🍃 Welcome to Hetic W3 final project ! 🥕
Madu is a Mobile app that lists on a map all eco-friendly adresses such as shops, resturants etc., in order to create more ethical and engaged consumers.
Developing a Back-office whose feature are:
- Dashboard for clients management (companies or schools)
- Dashboad for POI management (restaurant, shops, etc.)
- Map of existing POIs and clients.
- Login
Vue.js is a very light Javascript framework that allows to easily build up to medium-size Apps.
Vuex is useful for several reasons: firstly, when data needs to be passed between more than two components; secondly, when several sets of two components need the same data, but don't have a direct parent-child relationship, thirdly mutation debugging info and time travel in the browser. In our case, it has been very useful for login management.
Element is a very large UI library, widely used among Vue.js community. We chose this library for the amount of available components, community support and documentation.
As this project aims a more eco-friendly life, we stated that Google Maps API was not a good choice as it is well known that Google API have a huge environmental print. So, we chose Leaflet over other APIs because it is widely used in Javascript-built applications and it is quite easy to set up.
- Quentin Aimé (Frontend Developer)
- Federica Alfano (Frontend Developer)
- Joel Pokam (Frontend Developer)
username: chrystal.leliegard@madu.net
password: madu
yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn test:unit
yarn lint
: Docker setup on AWS Instancepull_and_run_docker_image
: Pull and Run of a docker image
ansible-playbook -i ./ansible/inventory/hosts ./ansible/roles/install_docker.yml --key <your_key> --user ubuntu
ansible-playbook -i ./ansible/inventory/hosts ./ansible/roles/pull_and_run_docker_image.yml --key <your_key> --user ubuntu
(path to your public key) -
An instance EC2 on Ubuntu 18.04
A security group allowing the port 22 and 8080 for the app
terraform init
terraform apply