The stages template encapsulates stages for a multistage pipeline that uses expressions to conditionally insert each stage and dependency if the stage has jobs listed. This template abstracts the stages and jobs within each stage.
- Validates the syntax of jobs and deployments in each stage
- Inserts each stage defined in the 'stages' parameters into the stages: section only if the stage has jobs
- Dependencies for each stage in stages are only inserted when the dependent stage has jobs
- Predefines all the common stages, their dependencies, and conditions, in a multistage pipeline
- Allows you to insert steps template into the job of a stage
- Orders the stages section according to how they are listed in the stages parameter
Insert jobs into a stage by using the jobList or deploymentList parameter with the same name as the stage in the stages parameter
- code: jobList of static code analysis jobs. Conditionally run when triggered by Pull Request (PR) or manual execution
- build: jobList of build jobs. For example, dotNet build, docker build, etc.
- deploy: deploymentList of deployment jobs. For example, deploy ARM Template, deploy Kubernetes manifest, etc.
- test: jobList of test jobs to run after deploy stage. For example, after deploying canary run Visual Studio Test job for functional test of the deployment
- promote: deploymentList of deployment jobs, dependent on deploy and test stages, to promote the deployment in or to an environment. For example, with a canary strategy, promote the canary in deploy stage to baseline if successfully running
- reject: deploymentList of deployment jobs, dependent on deploy, test, and promote if the stage has jobs and a stage failed. Jobs to reject a failed deployment, to automatically deleted resources that are not functioning
To use the jobList and deploymentList parameters above the stage name in the stages parameter must match the jobList or deploymentList parameter name. The stages parameter can be used to modify the order or stages, their dependencies, conditions, add or delete stages.
- stages: default: code, build, deploy, test, promote, and reject stages
- Optional parameter to override the stageList default to add stages or update the dependencies or conditions of predefined stages
- stagesPrefix: or stagesSuffix: parameters to optionally add a prefix or suffix respectively to the name of all stages
- stagesSuffix: Dev would make stages named buildDev, deployDev, etc.
- stagesPrefix: 'dev-' would make stages named dev-build, dev-deploy, etc.
- stagesCondition: parameter to optionally override the condition of all stages within the stages stageList
To use the stages template in this repository the pipeline YAML file in your repository must include a resource named templates referencing this AzurePipelines repository. This allows you to reference paths in the repository resource by using the resource identifier.
The following shows extending from the stages template directly with its parameters.
name: $(Build.Repository.Name)_$(Build.SourceVersion)_$(Build.SourceBranchName) # name is the format for $(Build.BuildNumber)
- repository: templates # Resource identifier for template usage
type: github
name: fitchtech/AzurePipelines # This repository
ref: refs/tags/v1 # The tagged release of the repository
endpoint: GitHub # Azure Service Connection Name
- master # CI Trigger on commit to master
- v*.*.*-* # CI Trigger when tag matches format
# file path to template at repo resource id to extend from
template: stages.yaml@templates
code: [] # jobList inserted into code stage in stages param
build: [] # jobList inserted into build stage in stages param
deploy: [] # deploymentList inserted into deploy stage in stages param
test: [] # jobList inserted into test stage in stages param
promote: [] # deploymentList inserted into promote stage in stages param
reject: [] # deploymentList inserted into reject stage in stages param
# The jobList and deploymentList above are inserted into the stage in stages matching the parameter name
# stages: [] # Optional to override default of stages stageList.
stagesPrefix: '' # Optional stage name prefix. e.g. dev- would make dev-build, dev-deploy, etc.
stagesSuffix: '' # Optional stage name suffix. e.g. Dev would make buildDev, deployDev, etc.
stagesCondition: '' # Optional param to override the condition of all stages
When creating a pipeline template that nests the stages template it is inserted into the stages: section instead of extending from it.
# code: stage
- name: codeSteps # stepList inserted into code stage in stages
type: stepList
default: []
- name: codePool # Nested into pool param of code jobs
type: object
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
# build: stage
- name: buildSteps # stepList inserted into build job
type: stepList
default: []
- name: buildPool # Nested into pool param of build jobs
type: object
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
# deploy: stage
- name: preDeploySteps # Deployment job preDeploy lifecycle hook
type: stepList
default: []
- name: deploySteps # stepList inserted into deploy job
type: stepList
default: []
- name: routeTrafficSteps # Deployment job routeTraffic lifecycle hook
type: stepList
default: []
- name: postRouteTrafficSteps # Deployment job postRouteTraffic lifecycle hook
type: stepList
default: []
- name: onFailureSteps # Deployment job on: failure: lifecycle hook
type: stepList
default: []
- name: onSuccessSteps # Deployment job on: success: lifecycle hook
type: stepList
default: []
- name: deployPool # Nested into pool param of deploy, promote, and reject jobs
type: object
vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04'
- name: strategy
type: string
default: runOnce
- runOnce
- canary
- rolling
# test: stage
- name: testSteps # stepList inserted into test job
type: stepList
default: []
- name: testPool # Nested into pool param of test jobs
type: object
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
# promote: stage
- name: promoteSteps # stepList inserted into promote job
type: stepList
default: []
# reject: stage
- name: rejectSteps # stepList inserted into reject job
type: stepList
default: []
# overrides
- name: stages # Optional to override the default value of stages stageList in the stages.yaml template
type: stageList
default: ''
- name: stagesSuffix # Optional stage name suffix. e.g. Dev would make buildDev, deployDev, etc.
