Umka is a statically typed embeddable scripting language. It combines the simplicity and flexibility needed for scripting with a compile-time protection against type errors.
Language grammar in this manual is specified in the EBNF notation.
A program consists of keywords, identifiers, numbers, character literals, string literals, operators, punctuation and comments.
Keywords have special meaning and cannot be used in any other role. Umka has the following keywords:
break case const continue default else for fn import
interface if in return str struct switch type var weak
Identifiers denote constants, types, variables and functions.
ident = (letter | "_") {letter | "_" | digit}.
letter = "A".."Z" | "a".."z".
digit = "0".."9".
Numbers in Umka can be integer (decimal or hexadecimal) or real.
intNumber = decNumber | hexHumber.
decNumber = digit {digit}.
hexNumber = "0" ("X | "x") hexDigit {hexDigit}.
realNumber = decNumber ["." decNumber] [("E" | "e") decNumber].
hexDigit = digit | "A".."F" | "a".."f".
A character literal is an ASCII character enclosed in single quotes. Character literals can be specified "as is" or by an escape sequence. Escape sequence prefixes have the same meaning as in C or other languages.
charLiteral = "'" (char | escSeq) "'".
char = "\x00".."\xFF".
escSeq = "\" ("0" | "a" | "b" | "e" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "v" | "x" hexNumber).
hexDigit = digit | "A".."F" | "a".."f"
A string literal is a sequence of ASCII characters enclosed in double quotes. Characters can be specified "as is" or by an escape sequence.
stringLiteral = """ {char | escSeq} """.
"A long string"
"Hello, World\n"
Umka has a set of arithmetical, bitwise, logical, relation operators, as well as a set of punctuation characters:
+ - * / % & | ~ << >>
+= -= *= /= %= &= |= ~= <<= >>=
&& || ! ++ --
== < > != <= >=
= := ( ) [ ] { }
^ ; : .
Umka uses semicolons as statement terminators. To reduce the number of semicolons, an implicit semicolon is automatically inserted immediately after a line's final token if that token is
An identifier
A number, character literal or string literal
A semicolon may be omitted before a closing )
or }
Umka supports line comments starting with //
and block comments starting with /*
and ending with */
// This is a line comment
This is
a block
Umka is a statically typed language. Each variable or constant has a type that is either explicitly specified in the variable declaration or inferred from the type of the right-hand side expression in a variable assignment or constant declaration. After a variable or constant is declared or assigned for the first time, it cannot change its type.
type = qualIdent | ptrType | arrayType | dynArrayType | strType | structType | fnType.
qualIdent = [ident "."] ident.
Any data type can have a set of functions attached to it, which are called methods. A variable of that type is called the receiver with respect to any method which is called on it. Methods are not considered a part of the type declaration.
Simple type represent single values.
Umka supports the following ordinal types:
- Signed integer types
- Unsigned integer types
- Boolean type
- Character type
The int
and uint
are the recommended 64-bit integer types. Other integer types are for compatibility with an external environment.
The two possible values of the Boolean type are true
and false
Umka supports the real32
and real
floating-point types. The real
is the recommended 64-bit real type. The real32
type is for compatibility with an external environment.
A variable that stores a memory address of another variable has a pointer type. The type of that another variable is called the base type of the pointer type. The pointer type is specified by a ^
followed by the base type specification. If the base type is unknown, it should be specified as void
Umka performs automatic memory management using reference counting. All pointers are reference-counted by default. However, in processing data structures with cyclic references (like doubly-linked lists), reference counting is unable to deallocate memory properly. In this case, one of the pointers that constitute the cycle can be declared weak
. A weak pointer is not reference-counted and its existence does not prevent the pointed-to variable from being deallocated.
Note: Using weak pointers is considered unsafe in Umka.
ptrType = ["weak"] "^" type.
weak ^Vec
An uninitialized pointer has the value null
A constant or variable that stores an entry point of a function has a function type. A function is characterized by its signature that consists of a set of parameter names, types and optional default values, and an optional set of returned value types.
fnType = "fn" signature.
signature = "(" [typedIdentList ["=" expr] {"," typedIdentList ["=" expr]}] ")"
[":" (type | "(" type {"," type} ")")].
fn (code: int)
fn (p: int, x, y: real): (bool, real)
Structured types represents sequences of values.
