The following file is a valid poll file for a Greek poll. It is based on the results of a poll done from 31 August–1 September 2015 by Pulse RC for Action24.
Junts pel Sí=262
Catalunya Sí que es Pot=164
Ciutadans-Partido de la Ciudadanía=131
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya=74
Partit Popular de Catalunya=74
Candidatura d'Unitat Popular – Alternativa d'Esquerres=66
Unió Democràtica de Catalunya=33
The following call will use the poll file to run an analysis.
sapor analyze PulceRC-Action24-20150901.poll
For this file, the log will look like below.
2015-08-01 09:32:05 INFO: Analyzing as a set of dichotomies...