diff --git a/interactions.tsv b/interactions.tsv index f02bb96..0f0d23f 100644 --- a/interactions.tsv +++ b/interactions.tsv @@ -1,12 +1 @@ -sourceTaxonId sourceTaxonName interactionTypeId interactionTypeName targetTaxonId targetTaxonName localityId localityName decimalLatitude decimalLongitude observationDateTime referenceDoi referenceCitation - Leptoconchus incycloseris RO:0002444 parasite of Fungia (Cycloseris) costulata doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 - Leptoconchus infungites RO:0002444 parasite of Fungia (Fungia) fungites doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 - Leptoconchus ingrandifungi RO:0002444 parasite of Sandalolitha dentata doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 - Leptoconchus ingranulosa RO:0002444 parasite of Fungia (Wellsofungia) granulosa doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 - Leptoconchus inlimax RO:0002444 parasite of Herpolitha limax doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 - Leptoconchus inpileus RO:0002444 parasite of Halomitra pileus doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 - Leptoconchus inpleuractis RO:0002444 parasite of Fungia (Pleuractis) gravis doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 - Leptoconchus inpleuractis RO:0002444 parasite of Fungia (Pleuractis) moluccensis doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 - Leptoconchus inpleuractis RO:0002444 parasite of Fungia (Pleuractis) paumotensis doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 - Leptoconchus massini RO:0002444 parasite of Fungia (Verrillofungia) concinna doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 - Leptoconchus massini RO:0002444 parasite of Fungia (Verrillofungia) repanda doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 Gittenberger, A., Gittenberger, E. (2011). Cryptic, adaptive radiation of endoparasitic snails: sibling species of Leptoconchus (Gastropoda: Coralliophilidae) in corals. Org Divers Evol, 11(1), 21–41. doi:10.1007/s13127-011-0039-1 +sourceTaxonId sourceTaxonName interactionTypeId interactionTypeName targetTaxonId targetTaxonName localityId localityName decimalLatitude decimalLongitude observationDateTime referenceDoi referenceCitation Lepilemur dorsalis RO:0002470 eats Dypsis madagascariensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Hapalemur occidentalis RO:0002471 eats Dypsis madagascariensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Eulemur macaco RO:0002472 eats Dypsis madagascariensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Eulemur macaco RO:0002473 eats Dypsis madagascariensis "Birkinshaw, C. . 2001. Fruit charateristics of species dispersed by black lemur (Eulemur macaco) in the Lokobe forest Madagascar. Biotropica. 478-486" Cuniculus paca RO:0002474 eats Attalea rostrata "Beck-King, H.; von Helversen, O.; Beck-King, R.. 1999. Home range, population density, and food resources of Agouti paca (Rodentia : Agoutidae) in Costa Rica: A study using alternative methods. Biotropica. 675-685" Chelonoidis carbonaria RO:0002475 eats Desmoncus polycanthos "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Chelonoidis denticulata RO:0002476 eats Desmoncus polycanthos "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus granatensis RO:0002477 eats Aphandra natalia "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta fuliginosa RO:0002478 eats Aphandra natalia "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus variegatoides RO:0002479 eats Cocos nucifera "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Ara ararauna RO:0002480 eats Cocos nucifera "Santos, A. A.; Ragusa-Netto, J.. 2014. Plant food resources exploited by Blue-and-Yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna, Linnaeus 1758) at an urban area in Central Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 429-437" Pecari tajacu RO:0002481 eats Phytelephas macrocarpa "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0002482 eats Phytelephas macrocarpa "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0002483 eats Attalea funifera "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0002484 eats Attalea funifera "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Papio anubis RO:0002485 eats Borassus aethiopum "Barot, S.; Gignoux, J.; Menaut, J. C.. 1999. Seed shadows, survival and recruitment: how simple mechanisms lead to dynamics of population recruitment curves. Oikos. 320-330" Papio papio RO:0002486 eats Borassus aethiopum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pan troglodytes RO:0002487 eats Borassus aethiopum "Carvalho, Joana S.; Vicente, Luis; Marques, Tiago A.. 2015. Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) Diet Composition and Food Availability in a Human-Modified Landscape at Lagoas de Cufada Natural Park, Guinea-Bissau. International Journal of Primatology. 802-822" Pan troglodytes RO:0002488 eats Borassus aethiopum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Loxodonta africana RO:0002489 eats Borassus aethiopum "Barot, S.; Gignoux, J.; Menaut, J. C.. 1999. Seed shadows, survival and recruitment: how simple mechanisms lead to dynamics of population recruitment curves. Oikos. 320-330" Loxodonta africana RO:0002490 eats Borassus aethiopum "Bunney, K.. 2014. Seed Dispersal in South African Trees. MSc. Thesis, Cape Town University. " Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0002491 eats Attalea speciosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta azarae RO:0002492 eats Attalea speciosa "Cid, Bruno; Oliveira-Santos, Luiz Gustavo R.; Mourao, Guilherme. 2013. Seasonal Habitat Use of Agoutis (Dasyprocta azarae) is Driven by the Palm Attalea phalerata in Brazilian Pantanal. Biotropica. 380-385" Coendou prehensilis RO:0002493 eats Attalea speciosa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Pecari tajacu RO:0002494 eats Attalea speciosa "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Monodelphis americana RO:0002495 eats Attalea oleifera "Pimentel, D. S.; Tabarelli, M.. 2004. Seed dispersal of the palm Attalea oleifera in a remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biotropica. 74-84" Hylaeamys megacephalus RO:0002496 eats Attalea oleifera "Pimentel, D. S.; Tabarelli, M.. 2004. Seed dispersal of the palm Attalea oleifera in a remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biotropica. 74-84" Hylaeamys oniscus RO:0002497 eats Attalea oleifera "Pinto, S. R. R.; Santos, A. M. M.; Tabarelli, M.. 2009. Seed predation by rodents and safe sites for large-seeded trees in a fragment of the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 763-771" Sciurus aestuans RO:0002498 eats Attalea oleifera "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus aestuans RO:0002499 eats Attalea oleifera "Pimentel, D. S.; Tabarelli, M.. 2004. Seed dispersal of the palm Attalea oleifera in a remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biotropica. 74-84" Didelphis albiventris RO:0002500 eats Attalea oleifera "Pimentel, D. S.; Tabarelli, M.. 2004. Seed dispersal of the palm Attalea oleifera in a remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biotropica. 74-84" Dasyprocta prymnolopha RO:0002501 eats Attalea oleifera "Pimentel, D. S.; Tabarelli, M.. 2004. Seed dispersal of the palm Attalea oleifera in a remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biotropica. 74-84" Nasua nasua RO:0002502 eats Attalea oleifera "Pimentel, D. S.; Tabarelli, M.. 2004. Seed dispersal of the palm Attalea oleifera in a remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biotropica. 74-84" Coendou prehensilis RO:0002503 eats Attalea oleifera "Pimentel, D. S.; Tabarelli, M.. 2004. Seed dispersal of the palm Attalea oleifera in a remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biotropica. 74-84" Cuniculus paca RO:0002504 eats Attalea oleifera "Pimentel, D. S.; Tabarelli, M.. 2004. Seed dispersal of the palm Attalea oleifera in a remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Biotropica. 74-84" Brotogeris chiriri RO:0002505 eats Attalea phalerata "Ragusa-Netto, J.; Fecchio, A.. 2006. Plant food resources and the diet of a parrot community in a gallery forest of the southern Pantanal (Brazil).. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 1021-32" Myiopsitta monachus RO:0002506 eats Attalea phalerata "Ragusa-Netto, J.; Fecchio, A.. 2006. Plant food resources and the diet of a parrot community in a gallery forest of the southern Pantanal (Brazil).. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 1021-32" Nandayus nenday RO:0002507 eats Attalea phalerata "Ragusa-Netto, J.; Fecchio, A.. 2006. Plant food resources and the diet of a parrot community in a gallery forest of the southern Pantanal (Brazil).. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 1021-32" Pionus maximiliani RO:0002508 eats Attalea phalerata "Ragusa-Netto, J.; Fecchio, A.. 2006. Plant food resources and the diet of a parrot community in a gallery forest of the southern Pantanal (Brazil).. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 1021-32" Sciurus spadiceus RO:0002509 eats Attalea phalerata "Choo, J.; Juenger, T. E.; Simpson, B. B.. 2012. Consequences of frugivore-mediated seed dispersal for the spatial and genetic structures of a neotropical palm. Molecular Ecology. 1019-1031" Amazona aestiva RO:0002510 eats Attalea phalerata "Ragusa-Netto, J.; Fecchio, A.. 2006. Plant food resources and the diet of a parrot community in a gallery forest of the southern Pantanal (Brazil).. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 1021-32" Myoprocta pratti RO:0002511 eats Attalea phalerata "Choo, J.; Juenger, T. E.; Simpson, B. B.. 2012. Consequences of frugivore-mediated seed dispersal for the spatial and genetic structures of a neotropical palm. Molecular Ecology. 1019-1031" Saimiri boliviensis RO:0002512 eats Attalea phalerata "Quiroga-Castro, V. D.; Roldan, A. I.. 2001. The fate of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) seeds dispersed to a tapir latrine. Biotropica. 472-477" Ara glaucogularis RO:0002513 eats Attalea phalerata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Caracara plancus RO:0002514 eats Attalea phalerata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Caracara plancus RO:0002515 eats Attalea phalerata "Montufar, Rommel; Anthelme, Fabien; Pintaud, Jean-Christophe; Balslev, Henrik. 2011. Disturbance and Resilience in Tropical American Palm Populations and Communities. Botanical Review. 426-461" Caracara plancus RO:0002516 eats Attalea phalerata "Galetti, M.; Guimaraes, P.. 2004. Seed dispersal of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) by Crested caracaras (Caracara plancus) in the Pantanal and a review of frugivory by raptors . Ararajuba. 133-135" Ara chloropterus RO:0002517 eats Attalea phalerata "Ragusa-Netto, J.; Fecchio, A.. 2006. Plant food resources and the diet of a parrot community in a gallery forest of the southern Pantanal (Brazil).. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 1021-32" Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0002518 eats Attalea phalerata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0002519 eats Attalea phalerata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0002520 eats Attalea phalerata "Galetti, M.; Guimaraes, P.. 2004. Seed dispersal of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) by Crested caracaras (Caracara plancus) in the Pantanal and a review of frugivory by raptors . Ararajuba. 133-135" Dasyprocta azarae RO:0002521 eats Attalea phalerata "Cid, Bruno; Oliveira-Santos, Luiz Gustavo R.; Mourao, Guilherme. 2013. Seasonal Habitat Use of Agoutis (Dasyprocta azarae) is Driven by the Palm Attalea phalerata in Brazilian Pantanal. Biotropica. 380-385" Sapajus apella RO:0002522 eats Attalea phalerata "Quiroga-Castro, V. D.; Roldan, A. I.. 2001. The fate of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) seeds dispersed to a tapir latrine. Biotropica. 472-477" Sapajus apella RO:0002523 eats Attalea phalerata "Choo, J.; Juenger, T. E.; Simpson, B. B.. 2012. Consequences of frugivore-mediated seed dispersal for the spatial and genetic structures of a neotropical palm. Molecular Ecology. 1019-1031" Sapajus apella RO:0002524 eats Attalea phalerata "Choo, J.; Juenger, T. E.; Simpson, B. B.. 2012. Consequences of frugivore-mediated seed dispersal for the spatial and genetic structures of a neotropical palm. Molecular Ecology. 1019-1031" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002525 eats Attalea phalerata "Quiroga-Castro, V. D.; Roldan, A. I.. 2001. The fate of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) seeds dispersed to a tapir latrine. Biotropica. 472-477" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002526 eats Attalea phalerata "Choo, J.; Juenger, T. E.; Simpson, B. B.. 2012. Consequences of frugivore-mediated seed dispersal for the spatial and genetic structures of a neotropical palm. Molecular Ecology. 1019-1031" Ateles chamek RO:0002527 eats Attalea phalerata "Felton, Annika M.; Felton, Adam; Wood, Jeff T.; Lindenmayer, David B.. 2008. Diet and feeding ecology of Ateles chamek in a bolivian semihumid forest: The importance of Ficus as a staple food resource. International Journal of Primatology. 379-403" Cercocebus galeritus RO:0002528 eats Hyphaene compressa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ateles paniscus RO:0002529 eats Attalea phalerata "Quiroga-Castro, V. D.; Roldan, A. I.. 2001. The fate of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) seeds dispersed to a tapir latrine. Biotropica. 472-477" Cuniculus paca RO:0002530 eats Attalea phalerata "Quiroga-Castro, V. D.; Roldan, A. I.. 2001. The fate of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) seeds dispersed to a tapir latrine. Biotropica. 472-477" Papio cynocephalus RO:0002531 eats Hyphaene compressa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pecari tajacu RO:0002532 eats Attalea phalerata "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0002533 eats Attalea phalerata "Quiroga-Castro, V. D.; Roldan, A. I.. 2001. The fate of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) seeds dispersed to a tapir latrine. Biotropica. 472-477" Tayassu pecari RO:0002534 eats Attalea phalerata "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0002535 eats Attalea phalerata "Quiroga-Castro, V. D.; Roldan, A. I.. 2001. The fate of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) seeds dispersed to a tapir latrine. Biotropica. 472-477" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002536 eats Attalea phalerata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tapirus terrestris RO:0002537 eats Attalea phalerata "Quiroga-Castro, V. D.; Roldan, A. I.. 2001. The fate of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) seeds dispersed to a tapir latrine. Biotropica. 472-477" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002538 eats Attalea butyracea "Galvez, Dumas; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2007. Bruchid beetle infestation and the value of Attalea butyracea endocarps for neotropical rodents. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 381-384" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002539 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002540 eats Attalea butyracea "Carvajal, Alejandra; Adler, Gregory H.. 2008. Seed dispersal and predation by Proechimys semispinosus and Sciurus granatensis in gaps and understorey in central Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 485-492" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002541 eats Attalea butyracea "Dittel, Jacob W.; Lambert, Thomas D.; Adler, Gregory H.. 2015. Seed dispersal by rodents in a lowland forest in central Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 403-412" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002542 eats Attalea butyracea "Dittel, Jacob W.; Lambert, Thomas D.; Adler, Gregory H.. 2015. Seed dispersal by rodents in a lowland forest in central Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 403-412" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002543 eats Attalea butyracea "Galvez, Dumas. 2011. Digestibility of palm seeds and bruchids larvae by Neotropical rodents. Animal Biology. 21-27" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002544 eats Attalea butyracea "Visser, Marco D.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Wright, S. Joseph; Rutten, Gemma; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2011. Tri-trophic interactions affect density dependence of seed fate in a tropical forest palm. Ecology Letters. 1093-1100" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002545 eats Attalea butyracea "Jansen, Patrick A.; Visser, Marco D.; Wright, S. Joseph; Rutten, Gemma; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2014. Negative density dependence of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment in a Neotropical palm. Ecology Letters. 1111-1120" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002546 eats Attalea butyracea "Garzon-Lopez, Carol X.; Ballesteros-Mejia, Liliana; Ordonez, Alejandro; Bohlman, Stephanie A.; Olff, Han; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2015. Indirect interactions among tropical tree species through shared rodent seed predators: a novel mechanism of tree species coexistence. Ecology Letters. 752-760" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002547 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002548 eats Attalea butyracea "Carvajal, Alejandra; Adler, Gregory H.. 2008. Seed dispersal and predation by Proechimys semispinosus and Sciurus granatensis in gaps and understorey in central Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 485-492" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002549 eats Attalea butyracea "Adler, G. H.; Kestell, D. W.. 1998. Fates of neotropical tree seeds influenced by spiny rats (Proechimys semispinosus). Biotropica. 677-681" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002550 eats Attalea butyracea "Visser, Marco D.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Wright, S. Joseph; Rutten, Gemma; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2011. Tri-trophic interactions affect density dependence of seed fate in a tropical forest palm. Ecology Letters. 1093-1100" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002551 eats Attalea butyracea "Jansen, Patrick A.; Visser, Marco D.; Wright, S. Joseph; Rutten, Gemma; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2014. Negative density dependence of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment in a Neotropical palm. Ecology Letters. 1111-1120" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002552 eats Attalea butyracea "Garzon-Lopez, Carol X.; Ballesteros-Mejia, Liliana; Ordonez, Alejandro; Bohlman, Stephanie A.; Olff, Han; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2015. Indirect interactions among tropical tree species through shared rodent seed predators: a novel mechanism of tree species coexistence. Ecology Letters. 752-760" Sciurus variegatoides RO:0002553 eats Attalea butyracea "Galvez, Dumas. 2011. Digestibility of palm seeds and bruchids larvae by Neotropical rodents. Animal Biology. 21-27" Sciurus variegatoides RO:0002554 eats Attalea butyracea "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Bassaricyon gabbii RO:0002555 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002556 eats Attalea butyracea "Galvez, Dumas; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2007. Bruchid beetle infestation and the value of Attalea butyracea endocarps for neotropical rodents. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 381-384" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002557 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002558 eats Attalea butyracea "Galvez, Dumas. 2011. Digestibility of palm seeds and bruchids larvae by Neotropical rodents. Animal Biology. 21-27" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002559 eats Attalea butyracea "Visser, Marco D.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.; Wright, S. Joseph; Rutten, Gemma; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2011. Tri-trophic interactions affect density dependence of seed fate in a tropical forest palm. Ecology Letters. 1093-1100" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002560 eats Attalea butyracea "Jansen, Patrick A.; Visser, Marco D.; Wright, S. Joseph; Rutten, Gemma; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2014. Negative density dependence of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment in a Neotropical palm. Ecology Letters. 1111-1120" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002561 eats Attalea butyracea "Garzon-Lopez, Carol X.; Ballesteros-Mejia, Liliana; Ordonez, Alejandro; Bohlman, Stephanie A.; Olff, Han; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2015. Indirect interactions among tropical tree species through shared rodent seed predators: a novel mechanism of tree species coexistence. Ecology Letters. 752-760" Cebus capucinus RO:0002562 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Cebus capucinus RO:0002563 eats Attalea butyracea "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Potos flavus RO:0002564 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Potos flavus RO:0002565 eats Attalea butyracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Potos flavus RO:0002566 eats Attalea butyracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Urocyon cinereoargenteus RO:0002567 eats Attalea butyracea "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Eira barbara RO:0002568 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Nasua narica RO:0002569 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Nasua narica RO:0002570 eats Attalea butyracea "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Ateles geoffroyi RO:0002571 eats Attalea butyracea "Gonzalez-Zamora, Arturo; Arroyo-Rodriguez, Victor; Chaves, Oscar M.; Sanchez-Lopez, Sonia; Stoner, Kathryn E.; Riba-Hernandez, Pablo. 2009. Diet of Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) in Mesoamerica: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. American Journal of Primatology. Aug-20" Ateles geoffroyi RO:0002572 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Procyon cancrivorus RO:0002573 eats Attalea butyracea "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Alouatta palliata RO:0002574 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Cuniculus paca RO:0002575 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Cuniculus paca RO:0002576 eats Attalea butyracea "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Canis latrans RO:0002577 eats Attalea butyracea "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Pecari tajacu RO:0002578 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Pecari tajacu RO:0002579 eats Attalea butyracea "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0002580 eats Attalea butyracea "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Odocoileus virginianus RO:0002581 eats Attalea butyracea "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Tapirus bairdii RO:0002582 eats Attalea butyracea "Wright, S. J.; Duber, H. C.. 2001. Poachers and forest fragmentation alter seed dispersal, seed survival, and seedling recruitment in the palm Attalea butyraceae, with implications for tropical tree diversity. Biotropica. 583-595" Tapirus bairdii RO:0002583 eats Attalea butyracea "Jansen, Patrick A.; Visser, Marco D.; Wright, S. Joseph; Rutten, Gemma; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2014. Negative density dependence of seed dispersal and seedling recruitment in a Neotropical palm. Ecology Letters. 1111-1120" Proechimys longicaudatus RO:0002584 eats Astrocaryum macrocalyx "TERBORGH, J.; LOSOS, E.; RILEY, MP; RILEY, MB. 1993. PREDATION BY VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES ON THE SEEDS OF 5 CANOPY TREE SPECIES OF AN AMAZONIAN FOREST. Vegetatio. 375-386" Proechimys brevicauda RO:0002585 eats Astrocaryum macrocalyx "TERBORGH, J.; LOSOS, E.; RILEY, MP; RILEY, MB. 1993. PREDATION BY VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES ON THE SEEDS OF 5 CANOPY TREE SPECIES OF AN AMAZONIAN FOREST. Vegetatio. 375-386" Proechimys simonsi RO:0002586 eats Astrocaryum macrocalyx "TERBORGH, J.; LOSOS, E.; RILEY, MP; RILEY, MB. 1993. PREDATION BY VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES ON THE SEEDS OF 5 CANOPY TREE SPECIES OF AN AMAZONIAN FOREST. Vegetatio. 375-386" Proechimys steerei RO:0002587 eats Astrocaryum macrocalyx "TERBORGH, J.; LOSOS, E.; RILEY, MP; RILEY, MB. 1993. PREDATION BY VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES ON THE SEEDS OF 5 CANOPY TREE SPECIES OF AN AMAZONIAN FOREST. Vegetatio. 375-386" Proechimys pattoni RO:0002588 eats Astrocaryum macrocalyx "TERBORGH, J.; LOSOS, E.; RILEY, MP; RILEY, MB. 1993. PREDATION BY VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES ON THE SEEDS OF 5 CANOPY TREE SPECIES OF AN AMAZONIAN FOREST. Vegetatio. 