This a project to mint IP-NFTs and support researches. Any brightlisted researched can fill the form and mint their IP-NFTs.
You need to create your Alchemy and Infura account keys.
Project link:
Goerli Etherscan link:
One NFT already minted, you can check from the tokenURI under
Contact me to brightlist your address.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env.local file in frontend folder and .env file in backend folder. You can find example env variables under env.example file.
- Clone the repo to your local
git clone
- Install backend and frontend dependencies
cd backend
npm i
cd frontend
npm i
- Deploy smart contracts to Hardhat network in backend folder
npm run build
npm run node (keep it running)
npm run deploy-local (in another terminal same folder)
Here you need to see contract deployment and its address successfully. Copy the contract address and paste it to here
- Frontend
cd frontend
npm run dev
- You need to have a Metamask extension on your browser and import your locally running first account to your Metamask in order to use frontend as a deployer. Check FAQ.
To deploy this project's smart contract, get into the backend folder and run:
Mainnet: npm run deploy
Goerli: npm run deploy-testnet
Hardhat: npm run deploy-local
Smart contract testing under backend folder:
npm run test
Smart contract coverage:
npm run coverage
Run FE locally:
npm run dev
Run E2E test:
npm run e2e
When you run your Hardhat node by npx hardhat node, it gives you 20 account filled with fake ETH.
Copy the first account private key (Account #0). Click on Import account on Metamask and paste the key there. Now you have the Hardhat account on your Metamask, but you need to also switch to Hardhat Network on the wallet.
Optimize gas consumption in smart contracts (merkle tree proof for whitelisting, use Bitmaps...)
Add pausing mechanism
Add Typescript and add Synpress to interact with Metamask e2e tests to Frontend