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561 lines (482 loc) · 11.9 KB

File metadata and controls

561 lines (482 loc) · 11.9 KB


Garlic, onion, salt and pepper...

How to use

Within sass project

@import "gosp.css/src/gosp";

CSS file

@import "gosp.css/dist/gosp.min.css";

HTML Link Tag

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/gosp.css/dist/gosp.min.css" />;


npm i gosp.css --save


let gosp = require('gosp.css').includePaths + '/src'

	includePaths: [gosp]


@import "gosp";
	Your awesome styles


Just compile gosp.scss file.

gulp default

Without gulp

sass src/gosp.scss dist/gosp.css


  • Remove underline decoration and outline
  • Add transition on hover


  • Background color
  • Background-size
  • Background-position
  • Background-attachment
  • Background-image

Background colors

Class Property Value
bc0 background-color #000
bc3 background-color #333
bc6 background-color #666
bc9 background-color #999
bcA background-color #AAA
bcC background-color #CCC
bcE background-color #EEE
bcF background-color #FFF

Background size

Class Property Value
bscc background-size contain
bscv background-size cover
bsx background-size 100% 100%

Background position

Class Property Value
bpbc background-position center bottom
bpbl background-position left bottom
bpbr background-position right bottom
bpcb background-position center bottom
bpcc background-position center center
bpcl background-position left center
bpcr background-position right center
bpct background-position center top
bplb background-position left bottom
bplc background-position left center
bplt background-position left top
bprb background-position right bottom
bprc background-position right center
bprt background-position right top
bptc background-position center top
bptl background-position left top
bptr background-position right top,

Background attachment

Class Property Value
baf background-attachment fixed

Background image

Class Property Value
biu background-image unset

Background repeat

Class Property Value
brnr background-repeat no-repeat
brr background-repeat repeat
brrx background-repeat repeat-x
brry background-repeat repeat-y


  • Border none
  • Box sizing box
  • Box content box


Class Property Value
curd cursor default
curna cursor not-allowed
curp cursor pointer
curt cursor text
curw cursor wait


Class Property Value
db display block
dfx display flex
di display inline
dib display inline-block
din display initial
dn display none
dt display table
dtc display table-cell
dtr display table-row


  • Align
  • Grow
  • Justify
  • Order
  • Shrink
  • Direction

Flex align

Class Property Value
aic align-items center
aife align-items flex-end
aifs align-items flex-start
aiu align-items unset
asc align-self center
asfe align-self flex-end
asfs align-self flex-start
asu align-self unset

Flex direction

Class Property Value
fdc flex-direction column
fdr flex-direction row
fdcr flex-direction column-reverse
fdrr flex-direction row-reverse

Flex grow

Class Property Value
fg0 flex-grow 0
fg1 flex-grow 1
fg2 flex-grow 2
fg3 flex-grow 3
fg4 flex-grow 4
fg5 flex-grow 5
fg6 flex-grow 6

Note: From 0 to $gosp-grid-columns / 2

Flex justify

Class Property Value
jcc justify-content center
jcs justify-content stretch
jcu justify-content unset
jcfe justify-content flex-end
jcfs justify-content flex-start
jcsa justify-content space-around
jcsb justify-content space-between
jsc justify-self center
jss justify-self stretch
jsu justify-self unset
jsfe justify-self flex-end
jsfs justify-self flex-start
jssa justify-self space-around
jssb justify-self space-between

Flex order

Class Property Value
ord-1 order -1
ord0 order 0
ord1 order 1
ord2 order 2
ord3 order 3
ord4 order 4
ord5 order 5
ord6 order 6
ord7 order 7
ord8 order 8
ord9 order 9
ord10 order 10
ord11 order 11
ord12 order 12

Flex shrink

Class Property Value
fsh0 flex-shrink 0
fsh1 flex-shrink 1
fsh2 flex-shrink 2
fsh3 flex-shrink 3
fsh4 flex-shrink 4
fsh5 flex-shrink 5
fsh6 flex-shrink 6

Note: From 0 to $gosp-grid-columns / 2

Flex wrap

Class Property Value
fwnw flex-wrap no-wrap
fww flex-wrap wrap
fwwr flex-wrap wrap-reverse


Class Property Value
fl float left
fn float none
fr float right
fu float unset


Prefix class Property Unit From To Gap
fsp font-size px 8 48 2
fsp font-size px 50 100 10
fse font-size em 0.5 3 0.25
fsr font-size rem 0.5 3 0.25
Class Property Value
fw100 font-weight 100
fw200 font-weight 200
fw300 font-weight 300
fw400 font-weight 400
fw500 font-weight 500
fw600 font-weight 600
fw700 font-weight 700
fw800 font-weight 800
fw900 font-weight 900
b font-weight bold
l font-weight lighter
n font-weight normal
i font-style italic
o font-style oblique


  • Custom select with angle-down
  • Outline 0 on each form control


Class Property Value
fw width 100%
w100vw width 100vw


Type Description Nested Offset Pull Push
Flex Based on flexboxgrid) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Float Based on twbs bootstrap) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inline Same as bootstrap but using inline-block) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fractionary Using fractions like col-md-1-2 eq col-md-6 based on wp grid by Ricardo Aguirre) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Note: You can order flex columns using order classes and order media helpers.


