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File metadata and controls

66 lines (52 loc) · 3.76 KB


Preprocessing steps

All preprocessing steps implement the (informal) interface Each preprocessing step thus implements these two methods:

  • set_paths(input, output): Set paths for input and output files of step (inherited)
  • run(): Process file at input path and write to file at output path

Classes used for data cleaning:

  • RemoveDuplicate: Remove duplicate Tweets.
  • CleanSpaces: Enforce space between sentence and punctuation. E.g. "Is it sunny?"" → "Is it sunny ?". Make sure emoticons don't contain spaces inbetween characters. E.g. : ' - ) → :'-)


  • TagRemove: Remove and tags
  • RemoveId: Remove the IDs preceeding test set samples. E.g. "1,first test sample" → "first test sample"

Classes used for preprocessing:

  • SpellingCorrectionMMST: Multi-threaded execution of MMST spelling correction.
  • SpellingCorrectionEnchant: pyenchant spelling corrector
  • Contract: Contract words with appostrophe. E.g. can't &arrowright; can not
  • EmoticonReplace: Replace emoticons with their meaning. E.g. :) → "happy"
  • SlangReplace: Replace slang and abbreviations with their standard forms. E.g. L8 → late
  • HashtagSplit (ww): Split hashtags into words. E.g. #pronetocry → "prone to cry"
  • Normalize: Normalize words. E.g. "loooveee" → "love"

The dependencies of all above steps can be installed with requirements_prod.txt.

For completeness, we also include alternative implementations and further steps, that we have tried out.

Deprecated classes:

  • HashtagSplitRecursive: Naïve, recursive implementation of Hashtag split. Very slow.
  • SpellingCorrectionTextBlob: Spelling corrector of popular TextBlob library. Very slow.
  • SpellingCorrectionSpellChecker: Spelling corrector of SpellChecker library. Very slow

Text normalization:

  • StopwordsRemove: Remove stop words
  • WordnetLemma: Wordnet lemmatizer
  • PorterStem: Porter stemmer
  • LancesterStem: Lancester stemmer

The dependencies of all preprocessing steps can be installed with requirements_dev.txt.

Preprocessing pipelines

A pipeline apply all preprocessing steps by calling process(input_paths, output_paths). input_paths is a list of the files the pipeline should process and output_paths is a list containing the output paths of each processed file respectively.

We used three pipelines:

  • PipelineClean: Cleans the raw data.
    1. RemoveDuplicate
    2. CleanSpaces
  • PipellineEnhance: Combines all performance-enhancing preprocessing steps (excluding spelling correction) on the cleaned data.
    1. HashtagSplit
    2. Normalize
    3. Contract
  • PipelineMMST: Applies PipelineEnhance and MMST correction to cleaned data.
    1. HashtagSplit
    2. Normalize
    3. Contract
    4. SpellingCorrectionMMST

We include the outputs of all three pipelines in the data folder.

Helper classes

Additionally, we have the following helper classes:

  • Dict: Scrapes emoticon and slang dict if needed and not locally available. is_word(word, eng=True, slang=True, emoticon=True) checks if word is a word in the dictionaries set to True. Defining emoticons or slang as correct words, for example allows us to do normalizations like :)))) → :) or Llll8 → L8 (Late).
  • MMST: Performs MMST spelling correction given a sentence.
  • GloVETools: Creates Glove embeddings given a list of words. Also contains functions like plotTSNE() and plotTweet() that perform TSNE on the embeddings and plot them.