An array is a numbered sequence of items of a single type. The number of items is called the length of the array and should be a non-negative integer constant expression.
arrayType = "[" expr "]" type.
[len1 + len2][10]Vec
Array assignment copies the contents of the array.
A dynamic array is a numbered sequence of items of a single type. Its length is not fixed at compile time and can change at run time due to appending or deleting of items.
dynArrayType = "[" "]" type.
Dynamic arrays require initialization by assignment from a static array or from a dynamic array literal, or by explicitly calling make()
Dynamic array assignment copies the pointer, but not the contents of the array.
A string is a sequence of ASCII characters. Its length is not fixed at compile time and can change at run time due to concatenation by using the +
strType = "str"
String assignment copies the contents of the string.
A structure is a sequence of named items, called fields, that possibly have different types. Each field should have a unique name.
structType = "struct" "{" {typedIdentList ";"} "}".
struct {x, y, z: int}
struct {
q: [4]real
normalized: bool
Structure assignment copies the contents of the structure.
An interface is a sequence of method names and signatures. Each method should have a unique name. It is allowed to specify either a method name and its signature, or a name of some other interface type whose methods are to be included to the new interface type.
interfaceType = "interface" "{" {(ident signature | qualIdent) ";"} "}".
interface {
print(): int
The interface does not implement these methods itself. Instead, any type that implements all the methods declared in the interface can be converted to that interface. Since different types can be converted to the same interface, interfaces provide polymorphic behavior in Umka.
If a pointer of type ^T
is converted to the interface, the interface stores that pointer. If a non-pointer variable of type T
is converted to the interface, the variable is first copied to a new memory location, and the interface stores the pointer to that location. In any case, the interface can be converted back to the type ^T
. If a conversion of the interface to some type ^S
not equivalent to ^T
is attempted, the result is null
Any type can be converted to the empty interface interface{}
Interface assignment copies the pointer, but not the contents of the variable that has been converted to the interface.
The fiber
type represents a fiber context to use in multitasking.
Two types are equivalent if
- They are the same type
- They are array types and have equal length and equivalent item types
- They are dynamic array types and have equivalent item types
- They are structure or interface types and have equal number of fields, equal field names and equivalent field types
- They are function types, which are both either methods or non-methods, and have equal number of parameters, equal parameter names, equivalent parameter types, equal parameter default values (excluding the receiver parameter) and equivalent result type.
Two types are compatible if
- They are equivalent
- They are integer types
- They are real types
- They are pointers and one of them either has the
base type, or isnull
If the type S
is given where some other type T
is expected, the type S
is implicitly converted to T
are compatible -
is an integer type andT
is a real type -
is an array type andT
is a dynamic array type and the item types ofS
are equivalent. -
is a pointer to a dynamic array andT
is a pointer to an array and the item types ofS
are equivalent -
is an interface type andT
is a type that implements all the methods ofS
is a pointer type andT
is an interface type
A type S
can be explicitly converted to a type T
can be implicitly converted toT
are ordinal typesS
are pointer typesS
Note: Using explicit conversions between pointer types is considered unsafe in Umka.
All types, constants, variables and functions should be declared before the first use. The only exception is that a pointer base type T
may be declared after using the pointer type ^T
but before the end of the same type
declaration list. No identifier may be declared twice in the same block.
decls = decl {";" decl}.
decl = typeDecl | constDecl | varDecl | fnDecl.
- Universe scope. All built-in identifiers implicitly belong to the universe scope. They are valid throughout the program.
- Module scope. Identifiers declared outside any function body belong to the module scope. They are valid from the point of declaration to the end of the module. If the declared identifiers are marked as exported and the module in which they are declared is imported from some other module, the identifiers are also valid in that other module, if qualified with the module name. Non-constant expressions are not allowed in declarations belonging to the module scope.
- Block scope. Identifiers declared within a function body belong to the block scope. They are valid from the point of declaration to the end of the block, including all the nested non-function blocks. A declaration can be shadowed by a declaration of the same name in a nested block.
