Survivors can't pick up weapons and items before the start of each round
Gives health items and throwables to survivors at the start of each round
This plugin is private, Please contact me
此為私人插件, 請聯繫本人
How does it work?
- Before game starts
- Survivors can't pick up weapons and items before the start of each round
- Can't shoot any gascan before the start of each round
- After game starts or round is live
- This plugin will give some items such as Defib, Pill, Adren, Pipebomb, Molotov, Bile
- "Game starts" meaning
- Survivors leave the saferoom
- Survival starts
- Scavenge starts
- Everyone is ready (Support readyup plugin)
- Before game starts
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/starting_items.cfg
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. starting_items_enable "1" // Changes how message displays. (0: Disable, 1:In chat, 2: In Hint Box, 3: In center text) starting_items_announce_type "2" // Item flags to give on leaving the saferoom or round live // 1: Kit, 2: Defib, 4: Pills, 8: Adren, 16: Pipebomb, 32: Molotov, 64: Bile // Add numbers together, 127=All starting_items_round_live_give_flags "41" // Weapon flags that survivors can't pick up/ignite/shoot before leaving the saferoom or round live // 1: slot 1, 2: slot 2, 4: slot 3, 8: slot 4, 16: slot 5, 32: Prop items, 64: Cola, 128: Gnome // Add numbers together, 255=All starting_items_ready_disable_weapon_slot "255"
- cfg/sourcemod/starting_items.cfg
Command | 命令
Apply to | 適用於
L4D2 Any Mode
Translation Support | 支援翻譯
English 繁體中文 简体中文
Related Plugin | 相關插件
- readyup: Ready Plugin
- 所有玩家準備才能開始遊戲的插件
- readyup: Ready Plugin
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.2h (2024-2-27)
- Fixed survivors can pick up "gnome, cola"
- Update cvars
v1.1h (2023-7-12)
- Fixed plugin is not working in coop/realism mode
v1.0h (2023-5-31)
- Remake code, convert code to latest syntax
- Fix warnings when compiling on SourceMod 1.11.
- Optimize code and improve performance
- Survivors can't pick up weapons and items before the start of each round
- Can't ignite gascan, firebox, prop tanks before the start of each round
- Translation Support
回合開始之前不得拿武器與物品 + 回合開始之後自動給予一些物資
- 遊戲開始之前
- 不准撿起地圖上的武器與物品
- 不准點燃汽油桶、瓦斯桶、煙火盒
- 遊戲開始之後,插件會給予火瓶、腎上腺素、治療包等物品
- 這裡指的"遊戲開始"是
- 戰役/對抗/寫實中離開安全室
- 生存模式計時開始
- 清道夫模式計時開始
- 所有人準備之前 (支援準備插件)
- 不影響過關攜帶的武器
- 遊戲開始之前
- cfg/sourcemod/starting_items.cfg
// 0=插件關閉, 1=插件開啟. starting_items_enable "1" // 訊息顯示位置. (0: 關閉, 1: 聊天窗, 2: 螢幕下方黑底白字窗, 3: 螢幕正中間) starting_items_announce_type "2" // 遊戲開始之後,插件會給予的物資 // 0: 關閉此功能, 1: 醫療包, 2: 電擊器, 4: 藥丸, 8: 腎上腺素, 16: 土製炸彈, 32: 火瓶, 64: 膽汁瓶 // 請將數字相加起來, 127=全部都給 starting_items_round_live_give_flags "41" // 遊戲開始之前不能撿起的武器或物品 // 0: 關閉此功能, 1: 主武器, 2: 副武器, 4: 投擲物品, 8: 醫療包, 電擊器, 燃燒彈包與高爆彈包, 16: 藥丸與腎上腺素, 32: 汽油桶、煙火盒、瓦斯桶、氧氣灌, 64: 可樂瓶, 128: 精靈小矮人 // 請將數字相加起來, 255=全部都不能撿 starting_items_ready_disable_weapon_slot "63"
- cfg/sourcemod/starting_items.cfg