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Contributing to MongoDB Bundle


Any contribution is always welcome and appreciated. However, be sure to follow these rules please.

Did you find a bug?

  • Ensure the bug wasn't already reported by searching under Issues (include also closed one).
  • If you find a closed issue, add a comment on it before opening another issue.
  • In any case, when reporting a bug, provide a clear description, and a code sample or an executable test case.

Do you have a fix for a reported bug?

  • Open a new PR with the patch.
  • Link your PR with the existing issue (using Resolves #xyz, or other GitHub keywords, in the PR description is fine).
  • Add a short description of the problem and of the solution proposed.
  • Open Draft PR if you are still working on it, and you're not ready for a review.

Do you have worked on a purely cosmetic patch?

Since we defined our code stile, and configured a quality tool for enforce its usage, we won't accept cosmetic patch anymore.

Do you want to add a new feature or change an existing one?

  • For anything longer than a few lines, open an issue first for discussing it.
  • Provide a complete description of the feature (or of the part you'd like to change if it's the case).

Development Environment

We like a lot Docker and Make.

We usedocker-compose to set up and insulated, reproducible development environment. Make helps us to define easy-to-use build targets.

Run make usage or just make inside the project folder to get a list of available targets.

Docker and docker-compose

Using Docker is not mandatory, but strongly recommended. If you have it installed along with docker-compose, then run:

make setup

...and it'll pull the images and install dependencies with composer. This target eventually stops the containers.

To create the containers and log into the one with the php interpreter, run:

make sh

Once you're done, stop the container composition with:

make stop

Feel free to look into the Makefile to know what those targets do.

Port Binding Setup

If you use Docker also for other project, you might have other containers running and bound to some network ports. If you get a port binding error when starting the containers with make setup or make sh, then you need to select another port for the binding.

Change the port binding into the docker-compose.override.yml file. It is generated from the docker-compose.override.yml.dist template, and it's not tracked by git.

Run a different version of PHP and/or the ext-mongodb

By default make setup will build a docker image with the lower supported version of PHP and ext-mongodb.

If you need a different environment, you should exec one of the following target instead of make setup.

make setup-81 # PHP 8.1, ext-mongodb 1.12
make setup-82 # PHP 8.2, ext-mongodb 1.15

Feel free to add other setup-* targets to meet your needs (take a look at the Makefile and just follow the same convention).

Remember to edit the ci.yaml, if you need to test the bundle against a specific set of PHP and ext-mongodb versions.

NB: Changing the mongo image version, used in docker-compose.yaml could lead to start-up errors such as:

This version of MongoDB is too recent to start up on the existing data files

This is due to the mongo image declaring a VOLUME in its definition. Be sure to run make stop to effectively clean containers and volumes before trying again.

Tests and Quality Tools

This project uses phpunit to run its test suite. Also, it uses phpstan for static code analysis and php-cs-fixer for code style.

It's common to run the following in sequence.

make test
make cs-fix
make phpstan