Be sure to check out the committer instructions on how to fork this repo and submit Pull Requests
First of all, the Jube build process needs, most of the time, more memory than the default allocated to the maven process. Therefore, ensure to set the MAVEN_OPTS system property with the following settings before starting
> MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
Build Jube and run the associated smoke tests
> mvn clean install
Build Jube using latest hawtio Snapshot and run the associated tests
> mvn -Phawtio-snapshot clean install
You can do quick builds by appending -DskipTests
Build Jube and skip tests
> mvn clean install -DskipTests
Build Jube with all modules and skip tests
The source code is intended to be formatted using a checkstyle
guideline and rules. The check can be executed from maven using the following goal
> mvn clean install -Psourcecheck
The check can be executed in sub modules such as:
> cd process-manager
> mvn clean install -Psourcecheck
You may need for the first time to run mvn clean install
in the root project or from the buildingtools
directory, to build the build tools module, which is needed when running the sourcecode check.
The source code uses the license header from the file jube-license-header.txt
in the root directory.
You can check for missing licenses in the source code, by running the following goal from the root directory. Notice this will check all the source code:
> mvn com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:2.6:check -Dlicense.header=jube-license-header.txt
And from any sub module, you need to refer to the license file using a relative path:
> cd process-manager
> mvn com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:2.6:check -Dlicense.header=../jube-license-header.txt
You can update the license headers in the source code using the format
goal, for example:
> mvn com.mycila:license-maven-plugin:2.6:format -Dlicense.header=../jube-license-header.txt
The documentation is compiled into a book using GitBook.
First install gitbook using npm
npm install -g gitbook
And then install the anchor plugin
sudo npm install -g gitbook-plugin-anchors
Note on osx you may need to run these commands with sudo
And then build the book locally using
cd docs
gitbook serve ./
And access the book from a web browser at
To add new sections into the gitbook, ecit the docs/