diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-unblob-image.yml b/.github/workflows/build-unblob-image.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5de81af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build-unblob-image.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+name: Publish Docker image based on unblob-2 branch
+  push:
+    branches: ['unblob-2']
+  workflow_dispatch:
+  build-and-publish-image:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - name: Checkout repository
+        uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      - name: Login to DockerHub
+        uses: docker/login-action@v2
+        with:
+          username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USER }}
+          password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_TOKEN }}
+      - name: Build and push Docker image
+        uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
+        with:
+          context: .
+          push: true
+          tags: fkiecad/fact_extractor:unblob
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 81976e22..a9bef5cf 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -9,3 +9,4 @@
diff --git a/fact_extractor/install/unpacker.py b/fact_extractor/install/unpacker.py
index 9304ddba..497910e8 100644
--- a/fact_extractor/install/unpacker.py
+++ b/fact_extractor/install/unpacker.py
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
-    pip_install_packages,
+    pip_install_packages,
 BIN_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'bin'
@@ -115,11 +115,13 @@
+            'liblz4-tool',
+            'p7zip-full',
@@ -130,6 +132,7 @@
+            'zstd',
             # Freetz
@@ -199,13 +202,21 @@
+def check_mod_kit_installed() -> bool:
+    return all((Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'bin' / tool).exists() for tool in ['tpl-tool', 'untrx', 'unyaffs2'])
 def install_dependencies(dependencies):
     apt = dependencies.get('apt', [])
     github = dependencies.get('github', [])
     for repo in github:
-        install_github_project(*repo)
+        if repo[0].endswith('firmware-mod-kit') and check_mod_kit_installed():
+            logging.info('Skipping firmware-mod-kit since it is already installed')
+        else:
+            install_github_project(*repo)
 def main(distribution):
@@ -237,23 +248,21 @@ def _edit_sudoers():
     logging.info('add rules to sudo...')
     username = getuser()
     sudoers_content = '\n'.join(
-        (
-            f'{username}\tALL=NOPASSWD: {command}'
-            for command in (
-                '/sbin/kpartx',
-                '/sbin/losetup',
-                '/bin/mount',
-                '/bin/umount',
-                '/bin/mknod',
-                '/usr/bin/sasquatch',
-                '/bin/rm',
-                '/bin/cp',
-                '/bin/dd',
-                '/bin/chown',
-            )
+        f'{username}\tALL=NOPASSWD: {command}'
+        for command in (
+            '/sbin/kpartx',
+            '/sbin/losetup',
+            '/bin/mount',
+            '/bin/umount',
+            '/bin/mknod',
+            '/usr/bin/sasquatch',
+            '/bin/rm',
+            '/bin/cp',
+            '/bin/dd',
+            '/bin/chown',
-    Path('/tmp/fact_overrides').write_text(f'{sudoers_content}\n')  # pylint: disable=unspecified-encoding
+    Path('/tmp/fact_overrides').write_text(f'{sudoers_content}\n', encoding='utf-8')
     _, chown_code = execute_shell_command_get_return_code('sudo chown root:root /tmp/fact_overrides')
     _, mv_code = execute_shell_command_get_return_code('sudo mv /tmp/fact_overrides /etc/sudoers.d/fact_overrides')
     if not chown_code == mv_code == 0:
@@ -261,19 +270,18 @@ def _edit_sudoers():
 def _install_external_deb_deps():
-    '''
+    """
     install deb packages that aren't available through Debian/Ubuntu package sources
-    '''
-    with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='patool') as build_directory:
-        with OperateInDirectory(build_directory):
-            for file_name, url, sha256 in EXTERNAL_DEB_DEPS:
-                try:
-                    run(split(f'wget {url}/{file_name}'), check=True, env=os.environ)
-                    if not _sha256_hash_file(Path(file_name)) == sha256:
-                        raise InstallationError(f'Wrong file hash: {file_name}')
-                    run(split(f'sudo dpkg -i {file_name}'), capture_output=True, check=True)
-                except CalledProcessError as error:
