.
+ example: '{{end}}'
+ - name: dset_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{dset_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/datasetdays:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /datasetdays
+ summary: Retrieve a list of datasetdayss
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: dataset`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/datasetdayss/{datasetday_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /datasetdays
+ summary: Retrieve a datasetday
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: datasetday_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{datasetday_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/files:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /files
+ summary: Upload a file
+ description: >-
+ Only the following file types are accepted:
+ - csv
+ - txt
+ - json
+ - xml
+ Uploaded files are stored as
+ `%EXIVITY_HOME_PATH%/import/[group]/[yyyy]/[mm]/[dd]_uploaded_[sequence].[extension]`,
+ where _sequence_ is a 3 characters long numberic string with padded
+ zeros (e.g. `001` or `026`).
+ _Note: starting with Exivity v3.0.0, this endpoint will no longer
+ include the `/import/` prefix in the returned JSON response._
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ multipart/form-data:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ file:
+ type: string
+ description: File to be uploaded
+ group:
+ type: string
+ description: Optional parameter to specify group (default=generic)
+ date:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optional parameter to specify date in YYYY-MM-DD format
+ (default=current date)
+ sequence:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optional parameter to specify sequence (default=1 or auto
+ incrementing if current sequence is already in use)
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 07 Jun 2022 14:28:54 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X9b55ccba6993b55b9e2d1a96d95f4f30
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X9b55ccba6993b55b9e2d1a96d95f4f30
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-YOOh4X6kUkBA1PUG4E0S3QCA70OTfUr7';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-YOOh4X6kUkBA1PUG4E0S3QCA70OTfUr7';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 2e2d7ce0-1cef-4b72-b115-cea5989793ab
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: file
+ id: /generic/2022/06/07_uploaded_001.txt
+ attributes:
+ type: file
+ name: 07_uploaded_001.txt
+ path: /generic/2022/06/
+ /v2/files/a.txt:
+ put:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /files
+ summary: Upload a file into a folder
+ description: "Only the following file types are accepted:\r\n\r\n- csv\r\n- txt\r\n- json\r\n- xml\r\n\r\nUploaded files are stored as `%EXIVITY_HOME_PATH%/import/[path]`, where the `path` is derived from the request URL. Existing files will be overwritten."
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ text/plain: {}
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+ responses:
+ '400':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/files/{folder}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /files
+ summary: List files in folder
+ description: >-
+ List the files in a given folder
+ Example:
+ - /v2/files/generic
+ - /v2/files/generic/2023
+ All files are stored in the `%EXIVITY_HOME_PATH%/import` folder. So
+ **/v1/file/generic** would return the files from
+ `%EXIVITY_HOME_PATH%/import/generic`.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: folder
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 07 Jun 2022 14:30:44 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xc893679703e0046fca4b489b52700b5e
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xc893679703e0046fca4b489b52700b5e
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-rJ0tuZZ5XN5Z4efYkCzAvttmD1rSJZzv';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-rJ0tuZZ5XN5Z4efYkCzAvttmD1rSJZzv';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f92d582a-245c-408d-b06b-938ebbcb885b
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: file
+ id: /generic/2022/06
+ attributes:
+ type: folder
+ name: '06'
+ path: /generic/2022/
+ relationships:
+ children:
+ data:
+ - type: file
+ id: /generic/2022/06/02_uploaded_001.txt
+ attributes:
+ type: file
+ name: 02_uploaded_001.txt
+ path: /generic/2022/06/
+ - type: file
+ id: /generic/2022/06/07_uploaded_001.txt
+ attributes:
+ type: file
+ name: 07_uploaded_001.txt
+ path: /generic/2022/06/
+ /v2/files/{folder}/{filename}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /files
+ summary: Retrieve file
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: folder
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ - name: filename
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /files
+ summary: Delete a file
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: folder
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ - name: filename
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '404':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/metadatadefinitions:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadatadefinition
+ summary: Retrieve a list of metadata definitions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[name]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `metadata`,
+ `datasets`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 09:13:52 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-w6eDXtuxt5zbPfOtOJIAHTD9JIN0wEFE';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-w6eDXtuxt5zbPfOtOJIAHTD9JIN0wEFE';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ced84266-5d52-4b28-a024-5ee464707a79
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: Face to face demand-driven methodology
+ fields:
+ - name: strategy
+ type: numeric
+ - list:
+ - small
+ - medium
+ - large
+ name: open system
+ type: list
+ - list:
+ - small
+ - medium
+ - large
+ name: neural-net
+ type: list
+ - name: ability
+ type: date
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/1
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/1/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/1/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/1/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/1/datasets
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 1
+ count: 1
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadatadefinition
+ summary: Add a new metadata definition
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"metadatadefinition\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Test definition\",\r\n\t\t\t\"fields\":
+ [\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t \"name\": \"country\",\r\n\t\t\t\t
+ \"type\":
+ \"string\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t]\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 09:14:20 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/MetadataDefinition/MetadataDefinitions
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-NC60H7XZ8Hi1j89aKnsT5SJ6pbHoEuPT';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-NC60H7XZ8Hi1j89aKnsT5SJ6pbHoEuPT';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 47e4c101-d9d4-49d4-a63d-f26d7402ebc2
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: String / Numeric / Date field
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Test definition
+ fields:
+ - name: country
+ type: string
+ - name: exchange rate
+ type: numeric
+ - name: specific date
+ type: date
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/4
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/4/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/4/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/4/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/4/datasets
+ example-1:
+ summary: List field
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: Country
+ fields:
+ - list:
+ - The Netherlands
+ - The United States of America
+ - The Republic of Ireland
+ name: countries
+ type: list
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/5
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/5/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/5/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/5/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/5/datasets
+ /v2/metadatadefinitions/{metadatadefinition_id}/:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadatadefinition
+ summary: Retrieve a metadata definition
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: metadatadefinition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{metadatadefinition_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 09:32:44 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-qKc0e8Q5MnaKf2RWJ4g0VQkj85TX8d6a';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-qKc0e8Q5MnaKf2RWJ4g0VQkj85TX8d6a';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 2ea880e0-fdf9-4684-a2bf-eb9fea1c8f74
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: Face to face demand-driven methodology
+ fields:
+ - name: strategy
+ type: numeric
+ - list:
+ - small
+ - medium
+ - large
+ name: open system
+ type: list
+ - list:
+ - small
+ - medium
+ - large
+ name: neural-net
+ type: list
+ - name: ability
+ type: date
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/1
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/1/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/1/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/1/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/1/datasets
+ /v2/metadatadefinitions/{metadata_definition_id}:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadatadefinition
+ summary: Update a metadata definition
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"metadatadefinition\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{metadatadefinition_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Modified test definition -
+ {{$guid}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"fields\": [\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t
+ \"name\": \"country\",\r\n\t\t\t\t \"type\":
+ \"string\"\r\n\t\t\t\t},\r\n\t\t\t\t{\r\n\t\t\t\t \"name\":
+ \"city\",\r\n\t\t\t\t \"type\":
+ \"string\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t]\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: metadata_definition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{metadatadefinition_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 09:33:22 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-jNxFMxstbsgLVp0Pgo7G8JRbdOrMKoCi';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-jNxFMxstbsgLVp0Pgo7G8JRbdOrMKoCi';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: dfc06a54-cdd3-461e-b49e-8cdbe3115dd4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: metadatadefinition
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ name: >-
+ Modified test definition -
+ bbb1faa5-42bd-4737-b593-651125d49ffb
+ fields:
+ - name: country
+ type: string
+ - name: city
+ type: string
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/6
+ relationships:
+ metadata:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/6/relationships/metadata
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/6/metadata
+ datasets:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/6/relationships/datasets
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadatadefinitions/6/datasets
+ /v2/metadatadefinitions/{metadatadefinition_id}:
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadatadefinition
+ summary: Delete a metadata definition
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: metadatadefinition_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{metadatadefinition_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 09:33:47 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-QsdHZDbbVsC5PfU8KaENafEASH4AgY89';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-QsdHZDbbVsC5PfU8KaENafEASH4AgY89';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: eb238819-c7d5-4584-9363-3979c9a7c4aa
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/metadata:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadata
+ summary: Retrieve a list of metadata
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ example: '1'
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[name]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `definition`,
+ `accounts`, `services`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 13:33:48 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-jtrDgp809f2iZWzaBdwGcaNAjdVtCwuT';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-jtrDgp809f2iZWzaBdwGcaNAjdVtCwuT';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 9e7b3851-f48d-4686-bc0f-3f0a1de47867
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: metadata
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ values:
+ ability: 6432
+ website: small
+ info-mediaries: Divide
+ internet solution: 57869
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/relationships/accounts
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/accounts
+ definition:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/relationships/definition
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/definition
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/relationships/services
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/services
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 18
+ count: 1
+ per_page: 1
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 18
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ next: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=18
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadata
+ summary: Add new metadata
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"metadata\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"values\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"country\": \"The
+ Netherlands\"\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"definition\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"metadatadefinition\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{metadatadefinition_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 10:35:42 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/Metadata/Metadatas
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-lt27Wl8WUJV9d5W8ORPH0NWNrWHl7fHn';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-lt27Wl8WUJV9d5W8ORPH0NWNrWHl7fHn';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 54ead895-e132-47bb-8c33-939fef4e182a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: metadata
+ id: '15'
+ attributes:
+ values:
+ country: The Netherlands
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/15
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/15/relationships/accounts
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/15/accounts
+ definition:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/15/relationships/definition
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/15/definition
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/15/relationships/services
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/15/services
+ /v2/metadata/{metadata_id}/:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadata
+ summary: Retrieve metadata
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `definition`,
+ `accounts`, `services`.
+ - name: metadata_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 13:36:55 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-N2mGn9DDAntKIweGOKk4od343VLfEOPL';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-N2mGn9DDAntKIweGOKk4od343VLfEOPL';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 2687e004-3ae6-43a0-b0a9-1315ef00b718
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: metadata
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ values:
+ website: large
+ info-mediaries: Personal
+ internet solution: 81932
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/9
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/9/relationships/accounts
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/9/accounts
+ definition:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/9/relationships/definition
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/9/definition
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/9/relationships/services
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/9/services
+ /v2/metadata/{metadata_id}:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadata
+ summary: Update metadata
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"metadata\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{metadata_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"values\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"country\": \"The
+ Netherlands\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\"city\":
+ \"Zeist\"\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: metadata_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 13:40:04 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-AKUS7eeYkU2wVGjInzj8g4T7SLaKlRja';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-AKUS7eeYkU2wVGjInzj8g4T7SLaKlRja';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 6fda2620-c71c-4005-bd69-8d382cc08789
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: metadata
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ values:
+ city: Zeist
+ country: The Netherlands
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/relationships/accounts
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/accounts
+ definition:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/relationships/definition
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/definition
+ services:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/relationships/services
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/metadata/1/services
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /metadata
+ summary: Delete metadata
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: metadata_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 10 May 2022 13:44:03 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-5YT6U9H3thRcFixizU2MvAZeqXnFWqOX';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-5YT6U9H3thRcFixizU2MvAZeqXnFWqOX';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: a44aaa13-0206-4499-bd47-d7d80893c2fd
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/workflows:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Retrieve a list of workflows
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: '[Filter](#working-with-the-api) results by this attribute'
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `steps`,
+ `schedules`, `runs`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 13:13:56 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xfa859f49b508a8db9d12a14291be0951
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Rco1vELMhi2Buy3bfHPm7m0IkZUjj49v';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Rco1vELMhi2Buy3bfHPm7m0IkZUjj49v';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 6bb573e4-59ec-479b-8b75-19a31d526319
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Retrieve a list of workflows
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ description: Workflow 1
+ created_at: '2024-04-16T13:13:47Z'
+ updated_at: '2024-04-16T13:13:47Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/5
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/5/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/5/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/5/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/5/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/5/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/5/schedules
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ description: Workflow 2
+ created_at: '2024-04-16T13:13:52Z'
+ updated_at: '2024-04-16T13:13:52Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/6
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/6/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/6/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/6/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/6/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/6/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/6/schedules
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 2
+ count: 2
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ example-1:
+ summary: >-
+ Retrieve a list of workflows including runs (limit of 2 per
+ workflow)
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '24'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow1
+ description: This is Workflow 1
+ locked: false
+ created_at: 20124-02-19T09:35:02+00:00
+ updated_at: '2024-02-19T09:35:03+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/24
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/24/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/24/runs
+ data:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '2'
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '3'
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '25'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow2
+ description: This is workflow 2
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2024-02-19T09:35:59+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2024-02-19T13:26:14+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/25
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/25/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/25/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '31'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow3
+ description: The is workflow 3
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T10:27:14+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T10:27:15+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/31
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/31/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/31/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '37'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow 4
+ description: This is workflow 4
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T10:31:07+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T10:31:08+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/37
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/37/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/37/runs
+ data:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '7'
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '10'
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '41'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow5
+ description: This is workflow 5
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T12:12:34+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T12:12:39+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/41
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/41/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/41/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '45'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow 6
+ description: This is workflow 6
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T12:40:54+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T12:41:00+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/45
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/45/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/45/runs
+ data:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '1'
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '46'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow7
+ description: This is workflow 7
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T13:49:51+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T13:49:51+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/46
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/46/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/46/runs
+ data:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '5'
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '47'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow8
+ description: This is workflow 8
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-19T13:50:14+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-19T13:50:14+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/47
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/47/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/47/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '51'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow 9
+ description: This is workflow 9
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-20T16:01:21+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-20T16:01:26+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/51
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/51/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/51/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '57'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow10
+ description: This is workflow 10
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-25T08:23:01+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-25T08:23:06+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/57
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/57/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/57/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '61'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow11
+ description: This is workflow 11
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-25T08:26:24+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-25T08:26:28+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/61
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/61/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/61/runs
+ data: []
+ - type: workflow
+ id: '65'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow12
+ description: This is workflow12
+ locked: false
+ created_at: '2019-02-25T12:26:01+00:00'
+ updated_at: '2019-02-25T12:26:05+00:00'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/65
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/65/relationships/runs
+ related: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows/65/runs
+ data: []
+ included:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:34:52.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:34:52.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 3
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/2
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:35:00.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:35:00.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 5
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/3
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-20 14:33:27.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-20 14:33:27.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 5
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/7
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '10'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-20 14:33:28.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-20 14:33:28.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 5
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/10
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:34:52.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:34:52.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 3
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/1
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ start:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:35:03.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ end:
+ date: '2019-02-19 14:35:03.000000'
+ timezone_type: 1
+ timezone: '+00:00'
+ status: 5
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/workflowruns/5
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 12
+ count: 12
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows?page%5Blimit%5D=&page%5Bruns%5D%5Blimit%5D=2&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=runs&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows?page%5Blimit%5D=&page%5Bruns%5D%5Blimit%5D=2&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=runs&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ https://localhost:8012/v1/workflows?page%5Blimit%5D=&page%5Bruns%5D%5Blimit%5D=2&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=runs&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Add a new workflow
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"workflow\",\r\n
+ \t\"attributes\": {\r\n \t\t\"name\": \"Workflow -
+ {{$randomBs}}\",\r\n \"description\": \"This is a
+ workflow\"\r\n \t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v2/Workflow/Workflows
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 13:25:45 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xeb68319ead8c6e563439b3addc65df1e
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-B5kvtXcN4cQseyE7VYdLV0ZWkfJ5rBoM';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-B5kvtXcN4cQseyE7VYdLV0ZWkfJ5rBoM';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f7f73d9c-fa80-4f3c-8f29-1edbba3c0834
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow - transform strategic synergies
+ description: This is a workflow
+ created_at: '2024-04-16T13:25:45Z'
+ updated_at: '2024-04-16T13:25:45Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/schedules
+ /v2/workflows/{workflowId}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Retrieve a workflow
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: workflowId
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflow_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 13:26:40 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xcb278b1fdb31a421b05fd5f1a059285d
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-itWgS1RvpqXw3jvuG9W1WtWzFYuNGs83';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-itWgS1RvpqXw3jvuG9W1WtWzFYuNGs83';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 84bf8604-0503-4195-ade5-2badfabf4a11
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ name: Workflow - transform strategic synergies
+ description: This is a workflow
+ created_at: '2024-04-16T13:25:45Z'
+ updated_at: '2024-04-16T13:25:45Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/8/schedules
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Update a workflow
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"workflow\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{workflow_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"name\": \"modified test\",\r\n \"description\": \"This
+ is a modified test task\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: workflowId
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflow_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 11:43:22 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xbae650b2b2409fa621fbe7c0b92585a2
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-tYaAwL8yQuykIkGCHpImBeA0m5WCeHxu';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-tYaAwL8yQuykIkGCHpImBeA0m5WCeHxu';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 262570f7-7c7d-4283-a9e6-72d2e925fb1d
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified test
+ description: This is a modified test task
+ created_at: '2023-09-05T11:42:26Z'
+ updated_at: '2023-09-05T11:43:22Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/3
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/3/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/3/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/3/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/3/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/3/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/3/schedules
+ /v2/workflows/{workflow_id}/run:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Run a workflow
+ description: >-
+ Once a workflow has been created and steps have been added, you can now
+ run the workflow. See `workflow_runs` and `workflow_step_logs` to view
+ the output of a run.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '""'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: date
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The date to manually run the workflow for (in `YYYY-MM-DD` format).
+ Defaults to the current date.
+ - name: workflow_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflow_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 12:00:33 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xd814daee9f527afb265f44b2e46c5866
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xd814daee9f527afb265f44b2e46c5866
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Ufu7gMi6JdYKv9WBZTYI0MnwW4Tzrg5t';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Ufu7gMi6JdYKv9WBZTYI0MnwW4Tzrg5t';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 88e4fd3b-463e-4672-ade7-662707b1f258
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '12'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ description: This is test task
+ created_at: '2023-09-05T11:59:50Z'
+ updated_at: '2023-09-05T12:00:11Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/12
+ relationships:
+ runs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/12/relationships/runs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/12/runs
+ steps:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/12/relationships/steps
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/12/steps
+ schedules:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/12/relationships/schedules
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflows/12/schedules
+ meta:
+ output: []
+ status: true
+ /v2/workflows/{workflow_id}:
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflows
+ summary: Delete a workflow
+ description: "On success, a\_`HTTP 204 No Content success status response`\_will be returned."
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: workflow_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 11:59:25 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X0cfe18db78aea09818e3eb6cddb398fd
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X0cfe18db78aea09818e3eb6cddb398fd
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-BkTOYFgufUwytfZF4qS1D9JlXxp7U9cH';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-BkTOYFgufUwytfZF4qS1D9JlXxp7U9cH';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 58ab8881-d36b-490b-88f8-985185ae6d29
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/workflowschedules:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ summary: Retrieve a list of schedules
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `workflow`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 23 May 2022 06:14:10 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ro9xO85eo6fcCDcxsThUpuV1z4l5HbMz';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ro9xO85eo6fcCDcxsThUpuV1z4l5HbMz';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: e0bf1c7a-1267-4aef-ab17-570310aafd80
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T14:37:22Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: hourly
+ frequency_modifier: 4
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T14:37:22Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/2
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/2/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/2/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T16:27:45Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: monthly
+ frequency_modifier: 4
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T16:27:45Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/3
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/3/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/3/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T17:45:25Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: hourly
+ frequency_modifier: 2
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T17:45:25Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/4
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/4/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/4/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T10:38:44Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: monthly
+ frequency_modifier: 2
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T10:38:44Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/5
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/5/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/5/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T04:50:26Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: daily
+ frequency_modifier: 1
+ next_run: '2022-05-24T04:50:26Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/6
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/6/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/6/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T16:32:25Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: daily
+ frequency_modifier: 2
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T16:32:25Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/7
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/7/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/7/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T05:22:08Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: monthly
+ frequency_modifier: 1
+ next_run: '2022-06-23T05:22:08Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/8
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/8/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/8/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T21:02:42Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: monthly
+ frequency_modifier: 2
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T21:02:42Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/9
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/9/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/9/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '10'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T16:01:37Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: daily
+ frequency_modifier: 5
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T16:01:37Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/10
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/10/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/10/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '11'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T10:13:42Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: monthly
+ frequency_modifier: 5
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T10:13:42Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/11
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/11/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/11/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '12'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T16:53:11Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: daily
+ frequency_modifier: 4
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T16:53:11Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/12
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/12/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/12/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '13'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T05:59:27Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: hourly
+ frequency_modifier: 5
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T10:59:27Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/13
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/13/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/13/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '14'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T11:08:31Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: monthly
+ frequency_modifier: 1
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T11:08:31Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/14
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/14/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/14/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '15'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T02:59:51Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: monthly
+ frequency_modifier: 4
+ next_run: '2022-09-23T02:59:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/15
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/15/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/15/workflow
+ - type: workflowschedule
+ id: '16'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2022-05-23T22:10:43Z'
+ timezone: UTC
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: monthly
+ frequency_modifier: 3
+ next_run: '2022-05-23T22:10:43Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/16
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/16/relationships/workflow
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules/16/workflow
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 22
+ count: 15
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 2
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ next: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowschedules?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ summary: Add a new schedule
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"workflowschedule\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"start_time\":
+ \"2025-01-01T18:00:00Z\",\r\n\t\t\t\"timezone\":
+ \"Europe/Amsterdam\",\r\n\t\t\t\"adjust_for_dst\":
+ true,\r\n\t\t\t\"frequency\":
+ \"daily\",\r\n\t\t\t\"frequency_modifier\":
+ 2\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"workflow\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\":
+ \"workflow\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{workflow_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v2/WorkflowSchedule/WorkflowSchedules
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 15:21:16 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X2d9bca0abca48af45d8c320e829e8b19
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-XBEKJz1R1YuhvH8cWU9Zbh2t9IDG1IeJ';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-XBEKJz1R1YuhvH8cWU9Zbh2t9IDG1IeJ';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 60673c37-3451-4956-b785-47122d70f278
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowschedule
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2025-01-01T18:00:00Z'
+ timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: daily
+ frequency_modifier: 2
+ next_run: '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowschedules/2
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowschedules/2/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowschedules/2/workflow
+ /v2/workflowschedules/{workflowschedule_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ summary: Retrieve a schedule
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Include additional related resources
+ - name: workflowschedule_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflowschedule_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 15:21:46 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X23a57e825babc8eb45f069a6b9cd7205
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-G31UbujpcXSQ5zUe92SDBj9txnqBXdjx';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-G31UbujpcXSQ5zUe92SDBj9txnqBXdjx';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f57a3cee-92f6-4156-88c0-3732b6e80b8c
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowschedule
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2025-01-01T18:00:00Z'
+ timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: daily
+ frequency_modifier: 2
+ next_run: '2025-01-01T18:00:00Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowschedules/2
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowschedules/2/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowschedules/2/workflow
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ summary: Update a schedule
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"workflowschedule\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{workflowschedule_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"timezone\": \"Europe/London\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: workflowschedule_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflowschedule_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 15:22:04 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xa6e9f4dc3a265186c32984e7028235df
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-2Is0IpYkLkSwrtVpg21cxSnmaWWoByNz';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-2Is0IpYkLkSwrtVpg21cxSnmaWWoByNz';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 4d68f058-52b8-48e8-a7ff-889b3d43b1c7
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowschedule
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ start_time: '2025-01-01T18:00:00Z'
+ timezone: Europe/London
+ adjust_for_dst: true
+ frequency: daily
+ frequency_modifier: 2
+ next_run: '2025-01-01T18:00:00Z'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowschedules/2
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowschedules/2/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowschedules/2/workflow
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowschedules
+ summary: Delete a schedule
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: workflowschedule_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflowschedule_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 15:23:50 GMT
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X40ce1145a0e2631b39e575a9f7a1c778
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X40ce1145a0e2631b39e575a9f7a1c778
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Nxis3X8vDMbWgPIF0g6VbmPQ0Ba5JLmB';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Nxis3X8vDMbWgPIF0g6VbmPQ0Ba5JLmB';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: bec4ed7c-ed5b-432f-92b8-cfc0efb9dbbb
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/workflowsteps:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Add a new budget step (development only)
+ description: |-
+ #### Options
+ | **attribute** | **type** | **mutability** | **description** |
+ | --- | --- | --- | --- |
+ | budget_id | numeric | 📝 editable | Required |
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\":
+ \"workflowstep\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"step_type\": \"evaluate_budget\",\r\n \"timeout\":
+ 600,\r\n \"options\": {\r\n
+ \"budget_id\": \"{{budget_id}}\"\r\n }\r\n
+ },\r\n \"relationships\": {\r\n \"workflow\":
+ {\r\n \"data\": {\r\n
+ \"type\": \"workflow\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{workflow_id}}\"\r\n }\r\n
+ }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 14:15:45 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v2/WorkflowStep/WorkflowSteps
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X5ae689f229b174f86b7d1d0b0dbcb251
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-hkajDLgnCXjY0Kyimb5ll9iN85szgXnm';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-hkajDLgnCXjY0Kyimb5ll9iN85szgXnm';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 3fac2a1c-be38-4b1f-b08d-c7325c47b92a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ id: '38'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: evaluate_budget
+ options:
+ budget_id: '3'
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/38
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/38/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/38/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/38/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/38/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/38/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/38/previous
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Retrieve a list of steps
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `workflow`,
+ `steplogs`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 12:17:05 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xad2a38ad47ace112f7b79b7601c0a443
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-K2vog1dP9CZbB8MUyJnaR8BYZMom3f1J';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-K2vog1dP9CZbB8MUyJnaR8BYZMom3f1J';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 58b1ed62-9c42-4c91-a9de-abf257daba8a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: extract
+ options:
+ script: Workflow_extractor
+ from_date_offset: -2
+ to_date_offset: 2
+ arguments: test1 test2
+ environment_id: null
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/2
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/2/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/2/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/2/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/2/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/2/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/2/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: extract
+ options:
+ script: Workflow_extractor
+ from_date_offset: -2
+ to_date_offset: 2
+ arguments: test1 test2
+ environment_id: null
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/1
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/1/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/1/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/1/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/1/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/1/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/1/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: transform
+ options:
+ script: Workflow_transformer
+ from_date_offset: -2
+ to_date_offset: 2
+ environment_id: null
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/4
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/4/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/4/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/4/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/4/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/4/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/4/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: prepare_report
+ options:
+ report_id: '2'
+ from_date_offset: 1
+ to_date_offset: 2
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/5
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/5/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/5/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/5/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/5/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/5/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/5/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: execute
+ options:
+ command: echo "testing"
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/6
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/6/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/6/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/6/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/6/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/6/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/6/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: proximity
+ options:
+ command: exivity:gc
+ arguments: ''
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/7
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/7/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/7/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/7/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/7/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/7/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/7/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: proximity
+ options:
+ command: exivity:gc
+ arguments: ''
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/8
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/8/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/8/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/8/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/8/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/8/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/8/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: transform
+ options:
+ script: Workflow_transformer
+ from_date_offset: -2
+ to_date_offset: 2
+ environment_id: null
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/3
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/3/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/3/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/3/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/3/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/3/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/3/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '15'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: extract
+ options:
+ script: Workflow_extractor
+ from_date_offset: -2
+ to_date_offset: 2
+ arguments: test1 test2
+ environment_id: null
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/15
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/15/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/15/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/15/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/15/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/15/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/15/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '16'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: extract
+ options:
+ script: Workflow_extractor
+ from_date_offset: -2
+ to_date_offset: 2
+ arguments: test1 test2
+ environment_id: null
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/16
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/16/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/16/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/16/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/16/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/16/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/16/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '20'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: transform
+ options:
+ script: Workflow_transformer
+ from_date_offset: -2
+ to_date_offset: 2
+ environment_id: null
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/20
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/20/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/20/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/20/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/20/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/20/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/20/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '21'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: prepare_report
+ options:
+ report_id: '6'
+ from_date_offset: 1
+ to_date_offset: 2
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/21
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/21/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/21/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/21/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/21/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/21/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/21/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '22'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: execute
+ options:
+ command: echo "testing"
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/22
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/22/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/22/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/22/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/22/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/22/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/22/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '23'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: proximity
+ options:
+ command: exivity:gc
+ arguments: ''
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/23
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/23/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/23/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/23/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/23/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/23/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/23/previous
+ - type: workflowstep
+ id: '24'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: proximity
+ options:
+ command: exivity:gc
+ arguments: ''
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/24
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/24/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/24/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/24/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/24/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/24/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/24/previous
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 22
+ count: 15
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 2
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ next: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ /v2/workflowsteps/{workflowstep_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Retrieve a step
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `steplogs`,
+ `workflow`.
+ - name: workflowstep_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ description: Workflow step ID
+ example: '{{proximity_workflowstep_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 14 Apr 2022 11:45:14 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xbe27447d0a4a32ac69921761806252ec
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-79EFJNtvjbVrpa1Q6e60GreAhyH8ykuF';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-79EFJNtvjbVrpa1Q6e60GreAhyH8ykuF';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f5a1545f-ba74-4401-8ca8-15ba66a1aa8a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ id: '13'
+ attributes:
+ prev: null
+ next: null
+ type: proximity
+ options:
+ command: exivity:gc
+ arguments: ''
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/13
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/13/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/13/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/13/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/13/steplogs
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Update a step
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"workflowstep\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{execute_workflowstep_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"options\": {\r\n \"command\": \"echo
+ \\\"testing\\\"\",\r\n \"arguments\": \"test\"\r\n
+ }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: workflowstep_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{execute_workflowstep_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 12:18:12 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xdd04dd4dcc6b37f8be0f445befb6da76
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-8O2PX5zNQFeRJARYIz0QxcoykY2teAxg';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-8O2PX5zNQFeRJARYIz0QxcoykY2teAxg';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: e269fd55-3b06-46f7-8939-a1ea6dbae65a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ id: '26'
+ attributes:
+ step_type: execute
+ options:
+ command: echo "testing"
+ timeout: 600
+ wait: true
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/26
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/26/relationships/workflow
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/26/workflow
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/26/relationships/steplogs
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/26/steplogs
+ previous:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/26/relationships/previous
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/workflowsteps/26/previous
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Delete a step
+ description: "On success, a\_`HTTP 204 No Content success status response`\_will be returned."