Declaration export syntax:
exportMark = ["*"].
typeDecl = "type" (typeDeclItem | "(" {typeDeclItem ";"} ")").
typeDeclItem = ident exportMark "=" type.
type Vec = struct {x, y, z: int}
type (
i8 = int8
u8 = uint8
int8 int16 int32 int
uint8 uint16 uint32 uint
real32 real
constDecl = "const" (constDeclItem | "(" {constDeclItem ";"} ")").
constDeclItem = ident exportMark "=" expr.
const a = 3
const b* = 2.38
const (
c = sin(b) / 5
d = "Hello" + " World"
true false
varDecl = fullVarDecl | shortVarDecl.
Full variable declarations require explicit type specification and have an optional list of initializer expressions. If the initializer expressions are omitted, the variables are initialized with zeros.
fullVarDecl = "var" (varDeclItem | "(" {varDeclItem ";"} ")").
varDeclItem = typedIdentList ["=" exprList].
typedIdentList = identList ":" type.
identList = ident exportMark {"," ident exportMark}.
var e1, e2: int = 2, 3
var f: String = d + "!"
var (
g: Arr
h: []real
Short variable declarations are always combined with the assignment statements. They don't require explicit type specifications, since they infer the variable types from the types of the right-hand side expressions.
shortVarDecl = declAssignmentStmt.
singleDeclAssgnStmt = ident ":=" expr.
listDeclAssgnStmt = identList ":=" exprList.
declAssignmentStmt = singleDeclAssgnStmt | listDeclAssgnStmt.
a := 5
s, val := "Hello", sin(0.1 * a)
A function or method declaration can be either a complete definition that includes the function block, or a prototype declaration if the function block is omitted. A prototype should be resolved somewhere below by duplicating the declaration, now with the function block. If a prototype is not resolved, it is considered an external C/C++ function. If such a function has not been registered via the Umka API, an error is triggered.
Function and method declarations are only allowed in the module scope. In the block scope, functions should be declared as constants or variables of a function type. Methods cannot be declared in the block scope.
Method receiver type should be a pointer to any declared type.
fnDecl = "fn" [rcvSignature] ident exportMark signature (fnBlock | fnPrototype).
rcvSignature = "(" ident ":" type ")".
fnBlock = block.
fnPrototype = .
fn tan(x: real): real {return sin(x) / cos(x)}
fn getValue(): (int, bool) {
return 42, true
fn (a: ^Arr) print(): int {
printf("Arr: %s\n", repr(a^))
return 0
Built-in functions don't necessarily adhere to the general rules for functions.
fn printf(format: str, a1: T1, a2: T2...): int
fn fprintf(f: ^std.File, format: str, a1: T1, a2: T2...): int
fn sprintf(buf, format: str, a1: T1, a2: T2...): int
Write a1
, a2
... to the console, or to the file f
, or to the string buf
, according to the format
string. T1
, T2
... should be ordinal, or real, or string types. Additional run-time type checking is performed to match the format
string. Return the number of bytes written.
fn scanf(format: str, a1: ^T1, a2: ^T2...): int
fn fscanf(f: ^std.File, format: str, a1: ^T1, a2: ^T2...): int
fn sscanf(buf, format: str, a1: ^T1, a2: ^T2...): int
Read a1
, a2
... from the console, or from the file f
, or from the string buf
, according to the format
string. T1
, T2
... should be ordinal, or real, or string types. Additional run-time type checking is performed to match the format
string. Return the number of values read.
fn round(x: real): int // Rounding to the nearest integer
fn trunc(x: real): int // Rounding towards zero
fn fabs (x: real): real // Absolute value
fn sqrt (x: real): real // Square root
fn sin (x: real): real // Sine
fn cos (x: real): real // Cosine
fn atan (x: real): real // Arctangent
fn atan2(y, x: real): real // Arctangent of y / x
fn exp (x: real): real // Exponent
fn log (x: real): real // Natural logarithm
fn new(T): ^T
Allocates memory for a variable of type T
, initializes it with zeros and returns a pointer to it.
fn make([]T, length: int): []T
Constructs a dynamic array of length
items of type T
fn append(a: []T, x: (^T | []T)): []T
Constructs a copy of the dynamic array a
and appends x
to it. The x
can be either a new item of the same type as the item type T
of a
, or another dynamic array of the same item type T
fn delete(a: []T, index: int): []T
Constructs a copy of the dynamic array a
and deletes the item at position index
from it.