-                    raise InstallationError(f'Error during {file_name} unpacker installation') from error
+    """
+    with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='patool') as build_directory, OperateInDirectory(build_directory):
+        for file_name, url, sha256 in EXTERNAL_DEB_DEPS:
+            try:
+                run(split(f'wget {url}/{file_name}'), check=True, env=os.environ)
+                if not _sha256_hash_file(Path(file_name)) == sha256:
+                    raise InstallationError(f'Wrong file hash: {file_name}')
+                run(split(f'sudo dpkg -i {file_name}'), capture_output=True, check=True)
+            except CalledProcessError as error:
+                raise InstallationError(f'Error during {file_name} unpacker installation') from error
 def _sha256_hash_file(file_path: Path) -> str:
@@ -281,29 +289,44 @@ def _sha256_hash_file(file_path: Path) -> str:
 def _install_freetz():
+    if all(
+        (Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'bin' / tool).exists()
+        for tool in [
+            'find-squashfs',
+            'unpack-kernel',
+            'freetz_bin_functions',
+            'unlzma',
+            'sfk',
+            'unsquashfs4-avm-be',
+            'unsquashfs4-avm-le',
+            'unsquashfs3-multi',
+        ]
+    ):
+        logging.info('Skipping FREETZ as it is already installed')
+        return
     logging.info('Installing FREETZ')
     current_user = getuser()
     freetz_build_config = Path(__file__).parent / 'freetz.config'
-    with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='fact_freetz') as build_directory:
-        with OperateInDirectory(build_directory):
-            os.umask(0o022)
-            install_github_project(
-                'Freetz-NG/freetz-ng',
-                [
-                    # add user only if it does not exist to fix issues with re-running the installation after an error
-                    'id -u makeuser || sudo useradd -M makeuser',
-                    'sudo mkdir -p /home/makeuser',
-                    'sudo chown -R makeuser /home/makeuser',
-                    f'cp {freetz_build_config} ./.config',
-                    f'sudo chown -R makeuser {build_directory}',
-                    'sudo su makeuser -c "make -j$(nproc) tools"',
-                    f'sudo chmod -R 777 {build_directory}',
-                    f'sudo chown -R {current_user} {build_directory}',
-                    'cp tools/find-squashfs tools/unpack-kernel tools/freetz_bin_functions tools/unlzma tools/sfk '
-                    f'tools/unsquashfs4-avm-be tools/unsquashfs4-avm-le tools/unsquashfs3-multi {BIN_DIR}',
-                    'sudo userdel makeuser',
-                ],
-            )
+    with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='fact_freetz') as build_directory, OperateInDirectory(build_directory):
+        os.umask(0o022)
+        install_github_project(
+            'Freetz-NG/freetz-ng',
+            [
+                # add user only if it does not exist to fix issues with re-running the installation after an error
+                'id -u makeuser || sudo useradd -M makeuser',
+                'sudo mkdir -p /home/makeuser',
+                'sudo chown -R makeuser /home/makeuser',
+                f'cp {freetz_build_config} ./.config',
+                f'sudo chown -R makeuser {build_directory}',
+                'sudo su makeuser -c "make -j$(nproc) tools"',
+                f'sudo chmod -R 777 {build_directory}',
+                f'sudo chown -R {current_user} {build_directory}',
+                'cp tools/find-squashfs tools/unpack-kernel tools/freetz_bin_functions tools/unlzma tools/sfk '
+                f'tools/unsquashfs4-avm-be tools/unsquashfs4-avm-le tools/unsquashfs3-multi {BIN_DIR}',
+                'sudo userdel makeuser',
+            ],
+        )
 def _install_plugins():
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/code/generic_carver.py b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/code/generic_carver.py
index 2d27322e..5a808e46 100644
--- a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/code/generic_carver.py
+++ b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/code/generic_carver.py
@@ -5,145 +5,100 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
 import logging
-import re
-import shutil
+import traceback
+from itertools import chain
 from pathlib import Path
-from common_helper_process import execute_shell_command
-from helperFunctions import magic
+from typing import Iterable
+import structlog