375-386" Proechimys cuvieri RO:0002589 eats Astrocaryum macrocalyx "TERBORGH, J.; LOSOS, E.; RILEY, MP; RILEY, MB. 1993. PREDATION BY VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES ON THE SEEDS OF 5 CANOPY TREE SPECIES OF AN AMAZONIAN FOREST. Vegetatio. 375-386" Sciurus spadiceus RO:0002590 eats Astrocaryum macrocalyx "TERBORGH, J.; LOSOS, E.; RILEY, MP; RILEY, MB. 1993. PREDATION BY VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES ON THE SEEDS OF 5 CANOPY TREE SPECIES OF AN AMAZONIAN FOREST. Vegetatio. 375-386" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002591 eats Phytelephas seemannii "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Papio papio RO:0002592 eats Raphia sudanica "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pan troglodytes RO:0002593 eats Raphia sudanica "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Gypohierax angolensis RO:0002594 eats Raphia vinifera "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurillus pusillus RO:0002595 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Sciurus sanborni RO:0002596 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Sciurus ignitus RO:0002597 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Proechimys longicaudatus RO:0002598 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Proechimys brevicauda RO:0002599 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Proechimys simonsi RO:0002600 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Proechimys steerei RO:0002601 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Proechimys pattoni RO:0002602 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Proechimys cuvieri RO:0002603 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Sciurus spadiceus RO:0002604 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Sciurus spadiceus RO:0002605 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus pyrrhinus RO:0002606 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Sciurus igniventris RO:0002607 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Palmer, Rosa R.; Koprowski, John L.. 2014. Feeding behavior and activity patterns of Amazon red squirrels. Mammalia. 303-313" Sciurus igniventris RO:0002608 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Sapajus apella RO:0002609 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Sapajus apella RO:0002610 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002611 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002612 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tayassu pecari RO:0002613 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Silman, M. R.; Terborgh, J. W.; Kiltie, R. A.. 2003. Population regulation of a dominant-rain forest tree by a major seed-predator. Ecology. 431-438" Tayassu pecari RO:0002614 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Tayassu pecari RO:0002615 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Cintra, R.; Horna, V.. 1997. Seed and seedling survival of the palm Astrocaryum murumuru and the legume tree Dipteryx micrantha in gaps in Amazonian forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 257-277" Tayassu pecari RO:0002616 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tapirus terrestris RO:0002617 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Uriarte, Maria; Anciaes, Marina; da Silva, Mariana T. B.; Rubim, Paulo; Johnson, Erik; Bruna, Emilio M.. 2011. Disentangling the drivers of reduced long-distance seed dispersal by birds in an experimentally fragmented landscape. Ecology. 924-937" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002618 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "O'Farrill, Georgina; Galetti, Mauro; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa. 2013. Frugivory and seed dispersal by tapirs: an insight on their ecological role. Integrative Zoology. Apr-17" Lithodoras dorsalis RO:0002619 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Rhinoclemys punctularia RO:0002620 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Geochelone denticulata RO:0002621 eats Astrocaryum murumuru "Guzman, Adriana; Stevenson, Pablo R.. 2008. Seed dispersal, habitat selection and movement patterns in the Amazonian tortoise, Geochelone denticulata. Amphibia-Reptilia. 463-472" Schistochlamys melanopis RO:0002622 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Prada Villalobos, Manrique; Araujo Bagno, Marcelo. 2012. Avian frugivores feeding on Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) fruits in Central Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia. 26-29" Thraupis palmarum RO:0002623 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Malacco da Silva, Gustavo Bernardino; Pedroni, Fernando. 2014. FRUGIVORY BY BIRDS IN CERRADO IN THE CITY OF UBERLANDIA, MINAS GERAIS. Revista Arvore. 433-442" Thraupis palmarum RO:0002624 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Prada Villalobos, Manrique; Araujo Bagno, Marcelo. 2012. Avian frugivores feeding on Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) fruits in Central Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia. 26-29" Sigmodon alstoni RO:0002625 eats Mauritia flexuosa "PONCE CALDERN, Mara Elena. 2002. Patrones de cada de frutos en Mauritia Flexuosa L.F. Y fauna involucrada en los procesos de remocin de semillas. Acta Botnica Venezuelica. 119-142" Gnorimopsar chopi RO:0002626 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Malacco da Silva, Gustavo Bernardino; Pedroni, Fernando. 2014. FRUGIVORY BY BIRDS IN CERRADO IN THE CITY OF UBERLANDIA, MINAS GERAIS. Revista Arvore. 433-442" Gnorimopsar chopi RO:0002627 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Prada Villalobos, Manrique; Araujo Bagno, Marcelo. 2012. Avian frugivores feeding on Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) fruits in Central Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia. 26-29" Heteromys anomalus RO:0002628 eats Mauritia flexuosa "PONCE CALDERN, Mara Elena. 2002. Patrones de cada de frutos en Mauritia Flexuosa L.F. Y fauna involucrada en los procesos de remocin de semillas. Acta Botnica Venezuelica. 119-142" Rousettus angolensis RO:0002629 eats Phoenix dactylifera "Mickleburgh, S,. Hutson, A., Racey., P.. 1992. Old World Fruit Bats. An action plan for their conservations. IUCN/SSC Chiroptera Specialist Group. " Melanerpes candidus RO:0002630 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Malacco da Silva, Gustavo Bernardino; Pedroni, Fernando. 2014. FRUGIVORY BY BIRDS IN CERRADO IN THE CITY OF UBERLANDIA, MINAS GERAIS. Revista Arvore. 433-442" Cyanocorax cristatellus RO:0002631 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Prada Villalobos, Manrique; Araujo Bagno, Marcelo. 2012. Avian frugivores feeding on Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) fruits in Central Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia. 26-29" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002632 eats Mauritia flexuosa "PONCE CALDERN, Mara Elena. 2002. Patrones de cada de frutos en Mauritia Flexuosa L.F. Y fauna involucrada en los procesos de remocin de semillas. Acta Botnica Venezuelica. 119-142" Orthopsittaca manilata RO:0002633 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Malacco da Silva, Gustavo Bernardino; Pedroni, Fernando. 2014. FRUGIVORY BY BIRDS IN CERRADO IN THE CITY OF UBERLANDIA, MINAS GERAIS. Revista Arvore. 433-442" Orthopsittaca manilata RO:0002634 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Prada Villalobos, Manrique; Araujo Bagno, Marcelo. 2012. Avian frugivores feeding on Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) fruits in Central Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia. 26-29" Amazona aestiva RO:0002635 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Prada Villalobos, Manrique; Araujo Bagno, Marcelo. 2012. Avian frugivores feeding on Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) fruits in Central Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia. 26-29" Myoprocta acouchy RO:0002636 eats Astrocaryum chambira "Ramrez, Beatriz H.; Parrado-Rosselli, ngela; Stevenson, Pablo. 2009. SEED DISPERSAL OF A USEFUL PALM (Astrocaryum chambira Burret) IN THREE AMAZONIAN FORESTS WITH DIFFERENT HUMAN INTERVENTION. Colombia Forestal. May-16" Myoprocta acouchy RO:0002637 eats Astrocaryum chambira "Ramrez, Beatriz H.; Parrado-Rosselli, ngela; Stevenson, Pablo. 2009. SEED DISPERSAL OF A USEFUL PALM (Astrocaryum chambira Burret) IN THREE AMAZONIAN FORESTS WITH DIFFERENT HUMAN INTERVENTION. Colombia Forestal. May-16" Sciurus igniventris RO:0002638 eats Astrocaryum chambira "Palmer, Rosa R.; Koprowski, John L.. 2014. Feeding behavior and activity patterns of Amazon red squirrels. Mammalia. 303-313" Caracara plancus RO:0002639 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Prada Villalobos, Manrique; Araujo Bagno, Marcelo. 2012. Avian frugivores feeding on Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) fruits in Central Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia. 26-29" Ara ararauna RO:0002640 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Prada Villalobos, Manrique; Araujo Bagno, Marcelo. 2012. Avian frugivores feeding on Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) fruits in Central Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia. 26-29" Ara ararauna RO:0002641 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Santos, A. A.; Ragusa-Netto, J.. 2014. Plant food resources exploited by Blue-and-Yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna, Linnaeus 1758) at an urban area in Central Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 429-437" Sapajus apella RO:0002642 eats Astrocaryum chambira "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002643 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Mendieta-Aguilar, Geovanna; Pacheco, Luis F.; Roldan, Alejandro I.. 2015. Seed dispersal of Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) by terretrial frugivores in Laguna Azul, Beni, Bolivia. Acta Amazonica. 45-55" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002644 eats Mauritia flexuosa "PONCE CALDERN, Mara Elena. 2002. Patrones de cada de frutos en Mauritia Flexuosa L.F. Y fauna involucrada en los procesos de remocin de semillas. Acta Botnica Venezuelica. 119-142" Cacajao melanocephalus RO:0002645 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sarcoramphus papa RO:0002646 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta fuliginosa RO:0002647 eats Astrocaryum chambira "Ramrez, Beatriz H.; Parrado-Rosselli, ngela; Stevenson, Pablo. 2009. SEED DISPERSAL OF A USEFUL PALM (Astrocaryum chambira Burret) IN THREE AMAZONIAN FORESTS WITH DIFFERENT HUMAN INTERVENTION. Colombia Forestal. May-16" Ateles belzebuth RO:0002648 eats Astrocaryum chambira "Russo, S. E.; Campbell, C. J.; Dew, J. L.; Stevenson, P. R.; Suarez, S. A.. 2005. A multi-forest comparison of dietary preferences and seed dispersal by Ateles spp.. International Journal of Primatology. 1017-1037" Cuniculus paca RO:0002649 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Mendieta-Aguilar, Geovanna; Pacheco, Luis F.; Roldan, Alejandro I.. 2015. Seed dispersal of Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) by terretrial frugivores in Laguna Azul, Beni, Bolivia. Acta Amazonica. 45-55" Mazama gouazoubira RO:0002650 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pecari tajacu RO:0002651 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Mendieta-Aguilar, Geovanna; Pacheco, Luis F.; Roldan, Alejandro I.. 2015. Seed dispersal of Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) by terretrial frugivores in Laguna Azul, Beni, Bolivia. Acta Amazonica. 45-55" Pecari tajacu RO:0002652 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0002653 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0002654 eats Astrocaryum chambira "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0002655 eats Mauritia flexuosa "BODMER, RE. 1991. STRATEGIES OF SEED DISPERSAL AND SEED PREDATION IN AMAZONIAN UNGULATES. Biotropica. 255-261" Pecari tajacu RO:0002656 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pecari tajacu RO:0002657 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Fragoso, J. M. V.; Huffman, J. M.. 2000. Seed-dispersal and seedling recruitment patterns by the last Neotropical megafaunal element in Amazonia, the tapir. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 369-385" Pecari tajacu RO:0002658 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Mazama americana RO:0002659 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Mendieta-Aguilar, Geovanna; Pacheco, Luis F.; Roldan, Alejandro I.. 2015. Seed dispersal of Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) by terretrial frugivores in Laguna Azul, Beni, Bolivia. Acta Amazonica. 45-55" Mazama americana RO:0002660 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Chrysocyon brachyurus RO:0002661 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Mendieta-Aguilar, Geovanna; Pacheco, Luis F.; Roldan, Alejandro I.. 2015. Seed dispersal of Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) by terretrial frugivores in Laguna Azul, Beni, Bolivia. Acta Amazonica. 45-55" Chrysocyon brachyurus RO:0002662 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tayassu pecari RO:0002663 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Mendieta-Aguilar, Geovanna; Pacheco, Luis F.; Roldan, Alejandro I.. 2015. Seed dispersal of Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) by terretrial frugivores in Laguna Azul, Beni, Bolivia. Acta Amazonica. 45-55" Tayassu pecari RO:0002664 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Tayassu pecari RO:0002665 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0002666 eats Astrocaryum chambira "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0002667 eats Mauritia flexuosa "BODMER, RE. 1991. STRATEGIES OF SEED DISPERSAL AND SEED PREDATION IN AMAZONIAN UNGULATES. Biotropica. 255-261" Tayassu pecari RO:0002668 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tayassu pecari RO:0002669 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Fragoso, J. M. V.; Huffman, J. M.. 2000. Seed-dispersal and seedling recruitment patterns by the last Neotropical megafaunal element in Amazonia, the tapir. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 369-385" Tayassu pecari RO:0002670 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002671 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Mendieta-Aguilar, Geovanna; Pacheco, Luis F.; Roldan, Alejandro I.. 2015. Seed dispersal of Mauritia flexuosa (Arecaceae) by terretrial frugivores in Laguna Azul, Beni, Bolivia. Acta Amazonica. 45-55" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002672 eats Mauritia flexuosa "BODMER, RE. 1991. STRATEGIES OF SEED DISPERSAL AND SEED PREDATION IN AMAZONIAN UNGULATES. Biotropica. 255-261" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002673 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tapirus terrestris RO:0002674 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Uriarte, Maria; Anciaes, Marina; da Silva, Mariana T. B.; Rubim, Paulo; Johnson, Erik; Bruna, Emilio M.. 2011. Disentangling the drivers of reduced long-distance seed dispersal by birds in an experimentally fragmented landscape. Ecology. 924-937" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002675 eats Mauritia flexuosa "O'Farrill, Georgina; Galetti, Mauro; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa. 2013. Frugivory and seed dispersal by tapirs: an insight on their ecological role. Integrative Zoology. Apr-17" Tapirus bairdii RO:0002676 eats Mauritia flexuosa "O'Farrill, Georgina; Galetti, Mauro; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa. 2013. Frugivory and seed dispersal by tapirs: an insight on their ecological role. Integrative Zoology. Apr-17" Colossoma macropomum RO:0002677 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Myleus rhomboidalis RO:0002678 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Brycon bicolor RO:0002679 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Peltocephalus dumerilianus RO:0002680 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Chelonoidis carbonaria RO:0002681 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Chelonoidis denticulata RO:0002682 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Colossoma macropomum RO:0002683 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Silva, Jorge Antonio Moreira da; Pereira-Filho, Manoel; Oliveria-Pereira, Maria Inz de. 2003. Valor nutricional e energ_tico de esp_cies vegetais importantes na alimentao do Tambaqui. Acta Amazonica. 687-700" Lithodoras dorsalis RO:0002684 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Pedroso Barbosa, Thiago Augusto; Barthem, Ronaldo Borges; de Assis Montag, Luciano Fogaca. 2015. Feeding ecology of immature Lithodoras dorsalis (Valenciennes, 1840) (Siluriformes: Doradidae) in a tidal environment, estuary of the rio Amazonas. Neotropical Ichthyology. 341-348" Tupinambis meriane RO:0002685 eats Mauritia flexuosa "Castro, Everaldo Rodrigo de; Galetti, Mauro. 2004. Frugivoria e disperso de sementes pelo lagarto tei Tupinambis merianae (Reptilia: Teiidae). Pap_is Avulsos de Zoologia (So Paulo). 91-97" Poicephalus meyeri RO:0002686 eats Hyphaene petersiana "Boyes, Rutledge S.; Perrin, Mike R.. 2010. Patterns of daily activity of Meyer's Parrot (Poicephalus meyeri) in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Emu. 54-65" Sciurus aestuans RO:0002687 eats Astrocaryum sciophilum "Charles-Dominique, P.; Chave, J.; Dubois, M. A.; De Granville, J. J.; Riera, B.; Vezzoli, C.. 2003. Colonization front of the understorey palm Astrocaryum sciophilum in a pristine rain forest of French Guiana. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 237-248" Sciurus aestuans RO:0002688 eats Syagrus pseudococos "Ribeiro, Luci Ferreira; Machado Conde, Luciana Onecia; Tabarelli, Marcelo. 2010. PREDATION AND REMOVAL OF SEEDS FROM FIVE SPECIES OF PALMS BY Guerlinguetus ingrami (Thomas, 1901) IN AN URBAN FRAGMENT OF THE MONTANE ATLANTIC FOREST. Revista Arvore. 637-649" Myoprocta acouchy RO:0002689 eats Astrocaryum sciophilum "Charles-Dominique, P.; Chave, J.; Dubois, M. A.; De Granville, J. J.; Riera, B.; Vezzoli, C.. 2003. Colonization front of the understorey palm Astrocaryum sciophilum in a pristine rain forest of French Guiana. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 237-248" Sapajus nigritus RO:0002690 eats Syagrus pseudococos "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002691 eats Syagrus pseudococos "Galetti, Mauro; Donatti, Camila I.; Steffler, Carla; Genini, Julieta; Bovendorp, Ricardo S.; Fleury, Marina. 2010. The role of seed mass on the caching decision by agoutis, Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Agoutidae). Zoologia. 472-476" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002692 eats Astrocaryum sciophilum "Charles-Dominique, P.; Chave, J.; Dubois, M. A.; De Granville, J. J.; Riera, B.; Vezzoli, C.. 2003. Colonization front of the understorey palm Astrocaryum sciophilum in a pristine rain forest of French Guiana. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 237-248" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002693 eats Attalea humilis "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002694 eats Syagrus pseudococos "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Cuniculus paca RO:0002695 eats Attalea humilis "Andreazzi, Cecilia S.; Pimenta, Clarissa S.; Pires, Alexandra S.; Fernandez, Fernando A. S.; Oliveira-Santos, Luiz G.; Menezes, Jorge F. S.. 2012. Increased Productivity and Reduced Seed Predation Favor a Large-seeded Palm in Small Atlantic Forest Fragments. Biotropica. 237-245" Cuniculus paca RO:0002696 eats Attalea humilis "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Cuniculus paca RO:0002697 eats Syagrus pseudococos "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Papio cynocephalus RO:0002698 eats Hyphaene petersiana "PETERS, CR. 1993. SHELL STRENGTH AND PRIMATE SEED PREDATION OF NONTOXIC SPECIES IN EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA. International Journal of Primatology. 315-344" Papio ursinus RO:0002699 eats Hyphaene petersiana "PETERS, CR. 1993. SHELL STRENGTH AND PRIMATE SEED PREDATION OF NONTOXIC SPECIES IN EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA. International Journal of Primatology. 315-344" Pecari tajacu RO:0002700 eats Attalea humilis "Andreazzi, Cecilia S.; Pimenta, Clarissa S.; Pires, Alexandra S.; Fernandez, Fernando A. S.; Oliveira-Santos, Luiz G.; Menezes, Jorge F. S.. 2012. Increased Productivity and Reduced Seed Predation Favor a Large-seeded Palm in Small Atlantic Forest Fragments. Biotropica. 237-245" Tayassu pecari RO:0002701 eats Attalea humilis "Andreazzi, Cecilia S.; Pimenta, Clarissa S.; Pires, Alexandra S.; Fernandez, Fernando A. S.; Oliveira-Santos, Luiz G.; Menezes, Jorge F. S.. 2012. Increased Productivity and Reduced Seed Predation Favor a Large-seeded Palm in Small Atlantic Forest Fragments. Biotropica. 237-245" Odocoileus virginianus RO:0002702 eats Attalea humilis "Andreazzi, Cecilia S.; Pimenta, Clarissa S.; Pires, Alexandra S.; Fernandez, Fernando A. S.; Oliveira-Santos, Luiz G.; Menezes, Jorge F. S.. 2012. Increased Productivity and Reduced Seed Predation Favor a Large-seeded Palm in Small Atlantic Forest Fragments. Biotropica. 237-245" Loxodonta africana RO:0002703 eats Hyphaene petersiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Loxodonta africana RO:0002704 eats Hyphaene petersiana "Dudley, J. P.. 2000. Seed dispersal by elephants in semiarid woodland habitats of Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Biotropica. 556-561" Loxodonta africana RO:0002705 eats Hyphaene petersiana "Bunney, K.. 2014. Seed Dispersal in South African Trees. MSc. Thesis, Cape Town University. " Tupinambis meriane RO:0002706 eats Syagrus pseudococos "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Clyomys bishopi RO:0002707 eats Attalea geraensis "de Almeida, Lilian Bonjorne; Galetti, Mauro. 2007. Seed dispersal and spatial distribution of Attalea geraensis (Arecaceae) in two remnants of Cerrado in Southeastern Brazil. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 180-187" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002708 eats Attalea cohune "Klinger, Rob; Rejmanek, Marcel. 2009. The numerical and functional responses of a granivorous rodent and the fate of Neotropical tree seeds. Ecology. 1549-1563" Bycanistes cylindricus RO:0002709 eats Raphia monbuttorum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Bycanistes cylindricus RO:0002710 eats Raphia monbuttorum "Whitney, Kenneth D.; Smith, Thomas B.. 1998. Habitat use and resource tracking by African Ceratogymna hornbills: implications for seed dispersal and forest conservation. Animal Conservation. 107-117" Bycanistes cylindricus RO:0002711 eats Raphia monbuttorum "Poulsen, J. R.; Clark, C. J.; Connor, E. F.; Smith, T. B.. 2002. Differential resource use by primates and hornbills: Implications for seed dispersal. Ecology. 228-240" Bycanistes albotibialis RO:0002712 eats Raphia monbuttorum "Lamperti, Aaron M.; French, Aaron R.; Dierenfeld, Ellen S.; Fogiel, Mark K.; Whitney, Kenneth D.; Stauffer, Donald J.; Holbrook, Kimberly M.; Hardesty, Britta D.; Clark, Connie J.; Poulsen, John R.; Wang, Benjamin C.; Smith, Thomas B.; Parker, V. Thomas. 2014. Diet selection is related to breeding status in two frugivorous hornbill species of Central Africa. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 273-290" Ceratogymna atrata RO:0002713 eats Raphia monbuttorum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ceratogymna atrata RO:0002714 eats Raphia monbuttorum "Poulsen, J. R.; Clark, C. J.; Connor, E. F.; Smith, T. B.. 2002. Differential resource use by primates and hornbills: Implications for seed dispersal. Ecology. 228-240" Ceratogymna atrata RO:0002715 eats Raphia monbuttorum "Lamperti, Aaron M.; French, Aaron R.; Dierenfeld, Ellen S.; Fogiel, Mark K.; Whitney, Kenneth D.; Stauffer, Donald J.; Holbrook, Kimberly M.; Hardesty, Britta D.; Clark, Connie J.; Poulsen, John R.; Wang, Benjamin C.; Smith, Thomas B.; Parker, V. Thomas. 2014. Diet selection is related to breeding status in two frugivorous hornbill species of Central Africa. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 273-290" Dasyprocta azarae RO:0002716 eats Attalea geraensis "de Almeida, Lilian Bonjorne; Galetti, Mauro. 2007. Seed dispersal and spatial distribution of Attalea geraensis (Arecaceae) in two remnants of Cerrado in Southeastern Brazil. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 180-187" Alouatta palliata RO:0002717 eats Raphia taedigera "Myers, Ronald L.. 2013. Predation, removal and seed dispersal in a wetland dominated by palms (Arecaceae).. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 67-85" Lophocebus albigena RO:0002718 eats Raphia monbuttorum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Lophocebus albigena RO:0002719 eats Raphia monbuttorum "Poulsen, J. R.; Clark, C. J.; Connor, E. F.; Smith, T. B.. 2002. Differential resource use by primates and hornbills: Implications for seed dispersal. Ecology. 228-240" Papio hamadryas RO:0002720 eats Hyphaene thebaica "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Odocoileus virginianus RO:0002721 eats Raphia taedigera "Myers, Ronald L.. 2013. Predation, removal and seed dispersal in a wetland dominated by palms (Arecaceae).. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 67-85" Tapirus bairdii RO:0002722 eats Raphia taedigera "Myers, Ronald L.. 2013. Phenology and growth of Raphia taedigera (Arecaceae) in northeastern Costa Rica wetlands. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 35-45" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002723 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002724 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002725 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Carvajal, Alejandra; Adler, Gregory H.. 2008. Seed dispersal and predation by Proechimys semispinosus and Sciurus granatensis in gaps and understorey in central Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 485-492" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002726 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus granatensis RO:0002727 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002728 eats Attalea rostrata "Timm, Robert M.; Lieberman, Diana; Lieberman, Milton; McClearn, Deedra. 2009. Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management. 997-1013" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002729 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Garzon-Lopez, Carol X.; Ballesteros-Mejia, Liliana; Ordonez, Alejandro; Bohlman, Stephanie A.; Olff, Han; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2015. Indirect interactions among tropical tree species through shared rodent seed predators: a novel mechanism of tree species coexistence. Ecology Letters. 752-760" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002730 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Jansen, Patrick A.; Hirsch, Ben T.; Emsens, Willem-Jan; Zamora-Gutierrez, Veronica; Wikelski, Martin; Kays, Roland. 2012. Thieving rodents as substitute dispersers of megafaunal seeds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 12610-12615" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002731 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002732 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Hoch, G. A.; Adler, G. H.. 1997. Removal of black palm (Astrocaryum standleyanum) seeds by spiny rats (Proechimys semispinosus). Journal of Tropical Ecology. 51-58" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002733 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002734 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Hirsch, Ben T.; Kays, Roland; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2012. A telemetric thread tag for tracking seed dispersal by scatter-hoarding rodents. Plant Ecology. 933-943" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002735 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Kristiansen, Thea; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Eiserhardt, Wolf L.; Pedersen, Dennis; Brix, Hans; Kristiansen, Soren Munch; Knadel, Maria; Grandez, Cesar; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Environment versus dispersal in the assembly of western Amazonian palm communities. Journal of Biogeography. 1318-1332" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002736 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Garzon-Lopez, Carol X.; Ballesteros-Mejia, Liliana; Ordonez, Alejandro; Bohlman, Stephanie A.; Olff, Han; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2015. Indirect interactions among tropical tree species through shared rodent seed predators: a novel mechanism of tree species coexistence. Ecology Letters. 752-760" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002737 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Silva, M. G.; Tabarelli, M.. 2001. Seed dispersal, plant recruitment and spatial distribution of Bactris acanthocarpa Martius (Arecaceae) in a remnant of Atlantic forest in northeast Brazil. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 259-268" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0002738 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Jansen, Patrick A.; Hirsch, Ben T.; Emsens, Willem-Jan; Zamora-Gutierrez, Veronica; Wikelski, Martin; Kays, Roland. 2012. Thieving rodents as substitute dispersers of megafaunal seeds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 12610-12615" Caluromys derbianus RO:0002739 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Metachirus nudicaudatus RO:0002740 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Pires, Alexandra S.; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. The agouti Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) as seed disperser of the palm Astrocaryum aculeatissimum. Mastozoologa neotropical. 147-153" Philander opossum RO:0002741 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Myoprocta acouchy RO:0002742 eats Astrocaryum aculeatum "Jorge, Maria Luisa S. P.; Howe, Henry F.. 2009. Can forest fragmentation disrupt a conditional mutualism? A case from central Amazon. Oecologia. 709-718" Didelphis marsupialis RO:0002743 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Didelphis aurita RO:0002744 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Pires, Alexandra S.; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. The agouti Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) as seed disperser of the palm Astrocaryum aculeatissimum. Mastozoologa neotropical. 147-153" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002745 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002746 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Dittel, Jacob W.; Lambert, Thomas D.; Adler, Gregory H.. 2015. Seed dispersal by rodents in a lowland forest in central Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 403-412" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002747 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Dittel, Jacob W.; Lambert, Thomas D.; Adler, Gregory H.. 2015. Seed dispersal by rodents in a lowland forest in central Panama. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 403-412" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002748 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Jansen, Patrick A.; Elschot, Kelly; Verkerk, P. Johannes; Wright, S. Joseph. 2010. Seed predation and defleshing in the agouti-dispersed palm Astrocaryum standleyanum. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 473-480" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002749 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002750 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002751 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Galvez, Dumas; Kranstauber, Bart; Kays, Roland W.; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2009. Scatter hoarding by the Central American agouti: a test of optimal cache spacing theory. Animal Behaviour. 1327-1333" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002752 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Hirsch, Ben T.; Kays, Roland; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2012. A telemetric thread tag for tracking seed dispersal by scatter-hoarding rodents. Plant Ecology. 933-943" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002753 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Kristiansen, Thea; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Eiserhardt, Wolf L.; Pedersen, Dennis; Brix, Hans; Kristiansen, Soren Munch; Knadel, Maria; Grandez, Cesar; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Environment versus dispersal in the assembly of western Amazonian palm communities. Journal of Biogeography. 1318-1332" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002754 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Garzon-Lopez, Carol X.; Ballesteros-Mejia, Liliana; Ordonez, Alejandro; Bohlman, Stephanie A.; Olff, Han; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2015. Indirect interactions among tropical tree species through shared rodent seed predators: a novel mechanism of tree species coexistence. Ecology Letters. 752-760" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002755 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Hirsch, Ben T.; Kays, Roland; Pereira, Veronica E.; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2012. Directed seed dispersal towards areas with low conspecific tree density by a scatter-hoarding rodent. Ecology Letters. 1423-1429" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002756 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Jansen, Patrick A.; Hirsch, Ben T.; Emsens, Willem-Jan; Zamora-Gutierrez, Veronica; Wikelski, Martin; Kays, Roland. 2012. Thieving rodents as substitute dispersers of megafaunal seeds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 12610-12615" Cebus capucinus RO:0002757 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Cebus capucinus RO:0002758 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Potos flavus RO:0002759 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002760 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Galetti, Mauro; Donatti, Camila I.; Steffler, Carla; Genini, Julieta; Bovendorp, Ricardo S.; Fleury, Marina. 2010. The role of seed mass on the caching decision by agoutis, Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Agoutidae). Zoologia. 472-476" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002761 eats Astrocaryum aculeatum "Silvius, K. M.; Fragoso, J. M. V.. 2003. Red-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) home range use in an Amazonian forest: Implications for the aggregated distribution of forest trees. Biotropica. 74-83" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002762 eats Astrocaryum aculeatum "Jorge, Maria Luisa S. P.; Howe, Henry F.. 2009. Can forest fragmentation disrupt a conditional mutualism? A case from central Amazon. Oecologia. 709-718" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002763 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Pires, Alexandra S.; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. The agouti Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) as seed disperser of the palm Astrocaryum aculeatissimum. Mastozoologa neotropical. 147-153" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002764 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002765 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Zucaratto, Rodrigo; Pires, Alexandra dos Santos. 2015. Local extinction of an important seed disperser does not modify the spatial distribution of the endemic palm Astrocaryum aculeatissimum (Schott) Burret (Arecaceae). Acta Botanica Brasilica. 244-250" Nasua nasua RO:0002766 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Nasua narica RO:0002767 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasypus novemcinctus RO:0002768 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Pires, Alexandra S.; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. The agouti Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) as seed disperser of the palm Astrocaryum aculeatissimum. Mastozoologa neotropical. 147-153" Ateles belzebuth RO:0002769 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Dew, J. L.. 2005. Foraging, food choice, and food processing by sympatric ripe-fruit specialists: Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii and Ateles belzebuth belzebuth. International Journal of Primatology. 1107-1135" Cerdocyon thous RO:0002770 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Pires, Alexandra S.; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. The agouti Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) as seed disperser of the palm Astrocaryum aculeatissimum. Mastozoologa neotropical. 147-153" Ateles geoffroyi RO:0002771 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Russo, S. E.; Campbell, C. J.; Dew, J. L.; Stevenson, P. R.; Suarez, S. A.. 2005. A multi-forest comparison of dietary preferences and seed dispersal by Ateles spp.. International Journal of Primatology. 1017-1037" Ateles geoffroyi RO:0002772 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cuniculus paca RO:0002773 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Cuniculus paca RO:0002774 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Pires, Alexandra S.; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. The agouti Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) as seed disperser of the palm Astrocaryum aculeatissimum. Mastozoologa neotropical. 147-153" Cuniculus paca RO:0002775 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Pecari tajacu RO:0002776 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Tayassu pecari RO:0002777 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "SMYTHE, N.. 1989. SEED SURVIVAL IN THE PALM ASTROCARYUM-STANDLEYANUM - EVIDENCE FOR DEPENDENCE UPON ITS SEED DISPERSERS. Biotropica. 50-56" Tapirus bairdii RO:0002778 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tapirus bairdii RO:0002779 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "O'Farrill, Georgina; Galetti, Mauro; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa. 2013. Frugivory and seed dispersal by tapirs: an insight on their ecological role. Integrative Zoology. Apr-17" Tupinambis meriane RO:0002780 eats Astrocaryum aculeatissimum "Pires, Alexandra S.; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. The agouti Dasyprocta leporina (Rodentia: Dasyproctidae) as seed disperser of the palm Astrocaryum aculeatissimum. Mastozoologa neotropical. 147-153" Potamocarcinus richmondi RO:0002781 eats Astrocaryum standleyanum "Jansen, Patrick A.; Hirsch, Ben T.; Emsens, Willem-Jan; Zamora-Gutierrez, Veronica; Wikelski, Martin; Kays, Roland. 2012. Thieving rodents as substitute dispersers of megafaunal seeds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 12610-12615" Proechimys RO:0002782 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Sapajus apella RO:0002783 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002784 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002785 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0002786 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Nasua nasua RO:0002787 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Coendou bicolor RO:0002788 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Ateles chamek RO:0002789 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Procyon cancrivorus RO:0002790 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Cuniculus paca RO:0002791 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Mazama nemorivaga RO:0002792 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Pecari tajacu RO:0002793 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Mazama americana RO:0002794 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Tayassu pecari RO:0002795 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Odocoileus virginianus RO:0002796 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002797 eats Astrocaryum gratum "Aliaga-Rossel, Enzo; Fragoso, Jose Manuel. 2015. Defaunation affects Astrocaryum gratum (Arecales: Arecaceae) seed survivorship in a sub-montane tropical forest. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 57-67" Psarocolius montezuma RO:0002798 eats Bactris gasipaes "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Makalata didelphoides RO:0002799 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus spadiceus RO:0002800 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus spadiceus RO:0002801 eats Attalea attaleoides "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Sciurus spadiceus RO:0002802 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Philander opossum RO:0002803 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus igniventris RO:0002804 eats Attalea maripa "Galvez, Dumas; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2007. Bruchid beetle infestation and the value of Attalea butyracea endocarps for neotropical rodents. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 381-384" Sciurus igniventris RO:0002805 eats Attalea maripa "Palmer, Rosa R.; Koprowski, John L.. 2014. Feeding behavior and activity patterns of Amazon red squirrels. Mammalia. 303-313" Sciurus igniventris RO:0002806 eats Attalea maripa "Fragoso, J. M. V.; Silvius, K. M.; Correa, J. A.. 2003. Long-distance seed dispersal by tapirs increases seed survival and aggregates tropical trees. Ecology. 1998-2006" Saimiri sciureus RO:0002807 eats Attalea maripa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Saimiri sciureus RO:0002808 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Saimiri sciureus RO:0002809 eats Attalea attaleoides "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Didelphis marsupialis RO:0002810 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0002811 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0002812 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sapajus apella RO:0002813 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sapajus apella RO:0002814 eats Attalea attaleoides "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Sapajus apella RO:0002815 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Potos flavus RO:0002816 eats Attalea attaleoides "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002817 eats Attalea maripa "Galvez, Dumas; Jansen, Patrick A.. 2007. Bruchid beetle infestation and the value of Attalea butyracea endocarps for neotropical rodents. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 381-384" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002818 eats Attalea maripa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002819 eats Attalea maripa "Silvius, K. M.; Fragoso, J. M. V.. 2003. Red-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) home range use in an Amazonian forest: Implications for the aggregated distribution of forest trees. Biotropica. 74-83" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002820 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002821 eats Attalea attaleoides "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002822 eats Attalea maripa "Silvius, K. M.; Fragoso, J. M. V.. 2002. Pulp handling by vertebrate seed dispersers increases palm seed predation by bruchid beetles in the northern Amazon. Journal of Ecology. 1024-1032" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002823 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ateles belzebuth RO:0002824 eats Attalea maripa "Silvius, K. M.; Fragoso, J. M. V.. 2002. Pulp handling by vertebrate seed dispersers increases palm seed predation by bruchid beetles in the northern Amazon. Journal of Ecology. 1024-1032" Ateles chamek RO:0002825 eats Bactris gasipaes "Felton, Annika M.; Felton, Adam; Wood, Jeff T.; Lindenmayer, David B.. 2008. Diet and feeding ecology of Ateles chamek in a bolivian semihumid forest: The importance of Ficus as a staple food resource. International Journal of Primatology. 379-403" Cuniculus paca RO:0002826 eats Bactris gasipaes "Beck-King, H.; von Helversen, O.; Beck-King, R.. 1999. Home range, population density, and food resources of Agouti paca (Rodentia : Agoutidae) in Costa Rica: A study using alternative methods. Biotropica. 675-685" Cuniculus paca RO:0002827 eats Attalea maripa "Silvius, K. M.; Fragoso, J. M. V.. 2002. Pulp handling by vertebrate seed dispersers increases palm seed predation by bruchid beetles in the northern Amazon. Journal of Ecology. 1024-1032" Mazama gouazoubira RO:0002828 eats Attalea attaleoides "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Pecari tajacu RO:0002829 eats Attalea maripa "Fragoso, J. M. V.. 1997. Tapir-generated seed shadows: scale-dependent patchiness in the Amazon rain forest. Journal of Ecology. 519-529" Pecari tajacu RO:0002830 eats Attalea maripa "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0002831 eats Attalea maripa "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0002832 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pecari tajacu RO:0002833 eats Attalea attaleoides "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Pecari tajacu RO:0002834 eats Attalea maripa "Silvius, K. M.; Fragoso, J. M. V.. 2002. Pulp handling by vertebrate seed dispersers increases palm seed predation by bruchid beetles in the northern Amazon. Journal of Ecology. 1024-1032" Pecari tajacu RO:0002835 eats Attalea maripa "Fragoso, J. M. V.; Huffman, J. M.. 2000. Seed-dispersal and seedling recruitment patterns by the last Neotropical megafaunal element in Amazonia, the tapir. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 369-385" Pecari tajacu RO:0002836 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pecari tajacu RO:0002837 eats Manicaria saccifera "Myers, Ronald L.. 2013. Predation, removal and seed dispersal in a wetland dominated by palms (Arecaceae).. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 67-85" Pecari tajacu RO:0002838 eats Attalea maripa "Salm, R.. 2006. Invertebrate and vertebrate seed predation in the Amazonian palm Attalea maripa. Biotropica. 558-560" Mazama americana RO:0002839 eats Attalea attaleoides "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Mazama americana RO:0002840 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tayassu pecari RO:0002841 eats Attalea maripa "Fragoso, J. M. V.. 1997. Tapir-generated seed shadows: scale-dependent patchiness in the Amazon rain forest. Journal of Ecology. 519-529" Tayassu pecari RO:0002842 eats Attalea maripa "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0002843 eats Attalea maripa "Silvius, K. M.; Fragoso, J. M. V.. 2002. Pulp handling by vertebrate seed dispersers increases palm seed predation by bruchid beetles in the northern Amazon. Journal of Ecology. 1024-1032" Tayassu pecari RO:0002844 eats Attalea maripa "Fragoso, J. M. V.; Huffman, J. M.. 2000. Seed-dispersal and seedling recruitment patterns by the last Neotropical megafaunal element in Amazonia, the tapir. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 369-385" Tayassu pecari RO:0002845 eats Attalea maripa "Salm, R.. 2006. Invertebrate and vertebrate seed predation in the Amazonian palm Attalea maripa. Biotropica. 558-560" Odocoileus virginianus RO:0002846 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Odocoileus virginianus RO:0002847 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tapirus terrestris RO:0002848 eats Attalea maripa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002849 eats Attalea maripa "Giombini, Mariano I.; Bravo, Susana P.; Martinez, Mariela F.. 2009. Seed Dispersal of the Palm Syagrus romanzoffiana by Tapirs in the Semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest of Argentina. Biotropica. 408-413" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002850 eats Attalea maripa "Olmos, F.; Pardini, R.; Boulhosa, R. L. P.; Burgi, R.; Morsello, C.. 1999. Do tapirs steal food from palm seed predators or give them a lift?. Biotropica. 375-379" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002851 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tapirus terrestris RO:0002852 eats Attalea attaleoides "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002853 eats Attalea maripa "Silvius, K. M.; Fragoso, J. M. V.. 2002. Pulp handling by vertebrate seed dispersers increases palm seed predation by bruchid beetles in the northern Amazon. Journal of Ecology. 1024-1032" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002854 eats Attalea maripa "Fragoso, J. M. V.; Silvius, K. M.; Correa, J. A.. 2003. Long-distance seed dispersal by tapirs increases seed survival and aggregates tropical trees. Ecology. 1998-2006" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002855 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tapirus terrestris RO:0002856 eats Attalea maripa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tapirus terrestris RO:0002857 eats Attalea maripa "Salm, R.. 2006. Invertebrate and vertebrate seed predation in the Amazonian palm Attalea maripa. Biotropica. 558-560" Tapirus bairdii RO:0002858 eats Attalea maripa "O'Farrill, Georgina; Galetti, Mauro; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa. 2013. Frugivory and seed dispersal by tapirs: an insight on their ecological role. Integrative Zoology. Apr-17" Tapirus bairdii RO:0002859 eats Bactris gasipaes "O'Farrill, Georgina; Galetti, Mauro; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa. 2013. Frugivory and seed dispersal by tapirs: an insight on their ecological role. Integrative Zoology. Apr-17" Colossoma macropomum RO:0002860 eats Attalea maripa "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Piaractus brachypomus RO:0002861 eats Attalea maripa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Serrasalmus manueli RO:0002862 eats Bactris gasipaes "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Chelonoidis denticulata RO:0002863 eats Attalea maripa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Oxysternon festivum RO:0002864 eats Attalea maripa "Silvius, K. M.; Fragoso, J. M. V.. 2002. Pulp handling by vertebrate seed dispersers increases palm seed predation by bruchid beetles in the northern Amazon. Journal of Ecology. 