fn len(a: ([...]T | []T | str)): int
Returns the length of a
, where a
can be an array, a dynamic array or a string.
fn sizeof(a: T): int
Returns the size of a
in bytes.
fn sizeofself(a: interface{...}): int
Returns the size in bytes of the variable that has been converted to the interface a
fn selfhasptr(a: interface{...}): bool
Checks whether the type of the variable that has been converted to the interfacea
is a pointer, string, dynamic array, interfaces or fibers, or has one of these types as its item type or field type.
type FiberFunc = fn(parent: ^fiber, anyParam: ^T)
fn fiberspawn(childFunc: FiberFunc, anyParam: ^T): ^fiber
Creates a new fiber and assigns childFunc
as the fiber function. anyParam
is a pointer to any data buffer that will be passed to childFunc
fn fibercall(child: ^fiber)
Resumes the execution of the child
fn fiberalive(child: ^fiber)
Checks whether the child
fiber function has not yet returned.
fn repr(a: T): str
Returns the string representation of a
fn error(msg: str)
Triggers a run-time error with the message msg
A primary expression is either an identifier optionally qualified with a module name, or a built-in function call.
primary = qualIdent | builtinCall.
qualIdent = [ident "."] ident.
builtinCall = qualIdent "(" [expr {"," expr}] ")".
atan2(y0, x0)
printf("a = %f\n", a)
A type cast explicitly converts the type of an expression to another type. It consists of the target type followed by the expression in parentheses.
typeCast = type "(" expr ")".
A composite literal constructs a value for an array, dynamic array, structure or function and creates a new value each time it is evaluated. It consists of the type followed by the brace-bound list of item values (for arrays or dynamic arrays), list of field values with optional field names (for structures) or the function body (for functions).
The number of array item values or structure field values and the names of structure fields should match the literal type. The types of array item values, dynamic array item values or structure field values should be compatible to those of the literal type.
compositeLiteral = arrayLiteral | dynArrayLiteral | structLiteral | fnLiteral.
arrayLiteral = "{" [expr {"," expr}] "}".
dynArrayLiteral = arrayLiteral.
structLiteral = "{" [[ident ":"] expr {"," [ident ":"] expr}] "}".
fnLiteral = fnBlock.
[3]real{2.3, -4.1 / 2, b}
[]interface{}{7.2, "Hello", [2]int{3, 5}}
Vec{x: 2, y: 8}
fn (x: int) {return 2 * x}
A number of postfix selectors can be applied to a primary expression, a type cast or a composite literal to get a designator.
designator = (primary | typeCast | compositeLiteral) selectors.
selectors = {derefSelector | indexSelector | fieldSelector | callSelector}.
The dereferencing selector ^
accesses the value pointed to by a pointer. It can be applied to a pointer with a non-void
base type.
derefSelector = "^".
The index selector [...]
accesses an array item. It can be applied to an array, a dynamic array, a string or a pointer to one of these types. The index should be an integer expression. Item indexing starts from 0. If the index is out of bounds, an error is triggered.
indexSelector = "[" expr "]".
longVector[2 * i + 3 * j]
The field or method selector .
accesses a field or method. For accessing a field, it can be applied to a structure that has this field or to a pointer to such a structure. For accessing a method, it can be applied to any declared type T
or ^T
such that ^T
is compatible with the type that implements this method. If neither field nor method with the specified name is found, an error is triggered.
fieldSelector = "." ident.
The call selector (...)
calls a function and accesses its returned value. It can be applied to a value of a function type, including methods. All actual parameters are passed by value. If the number and the types of the actual parameters are not compatible with the function signature, an error is triggered.
callSelector = actualParams.
actualParams = "(" [expr {"," expr}] ")".
f(x + 1, y + 1)
Operators combine expressions into other expressions.
expr = logicalTerm {"||" logicalTerm}.
logicalTerm = relation {"&&" relation}.
relation = relationTerm [("==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=") relationTerm].
relationTerm = term {("+" | "-" | "|" | "~") term}.
term = factor {("*" | "/" | "%" | "<<" | ">>" | "&") factor}.
factor = designator | intNumber | realNumber | charLiteral | stringLiteral |
("+" | "-" | "!" | "~") factor | "&" designator | "(" expr ")".