+from common_helper_unpacking_classifier import avg_entropy
+from unblob.extractor import carve_unknown_chunk, carve_valid_chunk
+from unblob.file_utils import File
+from unblob.finder import search_chunks
+from unblob.handlers import BUILTIN_HANDLERS
+from unblob.handlers.compression.zlib import ZlibHandler
+from unblob.models import Chunk, HexString, PaddingChunk, TaskResult, UnknownChunk
+from unblob.plugins import hookimpl
+from unblob.processing import Task, calculate_unknown_chunks, remove_inner_chunks
 NAME = 'generic_carver'
 MIME_PATTERNS = ['generic/carver']
-VERSION = '0.8'
-TAR_MAGIC = b'ustar'
-BZ2_EOF_MAGIC = [  # the magic string is only aligned to half bytes -> two possible strings
-    b'\x17\x72\x45\x38\x50\x90',
-    b'\x77\x24\x53\x85\x09',
-REAL_SIZE_REGEX = re.compile(r'Physical Size = (\d+)')
-def unpack_function(file_path, tmp_dir):
-    """
-    file_path specifies the input file.
-    tmp_dir should be used to store the extracted files.
-    """
-    logging.debug(f'File Type unknown: execute binwalk on {file_path}')
-    output = execute_shell_command(f'binwalk --extract --carve --signature --directory  {tmp_dir} {file_path}')
-    drop_underscore_directory(tmp_dir)
-    return {'output': output, 'filter_log': ArchivesFilter(tmp_dir).remove_false_positive_archives()}
-class ArchivesFilter:
-    def __init__(self, unpack_directory):
-        self.unpack_directory = Path(unpack_directory)
-        self.screening_logs = []
-    def remove_false_positive_archives(self) -> str:
-        for file_path in self.unpack_directory.glob('**/*'):
-            if not file_path.is_file():
-                continue
-            file_type = magic.from_file(file_path, mime=True)
-            if file_type == 'application/x-tar' or self._is_possible_tar(file_type, file_path):
-                self._remove_invalid_archives(file_path, 'tar -tvf {}', 'does not look like a tar archive')
-            elif file_type == 'application/x-xz':
-                self._remove_invalid_archives(file_path, 'xz -c -d {} | wc -c')
-            elif file_type == 'application/gzip':
-                self._remove_invalid_archives(file_path, 'gzip -c -d {} | wc -c')
-            elif file_path.suffix == '7z' or file_type in [
-                'application/x-7z-compressed',
-                'application/x-lzma',
-                'application/zip',
-                'application/zlib',
-            ]:
-                self._remove_invalid_archives(file_path, '7z l {}', 'ERROR')
-            if file_path.is_file():
-                self._remove_trailing_data(file_type, file_path)
-        return '\n'.join(self.screening_logs)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _is_possible_tar(file_type: str, file_path: Path) -> bool:
-        # broken tar archives may be identified as octet-stream by newer versions of libmagic
-        if file_type == 'application/octet-stream':
-            with file_path.open(mode='rb') as fp:
-                fp.seek(0x101)
-                return fp.read(5) == TAR_MAGIC
-        return False
-    def _remove_invalid_archives(self, file_path: Path, command, search_key=None):
-        output = execute_shell_command(command.format(file_path))
-        if search_key and search_key in output.replace('\n ', '') or not search_key and _output_is_empty(output):
-            self._remove_file(file_path)
-    def _remove_file(self, file_path):
-        file_path.unlink()
-        self.screening_logs.append(f'{file_path.name} was removed (invalid archive)')
-    def _remove_trailing_data(self, file_type: str, file_path: Path):
-        trailing_data_index = None
-        if file_type in ['application/zip', 'application/zlib']:
-            trailing_data_index = _find_trailing_data_index_zip(file_path)
-        elif file_type == 'application/x-bzip2':
-            trailing_data_index = _find_trailing_data_index_bz2(file_path)
-        if trailing_data_index:
-            self._resize_file(trailing_data_index, file_path)
-    def _resize_file(self, actual_size: int, file_path: Path):
-        with file_path.open('rb') as fp:
-            actual_content = fp.read(actual_size)
-        file_path.write_bytes(actual_content)
-        self.screening_logs.append(f'Removed trailing data at the end of {file_path.name}')
-def _output_is_empty(output):
-    return int((output.split())[-1]) == 0
-def _find_trailing_data_index_zip(file_path: Path) -> int | None:
-    """Archives carved by binwalk often have trailing data at the end. 7z can determine the actual file size."""