1024-1032" Colossoma macropomum RO:0002865 eats Attalea maripa "Silva, Jorge Antonio Moreira da; Pereira-Filho, Manoel; Oliveria-Pereira, Maria Inz de. 2003. Valor nutricional e energ_tico de esp_cies vegetais importantes na alimentao do Tambaqui. Acta Amazonica. 687-700" Ara ararauna RO:0002866 eats Syagrus oleracea "Ragusa-Netto, Jose. 2006. Dry fruits and the abundance of the Blue-and-Yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna) at a cerrado remnant in central Brazil. Ornitologia Neotropical. 491-500" Ara ararauna RO:0002867 eats Syagrus oleracea "Santos, A. A.; Ragusa-Netto, J.. 2014. Plant food resources exploited by Blue-and-Yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna, Linnaeus 1758) at an urban area in Central Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 429-437" Pecari tajacu RO:0002868 eats Syagrus oleracea "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0002869 eats Syagrus oleracea "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2008. Fruit availability and peccary frugivory in an isolated Atlantic forest fragment: Effects on peccary ranging behavior and habitat use. Biotropica. 62-70" Tayassu pecari RO:0002870 eats Syagrus oleracea "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0002871 eats Syagrus oleracea "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2008. Fruit availability and peccary frugivory in an isolated Atlantic forest fragment: Effects on peccary ranging behavior and habitat use. Biotropica. 62-70" Salvator merianae RO:0002872 eats Syagrus oleracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tupinambis meriane RO:0002873 eats Syagrus oleracea "Castro, Everaldo Rodrigo de; Galetti, Mauro. 2004. Frugivoria e disperso de sementes pelo lagarto tei Tupinambis merianae (Reptilia: Teiidae). Pap_is Avulsos de Zoologia (So Paulo). 91-97" Loxodonta africana RO:0002874 eats Hyphaene coriacea "Bunney, K.. 2014. Seed Dispersal in South African Trees. MSc. Thesis, Cape Town University. " Brycon amazonicus RO:0002875 eats Mauritiella aculeata "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Brycon melanopterus RO:0002876 eats Mauritiella aculeata "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Myloplus asterias RO:0002877 eats Mauritiella aculeata "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Myloplus rubripinnis RO:0002878 eats Mauritiella aculeata "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Liomys salvini RO:0002879 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Turdus leucomelas RO:0002880 eats Elaeis guineensis "Andrade, Pedro Cortes; Lino Mota, Joao Vitor; Freire de Carvalho, Anderson Abbehusen. 2011. Mutual interactions between frugivorous birds and plants in an urban fragment of Atlantic Forest, Salvador, BA. Revista Brasileira De Ornitologia. 63-73" Sigmodon hispidus RO:0002881 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cyanocorax cyanopogon RO:0002882 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Purificacao, Keila Nunes; Pascotto, Marcia Cristina; Pedroni, Fernando; Nogueira Pereira, Jessiane Mayara; Lima, Naftali Alves. 2014. Interactions between frugivorous birds and plants in savanna and forest formations of the Cerrado. Biota Neotropica. " Sciurus ingrami RO:0002883 eats Allagoptera caudescens "Ribeiro, Luci Ferreira; Machado Conde, Luciana Onecia; Tabarelli, Marcelo. 2010. PREDATION AND REMOVAL OF SEEDS FROM FIVE SPECIES OF PALMS BY Guerlinguetus ingrami (Thomas, 1901) IN AN URBAN FRAGMENT OF THE MONTANE ATLANTIC FOREST. Revista Arvore. 637-649" Nectomys squamipes RO:0002884 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Nectomys squamipes RO:0002885 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Nectomys squamipes RO:0002886 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Caluromys philander RO:0002887 eats Astrocaryum vulgare "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Deroptyus accipitrinus RO:0002888 eats Astrocaryum vulgare "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Deroptyus accipitrinus RO:0002889 eats Astrocaryum vulgare "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Eidolon helvum RO:0002890 eats Elaeis guineensis "Fahr, Jakob; Abedi-Lartey, Michael; Esch, Thomas; Machwitz, Miriam; Suu-Ire, Richard; Wikelski, Martin; Dechmann, Dina K. N.. 2015. Pronounced Seasonal Changes in the Movement Ecology of a Highly Gregarious Central-Place Forager, the African Straw-Coloured Fruit Bat (Eidolon helvum). Plos One. e0138985" Eidolon helvum RO:0002891 eats Elaeis guineensis "Mickleburgh, S,. Hutson, A., Racey., P.. 1992. Old World Fruit Bats. An action plan for their conservations. IUCN/SSC Chiroptera Specialist Group. " Poicephalus gulielmi RO:0002892 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Psittacus erithacus RO:0002893 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Crinifer piscator RO:0002894 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Bycanistes fistulator RO:0002895 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Philander opossum RO:0002896 eats Astrocaryum vulgare "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Polyboroides typus RO:0002897 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Milvus migrans RO:0002898 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ara glaucogularis RO:0002899 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Didelphis albiventris RO:0002900 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Didelphis albiventris RO:0002901 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Didelphis albiventris RO:0002902 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Bycanistes albotibialis RO:0002903 eats Elaeis guineensis "Lamperti, Aaron M.; French, Aaron R.; Dierenfeld, Ellen S.; Fogiel, Mark K.; Whitney, Kenneth D.; Stauffer, Donald J.; Holbrook, Kimberly M.; Hardesty, Britta D.; Clark, Connie J.; Poulsen, John R.; Wang, Benjamin C.; Smith, Thomas B.; Parker, V. Thomas. 2014. Diet selection is related to breeding status in two frugivorous hornbill species of Central Africa. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 273-290" Ara ararauna RO:0002904 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Ragusa-Netto, Jose. 2006. Dry fruits and the abundance of the Blue-and-Yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna) at a cerrado remnant in central Brazil. Ornitologia Neotropical. 491-500" Ara ararauna RO:0002905 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Santos, A. A.; Ragusa-Netto, J.. 2014. Plant food resources exploited by Blue-and-Yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna, Linnaeus 1758) at an urban area in Central Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 429-437" Ara ararauna RO:0002906 eats Elaeis guineensis "Santos, A. A.; Ragusa-Netto, J.. 2014. Plant food resources exploited by Blue-and-Yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna, Linnaeus 1758) at an urban area in Central Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 429-437" Ceratogymna atrata RO:0002907 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ceratogymna atrata RO:0002908 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ceratogymna atrata RO:0002909 eats Elaeis guineensis "Poulsen, J. R.; Clark, C. J.; Connor, E. F.; Smith, T. B.. 2002. Differential resource use by primates and hornbills: Implications for seed dispersal. Ecology. 228-240" Ceratogymna atrata RO:0002910 eats Elaeis guineensis "Lamperti, Aaron M.; French, Aaron R.; Dierenfeld, Ellen S.; Fogiel, Mark K.; Whitney, Kenneth D.; Stauffer, Donald J.; Holbrook, Kimberly M.; Hardesty, Britta D.; Clark, Connie J.; Poulsen, John R.; Wang, Benjamin C.; Smith, Thomas B.; Parker, V. Thomas. 2014. Diet selection is related to breeding status in two frugivorous hornbill species of Central Africa. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 273-290" Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0002911 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0002912 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Gypohierax angolensis RO:0002913 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta azarae RO:0002914 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Cid, Bruno; Oliveira-Santos, Luiz Gustavo R.; Mourao, Guilherme. 2013. Seasonal Habitat Use of Agoutis (Dasyprocta azarae) is Driven by the Palm Attalea phalerata in Brazilian Pantanal. Biotropica. 380-385" Sapajus apella RO:0002915 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sapajus apella RO:0002916 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sapajus apella RO:0002917 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Euphractus sexcinctus RO:0002918 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cercopithecus nictitans RO:0002919 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cercopithecus nictitans RO:0002920 eats Elaeis guineensis "Poulsen, J. R.; Clark, C. J.; Connor, E. F.; Smith, T. B.. 2002. Differential resource use by primates and hornbills: Implications for seed dispersal. Ecology. 228-240" Lophocebus albigena RO:0002921 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Lophocebus albigena RO:0002922 eats Elaeis guineensis "Poulsen, J. R.; Clark, C. J.; Connor, E. F.; Smith, T. B.. 2002. Differential resource use by primates and hornbills: Implications for seed dispersal. Ecology. 228-240" Cuniculus paca RO:0002923 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Civettictis civetta RO:0002924 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pecari tajacu RO:0002925 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0002926 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0002927 eats Elaeis guineensis "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pan troglodytes RO:0002928 eats Elaeis guineensis "Carvalho, Joana S.; Vicente, Luis; Marques, Tiago A.. 2015. Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) Diet Composition and Food Availability in a Human-Modified Landscape at Lagoas de Cufada Natural Park, Guinea-Bissau. International Journal of Primatology. 802-822" Pan troglodytes RO:0002929 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Gorilla gorilla RO:0002930 eats Elaeis guineensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Bos primigenius RO:0002931 eats Acrocomia aculeata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tupinambis meriane RO:0002932 eats Elaeis guineensis "Castro, Everaldo Rodrigo de; Galetti, Mauro. 2004. Frugivoria e disperso de sementes pelo lagarto tei Tupinambis merianae (Reptilia: Teiidae). Pap_is Avulsos de Zoologia (So Paulo). 91-97" Sciurus aestuans RO:0002933 eats Astrocaryum paramaca "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Proechimys guyannensis RO:0002934 eats Astrocaryum paramaca "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Proechimys cuvieri RO:0002935 eats Astrocaryum paramaca "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus spadiceus RO:0002936 eats Attalea microcarpa "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Myoprocta acouchy RO:0002937 eats Astrocaryum paramaca "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Myoprocta acouchy RO:0002938 eats Astrocaryum paramaca "Silva, M. G.; Tabarelli, M.. 2001. Seed dispersal, plant recruitment and spatial distribution of Bactris acanthocarpa Martius (Arecaceae) in a remnant of Atlantic forest in northeast Brazil. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 259-268" Saimiri sciureus RO:0002939 eats Attalea microcarpa "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Sapajus apella RO:0002940 eats Attalea microcarpa "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Potos flavus RO:0002941 eats Attalea microcarpa "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002942 eats Attalea microcarpa "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0002943 eats Astrocaryum paramaca "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Mazama gouazoubira RO:0002944 eats Attalea microcarpa "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Pecari tajacu RO:0002945 eats Attalea microcarpa "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Mazama americana RO:0002946 eats Attalea microcarpa "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Tapirus terrestris RO:0002947 eats Attalea microcarpa "de Freitas, Cintia Gomes; Capellotto Costa, Flavia Regina; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Balslev, Henrik. 2012. Topographic separation of two sympatric palms in the central Amazon - does dispersal play a role?. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 128-135" Anodorhynchus glauca RO:0002948 eats Butia yatay "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Peromyscus mexicanus RO:0002949 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Sanchez-Cordero, V.; Martinez-Gallardo, R.. 1998. Postdispersal fruit and seed removal by forest-dwelling rodents in a lowland rainforest in Mexico. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 139-151" Handleyomys alfaroi RO:0002950 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Sanchez-Cordero, V.; Martinez-Gallardo, R.. 1998. Postdispersal fruit and seed removal by forest-dwelling rodents in a lowland rainforest in Mexico. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 139-151" Hypsipetes madagascariensis RO:0002951 eats Beccariophoenix madagascariensis "Shapcott, Alison; Rakotoarinivo, Mijoro; Smith, Rhian J.; Lysakova, Gabriela; Fay, Michael F.; Dransfield, John. 2007. Can we bring Madagascar's critically endangered palms back from the brink? Genetics, ecology and conservation of the critically endangered palm Beccariophoenix madagascariensis. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 589-608" Marmosa robinsoni RO:0002952 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Marmosa robinsoni RO:0002953 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002954 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Brewer, S. W.; Webb, M. A. H.. 2001. Ignorant seed predators and factors affecting the seed survival of a tropical palm. Oikos. 32-41" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002955 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Klinger, Rob; Rejmanek, Marcel. 2010. A strong conditional mutualism limits and enhances seed dispersal and germination of a tropical palm. Oecologia. 951-963" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002956 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Brewer, S. W.; Rejmanek, M.. 1999. Small rodents as significant dispersers of tree seeds in a Neotropical forest. Journal of Vegetation Science. 165-174" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002957 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Brewer, S. W.. 2001. Predation and dispersal of large and small seeds of a tropical palm. Oikos. 245-255" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002958 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Klinger, Rob; Rejmanek, Marcel. 2009. The numerical and functional responses of a granivorous rodent and the fate of Neotropical tree seeds. Ecology. 1549-1563" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002959 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Klinger, Rob; Rejmanek, Marcel. 2009. The numerical and functional responses of a granivorous rodent and the fate of Neotropical tree seeds. Ecology. 1549-1563" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002960 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Klinger, Rob; Rejmanek, Marcel. 2013. Experimental Seed Predator Removal Reveals Shifting Importance of Predation and Dispersal Limitation in Early Life History Stages of Tropical Forest Trees. Folia Geobotanica. 415-435" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002961 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002962 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002963 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Sanchez-Cordero, V.; Martinez-Gallardo, R.. 1998. Postdispersal fruit and seed removal by forest-dwelling rodents in a lowland rainforest in Mexico. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 139-151" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0002964 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Silva, M. G.; Tabarelli, M.. 2001. Seed dispersal, plant recruitment and spatial distribution of Bactris acanthocarpa Martius (Arecaceae) in a remnant of Atlantic forest in northeast Brazil. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 259-268" Microsciurus mimulus RO:0002965 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Microsciurus mimulus RO:0002966 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Correa, Adolfo; Serna-Snchez, Elizabeth. 2008. SOMBRA DE SEMILLAS, SUPERVIVENCIA DE PLNTULAS Y DISTRIBUCIN ESPACIAL. Actualidades Biolgicas. 135-150" Microsciurus mimulus RO:0002967 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Pteroglossus viridis RO:0002968 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Selenidera piperivora RO:0002969 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pionites melanocephalus RO:0002970 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Pionites melanocephalus RO:0002971 eats Oenocarpus bataua "KahnF. & de GranvilleJ. 1992. Palms in forest ecosystems of Amazonia. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. " Pionites melanocephalus RO:0002972 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Pionites leucogaster RO:0002973 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Alectroenas madagascariensis RO:0002974 eats Beccariophoenix madagascariensis "Shapcott, Alison; Rakotoarinivo, Mijoro; Smith, Rhian J.; Lysakova, Gabriela; Fay, Michael F.; Dransfield, John. 2007. Can we bring Madagascar's critically endangered palms back from the brink? Genetics, ecology and conservation of the critically endangered palm Beccariophoenix madagascariensis. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 589-608" Sciurus aestuans RO:0002975 eats Oenocarpus bataua "KahnF. & de GranvilleJ. 1992. Palms in forest ecosystems of Amazonia. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. " Sciurus deppei RO:0002976 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus deppei RO:0002977 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Sanchez-Cordero, V.; Martinez-Gallardo, R.. 1998. Postdispersal fruit and seed removal by forest-dwelling rodents in a lowland rainforest in Mexico. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 139-151" Sciurus deppei RO:0002978 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "EGUIARTE, LE; BURQUEZ, A.; RODRIGUEZ, J.; MARTINEZRAMOS, M.; SARUKHAN, J.; PINERO, D.. 1993. DIRECT AND INDIRECT ESTIMATES OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND EFFECTIVE POPULATION-SIZE IN A TROPICAL PALM, ASTROCARYUM-MEXICANUM. Evolution. 75-87" Rupicola rupicola RO:0002979 eats Astrocaryum gynacanthum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pionus fuscus RO:0002980 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Pionus fuscus RO:0002981 eats Oenocarpus bataua "KahnF. & de GranvilleJ. 1992. Palms in forest ecosystems of Amazonia. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. " Cyanocorax affinis RO:0002982 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Treron australis RO:0002983 eats Beccariophoenix madagascariensis "Shapcott, Alison; Rakotoarinivo, Mijoro; Smith, Rhian J.; Lysakova, Gabriela; Fay, Michael F.; Dransfield, John. 2007. Can we bring Madagascar's critically endangered palms back from the brink? Genetics, ecology and conservation of the critically endangered palm Beccariophoenix madagascariensis. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 589-608" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002984 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002985 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Correa, Adolfo; Serna-Snchez, Elizabeth. 2008. SOMBRA DE SEMILLAS, SUPERVIVENCIA DE PLNTULAS Y DISTRIBUCIN ESPACIAL. Actualidades Biolgicas. 135-150" Sciurus granatensis RO:0002986 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Pteroglossus aracari RO:0002987 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Eidolon dupreanum RO:0002988 eats Beccariophoenix madagascariensis "Shapcott, Alison; Rakotoarinivo, Mijoro; Smith, Rhian J.; Lysakova, Gabriela; Fay, Michael F.; Dransfield, John. 2007. Can we bring Madagascar's critically endangered palms back from the brink? Genetics, ecology and conservation of the critically endangered palm Beccariophoenix madagascariensis. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 589-608" Proechymis RO:0002989 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Proechymis RO:0002990 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Cephalopterus penduliger RO:0002991 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Browne, L.; Ottewell, K.; Karubian, J.. 2015. Short-term genetic consequences of habitat loss and fragmentation for the neotropical palm Oenocarpus bataua. Heredity. 389-395" Cephalopterus penduliger RO:0002992 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Scofield, Douglas G.; Smouse, Peter E.; Karubian, Jordan; Sork, Victoria L.. 2012. Use of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Diversity Measures to Characterize Seed Dispersal by Animals. American Naturalist. 719-732" Cephalopterus penduliger RO:0002993 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Karubian, Jordan; Duraes, Renata; Storey, Jenny L.; Smith, Thomas B.. 2012. Mating Behavior Drives Seed Dispersal by the Long-wattled Umbrellabird Cephalopterus penduliger. Biotropica. 689-698" Cephalopterus penduliger RO:0002994 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Karubian, Jordan; Sork, Victoria L.; Roorda, Tessa; Duraes, Renata; Smith, Thomas B.. 2010. Destination-based seed dispersal homogenizes genetic structure of a tropical palm. Molecular Ecology. 1745-1753" Perissocephalus tricolor RO:0002995 eats Oenocarpus bataua "KahnF. & de GranvilleJ. 1992. Palms in forest ecosystems of Amazonia. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. " Pteropus rufus RO:0002996 eats Beccariophoenix madagascariensis "Shapcott, Alison; Rakotoarinivo, Mijoro; Smith, Rhian J.; Lysakova, Gabriela; Fay, Michael F.; Dransfield, John. 2007. Can we bring Madagascar's critically endangered palms back from the brink? Genetics, ecology and conservation of the critically endangered palm Beccariophoenix madagascariensis. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 589-608" Steatornis caripensis RO:0002997 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Montufar, Rommel; Anthelme, Fabien; Pintaud, Jean-Christophe; Balslev, Henrik. 2011. Disturbance and Resilience in Tropical American Palm Populations and Communities. Botanical Review. 426-461" Amazona ochrocephala RO:0002998 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Amazona ochrocephala RO:0002999 eats Oenocarpus bataua "KahnF. & de GranvilleJ. 1992. Palms in forest ecosystems of Amazonia. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. " Amazona ochrocephala RO:0003000 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Sciurus aureogaster RO:0003001 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus aureogaster RO:0003002 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Sanchez-Cordero, V.; Martinez-Gallardo, R.. 1998. Postdispersal fruit and seed removal by forest-dwelling rodents in a lowland rainforest in Mexico. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 139-151" Sciurus aureogaster RO:0003003 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "EGUIARTE, LE; BURQUEZ, A.; RODRIGUEZ, J.; MARTINEZRAMOS, M.; SARUKHAN, J.; PINERO, D.. 1993. DIRECT AND INDIRECT ESTIMATES OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND EFFECTIVE POPULATION-SIZE IN A TROPICAL PALM, ASTROCARYUM-MEXICANUM. Evolution. 75-87" Amazona farinosa RO:0003004 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Amazona farinosa RO:0003005 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Stevenson, Pablo R.; Link, Andres; Gonzalez-Caro, Sebastian; Fernanda Torres-Jimenez, Maria. 2015. Frugivory in Canopy Plants in a Western Amazonian Forest: Dispersal Systems, Phylogenetic Ensembles and Keystone Plants. Plos One. e0140751" Amazona farinosa RO:0003006 eats Oenocarpus bataua "KahnF. & de GranvilleJ. 1992. Palms in forest ecosystems of Amazonia. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. " Ramphastos cuvieri RO:0003007 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ramphastos tucanus RO:0003008 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ramphastos tucanus RO:0003009 eats Oenocarpus bataua "KahnF. & de GranvilleJ. 1992. Palms in forest ecosystems of Amazonia. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. " Ramphastos tucanus RO:0003010 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Sciurus igniventris RO:0003011 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Palmer, Rosa R.; Koprowski, John L.. 2014. Feeding behavior and activity patterns of Amazon red squirrels. Mammalia. 303-313" Saimiri sciureus RO:0003012 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Aotus brumbacki RO:0003013 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Penelope marail RO:0003014 eats Oenocarpus bataua "KahnF. & de GranvilleJ. 1992. Palms in forest ecosystems of Amazonia. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. " Callicebus ornatus RO:0003015 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Callicebus torquatus RO:0003016 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Callicebus torquatus RO:0003017 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Didelphis marsupialis RO:0003018 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Didelphis marsupialis RO:0003019 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Sanchez-Cordero, V.; Martinez-Gallardo, R.. 1998. Postdispersal fruit and seed removal by forest-dwelling rodents in a lowland rainforest in Mexico. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 139-151" Ara militaris RO:0003020 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Psophia leucoptera RO:0003021 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Penelope jacquacu RO:0003022 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Penelope jacquacu RO:0003023 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Sapajus apella RO:0003024 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sapajus apella RO:0003025 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Stevenson, Pablo R.; Link, Andres; Gonzalez-Caro, Sebastian; Fernanda Torres-Jimenez, Maria. 2015. Frugivory in Canopy Plants in a Western Amazonian Forest: Dispersal Systems, Phylogenetic Ensembles and Keystone Plants. Plos One. e0140751" Sapajus apella RO:0003026 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Cebus kaapori RO:0003027 eats Oenocarpus bataua "KahnF. & de GranvilleJ. 1992. Palms in forest ecosystems of Amazonia. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. " Dasyprocta punctata RO:0003028 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0003029 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0003030 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Silva, M. G.; Tabarelli, M.. 2001. Seed dispersal, plant recruitment and spatial distribution of Bactris acanthocarpa Martius (Arecaceae) in a remnant of Atlantic forest in northeast Brazil. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 259-268" Pithecia albicans RO:0003031 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta fuliginosa RO:0003032 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Nasua nasua RO:0003033 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Eira barbara RO:0003034 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Dasypus novemcinctus RO:0003035 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Procyon lotor RO:0003036 eats Astrocaryum mexicanum "Sanchez-Cordero, V.; Martinez-Gallardo, R.. 1998. Postdispersal fruit and seed removal by forest-dwelling rodents in a lowland rainforest in Mexico. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 139-151" Ateles belzebuth RO:0003037 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Russo, S. E.; Campbell, C. J.; Dew, J. L.; Stevenson, P. R.; Suarez, S. A.. 2005. A multi-forest comparison of dietary preferences and seed dispersal by Ateles spp.. International Journal of Primatology. 1017-1037" Ateles belzebuth RO:0003038 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Dew, J. L.. 2005. Foraging, food choice, and food processing by sympatric ripe-fruit specialists: Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii and Ateles belzebuth belzebuth. International Journal of Primatology. 1107-1135" Ateles belzebuth RO:0003039 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ateles belzebuth RO:0003040 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Karubian, Jordan; Ottewell, Kym; Link, Andres; Di Fiore, Anthony. 2015. Genetic consequences of seed dispersal to sleeping trees by white-bellied spider monkeys. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 50-58" Ateles belzebuth RO:0003041 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Stevenson, Pablo R.; Link, Andres; Gonzalez-Caro, Sebastian; Fernanda Torres-Jimenez, Maria. 2015. Frugivory in Canopy Plants in a Western Amazonian Forest: Dispersal Systems, Phylogenetic Ensembles and Keystone Plants. Plos One. e0140751" Ateles paniscus RO:0003042 eats Oenocarpus bataua "KahnF. & de GranvilleJ. 1992. Palms in forest ecosystems of Amazonia. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. " Leopardus pardalis RO:0003043 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Rojas-Robles, Rosario; Gary Stiles, F.; Munoz-Saba, Yaneth. 2012. Frugivory and seed dispersal Oenocarpus bataua palm (Arecaceae) in a forest from the Colombian Andes. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1445-1461" Mazama gouazoubira RO:0003044 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pecari tajacu RO:0003045 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0003046 eats Oenocarpus bataua "BODMER, RE. 1991. STRATEGIES OF SEED DISPERSAL AND SEED PREDATION IN AMAZONIAN UNGULATES. Biotropica. 255-261" Pecari tajacu RO:0003047 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pecari tajacu RO:0003048 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Fragoso, J. M. V.; Huffman, J. M.. 2000. Seed-dispersal and seedling recruitment patterns by the last Neotropical megafaunal element in Amazonia, the tapir. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 369-385" Pecari tajacu RO:0003049 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Mazama americana RO:0003050 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tayassu pecari RO:0003051 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0003052 eats Oenocarpus bataua "BODMER, RE. 1991. STRATEGIES OF SEED DISPERSAL AND SEED PREDATION IN AMAZONIAN UNGULATES. Biotropica. 255-261" Tayassu pecari RO:0003053 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tayassu pecari RO:0003054 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Fragoso, J. M. V.; Huffman, J. M.. 2000. Seed-dispersal and seedling recruitment patterns by the last Neotropical megafaunal element in Amazonia, the tapir. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 369-385" Tayassu pecari RO:0003055 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Tayassu pecari RO:0003056 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Priodontes maximus RO:0003057 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003058 eats Oenocarpus bataua "BODMER, RE. 1991. STRATEGIES OF SEED DISPERSAL AND SEED PREDATION IN AMAZONIAN UNGULATES. Biotropica. 255-261" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003059 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tapirus terrestris RO:0003060 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003061 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Uriarte, Maria; Anciaes, Marina; da Silva, Mariana T. B.; Rubim, Paulo; Johnson, Erik; Bruna, Emilio M.. 2011. Disentangling the drivers of reduced long-distance seed dispersal by birds in an experimentally fragmented landscape. Ecology. 924-937" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003062 eats Oenocarpus bataua "O'Farrill, Georgina; Galetti, Mauro; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa. 2013. Frugivory and seed dispersal by tapirs: an insight on their ecological role. Integrative Zoology. Apr-17" Lithodoras dorsalis RO:0003063 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Brycon hilarii RO:0003064 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Brycon melanopterus RO:0003065 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Brycon melanopterus RO:0003066 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Colossoma macropomum RO:0003067 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Leporinus friederici RO:0003068 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Leptorinus RO:0003069 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Lithodoras dorsalis RO:0003070 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Megalodoras uranoscopus RO:0003071 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Metynnis RO:0003072 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Myleus RO:0003073 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Phractocephalus hemiliopterus RO:0003074 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Piaractus brachypomus RO:0003075 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Pimelodella RO:0003076 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Pterodoras granulosus RO:0003077 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Rhamdia schomburgkii RO:0003078 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Serrasalmus RO:0003079 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Serrasalmus rhombeus RO:0003080 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Tocantisia piresi RO:0003081 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Triportheus RO:0003082 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Brycon amazonicus RO:0003083 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Brycon falcatus RO:0003084 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Myloplus asterias RO:0003085 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Myloplus rubripinnis RO:0003086 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Myloplus torquatus RO:0003087 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Brycon bicolor RO:0003088 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Piaractus brachypomus RO:0003089 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Colossoma bidens RO:0003090 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, M. T. F.; Parolin, P.; Junk, W. J.. 2003. ESTRATGIAS DE DISPERSO, PRODUO DE FRUTOS E EXTRATIVISMO DA PALMEIRA Astrocaryum jauari MART. NOS IGAPS DO RIO NEGRO: IMPLICAES PARA A ICTIOFAUNA. Ecologa Aplicada. 32-40" Colossoma macropomum RO:0003091 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, M. T. F.; Parolin, P.; Junk, W. J.. 2003. ESTRATGIAS DE DISPERSO, PRODUO DE FRUTOS E EXTRATIVISMO DA PALMEIRA Astrocaryum jauari MART. NOS IGAPS DO RIO NEGRO: IMPLICAES PARA A ICTIOFAUNA. Ecologa Aplicada. 32-40" Phractocephalus hemiliopterus RO:0003092 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, M. T. F.; Parolin, P.; Junk, W. J.. 2003. ESTRATGIAS DE DISPERSO, PRODUO DE FRUTOS E EXTRATIVISMO DA PALMEIRA Astrocaryum jauari MART. NOS IGAPS DO RIO NEGRO: IMPLICAES PARA A ICTIOFAUNA. Ecologa Aplicada. 32-40" Rhinemys rufipes RO:0003093 eats Oenocarpus bataua "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Brycon melanopterus RO:0003094 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Colossoma bidens RO:0003095 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Colossoma macropomum RO:0003096 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Leptorinus RO:0003097 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Lithodoras dorsalis RO:0003098 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Megalodoras uranoscopus RO:0003099 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Metynnis RO:0003100 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Myleus RO:0003101 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Oxydoras niger RO:0003102 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Paulicea lutkeni RO:0003103 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Phractocephalus hemiliopterus RO:0003104 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Rhamdia schomburgkii RO:0003105 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Semaprochilodus RO:0003106 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Serrasalmus RO:0003107 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, Maria Teresa F.; Parolin, Pia; Junk, Wolfgang J.. 2006. Phenology, fruit production and seed dispersal of Astrocaryum jauari (Arecaceae) in Amazonian black water floodplains. Revista De Biologia Tropical. 1171-1178" Colossoma macropomum RO:0003108 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Silva, Jorge Antonio Moreira da; Pereira-Filho, Manoel; Oliveria-Pereira, Maria Inz de. 2003. Valor nutricional e energ_tico de esp_cies vegetais importantes na alimentao do Tambaqui. Acta Amazonica. 687-700" Lithodoras dorsalis RO:0003109 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Winemiller, Kirk O.; Lopez-Fernandez, Hernan; Galetti, Mauro. 2007. Evolutionary perspectives on seed consumption and dispersal by fishes. Bioscience. 748-756" Brycon amazonicus RO:0003110 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Brycon melanopterus RO:0003111 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Colossoma bidens RO:0003112 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Colossoma macropomum RO:0003113 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Leptorinus RO:0003114 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Lithodoras dorsalis RO:0003115 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Megalodoras uranoscopus RO:0003116 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Metynnis RO:0003117 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Myleus RO:0003118 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Paulicea lutkeni RO:0003119 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Phractocephalus hemiliopterus RO:0003120 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Rhamdia schomburgkii RO:0003121 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Serrasalmus RO:0003122 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Serrasalmus rhombeus RO:0003123 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Colossoma bidens RO:0003124 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, M. T. F.; Parolin, P.; Junk, W. J.. 2003. Estrat_gias de disperso, produo de frutos e extrativismo da palmeira Astrocaryum jauari Mart. nos igaps do Rio Negro: implicaes para a ictiofauna. Ecologa Aplicada. 32-40" Phractocephalus hemiliopterus RO:0003125 eats Astrocaryum jauari "Piedade, M. T. F.; Parolin, P.; Junk, W. J.. 2003. Estrat_gias de disperso, produo de frutos e extrativismo da palmeira Astrocaryum jauari Mart. nos igaps do Rio Negro: implicaes para a ictiofauna. Ecologa Aplicada. 32-40" Ceratogymna atrata RO:0003126 eats Eremospatha macrocarpa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ceratogymna atrata RO:0003127 eats Eremospatha macrocarpa "Poulsen, J. R.; Clark, C. J.; Connor, E. F.; Smith, T. B.. 2002. Differential resource use by primates and hornbills: Implications for seed dispersal. Ecology. 228-240" Ceratogymna atrata RO:0003128 eats Eremospatha macrocarpa "Whitney, Kenneth; Fogiel, Mark; Lamperti, K; Holbrook, K; Stauffer, D; Hardesty, D; Parker, T; Smith, T. 1998. Seed dispersal by Ceratogymna Hornbills in the Dja Reserve Cameroon. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 351-371" Ceratogymna atrata RO:0003129 eats Eremospatha macrocarpa "Whitney, Kenneth; Fogiel, Mark; Lamperti, K; Holbrook, K; Stauffer, D; Hardesty, D; Parker, T; Smith, T. 1998. Seed dispersal by Ceratogymna Hornbills in the Dja Reserve Cameroon. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 351-371" Lophocebus albigena RO:0003130 eats Eremospatha macrocarpa "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Lophocebus albigena RO:0003131 eats Eremospatha macrocarpa "Poulsen, J. R.; Clark, C. J.; Connor, E. F.; Smith, T. B.. 2002. Differential resource use by primates and hornbills: Implications for seed dispersal. Ecology. 228-240" Dermanura watsoni RO:0003132 eats Astrocaryum confertum "Melo, Felipe P. L.; Rodriguez-Herrera, Bernal; Chazdon, Robin L.; Medellin, Rodrigo A.; Ceballos, Gerardo G.. 2009. Small Tent-Roosting Bats Promote Dispersal of Large-Seeded Plants in a Neotropical Forest. Biotropica. 737-743" Dermanura watsoni RO:0003133 eats Welfia regia "Melo, Felipe P. L.; Rodriguez-Herrera, Bernal; Chazdon, Robin L.; Medellin, Rodrigo A.; Ceballos, Gerardo G.. 2009. Small Tent-Roosting Bats Promote Dispersal of Large-Seeded Plants in a Neotropical Forest. Biotropica. 737-743" Ramphastos sulfuratus RO:0003134 eats Astrocaryum confertum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ramphastos tucanus RO:0003135 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Stevenson, Pablo R.; Link, Andres; Gonzalez-Caro, Sebastian; Fernanda Torres-Jimenez, Maria. 2015. Frugivory in Canopy Plants in a Western Amazonian Forest: Dispersal Systems, Phylogenetic Ensembles and Keystone Plants. Plos One. e0140751" Callicebus torquatus RO:0003136 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta punctata RO:0003137 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2013. Mammal Abundances and Seed Traits Control the Seed Dispersal and Predation Roles of Terrestrial Mammals in a Costa Rican Forest. Biotropica. 333-342" Dasyprocta fuliginosa RO:0003138 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2015. Scatter Hoarding of Seeds Confers Survival Advantages and Disadvantages to Large-eeded Tropical Plants at Different Life Stages. Plos One. e0124932" Ateles belzebuth RO:0003139 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ateles belzebuth RO:0003140 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Stevenson, Pablo R.; Link, Andres; Gonzalez-Caro, Sebastian; Fernanda Torres-Jimenez, Maria. 2015. Frugivory in Canopy Plants in a Western Amazonian Forest: Dispersal Systems, Phylogenetic Ensembles and Keystone Plants. Plos One. e0140751" Ateles chamek RO:0003141 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Felton, Annika M.; Felton, Adam; Wood, Jeff T.; Lindenmayer, David B.. 2008. Diet and feeding ecology of Ateles chamek in a bolivian semihumid forest: The importance of Ficus as a staple food resource. International Journal of Primatology. 379-403" Alouatta seniculus RO:0003142 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Stevenson, Pablo R.; Link, Andres; Gonzalez-Caro, Sebastian; Fernanda Torres-Jimenez, Maria. 2015. Frugivory in Canopy Plants in a Western Amazonian Forest: Dispersal Systems, Phylogenetic Ensembles and Keystone Plants. Plos One. e0140751" Lagothrix lagotricha RO:0003143 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Dew, J. L.. 2005. Foraging, food choice, and food processing by sympatric ripe-fruit specialists: Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii and Ateles belzebuth belzebuth. International Journal of Primatology. 1107-1135" Lagothrix lagotricha RO:0003144 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Stevenson, Pablo R.; Link, Andres; Gonzalez-Caro, Sebastian; Fernanda Torres-Jimenez, Maria. 2015. Frugivory in Canopy Plants in a Western Amazonian Forest: Dispersal Systems, Phylogenetic Ensembles and Keystone Plants. Plos One. e0140751" Pecari tajacu RO:0003145 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2015. Scatter Hoarding of Seeds Confers Survival Advantages and Disadvantages to Large-eeded Tropical Plants at Different Life Stages. Plos One. e0124932" Pecari tajacu RO:0003146 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2013. Mammal Abundances and Seed Traits Control the Seed Dispersal and Predation Roles of Terrestrial Mammals in a Costa Rican Forest. Biotropica. 333-342" Tayassu pecari RO:0003147 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Tayassu pecari RO:0003148 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Piaractus brachypomus RO:0003149 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Rhinemys rufipes RO:0003150 eats Socratea exorrhiza "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Brycon bicolor RO:0003151 eats Leopoldinia pulchra "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Peltocephalus dumerilianus RO:0003152 eats Leopoldinia pulchra "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Podocnemis expansa RO:0003153 eats Leopoldinia pulchra "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Ortalis ruficauda RO:0003154 eats Copernicia tectorum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Caracara plancus RO:0003155 eats Elaeis oleifera "Galetti, M.; Guimaraes, P.. 2004. Seed dispersal of Attalea phalerata (Palmae) by Crested caracaras (Caracara plancus) in the Pantanal and a review of frugivory by raptors . Ararajuba. 133-135" Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus RO:0003156 eats Syagrus coronata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Crax daubentoni RO:0003157 eats Copernicia tectorum "Bertsch, Carolina; Barreto, Guillermo R.. 2008. DIET OF THE YELLOW-KNOBBED CURASSOW IN THE CENTRAL VENEZUELAN LLANOS. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 767-777" Pecari tajacu RO:0003158 eats Copernicia tectorum "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0003159 eats Copernicia tectorum "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pan troglodytes RO:0003160 eats Eremospatha cabrae "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Piaractus brachypomus RO:0003161 eats Elaeis oleifera "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Cerdocyon thous RO:0003162 eats Butia capitata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Procyon cancrivorus RO:0003163 eats Butia capitata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta punctata RO:0003164 eats Astrocaryum alatum "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2013. Mammal Abundances and Seed Traits Control the Seed Dispersal and Predation Roles of Terrestrial Mammals in a Costa Rican Forest. Biotropica. 333-342" Dasyprocta fuliginosa RO:0003165 eats Astrocaryum alatum "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2015. Scatter Hoarding of Seeds Confers Survival Advantages and Disadvantages to Large-eeded Tropical Plants at Different Life Stages. Plos One. e0124932" Pecari tajacu RO:0003166 eats Astrocaryum alatum "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2015. Scatter Hoarding of Seeds Confers Survival Advantages and Disadvantages to Large-eeded Tropical Plants at Different Life Stages. Plos One. e0124932" Pecari tajacu RO:0003167 eats Astrocaryum alatum "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2013. Mammal Abundances and Seed Traits Control the Seed Dispersal and Predation Roles of Terrestrial Mammals in a Costa Rican Forest. Biotropica. 333-342" Parula pitiayumi RO:0003168 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Coereba flaveola RO:0003169 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Euphonia violacea RO:0003170 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Ramphocelus bresilius RO:0003171 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Sturnus pagodarum RO:0003172 eats Phoenix sylvestris "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Euryoryzomys russatus RO:0003173 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Brotogeris chiriri RO:0003174 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Sazima, Ivan. 2008. The parakeet Brotogeris tirica feeds on and disperses the fruits of the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana in Southeastern Brazil. . " Brotogeris tirica RO:0003175 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Sazima, Ivan. 2008. The parakeet Brotogeris tirica feeds on and disperses the fruits of the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana in Southeastern Brazil. . " Turdus rufiventris RO:0003176 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Turdus rufiventris RO:0003177 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Hernandez, Angel. 2011. Internal dispersal of seed-inhabiting insects by vertebrate frugivores: a review and prospects. Integrative Zoology. 213-221" Turdus rufiventris RO:0003178 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "GUIX, JC; RUIZ, X.. 1995. TOUCANS AND THRUSHES AS POTENTIAL DISPERSERS OF SEED-PREDATORY WEEVIL LARVAE IN SOUTHEASTERN BRAZIL. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie. 745-748" Sturnus contra RO:0003179 eats Phoenix sylvestris "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Acridotheres tristis RO:0003180 eats Phoenix sylvestris "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Myiopsitta monachus RO:0003181 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Sazima, Ivan. 2008. The parakeet Brotogeris tirica feeds on and disperses the fruits of the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana in Southeastern Brazil. . " Sciurus aestuans RO:0003182 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Olmos, F.; Pardini, R.; Boulhosa, R. L. P.; Burgi, R.; Morsello, C.. 1999. Do tapirs steal food from palm seed predators or give them a lift?. Biotropica. 