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: workflowstep_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{execute_workflowstep_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 12:18:59 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xbfc4a4353b577a01824d3a9df2f9e324
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xbfc4a4353b577a01824d3a9df2f9e324
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-9FEo9iW8nHap9hO8w14CeXYZ6ZVymMQT';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-9FEo9iW8nHap9hO8w14CeXYZ6ZVymMQT';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: c1067928-a2d1-41fc-8369-0f261fd8d781
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/workflowsteps/{workflowstep_id}/logs:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteps
+ summary: Fetch step logs
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: workflowstep_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflowstep_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/workflowruns:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowruns
+ summary: Retrieve a list of workflow runs
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 23 May 2022 06:54:17 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-RujeBWiWjsiRvo5q0cHBRlqqsFoDOmyA';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-RujeBWiWjsiRvo5q0cHBRlqqsFoDOmyA';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 88061782-7b33-43ec-8cd4-e91675ea7efe
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2022-05-23T06:46:12Z'
+ end_date: '2022-05-23T06:46:13Z'
+ status: failed
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/3
+ relationships:
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/3/relationships/steplogs
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/3/steplogs
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/3/relationships/workflow
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/3/workflow
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '10'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2022-05-23T06:54:16Z'
+ end_date: '2022-05-23T06:54:16Z'
+ status: success
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/10
+ relationships:
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/10/relationships/steplogs
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/10/steplogs
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/10/relationships/workflow
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/10/workflow
+ - type: workflowrun
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2022-05-23T06:48:28Z'
+ end_date: '2022-05-23T06:48:28Z'
+ status: success
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/8
+ relationships:
+ steplogs:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/8/relationships/steplogs
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/8/steplogs
+ workflow:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/8/relationships/workflow
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns/8/workflow
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 3
+ count: 3
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowruns?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ /v2/workflowruns/{workflowrun_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowruns
+ summary: Retrieve a workflow run
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `steplogs`,
+ `workflow`
+ - name: workflowrun_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflowrun_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/workflowsteplogs:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteplogs
+ summary: Retrieve a list of workflow step logs
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `run`,
+ `step`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 23 May 2022 07:13:43 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-QfPEvVq2HCmOaUhywXQ08DE5HP6IUpF4';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-QfPEvVq2HCmOaUhywXQ08DE5HP6IUpF4';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 58797ee7-480f-484a-bf82-8df4382a8c68
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: workflowsteplog
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2022-05-23T06:46:12Z'
+ end_date: '2022-05-23T06:46:15Z'
+ status: success
+ exit_code: 0
+ log: >-
+ {"job_id": 4, "params": "common/pigeon/pigeon.phar
+ command:run publish_report \"{
+ \\\"report_id\\\":\\\"*\\\", \\\"date\\\":20220523 }\"",
+ "timeout": 1800, "to_date": 20220523, "user_id":
+ "chronos", "from_date": 20220523}
+ output: "{\"message\":\"Command finished successfully\"}\r\n"
+ logfile: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/4
+ relationships:
+ step:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/4/relationships/step
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/4/step
+ run:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/4/relationships/run
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/4/run
+ - type: workflowsteplog
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2022-05-23T06:46:12Z'
+ end_date: '2022-05-23T06:46:16Z'
+ status: success
+ exit_code: 0
+ log: >-
+ {"job_id": 5, "params": "common/pigeon/pigeon.phar
+ command:run evaluate_budget \"{
+ \\\"budget_id\\\":\\\"*\\\", \\\"date\\\":20220523 }\"",
+ "timeout": 10800, "to_date": 20220523, "user_id":
+ "chronos", "from_date": 20220523}
+ output: "{\"message\":\"Command finished successfully\"}\r\n"
+ logfile: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/5
+ relationships:
+ step:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/5/relationships/step
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/5/step
+ run:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/5/relationships/run
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/5/run
+ - type: workflowsteplog
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2022-05-23T06:46:12Z'
+ end_date: '2022-05-23T06:46:12Z'
+ status: success
+ exit_code: 0
+ log: >-
+ {"job_id": 6, "params": "/C exit 0", "program":
+ "cmd.exe", "timeout": 60, "to_date": 20220523,
+ "user_id": "chronos", "from_date": 20220523}
+ output: ''
+ logfile: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/6
+ relationships:
+ step:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/6/relationships/step
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/6/step
+ run:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/6/relationships/run
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/6/run
+ - type: workflowsteplog
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2022-05-23T06:46:12Z'
+ end_date: '2022-05-23T06:46:13Z'
+ status: failed
+ exit_code: 1
+ log: >-
+ {"job_id": 7, "params": "--script
+ \"dummy-transformer.trs\" --start_date 20220519
+ --end_date 20220522 --log
+ \"dummy-transformer_scheduled_20220523-064612.log\"",
+ "timeout": 1800, "to_date": 20220522, "user_id":
+ "chronos", "from_date": 20220519}
+ output: "{\r\n \"status\": \"failure\",\r\n \"message\": \"Import of file 'system/extracted/2022/05/19_usage.csv' failed - aborted\",\r\n \"stack\": [{\r\n \"filename\": \"dummy-transformer.trs\",\r\n \"line\": 1\r\n }],\r\n \"start_time\": \"20220523 06:46:12.897\",\r\n \"end_time\": \"20220523 06:46:12.954\"\r\n}\r\n"
+ logfile: dummy-transformer_scheduled_20220523-064612.log
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/7
+ relationships:
+ step:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/7/relationships/step
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/7/step
+ run:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/7/relationships/run
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/7/run
+ - type: workflowsteplog
+ id: '13'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2022-05-23T07:13:42Z'
+ end_date: '2022-05-23T07:13:42Z'
+ status: success
+ exit_code: 0
+ log: >-
+ {"job_id": 13, "params": "\"testing\"", "program":
+ "echo", "timeout": 600, "to_date": 20220523, "user_id":
+ "d0e8afb0-852c-4acd-bf59-afe7247a25b8", "from_date":
+ 20220523}
+ output: "testing\r\n"
+ logfile: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/13
+ relationships:
+ step:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/13/relationships/step
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/13/step
+ run:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/13/relationships/run
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/13/run
+ - type: workflowsteplog
+ id: '11'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2022-05-23T06:54:16Z'
+ end_date: '2022-05-23T06:54:16Z'
+ status: success
+ exit_code: 0
+ log: >-
+ {"job_id": 11, "params": "\"testing\"", "program":
+ "echo", "timeout": 600, "to_date": 20220523, "user_id":
+ "d0e8afb0-852c-4acd-bf59-afe7247a25b8", "from_date":
+ 20220523}
+ output: "testing\r\n"
+ logfile: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/11
+ relationships:
+ step:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/11/relationships/step
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/11/step
+ run:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/11/relationships/run
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/11/run
+ - type: workflowsteplog
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ start_date: '2022-05-23T06:48:28Z'
+ end_date: '2022-05-23T06:48:28Z'
+ status: success
+ exit_code: 0
+ log: >-
+ {"job_id": 9, "params": "\"testing\"", "program":
+ "echo", "timeout": 600, "to_date": 20220523, "user_id":
+ "d0e8afb0-852c-4acd-bf59-afe7247a25b8", "from_date":
+ 20220523}
+ output: "testing\r\n"
+ logfile: ''
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/9
+ relationships:
+ step:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/9/relationships/step
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/9/step
+ run:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/9/relationships/run
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs/9/run
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 7
+ count: 7
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/workflowsteplogs?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ /v2/workflowsteplogs/{workflowsteplog_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /workflowsteplogs
+ summary: Retrieve a workflow step log
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `run`,
+ `step`.
+ - name: workflowsteplog_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{workflowsteplog_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v1/jobs:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /jobs
+ summary: Retrieve a list of jobs
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 14:22:54 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X646eabcd09f5835f0f709e6c764dffdc
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-1dNnHl0muGvLZQluqti348zCpB9Wj1z6';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-1dNnHl0muGvLZQluqti348zCpB9Wj1z6';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 7bba2ec6-20c6-4cc0-8d8c-7c8a07295f5a
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: job
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ''
+ status: failed
+ start_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:14Z'
+ end_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:14Z'
+ job_type: extract
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/jobs/2
+ - type: job
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: f68c6888-46a9-41bd-ae5a-03b81a53d933
+ status: failed
+ start_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:14Z'
+ end_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:14Z'
+ job_type: null
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/jobs/1
+ - type: job
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ''
+ status: failed
+ start_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:15Z'
+ end_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:15Z'
+ job_type: extract
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/jobs/4
+ - type: job
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: f68c6888-46a9-41bd-ae5a-03b81a53d933
+ status: failed
+ start_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:15Z'
+ end_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:15Z'
+ job_type: null
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/jobs/3
+ - type: job
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ''
+ status: failed
+ start_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:17Z'
+ end_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:17Z'
+ job_type: extract
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/jobs/6
+ - type: job
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: f68c6888-46a9-41bd-ae5a-03b81a53d933
+ status: failed
+ start_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:17Z'
+ end_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:17Z'
+ job_type: null
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/jobs/5
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 6
+ count: 6
+ per_page: 10
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/jobs?filter%5Battribute%5D=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/jobs?filter%5Battribute%5D=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v1/jobs?filter%5Battribute%5D=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ /v2/jobs:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /jobs
+ summary: Add a new job
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: job
+ attributes:
+ job_type: prepare_report
+ options:
+ report_id: '{{report_id}}'
+ start_date: null
+ end_date: null
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/v2/Job/Jobs
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 07 May 2024 08:40:56 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X21a8588465dbf7f1722bf77566227b6b
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-1tFaDvqeoJ9wZeNJYaq3lGVRLiQrTtpJ';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-1tFaDvqeoJ9wZeNJYaq3lGVRLiQrTtpJ';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 10addda3-2d02-4ee8-a1b1-37647d1c3927
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Add extract job
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: job
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ job_type: extract
+ status: running
+ start_datetime: '2024-05-07T08:40:56Z'
+ end_datetime: null
+ timeout: 0
+ options:
+ extractor_name: Extractor_test_-_27.use
+ arguments: null
+ environment_id: null
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/jobs/9
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/jobs/9/relationships/user
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/jobs/9/user
+ example-1:
+ summary: Add prepare report job
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: job
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ status: running
+ start_datetime: '2023-11-06T10:16:42Z'
+ end_datetime: null
+ job_type: prepare_report
+ timeout: 0
+ options:
+ report_id: '1'
+ start_date: '2023-11-06'
+ end_date: '2023-11-06'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/jobs/9
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/jobs/9/relationships/user
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/jobs/9/user
+ example-2:
+ summary: Add transform job
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: job
+ id: '16'
+ attributes:
+ job_type: transform
+ status: running
+ start_datetime: '2023-11-06T11:29:04Z'
+ end_datetime: null
+ timeout: 0
+ options:
+ transformer_name: Transformer_test_69.trs
+ environment_id: null
+ start_date: null
+ end_date: null
+ date: '2023-11-06'
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v2/jobs/16
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/v2/jobs/16/relationships/user
+ related: http://localhost:8012/v2/jobs/16/user
+ /v2/jobs/{job_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Data pipelines > /jobs
+ summary: Retrieve a job
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: job_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{job_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 14:31:13 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X0081f1085bfc96f95a8070da04acafa7
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-y0I1ThEGCzz3WdrGB7MRnuBy3ueo4AwA';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-y0I1ThEGCzz3WdrGB7MRnuBy3ueo4AwA';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 36f22853-1972-4cf2-930c-6711475ba759
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: job
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ''
+ status: failed
+ start_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:14Z'
+ end_date: '2022-09-29T07:21:14Z'
+ job_type: extract
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/v1/jobs/2
+ /v2/notificationchannels:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationchannels
+ summary: Get all notification channels
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Possible values: `notificationsubscriptions`, `user`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 09:54:21 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-GvIgV05yGmY5eAGTPm1ZGnSGVp97geKa';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-GvIgV05yGmY5eAGTPm1ZGnSGVp97geKa';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 75360492-4921-41f1-9d61-c1a06888eefa
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: notificationchannel
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: E-mails for someone
+ type: mail
+ info:
+ recipient: someone@exivity.com
+ cc: someoneelse@exivity.com
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/user
+ subscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/relationships/subscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/subscriptions
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/notificationsubscriptions
+ - type: notificationchannel
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: E-mails for someone with cc
+ type: mail
+ info:
+ recipient: someone@exivity.com
+ cc:
+ - someoneelse@exivity.com
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/2
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/2/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/2/user
+ subscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/2/relationships/subscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/2/subscriptions
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/2/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/2/notificationsubscriptions
+ - type: notificationchannel
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ name: Webhook
+ type: webhook
+ info:
+ recipient: https://api.exivity.com/webhook
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/3
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/3/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/3/user
+ subscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/3/relationships/subscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/3/subscriptions
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/3/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/3/notificationsubscriptions
+ - type: notificationchannel
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ name: Database channel
+ type: database
+ info: null
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/user
+ subscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/relationships/subscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/subscriptions
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/notificationsubscriptions
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 4
+ count: 4
+ per_page: 10
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels?include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels?include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels?include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationchannels
+ summary: Create a new channel
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n
+ \"type\":\"notificationchannel\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"type\": \"mail\",\n \"name\":
+ \"E-mail for someone\",\n \"info\": {\n
+ \t\"recipient\": \"someone@exivity.com\"\n }\n
+ },\n \"relationships\": {\n \t\"user\": {\n
+ \t\t\"data\": {\n \t\t\t\"type\": \"user\",\n
+ \t\t\t\"id\": \"{{user_id}}\"\n \t\t}\n
+ \t}\n }\n }\n}\n"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 03 Jul 2019 08:30:32 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.3.6
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://localhost:8012/v1/notificationchannel/5
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xe5f83c7faa917c5a431a80222d484915
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ''
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Slack channel (slack)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationchannel
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ name: My slack channel
+ type: slack
+ info:
+ recipient: >-
+ https://hooks.slack.com/services/abc123def456ghi789jkl
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/notificationchannels/7
+ example-1:
+ summary: Email address (mail)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationchannel
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ name: E-mail for someone
+ type: mail
+ info:
+ recipient: someone@example.com
+ cc: null
+ bcc: null
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/notificationchannels/6
+ example-2:
+ summary: Phone number (nexmo)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationchannel
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: My phone number
+ type: nexmo
+ info:
+ recipient: '+31639385508'
+ links:
+ self: https://localhost:8012/v1/notificationchannels/5
+ example-3:
+ summary: Webhook (webhook)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationchannel
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ name: Webhook
+ type: webhook
+ info:
+ recipient: https://api.exivity.com/webhook
+ headers:
+ - Authorization: Bearer 6sdlgf34583475
+ tls_verification: false
+ include_attachments: false
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/6
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/6/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/6/user
+ subscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/6/relationships/subscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/6/subscriptions
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/6/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/6/notificationsubscriptions
+ example-4:
+ summary: DB channel (database)
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationchannel
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ name: Database channel
+ type: database
+ info: null
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/user
+ subscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/relationships/subscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/subscriptions
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/notificationsubscriptions
+ /v2/notificationchannels/{notification_channel_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationchannels
+ summary: Get a channel
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ - name: notification_channel_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{notification_channel_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 09:54:55 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-LGKIawvKlPpXhrSoq3gn3EnsZkNnfCe3';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-LGKIawvKlPpXhrSoq3gn3EnsZkNnfCe3';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 8427e706-aaae-4ee7-a750-468b2047bc34
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: notificationchannel
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ name: Database channel
+ type: database
+ info: null
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/user
+ subscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/relationships/subscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/subscriptions
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/7/notificationsubscriptions
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationchannels
+ summary: Edit a channel
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"notificationchannel\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{notification_channel_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"info\": {\r\n \t\"recipient\":
+ \"anybody@exivity.com\"\r\n \t}\r\n }\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: notification_channel_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{notification_channel_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 10:20:28 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-N755PmHwXUzNey6Q62ZfXYaxF2HO8cdC';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-N755PmHwXUzNey6Q62ZfXYaxF2HO8cdC';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 9238de2a-2115-448c-9c90-18165782e6d7
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: notificationchannel
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: E-mails for someone
+ type: mail
+ info:
+ recipient: anybody@exivity.com
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/user
+ subscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/relationships/subscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/subscriptions
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationchannels/1/notificationsubscriptions
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationchannels
+ summary: Delete a channel
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: notification_channel_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{notification_channel_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 11 May 2022 10:20:52 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-FqtmwB2gbqgmVPEqH3lyzPi8LljVJYYU';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-FqtmwB2gbqgmVPEqH3lyzPi8LljVJYYU';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 86d6e32f-fc5c-4344-aab4-ed4bc773bec8
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/notificationsubscriptions:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ summary: Get all notifications subscriptions
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ example: '1'
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[name]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `user`,
+ `channels`, `notificationchannels`
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 12 May 2022 08:40:42 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-rDvPCjYcPjQWnisM2n00WYcRm8EWvk3g';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-rDvPCjYcPjQWnisM2n00WYcRm8EWvk3g';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 9afa5e1b-cef9-403f-af69-99fd02b7dd42
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: User-centric context-sensitive conglomeration
+ type: workflow.ended
+ enabled: false
+ info:
+ follow:
+ - '2'
+ - '7'
+ only_status:
+ - failed
+ - successful
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/user
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/notificationchannels
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 24
+ count: 1
+ per_page: 1
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 24
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ next: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Bname%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=24
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ summary: Create new notification subscription
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n\t\"data\": {\n
+ \"type\":\"notificationsubscription\",\n \"attributes\":
+ {\n \"name\": \"Report has been
+ published\",\n \"type\":
+ \"budget_evaluated\",\n \"info\": {\n
+ \"budget_id\": 1,\n \"threshold_percentage\":
+ 80,\n \"only_once\": true,\n
+ \"account_ids\": [1,2,3]\n }\n },\n
+ \"relationships\": {\n \t\"user\": {\n
+ \t\t\"data\": {\n \t\t\t\"type\": \"user\",\n
+ \t\t\t\"id\": \"{{user_id}}\"\n \t\t}\n
+ \t},\n \t\"channels\": {\n \t\t\"data\":
+ {\n \t\t\t\"type\": \"channel\",\n \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{notification_channel_id}}\"\n \t\t}\n
+ \t}\n }\n }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 18 Jan 2021 10:33:17 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-cYInKv7lTnjmgmgCFHZ4bpNFN91Naz9a';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-cYInKv7lTnjmgmgCFHZ4bpNFN91Naz9a';font-src 'self' data:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Budget evaluated
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Important workflow has ended
+ type: budget_evaluated
+ enabled: true
+ info:
+ budget_id: 1
+ threshold_percentage: 80
+ only_once: true
+ account_ids:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 3
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscriptions/4
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/user
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/channels
+ example-1:
+ summary: Report published
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '23'
+ attributes:
+ name: Report has been published
+ type: report_published
+ enabled: true
+ info:
+ format: csv
+ group_by: instances_by_instance
+ dimension:
+ - instances
+ - services
+ report_id: 2
+ report_type: separate
+ account_depth: 1
+ date_settings: previous_month
+ account_filter: 2
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/23
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/23/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/23/user
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/23/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/23/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/23/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/23/notificationchannels
+ example-2:
+ summary: Workflow ended
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Important workflow has ended
+ type: workflow_ended
+ enabled: true
+ info:
+ follow:
+ - '*'
+ only_status:
+ - successful
+ - failed
+ files:
+ filename:
+ - extractor_[0-9]{,2}\.[a-z0-9]{2,4}
+ - transformer_[0-9]{,2}\.[a-z0-9]{2,4}
+ edited_since_workflow_started: true
+ compress_attachments: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscriptions/4
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/user
+ example-3:
+ summary: Workflow ended with file attachement
+ value:
+ data:
+ type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: Important workflow has ended
+ type: workflow_ended
+ enabled: true
+ info:
+ follow:
+ - '*'
+ only_status:
+ - successful
+ - failed
+ files:
+ filename:
+ - extractor_[0-9]{,2}\.[a-z0-9]{2,4}
+ - transformer_[0-9]{,2}\.[a-z0-9]{2,4}
+ edited_since_workflow_started: true
+ compress_attachments: false
+ links:
+ self: http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscriptions/4
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ http://localhost:8012/1/notificationsubscription/4/user
+ /v2/notificationsubscriptions/{notification_subscritpion_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ summary: Get a notification subscription by ID
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[name]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `user`,
+ `channels`, `notificationchannels`
+ - name: notification_subscritpion_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 12 May 2022 08:42:24 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-3r17LnhXITmWP4lSAI7I7IdAQNkJhtdz';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-3r17LnhXITmWP4lSAI7I7IdAQNkJhtdz';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: cf40a885-6ad6-48ea-b67a-a045f1754b9b
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: User-centric context-sensitive conglomeration
+ type: workflow.ended
+ enabled: false
+ info:
+ follow:
+ - '2'
+ - '7'
+ only_status:
+ - failed
+ - successful
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/user
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/notificationchannels
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ summary: Edit a notification subscription
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"notificationsubscription\",\r\n\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{notification_subscritpion_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"Super important workflow
+ ended\"\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: notification_subscritpion_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 12 May 2022 08:43:01 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-N9J9RWrM7pgqptEXLWjGZtKoCy0hBETM';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-N9J9RWrM7pgqptEXLWjGZtKoCy0hBETM';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: e94f4eae-c359-4475-a1ac-d850ac51c4e5
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: notificationsubscription
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: Super important workflow ended
+ type: workflow.ended
+ enabled: false
+ info:
+ follow:
+ - '2'
+ - '7'
+ only_status:
+ - failed
+ - successful
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/relationships/user
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/user
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notificationsubscriptions/1/notificationchannels
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notificationsubscriptions
+ summary: Delete a notification subscription
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: notification_subscritpion_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Thu, 12 May 2022 08:43:08 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-aALR3uTBw5A6FMlWgrhmOmi4Hm8rFUn1';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-aALR3uTBw5A6FMlWgrhmOmi4Hm8rFUn1';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 6e1980a4-e34c-4935-8f82-fb0e3688ce6f
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/notifications:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Profile > /notifications
+ summary: Get all database notification
+ description: Get all database notification for auth user
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 15:24:51 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-OvwsVLLv75RSKUgf8x2dcm7QsNUzvHjD';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-OvwsVLLv75RSKUgf8x2dcm7QsNUzvHjD';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d516bbad-94fd-4ec9-9e9d-5fd8e84fa3f4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: notification
+ id: 9222c0ad-b1a1-4d02-8d45-c90e2e2ddcb5
+ attributes:
+ type: >-
+ App\Model\Notifications\Workflow\WorkflowEndedSuccessNotification
+ notifiable_type: App\User
+ notifiable_id: f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ data: >-
+ {"Title":"Workflow #10: \"workflow_db_notiftest\" has
+ ended.","Description":"","Status":"ended","Started
+ at":"2022-05-16 15:24:05","Ended at":"2022-05-16
+ 15:24:05","ID":10}
+ read_at: null
+ created_at: 1652714646
+ updated_at: 1652714646
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notifications/9222c0ad-b1a1-4d02-8d45-c90e2e2ddcb5
+ - type: notification
+ id: ff556e5d-3dcc-4730-805a-a72063b1c9ea
+ attributes:
+ type: >-
+ App\Model\Notifications\Workflow\WorkflowEndedSuccessNotification
+ notifiable_type: App\User
+ notifiable_id: f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ data: >-
+ {"Title":"Workflow #10: \"workflow_db_notiftest\" has
+ ended.","Description":"","Status":"ended","Started
+ at":"2022-05-16 15:24:05","Ended at":"2022-05-16
+ 15:24:05","ID":10}
+ read_at: null
+ created_at: 1652714646
+ updated_at: 1652714646
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notifications/ff556e5d-3dcc-4730-805a-a72063b1c9ea
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 2
+ count: 2
+ per_page: 10
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notifications?page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notifications?page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/notifications?page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ /v2/users/me:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users > /users/me
+ summary: Retrieve the current user
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `accounts`,
+ `usergroup`, `channels`, `notificationsubscriptions`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 13:34:43 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-JuuWA6nuJWPJiH5ht7wymug3SR9M6n8Y';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-JuuWA6nuJWPJiH5ht7wymug3SR9M6n8Y';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 06312904-cd36-4c86-9549-f29893d16eee
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: user
+ id: f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ attributes:
+ username: admin
+ email_address: ''
+ account_access_type: all
+ source: local
+ display_name: admin
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ relationships:
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ data: []
+ usergroup:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/relationships/usergroup
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/usergroup
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationsubscriptions
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users > /users/me
+ summary: Update the current user
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"user\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{user_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"email_address\": \"tester@exivity.com\",\r\n
+ \"current_password\": \"exivity\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ undefined:
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/users/me/key:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users > /users/me
+ summary: Generate a new key
+ description: This will invalidate all previously issued tokens.
+ requestBody:
+ content: {}
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:45:52 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Vary:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Accept-Encoding
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-aER6WeSomjeKNTGl3rune7Kxi39imFlM';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-aER6WeSomjeKNTGl3rune7Kxi39imFlM';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 61cd30f4-d1da-40bd-9114-1e95c44e6cf5
+ Content-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: gzip
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ result: rotated
+ /v2/users/me/state:
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users > /users/me
+ summary: Update the current users app state
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: '"{\r\n\t\"state\": {\r\n\t\t\"key\": \"value\"\r\n\t}\r\n}"'
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: app
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: The client to update the state for. One of `glass`, `lens`.
+ example: glass
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users > /users/me
+ summary: Delete the current users app state
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: app
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: glass
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/users:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Retrieve a list of users
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values: `usergroup`,
+ `accounts`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:54:53 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-F0S7DZ3ksOyuWkvc9OxNNaPlNihivMZ6';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-F0S7DZ3ksOyuWkvc9OxNNaPlNihivMZ6';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 8b731ab3-81e0-4f16-8886-2bc05ba90dff
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: user
+ id: ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c
+ attributes:
+ username: Sister51
+ email_address: Lenny.Grant@gmail.com
+ account_access_type: all
+ source: local
+ display_name: Laverne Koepp
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c
+ relationships:
+ usergroup:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/relationships/usergroup
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/usergroup
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/accounts
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/notificationchannels
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/notificationsubscriptions
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 9
+ count: 1
+ per_page: 1
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 9
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ next: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=9
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Add a new user
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"user\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"username\": \"User
+ - {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n\t\t\t\"email_address\":
+ \"someone_{{$randomInt}}@exivity.com\",\r\n\t\t\t\"password\":
+ \"super-complex-password\",\r\n\t\t\t\"account_access_type\":
+ \"custom\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"usergroup\": {\r\n\t\t\t\t\"data\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"usergroup\",\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{usergroup_id}}\"\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:55:19 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/User/Users
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-KpMgJSyZKRNrnj7J4TfzxVsFBlQHGzsA';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-KpMgJSyZKRNrnj7J4TfzxVsFBlQHGzsA';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d645a5b8-4515-4033-a1a2-ccca809f6846
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: user
+ id: b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b
+ attributes:
+ username: User - 566
+ email_address: someone_518@exivity.com
+ account_access_type: custom
+ source: local
+ display_name: User - 566
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b
+ relationships:
+ usergroup:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/relationships/usergroup
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/usergroup
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/accounts
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/notificationchannels
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/notificationsubscriptions
+ /v2/users/{new_user_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Retrieve a user
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: new_user_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:55:40 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-gHJUjNeNDldwkHFajrwhYOqvAKntdUlo';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-gHJUjNeNDldwkHFajrwhYOqvAKntdUlo';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: df6a46cc-35f5-4081-932e-a72307fdb316
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: user
+ id: b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b
+ attributes:
+ username: User - 566
+ email_address: someone_518@exivity.com
+ account_access_type: custom
+ source: local
+ display_name: User - 566
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b
+ relationships:
+ usergroup:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/relationships/usergroup
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/usergroup
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/accounts
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/notificationchannels
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/b20f375f-3ca5-481a-801d-33185f316c0b/notificationsubscriptions
+ - type: user
+ id: ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c
+ attributes:
+ username: Sister51
+ email_address: Lenny.Grant@gmail.com
+ account_access_type: all
+ source: local
+ display_name: Laverne Koepp
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c
+ relationships:
+ usergroup:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/relationships/usergroup
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/usergroup
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/accounts
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/notificationchannels
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/ca2ec047-b8bd-45bf-a7ac-935b4779ca6c/notificationsubscriptions
+ - type: user
+ id: 8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f
+ attributes:
+ username: Else_Toy23
+ email_address: Pablo.Reichel30@hotmail.com
+ account_access_type: all
+ source: local
+ display_name: Terrell White
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f
+ relationships:
+ usergroup:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f/relationships/usergroup
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f/usergroup
+ accounts:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f/relationships/accounts
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f/accounts
+ channels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f/relationships/channels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f/channels
+ notificationchannels:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f/relationships/notificationchannels
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f/notificationchannels
+ notificationsubscriptions:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f/relationships/notificationsubscriptions
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/8ce58e81-289c-4503-a143-937094542b1f/notificationsubscriptions
+ - type: user
+ id: 298abc01-6bc6-48ea-9c0d-d9c607d946e2
+ attributes:
+ username: Nola42
+ email_address: Waylon.OHara0@hotmail.com
+ account_access_type: all
+ source: saml
+ display_name: Manuel Larson
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/users/298abc01-6bc6-48ea-9c0d-d9c607d946e2
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+ display_name: Floyd Hayes Sr.
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+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Update a user
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"user\",\r\n \"id\":
+ \"{{new_user_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"username\": \"modified_user - {{$randomInt}}\",\r\n
+ \"email_address\":
+ \"someone+modified_{{$randomInt}}@exivity.com\",\r\n
+ \"account_access_type\": \"all\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
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+ - bearerAuth: []
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+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
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+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: new_user_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:56:24 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
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+ type: string
+ example: dd07bc5e-a701-4d22-9315-1f450f27f489
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+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: user
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+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Delete a user
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: new_user_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:56:32 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
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+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
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+ text/plain:
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+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/users/{new_user_id}/key:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /users
+ summary: Generate a new key
+ description: "⚠️ Available since v3.0.0.\r\n\r\nThis will invalidate all previously issued tokens."
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+ content: {}
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+ - bearerAuth: []
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+ description: OK
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+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:56:03 GMT
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+ example: application/json
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+ example: chunked
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+ type: string
+ example: Accept-Encoding
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-xUPKYgNEd6WdUyDYB6FsgxkKgWCSA3LB';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-xUPKYgNEd6WdUyDYB6FsgxkKgWCSA3LB';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 6367e0ae-0f57-41c7-9bc8-d2e9af2144c6
+ Content-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: gzip
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ result: rotated
+ /v2/usergroups:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /usergroups
+ summary: Retrieve a list of usergroups
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `users`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:45:16 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-BJfq2pJiGvb7npBp5ZjZ1lM0z2K1c40K';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-BJfq2pJiGvb7npBp5ZjZ1lM0z2K1c40K';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ad903999-6505-43a5-850e-66793b412cb9
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: usergroup
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: admins
+ permissions:
+ - '*'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/1
+ relationships:
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/1/relationships/users
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/1/users
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 5
+ count: 1
+ per_page: 1
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 5
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ next: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=5
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /usergroups
+ summary: Add a new usergroup
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"usergroup\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\":
+ \"testers\",\r\n\t\t\t\"permissions\":
+ [\"manage_users\"]\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:44:03 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/Usergroup/Usergroups
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6GyGGNVSqu6x1b3ANKb4XJixLUTzFzRb';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6GyGGNVSqu6x1b3ANKb4XJixLUTzFzRb';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 90551202-9778-4075-a2a1-c5445f9664b0
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: usergroup
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: testers
+ permissions:
+ - manage_users
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/5
+ relationships:
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/5/relationships/users
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/5/users
+ /v2/usergroups/{usergroup_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /usergroups
+ summary: Retrieve a usergroup
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `users`.'