-    output = execute_shell_command(f'7z l {file_path}')
-    if 'There are data after the end of archive' in output:
-        match = REAL_SIZE_REGEX.search(output)
-        if match:
-            return int(match.groups()[0])
-    return None
-def _find_trailing_data_index_bz2(file_path: Path) -> int | None:
-    output = execute_shell_command(f'bzip2 -t {file_path}')
-    if 'trailing garbage' in output:
-        file_content = file_path.read_bytes()
-        matches = sorted(index for magic in BZ2_EOF_MAGIC if (index := file_content.find(magic)) != -1)
-        # there may be two matches, but we want the first one (but also not -1 == no match)
-        if matches:
-            # 10 is magic string + CRC 32 checksum + padding (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bzip2#File_format)
-            return matches[0] + 10
-    return None
-def drop_underscore_directory(tmp_dir):
-    extracted_contents = list(Path(tmp_dir).iterdir())
-    if not extracted_contents:
-        return
-    if len(extracted_contents) != 1 or not extracted_contents[0].name.endswith('.extracted'):
-        return
-    for result in extracted_contents[0].iterdir():
-        shutil.move(str(result), str(result.parent.parent))
-    shutil.rmtree(str(extracted_contents[0]))
+VERSION = '1.0.0'
+# deactivate internal logger of unblob because it can slow down searching chunks
+# register custom zlib handler to allow carving zlib chunks from inside files
+def unblob_register_handlers():
+    yield from [ZlibCarvingHandler]
+class ZlibCarvingHandler(ZlibHandler):
+    NAME = 'zlib_carver'
+    PATTERNS = [  # noqa: RUF012
+        HexString('78 01'),  # low compression
+        HexString('78 9c'),  # default compression
+        HexString('78 da'),  # best compression
+        HexString('78 5e'),  # compressed
+    ]
+def unpack_function(file_path: str, tmp_dir: str) -> dict:
+    extraction_dir = Path(tmp_dir)
+    chunks = []
+    filter_report = ''
+    path = Path(file_path)
+    try:
+        with File.from_path(path) as file:
+            for chunk in _find_chunks(path, file):
+                if isinstance(chunk, PaddingChunk):
+                    continue
+                if isinstance(chunk, UnknownChunk):
+                    if _has_low_entropy(file, chunk):
+                        filter_report += (
+                            f'removed chunk {chunk.start_offset}-{chunk.end_offset} (reason: low entropy)\n'
+                        )
+                        continue
+                    carve_unknown_chunk(extraction_dir, file, chunk)
+                else:
+                    carve_valid_chunk(extraction_dir, file, chunk)
+                chunks.append(chunk.as_report(None).asdict())
+        report = _create_report(chunks) if chunks else 'No valid chunks found.'