2 + 2
-f(x) * (a[0] + a[1])
"Hello, " + person.name + '\n'
p != null && p[i] > 0
&Vec{2, 5}
+ Unary plus Integers, reals
- Unary minus Integers, reals
~ Bitwise "not" Integers
! Logical "not" Booleans
& Address Addressable designators
+ Sum Integers, reals, strings
- Difference Integers, reals
* Product Integers, reals
/ Quotient Integers, reals
% Remainder Integers
& Bitwise "and" Integers
| Bitwise "or" Integers
~ Bitwise "xor" Integers
<< Left shift Integers
>> Right shift Integers
&& Logical "and" Booleans
|| Logical "or" Booleans
== "Equal" Ordinals, reals, pointers, strings
!= "Not equal" Ordinals, reals, pointers, strings
> "Greater" Ordinals, reals, strings
< "Less" Ordinals, reals, strings
>= "Greater or equal" Ordinals, reals, strings
<= "Less or equal" Ordinals, reals, strings
The /
operator performs an integer division (with the remainder discarded) if both operands are of integer types, otherwise it performs a real division.
The &&
and ||
operators don't evaluate the second operand if the first operand is sufficient to evaluate the result.
* / % << >> & Highest
+ - | ~
== != < <= > >=
|| Lowest
Statements perform some actions but don't evaluate to any value.
stmt = decl | block | simpleStmt |
ifStmt | switchStmt | forStmt | breakStmt | continueStmt | returnStmt.
simpleStmt = assignmentStmt | shortAssignmentStmt | incDecStmt | callStmt.
A declaration in a block scope is also considered a statement.
A block is a statement list enclosed in braces. A block scope is associated with any block.
block = "{" StmtList "}".
stmtList = stmt {";" stmt}.
An assignment evaluates the right-hand expression (or expression list) and assigns it to the left-hand side addressable designator (or designator list).
assignmentStmt = singleAssgnStmt | listAssgnStmt.
singleAssgnStmt = designator "=" expr.
listAssgnStmt = designatorList "=" exprList.
designatorList = designator {"," designator}.
exprList = expr {"," expr}.
b = 2
person.msg = "Hello, " + person.name + '\n'
x[i], x[i + 1] = x[i + 1], x[i]
A short assignment combines one of the operators +
, -
, *
, /
, %
, &
, |
, ~
with assignment according to the following rule: a op= b
is equivalent to a = a op b
shortAssignmentStmt = designator
("+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "&=" | "|=" | "~=") expr.
b += 2
mask[i] <<= 3
Increments or decrements an addressable integer designator by 1.
incDecStmt = designator ("++" | "--").
Calls a function or method. If the returned value type is non-void
, the value is discarded.
callStmt = designator.
setValue(2, 4)
Executes a block if a given Boolean expression evaluates to true
. Optionally, executes another block if the expression evaluates to false
. An optional short variable declaration may precede the Boolean expression. Its scope encloses the Boolean expression and the two blocks.
ifStmt = "if" [shortVarDecl ";"] expr block ["else" (ifStmt | block)].
if a > max {max = a}
if x, ok := getValue(); ok {
printf("Got " + repr(x) + "\n")
} else {
Executes one of several statement lists depending on the value of the given ordinal expression. If the expression is equal to any of the constant expressions attached by a case
label to a statement list, this statement list is executed and the control is transferred past the end of the switch
statement. If no statement list is selected, the optional default
statement list is executed. An optional short variable declaration may precede the ordinal expression. Its scope encloses the expression and all the statement lists.
switchStmt = "switch" [shortVarDecl ";"] expr "{" {case} [default] "}".
case = "case" expr {"," expr} ":" stmtList.
default = "default" ":" stmtList.
switch a {
case 1, 3, 5, 7: printf(repr(a) + " is odd\n")
case 2, 4, 6, 8: printf(repr(a) + " is even\n")
default: printf("I don't know")
Executes a block repeatedly.
forStmt = "for" (forHeader | forInHeader) block.