+ - name: usergroup_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:19:54 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-SA98MT5gxJQI68p04WP2VxtA7cp12MFZ';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-SA98MT5gxJQI68p04WP2VxtA7cp12MFZ';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 977696ce-1069-4292-90f0-e4a07abc8666
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: usergroup
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: admins
+ permissions:
+ - '*'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/1
+ relationships:
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/1/relationships/users
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/1/users
+ - type: usergroup
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: marketing
+ permissions:
+ - view_audit
+ - manage_catalogue
+ - manage_files
+ - manage_datasets
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/2
+ relationships:
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/2/relationships/users
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/2/users
+ - type: usergroup
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ name: managers
+ permissions:
+ - manage_users
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/3
+ relationships:
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/3/relationships/users
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/3/users
+ - type: usergroup
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ name: clients
+ permissions:
+ - manage_datasets
+ - manage_accounts
+ - view_audit
+ - manage_catalogue
+ - manage_settings
+ - manage_metadata_definitions
+ - view_budgets
+ - manage_data_sources
+ - view_reports
+ - view_cogs
+ - view_logs
+ - manage_users
+ - manage_files
+ - manage_reports
+ - manage_workflows
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/4
+ relationships:
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/4/relationships/users
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/4/users
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 4
+ count: 4
+ per_page: 10
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups?page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups?page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups?page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /usergroups
+ summary: Update a usergroup
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"usergroup\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{usergroup_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\": {\r\n
+ \"name\": \"modified_testers\",\r\n \"permissions\":
+ [\r\n \"manage_users\",\r\n
+ \"manage_settings\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: usergroup_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:45:33 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-gXWmkSkZqM5fO32xtBliZx7CwIFYDKrT';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-gXWmkSkZqM5fO32xtBliZx7CwIFYDKrT';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 241e56e4-e6ae-4217-8458-191dc3f1de43
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: usergroup
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ name: modified_testers
+ permissions:
+ - manage_users
+ - manage_settings
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/5
+ relationships:
+ users:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/5/relationships/users
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/usergroups/5/users
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /usergroups
+ summary: Delete a usergroup
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: usergroup_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 14:45:43 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-NNjNk1mZmMRToLu6g11fRW1Kl2Duf0dB';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-NNjNk1mZmMRToLu6g11fRW1Kl2Duf0dB';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: caa52fb3-4e89-4805-96f5-c258f4d57a29
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/configurations/system:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /configurations > system
+ summary: Retrieve system configuration (unauthenticated)
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 09 Jan 2023 10:12:38 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xef027881c5755f263088b16eef5af31c
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xef027881c5755f263088b16eef5af31c
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-bFpC0h9VYDhL0NSWCFsHilgbRQb6dsug';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-bFpC0h9VYDhL0NSWCFsHilgbRQb6dsug';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 069ed9f3-56ff-4866-884b-f9da194422e6
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: configuration
+ id: system
+ attributes:
+ APP_DEBUG: false
+ APP_NAME: Exivity
+ APP_LOGO: null
+ APP_ICON: null
+ APP_COLOUR: '#00a8d8'
+ APP_CSS: ''
+ PUBLIC_ROOT: https://localhost:8001
+ SSO_LOGIN_METHOD: local_user_or_ldap
+ TOKEN_TTL: 4 hours
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /configurations > system
+ summary: Update configuration
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{ \r\n \"data\":{\r\n \"type\":
+ \"configuration\",\r\n \"id\": \"system\",\r\n
+ \"attributes\": {\r\n \"SUMMARY_EXTRA\": \"Updated
+ from Postman Test\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 09 Jan 2023 10:13:00 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X89c0547f6361cd7a60099c925c3b48e6
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X89c0547f6361cd7a60099c925c3b48e6
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-31ZEQxe9R8zNIMwlY9YqmqeJMaIiVQMk';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-31ZEQxe9R8zNIMwlY9YqmqeJMaIiVQMk';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 4be34144-0725-497e-87c1-3378c982acde
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: configuration
+ id: system
+ attributes:
+ APP_DEBUG: false
+ APP_NAME: Exivity
+ APP_LOGO: null
+ APP_ICON: null
+ APP_COLOUR: '#00a8d8'
+ APP_CSS: ''
+ PUBLIC_ROOT: https://localhost:8001
+ SSO_LOGIN_METHOD: local_user_or_ldap
+ TOKEN_TTL: 4 hours
+ USE_CACHE: true
+ DATE_FORMAT: dd-MM-yyyy
+ SUMMARY_EXTRA: Updated from Postman Test
+ SUMMARY_MIN_COMMIT: Uplift for minimum commitment of {quantity} {label}
+ PASSWORD_POLICY: length_dictionary
+ FINGERPRINTER: secure_ip_useragent
+ /v2/configurations/saml:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /configurations > saml
+ summary: Get SAML configuration
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /configurations > saml
+ summary: Update SAML configuration
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{ \r\n \"data\":{\r\n \"type\":
+ \"configuration\",\r\n \"id\": \"saml\",\r\n
+ \"attributes\": { \r\n \"SAML_ENTITY_ID\":
+ \"https://test\",\r\n \"SAML_X509_CERTIFICATE\":
+ \"...\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/configurations/services:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /configurations > services
+ summary: Get system services config
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 14:30:16 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X8e3c0796ae850b3ecb708c9d392ad602
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X8e3c0796ae850b3ecb708c9d392ad602
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-TciOUxIWiWUeiXYmzkn7RasXOqUSR5QO';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-TciOUxIWiWUeiXYmzkn7RasXOqUSR5QO';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d1a21dad-76dd-4ddd-8dbf-92acaeed4cca
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: configuration
+ id: services
+ attributes:
+ LDAP_BASE_DN: null
+ LDAP_HOSTS: null
+ LDAP_PORT: '389'
+ MAIL_HOST: null
+ MAIL_PASSWORD: '********'
+ MAIL_PORT: '465'
+ NEXMO_KEY: null
+ NEXMO_SECRET: '********'
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /configurations > services
+ summary: Update system services config
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{ \r\n \"data\":{\r\n \"type\":
+ \"configuration\",\r\n \"id\": \"services\",\r\n
+ \"attributes\": { \r\n \"MAIL_FROM_NAME\":
+ \"MyApp\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ X-Powered-By:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/8.3.0
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 14:32:52 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X8d450017736508c1f1c023587a45411f
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '9'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X8d450017736508c1f1c023587a45411f
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-fft9xER8YVJTrA2CrP9hXLFa8mnpS2O6';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-fft9xER8YVJTrA2CrP9hXLFa8mnpS2O6';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1d3292e0-92bf-4961-a1c7-8f018f7f6349
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: configuration
+ id: services
+ attributes:
+ LDAP_BASE_DN: null
+ LDAP_HOSTS: null
+ LDAP_PORT: '389'
+ MAIL_HOST: null
+ MAIL_PASSWORD: '********'
+ MAIL_PORT: '465'
+ NEXMO_KEY: null
+ NEXMO_SECRET: '********'
+ /v2/configurationchecks:
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /configurations > /configurationchecks
+ summary: Check mail server
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\":{\r\n \"type\":
+ \"configurationcheck\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"check\": \"email\",\r\n \"to\":
+ \"email@exivity.com\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/auditentries:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /auditentries
+ summary: Get audit trail
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: start
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The start of the date range (inclusive) you want to view the audit
+ trail for in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ - name: end
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ The end of the date range (inclusive) you want to view the audit
+ trail for in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. Defaults to the current date.
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `user`'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 17 May 2022 14:12:44 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Vary:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Accept-Encoding
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-9lK1ZmgLDQDJqWoYCUYhT5OEGiHhFBSU';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-9lK1ZmgLDQDJqWoYCUYhT5OEGiHhFBSU';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 367f6966-08eb-4c1a-8be8-6617f0fd1530
+ Content-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: gzip
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: audit
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: scaffold
+ category: system
+ action: modify
+ message: Clean installation of Exivity version develop-gh-5897
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:42:10Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/1
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/1/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/1/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ''
+ user_name: ''
+ component: proximity
+ category: database
+ action: other
+ message: Migration for "WorkflowStepAttributes" ran successfully
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:44:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/2
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/2/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/2/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '3'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ''
+ user_name: ''
+ component: proximity
+ category: database
+ action: other
+ message: 'Added tier_breakdown to tables: none'
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:44:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/3
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/3/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/3/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '4'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ''
+ user_name: ''
+ component: proximity
+ category: usergroup
+ action: create
+ message: Usergroup 'admins' with id=1 created
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:44:57Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/4
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/4/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/4/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '5'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ''
+ user_name: ''
+ component: proximity
+ category: user
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ User 'admin' with
+ id=c690d9a8-7ca5-4a4d-9944-3e89f3e2ca18 created
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:44:57Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/5
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/5/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/5/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '6'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'allauto.usage' for 20170825
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:19Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/6
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/6/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/6/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '7'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'allauto.usage' for 20170826
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:20Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/7
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/7/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/7/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '8'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'allauto.usage' for 20170827
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:21Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/8
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/8/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/8/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: Report 'Test Report v7' created
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:22Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/9
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/9/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/9/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '10'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: account
+ action: create
+ message: 46 accounts were added to the global database
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:22Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/10
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/10/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/10/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '11'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'Test Report v7' for 20170825 (20 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:22Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/11
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/11/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/11/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '12'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'Test Report v7' for 20170826 (20 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:22Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/12
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/12/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/12/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '13'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'Test Report v7' for 20170827 (20 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:22Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/13
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/13/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/13/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '14'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220417
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:48Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/14
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/14/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/14/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '15'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220418
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:52Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/15
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/15/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/15/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '16'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220419
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:45:56Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/16
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/16/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/16/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '17'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220420
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:00Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/17
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/17/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/17/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '18'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220421
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:04Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/18
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/18/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/18/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '19'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220422
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:08Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/19
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/19/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/19/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '20'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220423
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:12Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/20
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/20/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/20/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '21'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220424
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:16Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/21
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/21/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/21/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '22'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220425
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:21Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/22
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/22/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/22/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '23'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220426
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:25Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/23
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/23/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/23/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '24'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220427
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:29Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/24
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/24/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/24/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '25'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220428
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:33Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/25
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/25/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/25/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '26'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220429
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:37Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/26
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/26/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/26/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '27'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220430
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:41Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/27
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/27/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/27/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '28'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220501
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:45Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/28
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/28/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/28/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '29'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220502
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:49Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/29
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/29/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/29/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '30'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220503
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:53Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/30
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/30/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/30/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '31'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220504
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:46:57Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/31
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/31/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/31/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '32'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220505
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:01Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/32
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/32/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/32/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '33'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220506
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:05Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/33
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/33/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/33/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '34'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220507
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:09Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/34
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/34/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/34/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '35'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220508
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:14Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/35
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/35/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/35/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '36'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220509
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/36
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/36/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/36/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '37'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220510
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:22Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/37
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/37/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/37/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '38'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220511
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:26Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/38
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/38/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/38/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '39'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220512
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:30Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/39
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/39/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/39/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '40'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220513
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:34Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/40
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/40/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/40/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '41'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220514
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:38Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/41
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/41/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/41/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '42'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220515
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:42Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/42
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/42/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/42/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '43'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220516
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:46Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/43
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/43/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/43/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '44'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'csp_acme.consolidated' for 20220517
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:50Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/44
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/44/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/44/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '45'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: Report 'IT Services Consumption' created
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/45
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/45/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/45/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '46'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: account
+ action: create
+ message: 1799 accounts were added to the global database
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/46
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/46/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/46/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '47'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220417
+ (7752 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/47
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/47/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/47/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '48'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220418
+ (7778 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/48
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/48/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/48/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '49'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220419
+ (7780 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/49
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/49/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/49/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '50'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220420
+ (7773 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/50
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/50/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/50/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '51'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220421
+ (7758 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/51
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/51/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/51/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '52'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220422
+ (7759 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/52
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/52/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/52/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '53'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220423
+ (7779 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/53
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/53/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/53/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '54'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220424
+ (7783 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/54
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/54/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/54/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '55'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220425
+ (7789 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/55
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/55/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/55/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '56'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220426
+ (7790 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/56
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/56/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/56/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '57'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220427
+ (7775 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/57
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/57/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/57/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '58'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220428
+ (7778 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/58
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/58/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/58/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '59'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220429
+ (7786 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/59
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/59/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/59/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '60'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220430
+ (7787 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/60
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/60/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/60/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '61'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220501
+ (7867 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/61
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/61/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/61/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '62'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220502
+ (7880 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/62
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/62/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/62/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '63'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220503
+ (7859 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/63
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/63/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/63/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '64'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220504
+ (7882 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/64
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/64/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/64/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '65'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220505
+ (7864 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/65
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/65/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/65/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '66'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220506
+ (7887 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/66
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/66/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/66/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '67'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220507
+ (7889 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/67
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/67/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/67/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '68'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220508
+ (7892 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/68
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/68/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/68/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '69'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220509
+ (7892 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/69
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/69/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/69/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '70'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220510
+ (7891 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/70
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/70/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/70/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '71'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220511
+ (7870 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/71
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/71/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/71/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '72'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220512
+ (8255 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/72
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/72/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/72/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '73'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220513
+ (8337 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/73
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/73/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/73/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '74'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220514
+ (7935 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/74
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/74/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/74/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '75'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220515
+ (7986 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/75
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/75/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/75/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '76'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220516
+ (7892 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/76
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/76/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/76/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '77'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'IT Services Consumption' for 20220517
+ (7876 report cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:47:51Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/77
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/77/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/77/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '78'
+ attributes:
+ user_id:
+ user_name:
+ component: transcript
+ category: rdf
+ action: create
+ message: Created RDF 'dummy-data.dummy-usage' for 20200101
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:52:10Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/78
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/78/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/78/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '79'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: Report 'dummy-report' created
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/79
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/79/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/79/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '80'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: account
+ action: create
+ message: 203 accounts were added to the global database
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/80
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/80/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/80/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '81'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200101 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/81
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/81/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/81/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '82'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200102 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/82
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/82/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/82/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '83'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200103 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/83
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/83/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/83/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '84'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200104 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/84
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/84/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/84/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '85'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200105 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/85
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/85/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/85/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '86'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200106 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/86
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/86/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/86/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '87'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200107 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/87
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/87/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/87/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '88'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200108 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/88
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/88/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/88/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '89'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200109 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/89
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/89/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/89/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '90'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200110 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/90
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/90/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/90/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '91'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200111 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/91
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/91/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/91/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '92'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200112 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/92
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/92/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/92/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '93'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200113 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/93
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/93/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/93/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '94'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200114 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/94
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/94/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/94/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '95'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200115 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/95
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/95/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/95/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '96'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200116 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/96
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/96/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/96/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '97'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200117 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/97
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/97/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/97/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '98'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200118 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/98
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/98/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/98/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '99'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200119 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/99
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/99/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/99/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '100'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200120 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/100
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/100/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/100/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '101'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200121 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/101
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/101/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/101/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '102'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200122 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/102
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/102/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/102/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '103'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200123 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/103
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/103/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/103/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '104'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200124 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/104
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/104/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/104/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '105'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200125 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/105
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/105/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/105/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '106'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200126 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/106
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/106/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/106/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '107'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200127 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/107
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/107/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/107/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '108'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200128 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/108
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/108/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/108/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '109'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200129 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/109
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/109/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/109/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '110'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200130 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/110
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/110/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/110/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '111'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200131 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/111
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/111/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/111/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '112'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200201 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/112
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/112/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/112/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '113'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200202 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/113
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/113/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/113/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '114'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200203 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/114
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/114/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/114/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '115'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200204 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/115
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/115/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/115/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '116'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200205 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/116
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/116/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/116/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '117'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200206 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/117
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/117/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/117/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '118'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200207 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/118
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/118/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/118/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '119'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200208 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/119
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/119/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/119/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '120'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200209 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/120
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/120/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/120/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '121'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200210 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/121
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/121/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/121/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '122'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200211 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/122
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/122/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/122/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '123'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200212 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/123
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/123/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/123/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '124'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200213 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/124
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/124/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/124/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '125'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200214 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/125
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/125/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/125/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '126'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200215 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/126
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/126/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/126/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '127'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200216 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/127
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/127/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/127/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '128'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200217 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/128
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/128/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/128/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '129'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200218 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/129
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/129/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/129/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '130'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200219 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/130
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/130/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/130/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '131'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200220 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/131
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/131/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/131/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '132'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200221 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/132
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/132/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/132/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '133'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200222 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/133
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/133/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/133/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '134'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200223 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/134
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/134/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/134/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '135'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200224 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/135
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/135/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/135/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '136'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200225 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/136
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/136/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/136/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '137'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200226 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/137
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/137/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/137/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '138'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200227 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/138
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/138/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/138/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '139'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200228 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/139
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/139/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/139/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '140'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200229 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/140
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/140/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/140/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '141'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200301 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/141
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/141/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/141/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '142'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200302 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/142
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/142/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/142/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '143'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200303 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/143
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/143/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/143/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '144'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200304 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/144
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/144/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/144/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '145'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200305 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/145
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/145/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/145/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '146'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200306 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/146
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/146/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/146/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '147'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200307 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/147
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/147/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/147/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '148'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200308 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/148
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/148/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/148/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '149'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200309 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/149
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/149/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/149/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '150'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200310 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/150
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/150/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/150/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '151'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200311 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/151
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/151/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/151/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '152'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200312 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/152
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/152/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/152/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '153'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200313 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/153
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/153/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/153/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '154'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200314 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/154
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/154/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/154/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '155'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200315 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/155
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/155/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/155/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '156'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200316 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/156
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/156/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/156/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '157'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200317 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/157
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/157/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/157/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '158'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200318 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/158
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/158/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/158/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '159'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200319 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/159
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/159/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/159/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '160'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200320 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/160
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/160/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/160/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '161'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200321 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/161
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/161/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/161/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '162'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200322 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/162
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/162/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/162/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '163'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200323 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/163
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/163/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/163/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '164'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200324 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/164
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/164/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/164/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '165'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200325 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/165
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/165/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/165/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '166'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200326 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/166
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/166/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/166/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '167'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200327 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/167
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/167/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/167/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '168'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200328 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/168
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/168/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/168/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '169'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200329 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/169
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/169/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/169/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '170'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200330 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/170
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/170/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/170/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '171'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200331 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/171
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/171/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/171/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '172'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200401 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/172
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/172/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/172/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '173'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200402 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/173
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/173/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/173/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '174'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200403 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/174
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/174/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/174/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '175'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200404 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/175
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/175/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/175/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '176'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200405 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/176
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/176/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/176/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '177'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200406 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/177
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/177/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/177/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '178'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200407 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/178
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/178/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/178/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '179'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200408 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/179
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/179/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/179/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '180'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200409 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/180
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/180/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/180/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '181'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200410 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/181
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/181/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/181/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '182'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200411 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/182
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/182/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/182/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '183'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200412 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/183
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/183/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/183/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '184'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200413 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/184
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/184/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/184/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '185'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200414 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/185
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/185/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/185/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '186'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200415 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/186
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/186/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/186/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '187'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200416 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/187
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/187/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/187/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '188'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200417 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/188
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/188/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/188/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '189'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200418 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/189
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/189/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/189/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '190'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200419 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/190
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/190/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/190/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '191'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200420 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/191
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/191/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/191/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '192'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200421 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/192
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/192/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/192/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '193'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200422 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/193
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/193/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/193/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '194'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200423 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/194
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/194/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/194/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '195'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200424 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/195
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/195/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/195/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '196'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200425 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/196
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/196/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/196/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '197'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200426 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/197
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/197/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/197/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '198'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200427 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/198
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/198/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/198/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '199'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200428 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/199
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/199/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/199/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '200'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200429 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/200
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/200/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/200/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '201'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200430 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/201
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/201/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/201/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '202'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200501 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/202
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/202/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/202/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '203'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200502 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/203
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/203/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/203/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '204'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200503 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/204
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/204/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/204/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '205'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200504 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/205
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/205/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/205/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '206'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200505 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/206
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/206/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/206/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '207'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200506 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/207
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/207/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/207/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '208'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200507 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/208
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/208/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/208/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '209'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200508 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/209
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/209/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/209/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '210'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200509 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/210
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/210/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/210/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '211'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200510 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/211
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/211/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/211/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '212'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200511 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/212
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/212/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/212/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '213'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200512 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/213
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/213/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/213/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '214'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200513 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/214
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/214/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/214/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '215'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200514 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/215
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/215/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/215/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '216'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200515 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/216
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/216/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/216/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '217'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200516 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/217
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/217/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/217/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '218'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200517 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/218
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/218/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/218/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '219'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200518 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/219
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/219/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/219/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '220'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200519 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/220
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/220/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/220/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '221'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200520 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/221
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/221/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/221/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '222'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200521 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/222
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/222/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/222/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '223'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200522 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/223
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/223/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/223/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '224'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200523 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/224
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/224/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/224/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '225'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200524 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/225
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/225/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/225/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '226'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200525 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/226
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/226/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/226/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '227'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200526 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/227
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/227/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/227/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '228'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200527 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/228
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/228/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/228/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '229'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200528 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/229
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/229/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/229/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '230'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200529 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/230
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/230/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/230/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '231'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200530 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/231
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/231/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/231/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '232'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200531 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/232
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/232/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/232/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '233'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200601 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/233
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/233/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/233/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '234'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200602 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/234
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/234/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/234/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '235'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200603 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/235
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/235/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/235/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '236'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200604 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/236
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/236/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/236/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '237'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200605 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/237
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/237/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/237/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '238'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200606 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/238
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/238/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/238/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '239'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200607 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/239
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/239/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/239/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '240'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200608 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/240
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/240/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/240/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '241'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200609 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/241
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/241/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/241/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '242'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200610 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/242
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/242/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/242/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '243'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200611 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/243
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/243/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/243/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '244'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200612 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/244
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/244/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/244/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '245'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200613 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/245
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/245/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/245/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '246'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200614 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/246
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/246/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/246/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '247'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200615 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/247
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/247/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/247/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '248'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200616 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/248
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/248/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/248/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '249'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200617 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/249
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/249/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/249/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '250'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200618 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/250
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/250/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/250/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '251'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200619 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/251
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/251/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/251/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '252'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200620 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/252
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/252/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/252/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '253'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200621 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/253
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/253/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/253/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '254'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200622 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/254
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/254/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/254/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '255'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200623 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/255
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/255/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/255/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '256'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200624 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/256
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/256/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/256/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '257'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200625 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/257
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/257/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/257/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '258'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200626 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/258
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/258/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/258/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '259'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200627 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/259
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/259/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/259/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '260'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200628 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/260
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/260/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/260/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '261'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200629 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/261
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/261/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/261/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '262'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200630 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/262
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/262/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/262/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '263'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200701 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/263
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/263/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/263/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '264'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200702 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/264
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/264/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/264/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '265'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200703 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/265
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/265/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/265/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '266'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200704 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/266
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/266/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/266/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '267'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200705 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/267
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/267/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/267/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '268'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200706 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/268
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/268/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/268/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '269'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200707 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/269
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/269/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/269/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '270'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200708 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/270
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/270/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/270/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '271'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200709 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/271
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/271/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/271/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '272'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200710 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/272
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/272/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/272/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '273'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200711 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/273
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/273/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/273/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '274'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200712 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/274
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/274/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/274/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '275'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200713 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/275
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/275/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/275/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '276'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200714 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/276
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/276/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/276/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '277'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200715 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/277
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/277/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/277/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '278'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200716 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/278
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/278/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/278/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '279'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200717 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/279
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/279/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/279/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '280'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200718 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/280
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/280/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/280/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '281'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200719 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/281
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/281/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/281/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '282'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200720 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/282
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/282/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/282/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '283'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200721 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/283
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/283/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/283/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '284'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200722 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/284
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/284/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/284/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '285'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200723 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/285
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/285/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/285/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '286'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200724 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/286
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/286/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/286/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '287'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200725 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/287
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/287/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/287/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '288'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200726 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/288
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/288/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/288/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '289'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200727 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/289
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/289/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/289/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '290'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200728 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/290
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/290/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/290/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '291'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200729 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/291
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/291/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/291/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '292'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200730 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/292
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/292/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/292/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '293'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200731 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/293
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/293/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/293/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '294'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200801 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/294
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/294/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/294/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '295'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200802 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/295
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/295/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/295/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '296'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200803 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/296
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/296/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/296/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '297'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200804 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/297
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/297/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/297/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '298'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200805 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/298
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/298/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/298/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '299'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200806 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/299
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/299/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/299/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '300'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200807 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/300
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/300/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/300/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '301'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200808 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/301
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/301/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/301/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '302'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200809 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/302
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/302/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/302/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '303'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200810 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/303
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/303/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/303/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '304'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200811 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/304
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/304/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/304/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '305'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200812 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/305
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/305/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/305/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '306'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200813 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/306
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/306/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/306/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '307'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200814 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/307
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/307/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/307/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '308'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200815 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/308
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/308/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/308/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '309'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200816 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/309
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/309/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/309/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '310'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200817 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/310
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/310/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/310/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '311'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200818 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/311
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/311/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/311/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '312'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200819 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/312
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/312/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/312/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '313'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200820 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/313
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/313/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/313/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '314'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200821 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/314
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/314/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/314/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '315'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200822 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/315
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/315/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/315/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '316'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200823 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/316
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/316/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/316/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '317'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200824 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/317
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/317/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/317/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '318'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200825 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/318
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/318/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/318/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '319'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200826 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/319
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/319/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/319/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '320'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200827 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/320
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/320/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/320/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '321'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200828 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/321
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/321/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/321/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '322'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200829 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/322
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/322/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/322/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '323'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200830 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/323
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/323/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/323/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '324'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200831 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/324
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/324/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/324/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '325'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200901 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/325
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/325/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/325/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '326'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200902 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/326
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/326/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/326/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '327'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200903 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/327
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/327/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/327/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '328'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200904 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/328
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/328/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/328/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '329'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200905 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/329
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/329/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/329/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '330'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200906 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/330
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/330/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/330/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '331'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200907 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/331
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/331/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/331/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '332'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200908 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/332
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/332/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/332/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '333'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200909 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/333
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/333/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/333/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '334'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200910 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/334
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/334/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/334/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '335'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200911 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/335
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/335/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/335/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '336'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200912 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/336
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/336/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/336/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '337'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200913 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/337
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/337/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/337/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '338'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200914 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/338
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/338/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/338/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '339'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200915 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/339
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/339/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/339/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '340'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200916 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/340
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/340/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/340/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '341'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200917 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/341
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/341/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/341/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '342'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200918 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/342
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/342/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/342/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '343'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200919 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/343
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/343/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/343/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '344'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200920 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/344
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/344/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/344/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '345'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200921 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/345
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/345/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/345/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '346'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200922 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/346
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/346/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/346/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '347'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200923 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/347
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/347/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/347/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '348'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200924 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/348
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/348/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/348/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '349'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200925 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/349
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/349/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/349/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '350'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200926 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/350
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/350/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/350/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '351'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200927 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/351
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/351/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/351/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '352'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200928 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/352
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/352/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/352/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '353'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200929 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/353
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/353/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/353/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '354'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20200930 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/354
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/354/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/354/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '355'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201001 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/355
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/355/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/355/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '356'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201002 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/356
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/356/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/356/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '357'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201003 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/357
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/357/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/357/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '358'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201004 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/358
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/358/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/358/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '359'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201005 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/359
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/359/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/359/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '360'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201006 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/360
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/360/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/360/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '361'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201007 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/361
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/361/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/361/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '362'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201008 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/362
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/362/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/362/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '363'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201009 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/363
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/363/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/363/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '364'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201010 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/364
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/364/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/364/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '365'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201011 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/365
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/365/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/365/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '366'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201012 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/366
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/366/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/366/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '367'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201013 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/367
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/367/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/367/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '368'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201014 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/368
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/368/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/368/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '369'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201015 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/369
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/369/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/369/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '370'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201016 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/370
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/370/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/370/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '371'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201017 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/371
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/371/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/371/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '372'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201018 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/372
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/372/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/372/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '373'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201019 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/373
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/373/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/373/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '374'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201020 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/374
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/374/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/374/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '375'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201021 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/375
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/375/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/375/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '376'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201022 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/376
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/376/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/376/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '377'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201023 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/377
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/377/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/377/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '378'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201024 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/378
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/378/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/378/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '379'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201025 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/379
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/379/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/379/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '380'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201026 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/380
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/380/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/380/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '381'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201027 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/381
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/381/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/381/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '382'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201028 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/382
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/382/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/382/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '383'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201029 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/383
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/383/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/383/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '384'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201030 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/384
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/384/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/384/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '385'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201031 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/385
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/385/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/385/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '386'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201101 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/386
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/386/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/386/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '387'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201102 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/387
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/387/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/387/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '388'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201103 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/388
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/388/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/388/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '389'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201104 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/389
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/389/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/389/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '390'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201105 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/390
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/390/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/390/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '391'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201106 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/391
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/391/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/391/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '392'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201107 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/392
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/392/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/392/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '393'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201108 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/393
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/393/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/393/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '394'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201109 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/394
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/394/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/394/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '395'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201110 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/395
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/395/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/395/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '396'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201111 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/396
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/396/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/396/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '397'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201112 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/397
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/397/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/397/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '398'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201113 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/398
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/398/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/398/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '399'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201114 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/399
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/399/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/399/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '400'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201115 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/400
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/400/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/400/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '401'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201116 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/401
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/401/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/401/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '402'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201117 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/402
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/402/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/402/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '403'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201118 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/403
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/403/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/403/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '404'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201119 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/404
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/404/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/404/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '405'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201120 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/405
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/405/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/405/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '406'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201121 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/406
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/406/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/406/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '407'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201122 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/407
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/407/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/407/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '408'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201123 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/408
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/408/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/408/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '409'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201124 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/409
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/409/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/409/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '410'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201125 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/410
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/410/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/410/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '411'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201126 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/411
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/411/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/411/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '412'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201127 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/412
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/412/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/412/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '413'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201128 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/413
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/413/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/413/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '414'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201129 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/414
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/414/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/414/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '415'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201130 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/415
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/415/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/415/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '416'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201201 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/416
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/416/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/416/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '417'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201202 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/417
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/417/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/417/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '418'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201203 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/418
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/418/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/418/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '419'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201204 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/419
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/419/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/419/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '420'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201205 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/420
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/420/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/420/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '421'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201206 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/421
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/421/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/421/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '422'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201207 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/422
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/422/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/422/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '423'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201208 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/423
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/423/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/423/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '424'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201209 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/424
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/424/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/424/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '425'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201210 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/425
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/425/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/425/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '426'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201211 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/426
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/426/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/426/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '427'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201212 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/427
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/427/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/427/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '428'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201213 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/428
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/428/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/428/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '429'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201214 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/429
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/429/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/429/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '430'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201215 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/430
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/430/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/430/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '431'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201216 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/431
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/431/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/431/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '432'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201217 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/432
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/432/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/432/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '433'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201218 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/433
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/433/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/433/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '434'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201219 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/434
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/434/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/434/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '435'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201220 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/435
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/435/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/435/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '436'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201221 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/436
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/436/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/436/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '437'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201222 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/437
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/437/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/437/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '438'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201223 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/438
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/438/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/438/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '439'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201224 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/439
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/439/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/439/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '440'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201225 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/440
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/440/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/440/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '441'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201226 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/441
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/441/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/441/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '442'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201227 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/442
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/442/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/442/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '443'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201228 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/443
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/443/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/443/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '444'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201229 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/444
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/444/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/444/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '445'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201230 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/445
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/445/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/445/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '446'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: ybb3
+ user_name: ''
+ component: edify
+ category: report
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ Prepared report 'dummy-report' for 20201231 (857 report
+ cache entries)
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T13:53:18Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/446
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/446/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/446/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '447'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: c690d9a8-7ca5-4a4d-9944-3e89f3e2ca18
+ user_name: admin
+ component: proximity
+ category: user
+ action: create
+ message: >-
+ UserKey 'jwt_key_32 for user
+ c690d9a8-7ca5-4a4d-9944-3e89f3e2ca18' with id=1 created
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T14:03:20Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/447
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/447/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/447/user
+ - type: audit
+ id: '448'
+ attributes:
+ user_id: c690d9a8-7ca5-4a4d-9944-3e89f3e2ca18
+ user_name: admin
+ component: proximity
+ category: user
+ action: login
+ message: Created token from
+ created_at: '2022-05-17T14:03:20Z'
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/448
+ relationships:
+ user:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/448/relationships/user
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/audits/448/user
+ /v2/logs:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /logs
+ summary: Prepare report
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: component
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Required, in: extract, transform, prepare_report, proximity,
+ chronos, pigeon, horizon, merlin, griffon
+ example: prepare_report
+ - name: limit
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the maximum number of logfiles to return. Defaults to `100`.
+ - name: filter
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optionally filter the logfiles by filename. Use the asterisk (`*`)
+ for wildcard matching.
+ - name: truncate
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Whether to truncate the logfile lines. Use `0` to not disable
+ truncating, or specify a number to receive the last `x` lines.
+ Defaults to `1000`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 16 May 2022 15:07:14 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Vary:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Accept-Encoding
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zRcF2sUJ7c8hzfvIFGK0DoWQQS49VBxq';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-zRcF2sUJ7c8hzfvIFGK0DoWQQS49VBxq';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: e858fbf7-2d45-4bce-86dc-ae4054ff6a43
+ Content-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: gzip
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ examples:
+ example-0:
+ summary: Proximity
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: logfile
+ id: proximity-2022-05-16.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-05-16T07:48:40Z'
+ metadata: []
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:21:48.583+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable - forbidId()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d10038e2-10a7-4997-986d-24940bfcb279
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:21:48.585+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d10038e2-10a7-4997-986d-24940bfcb279
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ClientGeneratedIdException
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:21:48.585+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: Client generated IDs are not allowed.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d10038e2-10a7-4997-986d-24940bfcb279
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\ClientGeneratedIdException(code:
+ 0): Client generated IDs are not allowed. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/ValidatesParameters.php:127)
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:21:48.587+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d10038e2-10a7-4997-986d-24940bfcb279
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ClientGeneratedIdException
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:21:48.587+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d10038e2-10a7-4997-986d-24940bfcb279
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:21:48.587+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d10038e2-10a7-4997-986d-24940bfcb279
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ClientGeneratedIdException
+ message: Client generated IDs are not allowed.
