diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 82f82a0..f0d4eeb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,3 +13,286 @@ board = RelayBoard("/dev/ttyUSB0", SLAVE_ADDR)
+# RelayBoard API
+* [RelayBoard](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard)
+ * [\_\_init\_\_](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.__init__)
+ * [check\_channel\_number](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.check_channel_number)
+ * [check\_seconds](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.check_seconds)
+ * [open\_relay](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.open_relay)
+ * [close\_relay](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.close_relay)
+ * [set\_relay](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.set_relay)
+ * [toggle](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.toggle)
+ * [latch](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.latch)
+ * [momentary](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.momentary)
+ * [delay](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.delay)
+ * [open\_all](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.open_all)
+ * [close\_all](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.close_all)
+ * [read\_relay](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.read_relay)
+ * [read\_relays](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.read_relays)
+ * [read\_all\_relays](#rs485_relay_board.base.RelayBoard.read_all_relays)
+## RelayBoard
+class RelayBoard()
+Class for interaction with relay boards over modbus.
+By default, the relay is in state "closed" / LOW.
+"Closed" state means that COM is connected to NC and not to NO.
+"Open" state means that COM is connected to NO and not to NC and is indicated by LED.
+For this library state `True` means "open" state.
+e.g. Open = HIGH to relay, Closed = LOW to relay
+#### \_\_init\_\_
+def __init__(port: str,
+ slaveaddress: int,
+ channels: int = 16,
+ baudrate: int = 9600,
+ read_timeout: float = 0.2,
+ close_port_after_each_call: bool = False,
+ debug: bool = False)
+Setup relay board.
+- `port`: The serial port name, for example `/dev/ttyUSB0` (Linux),
+`/dev/tty.usbserial` (OS X) or `COM4` (Windows).
+- `slaveaddress`: Slave address in the range 0 to 247 (use decimal numbers, not hex).
+- `channels`: Number of channels of the relay board.
+- `baudrate`: Baudrate to use.
+- `read_timeout`: Read timeout after each command.
+- `close_port_after_each_call`: If the serial port should be closed after each call to the board.
+- `debug`: Set this to `True` to print the communication details
+#### check\_channel\_number
+def check_channel_number(channel: int)
+Check if channel number is between 1 and `self.channels`.
+- `channel`: Number of channel.
+- `ValueError`:
+#### check\_seconds
+def check_seconds(seconds: int)
+Check if seconds is between 0 and 255.
+- `seconds`: Whole number of seconds
+#### open\_relay
+def open_relay(channel: int)
+Open relay.
+- `channel`: Number of channel.
+#### close\_relay
+def close_relay(channel: int)
+Close relay
+- `channel`: Number of channel.
+#### set\_relay
+def set_relay(channel: int, state: bool)
+Set state of given relay.
+True means "Open" / High to relay state.
+- `channel`: Number of channel.
+- `state`: Bool state
+#### toggle
+def toggle(channel: int)
+Toggle (Self-locking) relay
+- `channel`: Number of channel.
+#### latch
+def latch(channel: int)
+Latch (Inter-locking) relay
+- `channel`: Number of channel.
+#### momentary
+def momentary(channel: int)
+Momentary (Non-locking).
+Close relay for 1s.
+- `channel`: Number of channel.
+#### delay
+def delay(channel: int, seconds: int)
+Open relay for s.
+Works even if relay is currently opened.
+- `channel`: Number of channel.
+- `seconds`: Number of seconds to close the relay for
+#### open\_all
+def open_all()
+Open all relays.
+#### close\_all
+def close_all()
+Close all relays.
+#### read\_relay
+def read_relay(channel: int) -> bool
+Read state of a relay.
+True means "Open" / High to relay state.
+- `channel`: Number of channel.
+#### read\_relays
+def read_relays(start_channel: int, length: int) -> Tuple[bool]
+Read state of n relays.
+- `start_channel`: Number of channel to start reading from.
+- `length`: Number of relays to read.
+Tuple of booleans of length n(length).
+#### read\_all\_relays
+def read_all_relays() -> Tuple[bool]
+Read state of all relays.
+Tuple of booleans of length `self.channels`.
+## License
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