+        if filter_report:
+            report += f'\nFiltered chunks:\n{filter_report}'
+    except Exception as error:
+        report = f'Error {error} during unblob extraction:\n{traceback.format_exc()}'
+    return {'output': report}
+def _find_chunks(file_path: Path, file: File) -> Iterable[Chunk]:
+    task = Task(path=file_path, depth=0, blob_id='')
+    known_chunks = remove_inner_chunks(search_chunks(file, file.size(), BUILTIN_HANDLERS, TaskResult(task)))
+    unknown_chunks = calculate_unknown_chunks(known_chunks, file.size())
+    yield from chain(known_chunks, unknown_chunks)
+def _create_report(chunk_list: list[dict]) -> str:
+    report = ['Extracted chunks:']
+    for chunk in sorted(chunk_list, key=lambda c: c['start_offset']):
+        chunk_type = chunk.get('handler_name', 'unknown')
+        report.append(
+            f'start: {chunk["start_offset"]}, end: {chunk["end_offset"]}, size: {chunk["size"]}, type: {chunk_type}'
+        )
+    return '\n'.join(report)
+def _has_low_entropy(file: File, chunk: UnknownChunk) -> bool:
+    file.seek(chunk.start_offset)
+    content = file.read(chunk.size)
+    return avg_entropy(content) < MIN_FILE_ENTROPY
 # ----> Do not edit below this line <----
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/install.sh b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/install.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..571a4859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/install.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" || exit 1
+echo "------------------------------------"
+echo "    install unblob dependencies     "
+echo "------------------------------------"
+sudo -EH apt-get install -y e2fsprogs img2simg lziprecover xz-utils libmagic1 libhyperscan5
+curl -L -o sasquatch_1.0_amd64.deb https://github.com/onekey-sec/sasquatch/releases/download/sasquatch-v1.0/sasquatch_1.0_amd64.deb
+sudo dpkg -i sasquatch_1.0_amd64.deb
+rm -f sasquatch_1.0_amd64.deb
+exit 0
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/carving_test_file b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/carving_test_file
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ede93aef
Binary files /dev/null and b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/carving_test_file differ
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_7z.7z b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_7z.7z
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ebfa302..00000000
Binary files a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_7z.7z and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_gz.gz b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_gz.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d806e7d..00000000
Binary files a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_gz.gz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_tar.tar b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_tar.tar
deleted file mode 100644
index 92766c47..00000000
Binary files a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_tar.tar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_xz.bin b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_xz.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index 93cea4cb..00000000
Binary files a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_xz.bin and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_xz.xz b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_xz.xz
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f957cb2..00000000
Binary files a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_xz.xz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_zip.zip b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_zip.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 543e9ad5..00000000
Binary files a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/fake_zip.zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/trailing_data.bz2 b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/trailing_data.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a359d72..00000000
Binary files a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/trailing_data.bz2 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/trailing_data.zip b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/trailing_data.zip
deleted file mode 100644
index 9476e0d8..00000000
Binary files a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/data/trailing_data.zip and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/test_plugin_generic_carver.py b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/test_plugin_generic_carver.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..549ea610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/test_plugin_generic_carver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+from helperFunctions.file_system import get_test_data_dir
+from test.unit.unpacker.test_unpacker import TestUnpackerBase
+# pylint: disable=protected-access
+TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / 'data'
+class TestGenericCarver(TestUnpackerBase):
+    def test_unpacker_selection_generic(self):
+        self.check_unpacker_selection('generic/carver', 'generic_carver')
+    def test_extraction(self):
+        in_file = f'{get_test_data_dir()}/generic_carver_test'
+        files, meta_data = self.unpacker._extract_files_from_file_using_specific_unpacker(
+            in_file, self.tmp_dir.name, self.unpacker.unpacker_plugins['generic/carver']
+        )
+        files = set(files)
+        assert len(files) == 3, 'file number incorrect'  # noqa: PLR2004
+        assert f'{self.tmp_dir.name}/100-887.zip' in files, 'hidden zip not identified correctly'