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.540+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15208
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.545+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.592+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.604+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5b88f331-ed06-4951-bc45-2c6475d35e3e
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.605+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5b88f331-ed06-4951-bc45-2c6475d35e3e
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.606+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5b88f331-ed06-4951-bc45-2c6475d35e3e
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.628+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5b88f331-ed06-4951-bc45-2c6475d35e3e
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.628+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: >-
+ {"request-id":"5b88f331-ed06-4951-bc45-2c6475d35e3e","exception":"[object]
+ (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException(code:
+ 0): at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/AbstractRouteCollection.php:43)"}
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.629+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5b88f331-ed06-4951-bc45-2c6475d35e3e
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.629+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5b88f331-ed06-4951-bc45-2c6475d35e3e
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:23:10.629+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5b88f331-ed06-4951-bc45-2c6475d35e3e
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ message: ''
+ url: >-
+ /v2/variables/29f55cab-e3f2-4aeb-959a-8d7f727186ca
+ ip:
+ http_method: PATCH
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.841+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 5964
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.845+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.890+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.903+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.903+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.904+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.917+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.917+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.917+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.917+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.979+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/ Safari/537.36
+ url: /v2/variables
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.979+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.979+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.988+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.988+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.989+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/ Safari/537.36
+ url: /v2/variables
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.989+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.989+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.991+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.994+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.994+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\VariableController::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.994+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\VariableController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.995+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ version: '2'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\VariableController
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.998+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v2\Variable
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.999+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ inputData:
+ data:
+ type: variable
+ attributes:
+ name: Appie
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.999+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::requireType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.999+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: requireType() - all good
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.999+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable - forbidId()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.999+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::preValidate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.999+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Variable restEndpoint - validateOrFail()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.999+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::validateOrFail()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.999+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::prepareRules()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:52.999+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::appendRelationships()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ called_from: App\Endpoints\RestEndpoint
+ attributes:
+ name: Appie
+ relationships: []
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:53.004+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Validating attributes...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:53.005+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: The value field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ rules:
+ name: required|string
+ value: required|string
+ encrypted: boolean
+ environment_id: required|numeric|exists:environment,id
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:53.007+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:53.007+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: The value field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException(code:
+ 0): The value field is required. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/ValidatesParameters.php:182)
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:53.009+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:53.009+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:45:53.010+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cfce330d-6933-42f3-a36c-922894686978
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ message: The value field is required.
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.252+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15340
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.256+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.303+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.316+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.316+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.317+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.328+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.328+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.329+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.329+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.390+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/ Safari/537.36
+ url: /v2/variables
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.390+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.390+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.399+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.399+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.400+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/ Safari/537.36
+ url: /v2/variables
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.400+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.400+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.402+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.405+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.405+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\VariableController::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.406+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\VariableController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.406+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ version: '2'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\VariableController
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v2\Variable
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ inputData:
+ data:
+ type: variable
+ attributes:
+ name: Appie
+ value: mosterd
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::requireType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: requireType() - all good
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable - forbidId()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::preValidate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Variable restEndpoint - validateOrFail()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::validateOrFail()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::prepareRules()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\Variable::appendRelationships()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ called_from: App\Endpoints\RestEndpoint
+ attributes:
+ name: Appie
+ value: mosterd
+ relationships: []
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.415+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Validating attributes...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.416+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: The environment id field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ rules:
+ name: required|string
+ value: required|string
+ encrypted: boolean
+ environment_id: required|numeric|exists:environment,id
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.418+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.418+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: The environment id field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException(code:
+ 0): The environment id field is required. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/ValidatesParameters.php:182)
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.420+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.420+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T08:46:47.421+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a5c50fdd-5c68-47fc-82ff-473b41083e4a
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ message: The environment id field is required.
+ url: /v2/variables
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:3000/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.016+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12368
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.020+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.065+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.079+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.080+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.080+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.093+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.094+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.094+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: >-
+ JwtAuthMiddleware -No token provided, please
+ login.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.096+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.096+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: No token provided, please login.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException(code: 0):
+ No token provided, please login. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Http/Middleware/JwtAuthMiddleware.php:36)
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.097+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.097+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:29.098+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13470179-0306-482f-8080-72272e399bda
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ message: No token provided, please login.
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:55.934+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15208
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:55.938+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:55.985+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:55.998+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:55.998+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:55.998+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:56.012+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:56.012+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:56.013+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: >-
+ JwtAuthMiddleware -No token provided, please
+ login.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:56.015+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:56.015+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: No token provided, please login.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException(code: 0):
+ No token provided, please login. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Http/Middleware/JwtAuthMiddleware.php:36)
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:56.016+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:56.016+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:45:56.016+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c72ae89e-f04e-4bae-b394-2f1c7928c716
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ message: No token provided, please login.
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/accounts
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.450+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 14148
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.454+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.500+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.513+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.513+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.513+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.529+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.529+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.530+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: >-
+ JwtAuthMiddleware -No token provided, please
+ login.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.532+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.532+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: No token provided, please login.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException(code: 0):
+ No token provided, please login. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Http/Middleware/JwtAuthMiddleware.php:36)
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.533+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.533+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:46:07.534+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fa59bb2a-5d8d-4c7e-8c99-0649cdac55fb
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ message: No token provided, please login.
+ url: /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.702+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 11644
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.706+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.755+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.768+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.769+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.769+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.784+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.784+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.784+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.784+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.846+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.846+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.847+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.855+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.856+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.856+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.856+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.856+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.859+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.862+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.862+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\UserController::related()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.862+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\UserController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.863+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ version: '2'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\UserController
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.867+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\User::__construct()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.867+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v2\User
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.868+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\User::query()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ model: App\Models\Entities\User
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.869+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: notificationchannels
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.869+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: >-
+ Throwing excepiton: Method does not exist:
+ App\Models\Entities\User->notificationchannels
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.871+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.871+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: >-
+ Related resource notificationchannels is invalid
+ for this endpoint.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException(code:
+ 0): Related resource notificationchannels is
+ invalid for this endpoint. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/HandlesRelationships.php:222)
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.872+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.873+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:03.873+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: cd71dc6f-9ba0-4dc5-9d0f-9bda86651359
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException
+ message: >-
+ Related resource notificationchannels is
+ invalid for this endpoint.
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.679+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 13696
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.683+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.729+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.742+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.742+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.742+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.756+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.756+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.756+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.757+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.817+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.817+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.817+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.826+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.826+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.827+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.827+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.827+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.829+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.832+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.832+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\UserController::related()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.832+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\UserController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.833+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ version: '2'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\UserController
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.837+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\User::__construct()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.837+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v2\User
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.837+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\User::query()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ model: App\Models\Entities\User
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.838+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: notificationchannels
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.838+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: >-
+ Throwing excepiton: Method does not exist:
+ App\Models\Entities\User->notificationchannels
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.840+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.840+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: >-
+ Related resource notificationchannels is invalid
+ for this endpoint.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException(code:
+ 0): Related resource notificationchannels is
+ invalid for this endpoint. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/HandlesRelationships.php:222)
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.842+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.842+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T09:47:14.842+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9b2b29d3-a9a7-4b1d-a219-70cd9576450c
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException
+ message: >-
+ Related resource notificationchannels is
+ invalid for this endpoint.
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.732+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12920
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.736+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.782+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.795+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: eb53ec43-e73c-4d91-9090-475e7c2f422f
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.795+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: eb53ec43-e73c-4d91-9090-475e7c2f422f
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.795+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: eb53ec43-e73c-4d91-9090-475e7c2f422f
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.817+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: eb53ec43-e73c-4d91-9090-475e7c2f422f
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.817+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: >-
+ {"request-id":"eb53ec43-e73c-4d91-9090-475e7c2f422f","exception":"[object]
+ (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException(code:
+ 0): at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/AbstractRouteCollection.php:43)"}
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.818+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: eb53ec43-e73c-4d91-9090-475e7c2f422f
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.819+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: eb53ec43-e73c-4d91-9090-475e7c2f422f
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:28.819+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: eb53ec43-e73c-4d91-9090-475e7c2f422f
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ message: ''
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:29.974+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 9396
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:29.978+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:30.024+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:30.036+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6cdd3d31-99df-4de0-b9cd-69eaa738554c
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:30.036+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6cdd3d31-99df-4de0-b9cd-69eaa738554c
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:30.036+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6cdd3d31-99df-4de0-b9cd-69eaa738554c
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:30.057+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6cdd3d31-99df-4de0-b9cd-69eaa738554c
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:30.058+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: >-
+ {"request-id":"6cdd3d31-99df-4de0-b9cd-69eaa738554c","exception":"[object]
+ (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException(code:
+ 0): at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/AbstractRouteCollection.php:43)"}
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:30.059+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6cdd3d31-99df-4de0-b9cd-69eaa738554c
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:30.059+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6cdd3d31-99df-4de0-b9cd-69eaa738554c
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:01:30.059+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6cdd3d31-99df-4de0-b9cd-69eaa738554c
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ message: ''
+ url: /dqgqoeCXckuwPtxov
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.862+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12000
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.866+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.911+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.924+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a12c31c9-cc4b-43b3-8c95-283b5ef4930c
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.924+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a12c31c9-cc4b-43b3-8c95-283b5ef4930c
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.924+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a12c31c9-cc4b-43b3-8c95-283b5ef4930c
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.948+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a12c31c9-cc4b-43b3-8c95-283b5ef4930c
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.948+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: >-
+ {"request-id":"a12c31c9-cc4b-43b3-8c95-283b5ef4930c","exception":"[object]
+ (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException(code:
+ 0): at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/AbstractRouteCollection.php:43)"}
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.949+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a12c31c9-cc4b-43b3-8c95-283b5ef4930c
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.949+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a12c31c9-cc4b-43b3-8c95-283b5ef4930c
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:25.950+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a12c31c9-cc4b-43b3-8c95-283b5ef4930c
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ message: ''
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:26.971+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12368
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:26.975+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:27.020+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:27.032+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d9198ac5-d533-4e92-927d-b5874122444b
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:27.032+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d9198ac5-d533-4e92-927d-b5874122444b
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:27.033+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d9198ac5-d533-4e92-927d-b5874122444b
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:27.054+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d9198ac5-d533-4e92-927d-b5874122444b
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:27.054+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: >-
+ {"request-id":"d9198ac5-d533-4e92-927d-b5874122444b","exception":"[object]
+ (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException(code:
+ 0): at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/AbstractRouteCollection.php:43)"}
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:27.055+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d9198ac5-d533-4e92-927d-b5874122444b
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:27.055+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d9198ac5-d533-4e92-927d-b5874122444b
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:27.055+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d9198ac5-d533-4e92-927d-b5874122444b
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ message: ''
+ url: /v1/favicon.png
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.196+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15208
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.200+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.244+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.256+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2f0b2e89-8e49-4a27-a11f-fe4809a2634f
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.257+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2f0b2e89-8e49-4a27-a11f-fe4809a2634f
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.257+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2f0b2e89-8e49-4a27-a11f-fe4809a2634f
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.278+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2f0b2e89-8e49-4a27-a11f-fe4809a2634f
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.278+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: >-
+ {"request-id":"2f0b2e89-8e49-4a27-a11f-fe4809a2634f","exception":"[object]
+ (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException(code:
+ 0): at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/AbstractRouteCollection.php:43)"}
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.280+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2f0b2e89-8e49-4a27-a11f-fe4809a2634f
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.280+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2f0b2e89-8e49-4a27-a11f-fe4809a2634f
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:21:47.280+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2f0b2e89-8e49-4a27-a11f-fe4809a2634f
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ message: ''
+ url: /v1/
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.889+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 14148
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.893+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.941+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.954+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d4d5e959-b72a-48dc-b095-a6c1104c3f36
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.954+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d4d5e959-b72a-48dc-b095-a6c1104c3f36
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.954+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d4d5e959-b72a-48dc-b095-a6c1104c3f36
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.964+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d4d5e959-b72a-48dc-b095-a6c1104c3f36
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.964+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d4d5e959-b72a-48dc-b095-a6c1104c3f36
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.965+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d4d5e959-b72a-48dc-b095-a6c1104c3f36
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.966+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d4d5e959-b72a-48dc-b095-a6c1104c3f36
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.967+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d4d5e959-b72a-48dc-b095-a6c1104c3f36
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:05.967+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: d4d5e959-b72a-48dc-b095-a6c1104c3f36
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.071+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 5964
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.075+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.121+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.134+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7d5426f8-2457-4b4c-910e-da9ca140e941
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.134+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7d5426f8-2457-4b4c-910e-da9ca140e941
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.135+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7d5426f8-2457-4b4c-910e-da9ca140e941
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.145+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7d5426f8-2457-4b4c-910e-da9ca140e941
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.145+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7d5426f8-2457-4b4c-910e-da9ca140e941
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.146+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7d5426f8-2457-4b4c-910e-da9ca140e941
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.146+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7d5426f8-2457-4b4c-910e-da9ca140e941
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.147+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7d5426f8-2457-4b4c-910e-da9ca140e941
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:33.147+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7d5426f8-2457-4b4c-910e-da9ca140e941
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.774+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15340
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.784+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.899+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.912+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.912+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.912+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.923+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.923+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.924+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.924+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.925+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.926+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.926+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:37.926+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:38.096+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/100.0.4896.147 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/system
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:38.096+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T10:23:38.097+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9728fbf6-703c-4fda-bc0b-ab13746b8e98
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.829+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15208
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.833+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.878+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.893+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ddc0c3d2-5f2b-4bde-b335-023cbd7aee9e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.893+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ddc0c3d2-5f2b-4bde-b335-023cbd7aee9e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.893+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ddc0c3d2-5f2b-4bde-b335-023cbd7aee9e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.904+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ddc0c3d2-5f2b-4bde-b335-023cbd7aee9e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.904+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ddc0c3d2-5f2b-4bde-b335-023cbd7aee9e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.905+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ddc0c3d2-5f2b-4bde-b335-023cbd7aee9e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.905+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ddc0c3d2-5f2b-4bde-b335-023cbd7aee9e
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.906+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ddc0c3d2-5f2b-4bde-b335-023cbd7aee9e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:56.906+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ddc0c3d2-5f2b-4bde-b335-023cbd7aee9e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:59.994+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15136
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:57:59.999+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.100+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.128+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.128+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.129+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.163+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.164+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.165+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.165+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.169+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.169+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.170+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.170+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.404+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/system
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.404+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T11:58:00.404+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: f2dd1d9d-c486-4424-9440-2cfdea61abe1
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.914+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15208
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.919+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.966+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.980+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e0f49ecc-e69e-424f-95b5-88e2997bac2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.980+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e0f49ecc-e69e-424f-95b5-88e2997bac2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.981+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e0f49ecc-e69e-424f-95b5-88e2997bac2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.991+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e0f49ecc-e69e-424f-95b5-88e2997bac2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.991+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e0f49ecc-e69e-424f-95b5-88e2997bac2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.992+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e0f49ecc-e69e-424f-95b5-88e2997bac2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.992+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e0f49ecc-e69e-424f-95b5-88e2997bac2d
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.993+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e0f49ecc-e69e-424f-95b5-88e2997bac2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:05:45.993+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e0f49ecc-e69e-424f-95b5-88e2997bac2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.828+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 13920
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.832+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.880+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.894+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa1256d-a71c-4009-ab10-c4bc28e31931
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.895+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa1256d-a71c-4009-ab10-c4bc28e31931
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.896+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa1256d-a71c-4009-ab10-c4bc28e31931
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.906+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa1256d-a71c-4009-ab10-c4bc28e31931
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.906+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa1256d-a71c-4009-ab10-c4bc28e31931
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.907+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa1256d-a71c-4009-ab10-c4bc28e31931
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.907+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa1256d-a71c-4009-ab10-c4bc28e31931
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.908+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa1256d-a71c-4009-ab10-c4bc28e31931
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:18.909+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa1256d-a71c-4009-ab10-c4bc28e31931
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.549+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15136
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.554+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.603+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.619+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 0db79bc3-368b-4a36-89a3-dd7cf8eef7ce
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.619+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 0db79bc3-368b-4a36-89a3-dd7cf8eef7ce
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.620+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 0db79bc3-368b-4a36-89a3-dd7cf8eef7ce
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.631+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 0db79bc3-368b-4a36-89a3-dd7cf8eef7ce
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.631+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 0db79bc3-368b-4a36-89a3-dd7cf8eef7ce
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.632+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 0db79bc3-368b-4a36-89a3-dd7cf8eef7ce
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.632+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 0db79bc3-368b-4a36-89a3-dd7cf8eef7ce
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.633+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 0db79bc3-368b-4a36-89a3-dd7cf8eef7ce
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:09:31.633+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 0db79bc3-368b-4a36-89a3-dd7cf8eef7ce
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.144+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 13696
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.148+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.193+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.207+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bdc2edc8-c928-4b40-a214-eca85ebe46c4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.207+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bdc2edc8-c928-4b40-a214-eca85ebe46c4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.208+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bdc2edc8-c928-4b40-a214-eca85ebe46c4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.218+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bdc2edc8-c928-4b40-a214-eca85ebe46c4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.218+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bdc2edc8-c928-4b40-a214-eca85ebe46c4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.219+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bdc2edc8-c928-4b40-a214-eca85ebe46c4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.219+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bdc2edc8-c928-4b40-a214-eca85ebe46c4
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.220+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bdc2edc8-c928-4b40-a214-eca85ebe46c4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:01.220+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bdc2edc8-c928-4b40-a214-eca85ebe46c4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.633+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12920
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.637+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.685+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.700+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a3885d96-b402-4356-a334-022e17e8e7f7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.701+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a3885d96-b402-4356-a334-022e17e8e7f7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.702+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a3885d96-b402-4356-a334-022e17e8e7f7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.712+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a3885d96-b402-4356-a334-022e17e8e7f7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.712+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a3885d96-b402-4356-a334-022e17e8e7f7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.713+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a3885d96-b402-4356-a334-022e17e8e7f7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.714+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a3885d96-b402-4356-a334-022e17e8e7f7
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.715+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a3885d96-b402-4356-a334-022e17e8e7f7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:11:23.715+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: a3885d96-b402-4356-a334-022e17e8e7f7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.123+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12000
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.128+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.175+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.189+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9d30dd77-a127-47d8-b910-54a899a9512e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.189+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9d30dd77-a127-47d8-b910-54a899a9512e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.190+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9d30dd77-a127-47d8-b910-54a899a9512e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.202+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9d30dd77-a127-47d8-b910-54a899a9512e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.203+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9d30dd77-a127-47d8-b910-54a899a9512e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.204+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9d30dd77-a127-47d8-b910-54a899a9512e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.204+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9d30dd77-a127-47d8-b910-54a899a9512e
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.205+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9d30dd77-a127-47d8-b910-54a899a9512e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:13:02.206+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9d30dd77-a127-47d8-b910-54a899a9512e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.084+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15208
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.088+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.134+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.148+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 48863772-d7b0-485d-8cd2-a593583c9b2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.149+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 48863772-d7b0-485d-8cd2-a593583c9b2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.150+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 48863772-d7b0-485d-8cd2-a593583c9b2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.160+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 48863772-d7b0-485d-8cd2-a593583c9b2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.160+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 48863772-d7b0-485d-8cd2-a593583c9b2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.161+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 48863772-d7b0-485d-8cd2-a593583c9b2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.161+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 48863772-d7b0-485d-8cd2-a593583c9b2d
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.162+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 48863772-d7b0-485d-8cd2-a593583c9b2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:12.163+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 48863772-d7b0-485d-8cd2-a593583c9b2d
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:34.937+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 13920
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:34.942+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:34.988+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:35.002+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 488c621e-ed48-4068-bcbc-1e7fb6440b8e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:35.002+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 488c621e-ed48-4068-bcbc-1e7fb6440b8e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:35.003+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 488c621e-ed48-4068-bcbc-1e7fb6440b8e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:35.013+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 488c621e-ed48-4068-bcbc-1e7fb6440b8e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:35.013+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 488c621e-ed48-4068-bcbc-1e7fb6440b8e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:35.014+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 488c621e-ed48-4068-bcbc-1e7fb6440b8e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:35.014+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 488c621e-ed48-4068-bcbc-1e7fb6440b8e
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:35.015+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 488c621e-ed48-4068-bcbc-1e7fb6440b8e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:14:35.015+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 488c621e-ed48-4068-bcbc-1e7fb6440b8e
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.058+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15136
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.062+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.108+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.122+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 093bfb4a-bf52-4c08-8dc5-08524426da70
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.122+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 093bfb4a-bf52-4c08-8dc5-08524426da70
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.123+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 093bfb4a-bf52-4c08-8dc5-08524426da70
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.133+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 093bfb4a-bf52-4c08-8dc5-08524426da70
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.133+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 093bfb4a-bf52-4c08-8dc5-08524426da70
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.134+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 093bfb4a-bf52-4c08-8dc5-08524426da70
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.134+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 093bfb4a-bf52-4c08-8dc5-08524426da70
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.135+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 093bfb4a-bf52-4c08-8dc5-08524426da70
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:15:06.135+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 093bfb4a-bf52-4c08-8dc5-08524426da70
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: http://localhost:9090/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.158+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15340
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.163+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.212+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.224+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2d992248-981e-4fbb-b1fb-89386e68cf0f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.225+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2d992248-981e-4fbb-b1fb-89386e68cf0f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.225+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2d992248-981e-4fbb-b1fb-89386e68cf0f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.235+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2d992248-981e-4fbb-b1fb-89386e68cf0f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.235+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2d992248-981e-4fbb-b1fb-89386e68cf0f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.236+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2d992248-981e-4fbb-b1fb-89386e68cf0f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.236+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2d992248-981e-4fbb-b1fb-89386e68cf0f
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.237+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2d992248-981e-4fbb-b1fb-89386e68cf0f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T12:57:11.237+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 2d992248-981e-4fbb-b1fb-89386e68cf0f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.642+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12920
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.647+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.695+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.709+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c5ecd84a-dc5c-44ab-84cf-fedbef26c224
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.709+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c5ecd84a-dc5c-44ab-84cf-fedbef26c224
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.709+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c5ecd84a-dc5c-44ab-84cf-fedbef26c224
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.719+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c5ecd84a-dc5c-44ab-84cf-fedbef26c224
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.720+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c5ecd84a-dc5c-44ab-84cf-fedbef26c224
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.720+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c5ecd84a-dc5c-44ab-84cf-fedbef26c224
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.721+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c5ecd84a-dc5c-44ab-84cf-fedbef26c224
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.722+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c5ecd84a-dc5c-44ab-84cf-fedbef26c224
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:15.722+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c5ecd84a-dc5c-44ab-84cf-fedbef26c224
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.355+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15208
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.359+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.405+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.422+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.423+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.423+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.435+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.435+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.436+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.437+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.438+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.438+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.439+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.439+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.685+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/system
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.685+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:18.686+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 810c9c3a-26f2-43c3-8340-20d5151e7ddb
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:09.784+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 9396
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:09.795+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.043+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.044+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.044+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.093+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.094+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.095+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.095+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.319+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.319+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.319+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.332+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.332+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.333+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.333+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.333+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.335+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.380+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.381+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.381+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.381+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.385+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.385+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ inputData:
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ attributes:
+ sort: 4
+ type: use
+ options: []
+ timeout: 3600
+ wait: true
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.386+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::requireType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.386+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: requireType() - all good
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.386+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep - forbidId()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.386+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::preValidate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.391+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::validateOrFail()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.391+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::prepareRules()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.391+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::appendRelationships()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ called_from: App\Endpoints\RestEndpoint
+ attributes:
+ sort: 4
+ type: use
+ options: []
+ timeout: 3600
+ wait: true
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.391+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: '- append relationship workflow'
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.396+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Validating attributes...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.404+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: The options field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ rules:
+ workflow_id: required|numeric|exists:workflow,id
+ sort: numeric
+ type: >-
+ required|string|in:"use","transcript","edify","execute","proximity","publish_report","evaluate_budget"
+ options: required|array
+ timeout: numeric|min:1|max:86400
+ wait: bool
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.406+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.406+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: The options field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException(code:
+ 0): The options field is required. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/ValidatesParameters.php:182)
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.411+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: e6dd3ec0-e01a-4db2-9611-8ca60d92eb30
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ message: The options field is required.
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:09.965+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 15340
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:09.974+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.140+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.161+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.161+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.162+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.190+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.190+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.190+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.190+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.414+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.414+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.415+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.451+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.451+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.454+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.454+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.455+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.459+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.465+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.466+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.466+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.466+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.476+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.476+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ inputData:
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ attributes:
+ sort: 2
+ type: use
+ options: []
+ timeout: 3600
+ wait: true
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.476+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::requireType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.476+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: requireType() - all good
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.476+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep - forbidId()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.476+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::preValidate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.485+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::validateOrFail()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.485+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::prepareRules()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.485+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::appendRelationships()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ called_from: App\Endpoints\RestEndpoint
+ attributes:
+ sort: 2
+ type: use
+ options: []
+ timeout: 3600
+ wait: true
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.485+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: '- append relationship workflow'
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.493+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Validating attributes...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.507+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: The options field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ rules:
+ workflow_id: required|numeric|exists:workflow,id
+ sort: numeric
+ type: >-
+ required|string|in:"use","transcript","edify","execute","proximity","publish_report","evaluate_budget"
+ options: required|array
+ timeout: numeric|min:1|max:86400
+ wait: bool
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.511+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.511+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: The options field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException(code:
+ 0): The options field is required. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/ValidatesParameters.php:182)
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.513+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.513+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.514+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 4e512bdf-a30d-46af-884f-803976d0ad8d
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ message: The options field is required.
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:09.878+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 13696
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:09.881+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:09.962+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.046+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.048+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.049+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.074+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.074+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.412+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:09.950+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.412+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.031+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.412+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.080+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.451+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.451+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.085+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.454+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.152+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.455+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.152+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.455+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.165+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.459+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.165+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.466+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.466+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.410+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.466+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.412+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.466+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.442+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.477+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.442+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.444+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.477+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ inputData:
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ attributes:
+ sort: 1
+ type: use
+ options: []
+ timeout: 3600
+ wait: true
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.444+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.477+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::requireType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.444+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.477+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: requireType() - all good
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.446+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.477+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep - forbidId()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.468+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.477+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::preValidate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.468+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.485+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::validateOrFail()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.468+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.485+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::prepareRules()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.471+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.485+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::appendRelationships()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ called_from: App\Endpoints\RestEndpoint
+ attributes:
+ sort: 1
+ type: use
+ options: []
+ timeout: 3600
+ wait: true
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.482+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.485+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: '- append relationship workflow'
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.497+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Validating attributes...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ json: >-
+ {"url":"/v1/workflowsteps","ip":"","http_method":"POST","server":"localhost","referrer":"https://dev.exivity.net/"}":true},"relationships":{"workflow":{"data":{"type":"workflow","id":"5"}}}}}}
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.483+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::requireType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.509+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: The options field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ rules:
+ workflow_id: required|numeric|exists:workflow,id
+ sort: numeric
+ type: >-
+ required|string|in:"use","transcript","edify","execute","proximity","publish_report","evaluate_budget"
+ options: required|array
+ timeout: numeric|min:1|max:86400
+ wait: bool
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.483+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: requireType() - all good
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.514+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.483+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep - forbidId()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.483+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::preValidate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.514+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: The options field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException(code:
+ 0): The options field is required. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/ValidatesParameters.php:182)
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.496+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::validateOrFail()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.496+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::prepareRules()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.496+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::appendRelationships()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ called_from: App\Endpoints\RestEndpoint
+ attributes:
+ sort: 6
+ type: use
+ options: []
+ timeout: 3600
+ wait: true
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.496+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: '- append relationship workflow'
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.502+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Validating attributes...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.509+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: The options field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ rules:
+ workflow_id: required|numeric|exists:workflow,id
+ sort: numeric
+ type: >-
+ required|string|in:"use","transcript","edify","execute","proximity","publish_report","evaluate_budget"
+ options: required|array
+ timeout: numeric|min:1|max:86400
+ wait: bool
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.516+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.516+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: The options field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException(code:
+ 0): The options field is required. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/ValidatesParameters.php:182)
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.521+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.521+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.522+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 13b64423-48ac-442a-9516-365d9cf1c87c
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ message: The options field is required.
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.522+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.522+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.524+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 552c3294-ff92-47dc-b83c-da1da3f43945
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ message: The options field is required.
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.025+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12000
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.029+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.191+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.233+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.233+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.234+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.251+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.251+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.251+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.251+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.408+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.408+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.409+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.453+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.453+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.455+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.455+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.455+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.461+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.468+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.468+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.468+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.470+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\WorkflowStepController
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.494+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.494+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ inputData:
+ data:
+ type: workflowstep
+ attributes:
+ sort: 5
+ type: use
+ options: []
+ timeout: 3600
+ wait: true
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.494+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::requireType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.494+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: requireType() - all good
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.494+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep - forbidId()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.494+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::preValidate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.502+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::validateOrFail()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.502+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::prepareRules()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.502+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\v1\WorkflowStep::appendRelationships()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ called_from: App\Endpoints\RestEndpoint
+ attributes:
+ sort: 5
+ type: use
+ options: []
+ timeout: 3600
+ wait: true
+ relationships:
+ workflow:
+ data:
+ type: workflow
+ id: '5'
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.502+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: '- append relationship workflow'
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.515+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Validating attributes...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.525+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: The options field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ rules:
+ workflow_id: required|numeric|exists:workflow,id
+ sort: numeric
+ type: >-
+ required|string|in:"use","transcript","edify","execute","proximity","publish_report","evaluate_budget"
+ options: required|array
+ timeout: numeric|min:1|max:86400
+ wait: bool
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.528+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.528+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: The options field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException(code:
+ 0): The options field is required. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/ValidatesParameters.php:182)
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.532+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.532+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.532+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 026079a0-4d65-4a63-b73c-c87376be0c62
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ message: The options field is required.
+ url: /v1/workflowsteps
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.476+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 13920
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.481+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.549+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.580+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.581+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.581+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.598+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.598+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.599+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.600+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.602+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.602+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.603+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.603+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.729+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/ Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/system
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.729+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.729+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: bfbaedd0-cb7a-4f5e-8371-3723d612ed73
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.495+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 5964
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.503+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.580+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.606+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.608+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.608+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.629+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.629+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.630+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.630+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.739+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/ Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.739+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.739+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.761+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: >-
+ JwtAuthMiddleware -Expired token provided,
+ please login again.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.763+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.763+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: Expired token provided, please login again.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException(code: 0):
+ Expired token provided, please login again. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Http/Middleware/JwtAuthMiddleware.php:44)[previous
+ exception] [object]
+ (App\Exceptions\ExpiredTokenException(code:
+ 0): Expired token at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Token.php:177)
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.765+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.765+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:15.765+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: fcf7c39d-20ad-4df5-b9fd-9c08ee63b2b0
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ message: Expired token provided, please login again.
+ url: /v1/dump/data?models=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.392+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 11644
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.398+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.442+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.455+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 673d08c5-478e-42fb-ba2f-3d273385fd8f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.455+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 673d08c5-478e-42fb-ba2f-3d273385fd8f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.456+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 673d08c5-478e-42fb-ba2f-3d273385fd8f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.465+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 673d08c5-478e-42fb-ba2f-3d273385fd8f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.466+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 673d08c5-478e-42fb-ba2f-3d273385fd8f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.466+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 673d08c5-478e-42fb-ba2f-3d273385fd8f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.467+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 673d08c5-478e-42fb-ba2f-3d273385fd8f
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.468+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 673d08c5-478e-42fb-ba2f-3d273385fd8f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:16.468+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 673d08c5-478e-42fb-ba2f-3d273385fd8f
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.186+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12920
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.193+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.279+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.304+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.305+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.305+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.332+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.333+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.333+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.334+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.337+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.338+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.339+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.339+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.532+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/ Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/system
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.532+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:20.533+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 1d9ca7ea-28d0-4aca-80f9-e06a5aa5c5d2
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.660+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 13920
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.664+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.712+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.726+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5af65e43-15ce-47e4-9ea8-5c8327ee30ad
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.726+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5af65e43-15ce-47e4-9ea8-5c8327ee30ad
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.726+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5af65e43-15ce-47e4-9ea8-5c8327ee30ad
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.737+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5af65e43-15ce-47e4-9ea8-5c8327ee30ad
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.737+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5af65e43-15ce-47e4-9ea8-5c8327ee30ad
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.738+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5af65e43-15ce-47e4-9ea8-5c8327ee30ad
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.738+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5af65e43-15ce-47e4-9ea8-5c8327ee30ad
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.739+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5af65e43-15ce-47e4-9ea8-5c8327ee30ad
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:47.740+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 5af65e43-15ce-47e4-9ea8-5c8327ee30ad
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.219+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12000
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.223+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.311+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.357+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.358+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.358+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.392+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.393+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.393+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.395+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.398+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.398+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.399+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.399+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.591+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/system
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.591+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:50.591+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 9fa83846-0d80-4a41-b88f-86c1dd52e171
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.390+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 11644
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.395+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.445+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.460+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.461+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.461+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.472+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.473+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.474+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.474+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.475+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.475+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.476+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.476+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.574+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X
+ 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
+ Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/system
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.574+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:02.575+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 7441e19b-cd1c-4bb3-9361-8518d5f67633
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.710+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 12368
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.714+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.759+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.773+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 29937886-5f34-4412-a378-7a6d43ea0373
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.773+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 29937886-5f34-4412-a378-7a6d43ea0373
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.773+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 29937886-5f34-4412-a378-7a6d43ea0373
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.784+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 29937886-5f34-4412-a378-7a6d43ea0373
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.784+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 29937886-5f34-4412-a378-7a6d43ea0373
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.785+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 29937886-5f34-4412-a378-7a6d43ea0373
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.785+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 29937886-5f34-4412-a378-7a6d43ea0373
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.786+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 29937886-5f34-4412-a378-7a6d43ea0373
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:37.786+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 29937886-5f34-4412-a378-7a6d43ea0373
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.785+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 5964
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.795+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.868+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.911+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.911+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.912+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.937+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.937+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.938+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.939+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.942+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.942+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.943+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:44.943+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:45.252+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/100.0.4896.147 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/system
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:45.252+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:49:45.253+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 93a755c1-8e3e-4936-bc1b-1d044bf60ea4
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.487+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 13696
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.490+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.536+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.548+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.549+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.549+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.563+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.564+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.564+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.564+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.654+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.654+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.654+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.664+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.664+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.665+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.665+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.665+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.667+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.671+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.671+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\UserController::related()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.671+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\UserController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.672+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ version: '2'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\UserController
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.676+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\User::__construct()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.676+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v2\User
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.676+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v2\User::query()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ model: App\Models\Entities\User
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.677+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: notificationchannels
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.677+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: >-
+ Throwing excepiton: Method does not exist:
+ App\Models\Entities\User->notificationchannels
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.679+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.680+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: >-
+ Related resource notificationchannels is invalid
+ for this endpoint.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException(code:
+ 0): Related resource notificationchannels is
+ invalid for this endpoint. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/HandlesRelationships.php:222)
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.681+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.681+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:16:55.682+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 342346a3-dc72-4f67-8121-fab2d1316980
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException
+ message: >-
+ Related resource notificationchannels is
+ invalid for this endpoint.
