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Type-level execution graph descriptions

Our goal is to design unified type-level descriptions for heterogeneous execution graphs.


  • Execution graph — a set of parallel and consequtive opertaions on data resources represented in form of a graph. In current state of the problem we consider execution plans of SQL queries and Java Streams pipelines as a desired domain, aiming to generalize results to other execution graph specifications such as Apache Flink, CQL, etc.

  • Type-level description — data-oriented declarative specification of pre- and postconditions on arguments and outputs of operations abstracted from implementation. Essentially, an external type system that rejects invalid execution graphs.

  • Unified descriptions as opposed to heterogeneous graphs suggest a way of maintaining system-wide invariants in an execution graph independently of underlying frameworks used in graph's operations.


  • Schematization makes intents clearer, resulting in better maintainance and testing
  • In particular, type system makes specification more expressive by allowing user-defined types (data specifications). For example, operation's signature may tell about an applied change to the argument's sign or persistance of the argument's distribution
  • Transparent prerequisites of obtaining a desired data resource enable automatic graph construction?


Express graphs produced by SQL and Java Streams (or any other functional pipeline abstraction i.e. C++ Ranges or a chain of higher order functions in Haskell) in terms of an existing type system.


An attempt to typecheck functional pipelines and SQL with use of Scala's structural subtyping and paramentric polymorphism to simulate row polymorphism. See a brief explanation of structural subtyping and row polymorphism in comparison.

Functional style pipelines

Let's say we want to type the pipeline:

stream.of({ x: 1, y: "hey" }).filter(x > 0).map(x -> x^2).project(x,y -> x)       // { x: 1 }

From perspective of a graph we are given one initial source of data and three consecutive operations that take a single source and produce a single outcome. Consider someone used the following type declarations to specify the operations and the source:

trait X                                    // traits represent properties of a data resource
trait Y                                
type Src = { val x: X; val y: Y }          // structural type represents an initial data resource 
trait XGreaterThan0 extends X              // inherited traits represent consecutive 
trait XGreaterThan0Squared extends XGreaterThan0       // operations over a property
// operations' type declarations without implementation
def filter[S <: { val x: X }]: S => S { val x: XGreaterThan0 } = ???
def map[S <: { val x: XGreaterThan0 }]: S => S { val x: XGreaterThan0Squared } = ???
def project[XProp <: X]: { val x: XProp } => { val x: XProp } = ???
def src: Src = ???

The operations above could be defined simplier and still allow project(map(filter(src))) to compile. However, with polymorphic signatures we have here, we allow map(project(filter(src))) and map(filter(project(src))) to compile as well. Moreover, the types of the three expressions are all equivalent to { val x: XGreaterThan0Squared } (see below).

Two rules of subtyping allow the operation rearranging in this example:

  • Covariance to express states of data that are neccessary consecutive

    implicitly[{val x: XGreaterThan0; val y: Y} <:< {val x: X; val y: Y}]
    implicitly[{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared; val y: Y} <:< {val x: XGreaterThan0; val y: Y}]
  • Structural subtyping to express independently aquired properties

    type x = {val x: X}
    type y = {val y: Y}
    implicitly[{val x: X; val y: Y} <:< {val x: X}]
    implicitly[{val x: X; val y: Y} <:< {val y: Y}]
    type both = x with y
    implicitly[{val x: X; val y: Y} =:= both]  

It is a suggestion that similarly organized operation signatures can express all possible execution graphs for in an arbitrary case.

The common type { val x: XGreaterThan0Squared } of the statements raises a question of exhaustiveness of our examples. If there can be found all combinations of given operations and data sources that typecheck to a certain type, this would be equivalent to generation of all possible graphs that produce the desired resource.

Type inhabitation

There are libraries that generate a function body by provided type via Curry-Howard isomorphism and intuitionistic propositional logic teorem prover, e.g.:

scala> import

scala> def graphs[A, B, C, D, E] = anyOfType[A => (A => B) => (B => (C, D)) => (C, B)]()
graphs: [A, B, C, D, E]=> Seq[[A,(A => B) => ((B => (C, D)) => (C, B))]]

This could be helpful if row polymorphism or subtyping and polymorphic types were supported.

Describing SQL

An example of how join operations can be rearranged:

  // select count(*)
  // from ownership
  //  join pets on ownership.petId ==
  //  join people on ownership.ownerId ==
  // where people.age < pets.age

  trait petId
  trait ownerId
  trait petAge
  trait ownerAge

  trait petAgeFiltered extends petAge
  trait ownerAgeFiltered extends ownerAge

  trait count

  type ownership = {val pId: petId; val o: ownerId}
  type pets = {val pId: petId; val pAge: petAge}
  type people = {val oId: ownerId; val oAge: ownerAge}

  def src1: ownership = ???
  def src2: pets = ???
  def src3: people = ???

  def join[S1, S2]: S1 => S2 => S1 with S2 = ???

  def where[S <: { val pAge: petAge; val oAge: ownerAge }]
    : S => S {val pAge: petAgeFiltered; val oAge: ownerAgeFiltered } = ???

  def select[S <: { val oAge: ownerAge; val oId: ownerId; val pId: petId; val pAge: petAgeFiltered }]
    : S => count = ???
val tree1 = reify { select(where(join(join(src1)(src2))(src3))) }.tree      // compiles
val tree2 = reify { select(where(join(src1)(join(src2)(src3)))) }.tree      // compiles
val tree3 = reify { select(join(join(where(src1))(src2))(src3)) }.tree      // won't compile!!

Summary of questions yet to answer

  • Solvability of the inhabitation problem for types that describe functional pipelines and SQL
    • Is there any hope for automatic graph generation from row types?
  • Descriptiveness of the proposed type system at least for SQL
    • Row types look good enough at a first glance...
  • Any other approaches to schematization?
    • Try path-dependent instead of records?

Type equivalence in Functional style pipelines

scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
       // ASTs of the expressions to typecheck
       val tree1 = reify { map(filter(project(src))) }.tree 
       val tree2 = reify { map(project(filter(src))) }.tree
       val tree3 = reify { project(map(filter(src))) }.tree
       val tb = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader).mkToolBox()
       // typechecking
       val typ1 = tb.typecheck(tree1).tpe
       val typ2 = tb.typecheck(tree2).tpe
       val typ3 = tb.typecheck(tree3).tpe
scala> typ1 // not normalized type representation of typ1
res0: tb.u.Type = scala.AnyRef{val x: X}{val x: XGreaterThan0}{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared}

scala> typ2 // not normalized type representation of typ1
res1: tb.u.Type = scala.AnyRef{val x: XGreaterThan0}{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared}

scala> typ3 // not normalized type representation of typ1
res2: tb.u.Type = scala.AnyRef{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared}

scala> type tX = scala.AnyRef{val x: X}
       type tXgt0 = tX{val x: XGreaterThan0}
       type tGt0 = scala.AnyRef{val x: XGreaterThan0}
       // checking type equivalence
       implicitly[tXgt0{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared} =:= {val x: XGreaterThan0Squared}]
       implicitly[tGt0{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared} =:= {val x: XGreaterThan0Squared}]
       implicitly[scala.AnyRef{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared} =:= {val x: XGreaterThan0Squared}]

defined type alias tX
defined type alias tXgt0
defined type alias tGt0
res3: =:=[tXgt0{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared},AnyRef{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared}] = <function1>
res4: =:=[tGt0{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared},AnyRef{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared}] = <function1>
res5: =:=[AnyRef{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared},AnyRef{val x: XGreaterThan0Squared}] = <function1>