+        assert 'output' in meta_data
+    def test_filter(self):
+        in_file = TEST_DATA_DIR / 'carving_test_file'
+        assert Path(in_file).is_file()
+        files, meta_data = self.unpacker._extract_files_from_file_using_specific_unpacker(
+            str(in_file), self.tmp_dir.name, self.unpacker.unpacker_plugins['generic/carver']
+        )
+        files = set(files)
+        assert len(files) == 4, 'file number incorrect'  # noqa: PLR2004
+        assert 'removed chunk 300-428' in meta_data['output']
+        for file in ('0-128.unknown', '128-300.zip', '428-562.sevenzip', '562-626.unknown'):
+            assert f'{self.tmp_dir.name}/{file}' in files
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/test_plugin_generic_carver_binwalk.py b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/test_plugin_generic_carver_binwalk.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d21bc4b6..00000000
--- a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/generic_carver/test/test_plugin_generic_carver_binwalk.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-import shutil
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from pathlib import Path
-from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
-import pytest
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from plugins.unpacking.generic_carver.code.generic_carver import ArchivesFilter
-from test.unit.unpacker.test_unpacker import TestUnpackerBase
-from helperFunctions.file_system import get_test_data_dir
-# pylint: disable=protected-access
-TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / 'data'
-class TestGenericCarver(TestUnpackerBase):
-    def test_unpacker_selection_generic(self):
-        self.check_unpacker_selection('generic/carver', 'generic_carver')
-    def test_extraction(self):
-        in_file = f'{get_test_data_dir()}/generic_carver_test'
-        files, meta_data = self.unpacker._extract_files_from_file_using_specific_unpacker(
-            in_file, self.tmp_dir.name, self.unpacker.unpacker_plugins['generic/carver']
-        )
-        files = set(files)
-        assert len(files) == 1, 'file number incorrect'
-        assert files == {f'{self.tmp_dir.name}/64.zip'}, 'not all files found'
-        assert 'output' in meta_data
-        assert 'filter_log' in meta_data
-    def test_extraction_of_filtered_files(self):
-        in_file = str(TEST_DATA_DIR / 'fake_xz.bin')
-        files, meta_data = self.unpacker._extract_files_from_file_using_specific_unpacker(
-            in_file, self.tmp_dir.name, self.unpacker.unpacker_plugins['generic/carver']
-        )
-        assert len(files) == 0
-        assert 'was removed' in meta_data['filter_log']
-class FilterTest:
-    test_file: Path
-    source_file: Path
-    filter: ArchivesFilter
-def filter_test_setup(filename) -> FilterTest:
-    with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
-        test_file = Path(temp_dir) / filename
-        source_file = TEST_DATA_DIR / filename
-        shutil.copyfile(source_file, test_file)
-        arch_filter = ArchivesFilter(temp_dir)
-        yield FilterTest(test_file, source_file, arch_filter)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', ['fake_zip.zip', 'fake_tar.tar', 'fake_7z.7z', 'fake_xz.xz', 'fake_gz.gz'])
-def test_remove_false_positives(filename):
-    with filter_test_setup(filename) as setup:
-        setup.filter.remove_false_positive_archives()
-        assert setup.test_file.is_file() is False
-@pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', ['trailing_data.zip', 'trailing_data.bz2'])
-def test_remove_trailing_data(filename):
-    with filter_test_setup(filename) as setup:
-        setup.filter.remove_false_positive_archives()
-        assert setup.filter.screening_logs == [f'Removed trailing data at the end of {filename}']
-        assert setup.test_file.stat().st_size < setup.source_file.stat().st_size
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/linuxkernel/install.sh b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/linuxkernel/install.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index a12087e5..00000000
--- a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/linuxkernel/install.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e
-echo "------------------------------------"
-echo "     install liblz4-tools, zstd     "
-echo "------------------------------------"
-sudo apt-get install -y liblz4-tool zstd
-exit 0
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/sevenz/install.sh b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/sevenz/install.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 6e7d71c7..00000000
--- a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/sevenz/install.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -e
-cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )"
-echo "------------------------------------"
-echo "      install p7z from source       "
-echo "------------------------------------"
-# install newest version of p7zip
-sudo apt-get remove -y p7zip-full
-mkdir -p /tmp/fact_build
-cd /tmp/fact_build
-wget -O 7zip.tar.bz2 https://sourceforge.net/projects/p7zip/files/latest/download
-# remove possible artifacts from previous installation (: == NOP)
-rm -rf ./p7zip* || :
-tar xvjf 7zip.tar.bz2
-cd p7zip*
-# gcc >= 11 has -Wnarrowing as default flag which leads to an error during compilation
-# g++ will try to use standard C++17 but the code is not compatible -> use C++14
-sed -i 's/CXXFLAGS=-c -I. \\/CXXFLAGS=-c -I. -Wno-narrowing -std=c++14 \\/g' makefile.glb  || echo "Warning: Could not apply makefile patch"
-cp makefile.linux_any_cpu makefile.machine
-make -j"$(nproc)" all3
-sudo ./install.sh
-cd ..