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users/f3042cbd-4160-43a8-93e9-0762e4c283f4/notificationchannels
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:37.917+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 14148
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:37.921+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:37.965+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:37.977+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:37.977+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:37.977+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:37.987+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:37.987+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:37.987+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:37.987+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.049+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.049+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.049+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.058+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.058+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.059+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.059+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.059+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.061+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.064+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidateContentTypeMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.064+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\UsergroupController::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.064+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\UsergroupController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.064+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\UsergroupController
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.068+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\Usergroup
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.068+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\Usergroup::store()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ inputData:
+ data:
+ type: usergroup
+ attributes:
+ name: testers
+ permissions: []
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.068+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\Usergroup::requireType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.068+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: requireType() - all good
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.068+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\Usergroup - forbidId()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.068+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\Usergroup::preValidate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.068+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\Usergroup::validateOrFail()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.068+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Endpoints\v1\Usergroup::prepareRules()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.068+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\v1\Usergroup::appendRelationships()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ called_from: App\Endpoints\RestEndpoint
+ attributes:
+ name: testers
+ permissions: []
+ relationships: []
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.073+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Validating attributes...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.075+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: The permissions field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ rules:
+ name: >-
+ required|string|max:255|unique:usergroup,name
+ permissions: required|array
+ saml_provisioning: nullable
+ saml_provisioning.attribute: nullable|string
+ saml_provisioning.value:
+ - required_with:saml_provisioning
+ - string
+ - min:1
+ - Closure: []
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.077+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.077+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: The permissions field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException(code:
+ 0): The permissions field is required. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/Concerns/ValidatesParameters.php:182)
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.079+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.079+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:24:38.079+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: ae156441-fa6f-4a18-8ad5-49d774a2b9e0
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ message: The permissions field is required.
+ url: /v1/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.687+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 5964
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.691+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.735+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.747+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.747+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.748+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.758+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.758+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.759+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.759+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.820+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.820+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.820+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.829+00:00'
+ level: 250
+ message: >-
+ Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException:
+ Signature verification failed
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.830+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: >-
+ JwtAuthMiddleware -Invalid token provided,
+ please login again.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.831+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.831+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: Invalid token provided, please login again.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException(code: 0):
+ Invalid token provided, please login again. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Http/Middleware/JwtAuthMiddleware.php:47)[previous
+ exception] [object]
+ (App\Exceptions\InvalidTokenException(code:
+ 0): Signature verification failed at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Token.php:180)
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.832+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.833+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:43:34.833+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: b381887c-14c9-4c58-9588-35f6744e3181
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ message: Invalid token provided, please login again.
+ url: /v2/usergroups
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.870+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 13696
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.874+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.922+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.935+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c9520004-a403-47e4-aabb-8bf4a3633eb7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.935+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c9520004-a403-47e4-aabb-8bf4a3633eb7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.935+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c9520004-a403-47e4-aabb-8bf4a3633eb7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.946+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c9520004-a403-47e4-aabb-8bf4a3633eb7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.946+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c9520004-a403-47e4-aabb-8bf4a3633eb7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.947+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c9520004-a403-47e4-aabb-8bf4a3633eb7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.947+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c9520004-a403-47e4-aabb-8bf4a3633eb7
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.948+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c9520004-a403-47e4-aabb-8bf4a3633eb7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:31.948+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: c9520004-a403-47e4-aabb-8bf4a3633eb7
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.411+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 13920
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.425+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.531+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.559+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.559+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.559+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.569+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.569+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: >-
+ SystemController::getOverview - Deprecated
+ method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.570+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.570+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ version: '1'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\SystemController
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.571+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v1\System
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.572+00:00'
+ level: 300
+ message: System endpoint::getOverview - Deprecated method
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.572+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.572+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.654+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: >-
+ Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)
+ AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
+ Chrome/101.0.4951.64 Safari/537.36
+ url: /v1/system
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.654+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:36.654+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 10cc1008-eae6-40c0-b90f-55662e5a211a
+ url: /v1/system
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: https://dev.exivity.net/
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.230+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 9396
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.238+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.323+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.359+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.359+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.359+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.375+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.375+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.375+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.375+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.548+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.548+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.549+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.600+00:00'
+ level: 250
+ message: >-
+ Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException:
+ Signature verification failed
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.602+00:00'
+ level: 200
+ message: >-
+ JwtAuthMiddleware -Invalid token provided,
+ please login again.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.603+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.603+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: Invalid token provided, please login again.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException(code: 0):
+ Invalid token provided, please login again. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Http/Middleware/JwtAuthMiddleware.php:47)[previous
+ exception] [object]
+ (App\Exceptions\InvalidTokenException(code:
+ 0): Signature verification failed at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Token.php:180)
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.605+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.605+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.605+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: feb364c4-8052-4e51-9957-da93d80dc9df
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\AuthException
+ message: Invalid token provided, please login again.
+ url: >-
+ /v2/users?page[limit]=1&page[offset]&sort&filter[attribute]&include=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.608+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 9396
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.611+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.654+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.667+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6c7d0b64-db90-424f-a8d9-36c6d081ae74
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.667+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6c7d0b64-db90-424f-a8d9-36c6d081ae74
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.668+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6c7d0b64-db90-424f-a8d9-36c6d081ae74
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.689+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6c7d0b64-db90-424f-a8d9-36c6d081ae74
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.689+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: >-
+ {"request-id":"6c7d0b64-db90-424f-a8d9-36c6d081ae74","exception":"[object]
+ (Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\Exception\\NotFoundHttpException(code:
+ 0): at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/AbstractRouteCollection.php:43)"}
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.690+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6c7d0b64-db90-424f-a8d9-36c6d081ae74
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.690+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6c7d0b64-db90-424f-a8d9-36c6d081ae74
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:47.690+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 6c7d0b64-db90-424f-a8d9-36c6d081ae74
+ exception class: >-
+ Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
+ message: ''
+ url: /v2/users//key
+ ip:
+ http_method: POST
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.048+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Request received
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ pid: 5964
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.052+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: EventServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.093+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ValidatorServiceProvider::boot()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.105+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: HttpSecurityHeaders::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.105+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: CorsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.105+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: LeaveNoTraceMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.116+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: AnalyticsMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.116+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware::handle()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.117+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::validate()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.117+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.178+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.178+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.178+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.187+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: JwtAuthMiddleware - valid token
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.187+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::decode()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.188+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Token fingerprinter parameters
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ secure: 1
+ ip:
+ userAgent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.188+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Decode token...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.188+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: App\Token::getKey()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.190+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: ChecksRelations::getRelationType()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ class: App\Models\Entities\User
+ attribute: usergroup
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.194+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Http\Controllers\Api\LogController::getEndpoint()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.194+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ App\Endpoints\Factory::createEndpoint() - Start
+ creating Endpoint in Factory.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ version: '2'
+ from: controller
+ fromInstance: App\Http\Controllers\Api\LogController
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.195+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Loading endpoint App\Endpoints\v2\Log
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.204+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - report()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.204+00:00'
+ level: 400
+ message: The component field is required.
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ exception: >-
+ [object]
+ (App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException(code:
+ 0): The component field is required. at
+ phar://C:/exivity_acme/program/web/proximity/proximity.phar/app/Endpoints/SimpleEndpoint.php:32)
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.205+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Handler - render()
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.205+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: Explicit HTTP exception returning JSON...
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:58:27.206+00:00'
+ level: 100
+ message: >-
+ Handler - render() - Converting exception to
+ user error message
+ metadata:
+ appName: production
+ request-id: 105dd1d0-5eae-4185-9a2f-9b145c006952
+ exception class: App\Http\Exceptions\ValidationException
+ message: The component field is required.
+ url: /v2/logs?component=&limit=&filter=&truncate=
+ ip:
+ http_method: GET
+ server: localhost
+ referrer: null
+ example-1:
+ summary: Extract
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: logfile
+ id: dummy-extractor_scheduled_20220516-150653.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-05-16T15:06:53Z'
+ metadata: []
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.711+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: '----- Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.712+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: 'Executing script: dummy-extractor.use'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 1
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.715+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Using custom CA cert file
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 4
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.715+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Opened input file
+ 'system/config/use/dummy-extractor.use' (53
+ bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 4
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.715+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Pre-processor completed (original: 53 bytes,
+ new: 21 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 4
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.715+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Executing script
+ 'system/config/use/dummy-extractor.use'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 4
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.715+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Finished running script
+ 'system/config/use/dummy-extractor.use'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 4
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.715+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: >-
+ USE script 'dummy-extractor.use' completed
+ successfully
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 4
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.715+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: Script execution finished successfully
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 4
+ example-2:
+ summary: Transform
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: logfile
+ id: dummy-transformer_scheduled_20220516-131448.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-05-16T13:14:48Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.915+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: '---- Invocation ----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.916+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 2 | Logical CPUs:
+ 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 1
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.916+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 4.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 4.00Gb | RAM available to Transcript: 1.35Gb
+ (34%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 1
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.916+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: 'Logging level: DEBUG'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 1
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.916+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: Initialisation starting ...
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 1
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.916+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: 'Basedir: C:\exivity_acme\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 1
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 69
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: 'Scriptfile: dummy-transformer.trs'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: 'Data date: 20220514'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: >-
+ Set default options: quote='"' separator=','
+ overwrite=ENABLED embed=DISABLED mode=STRICT
+ services=READONLY
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: Initialised DSET list
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: >-
+ Initialised local filter stack and associated
+ filterators
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: Initialised runtime caching subsystem
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: Initialisation completed successfully
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Input file 'dummy-transformer.trs' processed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Initialised date range iterator: 20220514 -
+ 20220517
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.985+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: There are 4 days in the specified range
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Created new variable: 'baseDir' value:
+ 'C:\exivity_acme\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Created new variable: 'homeDir' value:
+ 'C:\exivity_acme\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Created new variable: 'exportDir' value:
+ 'C:\exivity_acme\home/exported'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Created new variable: 'dataDate' value:
+ '20220514'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Created new variable: 'dataDateStart' value:
+ '1652486400'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Created new variable: 'dataDateEnd' value:
+ '1652572799'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: 'Created new variable: ''dataYear'' value: ''2022'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: 'Created new variable: ''dataMonth'' value: ''05'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Created new variable: 'dataMonthDays' value:
+ '31'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: 'Created new variable: ''dataDay'' value: ''14'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: Initialised variables
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.986+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Executing script 'dummy-transformer.trs' for
+ 20220514
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.987+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: '==> Processing ''#line'' statement on line 1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.987+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Processing file 'dummy-transformer.trs' from
+ line 1 (depth 0)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.987+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: '==> Processing ''import'' statement on line 1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.988+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Custom alias 'dummy-usage' specified on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.988+00:00'
+ level: 5
+ message: >-
+ Unable to open input file
+ 'system/extracted/2022/05/14_usage.csv' - No
+ such file or directory
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.988+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ Import of file
+ 'system/extracted/2022/05/14_usage.csv' failed -
+ aborted
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.988+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ No RDF files for 20220514 were created or
+ overwritten as no 'finish' statement was
+ executed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.988+00:00'
+ level: 8
+ message: >-
+ Transcript task
+ 'C:/exivity_acme/home/system/config/transcript/dummy-transformer.trs'
+ for 20220514 failed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.988+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error running task for 20220514 and 'option
+ continue' is set to DISABLED
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.988+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ example-3:
+ summary: Prepare report
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: logfile
+ id: dummy-report_scheduled_20220516-151158.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-05-16T15:11:58Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.789+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.840+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 51
+ cumulative: 51
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.840+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 51
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.840+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 2 | Logical CPUs:
+ 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 51
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.840+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 4.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 4.00Gb | RAM available to Edify: 1.33Gb (34%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 51
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.840+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: C:\exivity_acme\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 51
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.841+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.842+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_Workflow_step_eac6fbd1_770b_448c_a6ea_ba1cb54e0ef6'
+ (182 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.842+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Reportfile:
+ PROXIMITY_Workflow_step_eac6fbd1_770b_448c_a6ea_ba1cb54e0ef6
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.842+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Sat May 14 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220514)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.842+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Sun May 15 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220515)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.842+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.842+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: May 9 2022 10:05:57'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.842+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.842+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.842+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_syncAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.845+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.845+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.845+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be prepared for the default date
+ range
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.860+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 46 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 15
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.862+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 5 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.864+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 142 rate revisions for 'allauto.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 12
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.876+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be executed for range 20220514 -
+ 20220515
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.878+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Rounded provided date range to get 20220501 -
+ 20220531 (31 days)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.159+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 281
+ cumulative: 370
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.159+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 370
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.159+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 370
+ example-4:
+ summary: Chronos
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: logfile
+ id: chronos.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-05-12T19:56:43Z'
+ metadata: []
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:43.502+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Start of new session
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/chronos.go:167
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:43.539+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Init completed
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/chronos.go:181
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:44.879+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Cannot connect to RabbitMQ server - retrying in
+ 5 seconds
+ metadata:
+ source: mqconn/connect.go:46
+ error: >-
+ dial tcp [::1]:5672: connectex: No connection
+ could be made because the target machine
+ actively refused it.
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:49.961+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Queues declared
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/chronos.go:102
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:49.962+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Chronos started
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/chronos.go:116
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:49.962+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing to listen for stop
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/stop.go:15
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:49.962+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:30
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:49.962+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing to send heartbeats
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/heartbeats.go:24
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:49.962+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing to listen for configuration changed
+ events
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:13
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:49.968+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started to send heartbeats
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/heartbeats.go:41
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:50.075+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Started listening for configuration changed
+ events
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:50.075+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started to listen for stop
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/stop.go:69
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:50.100+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-13T03:00:00.710+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Message published successfully
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:152
+ - date: '2022-05-14T03:00:02.186+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Message published successfully
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:152
+ - date: '2022-05-15T03:00:01.662+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Message published successfully
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:152
+ - date: '2022-05-16T03:00:02.143+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Message published successfully
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:152
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.595+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:10.674+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:11.314+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:13:11.382+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:24.699+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:24.773+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:24.798+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:24.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:25.532+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:25.605+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.668+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Message published successfully
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:152
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:15:05.841+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:15:05.842+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:15:05.933+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:15:05.997+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:06.221+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:25:06.292+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:26:16.105+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:26:16.144+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:26:16.224+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:26:16.297+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:26:16.593+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:26:16.660+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.769+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Message published successfully
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:152
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:43.200+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:43.267+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:01.844+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:01.915+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:06.461+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Client ordered to refresh
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/configuration_change.go:68
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:55:06.527+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Starting to run workflows
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:44
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.604+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Message published successfully
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:152
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.672+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Message published successfully
+ metadata:
+ source: chronos/run_workflow.go:152
+ example-5:
+ summary: Horizon
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: logfile
+ id: horizon.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-05-13T15:57:23Z'
+ metadata: []
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:23.623+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started
+ metadata:
+ source: horizon/horizon.go:31
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:23.715+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: Cannot get revision
+ metadata:
+ source: horizon/dbaccess.go:67
+ error: 'sql: no rows in result set'
+ stacktrace: "main.getBudgetRevision\n\tD:/a/horizon/horizon/dbaccess.go:67\nmain.processBudget\n\tD:/a/horizon/horizon/horizon.go:198\nmain.main\n\tD:/a/horizon/horizon/horizon.go:37\nruntime.main\n\tC:/hostedtoolcache/windows/go/1.17.9/x64/src/runtime/proc.go:255"
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:23.715+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: Budget calculation failed
+ metadata:
+ source: horizon/horizon.go:40
+ error: cannot find revision for 2:20160101
+ stacktrace: "main.main\n\tD:/a/horizon/horizon/horizon.go:40\nruntime.main\n\tC:/hostedtoolcache/windows/go/1.17.9/x64/src/runtime/proc.go:255"
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:28.588+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started
+ metadata:
+ source: horizon/horizon.go:31
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:28.681+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Budget revision requires validation
+ metadata:
+ source: horizon/horizon.go:216
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:28.791+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Stopped
+ metadata:
+ source: horizon/horizon.go:33
+ example-6:
+ summary: Merlin
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: logfile
+ id: merlin.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-05-12T19:56:45Z'
+ metadata: []
+ lines:
+ - date: null
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ "gni"i{"o{"level":"warn","ts":"2022-05-12T19:56:47.281Z","caller":"mqconn/connect.go:46","msg":"Cannot
+ connect to RabbitMQ server - retrying in 5
+ seconds","error":"dial tcp [::1]:5672:
+ connectex: No connection could be made because
+ the target machine actively refused it."}
+ metadata:
+ source: '"caller":"mqconn/connect.go:46"'
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: CPU info
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/merlin.go:132
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.324+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Physical memory info
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/merlin.go:141
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.324+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Merlin started
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/merlin.go:166
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.332+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/mq_helpers.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.333+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/mq_helpers.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.332+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/mq_helpers.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.332+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/mq_helpers.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.332+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/mq_helpers.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.334+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/mq_helpers.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.334+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/mq_helpers.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.335+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/mq_helpers.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.339+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/mq_helpers.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:52.341+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/mq_helpers.go:63
+ - date: '2022-05-13T03:00:00.908+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T03:00:00.909+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-13T03:00:00.911+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T03:00:04.231+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:13.839+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:13.840+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:13.840+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:14.086+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:14.128+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:14.128+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:14.128+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:16.970+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:16.997+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:16.998+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:16.998+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:17.336+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.046+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.046+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.046+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.136+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.164+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.164+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.164+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.258+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.283+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.284+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.284+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.436+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:46.856+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:46.858+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:46.858+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.211+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.440+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.447+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.449+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.481+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.493+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.493+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.493+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.529+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.554+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.555+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.555+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.582+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.731+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.731+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.732+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.825+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.852+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.853+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.853+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:19.668+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:19.669+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:19.669+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:19.759+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.155+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.156+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.156+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.186+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.198+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.198+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.198+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.225+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.234+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.235+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.235+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.260+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.270+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.270+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.270+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.296+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:02.461+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:02.462+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:02.462+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:02.488+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.308+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.308+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.308+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.335+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.347+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.347+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.348+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.373+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.382+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.383+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.383+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.409+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.419+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.419+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.419+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.466+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.476+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.476+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.476+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.505+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.566+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.567+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.567+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.593+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.604+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.605+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.605+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.631+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.640+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.640+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.640+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.665+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.675+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.675+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.675+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.701+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.553+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.554+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.554+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.641+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.676+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.677+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.677+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.922+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.945+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.946+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.946+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:53.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.034+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.034+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.034+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.126+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.819+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.877+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.877+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.877+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.942+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.943+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.943+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.981+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.004+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.005+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.005+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.054+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.058+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.097+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.098+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.099+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.125+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.137+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.137+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.137+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.165+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:23.117+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:23.118+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:23.118+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:23.724+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: Program failed
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:306
+ error: exit status 1
+ stacktrace: "main.execute\n\tD:/a/merlin/merlin/runprog.go:306"
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:28.575+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:28.575+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:28.575+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:28.805+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T03:00:02.256+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T03:00:02.257+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-14T03:00:02.257+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T03:00:04.640+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:50:04.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:50:04.049+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:50:04.049+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:50:04.284+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.094+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.095+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.095+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.251+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.268+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.268+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.268+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.294+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.304+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.329+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.350+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.351+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.351+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.302+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.302+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.302+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.407+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.447+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.448+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.448+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:56.293+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:56.322+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:56.322+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:56.322+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:57.086+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:58.994+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:58.995+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:58.995+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.141+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.176+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.177+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.177+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.328+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.359+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.360+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.360+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.448+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.215+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.216+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.216+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.243+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.255+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.255+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.255+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.281+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.291+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.291+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.292+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.317+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.327+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.327+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.328+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.354+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:07.970+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:07.970+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:07.970+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:08.060+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:10.788+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:10.788+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:10.788+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:10.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.704+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.704+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.704+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.731+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.742+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.743+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.743+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.768+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.778+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.778+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.778+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.804+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.813+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.813+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.814+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.840+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.182+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.182+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.182+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.209+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.220+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.220+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.220+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.246+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.255+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.256+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.256+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.282+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.292+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.292+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.292+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.317+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.768+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.768+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.769+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.795+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.807+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.807+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.808+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.834+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.844+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.844+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.844+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.869+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.878+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.879+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.879+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.906+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.266+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.267+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.267+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.294+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.305+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.305+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.306+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.330+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.340+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.340+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.340+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.366+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.403+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-15T03:00:01.729+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-15T03:00:01.729+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-15T03:00:01.730+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-15T03:00:04.662+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T03:00:02.215+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T03:00:02.215+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T03:00:02.215+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T03:00:05.035+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.114+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.115+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.115+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.351+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.384+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.385+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.385+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.422+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.440+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.441+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.441+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.480+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.679+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.679+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.679+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.721+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.585+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.585+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.585+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.636+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.712+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.712+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.713+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.742+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.764+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.765+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.765+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.801+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.810+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.810+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.811+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.837+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.732+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.878+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.884+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.884+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.884+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.885+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.885+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.885+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.884+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.888+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.888+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.931+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:49.005+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: Program failed
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:306
+ error: exit status 1
+ stacktrace: "main.execute\n\tD:/a/merlin/merlin/runprog.go:306"
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:49.015+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:49.015+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:49.015+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:52.222+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:52.225+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.034+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.036+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.037+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.079+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.093+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.093+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.093+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.130+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.155+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.156+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.156+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.187+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.215+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.216+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.216+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.250+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.834+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.834+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.834+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.835+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.835+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.835+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.834+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.846+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.846+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.882+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.936+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.310+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.377+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.377+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.377+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.472+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: Program failed
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:306
+ error: exit status 1
+ stacktrace: "main.execute\n\tD:/a/merlin/merlin/runprog.go:306"
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.485+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.485+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.485+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:36.113+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.680+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.681+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.681+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.721+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.919+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.920+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.920+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.960+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:39.004+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:39.004+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:39.004+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:39.045+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:39.056+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:39.056+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:179
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:39.056+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:39.092+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.668+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.669+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.668+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.669+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.670+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.670+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:54.085+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:54.099+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:54.099+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:54.099+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:54.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.736+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.737+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.736+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.736+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.737+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.737+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.738+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.738+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.737+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.789+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.790+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.178+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.246+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.246+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.246+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.337+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: Program failed
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:306
+ error: exit status 1
+ stacktrace: "main.execute\n\tD:/a/merlin/merlin/runprog.go:306"
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.350+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:138
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.350+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got command to run async job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:177
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.350+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Executing job
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:258
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.962+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Program finished
+ metadata:
+ source: merlin/runprog.go:321
+ example-7:
+ summary: Griffon
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: logfile
+ id: griffon.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-05-12T19:56:48Z'
+ metadata: []
+ lines:
+ - date: null
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ 0":"{"level":"info","ts":"2022-05-12T19:56:48.367Z","caller":"griffon/griffon.go:59","msg":"Griffon
+ started"}
+ metadata:
+ source: '"caller":"griffon/griffon.go:59"'
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.410+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/mq_helpers.go:61
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.411+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_kill.go:26
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.412+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/mq_helpers.go:61
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.413+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:27
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.420+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/mq_helpers.go:61
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.421+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:29
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.423+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Declared queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:38
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.428+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Declared queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:38
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.429+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Declared queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:38
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.429+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/mq_helpers.go:61
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.430+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started consuming from queue '%s'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:34
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.433+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Declared queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:38
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.438+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Declared queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:38
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.442+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Declared queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:38
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.446+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Declared queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:38
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.446+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Declared queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:38
+ - date: '2022-05-12T19:56:48.450+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Declared queue
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:38
+ - date: '2022-05-13T03:00:00.714+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T03:00:00.794+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created workflow job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:174
+ - date: '2022-05-13T03:00:00.904+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-13T03:00:04.234+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-13T03:00:04.259+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set status for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/jobs.go:380
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:13.836+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:13.838+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:14.125+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:14.127+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:16.995+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:16.996+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.043+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.045+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.161+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.163+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.281+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T09:54:18.282+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:46.839+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:46.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.420+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.437+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.489+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.492+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.552+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:31:47.554+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.729+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.730+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.850+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:18.852+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:19.666+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T12:32:19.667+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.153+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.154+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.196+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.197+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.232+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.234+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.268+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:36:55.269+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:02.459+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:02.460+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.305+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.307+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.345+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.346+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.380+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.381+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.417+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.418+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.474+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:38:03.475+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.564+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.565+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.602+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.604+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.638+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.639+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.673+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:50.674+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.551+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.552+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.674+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.675+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.943+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:39:52.944+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.031+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.033+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.146+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.147+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.870+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.873+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.939+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:16.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.000+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.002+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.067+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.096+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.134+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T13:40:17.136+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:23.115+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:23.116+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:28.573+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-13T15:57:28.574+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T03:00:02.187+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T03:00:02.193+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created workflow job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:174
+ - date: '2022-05-14T03:00:02.255+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-14T03:00:04.641+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-14T03:00:04.665+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set status for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/jobs.go:380
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:50:04.045+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:50:04.047+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.092+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.093+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.266+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.267+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.301+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.348+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:23.349+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.299+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.301+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.445+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:53.446+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:56.319+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:56.321+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:58.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:58.970+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.173+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.175+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.357+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:55:59.358+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.213+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.214+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.253+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.254+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.289+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.291+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.325+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:00.326+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:07.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:07.969+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:10.786+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:10.787+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.701+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.703+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.740+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.742+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.776+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.777+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.811+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:56:11.812+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.180+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.181+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.218+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.219+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.253+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.255+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.290+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T15:58:33.291+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.766+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.767+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.804+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.806+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.842+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.843+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:07:22.878+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.263+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.265+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.304+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.337+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.339+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.374+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-14T16:17:51.375+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-15T03:00:01.663+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-15T03:00:01.667+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created workflow job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:174
+ - date: '2022-05-15T03:00:01.727+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-15T03:00:04.663+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-15T03:00:04.677+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set status for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/jobs.go:380
+ - date: '2022-05-16T03:00:02.144+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T03:00:02.149+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created workflow job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:174
+ - date: '2022-05-16T03:00:02.213+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T03:00:05.036+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T03:00:05.049+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set status for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/jobs.go:380
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.053+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.091+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.377+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.382+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.437+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.438+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.573+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:12:30.674+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.576+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.580+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.703+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.711+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.761+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.762+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.808+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:22.809+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.668+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.672+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created workflow job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:174
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.727+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.882+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.883+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:48.938+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:49.006+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:49.010+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set status for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/jobs.go:380
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:14:52.223+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:53.912+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.030+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.090+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.092+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.153+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.154+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.213+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T13:24:54.214+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.770+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.774+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created workflow job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:174
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.829+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.831+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.832+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.896+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:34.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.311+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.375+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.473+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:13:35.480+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set status for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/jobs.go:380
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.677+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.679+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.916+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.969+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:38.971+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:39.053+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T14:54:39.055+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created sync job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:210
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.605+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.610+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created workflow job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:174
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.665+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.667+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:53.761+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:54.086+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:06:54.095+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set status for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/jobs.go:380
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.673+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got RUN command with type
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_run.go:94
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.676+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created workflow job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:174
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.732+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.735+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.796+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:58.816+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.179+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.243+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created step job'
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/workflow.go:438
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.338+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Got status update for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/proc_status.go:70
+ - date: '2022-05-16T15:11:59.345+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set status for job
+ metadata:
+ source: griffon/jobs.go:380
+ example-8:
+ summary: Retrieve logfiles
+ value:
+ data:
+ - type: logfile
+ id: test.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-06-28T14:31:24Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '1.111100',
+ account 41) against usage row 15
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 41 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '0.999900',
+ account 42) against usage row 16
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 42 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ vm-111556
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 43) against usage row 17
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 43 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ dd_site_001
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '2.000000',
+ account 44) against usage row 18
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 44 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ dd_site_002
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '3.000000',
+ account 45) against usage row 19
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 45 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ bb_site_001
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '4.000000',
+ account 46) against usage row 20
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 46 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ bb_site_002
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.657+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.687+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 30
+ cumulative: 30
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.687+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170825: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'test'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 30
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.687+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 30
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.687+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 30
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.687+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Candidate query for stmt_51: UPDATE rdf_prepared
+ SET last_prepared = $1 WHERE dset = $2 AND date
+ = $3 and report_id = $4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 30
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.687+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Accepted 4 parameters on trust
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 30
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.687+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Prepared statement 'stmt_51' (4 parameters)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 30
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.687+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_51'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 30
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.687+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 30
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.687+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated SQL statement stmt_51: 4 parameters
+ (0 dynamic)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 30
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.697+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Freed 20 cache entries
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 40
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.697+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Closed RDF '25_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 40
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.697+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Opened RDF '26_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 40
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.697+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_47'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 40
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.697+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_48'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 40
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.697+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_49'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 40
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.697+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 40
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.697+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 40
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.697+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 40
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.697+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 40
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 41
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ SQLite diagnostic 1: no such table: cache_rates
+ in "SELECT
+ rowid,id,key,service_type,usage_col,rate_type,cogs_type,rate,rate_col,fixed_price,fixed_price_col,cogs,cogs_col,fixed_cogs,fixed_cogs_col
+ FROM cache_rates WHERE dset='test
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Flattened rate information for service: CRM
+ Enterprise
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Flattened rate information for service: MS
+ Office Pro
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Flattened rate information for service: VM Large
+ W0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Flattened rate information for service: VM Small
+ T1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Flattened rate information for service: Website
+ Std.