Executes a block while a given Boolean expression evaluates to true
. The expression is re-evaluated before each iteration. An optional simple statement may follow the Boolean expression. If present, it is executed after executing the block and before re-evaluating the Boolean expression. An optional short variable declaration may precede the Boolean expression. Its scope encloses the Boolean expression, the simple statement and the block.
forHeader = [shortVarDecl ";"] expr [";" simpleStmt].
for true {
printf("Infinite loop\n")
for a > 1 {
for k := 1; k <= 128; k *= 2 {
printf(repr(k) + '\n')
Iterates through all items of an array, a dynamic array or a string. Before each iteration, the index and the value of the next item are evaluated and assigned to the corresponding variables declared via an implicit short variable declaration in the statement header. The index variable may be omitted.
forInHeader = [ident ","] ident "in" expr.
for x in a {
sum += x
for index, item in data {
if item > maxItem {
maxItem = item
maxIndex = index
Terminates the execution of the innermost enclosing for
statement and transfers the control past the end of the for
breakStmt = "break".
for x in a {
if fabs(x) > 1e12 {break}
sum += x
Terminates the execution of the current iteration of the innermost enclosing for
statement and transfers the control to the point immediately before the end of the for
statement block.
continueStmt = "continue".
for x in a {
if x < 0 {continue}
sum += x
Terminates the execution of the innermost enclosing function and transfers the control to the calling function. For functions with non-void
return value types, the return
keyword should be followed by an expression or expression list whose types are compatible with the return value types declared in the function signature.
For functions with non-void
return value types, the function block should have at least one return
returnStmt = "return" [exprList].
fn doNothing() {
fn sqr(x: real): real {
return x * x
fn p(a: int): (int, bool) {
return 2 * a, true
An Umka program consists of one or more source files, or modules. The main module should have the main()
function with no parameters and no return values, which is the entry point of the program.
Modules can be imported from other modules. In this case, all the identifiers declared as exported in the module scope of the imported module become valid in the importing module, if qualified with the imported module name.
program = module.
module = [import ";"] decls.
import = "import" (importItem | "(" {importItem ";"} ")").
importItem = stringLiteral.
import "../import/std.um"
fn main() {
std.println("Hello, World!")
The standard library is contained in the std.um
type File* = ^struct {}
File handle.
const (
seekBegin* = 0
seekCur* = 1
seekEnd* = 2
Codes defining the offset origins in fseek()
: the beginning of file, the current position, the end of file.
fn fopen*(name: str, mode: str): File
Opens the file specified by the name
in the given mode
(identical to C): "r"
to read from a text file, "rb"
to read from a binary file, "w"
to write to a text file, "wb"
to write to a binary file, etc. Returns the file handle.
fn fclose*(f: File): int
Closes the file f
. Returns 0 if successful.
fn fread*(f: File, buf: interface{}): int
Reads the buf
variable from the file f
. buf
can be of any type that doesn't contain pointers, strings, dynamic arrays, interfaces or fibers. Returns 1 if successful.
fn fwrite*(f: File, buf: interface{}): int
Writes the buf
variable to the file f
. buf
can be of any type that doesn't contain pointers, strings, dynamic arrays, interfaces or fibers. Returns 1 if successful.
fn fseek*(f: File, offset, origin: int): int
Sets the file pointer in the file f
to the given offset
from the origin
, which is either seekBegin
, or seekCur
, or seekEnd
. Returns 0 if successful.
fn remove*(name: str): int
Removes the file specified by the name
. Returns 0 if successful.
fn println*(s: str): int
fn fprintln*(f: File, s: str): int
Write the string s
followed by a newline character to the console or to the file f
. Return the number of bytes written.
fn getchar*(): char
Returns a character read from the console.
fn atoi*(s: str): int // String to integer
fn atof*(s: str): real // String to real
fn itoa*(x: int): str // Integer to string
fn ftoa*(x: real, decimals: int): str // Real to string with `decimals` decimal places
const pi* = 3.14159265358979323846
const randMax* = 0x7FFFFFFF
fn srand*(seed: int)
Initializes the pseudo-random number generator with seed
fn rand*(): int
Returns an integer pseudo-random number between 0 and randMax
fn frand*(): real
Returns a real pseudo-random number between 0 and 1 inclusive.
fn time*(): int
Returns the number of seconds since 00:00, January 1, 1970 UTC.