-rm -fr p7zip* 7zip.tar.bz2
-exit 0
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/squashFS/test/test_plugin_squashfs.py b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/squashFS/test/test_plugin_squashfs.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 111c5cae..0aa3e2cb
--- a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/squashFS/test/test_plugin_squashfs.py
+++ b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/squashFS/test/test_plugin_squashfs.py
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 from pathlib import Path
+from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
 import pytest
-from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
 from test.unit.unpacker.test_unpacker import TestUnpackerBase
-from ..code.squash_fs import _unpack_success, unpack_function, SQUASH_UNPACKER
+from ..code.squash_fs import SQUASH_UNPACKER, _unpack_success, unpack_function
 TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / 'data'
-    'unpack_path, expected',
+    ('unpack_path', 'expected'),
         ('/foo/bar/unpacker', False),
         (TEST_DATA_DIR, True),
@@ -31,29 +31,32 @@ def test_not_unpackable_file():
 def test_tool_paths_set_correctly():
     for unpacker, _ in SQUASH_UNPACKER:
-        assert unpacker.exists()
+        assert unpacker.exists(), f'{unpacker} not found.'
 class TestSquashUnpacker(TestUnpackerBase):
     def test_unpacker_selection_generic(self):
         self.check_unpacker_selection('filesystem/squashfs', 'SquashFS')
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(('file', 'expected'), [
-        ('avm_be.sqfs4', 'sasquatch-v4be'),
-        ('avm_le.sqfs4', 'sasquatch'),
-        ('gzip.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
-        ('lz4.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
-        ('lzma.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
-        ('lzma1_be.sqfs3', 'sasquatch'),
-        ('lzma1_le.sqfs3', 'sasquatch'),
-        ('lzma_be.sqfs2', 'unsquashfs4-avm-be'),
-        ('lzma_le.sqfs2', 'unsquashfs4-avm-be'),
-        ('lzo.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
-        ('xz.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
-        ('zlib_be.sqfs3', 'sasquatch'),
-        ('zlib_le.sqfs3', 'sasquatch'),
-        ('zstd.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
-    ])
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        ('file', 'expected'),
+        [
+            ('avm_be.sqfs4', 'sasquatch-v4be'),
+            ('avm_le.sqfs4', 'sasquatch'),
+            ('gzip.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
+            ('lz4.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
+            ('lzma.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
+            ('lzma1_be.sqfs3', 'sasquatch'),
+            ('lzma1_le.sqfs3', 'sasquatch'),
+            ('lzma_be.sqfs2', 'unsquashfs4-avm-be'),
+            ('lzma_le.sqfs2', 'unsquashfs4-avm-be'),
+            ('lzo.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
+            ('xz.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
+            ('zlib_be.sqfs3', 'sasquatch'),
+            ('zlib_le.sqfs3', 'sasquatch'),
+            ('zstd.sqfs', 'sasquatch'),
+        ],
+    )
     def test_extraction_sqfs(self, file, expected):
         meta_data = self.check_unpacking_of_standard_unpack_set(TEST_DATA_DIR / file)
         assert meta_data['plugin_used'] == 'SquashFS'
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/__init__.py b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/code/__init__.py b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/code/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/code/xiaomi_hdr.py b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/code/xiaomi_hdr.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56e7a89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/code/xiaomi_hdr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+This plugin uses unblob to unpack Xiaomi HDR1/2 images.
