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support python3 , python2

ffpython is a c++ lib,which is to simplify task that embed python and extend python. For example, call python function, register c++ function to python, register c++ class to python. Only one implement c++ header file.

Project Goals

  • easier to embed python script
  • easier to call python function
  • easier to set or get var in python script
  • easier to extend python with c++ static function
  • easier to extend python with c++ class. C++ class Once registed, python can use it like builtin type.
  • when python exception throw, ffpython will wrap it as a std exception which includes python traceback info.

Supported Python versions

  • python2.7 python3, win / linux

Embed Python script in C++

Get / Set varialbe in python script/module

    printf("sys.version=%s\n", ffpython.getVar<std::string>("sys", "version").c_str());
    ffpython.setVar("fftest", "global_var", "OhNice");
    printf("fftest.global_var=%s\n", ffpython.getVar<std::string>("fftest", "global_var").c_str());

call python function, Support all base type as arg or return value. Nine args can be supported.

	int a1 = 100; float a2 = 3.14f; std::string a3 = "OhWell";<void>("fftest", "testBase", a1, a2, a3);

call python function, Support all STL type as arg or return value. Nine args can be supported. Vector and List for tuple and list in python,map for dict in python.

	std::vector<int> a1;a1.push_back(100);a1.push_back(200);
    std::list<std::string> a2; a2.push_back("Oh");a2.push_back("Nice");
    std::vector<std::list<std::string> > a3;a3.push_back(a2);<bool>("fftest", "testStl", a1, a2, a3);

register c++ class, python can use it just like builtin types.

class Foo
	Foo(int v_) :nValue(v_)
		printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
	virtual ~Foo()
		printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
	int getValue()  { return nValue; }
	void setValue(int v_) { nValue = v_; }
	void testStl(std::map<std::string, std::list<int> >& v_)
		printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
	int nValue;

class Dumy : public Foo
	Dumy(int v_) :Foo(v_)
		printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
		printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
	void dump()
		printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

static Foo* objTest(Dumy* p)
	printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
	return p;

Register c++ class which inherit a class having been registered.<void>("fftest", "testRegisterInheritClass");

C++ object pointer can be as a arg to python, and object can be access as a instance of builtin type in python.

	Dumy tmp_foo(2013);
	std::vector<Dumy*> vt;
	vt.push_back(&tmp_foo);<void>("fftest", "testCppObjToPy", &tmp_foo);
	printf("testCppObjToPy changed nValue=%d\n", tmp_foo.nValue);<void>("fftest", "testCppObjToPy2", vt);

Extend Python

register c++ static function, all base type supported. Arg num can be nine.

static int printVal(int a1, float a2, const std::string& a3, const std::vector<double>& a4)
    printf("%s[%d,%g,%s,%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, a1, a2, a3.c_str(), (int)a4.size());
    return 0;
struct OpsTest
    static std::list<int> returnStl()
        std::list<int> ret;ret.push_back(1024);
        printf("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
        return ret;

std::string testRegFunction(FFPython& ffpython)
    ffpython.regFunc(&printVal, "printVal")
            .regFunc(&OpsTest::returnStl, "returnStl");

		.regMethod(&Foo::getValue, "getValue")
		.regMethod(&Foo::setValue, "setValue")
		.regMethod(&Foo::testStl, "testStl")
		.regField(&Foo::nValue, "nValue");

	ffpython.regClass<Dumy(int)>("Dumy", "Foo")
		.regMethod(&Dumy::dump, "dump");

	ffpython.regFunc(objTest, "objTest");
	return "cppext";

Python test script

def testBase(a1, a2, a3):
    print('testBase', a1, a2, a3)
    return 0

def testStl(a1, a2, a3):
    print('testStl', a1, a2, a3)
    return True

def test_returnStl():
    #map<string, list<vector<int> > >
    ret = {'Oh':[[111,222], [333, 444] ] }
    return ret

def testRegFunction():
    import ffpython
    ffpython.printVal(123, 45.6 , "----789---", [3.14])
    ret = ffpython.returnStl()
    print('testRegFunction', ret)

def testRegisterBaseClass():
    import ffpython
    foo = ffpython.Foo(20130426)
    print("testRegisterBaseClass get_val:", foo.getValue())
    print("testRegisterBaseClass get_val:", foo.getValue(), foo.nValue)
    foo.testStl({"key": [11,22,33] })
    print('testRegisterBaseClass testRegisterBaseClass', foo)

def testRegisterInheritClass():
    import ffpython
    dumy = ffpython.Dumy(20130426)
    print("testRegisterInheritClass get_val:", dumy.getValue())
    print("testRegisterInheritClass get_val:", dumy.getValue(), dumy.nValue)
    dumy.testStl({"key": [11,22,33] })
    print('testRegisterInheritClass', dumy)

def testCppObjToPy_ext(foo):
    print('testCppObjToPy_ext', len(foo))
    for k in range(0, len(foo)):
        print('testCppObjToPy_ext', k, foo[k].nValue)
def testCppObjToPy(foo):
    import ffpython
    print("testCppObjToPy get_val:", foo.getValue())
    print("testCppObjToPy get_val:", foo.getValue(), foo.nValue)
    foo.testStl({"key": [11,22,33] })
    foo.nValue = 100
    print('testCppObjToPy testRegisterBaseClass', foo)

def testCppObjToPy2(dumyList):
    dumy = dumyList[0]
    import ffpython
    print("testCppObjToPy get_val:", dumy.getValue())
    print("testCppObjToPy get_val:", dumy.getValue(), dumy.nValue)
    dumy.testStl({"key": [11,22,33] })
    print('testCppObjToPy', dumy)
    return dumy

class PyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        print('PyClass init....')
    def sayHi(self, a1, a2):
        print('sayHi..', a1, a2)
def testCppObjReturnPyObj():
    import ffpython
    return PyClass()
def testCppObjReturnPyLambda():
    def testLambda(a1):
        print('testLambda....', a1)
    return testLambda


  • ffpython Only One implement head file, it is easy to itegrate to project.
  • ffpython is simplely wrap for python api, so it is efficient.