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.738+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Building report cache for report 'test'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Verified column 'service_name' exists in usage
+ data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Verified column 'UniqueID' exists in usage data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Verified column 'service_name' exists in usage
+ data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Verified column 'UniqueID' exists in usage data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Verified column 'service_name' exists in usage
+ data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Verified column 'UniqueID' exists in usage data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'VM Large W0' (quantity '24.000000',
+ account 27) against usage row 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 27 service_id: 89 instance_value:
+ vm-125135
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Verified column 'service_name' exists in usage
+ data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Verified column 'UniqueID' exists in usage data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Verified column 'service_name' exists in usage
+ data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Verified column 'UniqueID' exists in usage data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'VM Large W0' (quantity '92.000000',
+ account 28) against usage row 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 28 service_id: 89 instance_value:
+ vm-849843
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 29) against usage row 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 29 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ charles01
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 30) against usage row 4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 30 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ henry07
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 31) against usage row 5
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 31 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ james_a
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 32) against usage row 6
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 32 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ James_b
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'VM Small T1' (quantity '47.998000',
+ account 33) against usage row 7
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 33 service_id: 90 instance_value:
+ vm-684442
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'VM Small T1' (quantity '71.800000',
+ account 34) against usage row 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 34 service_id: 90 instance_value:
+ vm-573533
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '2.000000',
+ account 35) against usage row 9
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 35 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ richard
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 36) against usage row 10
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 36 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ nicole
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '9.000000',
+ account 37) against usage row 11
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 37 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ Gérard.P
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '3.000000',
+ account 38) against usage row 12
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 38 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ Qâlyieèó
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '2.000000',
+ account 39) against usage row 13
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 39 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ 大畠
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 40) against usage row 14
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 40 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ 昭雄昭夫
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '1.111100',
+ account 41) against usage row 15
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 41 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '0.999900',
+ account 42) against usage row 16
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 42 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ vm-111556
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 43) against usage row 17
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 43 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ dd_site_001
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '2.000000',
+ account 44) against usage row 18
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 44 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ dd_site_002
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '3.000000',
+ account 45) against usage row 19
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 45 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ bb_site_001
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '4.000000',
+ account 46) against usage row 20
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 46 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ bb_site_002
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.778+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 30
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.778+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170826: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'test'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.778+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.778+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.778+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Candidate query for stmt_52: UPDATE rdf_prepared
+ SET last_prepared = $1 WHERE dset = $2 AND date
+ = $3 and report_id = $4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.778+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Accepted 4 parameters on trust
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.778+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Prepared statement 'stmt_52' (4 parameters)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.778+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_52'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.778+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.778+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated SQL statement stmt_52: 4 parameters
+ (0 dynamic)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.789+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Freed 20 cache entries
+ metadata:
+ own: 11
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.789+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Closed RDF '26_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.789+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Opened RDF '27_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.789+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_47'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.789+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_48'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.789+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_49'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.789+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.789+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.789+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.789+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.819+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 30
+ cumulative: 162
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.819+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 162
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.819+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 162
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.819+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ SQLite diagnostic 1: no such table: cache_rates
+ in "SELECT
+ rowid,id,key,service_type,usage_col,rate_type,cogs_type,rate,rate_col,fixed_price,fixed_price_col,cogs,cogs_col,fixed_cogs,fixed_cogs_col
+ FROM cache_rates WHERE dset='test
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 162
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.819+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 162
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Flattened rate information for service: CRM
+ Enterprise
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Flattened rate information for service: MS
+ Office Pro
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Flattened rate information for service: VM Large
+ W0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Flattened rate information for service: VM Small
+ T1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Flattened rate information for service: Website
+ Std.
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Building report cache for report 'test'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Verified column 'service_name' exists in usage
+ data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Verified column 'UniqueID' exists in usage data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Verified column 'service_name' exists in usage
+ data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Verified column 'UniqueID' exists in usage data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Verified column 'service_name' exists in usage
+ data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Verified column 'UniqueID' exists in usage data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'VM Large W0' (quantity '24.000000',
+ account 27) against usage row 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 27 service_id: 89 instance_value:
+ vm-125135
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Verified column 'service_name' exists in usage
+ data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Verified column 'UniqueID' exists in usage data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Verified column 'service_name' exists in usage
+ data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Verified column 'UniqueID' exists in usage data
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'VM Large W0' (quantity '92.000000',
+ account 28) against usage row 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 28 service_id: 89 instance_value:
+ vm-849843
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '2.000000',
+ account 29) against usage row 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 29 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ charles01
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.829+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 30) against usage row 4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 30 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ henry07
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 31) against usage row 5
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 31 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ james_a
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 32) against usage row 6
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 32 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ James_b
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'VM Small T1' (quantity '48.000000',
+ account 33) against usage row 7
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 33 service_id: 90 instance_value:
+ vm-684442
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'VM Small T1' (quantity '72.000000',
+ account 34) against usage row 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 34 service_id: 90 instance_value:
+ vm-573533
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '2.000000',
+ account 35) against usage row 9
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 35 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ richard
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 36) against usage row 10
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 36 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ nicole
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '19.000000',
+ account 37) against usage row 11
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 37 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ Gérard.P
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '1.100000',
+ account 38) against usage row 12
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 38 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ Qâlyieèó
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '4.000000',
+ account 39) against usage row 13
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 39 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ 大畠
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '1.000000',
+ account 40) against usage row 14
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 40 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ 昭雄昭夫
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'CRM Enterprise' (quantity '1.111100',
+ account 41) against usage row 15
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 41 service_id: 87 instance_value:
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'MS Office Pro' (quantity '0.999900',
+ account 42) against usage row 16
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 42 service_id: 88 instance_value:
+ vm-111556
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '0.990000',
+ account 43) against usage row 17
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 43 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ dd_site_001
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '2.000000',
+ account 44) against usage row 18
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 44 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ dd_site_002
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '3.000000',
+ account 45) against usage row 19
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 45 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ bb_site_001
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'CRM
+ Enterprise'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt rate_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt cogs_col query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt instance resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt usage resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'MS
+ Office Pro'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Large W0'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service 'VM
+ Small T1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Processing rate_lookup result for service
+ 'Website Std.'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Rebuilt consumption resolution query
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Matched 'Website Std.' (quantity '4.100000',
+ account 46) against usage row 20
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Inserted new entry into usage hash table
+ (account_id: 46 service_id: 91 instance_value:
+ bb_site_002
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.839+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 182
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.870+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 31
+ cumulative: 213
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.870+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170827: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'test'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 213
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.870+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 213
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.870+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 213
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.870+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Candidate query for stmt_53: UPDATE rdf_prepared
+ SET last_prepared = $1 WHERE dset = $2 AND date
+ = $3 and report_id = $4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 213
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.870+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Accepted 4 parameters on trust
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 213
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.870+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Prepared statement 'stmt_53' (4 parameters)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 213
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.870+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_53'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 213
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.870+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 213
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.870+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated SQL statement stmt_53: 4 parameters
+ (0 dynamic)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 213
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Freed 20 cache entries
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Closed RDF '27_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Deleted shadow database:
+ system/report/1_16660.rdf
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Will execute report 'test'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Candidate query for stmt_54: SELECT
+ id,name,dset,created,last_updated,lvl1_key_col,lvl2_key_col,lvl3_key_col,lvl4_key_col,lvl5_key_col
+ FROM report WHERE name=$1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Detected 1 parameters
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Prepared statement 'stmt_54' (1 parameters)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_54'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_54 contains 1 rows (10 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Report 'test' (ID 1) uses 5 columns
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated SQL statement stmt_54: 1 parameters
+ (0 dynamic)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: 'Validated that report ''test'' (ID: 1) exists'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Report uses five columns in DSET 'test.usage':
+ 'Reseller', 'Customer', 'Region', 'Department'
+ and 'UniqueID'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Candidate query for stmt_55: SELECT
+ earliest_rdf,latest_rdf FROM rdf_summary WHERE
+ dset='test.usage'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Prepared statement 'stmt_55' (0 parameters)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_55'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_55 contains 1 rows (2 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated SQL statement stmt_55: 0 parameters
+ (0 dynamic)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Rounded provided date range to get 20170801 -
+ 20170831 (31 days)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Processing subscriptions
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Candidate query for stmt_56: SELECT id,
+ account_id, service_id, quantity, rate, cogs,
+ start_date, end_date, instance, charge_day,
+ alt_interval, name FROM service_subscription
+ WHERE account_id IN (SELECT id FROM account
+ WHERE report_id = 1) AND start_date <= 20170831
+ AND (end_date IS NULL OR end_date >= 20170801)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Prepared statement 'stmt_56' (0 parameters)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Candidate query for stmt_57: SELECT account_id,
+ rate, cogs FROM rate WHERE service_id = $1 AND
+ (account_id = $2 OR account_id IS NULL) AND
+ effective_date <= $3 ORDER BY account_id,
+ effective_date DESC LIMIT 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Detected 3 parameters
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Prepared statement 'stmt_57' (3 parameters)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Candidate query for stmt_58: SELECT interval,
+ charge_model, rate_type, cogs_type FROM service
+ WHERE id=$1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Detected 1 parameters
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Prepared statement 'stmt_58' (1 parameters)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Candidate query for stmt_59: SELECT parent_id
+ FROM account WHERE id=$1 LIMIT 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Accepted 1 parameters on trust
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Prepared statement 'stmt_59' (1 parameters)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.880+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_56'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_56 contains 0 rows (12 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated SQL statement stmt_58: 1 parameters
+ (0 dynamic)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated SQL statement stmt_57: 3 parameters
+ (0 dynamic)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated SQL statement stmt_56: 0 parameters
+ (0 dynamic)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Finished processing subscriptions
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/01_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/02_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/03_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/04_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/05_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/06_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/07_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/08_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/09_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/10_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/11_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/12_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/13_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/14_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/15_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/16_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/17_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/18_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/19_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/20_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/21_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/22_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/23_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/24_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Opened RDF '25_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170825
+ (instance:'大畠'): account:39 quantity:2.00000000
+ rate:2.50000000 = subtotal:5.00000000
+ cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:39 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170825
+ (instance:'Gérard.P'): account:37
+ quantity:9.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:22.50000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:37 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170825
+ (instance:'richard'): account:35
+ quantity:2.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:5.00000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:35 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170825
+ (instance:'henry07'): account:30
+ quantity:1.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:2.50000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:30 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170825
+ (instance:'ICHIROU'): account:41
+ quantity:1.11110000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:2.77775000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:41 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170825
+ (instance:'charles01'): account:29
+ quantity:1.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:2.50000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:29 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:88 on 20170825
+ (instance:'vm-111556'): account:42
+ quantity:0.99990000 rate:1.20000000 =
+ subtotal:1.19988000 cogs:0.80000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:42 service_id:88
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:88 on 20170825
+ (instance:'James_b'): account:32
+ quantity:1.00000000 rate:1.20000000 =
+ subtotal:1.20000000 cogs:0.80000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:32 service_id:88
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:88 on 20170825
+ (instance:'Qâlyieèó'): account:38
+ quantity:3.00000000 rate:1.20000000 =
+ subtotal:3.60000000 cogs:0.80000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:38 service_id:88
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:88 on 20170825
+ (instance:'nicole'): account:36
+ quantity:1.00000000 rate:1.20000000 =
+ subtotal:1.20000000 cogs:0.80000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:36 service_id:88
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:88 on 20170825
+ (instance:'james_a'): account:31
+ quantity:1.00000000 rate:1.20000000 =
+ subtotal:1.20000000 cogs:0.80000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:31 service_id:88
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:88 on 20170825
+ (instance:'昭雄昭夫'): account:40
+ quantity:1.00000000 rate:1.20000000 =
+ subtotal:1.20000000 cogs:0.80000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:40 service_id:88
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:89 on 20170825
+ (instance:'vm-125135'): account:27
+ quantity:24.00000000 rate:17.11240000 =
+ subtotal:410.69760000 cogs:13.80000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:27 service_id:89
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:89 on 20170825
+ (instance:'vm-849843'): account:28
+ quantity:92.00000000 rate:17.11240000 =
+ subtotal:1574.34080000 cogs:13.80000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:28 service_id:89
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:90 on 20170825
+ (instance:'vm-684442'): account:33
+ quantity:48.00000000 rate:2.00030000 =
+ subtotal:96.01440000 cogs:1.00020000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:33 service_id:90
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:90 on 20170825
+ (instance:'vm-573533'): account:34
+ quantity:72.00000000 rate:2.00030000 =
+ subtotal:144.02160000 cogs:1.00020000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:34 service_id:90
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:91 on 20170825
+ (instance:'dd_site_002'): account:44
+ quantity:2.00000000 rate:15.15000000 =
+ subtotal:30.30000000 cogs:11.11000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:44 service_id:91
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:91 on 20170825
+ (instance:'dd_site_001'): account:43
+ quantity:1.00000000 rate:15.15000000 =
+ subtotal:15.15000000 cogs:11.11000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:43 service_id:91
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:91 on 20170825
+ (instance:'bb_site_001'): account:45
+ quantity:3.00000000 rate:15.15000000 =
+ subtotal:45.45000000 cogs:11.11000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:45 service_id:91
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:91 on 20170825
+ (instance:'bb_site_002'): account:46
+ quantity:4.00000000 rate:15.15000000 =
+ subtotal:60.60000000 cogs:11.00000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170825
+ month:201708 account_id:46 service_id:91
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Closed RDF '25_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Opened RDF '26_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170826
+ (instance:'大畠'): account:39 quantity:2.00000000
+ rate:2.50000000 = subtotal:5.00000000
+ cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170826
+ month:201708 account_id:39 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170826
+ (instance:'Gérard.P'): account:37
+ quantity:9.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:22.50000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170826
+ month:201708 account_id:37 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170826
+ (instance:'richard'): account:35
+ quantity:2.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:5.00000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170826
+ month:201708 account_id:35 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170826
+ (instance:'henry07'): account:30
+ quantity:1.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:2.50000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170826
+ month:201708 account_id:30 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170826
+ (instance:'ICHIROU'): account:41
+ quantity:1.11110000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:2.77775000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170826
+ month:201708 account_id:41 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170826
+ (instance:'charles01'): account:29
+ quantity:1.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:2.50000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170826
+ month:201708 account_id:29 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:89 on 20170826
+ (instance:'vm-125135'): account:27
+ quantity:24.00000000 rate:17.21350000 =
+ subtotal:413.12400000 cogs:13.90030000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170826
+ month:201708 account_id:27 service_id:89
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:89 on 20170826
+ (instance:'vm-849843'): account:28
+ quantity:92.00000000 rate:17.21350000 =
+ subtotal:1583.64200000 cogs:13.90030000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170826
+ month:201708 account_id:28 service_id:89
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:90 on 20170826
+ (instance:'vm-684442'): account:33
+ quantity:47.99800000 rate:2.00030000 =
+ subtotal:96.01039940 cogs:1.00020000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170826
+ month:201708 account_id:33 service_id:90
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:90 on 20170826
+ (instance:'vm-573533'): account:34
+ quantity:71.80000000 rate:2.00030000 =
+ subtotal:143.62154000 cogs:1.00020000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170826
+ month:201708 account_id:34 service_id:90
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Closed RDF '26_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Opened RDF '27_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170827
+ (instance:'大畠'): account:39 quantity:4.00000000
+ rate:2.50000000 = subtotal:10.00000000
+ cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170827
+ month:201708 account_id:39 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170827
+ (instance:'Gérard.P'): account:37
+ quantity:19.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:47.50000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170827
+ month:201708 account_id:37 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170827
+ (instance:'richard'): account:35
+ quantity:2.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:5.00000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170827
+ month:201708 account_id:35 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170827
+ (instance:'henry07'): account:30
+ quantity:1.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:2.50000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170827
+ month:201708 account_id:30 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170827
+ (instance:'ICHIROU'): account:41
+ quantity:1.11110000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:2.77775000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170827
+ month:201708 account_id:41 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:87 on 20170827
+ (instance:'charles01'): account:29
+ quantity:2.00000000 rate:2.50000000 =
+ subtotal:5.00000000 cogs:2.20000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170827
+ month:201708 account_id:29 service_id:87
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:89 on 20170827
+ (instance:'vm-125135'): account:27
+ quantity:24.00000000 rate:17.11240000 =
+ subtotal:410.69760000 cogs:13.80000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170827
+ month:201708 account_id:27 service_id:89
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:89 on 20170827
+ (instance:'vm-849843'): account:28
+ quantity:92.00000000 rate:17.11240000 =
+ subtotal:1574.34080000 cogs:13.80000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170827
+ month:201708 account_id:28 service_id:89
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:90 on 20170827
+ (instance:'vm-684442'): account:33
+ quantity:48.00000000 rate:2.00030000 =
+ subtotal:96.01440000 cogs:1.00020000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170827
+ month:201708 account_id:33 service_id:90
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance (new): service:90 on 20170827
+ (instance:'vm-573533'): account:34
+ quantity:72.00000000 rate:2.00030000 =
+ subtotal:144.02160000 cogs:1.00020000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Service: new record for day:20170827
+ month:201708 account_id:34 service_id:90
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance: updated COGS charge for account_id:46
+ service_id:91 on 20170827 (instance
+ 'bb_site_002') to 45.55100000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Instance: updated account_id:46 service_id:91 on
+ 20170827 (instance: 'bb_site_002') quantity
+ 4.10000000: rate: 15.15000000 =
+ unit_based_subtotal: 62.11500000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Closed RDF '27_test.usage.rdf'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/28_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/29_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/30_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ c:\exivity\home/system/report/2017/08/31_test.usage.rdf
+ does not exist (skipping)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.940+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 50
+ cumulative: 283
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.940+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 283
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.960+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 20
+ cumulative: 303
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 21
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Opened transaction for output results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170801 to 20170831
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Initialised PSQL COPY operation
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Candidate query for stmt_60: SELECT
+ adjustment_id,amount,type,first_interval,last_interval
+ FROM adj_lookup WHERE account_id=$1 AND
+ service_id=$2 ORDER BY account_id, type DESC,
+ sort, adjustment_id
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Detected 2 parameters
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Prepared statement 'stmt_60' (2 parameters)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Writing non-tiered instance-level results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:39 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 4.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 8.80000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:33 service ID:90
+ as (quantity 47.99800000000000 * cogs rate
+ 1.00020000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 48.00759960000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:41 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 1.11110000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 2.44442000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:41 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 1.11110000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 2.44442000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:35 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 2.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 4.40000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:44 service ID:91
+ as (quantity 2.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 11.11000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 22.22000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:28 service ID:89
+ as (quantity 92.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 13.90030000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 1278.82760000000007
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:35 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 2.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 4.40000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:30 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 1.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 2.20000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.981+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:37 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 9.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 19.80000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 324
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:37 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 9.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 19.80000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:31 service ID:88
+ as (quantity 1.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 0.80000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 0.80000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:33 service ID:90
+ as (quantity 48.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 1.00020000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 48.00960000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:42 service ID:88
+ as (quantity 0.99990000000000 * cogs rate
+ 0.80000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 0.79992000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:45 service ID:91
+ as (quantity 3.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 11.11000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 33.33000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:39 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 2.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 4.40000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:29 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 1.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 2.20000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:32 service ID:88
+ as (quantity 1.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 0.80000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 0.80000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:30 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 1.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 2.20000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:34 service ID:90
+ as (quantity 72.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 1.00020000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 72.01439999999999
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:41 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 1.11110000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 2.44442000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:27 service ID:89
+ as (quantity 24.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 13.80000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 331.20000000000005
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:28 service ID:89
+ as (quantity 92.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 13.80000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 1269.60000000000014
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:33 service ID:90
+ as (quantity 48.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 1.00020000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 48.00960000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:34 service ID:90
+ as (quantity 71.80000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 1.00020000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 71.81435999999999
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:35 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 2.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 4.40000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:09.991+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:27 service ID:89
+ as (quantity 24.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 13.90030000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 333.60719999999998
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:36 service ID:88
+ as (quantity 1.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 0.80000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 0.80000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:46 service ID:91
+ as (quantity 4.10000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 11.11000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 45.55099999999999
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:29 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 1.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 2.20000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:28 service ID:89
+ as (quantity 92.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 13.80000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 1269.60000000000014
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:29 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 2.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 4.40000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:30 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 1.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 2.20000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:27 service ID:89
+ as (quantity 24.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 13.80000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 331.20000000000005
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:43 service ID:91
+ as (quantity 1.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 11.11000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 11.11000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:38 service ID:88
+ as (quantity 3.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 0.80000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 2.40000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:40 service ID:88
+ as (quantity 1.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 0.80000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 0.80000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:39 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 2.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 4.40000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:37 service ID:87
+ as (quantity 19.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 2.20000000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 41.80000000000000
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Calculated COGS for account ID:34 service ID:90
+ as (quantity 72.00000000000000 * cogs rate
+ 1.00020000000000) + interval charge
+ 0.00000000000000 = 72.01439999999999
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.001+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Writing non-tiered service-level results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 344
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.011+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 354
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 11
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.022+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 365
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.032+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 375
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.042+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 385
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.042+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 385
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.042+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 385
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.042+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 385
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.042+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 385
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.042+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 385
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.042+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 385
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.042+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 385
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.042+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 385
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.052+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 395
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.052+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 395
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.052+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 395
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.052+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 395
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.052+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 395
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.052+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 395
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.052+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 395
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.052+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 395
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.052+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 395
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.062+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 405
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.062+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 405
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.062+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 405
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.062+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 405
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.062+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 405
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.062+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 405
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.062+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 405
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.062+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 405
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.062+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 405
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 415
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 415
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 415
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 415
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 415
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 415
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 415
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 415
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.072+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 415
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.082+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 425
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Reset statement: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: 'Executing: stmt_60'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.092+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: Result for stmt_60 contains 0 rows (5 columns)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 435
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.102+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 445
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.102+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated SQL statement stmt_60: 2 parameters
+ (0 dynamic)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 445
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.124+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 40 instance-level records and
+ 40 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 22
+ cumulative: 467
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.151+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Index on pgp table created
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: 494
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.165+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated instance-level hash table (40
+ populated slots and 0 collision list entries)
+ metadata:
+ own: 14
+ cumulative: 508
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.205+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated service-level hash table (40
+ populated slots and 0 collision list entries)
+ metadata:
+ own: 40
+ cumulative: 548
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.205+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 548
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.205+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 548
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.205+00:00'
+ level: 0
+ message: >-
+ Deallocated SQL statement stmt_1: 4 parameters
+ (0 dynamic)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 548
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.215+00:00'
+ level: 1
+ message: Closed database connection (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 558
+ - date: '2022-09-06T08:13:10.215+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 558
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.51.43.106489.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:51:43Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.345+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.461+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 116
+ cumulative: 116
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.461+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 116
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.461+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 116
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.462+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.78Gb (18%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 117
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.462+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 117
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.466+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.466+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.467+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.51.43.106489'
+ (77 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 122
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.491+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.51.43.106489'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.491+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.491+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.491+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.491+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.491+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.491+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.491+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_unprepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.491+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will apply unprepare process to all reports on
+ line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.491+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will unprepare all available dates on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.495+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Unpreparing report 'test'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 150
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.537+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report 'test' was unprepared for 3 days
+ metadata:
+ own: 42
+ cumulative: 192
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.537+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Completed unpreparing report 'test' (3 days were
+ unprepared)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 192
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.538+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Unpreparing report 'Test report - 422'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 193
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.546+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report 'Test report - 422' was unprepared for 3
+ days
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: 201
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.546+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Completed unpreparing report 'Test report - 422'
+ (3 days were unprepared)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 201
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.546+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Completed unpreparing all reports (a total of 6
+ report-days were unprepared)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 201
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.546+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 201
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:51:43.547+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 202
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.41.607886.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:41Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.666+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.731+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 65
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.731+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.731+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.731+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.66Gb (17%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.731+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.734+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.735+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.735+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.41.607886'
+ (104 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.41.607886'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to CREATE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.759+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set level 1 key to 'Test account - 248'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.769+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:41.769+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.40.026279.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:40Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.090+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.145+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 55
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.145+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.145+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.145+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.70Gb (17%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.145+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.147+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.147+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.147+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.40.026279'
+ (95 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.40.026279'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to DELETE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set account_id to 56 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.154+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Cached 1 child accounts
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.162+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Deleted 1 accounts
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.165+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:40.166+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 76
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.37.952854.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:38Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.114+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.175+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 61
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.175+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.175+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.176+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.63Gb (17%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.176+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.178+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.178+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.178+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.37.952854'
+ (100 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.37.952854'
+ metadata:
+ own: 25
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to CREATE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.203+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set level 1 key to 'My new account'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.209+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 95
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:38.209+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 95
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.23.823716.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:23Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.897+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.952+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 55
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.952+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.952+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.952+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.64Gb (17%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.952+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.954+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.954+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.954+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.23.823716'
+ (90 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.23.823716'
+ metadata:
+ own: 26
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Tue Aug 1 00:00:00 2017 (falls
+ within 20170801)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Tue Aug 1 23:59:59 2017 (falls within
+ 20170801)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be executed for range 20170801 -
+ 20170801
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.980+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.983+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Rounded provided date range to get 20170801 -
+ 20170831 (31 days)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.990+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processing subscription 'modified_test' ...
+ metadata:
+ own: 7
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.992+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing report cache query: no such
+ table: cache_3
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 95
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.993+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing report cache query: no such
+ table: cache_3
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 96
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:23.993+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing report cache query: no such
+ table: cache_3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 96
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.044+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 51
+ cumulative: 147
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.044+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 147
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.083+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 39
+ cumulative: 186
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.084+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_3'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 187
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.093+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170801 to 20170831
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.119+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 26
+ cumulative: 222
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.164+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 45
+ cumulative: 267
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.167+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 1 instance-level records and 1
+ service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 270
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.243+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 76
+ cumulative: 346
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.243+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 346
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:24.244+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 347
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.20.262096.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:20Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.318+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.373+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 55
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.373+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.373+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.373+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.59Gb (17%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.373+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.20.262096'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.20.262096'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.376+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.380+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.380+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:20.381+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 63
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.19.300197.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:19Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.352+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.410+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 58
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.410+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.410+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.411+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.11Gb (14%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.411+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.414+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.414+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.414+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.19.300197'
+ (104 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.19.300197'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to CREATE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.415+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set level 1 key to 'Test account - 539'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.425+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:19.425+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.18.511619.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:18Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.532+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.587+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 55
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.587+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.587+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.587+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.11Gb (14%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.587+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.590+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.590+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.590+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.18.511619'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.614+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.18.511619'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.614+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.614+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.614+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.614+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.614+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.614+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.614+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.614+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.614+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.615+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.616+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: No report found with an id of 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.616+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.617+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 85
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.18.342028.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:18Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.399+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.461+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 62
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.461+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.461+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.461+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.10Gb (14%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.461+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.463+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.463+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.18.342028'
+ (203 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.18.342028'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_defineReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Set name of report definition to 'Test report -
+ 422'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report definition will reference data in
+ 'test.usage'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.464+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ The number of meta_id arguments does not match
+ the number of key_col arguments (unspecified
+ meta_ids will default to 'none')
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.466+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Verified RDF 'test.usage' (seen from 20170825 to
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.466+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Verified metadata IDs
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.468+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Successfully created report definition 'Test
+ report - 422'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.469+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:18.470+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 71
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.16.397089.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:16Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.455+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.514+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 59
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.514+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.514+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.514+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.12Gb (14%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.514+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.517+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.517+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.517+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.16.397089'
+ (63 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.518+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.16.397089'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.518+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.518+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.518+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.518+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.518+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.518+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.518+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_deleteServices'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.518+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will delete service with ID of '85'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.534+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Deleted 1 service(s)
+ metadata:
+ own: 16
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.534+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:16.534+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.15.174874.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:15Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.243+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.315+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 72
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.315+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.315+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.315+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.12Gb (14%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.315+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.318+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.318+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.318+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.15.174874'
+ (131 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.320+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.15.174874'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.320+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.320+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.320+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.320+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.320+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.320+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.320+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.320+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.320+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be prepared for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.329+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 46 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.331+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 6 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.333+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 5 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.339+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 96
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.339+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 96
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.339+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 96
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.342+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 99
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.342+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 99
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.342+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 99
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.344+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 101
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.344+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 101
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.344+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 101
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.345+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.345+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.345+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.345+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be executed for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.345+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.349+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 106
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.350+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 107
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.350+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 107
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.403+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 53
+ cumulative: 160
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.403+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 160
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.433+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 30
+ cumulative: 190
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.434+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 191
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.439+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170825 to 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.466+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: 223
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.537+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 71
+ cumulative: 294
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.539+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 40 instance-level records and
+ 40 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 296
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.607+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 68
+ cumulative: 364
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.607+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 364
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:15.607+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 364
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.14.205396.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:14Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.258+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.315+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 57
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.315+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.315+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.315+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.13Gb (14%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.315+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.317+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.318+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.318+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.14.205396'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.318+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.14.205396'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.318+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.318+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.318+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.318+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.318+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.318+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.318+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.321+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.321+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:14.322+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 64
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.13.019460.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:13Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.065+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.124+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 59
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.124+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.124+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.124+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.16Gb (14%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.124+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.126+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.127+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.127+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.13.019460'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.127+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.13.019460'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.127+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.127+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.127+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.127+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.127+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.127+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.127+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.130+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.130+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:13.131+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 66
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.11.913229.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:11Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:11.960+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.020+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 60
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.020+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.020+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.020+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.20Gb (14%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.020+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.022+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.023+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.023+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.11.913229'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.047+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.11.913229'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.047+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.047+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.047+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.047+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.047+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.047+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.047+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.051+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.051+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:12.051+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.09.408446.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:09Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.470+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.546+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 76
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.546+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.546+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.546+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.25Gb (15%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.546+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.550+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.550+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.550+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.09.408446'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.573+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.09.408446'
+ metadata:
+ own: 23
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.573+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.573+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.573+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.573+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.573+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.573+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.573+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.578+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 5 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.578+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:09.579+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 109
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.02.673950.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:49:02Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.735+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.809+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 74
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.809+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.809+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.809+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.27Gb (15%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.809+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.813+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.813+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.814+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.02.673950'
+ (59 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.838+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.49.02.673950'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.838+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.838+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.838+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.838+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.838+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.838+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.838+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_deleteReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.838+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will delete report_id 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.875+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 37
+ cumulative: 140
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.918+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 43
+ cumulative: 183
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:49:02.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 183
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.58.317367.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:48:58Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.396+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.475+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 79
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.475+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.475+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.475+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.26Gb (15%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.475+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.480+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.480+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.480+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.58.317367'
+ (187 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.504+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.58.317367'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.504+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Fri Aug 25 00:00:00 2017 (falls
+ within 20170825)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.504+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Sun Aug 27 23:59:59 2017 (falls within
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.504+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.504+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.504+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.504+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.504+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_syncAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.508+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Starting global RDF transaction to perform sync
+ for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 112
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.523+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Added 8 accounts for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 15
+ cumulative: 127
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.524+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Starting global RDF transaction to perform sync
+ for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 128
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.527+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Added 8 accounts for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 131
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.528+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Starting global RDF transaction to perform sync
+ for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 132
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.531+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Added 8 accounts for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 135
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.532+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 136
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.532+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 136
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.532+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be prepared for the default date
+ range
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 136
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.538+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 8 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 142
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.541+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 5 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 145
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.543+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 5 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 147
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.547+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 151
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.547+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Modified test report' for
+ 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 151
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.548+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 152
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.548+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 152
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.583+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 35
+ cumulative: 187
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.583+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 187
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.583+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 187
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.583+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 187
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.592+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.592+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.596+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.596+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.596+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.629+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 33
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.629+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170825: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Modified test report'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 233
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.630+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 234
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.649+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 19
+ cumulative: 253
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.649+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Modified test report' for
+ 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 253
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.650+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 254
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.650+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 254
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.694+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 44
+ cumulative: 298
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.694+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 298
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.694+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 298
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.694+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 298
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.703+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 307
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.704+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 308
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.708+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 312
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.708+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 312
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 313
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 38
+ cumulative: 351
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170826: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Modified test report'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 351
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 351
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.766+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 19
+ cumulative: 370
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.766+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Modified test report' for
+ 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 370
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.767+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 371
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.767+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 371
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.810+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 43
+ cumulative: 414
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.810+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 414
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.810+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 414
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.810+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 414
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.819+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 423
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.819+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 423
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.822+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 426
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.822+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 426
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.823+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 427
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.859+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 36
+ cumulative: 463
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.859+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170827: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Modified test report'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 463
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.861+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 465
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.880+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 19
+ cumulative: 484
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.881+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 485
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.881+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 485
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.881+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be executed for range 20170825 -
+ 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 485
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.881+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 485
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.883+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Rounded provided date range to get 20170801 -
+ 20170831 (31 days)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 487
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 491
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.888+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 492
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.889+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 493
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.965+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 76
+ cumulative: 569
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:58.965+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 569
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:59.024+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 59
+ cumulative: 628
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:59.039+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_2'
+ metadata:
+ own: 15
+ cumulative: 643
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:59.041+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170801 to 20170831
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 645
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:59.086+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 45
+ cumulative: 690
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:59.174+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 88
+ cumulative: 778
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:59.177+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 40 instance-level records and
+ 20 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 781
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:59.283+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 106
+ cumulative: 887
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:59.283+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 887
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:59.284+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 888
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.56.071155.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:48:56Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.153+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.234+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 81
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.234+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.234+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.234+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.28Gb (15%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.234+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.237+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.56.071155'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.56.071155'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.239+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.241+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.246+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:56.246+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.54.805147.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:48:54Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.838+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.910+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 72
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.910+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.910+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.910+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.26Gb (15%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.910+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.913+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.913+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.54.805147'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.54.805147'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.914+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.916+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.918+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: No report found with an id of 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.918+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.54.611599.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:48:54Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.677+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.753+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 76
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.753+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.753+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.753+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.26Gb (15%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.753+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.756+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.757+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.757+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.54.611599'
+ (206 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.757+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.54.611599'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.757+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.757+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.758+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.758+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.758+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.758+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.758+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_defineReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.758+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Set name of report definition to 'Test report -
+ 775'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.758+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report definition will reference data in
+ 'test.usage'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.758+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ The number of meta_id arguments does not match
+ the number of key_col arguments (unspecified
+ meta_ids will default to 'none')
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.760+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Verified RDF 'test.usage' (seen from 20170825 to
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.760+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Verified metadata IDs
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.764+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Successfully created report definition 'Test
+ report - 775'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.765+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:54.765+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.52.667447.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-09-01T07:48:53Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.225+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.299+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 74
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.299+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.299+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.299+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 2.26Gb (15%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.299+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.302+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.52.667447'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-09-01T07.48.52.667447'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Sep 1 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Sep 1 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220901)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.303+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.304+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.304+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.304+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.304+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.304+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.306+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.312+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-09-01T07:48:53.312+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-08-02T15.06.22.645505.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-08-02T15:06:22Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.709+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.774+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 65
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.774+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.774+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.774+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.41Gb (22%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.774+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.777+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.777+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.777+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-08-02T15.06.22.645505'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.798+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-08-02T15.06.22.645505'
+ metadata:
+ own: 21
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.798+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Tue Aug 2 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220802)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.798+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Tue Aug 2 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220802)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.798+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.798+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.799+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.799+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.799+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.803+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 10 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 94
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.803+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 94
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:22.804+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 95
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-08-02T15.05.51.751137.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-08-02T15:06:11Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.266+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.327+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 61
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.327+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.327+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.327+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.46Gb (22%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.327+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.337+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.337+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.337+00:00'
+ level: 5
+ message: >-
+ File
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-08-02T15.05.51.751137'
+ not found
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.340+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 74
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-08-02T15.05.35.994370.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-08-02T15:06:11Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.266+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.327+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 61
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.327+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.327+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.327+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.46Gb (22%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.327+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.337+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.337+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.337+00:00'
+ level: 5
+ message: >-
+ File
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-08-02T15.05.35.994370'
+ not found
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-08-02T15:06:11.340+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 74
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.57.51.547002.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:57:51Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.595+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.659+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 64
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.659+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.659+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.659+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.50Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.659+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.661+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.661+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.661+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.57.51.547002'
+ (77 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.685+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.57.51.547002'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.685+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.685+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.685+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.685+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.685+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.685+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.685+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_unprepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.685+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will apply unprepare process to all reports on
+ line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.685+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will unprepare all available dates on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.688+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Unpreparing report 'test'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.725+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report 'test' was unprepared for 3 days
+ metadata:
+ own: 37
+ cumulative: 130
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.725+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Completed unpreparing report 'test' (3 days were
+ unprepared)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 130
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.725+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Unpreparing report 'Test report - 257'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 130
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.730+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report 'Test report - 257' was unprepared for 3
+ days
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 135
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.730+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Completed unpreparing report 'Test report - 257'
+ (3 days were unprepared)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 135
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.730+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Completed unpreparing all reports (a total of 6
+ report-days were unprepared)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 135
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.730+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 135
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:57:51.730+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 135
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.56.14.501020.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:56:14Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.552+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.617+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 65
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.617+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.617+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.617+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.61Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.617+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.619+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.620+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.620+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.56.14.501020'
+ (104 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.56.14.501020'
+ metadata:
+ own: 25
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to CREATE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.645+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set level 1 key to 'Test account - 499'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.654+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:14.654+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.56.12.763329.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:56:12Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.850+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.915+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 65
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.915+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.915+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.915+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.60Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.915+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.917+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.56.12.763329'
+ (95 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.56.12.763329'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to DELETE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set account_id to 56 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.922+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Cached 1 child accounts
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.929+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Deleted 1 accounts
+ metadata:
+ own: 7
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.934+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:12.935+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 85
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.56.10.586661.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:56:10Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.638+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.704+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 66
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.704+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.704+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.704+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.62Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.704+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.708+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.56.10.586661'
+ (100 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.56.10.586661'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to CREATE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set level 1 key to 'My new account'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.717+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:56:10.717+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.54.833990.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:54Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.893+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.948+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 55
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.948+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.948+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.948+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.54Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.948+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.950+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.950+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.950+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.54.833990'
+ (90 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.54.833990'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Tue Aug 1 00:00:00 2017 (falls
+ within 20170801)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Tue Aug 1 23:59:59 2017 (falls within
+ 20170801)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be executed for range 20170801 -
+ 20170801
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.977+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Rounded provided date range to get 20170801 -
+ 20170831 (31 days)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.986+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processing subscription 'modified_test' ...