fn argc*(): int
Returns the number of command line parameters.
fn argv*(i: int): str
Returns the i
-th command line parameter, where i
should be between 0 and argc() - 1
The Umka interpreter is a shared library that provides the API for embedding into a C/C++ host application.
typedef union
int64_t intVal;
uint64_t uintVal;
int64_t ptrVal;
double realVal;
} UmkaStackSlot;
Umka fiber stack slot.
typedef void (*UmkaExternFunc)(UmkaStackSlot *params, UmkaStackSlot *result);
Umka external function pointer.
typedef struct
char fileName[UMKA_MSG_LEN];
int line, pos;
char msg[UMKA_MSG_LEN];
} UmkaError;
Umka error description structure.
void *umkaAlloc(void);
Allocates memory for the interpreter and returns the interpreter instance handle.
bool umkaInit(void *umka, const char *fileName, int storageSize, int stackSize,
int argc, char **argv);
Initializes the interpreter instance. Here, umka
is the interpreter instance handle, fileName
is the Umka source file name, storageSize
is the size, in bytes, of the static storage used for storing string literals and constant composite literals, stackSize
is the fiber stack size, in slots, argc
and argv
represent the standard C/C++ command-line parameter data. Returns true
if the source file has been successfully loaded.
bool umkaCompile(void *umka);
Compiles the Umka program into bytecode. Here, umka
is the interpreter instance handle. Returns true
if the compilation is successful and no compile-time errors are detected.
bool umkaRun(void *umka);
Runs the Umka program previously compiled to bytecode, i. e., calls its main()
function. Here, umka
is the interpreter instance handle. Returns true
if the program execution finishes successfully and no run-time errors are detected.
bool umkaCall(void *umka, int entryOffset,
int numParamSlots, UmkaStackSlot *params, UmkaStackSlot *result);
Calls the specific Umka function. Here, umka
is the interpreter instance handle, entryPoint
is the function entry point offset previously obtained by calling umkaGetFunc()
, numParamSlots
is the number of Umka fiber stack slots occupied by the actual parameters passed to the function (equal to the number of parameters if no structured parameters are passed by value), params
is the array of stack slots occupied by the actual parameters, result
is the pointer to the stack slot to be occupied by the returned value. Returns true
if the Umka function returns successfully and no run-time errors are detected.
void umkaFree(void *umka);
Deallocates memory allocated for the interpreter. Here, umka
is the interpreter instance handle.
void umkaGetError(void *umka, UmkaError *err);
Gets the last compile-time or run-time error. Here, umka
is the interpreter instance handle, err
is the pointer to the error description structure to be filled.
void umkaAsm(void *umka, char *buf);
Generates the Umka assembly listing for the Umka program previously compiled to bytecode. Here, umka
is the interpreter instance handle, buf
is the pointer to the string buffer to be filled.
void umkaAddFunc(void *umka, const char *name, UmkaExternFunc entry);
Adds a C/C++ function to the list of external functions that can be called from Umka. Here, umka
is the interpreter instance handle, name
is the function name, entry
is the function pointer.
int umkaGetFunc(void *umka, const char *moduleName, const char *funcName);
Gets an Umka function that can be called from C/C++ using umkaCall()
. Here, umka
is the interpreter instance handle, moduleName
is the Umka module name, funcName
is the Umka function name. Returns the function entry point offset.
program = module.
module = [import ";"] decls.
import = "import" (importItem | "(" {importItem ";"} ")").
importItem = stringLiteral.
decls = decl {";" decl}.
decl = typeDecl | constDecl | varDecl | fnDecl.
typeDecl = "type" (typeDeclItem | "(" {typeDeclItem ";"} ")").
typeDeclItem = ident exportMark "=" type.
constDecl = "const" (constDeclItem | "(" {constDeclItem ";"} ")").
constDeclItem = ident exportMark "=" expr.
varDecl = fullVarDecl | shortVarDecl.
fullVarDecl = "var" (varDeclItem | "(" {varDeclItem ";"} ")").
varDeclItem = typedIdentList "=" exprList.
shortVarDecl = declAssignmentStmt.
fnDecl = "fn" [rcvSignature] ident exportMark signature [block].