Class Property Value
h0 height 0
h25p height 25%
h50p height 50%
h75p height 75%
h100p height 100%
Prefix class Property Unit From To Gap
h height px 0 45 5
h height px 50 90 10
h height px 100 500 50


Class Description
list-reset Sets margin and padding to 0 and list-style to none
list-inline Displays list items as inline-block
list-block Displays list items as block
Class Property Value
list-columns-1 columns 1
list-columns-2 columns 2
list-columns-3 columns 3
list-columns-4 columns 4
list-columns-5 columns 5
list-columns-6 columns 6

Note: From 1 to $gosp-grid-columns / 2

Class Property Value
lsd list-style decimal
lsdlz list-style decimal-leading-zero
lsla list-style lower-alpha
lslr list-style lower-roman
lsua list-style upper-alpha
lsur list-style upper-roman

Margin and padding

Prefix class Property Unit From To Gap
m margin px 0 50 5
mt margin-top px 0 50 5
mr margin-right px 0 50 5
mb margin-bottom px 0 50 5
ml margin-left px 0 50 5
p padding px 0 50 5
pt padding-top px 0 50 5
pr padding-right px 0 50 5
pb padding-bottom px 0 50 5
pl padding-left px 0 50 5


Prefix class Property Unit From To Gap
t top px 0 50 5
r right px 0 50 5
b bottom px 0 50 5
l left px 0 50 5
Class Property Value
pa position absolute
pf position fixed
pr position relative
ps position static
psy position sticky
pu position unset
Class Description
abs Creates a layer with the same width and height over the parent element

Show and hide



Class Description
Collapsed Border collapsed
Fixed Columns with the same width
Responsive Table rows to columns under sm size
Striped Even rows with light gray background


Class Property Value
tac text-align center
taj text-align justify
tal text-align left
tar text-align right
tdlt text-decoration line-through
tdo text-decoration overline
tdou text-decoration underline overline
tdu text-decoration underline
tduo text-decoration underline overline
tduos text-decoration underline overline line-through
tduso text-decoration underline overline line-through
tdous text-decoration underline overline line-through
tdosu text-decoration underline overline line-through
tdsou text-decoration underline overline line-through
tdsuo text-decoration underline overline line-through
ttc text-transform capitalize
ttl text-transform lowercase
ttn text-transform none
ttu text-transform uppercase
tdsda text-decoration-style dashed
tdsdo text-decoration-style dotted
tdss text-decoration-style solid
tdsw text-decoration-style wavy
tdi text-direction initial
tdl text-direction ltr
tdr text-direction rtl
Class Description
paragraph-reset Sets margin to 0

Vertial align

Class Property Value
vab vertical-align bottom
vabl vertical-align baseline
vainh vertical-align inherit
vam vertical-align middle
vasub vertical-align sub
vasup vertical-align super
vat vertical-align top
vatb vertical-align text-bottom
vatt vertical-align text-top


Class Property Value
vc visibility collapse
vh visibility hidden
vu visibility unset
vv visibility visible

Z Index

Index Elements
-1 Any
1 Any
10 Fixed
100 Dialog
1000 Fullscreen layers


Size Min Max Prefix
xs 480px .col-xs
sm 481px 768px .col-sm
md 769px 1280px .col-md
lg 1281px 1600px .col-lg
xl 1601px col-xl .col-xl

Media queries

Size Mixin
xs xs()
sm sm()
sm-down sm-down()
sm-up sm-up()
md md()
md-down md-down()
md-up md-up()
lg lg()
lg-down lg-down()
lg-up lg-up()
xl xl()


@include sm-up {
    // rules

Media helpers

This classes will be able to change property-value classes in each display resolution. Remember mobile first.

  • Margin
  • Padding
  • Font size (px, em, rem)
  • Position
  • Text align
  • List columns
  • Hide and show
Property Value Helper class Responsive helper
Margin From 0 to 50 m50 md-m50
Margin top From 0 to 50 mt50 md-mt50
Margin right From 0 to 50 mr50 md-mr50
Margin left From 0 to 50 ml50 md-ml50
Margin bottom From 0 to 50 mb50 md-mb50
Padding From 0 to 50 p50 md-p50
Padding top From 0 to 50 pt50 md-pt50
Padding right From 0 to 50 pr50 md-pr50
Padding left From 0 to 50 pl50 md-pl50
Padding bottom From 0 to 50 pb50 md-pb50
Font size From 8 to 48 fsp16 md-fsp16
Font size From 50 to 100 fsp60 xs-fsp20
Class Responsive class Description
list-inline [media-query]-list-inline Displays list items as inline-block
list-block [media-query]-list-block Displays list items as block



  • Rebuilt lib using sass with scss syntax
  • Removed color palette mixin
  • Added xl media size
  • Added auto column
  • Added flex push and pull
  • Added list-inline and list-block helpers and responsive helpers
  • Changed size readme prefix to media-query
  • node_module bug
  • Restores .list-reset class
  • Added functions import to media