Example illustrating calling C++ functions that use the GSL numerical library from MATLAB. The specific example first creates a binary MEX-file from a C++ source MEX-file, and then computes the value of the Bessel function J_0(x) for x=5.
(1) bessel_test.cpp: C++ source MEX-file
(2) Makefile: Makefile to compile the C++ code
(3) mex_test.m: MATLAB source code using the compiled MEX file
(4) mex_test.sbatch: SLURM batch-jobs submission scrip for the Odysswy cluster
source new-modules.sh
module load matlab/R2015a-fasrc01
module load gcc/4.7.4-fasrc01
module load gsl/2.1-fasrc02
sbatch mex_test.sbatch