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SimB Examples

SimB is a simulator built on top of ProB. The modeler can write SimB annotations for a formal model to simulate it.
This repository contains formal methods with corresponding SimB annotations.
ProB2-UI ( is required to use it.

Furthermore, it is then possible to validate probabilistic and timing properties with statistical validation techniques such as hypothesis testing and estimation.
Examples with statistical validations are available at:
There are two ProB2-UI project files (Project.prob2project and SimulationProject.prob2project). Project.prob2project contains all timed probabilistic simulation examples presented in this repository. SimulationProject.prob2project contains the examples in the paper ''Validation of Formal Models by Timed Probabilistic Simulation'' only.

More recently, a new feature called ''interactive simulation'' has been implemented. Interactive simulation makes it possible to combine user interaction with automatic simulation. In particular, a user interaction is recognized (by newly introduced SimB listeners) where after an automatic timed probabilistic simulation is triggered.
Interactive simulation examples are available at:


SimB Paper


Final authenticated version is available online at:


  Author    = {Vu, Fabian and Leuschel, Michael and Mashkoor, Atif},
  Title        = {{Validation of Formal Models by Timed Probabilistic Simulation}},
  Booktitle    = {Proceedings ABZ},
  Year        = 2021,
  Series    = {LNCS},
  Volume     = {12709},
  Pages = {81--96}

Interactive SimB Paper


Final authenticated version is available online at:


author="Vu, Fabian
and Leuschel, Michael",
editor="Gl{\"a}sser, Uwe
and Creissac Campos, Jose
and M{\'e}ry, Dominique
and Palanque, Philippe",
title="Validation of Formal Models by Interactive Simulation",
booktitle="Rigorous State-Based Methods",
publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland",
abstract="Validating requirements for safety-critical systems with user interactions often involves techniques like animation, trace replay, and LTL model checking. However, animation and trace replay can be challenging since user and system events are not distinguished, and formulating LTL properties requires expertise.",

Application of Statistical Validation Techniques

ProB2-UI and SimB examples were used in the Git versions 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT (dee1414f56ee9e78cd5ff002a812b160d6576f36) and (a4dbb4867cf686302ec45d47c0d757fd387daf27) respectively.

Model Simulation Property Runs VS ET Result
Coin Toss (CoinToss2.mch) Fair Tosses (CoinToss2_simulation.json) Heads in 50% of all Tosses 1 Mio 4 7 OK (49.93%)
Eventually Heads in 100 Tosses 10000 4 7 OK (100%)
Rolling Dice (RollingDice.mch) Fair Dices (RollingDice_simulation.json) 6 in 16.67% of all Rolls 1 Mio 8 43 OK (16.66%)
Eventually 6 in 100 Rolls 10000 8 43 OK (100%)
Duelling Cowboys (DuellingCowboys.mch) 100 Cowboys, Accuracy: 80% Termination in 125 Shoots 100 21808 1 720 854 KO (56%)
(DuellingCowboys_simulation.json) Termination in 250 Shoots 100 22110 1 723 302 OK (100%)
Duelling Cowboys (abstract, AbstractDuellingCowboys.mch) 100 Cowboys, Accuracy: 80% Termination in 125 Shoots 10000 102 201 KO (63.13%)
(AbstractDuellingCowboys_simulation.json) Termination in 250 Shoots 10000 102 201 OK (100%)
Tourists (Tourist.mch) 100 Tourists Termination in 125 Steps 100 25042 956 468 KO (0%)
(Tourist_simulation.json) Termination in 300 Steps 100 34776 1 064 964 OK (99%)
Leader Election (LeaderElection.mch) 10 Nodes Termination in 250 Steps 10000 1030 37917 KO (99.46%)
(Preference: LeaderElection_PREF) Termination in 500 Steps 10000 1029 37884 OK (100%)
Leader Election (LeaderElection.mch) 100 Nodes Termination in 5000 Steps - - - -
(Preference: LeaderElection_PREF_2)
Traffic Light (TL, TrafficLight.mch) Cars TL from Red to Green Red to Green in 0.5s for Cars 1 Mio 4 5 KO (0%)
(TrafficLight_simulation_cars.json) Red to Green in 1s for Cars 1 Mio 4 5 OK (100%)
Lift (Lift.mch) Basement to 2nd floor Reaching 2nd floor in 10s 1 Mio 7 47 KO (0%)
(lift_simulation2_bottom_to_top.json) Reaching 2nd floor in 20s 1 Mio 7 47 OK (100%)
Lift (Lift.mch) Basement to 2nd floor with stop at 1st floor Reaching 2nd floor in 20s 1 Mio 10 70 KO (0%)
Automotive Case Study (PitmanController_TIME_MC_v4.mch) Random Input on Pitman Controller and Blinking Light Left light blinks 100ms with full intensity 10000 15 106 KO (99.17%)
(PitmanController_v4_simulation.json) after moving pitman to Downward7
Left light blinks 500ms with full intensity 10000 15 106 OK (100%)
after moving pitman to Downward7
Light never turns on until it is activated 10000 11 74 OK (100%)
via pitman or warning light

