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aef15a0 · Jul 29, 2024


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309 lines (257 loc) · 11.7 KB

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E-Commerce Portfolio Project

Table of Contents

This is a back-end nodejs project for an e-commerce website.

Figure 1

Current stage

  • To Do:
  • In Progress:
    • Next Steps: You’re welcome to expand your API beyond these project tasks and get creative! A future portfolio project will build on top of what you have built here, covering tasks for creating the client side of your e-commerce application. If you don’t want to wait that long, you can try building out a client for your API on your own!
  • Done:
    • Document the API: Document the API you have built by adding and configuring Swagger to your project.
    • Set up order endpoint: Add the logic for handling CRUD operations related to orders.
    • Set up checkout endpoint: Add the logic for handling checkout. There is no need to actually try and charge somebody yet; charging will come in a later evolution of this project. For now, we will assume that all charges succeed for ease of development (still add in error handling to account for times it doesn’t).
    • Set up cart endpoint: Add the logic for handling CRUD operations related to a user’s cart.
    • Set up user endpoints: Add the logic for handling CRUD operations related to users and their accounts. (Implementing Refresh Tokens at the moment)
    • Set up product endpoints: Add the logic for handling CRUD operations related to products.
    • Set up local login: Add the logic for handling login using a username and password.
    • Plan API endpoints: Plan the API endpoints that will be used in retrieving data from your database.
    • Set up user registration: Add the logic for handling registration of new users.
    • Connect the app and database: Set up your application to be able to interface with the PostgreSQL database.
    • Create PostgreSQL database and tables: Create a PostgreSQL database and add the tables from your design.
    • Design the database: Plan out the different types of data the application will track and how those pieces of data relate.
    • Set up an Express server: Create a directory for your project and set up a basic Express server.
    • Set up version control: Set up Git tracking in your directory and make sure to add and commit changes as you make them.

Docker Compose

This project uses Nginx with reverse proxy Redis as cache

First time ? Run Docker compose Build

docker compose up --build

Next time just run this:

docker compose up -d

Database Schema

Using dbdiagram

alt text

Table users {
  id integer [primary key]
  username varchar
  email varchar
  password varchar
  name varchar
  age integer
  verified boolean
  created_at timestamp
  updated_at timestamp

Table refreshTokens {
  token varchar
  expirity datetime
  user_id integer [ref: -]

Table roles {
  id integer [pk]
  name varchar
  description varchar

Table user_roles {
  user_id integer [ref: -]
  roles_id integer [ref: -]

Table carts {
  id integer [pk]
  user_id integer unique [ref: -]

Table cart_items {
  cart_id integer  [ref: -]
  item_id integer [ref: -]
  quantity integer

Table category {
  id integer [pk]
  name varchar
  description varchar

Table items {
  id integer [pk]
  name varchar
  description varchar
  price float
  rating float
  item_stock_id integer [ref: -]
  created_at timestamp
  updated_at timestamp

Table category_items {
  category_id integer [ref: -]
  item_id integer [ref: -]

Table purchases {
  id integer [pk]
  date datetime
  user_id integer [ref: >]
  cart_id integer [ref: <]

Table itemStocks {
  id integer [pk]
  item_id integer [ref: -]
  stock integer


Generated PostgresSQL Schema:

CREATE TABLE "users" (
  "id" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "username" varchar,
  "email" varchar,
  "password" varchar,
  "name" varchar,
  "age" integer,
  "verified" boolean,
  "created_at" timestamp,
  "updated_at" timestamp

CREATE TABLE "refreshTokens" (
  "token" varchar,
  "expirity" datetime,
  "user_id" integer

CREATE TABLE "roles" (
  "id" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "name" varchar,
  "description" varchar

CREATE TABLE "user_roles" (
  "user_id" integer,
  "roles_id" integer

CREATE TABLE "carts" (
  "id" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "quantity" integer,
  "user_id" integer UNIQUE

CREATE TABLE "cart_items" (
  "cart_id" integer,
  "item_id" integer

CREATE TABLE "category" (
  "id" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "name" varchar,
  "description" varchar

CREATE TABLE "items" (
  "id" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "name" varchar,
  "description" varchar,
  "price" float,
  "rating" float,
  "item_stock_id" integer,
  "created_at" timestamp,
  "updated_at" timestamp

CREATE TABLE "category_items" (
  "category_id" integer,
  "item_id" integer

CREATE TABLE "purchases" (
  "id" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "date" datetime,
  "user_id" integer

CREATE TABLE "itemStocks" (
  "id" integer PRIMARY KEY,
  "item_id" integer,
  "stock" integer

CREATE TABLE "purchase_items" (
  "purchase_id" integer,
  "item_id" integer

ALTER TABLE "refreshTokens" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "user_roles" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "user_roles" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("roles_id") REFERENCES "roles" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "carts" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "cart_items" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("cart_id") REFERENCES "carts" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "cart_items" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("item_id") REFERENCES "items" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "items" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("item_stock_id") REFERENCES "itemStocks" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "category_items" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("category_id") REFERENCES "category" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "category_items" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("item_id") REFERENCES "items" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "purchases" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("user_id") REFERENCES "users" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "itemStocks" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("item_id") REFERENCES "items" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "purchase_items" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("purchase_id") REFERENCES "purchases" ("id");

ALTER TABLE "purchase_items" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("item_id") REFERENCES "items" ("id");

Note you should store your ___.env___ file in the root of the backend project

Enviroment Setup Template



Project annotations

In this project I'm setting up an express with Typescript, I opted for a ORM to integrate the app with the database.

Currently List:

  • Docker container that contains the app itself
  • PostgreSQL server-less database Neon Tech
  • Created 2 seperate databases, one for production, another for testing
  • Sequelize Typescript v6
  • Jsonwebtokens Jwt for authentication
  • Passport Jwt Strategy for Authentication, may add OAuth later
  • Jest and Supertest for unit and integration tests TDD Note I'm defining 2 passport strategies, passport local for signin and register and jwt strategy to verify protected routes that require authentication

Project Libraries


Libraries Purpose
Express A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides robust features for web and mobile applications.
Sequelize A promise-based Node.js ORM for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server. It features solid transaction support, relations, read replication, and more.
Passport A middleware for authentication in Node.js applications. It supports various authentication strategies, including local, OAuth, and JWT.
JWT JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties. Used for secure authentication and information exchange.
Lodash A JavaScript utility library that provides helpful functions for common programming tasks, such as manipulating arrays and objects.
Jest A delightful JavaScript testing framework with a focus on simplicity. It works with projects using Babel, TypeScript, Node.js, React, Angular, Vue.js, and more.
Supertest HTTP assertions for testing Node.js HTTP servers
TypeScript A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It provides static typing and modern JavaScript features.

A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a

file into

. It helps manage environment variables for different stages of development.

Morgan HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js. It helps in logging HTTP requests in a specific format for debugging and monitoring.
Cors A Node.js package for providing a Connect/Express middleware that can be used to enable CORS with various options.
Helmet A collection of 12 smaller middleware functions that set HTTP response headers. It helps secure Express apps by setting various HTTP headers.
Bcrypt A library to help you hash passwords. It provides a way to hash and compare passwords securely.
Winston A logger for Node.js that supports multiple transports and log levels. It can be used to log information to various locations, such as files, databases, or the console.
Swagger UI A collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API. It allows you to visualize and interact with the API’s resources without having any of the implementation logic in place.
moment A JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates

Usefull Links
