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scotch222 edited this page Aug 8, 2017 · 7 revisions


Public Sandbox Description

Experian Business Information Services is a leader in providing data and predictive insights to organizations, helping them mitigate risk and improve profitability. The company’s business database provides comprehensive, third-party-verified information on 99.9 percent of all U.S. companies, with the industry’s most extensive data on the broad spectrum of small and midsize businesses.

By leveraging state-of-the-art technology and superior data compilation techniques, Experian is able to provide market-leading tools, such as BusinessIQSM, that assist clients in making real-time decisions, processing new applications, managing customer relationships and collecting on delinquent accounts


Contact Details
{ phone } { crunchbase }
{ google-plus }
Social Media
{ twitter }
{ instagram }
{ facebook }

Sandbox Member:

  • Data Provider Since: { provider_start_date }

Contact Information###

Profile Name Role Email Address LinkedIn Twitter Slack Skills
{ person1_name } { person1_role } { person1_email } { person1_linkedin } { person1_twitter } { person1_slack } { person1_skills }

Available products

Dynamic AccessTM

Dynamic Access ( ) allows clients to leverage Experian’s commercial and guarantor intelligence from the comfort of your own business management software system. Reduce out-of-pocket costs and save time by choosing as much or as little data as you desire, with no filters, directly from BizSourceSM, Experian’s state-of-the-art commercial repository.

You can receive only the data you need in real time via an XML interface directly to your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to more efficiently enhance visibility and improve analytics.

Through Dynamic Access users can receive all the data fields from our most complete report, the Premier Profile ( ). These fields are bundled into data segments to allow clients the flexibility of receiving just the elements they want.

Sample Product

{ product1_description }

Business Model Specs:

  • Cost or Licensing Structures: { product1_costs }

Technical Specs:

  • Delivery Method: { product1_delivery_method }
  • Update Frequency: { product1_update_frequency }

Marketing Materials (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

  • { product1_marketing_doc_1 }
  • { product1_marketing_doc_2 }

Technical Documents (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

  • { product1_technical_doc_1 }
  • { product1_technical_doc_2 }


{ review1_sandbox_member }: { review1_date }

{ review1_text }

{ review2_sandbox_member }: { review2_date }

{ review2_text }

Data Providers

Sandbox Participants


  • Data Agreement
  • Product Development Pipeline
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