Interactive Simulation vs. Animation

ProB2-UI and SimB examples were used in the Git versions 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT (8a1c793a4d702efadda6b964c90b3df8359f32f1) and (346376446651e0a684d5921d8af1179e62c058d7) respectively.

Model Requirement Recorded User Interactions User Events Automatic Events Total
Lift Calling Lift Highest lift_simulation_to_highest.json 1 5 6
(Lift.mch + lift_simulation_interactive.json) Calling Lift Highest + Lowest lift_simulation_to_highest_then_lowest.json 2 11 13
Pitman Controller ELS-1 (10 Seconds) Recorded_User_Interactions.json 2 39 41
(PitmanController_TIME_MC_v4.mch + ELS-8 (5 Seconds) Recorded_User_Interactions.json 1 10 11
PitmanController_v4_simulation_interactive.json) ELS-12 (5 Seconds) Recorded_User_Interactions.json 4 58 62
Landing Gear Retraction Sequence Retraction_Sequence.json 1 38 39
(R6GearsDoorsHandleValvesControllerSwitch.bum + Outgoing Sequence Outgoing_Sequence.json 2 75 77
Arrival Manager Moving Airplane (1 Minute) 4 6 10
(AMAN; Blocking 1 Time Slot (1 Minute) 3 6 9
M9_Push_Mouse_Buttons_vis.bum + Blocking 3 Time Slots (1 Minute) 9 6 15
AMAN_sim_interactive.json) Holding Airplane (1 Minute) 6 6 12
Do Nothing (3 Minutes) AMAN_Simulation_Do_Nothing.json 0 18 18

Information about Formal Models

  • AMAN: Arrival Manager is an air traffic control system modeled in
    • D. Geleßus, S. Stock, F. Vu, M. Leuschel, and A. Mashkoor. Modeling and Analysis of a Safety-critical Interactive System through Validation Obligations. In Proceedings ABZ, LNCS 14010, pages 284–302. Springer, 2023.
    • Requirements specification provided in P. Palanque and J. C. Campos. AMAN case study. In Proeedings ABZ, LNCS 14010, pages 265–283. Springer, 2023.
  • Landing Gear System modeled in
    • L. Ladenberger, D. Hansen, H. Wiegard, J. Bendisposto, and M. Leuschel. Validation of the ABZ landing gear system using ProB. In Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., 19(2):187–203, Apr. 2017.
    • Requirements specification provided in F. Boniol and V. Wiels. The landing gear system case study. In ABZ 2014: The Landing Gear Case Study, CCIS 433, pages 1–18, 2014.
  • Exterior Light System presented in
    • M. Leuschel, M. Mutz, and M. Werth. Modelling and Validating an Automotive System in Classical B and Event-B. In Proceedings ABZ, LNCS 12071, pages 335–350, 2020.
    • Requirements specification provided in F. Houdek and A. Raschke. Adaptive Exterior Light and Speed Control System. In Proceedings ABZ, LNCS 12071, pages 281–301, 2020.
  • Lift:
    • From ProB Examples
  • Dueling Cowboys modeled in
    • Thai Son Hoang. Reasoning about almost-certain convergence properties using Event-B. Proceedings AVoCS 2014
  • Leader Election modeled in
    • Thai Son Hoang. Reasoning about almost-certain convergence properties using Event-B. Proceedings AVoCS 2014
  • Train modeled in
    • J.-R. Abrial. Modeling in Event-B: System and Software Engineering. pages 508-549, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
    • Also used in M. Leuschel, J. Bendisposto, and D. Hansen. Unlocking the Mysteries of a Formal Model of an Interlocking System. Proceedings Rodin Workshop, 2014.
  • Moving Particles:
    • Modeled by Michael Leuschel
    • From ProB Examples
  • Bridge modeled
    • J.-R. Abrial. Modeling in Event-B: System and Software Engineering. pages 24-99, Cambridge University Press, 2010.