Let's use the checklist
command to check that
the level is ready for publishing.
📌 This command runs extensive tests on the level so it can take several minutes to complete.
shutils checklist levels/black_forest
Check file tree
√ map.json [exists]
√ level.js [exists]
√ metadata.json [exists]
√ tests.json [exists]
√ level.shlv [exists]
Check metadata.json
√ id: "black_forest" [valid]
√ difficulty: 2 [valid]
Check level.js
√ messages.en.name [valid]
√ messages.en.objective [valid]
√ messages.en.loss_reason_wrong_egg_in_cauldron [valid]
√ maxStep [valid]
√ speedTarget [valid]
√ lengthTarget [valid]
Check tests.json
√ length test [exists]
√ speed test [exists]
√ custom loss reason test (loss_reason_wrong_egg_in_cauldron) [exists]
===> level.shlv (Black forest)
[OK] SPEED TEST (speed: 85 <= 85, lostRatio: 0 <= 0.002)
[OK] LENGTH TEST (lines: 21 <= 21, lostRatio: 0 <= 0.002)
[OK] LOSS REASON TEST loss_reason_wrong_egg_in_cauldron (frequency: 1 >= 1)
Tests executed 3 in 4m 45.44s: pass: 3, fail: 0
Errors: 0
💡 See shutils
manual for more details on the command line