Glossary of the key terms for functional and object oriented programming. Some additional references:
This glossary could also be used as a controlled vocabulary for documentation
A higher-order function (HOF) is:
- A function which takes a function as an argument
- Or a function which returns a function
- Reduce code duplication
- Encourage the single-responsibility principle
More about Higher-Order Function
These two related concepts in Typescript:
Closure provides a way of binding a context to a function
Currying converts a function that takes multiple arguments into a function that takes them one at a time.
const f = x => y => x + y;
Make it possible to have function with a single parameter that can be used for
while some specific context has been provided before hand -
Make it easier to use Point-Free Style
More about Currying and closure
A function is pure if the return value is only determined by its parameters
- Make it possible to predict the output based on the input
- Easier to test
More about Purity
A function has side effects if the output cannot be predicted just by looking at its input parameters
Side effects is not desirable from a testing perspective but likely necessary in a real world environment
Identify side effects to isolate them in a limited number of functions
More about Side effects
Point-Free Style allows to chain functions in a very linear way
- Avoid the creation of intermediate variables
- In best cases increases the readability
More about Point-Free Style
Functional approach for composing functions
- Each function will always yield a failure or a success
- Composition of happy paths
- Failure path short-circuits and forwards any previous errors
More about Railway oriented programming
Declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change
- Cleaner code, more concise
- Easier to scale
More about Reactive programming
Programming paradigm for reactive programming using the building blocks of functional programming
- Well defined semantic model
- The dynamical behavior of a value is specified at declaration time
- Stop working on individual events and work with event streams instead
More about Functional reactive programming