I usually need to plot the moment tensors on the map, but plot them in the google earth is really cool. This week, I will blog how to do that based on this blog from my friend Thomas. Some of the API in his blog have already changed in the past, and I will make a working example. You can find all the code on Qingkai's Github.
# You need to install the pykml first if you don't have it.
# The other thing is that, it is written in python 2, if you are using python 3 as I am doing here,
# then you need to add parentheses for the print function in the factory.py file in the pykml.
!pip install pykml
from lxml import etree #will manage the identation of the kml script
from pykml.factory import KML_ElementMaker as KML #import pykml library
import datetime as date
import numpy as np
def beachball(data):
"""function to draw beachball using obspy library"""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from obspy.imaging.beachball import beachball
mt =data[:, 9:]
event=data[:,0] #index to identify the beachball created
for j in range(len(event)):
#create and save beachball in a outfile in the directory where the .py file is
beach = beachball(mt[j, :],outfile=str(int(event[j])))
The first thing is that we need to generate a file that contains the list of event with the moment tensors, here the format is: index, yyyy, mm, dd, hr, mn, ss, lat, lon, mrr, mtt, mpp, mrt, mrp, mtp
I generated a file called mt_list, let's see the first 3 lines:
!head -n 3 ./mt_list
# index, yyyy, mm, dd, hr, mn, ss, lat, lon, mrr, mtt, mpp, mrt, mrp, mtp
#import your data
# the first row isn't used
data=np.loadtxt('./mt_list',skiprows=1, delimiter=',')
latitude = data[:,7]
longitude = data[:,8]
hr,mn,ss = data[:,4],data[:,5],data[:,6]
#call beachball function --> put in comment this line if you don't want to draw again all beachballs
# create a document element with multiple label style
kmlobj = KML.kml(
for j in range(len(yyyy)): #create the ref icons we will use
KML.scale(0.6), #scale the beachball in googleEarth
id='beach_ball_%i'%j #gives the icon a ref that will be used later
# add images to the document element
for i in range(len(yyyy)):
datum = str(date.date(int(yyyy[i]),int(mm[i]),int(dd[i])))
ev_time = str(date.time(int(hr[i]),int(mn[i]),int(ss[i])))
#~ KML.name('%s'%str(int(index[i]))), #uncomment this to add a name to the placemark (will always appear in GoogleEarth)
KML.ExtendedData( #I add information about the earthquake, it appears in a table ('info' : value)
KML.value('%s'%datum), #add value of the specific info
name ='date' #name of'info' you add.
KML.value('%s'%ev_time), #add value of the specific info
name ='time' #name of 'info' you add.
), #more data can be added, following the same structure (line 65-68)
KML.styleUrl('#beach_ball_%i'%i), #get the correct beachball in the directory as marker
outfile = open('Focal_mechanism_devy.kml', 'wb') #save the kml structure code
outfile.write(etree.tostring(kmlobj, pretty_print=True))