type: string
default: ''
- name: stagesPrefix # Optional stage name prefix. e.g. dev- would make dev-build, dev-deploy, etc.
type: string
default: ''
- name: stagesCondition # Optional param to override the condition of all stages
type: string
default: ''
- template: stages.yaml
# parameters: within stages.yaml
# if steps in codeSteps, insert the code job
${{ if gt(length(parameters.codeSteps), 0) }}:
- job: code1 # job name must be unique within stage
displayName: 'Code Job' # job display name
pool: ${{ parameters.codePool }} # param passed to pool of code jobs
- ${{ parameters.codeSteps }}
# if steps in buildSteps, insert the build job
${{ if gt(length(parameters.buildSteps), 0) }}:
- job: build1 # job name must be unique within stage
displayName: 'Build Job' # job display name
pool: ${{ parameters.buildPool }} # param passed to pool of build jobs
- ${{ parameters.buildSteps }}
# if steps in deploySteps, insert the deploy job
${{ if gt(length(parameters.deploySteps), 0) }}:
- deployment: deploy1 # deployment name unique to stage
displayName: 'Deployment Job'
pool: ${{ parameters.deployPool }} # param passed to pool of deployment jobs
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest'))
${{ parameters.strategy }}:
# Insert preDeploy lifecycle hook stepList
${{ if gt(length(parameters.preDeploy), 0) }}:
pool: ${{ parameters.deployPool }}
- ${{ parameters.preDeploy }}
# Insert deploySteps stepList
- ${{ parameters.deploySteps }}
# routeTraffic lifecycle hook
${{ if gt(length(parameters.routeTrafficSteps), 0) }}:
pool: ${{ parameters.deployPool }}
- ${{ parameters.routeTrafficSteps }}
# postRouteTraffic lifecycle hook
${{ if gt(length(parameters.postRouteTrafficSteps), 0) }}:
pool: ${{ parameters.deployPool }}
- ${{ parameters.postRouteTraffic }}
# on: failure: and success: lifecycle hooks
${{ if or(gt(length(parameters.onFailureSteps), 0), gt(length(parameters.onSuccessSteps), 0)) }}:
${{ if gt(length(parameters.onSuccessSteps), 0) }}:
# Insert onSuccess stepList
pool: ${{ parameters.deployPool }}
- ${{ parameters.parameters.onSuccessSteps }}
# Insert onFailure stepList
${{ if gt(length(parameters.onFailureSteps), 0) }}:
pool: ${{ parameters.deployPool }}
- ${{ parameters.onFailureSteps }}
# if steps in testSteps, insert the test job
${{ if gt(length(parameters.testSteps), 0) }}:
- job: test1 # job name must be unique within stage
displayName: 'Test Job' # job display name
pool: ${{ parameters.testPool }} # param passed to pool of test jobs
- ${{ parameters.testSteps }}
# if steps in promoteSteps, insert the promote job
${{ if gt(length(parameters.promoteSteps), 0) }}:
- deployment: promote1 # deployment name unique to stage
displayName: 'Promote Deployment Job'
pool: ${{ parameters.deployPool }} # param passed to pool of deployment jobs
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest'))
- ${{ parameters.promoteSteps }}
# if steps in rejectSteps, insert the reject job
${{ if gt(length(parameters.rejectSteps), 0) }}:
- deployment: reject1 # deployment name unique to stage
displayName: 'Reject Deployment Job'
pool: ${{ parameters.deployPool }} # param passed to pool of deployment jobs
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest'))
- ${{ parameters.rejectSteps }}
${{ if gt(length(parameters.stages), 0) }}:
# If stages stageList param has value then override default stages value in stages.yaml template
stages: ${{ parameters.stages }}
# These parameters are nested from the parameters section above
stagesSuffix: ${{ parameters.stagesSuffix }}
stagesPrefix: ${{ parameters.stagesPrefix }}
stagesCondition: ${{ parameters.stagesCondition }}