375-379" Sciurus aestuans RO:0003183 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Ribeiro, Luci Ferreira; Machado Conde, Luciana Onecia; Tabarelli, Marcelo. 2010. PREDATION AND REMOVAL OF SEEDS FROM FIVE SPECIES OF PALMS BY Guerlinguetus ingrami (Thomas, 1901) IN AN URBAN FRAGMENT OF THE MONTANE ATLANTIC FOREST. Revista Arvore. 637-649" Sciurus ingrami RO:0003184 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Sciurus ingrami RO:0003185 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Freire, Caio Castro; Closet, Melissa Bars; Hasui, Erica; Ramos, Flavio Nunes. 2013. Reproductive phenology, seed dispersal and seed predation in Syagrus romanzoffiana in a highly fragmented landscape. Annales Botanici Fennici. 220-228" Sciurus ingrami RO:0003186 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Rodrigues, Ricardo Ribeiro; Novembre, Ana D. L. C.; Gomez, Jose M.. 2011. Are We Misinterpreting Seed Predation in Palms?. Biotropica. Dec-14" Sciurus ingrami RO:0003187 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus ingrami RO:0003188 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Fleury, M.; Galetti, M.. 2006. Forest fragment size and microhabitat effects on palm seed predation. Biological Conservation. Jan-13" Sciurus ingrami RO:0003189 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Sciurus ingrami RO:0003190 eats Syagrus ruschiana "Ribeiro, Luci Ferreira; Machado Conde, Luciana Onecia; Tabarelli, Marcelo. 2010. PREDATION AND REMOVAL OF SEEDS FROM FIVE SPECIES OF PALMS BY Guerlinguetus ingrami (Thomas, 1901) IN AN URBAN FRAGMENT OF THE MONTANE ATLANTIC FOREST. Revista Arvore. 637-649" Coracopsis nigra RO:0003191 eats Verschaffeltia splendida "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus granatensis RO:0003192 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Cyanocorax caeruleus RO:0003193 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Proechimys semispinosus RO:0003194 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Amazona brasiliensis RO:0003195 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ramphastos dicolorus RO:0003196 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ramphastos dicolorus RO:0003197 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Ramphastos dicolorus RO:0003198 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Hernandez, Angel. 2011. Internal dispersal of seed-inhabiting insects by vertebrate frugivores: a review and prospects. Integrative Zoology. 213-221" Ramphastos dicolorus RO:0003199 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "GUIX, JC; RUIZ, X.. 1995. TOUCANS AND THRUSHES AS POTENTIAL DISPERSERS OF SEED-PREDATORY WEEVIL LARVAE IN SOUTHEASTERN BRAZIL. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie. 745-748" Callithrix penicillata RO:0003200 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Ramphastos vitellinus RO:0003201 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ramphastos vitellinus RO:0003202 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Ramphastos vitellinus RO:0003203 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Hernandez, Angel. 2011. Internal dispersal of seed-inhabiting insects by vertebrate frugivores: a review and prospects. Integrative Zoology. 213-221" Saguinus geoffroyi RO:0003204 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Ortalis guttata RO:0003205 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Leontopithecus chrysopygus RO:0003206 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Leontopithecus chrysopygus RO:0003207 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Penelope superciliaris RO:0003208 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Guix, J. C.; Ruiz, X.. 1997. Weevil larvae dispersal by guans in southeastern Brazil. Biotropica. 522-525" Didelphis albiventris RO:0003209 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Didelphis albiventris RO:0003210 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Cantor, Mauricio; Ferreira, Leticia Andrade; Silva, Wesley Rodrigues; Freire Selz, Eleonore Zulnara. 2010. Potential seed dispersal by Didelphis albiventris (Marsupialia, Didelphidae) in highly disturbed environment. Biota Neotropica. 45-51" Callicebus torquatus RO:0003211 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Didelphis marsupialis RO:0003212 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Franco-Quimbay, July; Rojas-Robles, Rosario. 2015. Frugivora y dispersin de semillas de la palma Oenocarpus bataua en dos regiones con diferente estado de conservacin. Actualidades Biolgicas. 273-285" Didelphis marsupialis RO:0003213 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Ara ararauna RO:0003214 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Santos, A. A.; Ragusa-Netto, J.. 2014. Plant food resources exploited by Blue-and-Yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna, Linnaeus 1758) at an urban area in Central Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 429-437" Didelphis aurita RO:0003215 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Didelphis aurita RO:0003216 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Penelope obscura RO:0003217 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Guix, J. C.; Ruiz, X.. 1997. Weevil larvae dispersal by guans in southeastern Brazil. Biotropica. 522-525" Penelope obscura RO:0003218 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Hernandez, Angel. 2011. Internal dispersal of seed-inhabiting insects by vertebrate frugivores: a review and prospects. Integrative Zoology. 213-221" Penelope purpurascens RO:0003219 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Dasyprocta azarae RO:0003220 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Sapajus apella RO:0003221 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Sapajus apella RO:0003222 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sapajus nigritus RO:0003223 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0003224 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Cebus capucinus RO:0003225 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Potos flavus RO:0003226 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0003227 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Nasua nasua RO:0003228 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Nasua nasua RO:0003229 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Nasua nasua RO:0003230 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Nasua narica RO:0003231 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Coendou prehensilis RO:0003232 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Rodrigues, Ricardo Ribeiro; Novembre, Ana D. L. C.; Gomez, Jose M.. 2011. Are We Misinterpreting Seed Predation in Palms?. Biotropica. Dec-14" Cerdocyon thous RO:0003233 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Cerdocyon thous RO:0003234 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cerdocyon thous RO:0003235 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Cerdocyon thous RO:0003236 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Rocha, Vlamir J.; Reis, Nelio R. dos; Sekiama, Margareth L.. 2004. Dieta e disperso de sementes por Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus) (Carnvora, Canidae), em um fragmento florestal no Paran, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia. 871-876" Ateles geoffroyi RO:0003237 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Alouatta guariba RO:0003238 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Alouatta guariba RO:0003239 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Martins, Milene Moura. 2008. Fruit diet of Alouatta guariba and Brachyteles arachnoides in Southeastern Brazil: comparison of fruit type, color, and seed size. Primates. 1-Aug" Procyon cancrivorus RO:0003240 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Procyon cancrivorus RO:0003241 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Procyon cancrivorus RO:0003242 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Quintela, Fernando M.; Iob, Graziela; Artioli, Luiz G. S.. 2014. Diet of Procyon cancrivorus (Carnivora, Procyonidae) in restinga and estuarine environments of southern Brazil. Iheringia Serie Zoologia. 143-149" Alouatta palliata RO:0003243 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Cuniculus paca RO:0003244 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Cuniculus paca RO:0003245 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Rodrigues, Ricardo Ribeiro; Novembre, Ana D. L. C.; Gomez, Jose M.. 2011. Are We Misinterpreting Seed Predation in Palms?. Biotropica. Dec-14" Cuniculus paca RO:0003246 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Cuniculus paca RO:0003247 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Pecari tajacu RO:0003248 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0003249 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Rodrigues, Ricardo Ribeiro; Novembre, Ana D. L. C.; Gomez, Jose M.. 2011. Are We Misinterpreting Seed Predation in Palms?. Biotropica. Dec-14" Pecari tajacu RO:0003250 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2008. Fruit availability and peccary frugivory in an isolated Atlantic forest fragment: Effects on peccary ranging behavior and habitat use. Biotropica. 62-70" Pecari tajacu RO:0003251 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Fleury, M.; Galetti, M.. 2006. Forest fragment size and microhabitat effects on palm seed predation. Biological Conservation. Jan-13" Pecari tajacu RO:0003252 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Beckman, Noelle G.; Muller-Landau, Helene C.. 2007. Differential effects of hunting on pre-dispersal seed predation and primary and secondary seed removal of two neotropical tree species. Biotropica. 328-339" Chrysocyon brachyurus RO:0003253 eats Syagrus petraea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Chrysocyon brachyurus RO:0003254 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tayassu pecari RO:0003255 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Tayassu pecari RO:0003256 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0003257 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Rodrigues, Ricardo Ribeiro; Novembre, Ana D. L. C.; Gomez, Jose M.. 2011. Are We Misinterpreting Seed Predation in Palms?. Biotropica. Dec-14" Tayassu pecari RO:0003258 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2008. Fruit availability and peccary frugivory in an isolated Atlantic forest fragment: Effects on peccary ranging behavior and habitat use. Biotropica. 62-70" Tayassu pecari RO:0003259 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Fleury, M.; Galetti, M.. 2006. Forest fragment size and microhabitat effects on palm seed predation. Biological Conservation. Jan-13" Tayassu pecari RO:0003260 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003261 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Sica, Yanina V.; Bravo, Susana P.; Giombini, Mariano I.. 2014. Spatial Pattern of Pindo Palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana) Recruitment in Argentinian Atlantic Forest: The Importance of Tapir and Effects of Defaunation. Biotropica. 696-703" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003262 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003263 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Giombini, Mariano I.; Bravo, Susana P.; Martinez, Mariela F.. 2009. Seed Dispersal of the Palm Syagrus romanzoffiana by Tapirs in the Semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest of Argentina. Biotropica. 408-413" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003264 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Olmos, F.; Pardini, R.; Boulhosa, R. L. P.; Burgi, R.; Morsello, C.. 1999. Do tapirs steal food from palm seed predators or give them a lift?. Biotropica. 375-379" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003265 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Olmos, F.; Pardini, R.; Boulhosa, R. L. P.; Burgi, R.; Morsello, C.. 1999. Do tapirs steal food from palm seed predators or give them a lift?. Biotropica. 375-379" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003266 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tapirus terrestris RO:0003267 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "da Silva, Fernanda R.; Begnini, Romualdo M.; Lopes, Benedito C.; Castellani, Tania T.. 2011. Seed dispersal and predation in the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana on two islands with different faunal richness, southern Brazil. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 163-171" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003268 eats Oenocarpus mapora "Uriarte, Maria; Anciaes, Marina; da Silva, Mariana T. B.; Rubim, Paulo; Johnson, Erik; Bruna, Emilio M.. 2011. Disentangling the drivers of reduced long-distance seed dispersal by birds in an experimentally fragmented landscape. Ecology. 924-937" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003269 eats Oenocarpus mapora "O'Farrill, Georgina; Galetti, Mauro; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa. 2013. Frugivory and seed dispersal by tapirs: an insight on their ecological role. Integrative Zoology. Apr-17" Pterodoras granulosus RO:0003270 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Pterodoras granulosus RO:0003271 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Salvator merianae RO:0003272 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tupinambis meriane RO:0003273 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Castro, Everaldo Rodrigo de; Galetti, Mauro. 2004. Frugivoria e disperso de sementes pelo lagarto tei Tupinambis merianae (Reptilia: Teiidae). Pap_is Avulsos de Zoologia (So Paulo). 91-97" Tupinambis meriane RO:0003274 eats Syagrus romanzoffiana "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Dermanura watsoni RO:0003275 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Melo, Felipe P. L.; Rodriguez-Herrera, Bernal; Chazdon, Robin L.; Medellin, Rodrigo A.; Ceballos, Gerardo G.. 2009. Small Tent-Roosting Bats Promote Dispersal of Large-Seeded Plants in a Neotropical Forest. Biotropica. 737-743" Ramphastos sulfuratus RO:0003276 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Sezen, Uzay U.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Holsinger, Kent E.. 2009. Proximity is not a proxy for parentage in an animal-dispersed Neotropical canopy palm. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 2037-2044" Ramphastos swainsonii RO:0003277 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Sezen, Uzay U.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Holsinger, Kent E.. 2007. Multigenerational genetic analysis of tropical secondary regeneration in a canopy palm. Ecology. 3065-3075" Ramphastos swainsonii RO:0003278 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Sezen, Uzay U.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Holsinger, Kent E.. 2009. Proximity is not a proxy for parentage in an animal-dispersed Neotropical canopy palm. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 2037-2044" Dasyprocta punctata RO:0003279 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2013. Mammal Abundances and Seed Traits Control the Seed Dispersal and Predation Roles of Terrestrial Mammals in a Costa Rican Forest. Biotropica. 333-342" Cebus capucinus RO:0003280 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Sezen, Uzay U.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Holsinger, Kent E.. 2007. Multigenerational genetic analysis of tropical secondary regeneration in a canopy palm. Ecology. 3065-3075" Cebus capucinus RO:0003281 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Sezen, Uzay U.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Holsinger, Kent E.. 2009. Proximity is not a proxy for parentage in an animal-dispersed Neotropical canopy palm. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 2037-2044" Dasyprocta fuliginosa RO:0003282 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2015. Scatter Hoarding of Seeds Confers Survival Advantages and Disadvantages to Large-eeded Tropical Plants at Different Life Stages. Plos One. e0124932" Ateles belzebuth RO:0003283 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Russo, S. E.; Campbell, C. J.; Dew, J. L.; Stevenson, P. R.; Suarez, S. A.. 2005. A multi-forest comparison of dietary preferences and seed dispersal by Ateles spp.. International Journal of Primatology. 1017-1037" Ateles belzebuth RO:0003284 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ateles geoffroyi RO:0003285 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Sezen, Uzay U.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Holsinger, Kent E.. 2007. Multigenerational genetic analysis of tropical secondary regeneration in a canopy palm. Ecology. 3065-3075" Ateles geoffroyi RO:0003286 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Sezen, Uzay U.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Holsinger, Kent E.. 2009. Proximity is not a proxy for parentage in an animal-dispersed Neotropical canopy palm. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 2037-2044" Lagothrix lagotricha RO:0003287 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pecari tajacu RO:0003288 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2015. Scatter Hoarding of Seeds Confers Survival Advantages and Disadvantages to Large-eeded Tropical Plants at Different Life Stages. Plos One. e0124932" Pecari tajacu RO:0003289 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0003290 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0003291 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Kuprewicz, Erin K.. 2013. Mammal Abundances and Seed Traits Control the Seed Dispersal and Predation Roles of Terrestrial Mammals in a Costa Rican Forest. Biotropica. 333-342" Tayassu pecari RO:0003292 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Silman, M. R.; Terborgh, J. W.; Kiltie, R. A.. 2003. Population regulation of a dominant-rain forest tree by a major seed-predator. Ecology. 431-438" Tayassu pecari RO:0003293 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Sezen, Uzay U.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Holsinger, Kent E.. 2007. Multigenerational genetic analysis of tropical secondary regeneration in a canopy palm. Ecology. 3065-3075" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003294 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Sezen, Uzay U.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Holsinger, Kent E.. 2007. Multigenerational genetic analysis of tropical secondary regeneration in a canopy palm. Ecology. 3065-3075" Tapirus bairdii RO:0003295 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Sezen, Uzay U.; Chazdon, Robin L.; Holsinger, Kent E.. 2007. Multigenerational genetic analysis of tropical secondary regeneration in a canopy palm. Ecology. 3065-3075" Rhinemys rufipes RO:0003296 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Geochelone denticulata RO:0003297 eats Iriartea deltoidea "Guzman, Adriana; Stevenson, Pablo R.. 2008. Seed dispersal, habitat selection and movement patterns in the Amazonian tortoise, Geochelone denticulata. Amphibia-Reptilia. 463-472" Cephalophus callipygus RO:0003298 eats Eremospatha wendlandiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cephalophus dorsalis RO:0003299 eats Eremospatha wendlandiana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Brycon amazonicus RO:0003300 eats Bactris pilosa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Piaractus brachypomus RO:0003301 eats Bactris pilosa "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Dermanura watsoni RO:0003302 eats Pholidostachys pulchra "Melo, Felipe P. L.; Rodriguez-Herrera, Bernal; Chazdon, Robin L.; Medellin, Rodrigo A.; Ceballos, Gerardo G.. 2009. Small Tent-Roosting Bats Promote Dispersal of Large-Seeded Plants in a Neotropical Forest. Biotropica. 737-743" Bycanistes cylindricus RO:0003303 eats Laccosperma secundiflorum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Bycanistes cylindricus RO:0003304 eats Laccosperma secundiflorum "Poulsen, J. R.; Clark, C. J.; Connor, E. F.; Smith, T. B.. 2002. Differential resource use by primates and hornbills: Implications for seed dispersal. Ecology. 228-240" Bycanistes albotibialis RO:0003305 eats Laccosperma secundiflorum "Lamperti, Aaron M.; French, Aaron R.; Dierenfeld, Ellen S.; Fogiel, Mark K.; Whitney, Kenneth D.; Stauffer, Donald J.; Holbrook, Kimberly M.; Hardesty, Britta D.; Clark, Connie J.; Poulsen, John R.; Wang, Benjamin C.; Smith, Thomas B.; Parker, V. Thomas. 2014. Diet selection is related to breeding status in two frugivorous hornbill species of Central Africa. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 273-290" Bycanistes cylindricus RO:0003306 eats Laccosperma secundiflorum "Whitney, Kenneth; Fogiel, Mark; Lamperti, K; Holbrook, K; Stauffer, D; Hardesty, D; Parker, T; Smith, T. 1998. Seed dispersal by Ceratogymna Hornbills in the Dja Reserve Cameroon. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 351-371" Bycanistes cylindricus RO:0003307 eats Laccosperma secundiflorum "Whitney, Kenneth; Fogiel, Mark; Lamperti, K; Holbrook, K; Stauffer, D; Hardesty, D; Parker, T; Smith, T. 1998. Seed dispersal by Ceratogymna Hornbills in the Dja Reserve Cameroon. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 351-371" Ceratogymna atrata RO:0003308 eats Laccosperma secundiflorum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ceratogymna atrata RO:0003309 eats Laccosperma secundiflorum "Poulsen, J. R.; Clark, C. J.; Connor, E. F.; Smith, T. B.. 2002. Differential resource use by primates and hornbills: Implications for seed dispersal. Ecology. 228-240" Ceratogymna atrata RO:0003310 eats Laccosperma secundiflorum "Lamperti, Aaron M.; French, Aaron R.; Dierenfeld, Ellen S.; Fogiel, Mark K.; Whitney, Kenneth D.; Stauffer, Donald J.; Holbrook, Kimberly M.; Hardesty, Britta D.; Clark, Connie J.; Poulsen, John R.; Wang, Benjamin C.; Smith, Thomas B.; Parker, V. Thomas. 2014. Diet selection is related to breeding status in two frugivorous hornbill species of Central Africa. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 273-290" Colossoma macropomum RO:0003311 eats Bactris bidentula "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Piaractus mesopotamicus RO:0003312 eats Bactris bidentula "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Thraupis episcopus RO:0003313 eats Aiphanes horrida "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Thraupis episcopus RO:0003314 eats Aiphanes horrida "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Piaractus brachypomus RO:0003315 eats Aiphanes horrida "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Anthreptes collaris RO:0003316 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Anthreptes collaris RO:0003317 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Anthreptes collaris RO:0003318 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Anthreptes collaris RO:0003319 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Zosterops capensis RO:0003320 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Zosterops capensis RO:0003321 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Pogoniulus bilineatus RO:0003322 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Ploceus ocularis RO:0003323 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Andropadus importunus RO:0003324 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Andropadus importunus RO:0003325 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Andropadus importunus RO:0003326 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Pycnonotus barbatus RO:0003327 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Pycnonotus barbatus RO:0003328 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Pycnonotus barbatus RO:0003329 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Lamprotornis corruscus RO:0003330 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Lamprotornis corruscus RO:0003331 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Lamprotornis corruscus RO:0003332 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Turdus olivaceus RO:0003333 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Turdus olivaceus RO:0003334 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Turdus olivaceus RO:0003335 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Poicephalus meyeri RO:0003336 eats Phoenix reclinata "Boyes, Rutledge S.; Perrin, Mike R.. 2010. Patterns of daily activity of Meyer's Parrot (Poicephalus meyeri) in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Emu. 54-65" Tauraco persa RO:0003337 eats Phoenix reclinata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tauraco corythaix RO:0003338 eats Phoenix reclinata "Chama, Lackson; Berens, Dana G.; Downs, Colleen T.; Farwig, Nina. 2013. Habitat Characteristics of Forest Fragments Determine Specialisation of Plant-Frugivore Networks in a Mosaic Forest Landscape. Plos One. e54956" Cephalopterus penduliger RO:0003339 eats Bactris setulosa "Karubian, Jordan; Duraes, Renata; Storey, Jenny L.; Smith, Thomas B.. 2012. Mating Behavior Drives Seed Dispersal by the Long-wattled Umbrellabird Cephalopterus penduliger. Biotropica. 