Puts players on the right team after map/campaign change and provides API.
This plugin is private, Please contact me
此為私人插件, 請聯繫本人
Video | 影片展示
None -
Image | 圖示
None -
How does it work?
- Save and record all survivors and all infected when map change or round end
- Puts players on the right team after map/campaign change
- Provides dev API.
Require | 必要安裝
API | 串接
- l4d_team_unscramble.inc
library name: l4d_team_unscramble
- l4d_team_unscramble.inc
ConVar | 指令
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_team_unscramble.cfg
// 0=Off, 1=Enables unscramble feature (Puts players on the right team after map/campaign change). l4d_team_unscramble_allow_unscramble "1" // Maximum attempts to try to move player to the team he were. l4d_team_unscramble_attempts "3" // 0=Off, 1=Prints a notification to chat when unscramble is completed (lets spectators know when they can join a team). l4d_team_unscramble_notify "1" // 0=Off, 1=Prevents calling votes until unscramble completes. l4d_team_unscramble_novotes "1" // Unscramble max processing time after map changed. When the time expires the teams changes will be unlocked. l4d_team_unscramble_time "45" // If 1, disable unscramble feature after final map change l4d_team_unscramble_final_map_disable "0" // If 1, disable unscramble feature if map change in game (Vote change, adm change, etc) l4d_team_unscramble_change_map_disable "0"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_team_unscramble.cfg
Command | 命令
Force to store players team data. (Adm required: ADMFLAG_ROOT)
Force to puts players on the right team. (Adm required: ADMFLAG_ROOT)
Aborts unscramble process. (Adm required: ADMFLAG_ROOT)
Apply to | 適用於
L4D1 L4D2
Translation Support | 支援翻譯
English 繁體中文 简体中文 Russian
Changelog | 版本日誌
v1.2h (2024-1-20)
- Don't save team after final map change
- Don't save team when map change in game
- Update Cvars
v1.1h (2023-2-13)
- Support Idle player, switch idle players to survivor team next time
v1.0h (2023-2-10)
- Remake code, convert code to latest syntax
- Fix warnings when compiling on SourceMod 1.11.
- Individual plugin
- Delete a convar
- 當切換關卡時,這個插件會紀錄所有在場的玩家和所在的隊伍 (特感/人類/旁觀隊伍)
- 並在更換地圖之後,還原所有玩家上次所在的隊伍 (其他玩家暫時不能切換隊伍)
- 避免載入慢的玩家被旁觀者擠掉導致沒位子
- 避免換關卡之後,隊伍錯亂
- 建議等真的需要再來使用
- 提供很多API串接,給其他插件使用 (給開發者用的)
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_team_unscramble.cfg
// 0=關閉插件, 1=啟動插件 (切換地圖之後,嘗試將玩家放入正確的隊伍). l4d_team_unscramble_allow_unscramble "1" // 嘗試將玩家放入正確的隊伍的嘗試次數 (超過便放棄) l4d_team_unscramble_attempts "3" // 為1時,當所有玩家都放入正確的隊伍之後,提示已完成 (讓其他玩家知道可以切換隊伍了). l4d_team_unscramble_notify "1" // 為1時,當所有玩家都放入正確的隊伍之前,不能發起官方投票 l4d_team_unscramble_novotes "1" // 切換地圖之後45秒內嘗試將玩家放入正確的隊伍,如果時間到則自動放棄嘗試 l4d_team_unscramble_time "45" // 為1時,最後一關破完並換圖時,關閉此插件的效果 (不紀錄玩家和所在的隊伍) l4d_team_unscramble_final_map_disable "0" // 為1時,中途切換地圖時,關閉此插件的效果 (不紀錄玩家和所在的隊伍) // 譬如中途投票換圖、管理員換圖等等 l4d_team_unscramble_change_map_disable "0"
- cfg/sourcemod/l4d_team_unscramble.cfg