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216 lines (162 loc) · 4.78 KB

File metadata and controls

216 lines (162 loc) · 4.78 KB


# Move a file or directory to the trash
trash-put '<FILENAME>'

# View contents of trash

# Empty the Trash

apt & dpkg

# Install a .deb
dpkg -i '<PATH_TO_DEB_FILE>'
apt-get install -f

# Add a PPA
add-apt-repository 'ppa:<PPA_NAME>'
apt-get update
apt-get install '<PACKAGE_TO_INSTALL>'

# Remove a PPA
apt-add-repository --remove 'ppa:<PPA_NAME>'
apt-get update

# Remove package
apt-get remove '<PACKAGE_NAME>'

# Remove package and delete all of its config files
apt-get purge '<PACKAGE_NAME>'

# Bypass phased upgrades nonsense
sudo apt -o APT::Get::Always-Include-Phased-Updates=true upgrade -y
sudo apt dist-upgrade -y # yolo

# Determine the package a binary belongs to
dpkg -S '<NAME_OF_BINARY>'


# show all raid statuses
cat /proc/mdstat

# Check array status
mdadm -D '/dev/<NAME_OF_ARRAY>'

# Remove/Delete raid array
sudo umount -l '/dev/<NAME_OF_ARRAY>' # lazily unmount
sudo mdadm --stop '/dev/<NAME_OF_ARRAY>'
sudo mdadm --zero-superblock '/dev/<ID_OF_EACH_HDD>'
sudo mdadm --remove '/dev/<NAME_OF_ARRAY>'
sudo wipefs -a '/dev/<ID_OF_EACH_HDD>' # stop kernel from re-adding

# don't forget to remove any entries in /etc/fstab if applicable

Ubuntu Version

# Get your ubuntu version
lsb_release -r -s

# Get version information about this debian distro
lsb_release -a


# list out all block devices


# list all usb device ids (vendor:product id)

# dump usb heierarchy as a tree
lsusb -t


# enable smart on a drive
sudo smartctl -s on '/dev/<DEVICE_ID>'

# estimate how long it will take to run a test
sudo smartctl -c '/dev/<DEVICE_ID>'

# run a smart test
sudo smartctl -t short '/dev/<DEVICE_ID>'

# view drive's test stats
sudo smartctl -l selftest '/dev/<DEVICE_ID>'

# view detailed smart information for a disk (ATA disks)
sudo smartctl -a -d ata '/dev/<DEVICE_ID>'

# view detailed smart information for a disk (SCSI to ATA, typically for external USB hdd's)
sudo smartctl -a -d sat '/dev/<DEVICE_ID>'

# get lots of information about a disk
sudo smartctl -x '/dev/<DEVICE_ID>'

# temporarily set usb quirks flag for a device - use UAS, but still allow smartctl (reset on reboot)
cat "/sys/module/usb_storage/parameters/quirks" # verify empty first
printf "<VENDOR_ID>":"<PRODUCT_ID>":"u\n" | sudo tee "/sys/module/usb_storage/parameters/quirks" # plug in device and try again


# create raidz1 pool
sudo zpool create '<SOME_NAME_HERE>' raidz '/dev/<DEVICE_ID1>' '/dev/<DEVICE_ID2>' '/dev/<DEVICE_ID3>'

# create raid0 pool
sudo zpool create '<SOME_NAME_HERE>' '/dev/<DEVICE_ID1>' '/dev/<DEVICE_ID2>' '/dev/<DEVICE_ID3>'

# check zpool statues
zpool status

# list all properties of a zpool
zfs get all '<NAME_OF_ZPOOL>'

# move zpool mount location
sudo zfs set mountpoint='<PATH_TO_NEW_MOUNT_POINT>' '<NAME_OF_ZPOOL>'

# destroy a zpool
sudo zpool destroy '<NAME_OF_ZPOOL>'
sudo wipefs -a '/dev/<ID_OF_EACH_HDD>' # stop kernel from re-adding

# list zpools which can be imported
sudo zpool import

# import zpool
sudo zpool import '<NAME_OF_ZPOOL>'

# create snapshot.  nb: datasets cannot be destroyed if snapshots of it exist.
sudo zfs snapshot '<FILESYSTEM_NAME>@<SNAPSHOT_NAME>'

# list snapshots
zfs list -t snapshot

# initiate a scrub
zpool scrub '<NAME_OF_POOL>'

# kill a running scrub
zpool scrub -s '<NAME_OF_POOL>'


# list all shares
sudo exportfs -v

# reset nfs after editing /etc/exports
sudo exportfs -r

Useful Programs

# SMART monitoring and GUI
sudo apt -y install smartmontools gsmartcontrol

# GUI Partioner
sudo apt -y install gparted

# LAN speed tester
sudo apt -y install iperf3

# screen recorder
sudo apt -y install kazam

# trash management cli that actually works
sudo apt -y install trash-cli

# ubuntu minimal desktop
sudo apt -y install ubuntu-desktop-minimal

# zfs
sudo apt -y install zfsutils-linux


# grab all lines in a file matching REGEX_LINE_TO_MATCH and for each line replace TEXT_TO_REPLACE_REGEX w/ REPLACEMENT_TEXT

# enables extended regex: capturing groups '(foo)' and quantifiers '?'


# change this computer's (static, pretty, transient) hostname
hostnamectl set-hostname '<NEW_HOSTNAME>'


# power off an external hard drive (do this after unmounting)
sudo udisksctl power-off -b '/dev/<DEVICE_ID>'

sshd log

# view 100 most recent sshd log entries
grep "sshd" "/var/log/auth.log" | tail -n 100 | less

write xz'd img to SD card

xzcat '<PATH_TO_IMG_XZ>' | sudo dd of='<PATH_TO_DEVICE>' bs=4M