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.988+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing report cache query: no such
+ table: cache_3
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 95
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.989+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing report cache query: no such
+ table: cache_3
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 96
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:54.989+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing report cache query: no such
+ table: cache_3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 96
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.039+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 50
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.039+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 146
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.066+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: 173
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.067+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_3'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 174
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.071+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170801 to 20170831
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 178
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.094+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 23
+ cumulative: 201
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.164+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 70
+ cumulative: 271
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.166+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 1 instance-level records and 1
+ service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 273
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.225+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 59
+ cumulative: 332
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.225+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 332
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:55.225+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 332
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.50.949103.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:51Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.001+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.071+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 70
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.071+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.071+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.071+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.54Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.071+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.074+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.075+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.075+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.50.949103'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.075+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.50.949103'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.075+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.075+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.075+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.075+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.075+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.075+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.075+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.079+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.079+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:51.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 79
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.50.017714.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:50Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.088+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.157+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 69
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.157+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.157+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.157+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.55Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.157+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.160+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.160+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.160+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.50.017714'
+ (104 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.50.017714'
+ metadata:
+ own: 25
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to CREATE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.185+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set level 1 key to 'Test account - 555'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.195+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 107
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:50.196+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 108
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.49.097301.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:49Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.125+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.294+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 169
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.294+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.294+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.294+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.56Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.294+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.296+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 171
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.297+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.297+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.49.097301'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.321+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.49.097301'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.321+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.321+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.321+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.321+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.321+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.321+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.321+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.321+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.321+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 196
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.323+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 198
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.325+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: No report found with an id of 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.325+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.326+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 201
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.48.917070.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:48Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:48.978+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.045+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 67
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.045+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.045+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.046+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.56Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.046+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.48.917070'
+ (203 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.48.917070'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_defineReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Set name of report definition to 'Test report -
+ 257'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.049+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report definition will reference data in
+ 'test.usage'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.049+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ The number of meta_id arguments does not match
+ the number of key_col arguments (unspecified
+ meta_ids will default to 'none')
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.051+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Verified RDF 'test.usage' (seen from 20170825 to
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.051+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Verified metadata IDs
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.054+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Successfully created report definition 'Test
+ report - 257'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.054+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:49.055+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 77
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.46.969689.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:47Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.027+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.103+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 76
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.103+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.103+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.104+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.62Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.104+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.108+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.108+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.109+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.46.969689'
+ (63 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.109+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.46.969689'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.109+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.109+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.109+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.109+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.109+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.109+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.109+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_deleteServices'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.109+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will delete service with ID of '74'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.130+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Deleted 1 service(s)
+ metadata:
+ own: 21
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.130+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:47.131+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 104
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.45.720233.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:45Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.790+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.846+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 56
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.846+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.846+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.846+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.66Gb (24%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.846+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.849+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.849+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.45.720233'
+ (131 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.45.720233'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.850+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be prepared for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.860+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 46 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.862+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 6 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.864+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 5 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.870+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.870+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.870+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.873+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.873+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.873+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.876+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be executed for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.876+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.880+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.881+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.881+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 51
+ cumulative: 142
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 142
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.959+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.960+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 170
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.963+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170825 to 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 173
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:45.990+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:46.061+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 71
+ cumulative: 271
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:46.064+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 40 instance-level records and
+ 40 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 274
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:46.132+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 68
+ cumulative: 342
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:46.132+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 342
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:46.133+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 343
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.44.692738.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:44Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.757+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.816+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 59
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.816+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.816+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.816+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.63Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.816+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.818+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.819+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.819+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.44.692738'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.843+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.44.692738'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.843+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.843+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.843+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.843+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.843+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.843+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.843+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.847+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.847+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:44.848+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 91
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.43.769465.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:43Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.815+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.872+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 57
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.872+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.872+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.872+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.64Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.872+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.874+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.874+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.875+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.43.769465'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.899+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.43.769465'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.899+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.899+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.899+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.899+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.899+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.899+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.899+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.903+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.903+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:43.903+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.42.836633.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:42Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.886+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.948+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 62
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.948+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.948+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.948+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.59Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.948+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.951+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.951+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.952+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.42.836633'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.952+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.42.836633'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.952+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.952+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.952+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.952+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.952+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.952+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.952+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.956+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.956+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:42.957+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 71
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.40.910143.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:40Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:40.971+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.031+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 60
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.031+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.031+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.032+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.63Gb (23%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.032+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.035+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.035+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.035+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.40.910143'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.059+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.40.910143'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.059+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.059+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.059+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.059+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.059+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.059+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.059+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.064+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 5 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.064+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:41.065+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 94
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.35.585196.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:35Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.633+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.706+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 73
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.706+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.706+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.706+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.67Gb (24%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.706+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.708+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.35.585196'
+ (59 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.35.585196'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_deleteReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.709+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will delete report_id 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.741+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 32
+ cumulative: 108
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.775+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 34
+ cumulative: 142
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:35.776+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 143
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.32.774790.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:32Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.820+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.875+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 55
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.875+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.875+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.875+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.68Gb (24%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.876+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.878+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.878+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.878+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.32.774790'
+ (187 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.902+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.32.774790'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.902+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Fri Aug 25 00:00:00 2017 (falls
+ within 20170825)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.902+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Sun Aug 27 23:59:59 2017 (falls within
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.902+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.902+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.902+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.902+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.902+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_syncAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.904+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Starting global RDF transaction to perform sync
+ for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.917+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Added 8 accounts for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 13
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Starting global RDF transaction to perform sync
+ for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.922+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Added 8 accounts for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.922+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Starting global RDF transaction to perform sync
+ for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.926+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Added 8 accounts for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 106
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.927+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 107
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.927+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 107
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.927+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be prepared for the default date
+ range
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 107
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 8 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 112
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.935+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 5 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 115
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 5 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 117
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Modified test report' for
+ 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 121
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 33
+ cumulative: 154
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 154
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 154
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 154
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.983+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 163
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.983+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 163
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.986+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 166
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.986+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 166
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:32.986+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 166
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.012+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 26
+ cumulative: 192
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.012+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170825: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Modified test report'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 192
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.014+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 194
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.026+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 12
+ cumulative: 206
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.027+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Modified test report' for
+ 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 207
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.027+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 207
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.027+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 207
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.067+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 40
+ cumulative: 247
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.067+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 247
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.068+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 248
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.068+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 248
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.077+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 257
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.077+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 257
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 260
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 260
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 260
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.104+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 284
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.104+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170826: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Modified test report'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 284
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.105+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 285
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.122+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 17
+ cumulative: 302
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.122+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Modified test report' for
+ 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 302
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.122+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 302
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.122+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 302
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.162+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 40
+ cumulative: 342
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.162+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 342
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.163+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 343
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.163+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 343
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.172+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 352
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.172+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 352
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.175+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 355
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.175+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 355
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.175+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 355
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.201+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 26
+ cumulative: 381
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.201+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170827: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Modified test report'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 381
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.203+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 383
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.215+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 12
+ cumulative: 395
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.216+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 396
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.216+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 396
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.216+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be executed for range 20170825 -
+ 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 396
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.216+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 396
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.218+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Rounded provided date range to get 20170801 -
+ 20170831 (31 days)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 398
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.223+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 403
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.223+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 403
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.224+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 404
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.275+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 51
+ cumulative: 455
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.275+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 455
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.303+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 28
+ cumulative: 483
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.315+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_2'
+ metadata:
+ own: 12
+ cumulative: 495
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.316+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170801 to 20170831
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 496
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.340+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 520
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.405+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 65
+ cumulative: 585
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.407+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 40 instance-level records and
+ 20 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 587
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.502+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 95
+ cumulative: 682
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.502+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 682
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:33.503+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 683
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.31.101711.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:31Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.163+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.219+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 56
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.225+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.225+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.225+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.75Gb (24%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.225+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.228+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.228+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.31.101711'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.31.101711'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.229+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.231+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.236+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:31.236+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.30.111409.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:30Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.135+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.192+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 57
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.192+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.192+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.192+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.72Gb (24%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.192+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.194+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.194+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.194+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.30.111409'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.30.111409'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.195+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.198+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: No report found with an id of 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.198+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.198+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.29.808045.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:29Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:29.865+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.034+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 169
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.034+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.034+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.035+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.72Gb (24%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 170
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.035+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 170
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.037+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.037+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 172
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.038+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.29.808045'
+ (206 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 173
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.29.808045'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_defineReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Set name of report definition to 'Test report -
+ 711'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report definition will reference data in
+ 'test.usage'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.062+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ The number of meta_id arguments does not match
+ the number of key_col arguments (unspecified
+ meta_ids will default to 'none')
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.063+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Verified RDF 'test.usage' (seen from 20170825 to
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 198
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.064+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Verified metadata IDs
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 199
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.066+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Successfully created report definition 'Test
+ report - 711'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 201
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.067+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 202
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:30.067+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 202
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.28.620315.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:55:28Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.748+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.802+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 54
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.802+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.802+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.802+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.73Gb (24%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.802+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.805+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.805+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.805+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.28.620315'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.828+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.55.28.620315'
+ metadata:
+ own: 23
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.828+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.828+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.828+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.829+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.829+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.829+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.829+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.829+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.829+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.831+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.835+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:55:28.836+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 88
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.38.43.983390.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-28T12:54:41Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.680+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.743+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 63
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.743+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.743+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.744+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 3.83Gb (25%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.744+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.747+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ User UUID not found in global DB:
+ 5ee0cdca-2773-4b97-9f09-823b09198b46
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to ''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.38.43.983390'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-28T12.38.43.983390'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 28 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 28 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220728)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.748+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.750+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.754+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-28T12:54:41.754+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-25T14.24.19.883610.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-25T14:24:19Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.906+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.961+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 55
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.961+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.961+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.962+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.52Gb (29%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.962+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.964+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.964+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.964+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-25T14.24.19.883610'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.988+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-25T14.24.19.883610'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.988+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Mon Jul 25 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220725)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.988+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Mon Jul 25 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220725)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.988+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.988+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.988+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.988+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.988+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.988+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.988+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.990+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.993+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.994+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 88
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-25T14.24.19.656836.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-25T14:24:19Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.680+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.845+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 165
+ cumulative: 165
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.845+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 165
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.845+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 165
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.845+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.52Gb (29%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 165
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.845+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 165
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.848+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 168
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-25T14.24.19.656836'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-25T14.24.19.656836'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Mon Jul 25 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220725)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Mon Jul 25 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220725)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.849+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 169
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.851+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 171
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.856+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 176
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.857+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 177
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-25T14.21.11.021672.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-25T14:24:19Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.418+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.588+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 170
+ cumulative: 170
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.588+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 170
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.612+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 194
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.612+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.52Gb (29%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 194
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.612+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 194
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.615+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.615+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.616+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-25T14.21.11.021672'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 198
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.617+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-25T14.21.11.021672'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 199
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.617+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Mon Jul 25 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220725)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 199
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.617+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Mon Jul 25 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220725)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 199
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.617+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 199
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.618+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.618+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.618+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.618+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.618+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.618+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 200
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.622+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 204
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.629+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 7
+ cumulative: 211
+ - date: '2022-07-25T14:24:19.629+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 211
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.40.08.885378.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:40:08Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.913+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 167
+ cumulative: 167
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 167
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.080+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 167
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.080+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.63Gb (30%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 167
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.080+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 167
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.083+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 170
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.083+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 170
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.084+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.40.08.885378'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 171
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.107+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.40.08.885378'
+ metadata:
+ own: 23
+ cumulative: 194
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.107+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 194
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.108+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 195
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.108+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 195
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.108+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 195
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.108+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 195
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.108+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 195
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.108+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 195
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.108+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 195
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.108+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 195
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.110+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.116+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 203
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:09.117+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 204
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.40.08.728217.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:40:08Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.754+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.823+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 69
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.823+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.823+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.823+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.63Gb (30%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.823+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.827+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.828+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.828+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.40.08.728217'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.852+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.40.08.728217'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.852+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.852+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.852+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.852+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.852+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.852+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.852+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.852+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.852+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.854+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 100
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.859+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 105
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.860+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 106
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.40.08.479289.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:40:08Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.586+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.661+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 75
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.661+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.661+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.661+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.63Gb (30%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.661+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.663+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.664+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.664+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.40.08.479289'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.687+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.40.08.479289'
+ metadata:
+ own: 23
+ cumulative: 101
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.688+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.688+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.688+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.688+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.688+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.688+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.688+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.688+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.688+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.689+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.695+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 109
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:40:08.695+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 109
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.45.553570.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:39:45Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.615+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.677+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 62
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.677+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.677+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.677+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.59Gb (29%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.677+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.680+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.680+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.680+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.45.553570'
+ (59 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.681+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.45.553570'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.681+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.681+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.681+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.681+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.681+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.681+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.681+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_deleteReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.681+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will delete report_id 6
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.719+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 38
+ cumulative: 104
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.760+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 41
+ cumulative: 145
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:45.760+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 145
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.31.815062.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:39:31Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: null
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ r2022-07-21T14:39:31.880+00:00,7,------
+ Invocation -----
+ metadata: []
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.938+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata: []
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.938+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.938+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.938+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.60Gb (30%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.938+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.31.815062'
+ (187 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.966+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.31.815062'
+ metadata:
+ own: 25
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.966+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Fri Aug 25 00:00:00 2017 (falls
+ within 20170825)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.966+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Sun Aug 27 23:59:59 2017 (falls within
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.966+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.966+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.966+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.966+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.966+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_syncAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.970+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Starting global RDF transaction to perform sync
+ for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.985+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Added 8 accounts for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 15
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.985+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Starting global RDF transaction to perform sync
+ for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.990+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Added 8 accounts for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.990+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Starting global RDF transaction to perform sync
+ for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.996+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Added 8 accounts for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.997+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.997+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 6
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:31.997+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be prepared for the default date
+ range
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.002+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 8 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.005+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 6 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.006+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 5 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.010+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.010+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Modified test report' for
+ 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.010+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.010+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.043+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 33
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.043+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.043+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.044+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.052+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.052+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.056+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.056+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 14 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.056+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.086+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 30
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.086+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170825: wrote 14 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Modified test report'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.087+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.102+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 15
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.102+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Modified test report' for
+ 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.103+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.103+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.149+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 46
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.149+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.149+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.149+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.159+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.159+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.162+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.162+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 14 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.162+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.200+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 38
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.200+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170826: wrote 14 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Modified test report'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.202+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.221+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 19
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.221+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Modified test report' for
+ 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.222+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.222+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.269+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 47
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.269+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.269+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.270+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.279+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.279+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.279+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.280+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.280+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.280+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.280+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.281+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.281+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.281+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.282+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.282+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.282+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.282+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.282+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.282+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.283+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.283+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.283+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.283+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.283+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.283+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.283+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 14 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.283+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 40
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170827: wrote 14 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Modified test report'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.324+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.339+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 15
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.339+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.339+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 6
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.339+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be executed for range 20170825 -
+ 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.339+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.342+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Rounded provided date range to get 20170801 -
+ 20170831 (31 days)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.347+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.348+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.348+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.404+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 56
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.404+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.433+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 29
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.447+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_6'
+ metadata:
+ own: 14
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.448+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170801 to 20170831
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.490+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 42
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.572+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 82
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.573+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 22 instance-level records and
+ 11 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.673+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 100
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.673+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:32.674+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.25.210273.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:39:25Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.292+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.352+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 60
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.352+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.352+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.352+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.62Gb (30%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.352+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.356+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.356+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.356+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.25.210273'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.380+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.25.210273'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.380+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.380+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.380+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.380+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.380+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.380+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.380+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.380+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 6
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.380+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.382+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.387+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 95
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:25.388+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 96
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.19.783793.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:39:19Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.809+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.870+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 61
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.870+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.870+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.870+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.59Gb (29%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.870+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.873+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.874+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.874+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.19.783793'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.895+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.19.783793'
+ metadata:
+ own: 21
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.895+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.895+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.895+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.895+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.895+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.895+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.895+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.895+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.895+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.897+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.899+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: No report found with an id of 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.899+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.899+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.19.578653.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:39:19Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.657+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.729+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 72
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.729+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.729+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.729+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.59Gb (29%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.729+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.19.578653'
+ (206 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.39.19.578653'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_defineReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Set name of report definition to 'Test report -
+ 972'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report definition will reference data in
+ 'test.usage'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.733+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ The number of meta_id arguments does not match
+ the number of key_col arguments (unspecified
+ meta_ids will default to 'none')
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.735+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Verified RDF 'test.usage' (seen from 20170825 to
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.735+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Verified metadata IDs
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.740+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Successfully created report definition 'Test
+ report - 972'
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.741+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:39:19.741+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.22.15.525836.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:22:15Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.553+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.626+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 73
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.627+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.627+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.627+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.98Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.627+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.631+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.631+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.631+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.22.15.525836'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.655+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.22.15.525836'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.655+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.655+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.656+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.656+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.656+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.656+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.656+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.656+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.656+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.657+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 104
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.663+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 110
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.664+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 111
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.22.15.381452.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:22:15Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.428+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.493+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 65
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.493+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.493+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.493+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.98Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.493+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.497+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.497+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.22.15.381452'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.22.15.381452'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.498+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.500+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.506+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:22:15.507+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 79
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.18.41.379965.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:18:41Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.464+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.527+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 63
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.527+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.527+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.527+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.00Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.527+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.530+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.530+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.530+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.18.41.379965'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.530+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.18.41.379965'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.531+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.531+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.531+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.531+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.531+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.531+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.531+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.531+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.531+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.532+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.538+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:18:41.539+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 75
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.12.373215.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:04:12Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.425+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.486+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 61
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.486+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.486+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.486+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.06Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.486+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.489+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.489+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.489+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.12.373215'
+ (63 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.513+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.12.373215'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.513+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.513+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.513+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.513+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.513+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.513+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.513+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_deleteServices'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.513+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will delete service with ID of '68'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.535+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Deleted 1 service(s)
+ metadata:
+ own: 22
+ cumulative: 110
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.535+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 110
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:12.536+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 111
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.09.774863.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:04:09Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: null
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Te2022-07-21T14:04:09.795+00:00,7,------
+ Invocation -----
+ metadata: []
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.850+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata: []
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.850+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.850+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.850+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.04Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.850+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.853+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.853+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.853+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.09.774863'
+ (337 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.09.774863'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.854+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.854+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.854+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.854+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be prepared for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.864+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 46 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.866+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 7 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.868+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 5 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.874+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 6 outdated cache records were deleted incl 6 for
+ deleted rates
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.884+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.884+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.890+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.922+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 32
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.922+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.922+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.922+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.932+00:00'
+ level: 5
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing usage query while creating usage
+ cache: no such column: unique_key
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.934+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 6 outdated cache records were deleted incl 6 for
+ deleted rates
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.944+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.944+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.950+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.950+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.988+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 38
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.988+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.988+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.988+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.996+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.996+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.996+00:00'
+ level: 5
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing usage query while creating usage
+ cache: no such column: unique_key
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.999+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 6 outdated cache records were deleted incl 6 for
+ deleted rates
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.008+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.008+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.016+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.017+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.058+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 41
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.058+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.058+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.059+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.067+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.067+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.067+00:00'
+ level: 5
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing usage query while creating usage
+ cache: no such column: unique_key
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.067+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.068+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.068+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.068+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be executed for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.068+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.073+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.074+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.081+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 7
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.154+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 73
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.154+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.184+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 30
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.185+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.189+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170825 to 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.214+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 25
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.295+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 81
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.297+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 22 instance-level records and
+ 22 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.365+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 68
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.365+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.365+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.365+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be prepared for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.370+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 2 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.371+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 7 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.371+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 5 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.373+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.373+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - 296' for
+ 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.373+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.373+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.404+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 31
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.404+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.404+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.405+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.414+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.414+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.416+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.416+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 14 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.416+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.443+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.443+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170825: wrote 14 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - 296'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.445+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.462+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 17
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.462+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - 296' for
+ 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.463+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.463+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.503+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 40
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.504+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.504+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.504+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.512+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.512+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.515+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.515+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 14 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.515+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.538+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 23
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.538+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170826: wrote 14 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - 296'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.539+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.555+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 16
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.555+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - 296' for
+ 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.555+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.555+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.594+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 39
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.594+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.594+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.594+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.602+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.602+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.604+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.604+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.604+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.604+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.605+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.605+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.605+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.605+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.605+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.605+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.605+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.606+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.606+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.606+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.606+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.606+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.606+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.607+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.607+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.607+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.607+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 14 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.607+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.631+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.631+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170827: wrote 14 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - 296'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.632+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.646+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 14
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.647+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.647+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.647+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be executed for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.647+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.650+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.651+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.652+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.703+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 51
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.703+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.715+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 12
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.716+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_3'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.720+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170825 to 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.828+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 81
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.830+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 22 instance-level records and
+ 8 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.907+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 77
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.907+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.907+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.907+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be prepared for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.912+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 0 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.913+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 7 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.913+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 5 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.915+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.915+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - brand end-to-end
+ networks' for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.916+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.916+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.948+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 32
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.948+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.948+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.949+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.957+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.958+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.960+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.960+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 14 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.960+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.986+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 26
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.986+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170825: wrote 14 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - brand end-to-end networks'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:10.987+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.005+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 18
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.005+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - brand end-to-end
+ networks' for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.005+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.005+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.042+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 37
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.042+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.042+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.042+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.051+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.051+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.054+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.054+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 14 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.054+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170826: wrote 14 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - brand end-to-end networks'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.079+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.095+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 16
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.095+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - brand end-to-end
+ networks' for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.096+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.096+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.140+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 44
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.140+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.140+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.140+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.149+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.149+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.150+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.150+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.151+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.151+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.151+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.151+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.152+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.152+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.152+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.152+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.152+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.152+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.153+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.153+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.153+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.153+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.153+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.153+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.153+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.153+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.153+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 14 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.153+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.182+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 29
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.182+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170827: wrote 14 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - brand end-to-end networks'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.183+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.199+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 16
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.199+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.199+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.199+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be executed for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.199+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.203+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.203+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.204+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 14 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.254+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 50
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.254+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.267+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 13
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.268+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_4'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.272+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170825 to 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.299+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.354+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 55
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.357+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 22 instance-level records and
+ 8 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.422+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 65
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.422+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:11.423+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.09.598829.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:04:09Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.647+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.706+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 59
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.707+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.707+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.707+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.04Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.707+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.710+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.710+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.710+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.09.598829'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.736+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.09.598829'
+ metadata:
+ own: 26
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.736+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.736+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.736+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.736+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.736+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.736+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.736+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.739+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 7 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 92
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.739+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 92
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:09.740+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 93
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.08.725012.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:04:08Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.794+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.851+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 57
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.851+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.851+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.851+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.07Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.851+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.08.725012'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.08.725012'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.854+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.855+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.855+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.855+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.855+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.855+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.855+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.859+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 7 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.859+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:08.859+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 65
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.07.798379.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:04:07Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.851+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.905+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 54
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.905+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.905+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.905+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.06Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.905+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.908+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.908+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.909+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.07.798379'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.07.798379'
+ metadata:
+ own: 23
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.932+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.932+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.932+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.932+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.936+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 7 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.936+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:07.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 86
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.06.723491.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:04:06Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.795+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.853+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 58
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.853+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.853+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.853+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.04Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.853+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.856+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.856+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.857+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.06.723491'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.857+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.06.723491'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.857+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.857+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.857+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.857+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.857+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.857+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.857+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.861+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 7 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.861+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:06.862+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 67
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.05.138465.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:04:05Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.202+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.363+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 161
+ cumulative: 161
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.363+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 161
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.363+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 161
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.363+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.02Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 161
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.363+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 161
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.365+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 163
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.366+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 164
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.366+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.05.138465'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 164
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.366+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.04.05.138465'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 164
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.366+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 164
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.366+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 164
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.366+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 164
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.366+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 164
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.366+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 164
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.366+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 164
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.366+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 164
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.370+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 168
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.370+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 168
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:04:05.371+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 169
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.58.908436.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:03:58Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:58.975+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.034+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 59
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.034+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.034+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.034+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.06Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.034+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.037+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.037+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.037+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.58.908436'
+ (59 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.038+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.58.908436'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.038+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.038+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.038+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.038+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.038+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.038+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.038+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_deleteReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.038+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will delete report_id 5
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.045+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 7
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.056+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'NOTICE: table "pgp_5" does not exist, skipping'
+ metadata:
+ own: 11
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.056+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:59.057+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 82
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.57.263265.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:03:57Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.319+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.375+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 56
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.375+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.375+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.375+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.08Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.375+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.377+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.378+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.378+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.57.263265'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.401+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.57.263265'
+ metadata:
+ own: 23
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.401+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.401+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.401+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.401+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.402+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.402+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.402+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.402+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 5
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.402+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.403+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.408+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:57.409+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 90
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.56.299810.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:03:56Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.323+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.382+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 59
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.382+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.383+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.383+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.06Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.383+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.385+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.56.299810'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.56.299810'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.386+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.388+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.390+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: No report found with an id of 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.390+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.391+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 68
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.56.115558.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:03:56Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.167+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.233+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 66
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.234+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.234+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.234+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.05Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.234+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.237+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.56.115558'
+ (242 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 71
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.56.115558'
+ metadata:
+ own: 22
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_defineReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Set name of report definition to 'Test report -
+ envisioneer distributed functionalities'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report definition will reference data in
+ 'test.usage'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.260+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ The number of meta_id arguments does not match
+ the number of key_col arguments (unspecified
+ meta_ids will default to 'none')
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.262+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Verified RDF 'test.usage' (seen from 20170825 to
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 95
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.262+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Verified metadata IDs
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 95
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.265+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Successfully created report definition 'Test
+ report - envisioneer distributed
+ functionalities'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.267+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 100
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:56.267+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 100
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.55.004460.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:03:55Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.024+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.077+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 53
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.077+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.077+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.077+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.10Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.077+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.55.004460'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.55.004460'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.080+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.082+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.086+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:55.087+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 63
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.54.898453.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:03:54Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.920+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.972+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 52
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.972+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.972+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.972+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.09Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.972+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.974+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.54.898453'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.54.898453'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.975+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.977+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.981+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.981+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.54.761916.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:03:54Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.808+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.861+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 53
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.861+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.861+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.861+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.10Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.861+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.864+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.54.761916'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.54.761916'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.867+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.871+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:54.871+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.06.768876.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:03:06Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.833+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.915+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 82
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.915+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.915+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.915+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.07Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.915+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.918+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.919+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.06.768876'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.919+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.03.06.768876'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.919+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.919+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.919+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.919+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.919+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.919+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.919+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.922+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.922+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:03:06.923+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 90
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.02.59.244910.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T14:02:59Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.293+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.350+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 57
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.350+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.350+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.350+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.13Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.350+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.353+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.355+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.355+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.02.59.244910'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.379+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T14.02.59.244910'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.379+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.379+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.379+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.379+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.379+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.379+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.379+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.383+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.383+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-21T14:02:59.384+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 91
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.24.475860.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:24Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.557+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.730+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 173
+ cumulative: 173
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.730+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 173
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.730+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 173
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.730+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.86Gb (31%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 173
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.730+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 173
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.733+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 176
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.24.475860'
+ (63 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.24.475860'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_deleteServices'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.734+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will delete service with ID of '67'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 177
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.754+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Deleted 1 service(s)
+ metadata:
+ own: 20
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.754+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 197
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:24.755+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 198
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.21.990742.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:22Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: null
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ t,2022-07-21T13:49:22.015+00:00,7,------
+ Invocation -----
+ metadata: []
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata: []
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.078+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.079+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.78Gb (31%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.079+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.081+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.21.990742'
+ (337 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.21.990742'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.082+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be prepared for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.092+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 46 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.095+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 7 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.097+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 6 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.104+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 7
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.104+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.104+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.105+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.105+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.137+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 32
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.137+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.137+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.137+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.147+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.147+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.148+00:00'
+ level: 5
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing usage query while creating usage
+ cache: no such column: unique_key
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.151+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.151+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.151+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.152+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.152+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.195+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 43
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.195+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.195+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.196+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.206+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.206+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.206+00:00'
+ level: 5
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing usage query while creating usage
+ cache: no such column: unique_key
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.209+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.209+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.209+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.210+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.210+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.248+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 38
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.248+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.248+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.249+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.257+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.257+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.257+00:00'
+ level: 5
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing usage query while creating usage
+ cache: no such column: unique_key
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.258+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.258+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.258+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.258+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be executed for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.258+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.265+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 7
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.265+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.266+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.322+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 56
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.353+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 30
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.354+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.358+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170825 to 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.390+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 32
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.478+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 88
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.481+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 40 instance-level records and
+ 40 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.549+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 68
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.549+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.549+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.549+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be prepared for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.554+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 2 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.554+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 7 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.555+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 6 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.557+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.557+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - 296' for
+ 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.557+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.557+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.591+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 34
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.591+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.591+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.591+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.600+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.600+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.603+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.603+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.603+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.630+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.631+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170825: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - 296'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.633+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.652+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 19
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.652+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - 296' for
+ 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.652+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.652+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.690+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 38
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.690+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.690+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.690+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.699+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.699+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.702+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.702+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.702+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.727+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 25
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.727+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170826: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - 296'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.728+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.744+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 16
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.744+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - 296' for
+ 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.744+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.744+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.783+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 39
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.783+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.783+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.783+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.791+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.791+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.792+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.792+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.793+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.793+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.793+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.793+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.793+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.793+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.793+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.794+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.794+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.794+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.794+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.794+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.794+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.794+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.794+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.794+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.795+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.795+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.795+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.795+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.820+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 25
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.820+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170827: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - 296'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.821+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.835+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 14
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.836+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.836+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.836+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be executed for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.836+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.839+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.840+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.845+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.899+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 54
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.899+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.912+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 13
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.913+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_3'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.916+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170825 to 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.943+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:22.999+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 56
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.002+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 40 instance-level records and
+ 11 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.073+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 71
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.073+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.074+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 4
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.074+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be prepared for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.077+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 0 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.081+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 7 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.081+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 6 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.083+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.083+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - brand end-to-end
+ networks' for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.083+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.083+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.117+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 34
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.117+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.117+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.117+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.126+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.126+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.128+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.129+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.129+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.153+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.154+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170825: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - brand end-to-end networks'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.154+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.170+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 16
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.170+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - brand end-to-end
+ networks' for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.171+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.171+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.223+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 52
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.223+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.223+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.224+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.234+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.234+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.238+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.266+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 28
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.266+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170826: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - brand end-to-end networks'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.267+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.284+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be fully prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 17
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.284+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Preparing report 'Test report - brand end-to-end
+ networks' for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.285+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Attached daily RDF to shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.285+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Creating interim rates lookup data in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.324+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Created interim rates lookup data
+ metadata:
+ own: 39
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.324+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Detached daily RDF from shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.324+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updating flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.324+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for flattened rates cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.334+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for flattened cached rates
+ update
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.334+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated flattened rates cache in daily RDF
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.334+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.334+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.336+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.336+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.336+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.336+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.336+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.336+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.337+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.337+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.337+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.337+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.337+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.337+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.338+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.338+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.338+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.338+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.338+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing instance_col resolution query:
+ no such column: hostname
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.338+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed a total of 20 usage records
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.338+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Usage cache hash table completed (0 collisions
+ and 20 clean inserts)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.338+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Started transaction for report cache update
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.364+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Committed transaction for report cache
+ metadata:
+ own: 26
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.364+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ 20170827: wrote 20 usage cache entries for
+ report 'Test report - brand end-to-end networks'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.365+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Updated preparation timestamp in sync table
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.380+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 15
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.381+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.381+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 4
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.381+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be executed for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.381+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.385+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.386+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.387+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.446+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 59
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.446+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.461+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 15
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.474+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_4'
+ metadata:
+ own: 13
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.475+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170825 to 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.505+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 30
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.568+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 63
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.571+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 40 instance-level records and
+ 11 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.668+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 97
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.668+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:23.669+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: '-'
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.21.817497.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:21Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.873+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 59
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.932+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.932+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.932+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.77Gb (31%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.932+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.934+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.935+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.935+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.21.817497'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.935+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.21.817497'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.935+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.935+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.935+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.935+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.935+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.935+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.935+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.939+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 7 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.939+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:21.940+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 67
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.20.829647.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:20Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.880+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.933+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 53
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.933+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.933+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.933+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.79Gb (31%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.934+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.20.829647'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.20.829647'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.937+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 7 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.941+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.942+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 62
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.19.911096.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:19Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.985+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.047+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 62
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.047+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.047+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.047+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.80Gb (31%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.047+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.049+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.049+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.050+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.19.911096'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 65
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.074+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.19.911096'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.074+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.074+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.074+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.074+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.074+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.074+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.074+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 7 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.079+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 94
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:20.079+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 94
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.19.019327.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:19Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.088+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 60
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.148+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.149+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.149+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.74Gb (30%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.149+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.151+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.151+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 63
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.152+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.19.019327'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.152+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.19.019327'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.152+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.152+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.152+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.152+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.152+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.152+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.152+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 64
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.156+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 7 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.156+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:19.157+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 69
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.17.432003.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:17Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.505+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.562+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 57
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.562+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.562+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.562+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.77Gb (31%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.562+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.565+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.565+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.566+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.17.432003'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.566+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.17.432003'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.566+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.566+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.566+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.566+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.566+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.566+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.566+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.571+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.571+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:17.571+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 66
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.09.364291.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:09Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.404+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.462+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 58
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.462+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.462+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.462+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.85Gb (31%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.462+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.465+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.465+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.465+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.09.364291'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.489+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.09.364291'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.489+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.489+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.489+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.489+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.489+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.489+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.489+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.489+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.489+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.491+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.492+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: No report found with an id of 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.492+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.493+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 89
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.09.068911.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:09Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.251+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.319+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 68
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.319+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.319+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.319+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.86Gb (31%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.320+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 69
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.09.068911'
+ (228 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.09.068911'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.323+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.323+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.323+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 72
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.324+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.324+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_defineReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.324+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Set name of report definition to 'Test report -
+ brand end-to-end networks'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.324+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report definition will reference data in
+ 'test.usage'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.324+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ The number of meta_id arguments does not match
+ the number of key_col arguments (unspecified
+ meta_ids will default to 'none')
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 73
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.325+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Verified RDF 'test.usage' (seen from 20170825 to
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 74
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.326+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Verified metadata IDs
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 75
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.329+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Successfully created report definition 'Test
+ report - brand end-to-end networks'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 78
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.331+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:09.331+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.08.058194.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:08Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.079+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.132+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 53
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.132+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.132+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.132+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.84Gb (31%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.132+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.135+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.135+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.135+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.08.058194'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.136+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.08.058194'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.136+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.136+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.136+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.136+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.136+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.136+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.136+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.136+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.136+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.137+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.140+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.141+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 62
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.07.892335.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:49:07Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:07.953+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.009+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 56
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.009+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.009+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.009+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 4.84Gb (31%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.009+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.011+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.012+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.012+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.07.892335'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.036+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.49.07.892335'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.036+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.036+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.036+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.036+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.036+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.036+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.036+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.036+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.036+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.038+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.042+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 89
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:49:08.043+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 90
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.47.02.559618.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:47:02Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.628+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.683+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 55
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.683+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.683+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.683+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.03Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.683+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.685+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.47.02.559618'
+ (104 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.47.02.559618'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to CREATE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.686+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set level 1 key to 'Test account - 310'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.695+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:02.695+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 67
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.47.00.952978.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:47:01Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.018+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.075+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 57
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.075+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.075+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.075+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.06Gb (32%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.075+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.077+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.47.00.952978'
+ (95 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.47.00.952978'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to DELETE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.078+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set account_id to 56 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.085+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Cached 1 child accounts
+ metadata:
+ own: 7
+ cumulative: 67
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.094+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Deleted 1 accounts
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 76
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.099+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:47:01.100+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 82
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.58.750094.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:46:58Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.804+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.862+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 58
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.862+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.862+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.862+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.12Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.862+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.865+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 61
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.866+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.58.750094'
+ (100 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 62
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.58.750094'
+ metadata:
+ own: 21
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to CREATE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.887+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set level 1 key to 'My new account'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.895+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 8
+ cumulative: 91
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:58.896+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 92
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.44.790792.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:46:44Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.841+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.938+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 97
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.938+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.938+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 97
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.939+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.11Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.939+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 98
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.942+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 101
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.943+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.943+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.44.790792'
+ (90 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 102
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.44.790792'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Tue Aug 1 00:00:00 2017 (falls
+ within 20170801)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Tue Aug 1 23:59:59 2017 (falls within
+ 20170801)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report will be executed for range 20170801 -
+ 20170801
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 126
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.972+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Rounded provided date range to get 20170801 -
+ 20170831 (31 days)
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 131
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.981+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processing subscription 'modified_test' ...
