- 931ac47 0.0.4 (@jarilehtinen)
- #1 Reload (@fireantjs)
- 989d2ae Updated usage (@jarilehtinen)
- 1420f55 Removed unnecessary code (@jarilehtinen)
- e75513d Added call to reload method (@jarilehtinen)
- 1af5315 Added fireantfile reloading, moved keypress listeners from Fireant (@jarilehtinen)
- 304e8ee Added keypress and gaze to dependencies (@jarilehtinen)
- 8bce725 0.0.3 (@jarilehtinen)
- 1d594e9 Replaced timestamp with fireant-timestamp package (@jarilehtinen)
- 9844592 Updated changelog (@jarilehtinen)
- ae59417 0.0.2 (@jarilehtinen)
- a1e097d Removed unnecessary code (@jarilehtinen)
- 90ef8c1 Added changelog (@jarilehtinen)
- 0292830 Very commit (@jarilehtinen)