689-698" Gypohierax angolensis RO:0003340 eats Phoenix reclinata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cercocebus galeritus RO:0003341 eats Phoenix reclinata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cercocebus galeritus RO:0003342 eats Phoenix reclinata "KINNAIRD, MF. 1992. PHENOLOGY OF FLOWERING AND FRUITING OF AN EAST-AFRICAN RIVERINE FOREST ECOSYSTEM. Biotropica. 187-194" Papio cynocephalus RO:0003343 eats Phoenix reclinata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Microcebus murinus RO:0003344 eats Dypsis decaryi "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Coracopsis vasa RO:0003345 eats Dypsis decaryi "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Lemur catta RO:0003346 eats Dypsis decaryi "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cerradomys subflavus RO:0003347 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Grenha, Viviane; Macedo, Margarete V.; Pires, Alexandra S.; Monteiro, Ricardo F.. 2010. The role of Cerradomys Subflavus (Rodentia, Cricetidae) as seed predator and disperser of the palm Allagoptera arenaria. Mastozoologa neotropical. 61-68" Trinomys iheringi RO:0003348 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Trinomys eliasi RO:0003349 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Leite, C.. 1990. Biologia e Reproduo de Allagoptera arenaria (Gomes) O Kuntze (Diplothemium maritimum MART.) - Palmae, Rio de Janeiro. Universidade Federale do Rio de Janeiro. " Metachirus nudicaudatus RO:0003350 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Leite, C.. 1990. Biologia e Reproduo de Allagoptera arenaria (Gomes) O Kuntze (Diplothemium maritimum MART.) - Palmae, Rio de Janeiro. Universidade Federale do Rio de Janeiro. " Metachirus nudicaudatus RO:0003351 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Philander frenatus RO:0003352 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Leite, C.. 1990. Biologia e Reproduo de Allagoptera arenaria (Gomes) O Kuntze (Diplothemium maritimum MART.) - Palmae, Rio de Janeiro. Universidade Federale do Rio de Janeiro. " Philander opossum RO:0003353 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Didelphis aurita RO:0003354 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Leite, C.. 1990. Biologia e Reproduo de Allagoptera arenaria (Gomes) O Kuntze (Diplothemium maritimum MART.) - Palmae, Rio de Janeiro. Universidade Federale do Rio de Janeiro. " Didelphis aurita RO:0003355 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cerdocyon thous RO:0003356 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Gatti, A., Bianchi, C. R., Rosa, Xavier., . 2006. Diet of two simpatric carnivores, Cerdocydion thous and Procyon carnivorous. Journal of Tropical Ecology. " Procyon cancrivorus RO:0003357 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Gatti, A., Bianchi, C. R., Rosa, Xavier., . 2006. Diet of two simpatric carnivores, Cerdocydion thous and Procyon carnivorous. Journal of Tropical Ecology. " Rhea americana RO:0003358 eats Bactris glaucescens "Donatti, C. I., Galetti, M., Pizo, M. A., Guimaraes Jr, P. R., & Jordano, P. (2007). Living in the land of ghosts: fruit traits and the importance of large mammals as seed dispersers in the Pantanal, Brazil. Seed dispersal: theory and its application in a changing world Dennis AJ, Green RJ, Schupp EW, Westcott DA, 104-123." Tayassu pecari RO:0003359 eats Bactris glaucescens "Donatti, C. I., Galetti, M., Pizo, M. A., Guimaraes Jr, P. R., & Jordano, P. (2007). Living in the land of ghosts: fruit traits and the importance of large mammals as seed dispersers in the Pantanal, Brazil. Seed dispersal: theory and its application in a changing world Dennis AJ, Green RJ, Schupp EW, Westcott DA, 104-123." Tapirus terrestris RO:0003360 eats Bactris glaucescens "Donatti, C. I., Galetti, M., Pizo, M. A., Guimaraes Jr, P. R., & Jordano, P. (2007). Living in the land of ghosts: fruit traits and the importance of large mammals as seed dispersers in the Pantanal, Brazil. Seed dispersal: theory and its application in a changing world Dennis AJ, Green RJ, Schupp EW, Westcott DA, 104-123." Piaractus mesopotamicus RO:0003361 eats Bactris glaucescens "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Piaractus mesopotamicus RO:0003362 eats Bactris glaucescens "Sorio, Valdete Ferreira; Damasceno-Junior, Geraldo Alves; Parolin, Pia. 2014. DISPERSAL OF PALM SEEDS (BACTRIS GLAUCESCENS DRUDE) BY THE FISH PIARACTUS MESOPOTAMICUS IN THE BRAZILIAN PANTANAL. Ecotropica. 75-82" Piaractus mesopotamicus RO:0003363 eats Bactris glaucescens "Galetti, Mauro; Donatti, Camila I.; Pizo, Marco Aurelio; Giacomini, Henrique C.. 2008. Big fish are the best: Seed dispersal of Bactris glaucescens by the pacu fish (Piaractus mesopotamicus) in the Pantanal, Brazil. Biotropica. 386-389" Ateuchus squalidus RO:0003364 eats Allagoptera arenaria "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Brycon melanopterus RO:0003365 eats Bactris glaucescens "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Araujo, Joisiane K.; Penha, Jerry M. F.; da Cunha, Catia Nunes; Stevenson, Pablo R.; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Overfishing disrupts an ancient mutualism between frugivorous fishes and plants in Neotropical wetlands. Biological Conservation. 159-167" Piaractus mesopotamicus RO:0003366 eats Bactris glaucescens "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Araujo, Joisiane K.; Penha, Jerry M. F.; da Cunha, Catia Nunes; Stevenson, Pablo R.; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Overfishing disrupts an ancient mutualism between frugivorous fishes and plants in Neotropical wetlands. Biological Conservation. 159-167" Colossoma macropomum RO:0003367 eats Iriartella setigera "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Colossoma macropomum RO:0003368 eats Iriartella setigera "Silva, Jorge Antonio Moreira da; Pereira-Filho, Manoel; Oliveria-Pereira, Maria Inz de. 2003. Valor nutricional e energ_tico de esp_cies vegetais importantes na alimentao do Tambaqui. Acta Amazonica. 687-700" Dermanura watsoni RO:0003369 eats Euterpe oleracea "Melo, Felipe P. L.; Rodriguez-Herrera, Bernal; Chazdon, Robin L.; Medellin, Rodrigo A.; Ceballos, Gerardo G.. 2009. Small Tent-Roosting Bats Promote Dispersal of Large-Seeded Plants in a Neotropical Forest. Biotropica. 737-743" Brotogeris chiriri RO:0003370 eats Copernicia alba "Ragusa-Netto, J.; Fecchio, A.. 2006. Plant food resources and the diet of a parrot community in a gallery forest of the southern Pantanal (Brazil).. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 1021-32" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0003371 eats Chamaedorea tepejilote "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Zenaida auriculata RO:0003372 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Myiopsitta monachus RO:0003373 eats Copernicia alba "Ragusa-Netto, J.; Fecchio, A.. 2006. Plant food resources and the diet of a parrot community in a gallery forest of the southern Pantanal (Brazil).. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 1021-32" Nandayus nenday RO:0003374 eats Copernicia alba "Ragusa-Netto, J.; Fecchio, A.. 2006. Plant food resources and the diet of a parrot community in a gallery forest of the southern Pantanal (Brazil).. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 1021-32" Rupicola rupicola RO:0003375 eats Euterpe oleracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Primolius auricollis RO:0003376 eats Copernicia alba "Ragusa-Netto, J.; Fecchio, A.. 2006. Plant food resources and the diet of a parrot community in a gallery forest of the southern Pantanal (Brazil).. Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia. 1021-32" Amazona amazonica RO:0003377 eats Roystonea oleracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Orthopsittaca manilata RO:0003378 eats Roystonea oleracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Orthopsittaca manilata RO:0003379 eats Roystonea oleracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ortalis canicollis RO:0003380 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Penelope marail RO:0003381 eats Euterpe oleracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ara ararauna RO:0003382 eats Roystonea oleracea "Santos, A. A.; Ragusa-Netto, J.. 2014. Plant food resources exploited by Blue-and-Yellow Macaws (Ara ararauna, Linnaeus 1758) at an urban area in Central Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 429-437" Tolypeutes matacus RO:0003383 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Dasyprocta azarae RO:0003384 eats Copernicia alba "Cid, Bruno; Oliveira-Santos, Luiz Gustavo R.; Mourao, Guilherme. 2013. Seasonal Habitat Use of Agoutis (Dasyprocta azarae) is Driven by the Palm Attalea phalerata in Brazilian Pantanal. Biotropica. 380-385" Lycalopex gymnocercus RO:0003385 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Cerdocyon thous RO:0003386 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Cerdocyon thous RO:0003387 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Mazama gouazoubira RO:0003388 eats Euterpe oleracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Mazama gouazoubira RO:0003389 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Cephalophus callipygus RO:0003390 eats Calamus deerratus "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cephalophus dorsalis RO:0003391 eats Calamus deerratus "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pecari tajacu RO:0003392 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Mazama americana RO:0003393 eats Euterpe oleracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Rhea americana RO:0003394 eats Copernicia alba "Moraes, M. 1991. Contribucio_n al studio del ciclo biolo_gico de la palma Copernicia alba en un a_rea ganadera (Espi_ritu, Beni, Bolivia) . Ecologia en Bolivia. Jan-20" Rhea americana RO:0003395 eats Copernicia alba "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Rhea americana RO:0003396 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Chrysocyon brachyurus RO:0003397 eats Copernicia alba "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tayassu pecari RO:0003398 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Puma concolor RO:0003399 eats Copernicia alba "Puechagut, Patricia B.; Politi, Natalia; Bellis, Laura M.; Rivera, Luis O.. 2013. A disappearing oasis in the semi-arid Chaco: Deficient palm regeneration and establishment. Journal for Nature Conservation. 31-36" Colossoma macropomum RO:0003400 eats Bactris maraja "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Piaractus mesopotamicus RO:0003401 eats Copernicia alba "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Pimelodus maculatus RO:0003402 eats Copernicia alba "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Electrophorus electricus RO:0003403 eats Euterpe oleracea "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Megalechis thoracata RO:0003404 eats Euterpe oleracea "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Myleus rhomboidalis RO:0003405 eats Euterpe oleracea "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Piaractus brachypomus RO:0003406 eats Bactris maraja "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Colossoma macropomum RO:0003407 eats Bactris maraja "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Myleus rhomboidalis RO:0003408 eats Euterpe oleracea "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Colossoma macropomum RO:0003409 eats Bactris maraja "Silva, Jorge Antonio Moreira da; Pereira-Filho, Manoel; Oliveria-Pereira, Maria Inz de. 2003. Valor nutricional e energ_tico de esp_cies vegetais importantes na alimentao do Tambaqui. Acta Amazonica. 687-700" Myleus rhomboidalis RO:0003410 eats Euterpe oleracea "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Winemiller, Kirk O.; Lopez-Fernandez, Hernan; Galetti, Mauro. 2007. Evolutionary perspectives on seed consumption and dispersal by fishes. Bioscience. 748-756" Lithodoras dorsalis RO:0003411 eats Euterpe oleracea "Cifuentes, Lucas; Moreno, Flavio; Andres Arango, Diego. 2013. Phenology of Euterpe oleracea (Arecaceae) in flooded forests of Choco Biogeografico region. Revista Mexicana De Biodiversidad. 591-599" Ortalis vetula RO:0003412 eats Sabal mexicana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Procyon lotor RO:0003413 eats Sabal mexicana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ateles geoffroyi RO:0003414 eats Sabal mexicana "Gonzalez-Zamora, Arturo; Arroyo-Rodriguez, Victor; Chaves, Oscar M.; Sanchez-Lopez, Sonia; Stoner, Kathryn E.; Riba-Hernandez, Pablo. 2009. Diet of Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) in Mesoamerica: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. American Journal of Primatology. Aug-20" Ateles geoffroyi RO:0003415 eats Sabal mexicana "Chaves, Oscar M.; Stoner, Kathryn E.; Arroyo-Rodriguez, Victor. 2012. Differences in Diet Between Spider Monkey Groups Living in Forest Fragments and Continuous Forest in Mexico. Biotropica. 105-113" Canis latrans RO:0003416 eats Sabal mexicana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus aestuans RO:0003417 eats Bactris acanthocarpa "Silva, M. G.; Tabarelli, M.. 2001. Seed dispersal, plant recruitment and spatial distribution of Bactris acanthocarpa Martius (Arecaceae) in a remnant of Atlantic forest in northeast Brazil. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 259-268" Rupicola rupicola RO:0003418 eats Oenocarpus bacaba "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Eulemur macaco RO:0003419 eats Dypsis pinnatifrons "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta prymnolopha RO:0003420 eats Bactris acanthocarpa "Silva, M. G.; Tabarelli, M.. 2001. Seed dispersal, plant recruitment and spatial distribution of Bactris acanthocarpa Martius (Arecaceae) in a remnant of Atlantic forest in northeast Brazil. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 259-268" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003421 eats Oenocarpus bacaba "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Brycon RO:0003422 eats Oenocarpus bacaba "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Myleus rhomboidalis RO:0003423 eats Oenocarpus bacaba "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Rhinemys rufipes RO:0003424 eats Oenocarpus bacaba "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Loxigilla noctis RO:0003425 eats Pseudophoenix sargentii "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Saltator albicollis RO:0003426 eats Pseudophoenix sargentii "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Hypsipetes madagascariensis RO:0003427 eats Dypsis prestoniana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Alectroenas madagascariensis RO:0003428 eats Dypsis prestoniana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cheirogaleus medius RO:0003429 eats Dypsis prestoniana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pteropus rufus RO:0003430 eats Dypsis prestoniana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cheirogaleus major RO:0003431 eats Dypsis prestoniana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Eulemur fulvus RO:0003432 eats Dypsis prestoniana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Chrysocyon brachyurus RO:0003433 eats Allagoptera campestris "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Spindalis zena RO:0003434 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tyrannus dominicensis RO:0003435 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Mimus polyglottos RO:0003436 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Melanerpes portoricensis RO:0003437 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Brotogeris versicolurus RO:0003438 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Turdus plumbeus RO:0003439 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Margarops fuscatus RO:0003440 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Amazona ventralis RO:0003441 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Patagioenas leucocephala RO:0003442 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Patagioenas squamosa RO:0003443 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Patagioenas inornata RO:0003444 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Amazona aestiva RO:0003445 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Amazona ochrocephala RO:0003446 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dendrocygna bicolor RO:0003447 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dendrocygna arborea RO:0003448 eats Roystonea borinquena "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Thraupis sayaca RO:0003449 eats Archontophoenix cunninghamiana "Christianini, Alexander V.. 2006. Fecundidade, disperso e predao de sementes de Archontophoenix cunninghamiana H. Wendl. & Drude, uma palmeira invasora da Mata Atlntica. Brazilian Journal of Botany. 587-594" Saltator similis RO:0003450 eats Archontophoenix cunninghamiana "Christianini, Alexander V.. 2006. Fecundidade, disperso e predao de sementes de Archontophoenix cunninghamiana H. Wendl. & Drude, uma palmeira invasora da Mata Atlntica. Brazilian Journal of Botany. 587-594" Brotogeris chiriri RO:0003451 eats Archontophoenix cunninghamiana "Christianini, Alexander V.. 2006. Fecundidade, disperso e predao de sementes de Archontophoenix cunninghamiana H. Wendl. & Drude, uma palmeira invasora da Mata Atlntica. Brazilian Journal of Botany. 587-594" Pitangus sulphuratus RO:0003452 eats Archontophoenix cunninghamiana "Christianini, Alexander V.. 2006. Fecundidade, disperso e predao de sementes de Archontophoenix cunninghamiana H. Wendl. & Drude, uma palmeira invasora da Mata Atlntica. Brazilian Journal of Botany. 587-594" Turdus leucomelas RO:0003453 eats Archontophoenix cunninghamiana "Christianini, Alexander V.. 2006. Fecundidade, disperso e predao de sementes de Archontophoenix cunninghamiana H. Wendl. & Drude, uma palmeira invasora da Mata Atlntica. Brazilian Journal of Botany. 587-594" Turdus rufiventris RO:0003454 eats Archontophoenix cunninghamiana "Christianini, Alexander V.. 2006. Fecundidade, disperso e predao de sementes de Archontophoenix cunninghamiana H. Wendl. & Drude, uma palmeira invasora da Mata Atlntica. Brazilian Journal of Botany. 587-594" Sciurus aestuans RO:0003455 eats Bactris setosa "Ribeiro, Luci Ferreira; Machado Conde, Luciana Onecia; Tabarelli, Marcelo. 2010. PREDATION AND REMOVAL OF SEEDS FROM FIVE SPECIES OF PALMS BY Guerlinguetus ingrami (Thomas, 1901) IN AN URBAN FRAGMENT OF THE MONTANE ATLANTIC FOREST. Revista Arvore. 637-649" Ortalis vetula RO:0003456 eats Cryosophila stauracantha "Rivas, J; Morales, J.; Flores, M.. 2001. El Papel de los Cracidos (Aves:Galliformes) Como dispersores y depredadores de semillas. Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. " Ortalis vetula RO:0003457 eats Gaussia maya "Rivas, J; Morales, J.; Flores, M.. 2001. El Papel de los Cracidos (Aves:Galliformes) Como dispersores y depredadores de semillas. Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. " Penelope purpurascens RO:0003458 eats Cryosophila stauracantha "Rivas, J; Morales, J.; Flores, M.. 2001. El Papel de los Cracidos (Aves:Galliformes) Como dispersores y depredadores de semillas. Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. " Penelope purpurascens RO:0003459 eats Gaussia maya "Rivas, J; Morales, J.; Flores, M.. 2001. El Papel de los Cracidos (Aves:Galliformes) Como dispersores y depredadores de semillas. Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. " Dasyprocta leporina RO:0003460 eats Bactris setosa "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Crax rubra RO:0003461 eats Cryosophila stauracantha "Rivas, J; Morales, J.; Flores, M.. 2001. El Papel de los Cracidos (Aves:Galliformes) Como dispersores y depredadores de semillas. Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. " Crax rubra RO:0003462 eats Gaussia maya "Rivas, J; Morales, J.; Flores, M.. 2001. El Papel de los Cracidos (Aves:Galliformes) Como dispersores y depredadores de semillas. Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. " Cuniculus paca RO:0003463 eats Bactris setosa "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Tupinambis meriane RO:0003464 eats Archontophoenix cunninghamiana "Castro, Everaldo Rodrigo de; Galetti, Mauro. 2004. Frugivoria e disperso de sementes pelo lagarto tei Tupinambis merianae (Reptilia: Teiidae). Pap_is Avulsos de Zoologia (So Paulo). 91-97" Dacnis cayana RO:0003465 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Euphonia pectoralis RO:0003466 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Euphonia violacea RO:0003467 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Manacus manacus RO:0003468 eats Euterpe edulis "Cestari, Cesar; Pizo, Marco Aurelio. 2013. Frugivory by the White-bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus, Pipridae) in restinga forest, an ecosystem associated to the Atlantic forest. Biota Neotropica. 345-350" Tangara cayana RO:0003469 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Tangara cyanocephala RO:0003470 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Tangara seledon RO:0003471 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Tangara cyanoptera RO:0003472 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Cyclarhis gujanensis RO:0003473 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Tachyphonus coronatus RO:0003474 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Thraupis ornata RO:0003475 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Ploceus cucullatus RO:0003476 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Orthogonys chloricterus RO:0003477 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Myiodynastes maculatus RO:0003478 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Saltator similis RO:0003479 eats Euterpe edulis "Matos, D. M. S.; Watkinson, A. R.. 1998. The fecundity, seed, and seedling ecology of the edible palm Euterpe edulis in southeastern Brazil. Biotropica. 595-603" Saltator similis RO:0003480 eats Euterpe edulis "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Saltator similis RO:0003481 eats Euterpe edulis "Fadini, Rodrigo F.; Fleury, Marina; Donatti, Camila I.; Galetti, Mauro. 2009. Effects of frugivore impoverishment and seed predators on the recruitment of a keystone palm. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 188-196" Turdus nigriceps RO:0003482 eats Euterpe edulis "Matos, D. M. S.; Watkinson, A. R.. 1998. The fecundity, seed, and seedling ecology of the edible palm Euterpe edulis in southeastern Brazil. Biotropica. 595-603" Turdus nigriceps RO:0003483 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Turdus albicollis RO:0003484 eats Euterpe edulis "Matos, D. M. S.; Watkinson, A. R.. 1998. The fecundity, seed, and seedling ecology of the edible palm Euterpe edulis in southeastern Brazil. Biotropica. 595-603" Turdus albicollis RO:0003485 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Turdus albicollis RO:0003486 eats Euterpe edulis "Matos, D. M. S.; Watkinson, A. R.. 1998. The fecundity, seed, and seedling ecology of the edible palm Euterpe edulis in southeastern Brazil. Biotropica. 595-603" Turdus albicollis RO:0003487 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Turdus albicollis RO:0003488 eats Euterpe edulis "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Turdus albicollis RO:0003489 eats Euterpe edulis "Fadini, Rodrigo F.; Fleury, Marina; Donatti, Camila I.; Galetti, Mauro. 2009. Effects of frugivore impoverishment and seed predators on the recruitment of a keystone palm. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 188-196" Turdus albicollis RO:0003490 eats Euterpe edulis "Campos, Renata Calixto; Steiner, Josefina; Zillikens, Anne. 2012. Bird and mammal frugivores of Euterpe edulis at Santa Catarina island monitored by camera traps. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 105-110" Turdus amaurochalinus RO:0003491 eats Euterpe edulis "Matos, D. M. S.; Watkinson, A. R.. 1998. The fecundity, seed, and seedling ecology of the edible palm Euterpe edulis in southeastern Brazil. Biotropica. 595-603" Turdus amaurochalinus RO:0003492 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Hylaeamys oniscus RO:0003493 eats Euterpe edulis "Pinto, S. R. R.; Santos, A. M. M.; Tabarelli, M.. 2009. Seed predation by rodents and safe sites for large-seeded trees in a fragment of the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 763-771" Artibeus lituratus RO:0003494 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pitangus sulphuratus RO:0003495 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Brotogeris tirica RO:0003496 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Brotogeris tirica RO:0003497 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Brotogeris tirica RO:0003498 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Turdus flavipes RO:0003499 eats Euterpe edulis "Mengardo, Ana Luisa; Pivello, Vania Regina. 