Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Result | bool? | Flag indicating browser tampering was detected. This happens when either of these conditions is true: * There are inconsistencies in the browser configuration that cross our internal tampering thresholds (indicated by anomalyScore ). * The browser signature resembles one of "anti-detect" browsers specifically designed to evade identification and fingerprinting, for example, Incognition (indicated by antiDetectBrowser ). |
AnomalyScore | double? | Confidence score (0.0 - 1.0 ) for tampering detection: * Values above 0.5 indicate that there was a tampering attempt. * Values below 0.5 indicate genuine browsers. |
AntiDetectBrowser | bool? | Is true if the identified browser resembles one of "anti-detect" browsers, for example, Incognition. Anti-detect browsers try to evade identification by masking or manipulating their fingerprint to imitate legitimate browser configurations. |