The typical developer workflow goes as follow:
Mode | Code analysis | Testing | Building | Publishing |
Checking | make analyze | make test | make build | make ready |
Fixing | Fix the code | Update dependencies and make doc | ||
Continuous integration | make build |
Run GitHub Actions inside a docker container
Motivation: Test GitHub Actions locally
When to use it: When changing github actions
Run: act
From package: act of brew : Run GitHub Actions locally
Transpile all the Elm source code to javascript
Motivation: The code has to be build before been published
When to use it: Before building
Run: make build
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Generate the markdown documentation for the Elm project
Motivation: Good documentation is essential for developer experience
When to use it: Before publishing
Run: make doc
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Generate the markdown documentation for the Elm project
Motivation: Good documentation is essential for developer experience
When to use it: Before publishing
Run: make preview-doc
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Enable useful features for the github project repository
Motivation: Create consistent settings
When to use it: After creating
Run: make github
From package: gh of brew : GitHub CLI brings GitHub to your terminal
Find problems in Elm code
Motivation: Make the code more consistent and avoid bugs
When to use it: Before compilation
Run: make analyze
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Formats Elm source code according to a standard set of rules based on the official Elm Style Guide
Motivation: Make the code more consistent and avoid bugs
When to use it: Before compilation
Run: make beautify
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
See what changed in the package between versions
Motivation: Sometimes a MAJOR change is not actually very big, so this can help you plan your upgrade timelines
When to use it: Before compilation
Run: make diff
From package: elm of npm : Dependency management
Checks that the markdown documents follows some consistent guidelines
Motivation: Make the markdown documents consistent in style
When to use it: Before publishing
Run: make md
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Modify the markdown documents to ensure they follow some consistent guidelines
Motivation: Make the markdown documents consistent in style
When to use it: Before publishing
Run: make md-fix
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Install some dependencies
Motivation: Before running most commands
When to use it: Before building
Run: make install
From package: elm of npm : Dependency management
Install some dependencies globally
Motivation: Before running most commands
When to use it: Before building
Run: make install-global
From package: yarn of npm : Dependency management
Run a sequence of commands to check that the library is ready to be published
Motivation: Detect quality flaws before pushing the code
When to use it: Before pushing a branch
Run: make ready
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Delete the dist and report folder
Motivation: Start from a clean slate
When to use it: Before building
Run: make reset
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Run the unit tests
Motivation: Check that the units of code behave as intended
When to use it: After compilation, before build
Run: make test
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Summarize all the yarn and shell commands
Motivation: Assist the developer in quickly finding commands
When to use it: Before running a command
Run: make help
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Git commit a message that has been saved in the .message file
Motivation: Quicker commit for pre-defined use cases
When to use it: When commit to github
Run: gcf
From package: zsh of brew : Shell designed for interactive use
Delete the generated folder
Motivation: Start generation from a clean slate
When to use it: Before generation
Run: make reset-generated
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Generate the scripts used for code generation
Motivation: The generation scripts contain a fair amount of boilerplate code that can be easily generated
When to use it: Before generation
Run: make pre-generate
From package: zsh of brew : Shell designed for interactive use
Generate some of the boilerplate code for the Elm project
Motivation: Standardize and boost the development process
When to use it: When changing model
Run: make generate
From package: zsh of brew : Shell designed for interactive use
Run browser tests
Motivation: Run longer tests using different browsers
When to use it: After building
Run: make big-test
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Run some code that we should do just before a release
Motivation: Streamline the release
When to use it: Before release
Run: make pull
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Generate some of the boilerplate code that has to be manually added
Motivation: Boost the development process with contextual snippets
When to use it: When changing model
Run: make assist
From package: zsh of brew : Shell designed for interactive use
Generate some scaffolding using some handlebars templates
Motivation: Externalize scaffolding outside close source code
When to use it: Before running normalization
Run: make whisker-norm
From package: makefile of brew : Build management
Normalize the code structure using baldrick (global version)
Motivation: Create a consistent developer experience
When to use it: When changing github actions
Run: make norm
From package: baldrick-elm of npm : Elm scaffolding assistant