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This package helps fisheries scientists collect growth data from calcified structures and back-calculate estimated lengths at previous ages. The package is intended to replace much of the functionality provided by the now out-dated fishBC software.

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Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. DOI CRAN Status License R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage CRAN RStudio mirror downloads rate CRAN RSTudio mirror downloads total Rdoc


The RFishBC package helps fisheries scientists collect measurements from calcified structures and back-calculate estimated lengths at previous ages. RFishBC is intended to replace much of the functionality provided by the now out-date fishBC software.


General desriptions for using RFishBC are under the Vignettes tab at the top of this page. I suggest at least quickly reading each vignette to get an overall feel for RFishBC and then following the workflow suggestions in the last vignette. Detailed descriptions for each function are under the Reference tab at the top of that page.


The most recent stable version (on CRAN) of RFishBC may be installed with


The most recent development version may be installed from GitHub with

if (!require('remotes')) install.packages('remotes'); require('remotes')

You may need to have R Tools installed on your system to use the two lines above. See the instructions for (R Tools for Windows or R Tools for Mac OS X). Additionally, you may need the X11 graphics functionality if using Mac OS.

Questions / Comments / Problems or Contributions

Report questions, comments, or bug reports on the issues page.

We are always looking for others to contribute to RFishBC. Please feel free to make a pull request via GitHub or to contact the maintainers.

Please adhere to the Code of Conduct.


This package helps fisheries scientists collect growth data from calcified structures and back-calculate estimated lengths at previous ages. The package is intended to replace much of the functionality provided by the now out-dated fishBC software.



Code of conduct




