Delete weapons and items on the map and replace guns/items/melees with other guns/items/melees
This plugin is private, Please contact me
此為私人插件, 請聯繫本人
Video | 影片展示
None -
How does it work?
- Detect all weapons/items/melees and replace with other guns/items/melees on round start
- Replace the weapon if the weapon is late spawn during the game. For example:
- Bile jar, nightstick from uncommon infected
- Items from Foot Locker
- Modify data/l4d2_replace_gun_item.cfg
- Replace big guns with other guns
- Replace items with other items
- Replace melees with other guns
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_replace_gun_item.cfg
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d2_replace_gun_item_enable "1" // Replace the weapon if the weapon is late spawn during the game. l4d2_replace_gun_item_late_spawn "0" // If 1, Don't replace the weapon & item if survivor carries them. l4d2_replace_gun_item_player_in_use "1" // Replace the primary weapon l4d2_replace_gun_item_primary "1" // Replace the secondary weapon. (Not including melee) l4d2_replace_gun_item_secondary "1" // Replace the throwable weapon. l4d2_replace_gun_item_throwable "1" // Replace the heavy health item (slot 4 weapon). l4d2_replace_gun_item_heavy_health "1" // Replace the light health item (slot 5 weapon). l4d2_replace_gun_item_light_health "1" // Replace the Special Items. l4d2_replace_gun_item_special "1" // If 1, Replace the Melee weapons. l4d2_replace_gun_item_melee "1"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_replace_gun_item.cfg
Command | 命令
API | 串接
library name: l4d2_replace_gun_item
Data Config
- data/l4d2_replace_gun_item.cfg
Manual in this file, click for more details...
- data/l4d2_replace_gun_item.cfg
Apply to | 適用於
L4D2 Any Mode
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.3 (2024-11-9)
- Update cvars
v1.2 (2024-9-7)
- Replace melee weapons with other weapons/items or replace other weapons/items with melee weapons
- Updata data file
- Update cvar
v1.1 (2023-7-1)
- Fixed scavenge gascan removed
v1.0 (2023-5-3)
- Initial Release
- 地圖載入後的0.8秒後
- 將所有大槍武器刪除並替換成小槍
- 將所有治療包與電擊器刪除並替換成藥丸
- 遊戲中途生成或掉落的物資也能被替換,譬如
- 墮落生還者掉落的物資
- CEDA掉落的膽汁瓶
- 綠色補給箱的無限物資
- 警察掉落的警棍
- 設定文件data/l4d2_replace_gun_item.cfg,自行設定其他武器/物品/近戰
- 地圖載入後的0.8秒後
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_replace_gun_item.cfg
// 0=關閉插件, 1=啟動插件 l4d2_replace_gun_item_enable "1" // 為1時,替換遊戲中途生成或掉落的物資 (譬如管理員生成物品、墮落生還者掉落的物資、CEDA掉落的膽汁瓶、綠色補給箱的無限物資). l4d2_replace_gun_item_late_spawn "0" // 1=不替換倖存者手上的武器與物資 // 0=替換 l4d2_replace_gun_item_player_in_use "1" // 為1時,偵測主武器的槍械並取代 l4d2_replace_gun_item_primary "1" // 為1時,偵測副武器的槍械並取代 (不包含近戰武器) l4d2_replace_gun_item_secondary "1" // 為1時,偵測投擲物品並取代 l4d2_replace_gun_item_throwable "1" // 為1時,偵測slot 4物品並取代 (醫療包、電擊器、高爆彈包、燃燒彈包). l4d2_replace_gun_item_heavy_health "1" // 為1時,偵測slot 5物品並取代 (藥丸、腎上腺素). l4d2_replace_gun_item_light_health "1" // 為1時,偵測特殊物品並取代 (雷射裝置、子彈堆、瓦斯桶、氧氣罐、汽油桶、煙火盒、精靈小矮人、可樂瓶) l4d2_replace_gun_item_special "1" // 為1時,偵測近戰武器並取代 (支援三方圖近戰) l4d2_replace_gun_item_melee "1"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_replace_gun_item.cfg
- data/l4d2_replace_gun_item.cfg
- data/l4d2_replace_gun_item.cfg