Player can throw adrenaline shot/pill at incapacitated teammates and help them get up immediately.
This plugin is private, Please contact me
此為私人插件, 請聯繫本人
How does it work?
- Aim incap teammate and press E to revive immediately with an adrenaline shot or a pill
- Aim teammate who is hanging from ledge and press E to revive immediately with an adrenaline shot or a pill
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_pill_adrenaline_save.cfg
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_enable "1" // Changes how message displays. 0: Disable, 1:In chat, 2: In Hint Box, 4: In center text, 8: Director hint, Add numbers together l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_announce_flag "10" // How close range to notify players nearby that they can throw adrenaline shot or pill at incapacitated teammates. // Using director hint (0=Disable Notify) l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_notify_range "400.0" // Display director hint based on chance l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_director_hint_chance "100" // How close range can player throw adrenaline shot or pill at incapacitated teammates. l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_distance "160" // If 1, the player who were saved will get adrenaline shot or pill temp health buff l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_buff "1" // Which item can be throwed at incapacitated teammate, 1: Adrenaline shot, 2: Pill, 3: Both l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_item_flag "3" // Save survivors if 1: Incap, 2: Hang from ledge, 3: Both l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_type "3"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_pill_adrenaline_save.cfg
Command | 命令
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Translation Support | 支援翻譯
English 繁體中文 简体中文
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.1 (2024-10-7)
- Add director hint
- Update cvars
- Update translation
v1.0 (2023-4-1)
- Initial Release
- 手持藥丸對著倒地或掛邊的隊友按E鍵,可以消耗藥丸拯救,隊友會瞬間救起來
- 手持腎上腺素對著倒地或掛邊的隊友按E鍵,可以消耗腎上腺素拯救,隊友會瞬間救起來
- 被救起來的隊友可以短暫獲得Buff效果 (增加臨時生命值與速度)
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_pill_adrenaline_save.cfg
// 0=關閉插件, 1=啟動插件 l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_enable "1" // 提示該如何顯示, 請將數字相加. (0: 不提示, 1: 聊天框, 2: 黑底白字框, 4: 螢幕正中間, 8: 導演系統提示) l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_announce_flag "10" // 當玩家靠近倒地或掛邊的隊友此範圍內時,出現導演系統提示玩家 "可以使用藥丸或腎上腺素,拯救隊友" // 0=不提示 l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_notify_range "400.0" // 每次導演系統出現提示的機率 [1~100] l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_director_hint_chance "100" // 能拯救的距離 l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_distance "160" // 為1時,被救起來的隊友可以短暫獲得Buff效果 (增加臨時生命值與速度) l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_buff "1" // 哪項物品能快速拯救隊友? 1: 腎上腺素, 2: 藥丸, 3: 兩者皆是 l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_item_flag "3" // 可以快速拯救什麼狀態下的隊友? 1: 倒地, 2: 掛邊, 3: 兩者皆是 l4d_pill_adrenaline_save_type "3"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_pill_adrenaline_save.cfg