+ metadata:
+ own: 9
+ cumulative: 140
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.983+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing report cache query: no such
+ table: cache_3
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 142
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.984+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing report cache query: no such
+ table: cache_3
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 143
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:44.984+00:00'
+ level: 4
+ message: >-
+ Error preparing report cache query: no such
+ table: cache_3
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 143
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.056+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 72
+ cumulative: 215
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.056+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 215
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.082+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 26
+ cumulative: 241
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.083+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_3'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 242
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.089+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170801 to 20170831
+ metadata:
+ own: 6
+ cumulative: 248
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.116+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: 275
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.173+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 57
+ cumulative: 332
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.175+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 1 instance-level records and 1
+ service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 334
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.241+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 66
+ cumulative: 400
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.241+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 400
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:45.241+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 400
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.41.444403.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:46:41Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.506+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.561+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 55
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.561+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.561+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.561+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.13Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.561+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.563+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.563+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.564+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.41.444403'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.587+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.41.444403'
+ metadata:
+ own: 23
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.587+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.587+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.587+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.587+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.587+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.587+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.587+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 81
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.591+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.591+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 85
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:41.592+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 86
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.40.598894.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:46:40Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.667+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.720+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 53
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.720+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.720+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.720+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.13Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.720+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.722+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.723+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.723+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.40.598894'
+ (104 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.40.598894'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_manageAccounts'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set 'action' to CREATE on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 3 on line 2
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.747+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set level 1 key to 'Test account - 194'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 80
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.757+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 90
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:40.757+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 90
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.39.869287.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:46:39Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.898+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.952+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 54
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.952+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.952+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.952+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.15Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.952+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.955+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.955+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.955+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.39.869287'
+ (73 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.956+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.39.869287'
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.956+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.956+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.956+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.956+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.956+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.956+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.956+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting function
+ 'i_getDataStatus'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.956+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.956+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Status will be returned for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.957+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Ensured rdf_summary table in global database has
+ no stale entries (ref: EXVT-1814)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.958+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: No report found with an id of 0
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.958+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.958+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 60
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.39.635471.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:46:39Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.682+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.736+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 54
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.736+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.737+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.737+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.12Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.737+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.739+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.739+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 57
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.740+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.39.635471'
+ (203 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 58
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.39.635471'
+ metadata:
+ own: 28
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_defineReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Set name of report definition to 'Test report -
+ 296'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Report definition will reference data in
+ 'test.usage'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.768+00:00'
+ level: 3
+ message: >-
+ The number of meta_id arguments does not match
+ the number of key_col arguments (unspecified
+ meta_ids will default to 'none')
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 86
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.770+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Verified RDF 'test.usage' (seen from 20170825 to
+ 20170827)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.770+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Verified metadata IDs
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.774+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Successfully created report definition 'Test
+ report - 296'
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 92
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.775+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 93
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:39.789+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 14
+ cumulative: 107
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.37.930950.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:46:37Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.978+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.034+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 56
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.034+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.034+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.034+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.13Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.034+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.037+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.037+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.037+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.37.930950'
+ (63 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.061+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.37.930950'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.061+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.061+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.061+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.061+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.061+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.061+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.061+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_deleteServices'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.061+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Will delete service with ID of '65'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.081+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Deleted 1 service(s)
+ metadata:
+ own: 20
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.081+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 103
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:38.082+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 104
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.36.818948.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:46:36Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.885+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.938+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 53
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.938+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.938+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.938+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.15Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.938+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 53
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.36.818948'
+ (131 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.36.818948'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ ==> Invoking reporting directive
+ 'd_prepareReport'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.941+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be prepared for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.951+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 46 accounts to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 10
+ cumulative: 66
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.953+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Copied 6 service definitions to shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 68
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.955+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Copied 5 rate revisions for 'test.usage' to
+ shadow db
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 70
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.962+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 7
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.962+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170825 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.962+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 77
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.964+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.964+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170826 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.964+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Some services were changed after preparation
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 20170827 has to be partially prepared
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.967+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Preparing report 'test' for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 82
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.968+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed shadow database
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.968+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''p_getPrices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.968+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set report_id to 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.968+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Report will be executed for all available dates
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.968+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Will include breakdown data in the report
+ results
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.972+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170825
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.973+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170826
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.973+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Processed 20 prepared records for 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 88
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.021+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened PSQL Exivity database
+ metadata:
+ own: 48
+ cumulative: 136
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.021+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generating current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 136
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Generated current adjustments lookup
+ metadata:
+ own: 27
+ cumulative: 163
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.048+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Output table: pgp_1'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 163
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.051+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Removed any existing report records in database
+ for the reporting range 20170825 to 20170827
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 166
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.077+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered instance-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 26
+ cumulative: 192
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.139+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Non-tiered service-level results written to
+ database
+ metadata:
+ own: 62
+ cumulative: 254
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.141+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Committed transaction for p_getPrices output
+ generation (wrote 40 instance-level records and
+ 40 service-level records)
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 256
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.208+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Collisions handled - instance:0 service:0 THT:0
+ metadata:
+ own: 67
+ cumulative: 323
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.208+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 323
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:37.209+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 324
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.35.867391.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:46:35Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.938+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.994+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 56
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.994+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.994+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.994+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.12Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.994+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 56
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.997+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 3
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.997+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.997+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.35.867391'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 59
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.021+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.35.867391'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.021+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.021+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.021+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.021+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.021+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.021+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.021+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 83
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.025+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 4
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.025+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 87
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:36.026+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 88
+ - type: logfile
+ id: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.35.019683.log
+ attributes:
+ created: '2022-07-21T13:46:35Z'
+ metadata:
+ endsWell: false
+ lines:
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.086+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '------ Invocation -----'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 0
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.138+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened connection to PSQL database
+ metadata:
+ own: 52
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.138+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Opened global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.138+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ CPU type: x64 (Intel or ARM) | NUMA nodes: 1 |
+ Physical CPUs: 1 | CPU cores: 4 | Logical CPUs:
+ 8
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.138+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: >-
+ Installed RAM: 16.00Gb | RAM available to OS:
+ 15.86Gb | RAM available to Edify: 5.12Gb (33%)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.138+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Basedir: c:\exivity\home'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 52
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.140+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Set username for auditing to 'admin'
+ metadata:
+ own: 2
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.140+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialised auditing
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 54
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.141+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Read file
+ 'system/config/edify/PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.35.019683'
+ (67 bytes)
+ metadata:
+ own: 1
+ cumulative: 55
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.165+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: 'Reportfile: PROXIMITY_2022-07-21T13.46.35.019683'
+ metadata:
+ own: 24
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.165+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ Start time: Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 2022 (falls
+ within 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.165+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: >-
+ End time: Thu Jul 21 23:59:59 2022 (falls within
+ 20220721)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.165+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Initialisation completed
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.165+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: 'Build time: Jun 2 2022 14:30:23'
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.165+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting directive ''d_setOptions'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.165+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Set loglevel to 'INFO' on line 1
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.165+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: '==> Invoking reporting function ''i_getServices'''
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 79
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.170+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: i_getServices result contains 6 records
+ metadata:
+ own: 5
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.170+00:00'
+ level: 7
+ message: Finished
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ - date: '2022-07-21T13:46:35.170+00:00'
+ level: 2
+ message: Closed global database (PSQL)
+ metadata:
+ own: 0
+ cumulative: 84
+ /v2/licence:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /licence
+ summary: Retrieve current licence
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 08:17:25 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xef4683655c2a2407f8ff100c7ca4e441
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xef4683655c2a2407f8ff100c7ca4e441
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-WXfBZm79sI3EuWzAWnOkww163LIbT1X6';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-WXfBZm79sI3EuWzAWnOkww163LIbT1X6';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 9b44b5e3-e7a2-4f98-9e2c-2c795b3ac522
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: licence
+ id: 83b44524e07b8cb94f110010dd15fa82b352d1fa
+ attributes:
+ status: valid
+ expiresAfter: '2027-07-01'
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /licence
+ summary: Add new licence
+ description: Adding a new licence will replace current licence.
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\n \"data\": {\n \"type\": \"licence\",\n
+ \"id\": \"83b44524e07b8cb94f110010dd15fa82b352d1fa\",\n
+ \"attributes\": {\n \"licence\":
+ \"{{licence}}\"\n }\n }\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 08:19:32 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf554696a16cbf290bf623dd4db89710c
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Xf554696a16cbf290bf623dd4db89710c
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-vVcXuyr108zUiCvf4jDhZQfdXAA4eRC8';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-vVcXuyr108zUiCvf4jDhZQfdXAA4eRC8';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: ab679167-947d-4c17-8ce2-db4167f3e9c9
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: licence
+ id: 4062176ea1471472332ab3afbc2d5dc58af621b7
+ attributes:
+ status: valid
+ expiresAfter: '2023-01-31'
+ /v2/cache:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system > /cache
+ summary: Get cache information
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:30:01 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:30:01 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: df70786eedbca0f8fa5fae6872d8321c
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ proximity:
+ size: (not running)
+ edify:
+ size: (unknown)
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system > /cache
+ summary: Delete cache
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: component
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Optionally specify a component to delete the caches for. Available
+ options: `proximity`, `edify`.
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:35:02 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:35:02 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example: {}
+ /v2/system:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system
+ summary: Get system overview (unauthenticated)
+ description: >-
+ ⚠️ This endpoint is deprecated and may be removed in future versions of
+ Exivity. Use `/system/version` and `/system/flags` instead.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 761895ecc35993dc557ff3149dc64d58
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ version: 1.2.0
+ components:
+ exivityd:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 89747002f3daa264fd58782f820854414c2b71f9
+ db:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 2c25fbe3b49608b745c5337787c8845ed8f9504a
+ use:
+ ref: v1.2.0
+ hash: 7e937cbc5b8ccb1557c0108af4c48aad8735fe53
+ transcript:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: f9a9db7c57896cefd2a6a4d96aacbe294d67e29f
+ edify:
+ ref: v1.0.2
+ hash: 34017a9bebe5b42290534d0c5ab6988759eb25f6
+ glass:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: ea3b0d344ddd80227f40a00baf8b8af5691a2e8d
+ proximity:
+ ref: v1.0.3
+ hash: 72ae7b190714f69918575d5c1baa212db962fea8
+ api: v1
+ eternity:
+ ref: v1.0.1
+ hash: 6d0ff2b38d15d9832297bc16c807320e035ddb96
+ /v2/system/version:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system
+ summary: Get version information (unauthenticated)
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 761895ecc35993dc557ff3149dc64d58
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ version: 1.2.0
+ components:
+ exivityd:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 89747002f3daa264fd58782f820854414c2b71f9
+ db:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 2c25fbe3b49608b745c5337787c8845ed8f9504a
+ use:
+ ref: v1.2.0
+ hash: 7e937cbc5b8ccb1557c0108af4c48aad8735fe53
+ transcript:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: f9a9db7c57896cefd2a6a4d96aacbe294d67e29f
+ edify:
+ ref: v1.0.2
+ hash: 34017a9bebe5b42290534d0c5ab6988759eb25f6
+ glass:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: ea3b0d344ddd80227f40a00baf8b8af5691a2e8d
+ proximity:
+ ref: v1.0.3
+ hash: 72ae7b190714f69918575d5c1baa212db962fea8
+ api: v1
+ eternity:
+ ref: v1.0.1
+ hash: 6d0ff2b38d15d9832297bc16c807320e035ddb96
+ /v2/system/flags:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system
+ summary: Get available flags
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ cache-control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ content-type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 +0000, Wed, 14 Feb 2018 10:41:34 GMT
+ host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8002
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 761895ecc35993dc557ff3149dc64d58
+ x-powered-by:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: PHP/7.1.4
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ version: 1.2.0
+ components:
+ exivityd:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 89747002f3daa264fd58782f820854414c2b71f9
+ db:
+ ref: v1.0.0
+ hash: 2c25fbe3b49608b745c5337787c8845ed8f9504a
+ use:
+ ref: v1.2.0
+ hash: 7e937cbc5b8ccb1557c0108af4c48aad8735fe53
+ transcript:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: f9a9db7c57896cefd2a6a4d96aacbe294d67e29f
+ edify:
+ ref: v1.0.2
+ hash: 34017a9bebe5b42290534d0c5ab6988759eb25f6
+ glass:
+ ref: v1.1.0
+ hash: ea3b0d344ddd80227f40a00baf8b8af5691a2e8d
+ proximity:
+ ref: v1.0.3
+ hash: 72ae7b190714f69918575d5c1baa212db962fea8
+ api: v1
+ eternity:
+ ref: v1.0.1
+ hash: 6d0ff2b38d15d9832297bc16c807320e035ddb96
+ /v2/third-party-licences:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /system
+ summary: Get third party licences
+ description: >-
+ Atomic support:❌
+ This endpoint lists all the third party licences used by different
+ components in the Exivity system.
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Host:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: localhost:8012
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 24 May 2022 15:06:57 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: close
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache, private
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ X-Clockwork-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X9701f22f1d04b5a63cc80b3853a62eec
+ X-Clockwork-Version:
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ example: '1'
+ X-Clockwork-Path:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: _debugbar/clockwork/
+ phpdebugbar-id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: X9701f22f1d04b5a63cc80b3853a62eec
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ base-uri 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src
+ 'self';form-action 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src
+ 'self';object-src 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6LGrC4JLSSDhnZ1rngrPzZZAhW0UDQMO';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-6LGrC4JLSSDhnZ1rngrPzZZAhW0UDQMO';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: bdfc7450-3eaa-4b64-9f90-389a85458fac
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: chronos
+ attributes:
+ value: '# 3rd Party licenses...'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: edify
+ attributes:
+ value: '# 3rd Party licenses..'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: griffon
+ attributes:
+ value: '# 3rd Party licenses..'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: horizon
+ attributes:
+ value: '# 3rd Party licenses..'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: merlin
+ attributes:
+ value: '# 3rd Party licenses..'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: transcript
+ attributes:
+ value: '# 3rd Party licenses..'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: use
+ attributes:
+ value: '# 3rd Party licenses...'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: db
+ attributes:
+ value: '# 3rd Party licenses...'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: scaffold
+ attributes:
+ value: '#3rd Party licenses...'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: pigeon
+ attributes:
+ value: '#3rd Party licenses...'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: glass
+ attributes:
+ value: '#3rd Party licenses...'
+ - type: third-party-licences
+ id: proximity
+ attributes:
+ value: '#3rd Party licenses...'
+ /v2/environments:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /environments
+ summary: Retrieve a list of environments
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `variables`.'
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 18 May 2022 07:24:38 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Q7Swpo9UpmwzheymENqnzipyn8tgtout';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-Q7Swpo9UpmwzheymENqnzipyn8tgtout';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 3abf7414-15a5-44d2-8768-ab2d68fc0e4d
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: environment
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: asdgf
+ default_flag: false
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/1
+ relationships:
+ variables:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/1/relationships/variables
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/1/variables
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 7
+ count: 1
+ per_page: 1
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 7
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ next: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=2
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments?page%5Blimit%5D=1&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=7
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /environments
+ summary: Add a new environment
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"environment\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\":
+ \"test\",\r\n\t\t\t\"default_flag\": true\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 18 May 2022 07:24:50 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/Environment/Environments
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-jr2ekDZ8jFMdFme4evbVTF7Ffa6MPzKB';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-jr2ekDZ8jFMdFme4evbVTF7Ffa6MPzKB';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d83dc2cb-06cb-4d73-a60b-c3e2c947de0f
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: environment
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ default_flag: true
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/9
+ relationships:
+ variables:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/9/relationships/variables
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/9/variables
+ /v2/environments/{environment_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /environments
+ summary: Retrieve an environment
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: 'Include additional related resources. Possible values: `variables`.'
+ - name: environment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 18 May 2022 07:24:59 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-RD6gjyEjrJEhCE38LPNGnkQXX5F2Ir2p';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-RD6gjyEjrJEhCE38LPNGnkQXX5F2Ir2p';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d13452ce-e792-4526-8640-9df4c3920947
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: environment
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ name: test
+ default_flag: true
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/9
+ relationships:
+ variables:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/9/relationships/variables
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/9/variables
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /environments
+ summary: Update an environment
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n \"data\": {\r\n \"type\": \"environment\",\r\n
+ \"id\": \"{{environment_id}}\",\r\n \"attributes\":
+ {\r\n \"name\": \"staging\",\r\n \"default_flag\":
+ false\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: environment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 18 May 2022 07:25:27 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-EtM0reYiizcPmnT7PKL3Fr6axkfyCEfT';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-EtM0reYiizcPmnT7PKL3Fr6axkfyCEfT';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 52855dc3-c002-460a-b054-35cc88bf8acb
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: environment
+ id: '9'
+ attributes:
+ name: staging_updated
+ default_flag: false
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/9
+ relationships:
+ variables:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/9/relationships/variables
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/environments/9/variables
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /environments
+ summary: Delete an environment
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: environment_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ example: '{{environment_id}}'
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: No Content
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Wed, 18 May 2022 07:25:33 GMT
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ZO0AXG2kjfZ7jIa5Y4DYJFFU7BK5Shur';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-ZO0AXG2kjfZ7jIa5Y4DYJFFU7BK5Shur';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: fe571107-0f2c-4053-80d7-c183e90e1d82
+ content:
+ text/plain:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: null
+ /v2/variables:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /variables
+ summary: Retrieve a list of variables
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: page[limit]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Limit the amount of results returned
+ - name: page[offset]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Return this page of the results
+ - name: sort
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Sort results by this attribute
+ - name: filter[attribute]
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: Filter results by this attribute
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values:
+ `environment`.
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 17 May 2022 15:50:03 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-LiyxjQi1g7w3J9WvVMOr9yqcWEzISAco';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-LiyxjQi1g7w3J9WvVMOr9yqcWEzISAco';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: d327baad-e3c3-4b01-8a65-77df0fed1443
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: variable
+ id: '1'
+ attributes:
+ name: asdf
+ value: '234'
+ encrypted: false
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/1
+ relationships:
+ environment:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/1/relationships/environment
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/1/environment
+ - type: variable
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: USERNAME
+ value: alice
+ encrypted: false
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2
+ relationships:
+ environment:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2/relationships/environment
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2/environment
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 2
+ count: 2
+ per_page: 15
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables?page%5Blimit%5D=&sort=&filter%5Battribute%5D=&include=&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ post:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /variables
+ summary: Add a new variable
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\":
+ \"variable\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\": {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\":
+ \"USERNAME\",\r\n\t\t\t\"value\":
+ \"admin\"\r\n\t\t},\r\n\t\t\"relationships\": {\r\n
+ \t\"environment\": {\r\n \t\t\"data\": {\r\n
+ \t\t\t\"type\": \"environment\",\r\n \t\t\t\"id\":
+ \"{{environment_id}}\"\r\n \t\t}\r\n
+ \t}\r\n }\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ responses:
+ '201':
+ description: Created
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 17 May 2022 15:49:13 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Location:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/Variable/Variables
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-0Zw71bScXSmSXpuhf6pIg31ZHD00k4ED';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-0Zw71bScXSmSXpuhf6pIg31ZHD00k4ED';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: cac2ccbf-1864-4c83-b727-de2a83e6d034
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: variable
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: USERNAME
+ value: admin
+ encrypted: false
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2
+ relationships:
+ environment:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2/relationships/environment
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2/environment
+ /v2/variables/{variable_id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /variables
+ summary: Retrieve a variable
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: include
+ in: query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ description: >-
+ Include additional related resources. Possible values:
+ `environment`.
+ - name: variable_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 17 May 2022 15:49:46 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-fbs7PJUXrLFyqrSn4OiChOondAz6Bg88';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-fbs7PJUXrLFyqrSn4OiChOondAz6Bg88';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: e3070a02-ae59-49d2-941d-d620e54d0e42
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: variable
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: USERNAME
+ value: alice
+ encrypted: false
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2
+ relationships:
+ environment:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2/relationships/environment
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2/environment
+ patch:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /variables
+ summary: Update a variable
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ '*/*':
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ "{\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"variable\",\r\n\t
+ \"id\": \"{{variable_id}}\",\r\n\t\t\"attributes\":
+ {\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"USERNAME\",\r\n\t\t\t\"value\":
+ \"alice\",\r\n\t\t\t\"encrypted\": false\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n}"
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Content-Type
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ - name: variable_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Tue, 17 May 2022 15:49:31 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-L6g7XQTWxR1pbWsOUneZuGJpv4VA8cb6';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-L6g7XQTWxR1pbWsOUneZuGJpv4VA8cb6';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 470cd311-3bd7-4fa8-ade3-1315b5339183
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ type: variable
+ id: '2'
+ attributes:
+ name: USERNAME
+ value: alice
+ encrypted: false
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2
+ relationships:
+ environment:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2/relationships/environment
+ related: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/variables/2/environment
+ delete:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /variables
+ summary: Delete a variable
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ - name: variable_id
+ in: path
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ required: true
+ responses:
+ '204':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/failed-jobs:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > /failed-jobs
+ summary: Get all failed jobs
+ security:
+ - bearerAuth: []
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: Successful response
+ content:
+ application/json: {}
+ /v2/cuprs:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Administration > Billing > /cuprs
+ summary: Retrieve a list of CUPRs
+ parameters:
+ - name: Accept
+ in: header
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/json
+ responses:
+ '200':
+ description: OK
+ headers:
+ Server:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nginx
+ Date:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: Mon, 23 May 2022 07:45:44 GMT
+ Content-Type:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: application/vnd.api+json
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: chunked
+ Connection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: keep-alive
+ Cache-Control:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: private, must-revalidate
+ pragma:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: no-cache
+ expires:
+ schema:
+ type: number
+ example: '-1'
+ X-XSS-Protection:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: 1; mode=block
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: SAMEORIGIN
+ X-Content-Type-Options:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: nosniff
+ Feature-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: autoplay 'none'; camera 'none'
+ Referrer-Policy:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: strict-origin
+ Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: >-
+ report-uri
+ https://sentry.io/api/120999/security/?sentry_key=7935c59cd7ad4e169ed97fac6d9c5f9d;base-uri
+ 'self';connect-src 'self';default-src 'self';form-action
+ 'self';img-src 'self' data:;media-src 'self';object-src
+ 'none';script-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-UliS4gPQtZX7MpAqcplEA9ZjcOBm33oE';style-src 'self'
+ 'nonce-UliS4gPQtZX7MpAqcplEA9ZjcOBm33oE';font-src 'self' data:
+ Request-Id:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ example: f981df2b-3c5d-44ec-9f83-72b1a3406c10
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ example:
+ data:
+ - type: cupr
+ id: allauto.usage-201708
+ attributes:
+ month: 2017-08
+ value: 20
+ links:
+ self: https://dev.exivity.net/v2/cuprs/allauto.usage-201708
+ relationships:
+ dset:
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/cuprs/allauto.usage-201708/relationships/dset
+ related: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/cuprs/allauto.usage-201708/dset
+ meta:
+ pagination:
+ total: 1
+ count: 1
+ per_page: -1
+ current_page: 1
+ total_pages: 1
+ links:
+ self: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/cuprs?filter%5Bdset%5D=%3Dallauto.usage&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ first: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/cuprs?filter%5Bdset%5D=%3Dallauto.usage&page%5Boffset%5D=1
+ last: >-
+ https://dev.exivity.net/v2/cuprs?filter%5Bdset%5D=%3Dallauto.usage&page%5Boffset%5D=1
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cac5d69..1e9fe7d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,4 +2,6 @@
The Exivity API postman collection
-Visit online documentation at https://api.exivity.com/
+Visit online documentation at
+For the new V2 API, visit