2012. PHENOLOGY AND FRUIT TRAITS OF ARCHONTOPHOENIX CUNNINGHAMIANA, AN INVASIVE PALM TREE IN THE ATLANTIC FOREST OF BRAZIL. Ecotropica. 45-54" Turdus flavipes RO:0003500 eats Euterpe edulis "Castro, E. R.; Galetti, M.; Morellato, L. P. C.. 2007. Reproductive phenology of Euterpe edulis (Arecaceae) along a gradient in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Australian Journal of Botany. 725-735" Turdus flavipes RO:0003501 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Turdus flavipes RO:0003502 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Turdus flavipes RO:0003503 eats Euterpe edulis "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Turdus flavipes RO:0003504 eats Euterpe edulis "Fadini, Rodrigo F.; Fleury, Marina; Donatti, Camila I.; Galetti, Mauro. 2009. Effects of frugivore impoverishment and seed predators on the recruitment of a keystone palm. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 188-196" Tityra cayana RO:0003505 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Turdus leucomelas RO:0003506 eats Euterpe edulis "Matos, D. M. S.; Watkinson, A. R.. 1998. The fecundity, seed, and seedling ecology of the edible palm Euterpe edulis in southeastern Brazil. Biotropica. 595-603" Turdus leucomelas RO:0003507 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Turdus rufiventris RO:0003508 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Turdus rufiventris RO:0003509 eats Euterpe edulis "Leite, Abraao de Barros; Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Guevara, Roger; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. Differential seed germination of a keystone palm (Euterpe edulis) dispersed by avian frugivores. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 615-618" Pyrrhura frontalis RO:0003510 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Pyrrhura frontalis RO:0003511 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pyrrhura frontalis RO:0003512 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Heteromys desmarestianus RO:0003513 eats Bactris mexicana "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Carpornis cucullata RO:0003514 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Trogon viridis RO:0003515 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Trogon viridis RO:0003516 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Trogon viridis RO:0003517 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Trogon viridis RO:0003518 eats Euterpe edulis "Fadini, Rodrigo F.; Fleury, Marina; Donatti, Camila I.; Galetti, Mauro. 2009. Effects of frugivore impoverishment and seed predators on the recruitment of a keystone palm. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 188-196" Triclaria malachitacea RO:0003519 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Triclaria malachitacea RO:0003520 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Triclaria malachitacea RO:0003521 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Lipaugus lanioides RO:0003522 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Lipaugus lanioides RO:0003523 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Celeus flavescens RO:0003524 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Aratinga euops RO:0003525 eats Roystonea regia "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Baryphthengus ruficapillus RO:0003526 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Baryphthengus ruficapillus RO:0003527 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Baryphthengus ruficapillus RO:0003528 eats Euterpe edulis "Fadini, Rodrigo F.; Fleury, Marina; Donatti, Camila I.; Galetti, Mauro. 2009. Effects of frugivore impoverishment and seed predators on the recruitment of a keystone palm. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 188-196" Pteroglossus bailloni RO:0003529 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Pteroglossus bailloni RO:0003530 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pteroglossus bailloni RO:0003531 eats Euterpe edulis "Pizo, M. A.; Simao, I.. 2001. Seed deposition patterns and the survival of seeds and seedlings of the palm Euterpe edulis. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 229-233" Pteroglossus bailloni RO:0003532 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Pteroglossus bailloni RO:0003533 eats Euterpe edulis "Leite, Abraao de Barros; Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Guevara, Roger; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. Differential seed germination of a keystone palm (Euterpe edulis) dispersed by avian frugivores. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 615-618" Pteroglossus bailloni RO:0003534 eats Euterpe edulis "Fadini, Rodrigo F.; Fleury, Marina; Donatti, Camila I.; Galetti, Mauro. 2009. Effects of frugivore impoverishment and seed predators on the recruitment of a keystone palm. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 188-196" Pionites melanocephalus RO:0003535 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Pionites melanocephalus RO:0003536 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Selenidera maculirostris RO:0003537 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Selenidera maculirostris RO:0003538 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Selenidera maculirostris RO:0003539 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Selenidera maculirostris RO:0003540 eats Euterpe edulis "Fadini, Rodrigo F.; Fleury, Marina; Donatti, Camila I.; Galetti, Mauro. 2009. Effects of frugivore impoverishment and seed predators on the recruitment of a keystone palm. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 188-196" Procnias nudicollis RO:0003541 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Procnias nudicollis RO:0003542 eats Euterpe edulis "Castro, E. R.; Galetti, M.; Morellato, L. P. C.. 2007. Reproductive phenology of Euterpe edulis (Arecaceae) along a gradient in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Australian Journal of Botany. 725-735" Procnias nudicollis RO:0003543 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Procnias nudicollis RO:0003544 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Sciurus aestuans RO:0003545 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Sciurus aestuans RO:0003546 eats Euterpe edulis "Ribeiro, Luci Ferreira; Machado Conde, Luciana Onecia; Tabarelli, Marcelo. 2010. PREDATION AND REMOVAL OF SEEDS FROM FIVE SPECIES OF PALMS BY Guerlinguetus ingrami (Thomas, 1901) IN AN URBAN FRAGMENT OF THE MONTANE ATLANTIC FOREST. Revista Arvore. 637-649" Coracopsis nigra RO:0003547 eats Deckenia nobilis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cyanocorax caeruleus RO:0003548 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Pionus maximiliani RO:0003549 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Ramphastos dicolorus RO:0003550 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Ramphastos dicolorus RO:0003551 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ramphastos dicolorus RO:0003552 eats Euterpe edulis "Leite, Abraao de Barros; Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Guevara, Roger; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. Differential seed germination of a keystone palm (Euterpe edulis) dispersed by avian frugivores. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 615-618" Ramphastos dicolorus RO:0003553 eats Euterpe edulis "Fadini, Rodrigo F.; Fleury, Marina; Donatti, Camila I.; Galetti, Mauro. 2009. Effects of frugivore impoverishment and seed predators on the recruitment of a keystone palm. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 188-196" Pyroderus scutatus RO:0003554 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Pyroderus scutatus RO:0003555 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pyroderus scutatus RO:0003556 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Ramphastos vitellinus RO:0003557 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Ramphastos vitellinus RO:0003558 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ramphastos vitellinus RO:0003559 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Ramphastos vitellinus RO:0003560 eats Euterpe edulis "Leite, Abraao de Barros; Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Guevara, Roger; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. Differential seed germination of a keystone palm (Euterpe edulis) dispersed by avian frugivores. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 615-618" Ramphastos vitellinus RO:0003561 eats Euterpe edulis "Campos, Renata Calixto; Steiner, Josefina; Zillikens, Anne. 2012. Bird and mammal frugivores of Euterpe edulis at Santa Catarina island monitored by camera traps. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 105-110" Ortalis guttata RO:0003562 eats Euterpe edulis "Campos, Renata Calixto; Steiner, Josefina; Zillikens, Anne. 2012. Bird and mammal frugivores of Euterpe edulis at Santa Catarina island monitored by camera traps. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 105-110" Ramphastos toco RO:0003563 eats Euterpe edulis "Leite, Abraao de Barros; Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Guevara, Roger; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. Differential seed germination of a keystone palm (Euterpe edulis) dispersed by avian frugivores. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 615-618" Pipile cujubi RO:0003564 eats Euterpe edulis "Leite, Abraao de Barros; Brancalion, Pedro H. S.; Guevara, Roger; Galetti, Mauro. 2012. Differential seed germination of a keystone palm (Euterpe edulis) dispersed by avian frugivores. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 615-618" Pipile jacutinga RO:0003565 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Pipile jacutinga RO:0003566 eats Euterpe edulis "Castro, E. R.; Galetti, M.; Morellato, L. P. C.. 2007. Reproductive phenology of Euterpe edulis (Arecaceae) along a gradient in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Australian Journal of Botany. 725-735" Pipile jacutinga RO:0003567 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pipile jacutinga RO:0003568 eats Euterpe edulis "Pizo, M. A.; Simao, I.. 2001. Seed deposition patterns and the survival of seeds and seedlings of the palm Euterpe edulis. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 229-233" Pipile jacutinga RO:0003569 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Tinamus solitarius RO:0003570 eats Euterpe edulis "Castro, E. R.; Galetti, M.; Morellato, L. P. C.. 2007. Reproductive phenology of Euterpe edulis (Arecaceae) along a gradient in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Australian Journal of Botany. 725-735" Penelope obscura RO:0003571 eats Euterpe edulis "Galetti, M.; Alexio Alexandre. 1998. Effects on palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology. 286-293" Penelope obscura RO:0003572 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Penelope obscura RO:0003573 eats Euterpe edulis "Pizo, M. A.; Simao, I.. 2001. Seed deposition patterns and the survival of seeds and seedlings of the palm Euterpe edulis. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 229-233" Penelope obscura RO:0003574 eats Euterpe edulis " MAURO GALETTI, ROGER GUEVARA, MARINA C. CRTES, RODRIGO FADINI, SANDRO VON MATTER, ABRAO B. LEITE, FBIO LABECCA, THIAGO RIBEIRO, CAROLINA S. CARVALHO, ROSANE G. COLLEVATTI, MATHIAS M. PIRES, PAULO R. GUIMARES JR., PEDRO H. BRANCALION, MILTON C. RIBEIRO, PEDRO JORDANO. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science. Vol. 340, Issue 6136, pp. 1086-1090" Dasyprocta leporina RO:0003575 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dasyprocta leporina RO:0003576 eats Euterpe edulis "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Nasua nasua RO:0003577 eats Euterpe edulis "Campos, Renata Calixto; Steiner, Josefina; Zillikens, Anne. 2012. Bird and mammal frugivores of Euterpe edulis at Santa Catarina island monitored by camera traps. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 105-110" Eira barbara RO:0003578 eats Euterpe edulis "Campos, Renata Calixto; Steiner, Josefina; Zillikens, Anne. 2012. Bird and mammal frugivores of Euterpe edulis at Santa Catarina island monitored by camera traps. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 105-110" Cuniculus paca RO:0003579 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Cuniculus paca RO:0003580 eats Euterpe edulis "Genini, Julieta; Galetti, Mauro; Morellato, L. Patricia C.. 2009. Fruiting phenology of palms and trees in an Atlantic rainforest land-bridge island. Flora. 131-145" Pecari tajacu RO:0003581 eats Euterpe edulis "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Pecari tajacu RO:0003582 eats Euterpe edulis "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2008. Fruit availability and peccary frugivory in an isolated Atlantic forest fragment: Effects on peccary ranging behavior and habitat use. Biotropica. 62-70" Mazama americana RO:0003583 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tayassu pecari RO:0003584 eats Euterpe edulis "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Tayassu pecari RO:0003585 eats Euterpe edulis "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2009. Removal of palm fruits and ecosystem engineering in palm stands by white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) and other frugivores in an isolated Atlantic Forest fragment. Biodiversity and Conservation. 1733-1750" Tayassu pecari RO:0003586 eats Euterpe edulis "Beck, Harald. 2006. A review of peccary-palm interactions and their ecological ramifications across the Neotropics. Journal of Mammalogy. 519-530" Tayassu pecari RO:0003587 eats Euterpe edulis "Keuroghlian, Alexine; Eaton, Donald P.. 2008. Fruit availability and peccary frugivory in an isolated Atlantic forest fragment: Effects on peccary ranging behavior and habitat use. Biotropica. 62-70" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003588 eats Euterpe edulis "Bueno, Rafael S.; Guevara, Roger; Ribeiro, Milton C.; Culot, Laurence; Bufalo, Felipe S.; Galetti, Mauro. 2013. Functional Redundancy and Complementarities of Seed Dispersal by the Last Neotropical Megafrugivores. Plos One. e56252" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003589 eats Euterpe edulis "Castro, E. R.; Galetti, M.; Morellato, L. P. C.. 2007. Reproductive phenology of Euterpe edulis (Arecaceae) along a gradient in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Australian Journal of Botany. 725-735" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003590 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Salvator merianae RO:0003591 eats Euterpe edulis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Tupinambis meriane RO:0003592 eats Euterpe edulis "Castro, Everaldo Rodrigo de; Galetti, Mauro. 2004. Frugivoria e disperso de sementes pelo lagarto tei Tupinambis merianae (Reptilia: Teiidae). Pap_is Avulsos de Zoologia (So Paulo). 91-97" Lepilemur dorsalis RO:0003593 eats Dypsis ampasindavae "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Eulemur macaco RO:0003594 eats Dypsis ampasindavae "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Bombycilla cedrorum RO:0003595 eats Sabal palmetto "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Dermanura watsoni RO:0003596 eats Euterpe precatoria "Melo, Felipe P. L.; Rodriguez-Herrera, Bernal; Chazdon, Robin L.; Medellin, Rodrigo A.; Ceballos, Gerardo G.. 2009. Small Tent-Roosting Bats Promote Dispersal of Large-Seeded Plants in a Neotropical Forest. Biotropica. 737-743" Turdus migratorius RO:0003597 eats Sabal palmetto "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Pionites melanocephalus RO:0003598 eats Euterpe precatoria "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Alectroenas madagascariensis RO:0003599 eats Ravenea sambiranensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ara severus RO:0003600 eats Euterpe precatoria "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Steatornis caripensis RO:0003601 eats Euterpe precatoria "Montufar, Rommel; Anthelme, Fabien; Pintaud, Jean-Christophe; Balslev, Henrik. 2011. Disturbance and Resilience in Tropical American Palm Populations and Communities. Botanical Review. 426-461" Lepilemur dorsalis RO:0003602 eats Ravenea sambiranensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Eulemur macaco RO:0003603 eats Ravenea sambiranensis "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Procyon lotor RO:0003604 eats Sabal palmetto "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ateles chamek RO:0003605 eats Euterpe precatoria "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Odocoileus virginianus RO:0003606 eats Coccothrinax argentata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Odocoileus virginianus RO:0003607 eats Sabal palmetto "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ursus americanus RO:0003608 eats Sabal palmetto "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Colossoma macropomum RO:0003609 eats Euterpe precatoria "Horn, Michael H.; Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Parolin, Pia; Pollux, B. J. A.; Anderson, Jill T.; Lucas, Christine; Widmann, Peter; Tjiu, Albertus; Galetti, Mauro; Goulding, Michael. 2011. Seed dispersal by fishes in tropical and temperate fresh waters: The growing evidence. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology. 561-577" Piaractus brachypomus RO:0003610 eats Euterpe precatoria "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Colossoma macropomum RO:0003611 eats Euterpe precatoria "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Rhinemys rufipes RO:0003612 eats Euterpe precatoria "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Colossoma macropomum RO:0003613 eats Euterpe precatoria "Silva, Jorge Antonio Moreira da; Pereira-Filho, Manoel; Oliveria-Pereira, Maria Inz de. 2003. Valor nutricional e energ_tico de esp_cies vegetais importantes na alimentao do Tambaqui. Acta Amazonica. 687-700" Brycon melanopterus RO:0003614 eats Euterpe precatoria "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Araujo, Joisiane K.; Penha, Jerry M. F.; da Cunha, Catia Nunes; Stevenson, Pablo R.; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Overfishing disrupts an ancient mutualism between frugivorous fishes and plants in Neotropical wetlands. Biological Conservation. 159-167" Callicebus torquatus RO:0003615 eats Euterpe catinga "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ateles geoffroyi RO:0003616 eats Coccothrinax readii "Scherbaum, Carmen; Estrada, Alejandro. 2013. Selectivity in feeding preferences and ranging patterns in spider monkeys Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis of northeastern Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. Current Zoology. 125-134" Brycon falcatus RO:0003617 eats Bactris riparia "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Brycon melanopterus RO:0003618 eats Bactris riparia "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Myloplus torquatus RO:0003619 eats Bactris riparia "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Piaractus brachypomus RO:0003620 eats Bactris riparia "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Triportheus culter RO:0003621 eats Bactris riparia "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Triportheus angulatus RO:0003622 eats Bactris riparia "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Brycon melanopterus RO:0003623 eats Bactris riparia "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Araujo, Joisiane K.; Penha, Jerry M. F.; da Cunha, Catia Nunes; Stevenson, Pablo R.; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Overfishing disrupts an ancient mutualism between frugivorous fishes and plants in Neotropical wetlands. Biological Conservation. 159-167" Piaractus mesopotamicus RO:0003624 eats Bactris riparia "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Araujo, Joisiane K.; Penha, Jerry M. F.; da Cunha, Catia Nunes; Stevenson, Pablo R.; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Overfishing disrupts an ancient mutualism between frugivorous fishes and plants in Neotropical wetlands. Biological Conservation. 159-167" Brycon amazonicus RO:0003625 eats Bactris riparia "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Araujo, Joisiane K.; Penha, Jerry M. F.; da Cunha, Catia Nunes; Stevenson, Pablo R.; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Overfishing disrupts an ancient mutualism between frugivorous fishes and plants in Neotropical wetlands. Biological Conservation. 159-167" Chiroxiphia caudata RO:0003626 eats Geonoma pauciflora "Pizo, Marco Aurelio; Almeida-Neto, Mario. 2009. Determinants of fruit removal in Geonoma pauciflora, an understory palm of neotropical forests. Ecological Research. 1179-1186" Selenidera maculirostris RO:0003627 eats Geonoma pauciflora "Pizo, Marco Aurelio; Almeida-Neto, Mario. 2009. Determinants of fruit removal in Geonoma pauciflora, an understory palm of neotropical forests. Ecological Research. 1179-1186" Selenidera maculirostris RO:0003628 eats Geonoma elegans "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Manacus manacus RO:0003629 eats Geonoma schottiana "Cestari, Cesar; Pizo, Marco Aurelio. 2013. Frugivory by the White-bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus, Pipridae) in restinga forest, an ecosystem associated to the Atlantic forest. Biota Neotropica. 345-350" Brycon RO:0003630 eats Geonoma schottiana "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Myloplus RO:0003631 eats Geonoma schottiana "Correa, Sandra Bibiana; Costa-Pereira, Raul; Fleming, Theodore; Goulding, Michael; Anderson, Jill T.. 2015. Neotropical fish-fruit interactions: eco-evolutionary dynamics and conservation. Biological Reviews. 1263-1278" Dermanura watsoni RO:0003632 eats Prestoea decurrens "Melo, Felipe P. L.; Rodriguez-Herrera, Bernal; Chazdon, Robin L.; Medellin, Rodrigo A.; Ceballos, Gerardo G.. 2009. Small Tent-Roosting Bats Promote Dispersal of Large-Seeded Plants in a Neotropical Forest. Biotropica. 737-743" Hapalemur griseus RO:0003633 eats Dypsis nodifera "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Penelope marail RO:0003634 eats Geonoma stricta "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Coracopsis nigra RO:0003635 eats Phoenicophorium borsigianum "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Psophia crepitans RO:0003636 eats Geonoma polyandra "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Mimus polyglottos RO:0003637 eats Thrinax radiata "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ateles geoffroyi RO:0003638 eats Thrinax radiata "Scherbaum, Carmen; Estrada, Alejandro. 2013. Selectivity in feeding preferences and ranging patterns in spider monkeys Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis of northeastern Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. Current Zoology. 125-134" Tapirus terrestris RO:0003639 eats Bactris hirta "Uriarte, Maria; Anciaes, Marina; da Silva, Mariana T. B.; Rubim, Paulo; Johnson, Erik; Bruna, Emilio M.. 2011. Disentangling the drivers of reduced long-distance seed dispersal by birds in an experimentally fragmented landscape. Ecology. 924-937" Patagioenas leucocephala RO:0003640 eats Acoelorrhaphe wrightii "Zona, S. & Henderson, A. (1989) A review of animal mediated seed dispersal of palms. Selbyana, 11, 6-21. Online Update 2006 ((http://www.virtualherbarium.org/palms/psdispersal.html). " Ortalis vetula RO:0003641 eats Chamaedorea elegans "Rivas, J; Morales, J.; Flores, M.. 2001. El Papel de los Cracidos (Aves:Galliformes) Como dispersores y depredadores de semillas. Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. " Penelope purpurascens RO:0003642 eats Chamaedorea elegans "Rivas, J; Morales, J.; Flores, M.. 2001. El Papel de los Cracidos (Aves:Galliformes) Como dispersores y depredadores de semillas. Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. " Daubentonia madagascariensis RO:0003643 eats Lemurophoenix halleuxii "Shapcott, Alison; Quinn, Jane; Rakotoarinivo, Mijoro; Dransfield, John. 2012. Contrasting patterns of genetic diversity between two endangered palms with overlapping distributions, Voanioala gerardii (Arecoideae) and Lemurophoenix halleuxii (Arecoideae), from North-east Madagascar. Conservation Genetics. 1393-1408" Crax rubra RO:0003644 eats Chamaedorea elegans "Rivas, J; Morales, J.; Flores, M.. 2001. El Papel de los Cracidos (Aves:Galliformes) Como dispersores y depredadores de semillas. Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. " \ No newline at end of file