Set the time limit how long can tank live
This plugin is private, Please contact me
此為私人插件, 請聯繫本人
Video | 影片展示
How does it work?
- When tank spawned, start the timer, how long can the tank live.
- If tank doesn't attack survivors, will be killed by this plugin once time is up (No matter how much frustration)
- Extend time if tank hurts survivor (punches, rocks, hittables)
- Apply to both human and AI tank
Require | 必要安裝
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_tank_alive_time_limit.cfg
// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_enable "1" // Set the timer, how long can the tanks live after spawn l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_time "120" // If 1, Also apply to AI Tanks l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_bot_apply "0" // How message displays. (0: Disable, 1:In chat, 2: In Hint Box, 3: In center text) l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_announce_type "2" // Display countdown hint text To Tank when remaining time is below this value l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_announce_left "30" // After time's up, 0=Tank Player will lost control and given to AI, 1=Tank will be killed l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_type "1" // When pass tank to another player or AI, 0=Inherit time left, 1=Reset Timer l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_pass_reset "0" // Add more time if tank punches standing survivor // Add one time only per punch (0=Off) l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_punch_add_stand "15" // Add more time if tank punches incap survivor // Add one time only per punch (0=Off) l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_punch_add_incap "7" // Add more time if tank rocks hit survivor (0=Off) l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_rock_add "2" // Add more time if hittables hit survivor (0=Off) l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_hittable_add "10"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_tank_alive_time_limit.cfg
Command | 命令
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Translation Support | 支援翻譯
English 繁體中文 简体中文
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.1 (2024-11-3)
- Update cvars
v1.0 (2024-8-28)
- Initial Release
- 當Tank玩家生成時,設置計時器,開始計時
- Tank玩家如果不積極進攻,時間一到將會被處死 (無論剩餘多少控制權)
- 攻擊倖存者可以延長時間
- 也適用AI Tank
- 避免無謂的消耗戰,Tank玩家持續在遠處丟石頭與倖存者周旋,很花時間
- 避免Tank玩家在不掉控制權的情形下打持久戰
- 適合安裝多人對抗伺服器上,強迫Tank玩家積極進攻
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_tank_alive_time_limit.cfg
// 0=關閉插件, 1=啟動插件 l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_enable "1" // 當Tank玩家生成時,設置計時器,Tank能存活多久時間? l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_time "120" // 為1時,此插件也適用於AI Tank l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_bot_apply "0" // 提示該如何顯示. (0: 不提示, 1: 聊天框, 2: 黑底白字框, 3: 螢幕正中間) l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_announce_type "2" // 當剩餘時間低於此數值時,開始提示玩家 l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_announce_left "30" // 當時間到之後,0=Tank玩家失去控制給AI Tank, 1=Tank被處死 l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_type "1" // 當控制權轉移給其他玩家時, 0=繼承剩餘時間, 1=重新計時 l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_pass_reset "0" // 用拳頭攻擊到站立的倖存者,可延長的時間 // 一個拳頭只增加一次時間 (0=不延長) l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_punch_add_stand "15" // 用拳頭攻擊到倒地或掛邊的倖存者,可延長的時間 // 一個拳頭只增加一次時間 (0=不延長) l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_punch_add_incap "7" // 丟石頭打到倖存者,可延長的時間 (0=不延長) l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_rock_add "2" // 打飛車子擊倒倖存者,可延長的時間 (0=不延長) l4d_tank_alive_time_limit_hittable_add "10"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_tank_alive_time_limit.cfg