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BigDL Friesian - Training


BigDL Friesian is an application framework for building optimized large-scale recommender solutions optimized on Intel Xeon. This example workflow demonstrates how to use Friesian to easily build an end-to-end Wide & Deep Learning recommennder system on a real-world large dataset provided by Twitter.

This example demonstrates how to use BigDL Friesian to preprocess the Criteo dataset and train the WideAndDeep model in a distributed fashion.

How it Works

Friesian provides various built-in distributed feature engineering operations and the distributed training of popular recommendation algorithms based on BigDL Orca and Spark.

The overall architecture of Friesian is shown in the following diagram:

Get Started


Download the repo

Clone BigDL repo

git clone
cd BigDL
git checkout ai-workflow


Below setup and how-to-run sessions are for users who want to use provided docker image running on a sample dataset. For bare metal environment, as well as running instructions on running on full dataset, please go to bare metal session.

Dataset Preparation

Sample dataset is available at Criteo Engineering.

Downloading data to /dataset directory. The following commands will download the dataset, unzip and place it appropriate sub directory for data preprocessing.

export DATASET_DIR=/dataset
tar -xvzf dac_sample.tar.gz
mkdir -p ${DATASET_DIR}/data-csv
mv dac_sample.txt ${DATASET_DIR}/data-csv/day_0.csv
Pull Docker Image
docker pull intel/ai-workflows:friesian-training

How to run

(Optional) Export related proxy into docker environment.

export DOCKER_RUN_ENVS="-e ftp_proxy=${ftp_proxy} \
  -e FTP_PROXY=${FTP_PROXY} -e http_proxy=${http_proxy} \
  -e HTTP_PROXY=${HTTP_PROXY} -e https_proxy=${https_proxy} \
  -e HTTPS_PROXY=${HTTPS_PROXY} -e no_proxy=${no_proxy} \
  -e NO_PROXY=${NO_PROXY} -e socks_proxy=${socks_proxy} \

To run the pipeline, follow below instructions outside of docker instance.

  • Convert sample csv file to parquet file
export DATASET_DIR=/dataset
export MODEL_OUTPUT=/model
docker run \
  -a stdout $DOCKER_RUN_ENVS \
  --volume ${DATASET_DIR}:/dataset \
  --volume ${MODEL_OUTPUT}:/output \
  --volume $(pwd):/workspace \
  --workdir /workspace/python/friesian/example/wnd \
  --privileged --init -it --rm \
  intel/ai-workflows:friesian-training \
  conda run -n bigdl --no-capture-output conda run -n bigdl --no-capture-output python3 --input /dataset/data-csv/day_0.csv --output /dataset/data-parquet/day_0.parquet
  • Data processing
docker run \
  -a stdout $DOCKER_RUN_ENVS \
  --volume ${DATASET_DIR}:/dataset \
  --volume ${MODEL_OUTPUT}:/output \
  --volume $(pwd):/workspace \
  --workdir /workspace/python/friesian/example/wnd \
  --privileged --init -it --rm \
  intel/ai-workflows:friesian-training \
  conda run -n bigdl --no-capture-output python --executor_cores 36 --executor_memory 50g --days 0-0 --input_folder /dataset/data-parquet --output_folder /dataset/data-processed --frequency_limit 15 --cross_sizes 10000,10000
  • Model training
docker run \
  -a stdout $DOCKER_RUN_ENVS \
  --volume ${DATASET_DIR}:/dataset \
  --volume ${MODEL_OUTPUT}:/output \
  --volume $(pwd):/workspace \
  --workdir /workspace/python/friesian/example/wnd \
  --privileged --init -it --rm \
  intel/ai-workflows:friesian-training \
  conda run -n bigdl --no-capture-output python --executor_cores 36 --executor_memory 50g --data_dir /dataset/data-processed --model_dir /model

Bare Metal

Below setup and how-to-run sessions are for users who want to use bare metal environment.
For docker environment, please go to docker session.


We recommend you to use Anaconda to prepare the environments, especially if you want to run on a yarn cluster.

conda create -n bigdl python=3.7  # "bigdl" is the conda environment name, you can use any name you like.
conda activate bigdl
pip install tensorflow==2.6.0
pip install --pre --upgrade bigdl-friesian[train]

Prepare the data

You can download the full 1TB Click Logs dataset from here, which includes data of 24 days (day_0 to day_23) with 4,373,472,329 records in total.

After you download the files, convert them to parquet files with the name day_x.parquet (x=0-23), and put all parquet files in one folder. You may use the script provided in this directory to convert the data of each day to parquet.

  • The first 23 days (day_0 to day_22) are used for WND training with 4,195,197,692 records in total.
  • The first half (89,137,319 records in total) of the last day (day_23) is used for test. To prepare the test dataset, you need to split the first half of day_23 into a new file (e.g. using command head -n 89137319 day_23 > day_23_test) and finally convert to parquet files with the name day_23_test.parquet under the same folder with the train parquet files.

