"Inspect and Adapt"
GOOGLE FORM: https://forms.gle/viQRvhh2QiASAcZN9
What is the goal of this meeting?
Lets take a few minutes to reflect individually on what happened during this sprint, particularly as it pertains to the whole group. On sticky notes, each team member should write down things that went well (+), didn't go well (-). Then we will go around the group and share.
Have a discussion among the team for each item and why it went well or didn't.
Come up with a list of things your team can
- START doing
- STOP doing
- CONTINUE doing
Make commitments as a team, select ONE or TWO things that you all agree to start, stop and continue doing during the next sprint. They should be concrete things that you can do to improve the process during hte next sprint..
On a sticky note write one or two thing you appreciate that someone else did
I appreciate ________________ for ____________________.
Go around the team and share your appreciations.