+from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+import structlog
+from structlog.testing import capture_logs
+from unblob.handlers.archive.xiaomi.hdr import HDRExtractor
+NAME = 'Xiaomi HDR'
+MIME_PATTERNS = ['firmware/xiaomi-hdr1', 'firmware/xiaomi-hdr2']
+VERSION = '0.1.0'
+    wrapper_class=structlog.make_filtering_bound_logger(logging.DEBUG),
+def unpack_function(file_path: str, tmp_dir: str) -> dict:
+    path = Path(file_path)
+    with path.open('rb') as fp:
+        magic = fp.read(4)
+    if magic in [b'HDR1', b'HDR2']:
+        extractor = HDRExtractor(f'{magic.decode().lower()}_header_t')
+    else:
+        return {'output': ''}
+    # unblob uses structlog for logging, but we can capture the logs with this convenient testing function
+    with capture_logs() as log_list:
+        extractor.extract(path, Path(tmp_dir))
+        return {'output': _format_logs(log_list)}
+def _format_logs(logs: list[dict]) -> str:
+    output = ''
+    for entry in logs:
+        output += '\n'.join(f'{key}: {value}' for key, value in entry.items() if key not in {'_verbosity', 'log_level'})
+    return output
+# ----> Do not edit below this line <----
+def setup(unpack_tool):
+    for item in MIME_PATTERNS:
+        unpack_tool.register_plugin(item, (unpack_function, NAME, VERSION))
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/test/__init__.py b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/test/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/test/data/test.hdr1 b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/test/data/test.hdr1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d97faa7
Binary files /dev/null and b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/test/data/test.hdr1 differ
diff --git a/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/test/test_hdr.py b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/test/test_hdr.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fb11f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fact_extractor/plugins/unpacking/xiaomi_hdr/test/test_hdr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+from plugins.unpacking.xiaomi_hdr.code.xiaomi_hdr import MIME_PATTERNS
+from test.unit.unpacker.test_unpacker import TestUnpackerBase
+TEST_DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / 'data'
+class TestXiaomiHdrUnpacker(TestUnpackerBase):
+    def test_unpacker_selection_generic(self):
+        for mime in MIME_PATTERNS:
+            self.check_unpacker_selection(mime, 'Xiaomi HDR')
+    def test_extraction_hdr(self):
+        in_file = TEST_DATA_DIR / 'test.hdr1'
+        assert in_file.is_file(), 'test file is missing'
+        meta = self.check_unpacking_of_standard_unpack_set(
+            in_file,
+            output=True,
+        )
+        assert 'output' in meta
+        assert 'testfile1' in meta['output']
diff --git a/requirements-unpackers.txt b/requirements-unpackers.txt
index 69b52e02..8ed68037 100644
--- a/requirements-unpackers.txt
+++ b/requirements-unpackers.txt
@@ -7,13 +7,6 @@ patool~=2.2.0
-# generic_carver: binwalk
-# ToDo: pin to fork (?)
 # ubi
 # dji / dlink_shrs
@@ -37,3 +30,6 @@ extract-dtb~=1.2.3
 # uefi
 pylibfdt ~= 1.7.1
+# unblob
+# FixMe: pin to next stable version; the latest release is missing a bug fix related to zip64