- Open the
in the Arduino IDE - Adjust the values below
- IP address:
IPAddress ip(192,168,0,1);
- Fill the pins array:
int pins[] = {0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9};
- Fill the PWM pins array:
int pwm_pins[] = {3, 5};
- Loads to the Arduino board
- Format SD card with file system FAT16
- Copy all files of the
directory to the SD card - Insert the SD card on the SD slot of the Ethernet Shield
- Access the URL through the browser: http://ARDUINO_IP/index.htm
It's not obligatorily needed host the web-app files on the Arduino SD. In other
words, you can just adjust the arduinoIP
variable under main.js file, pointing
to the arduino's IP.
It is possible to use it looks like a native application, follow these steps:
On iOS
- Open the page on Safari
- Tap on share button and
Add to Home Screen
On Android
- Open the page on Chrome
- Tap on settings (3 dots button) on upper right screen
- Save to bookmarks
- Change the value on: Add to: Home Screen
- Enable debug on main.js and use console on browser
- To simulate a Arduino, just create a static file called
and set thearduinoIP
variable in main.js pointing to the host where is the status.xml file. - Web development, normally you have to modify the file, copy to SD card, inserts
on SD slot, restarts the Arduino and see the result. The easy/short way to doing
it is host the web-app on some place and set the
variable in main.js pointing to the Arduino, like (
- Reserved pins, used by Ethernet Shield, in other words, you can not use this pins:
- Arduino Uno: 4, 10, 11, 12 and 13
- Ardino Mega 2650: 4, 10, 50, 51 and 52
- File names on SD card, the file system FAT16 and the SD card library does not support 'long filenames'. It uses the 8.3 format for file names, so keep file names short and don't use any special characters, more information about 8.3 file names: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8.3_filename, follow this simples rules:
- extensions file, must have exactly 3 characters (.html is not valid, use .htm)
- file name (without extensions) can have till 8 characters
- do not split files into folders (yes it's sucks)
- in resume, use file names like this: image.jpg, test.htm (again don't use .html)
- Auto refresh, the variable 'refresh' under main.js, can not be
- Do not connect any jumper on digital pin 0 and 1 when you are loading to Arduino.
- List of files are allowed to be stored on SD card: .htm, .png, .css, .js