If you want to use some sample data for test, you can download dac_sample from Criteo Engineering, unzip and convert dac_sample.txt to parquet with name day_0.parquet.

How to run

Data Preprocessing

  • Spark local, we can use the first (several) day(s) or the sample data to have a trial, example command:
python \
    --executor_cores 36 \
    --executor_memory 50g \
    --days 0-0 \
    --input_folder /path/to/the/folder/of/parquet_files \
    --output_folder /path/to/the/folder/to/save/preprocessed/parquet_files \
    --frequency_limit 15 \
    --cross_sizes 10000,10000
  • Spark standalone, example command to run on the full Criteo dataset:
python \
    --cluster_mode standalone \
    --master spark://master-url:port \
    --executor_cores 56 \
    --executor_memory 240g \
    --num_executors 8 \
    --days 0-23 \
    --input_folder /path/to/the/folder/of/parquet_files \
    --output_folder /path/to/the/folder/to/save/preprocessed/parquet_files \
    --frequency_limit 15 \
    --cross_sizes 10000,10000
  • Spark yarn client mode, example command to run on the full Criteo dataset:
python \
    --cluster_mode yarn \
    --executor_cores 56 \
    --executor_memory 240g \
    --num_executors 8 \
    --days 0-23 \
    --input_folder /path/to/the/folder/of/parquet_files \
    --output_folder /path/to/the/folder/to/save/preprocessed/parquet_files \
    --frequency_limit 15 \
    --cross_sizes 10000,10000


  • input_folder: The path to the folder of parquet files, either a local path or an HDFS path.
  • output_folder: The path to save the preprocessed data to parquet files and meta data. HDFS path is recommended for yarn cluster_mode.
  • cluster_mode: The cluster mode to run the data preprocessing, one of local, yarn, standalone or spark-submit. Default to be local.
  • master: The master URL, only used when cluster_mode is standalone.
  • executor_cores: The number of cores to use on each executor. Default to be 48.
  • executor_memory: The amount of memory to allocate on each executor. Default to be 160g.
  • num_executors: The number of executors to use in the cluster. Default to be 8.
  • driver_cores: The number of cores to use for the driver. Default to be 4.
  • driver_memory: The amount of memory to allocate for the driver. Default to be 36g.
  • days: The day range for data preprocessing, such as 0-23 for the full Criteo dataset, 0-0 for the first day, 0-1 for the first two days, etc. Default to be 0-23.
  • frequency_limit: Categories with frequency below this value will be omitted from encoding. We recommend using 15 when you preprocess the full 1TB dataset. Default to be 15.
  • cross_sizes: The bucket sizes for cross columns (c14-c15 and c16-c17) separated by comma. Default to be 10000,10000. Please pay attention that there must NOT be a blank space between the two numbers.

Model training

  • Spark local, example command:
python \
    --executor_cores 36 \
    --executor_memory 50g \
    --data_dir /path/to/the/folder/of/preprocessed/parquet_files \
    --model_dir ./wnd_model
  • Spark standalone, example command:
python \
    --cluster_mode standalone \
    --master spark://master-url:port \
    --executor_cores 56 \
    --executor_memory 240g \
    --num_executors 8 \
    --data_dir /path/to/the/folder/of/preprocessed/parquet_files \
    --model /path/to/save/the/trained/model
  • Spark yarn client mode, example command:
python \
    --cluster_mode yarn \
    --executor_cores 56 \
    --executor_memory 240g \
    --num_executors 8 \
    --data_dir /path/to/the/folder/of/preprocessed/parquet_files \
    --model /path/to/save/the/trained/model


  • data_dir: The path to the folder of preprocessed parquet files and meta data, either a local path or an HDFS path.
  • cluster_mode: The cluster mode to run the data preprocessing, one of local, yarn, standalone or spark-submit. Default to be local.
  • master: The master URL, only used when cluster_mode is standalone.
  • executor_cores: The number of cores to use on each executor. Default to be 48.
  • executor_memory: The amount of memory to allocate on each executor. Default to be 30g.
  • num_executors: The number of executors to use in the cluster. Default to be 8.
  • driver_cores: The number of cores to use for the driver. Default to be 4.
  • driver_memory: The amount of memory to allocate for the driver. Default to be 36g.
  • model_dir: The path to saved the trained model, either a local path or an HDFS path. Default to be "./wnd_model".
  • batch_size: The batch size to train the model. Default to be 1024.
  • epoch: The number of epochs to train the model. Default to be 2.
  • learning_rate: The learning rate to train the model. Default to be 0.0001.

Recommended Hardware

The hardware below is recommended for use with this reference implementation.

  • Intel® 4th Gen Xeon® Scalable Performance processors

Learn More

  • For more detailed descriptions for distributed feature engineering and training, check the notebooks.
  • For more reference use cases, visit Use Cases Page.
  • For more detailed API documentations Friesian API Page.

Known Issues




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For any issues, please submit a ticket at BigDL issues page.