rcvSignature = "(" ident ":" type ")".
signature = "(" [typedIdentList ["=" expr] {"," typedIdentList ["=" expr]}] ")"
[":" (type | "(" type {"," type} ")")].
exportMark = ["*"].
identList = ident exportMark {"," ident exportMark}.
typedIdentList = identList ":" type.
type = qualIdent | ptrType | arrayType | dynArrayType | strType |
structType | fnType.
ptrType = ["weak"] "^" type.
arrayType = "[" expr "]" type.
dynArrayType = "[" "]" type.
strType = "str".
structType = "struct" "{" {typedIdentList ";"} "}".
interfaceType = "interface" "{" {(ident signature | qualIdent) ";"} "}".
fnType = "fn" signature.
block = "{" StmtList "}".
fnBlock = block.
fnPrototype = .
stmtList = Stmt {";" Stmt}.
stmt = decl | block | simpleStmt | ifStmt | switchStmt | forStmt |
breakStmt | continueStmt | returnStmt.
simpleStmt = assignmentStmt | shortAssignmentStmt | incDecStmt | callStmt.
singleAssgnStmt = designator "=" expr.
listAssgnStmt = designatorList "=" exprList.
assignmentStmt = singleAssgnStmt | listAssgnStmt.
shortAssignmentStmt = designator
("+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "&=" | "|=" | "~=") expr.
singleDeclAssgnStmt = ident ":=" expr.
listDeclAssgnStmt = identList ":=" exprList.
declAssignmentStmt = singleDeclAssgnStmt | listDeclAssgnStmt.
incDecStmt = designator ("++" | "--").
callStmt = designator.
ifStmt = "if" [shortVarDecl ";"] expr block ["else" (ifStmt | block)].
switchStmt = "switch" [shortVarDecl ";"] expr "{" {case} [default] "}".
case = "case" expr {"," expr} ":" stmtList.
default = "default" ":" stmtList.
forStmt = "for" (forHeader | forInHeader) block.
forHeader = [shortVarDecl ";"] expr [";" simpleStmt].
forInHeader = [ident ","] ident "in" expr.
breakStmt = "break".
continueStmt = "continue".
returnStmt = "return" [exprList].
exprList = expr {"," expr}.
expr = logicalTerm {"||" logicalTerm}.
logicalTerm = relation {"&&" relation}.
relation = relationTerm
[("==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=") relationTerm].
relationTerm = term {("+" | "-" | "|" | "~") term}.
term = factor {("*" | "/" | "%" | "<<" | ">>" | "&") factor}.
factor = designator | intNumber | realNumber | charLiteral | stringLiteral |
("+" | "-" | "!" | "~") factor | "&" designator | "(" expr ")".
designatorList = designator {"," designator}.
designator = (primary | typeCast | compositeLiteral) selectors.
primary = qualIdent | builtinCall.
qualIdent = [ident "."] ident.
builtinCall = qualIdent "(" [expr {"," expr}] ")".
selectors = {derefSelector | indexSelector | fieldSelector | callSelector}.
derefSelector = "^".
indexSelector = "[" expr "]".
fieldSelector = "." ident.
callSelector = actualParams.
actualParams = "(" [expr {"," expr}] ")".
compositeLiteral = arrayLiteral | dynArrayLiteral | structLiteral | fnLiteral.
arrayLiteral = "{" [expr {"," expr}] "}".
dynArrayLiteral = arrayLiteral.
structLiteral = "{" [[ident ":"] expr {"," [ident ":"] expr}] "}".
fnLiteral = fnBlock.
typeCast = type "(" expr ")".
ident = (letter | "_") {letter | "_" | digit}.
intNumber = decNumber | hexHumber.
decNumber = digit {digit}.
hexNumber = "0" ("X | "x") hexDigit {hexDigit}.
realNumber = decNumber ["." decNumber] [("E" | "e") decNumber].
charLiteral = "'" (char | escSeq) "'".
stringLiteral = """ {char | escSeq} """.
escSeq = "\" ("0" | "a" | "b" | "e" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t" | "v" |
"x" hexNumber).
letter = "A".."Z" | "a".."z".
digit = "0".."9".
hexDigit = digit | "A".."F" | "a".."f".
char = "\x00".."\xFF".