Configura CET Source Copyright Notice (CETSC)
This file contains Configura CM source code and is part of the
Configura CET Development Platform (CETDEV). Configura CM is a programming language created by Configura Sverige AB. Configura, Configura CET and Configura CM are trademarks of Configura Sverige AB. Configura Sverige AB owns Configura CET, Configura CM, and CETDEV.Copyright (C) 2004 Configura Sverige AB, All rights reserved.
You can modify this source file under the terms of the Configura CET Source Licence Agreement (CETSL) as published by Configura Sverige AB.
Configura Sverige AB has exclusive rights to all changes, modifications, and corrections of this source file. Configura Sverige AB has exclusive rights to any new source file containing material from this source file. A new source file based on this source file or containing material from this source file has to include this Configura CET Source Copyright Notice in its full content. All changes, modifications, and corrections mentioned
above shall be reported to Configura Sverige AB within One Month from the date that the modification occurred.Configura CM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the CETSL for more details.You should have received a copy of the CETSL along with the CETDEV. If not, write to Configura Sverige AB, Box 306, SE-581 02 Linköping, Sweden. Tel +46 13377800, Fax +46 13377855, Email:,