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How can I parse a multi-value column in a csv? #418

Answered by reguzik
reguzik asked this question in FAQs
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On FMNH Collections pages and other search-sites for collections data, you can often download search results as a csv. However, data that was formatted in multi-value tables in EMu are often concatenated into a single column in the web-accessible csv, with values separated by pipe symbols: |

To re-separate or parse a multi-valued field:

  1. Open the csv in Excel or LibreOffice, and first check through the column of headings--e.g., "Measurement"
    If headings are the same throughout, go to step 2.
    If they vary between records, though, sort your data by the multi-headings column, and move data sub-sets with different headings into separate sheets. Then go to step 2.

  2. If the column containing m…

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