Trumbowyg Plugin for Flextype
Light, translatable and customisable Trumbowyg WYSIWYG editor for Flextype.
The following dependencies need to be downloaded and installed for Trumbowyg Plugin.
Item | Version | Download |
flextype | 0.9.16 | download |
twig | >=2.0.0 | download |
blueprints | >=1.0.0 | download |
- Download & Install all required dependencies.
- Create new folder
- Download Trumbowyg Plugin and unzip plugin content to the folder
# enabled: true or false to disable the plugin
enabled: true
# Plugin priority
priority: 41
# Place to load
assetsLoadOnAdmin: true
assetsLoadOnSite: false
# Blocks
type: Trumbowyg
name: trumbowyg
# Trumbowyg options
# Localization
# If the lang was not found, english values are used by default.
lang: en
# SVG icons
# A pack of SVG icons is available and enabled by default.
# This file is loaded via XHR request in JavaScript so it is possible the path is not matching with your assets file paths.
# You can change the path of the SVG or disable this feature.
# If you do not want SVG icons, you can set this option to `false`.
# Then, you can add your custom icons by CSS or what you want.
svgPath: ../../project/plugins/trumbowyg/blocks/Trumbowyg/dist/fonts/trumbowyg/icons.svg
# Semantic
# Generates a better, more semantic oriented HTML
# (i.e. <em> instead of <i>, <strong> instead of <b>, etc.).
'b': 'strong'
'i': 'em'
's': 'del'
'strike': 'del'
'p': 'p'
# Reset CSS
# If you don't want the page style to impact on the look of the text in the editor,
# you will need to apply a reset-css on the editor.
# To activate this feature set `true`
resetCss: false
# Auto grow
# The text editing zone can extend itself when writing a long text.
# To activate this feature set `true`
autogrow: false
# Auto grow on enter
# The text editing zone can extend itself when editor get focus and reduce on blur.
# To activate this feature set `true`
autogrowOnEnter: false
# URL protocol
# An option to auto-prefix URLs with a protocol.
# When this option is set to true, URLs missing a protocol will be prefixed
# with https://. Alternatively, a string can be provided for a custom prefix.
# For example, a value of true would convert to,
# while a value of ftp converts to
# Anchors, email addresses and relative links are left unchanged.
urlProtocol: false
# Image width modal edit
# Add a field in image insert/edit modal which allow users to set the image width.
# To activate this feature set `true`
imageWidthModalEdit: false
# Remove format pasted
# If you don't want styles pasted from clipboard (from Word or other webpage for example),
# set the removeformatPasted option to `true`
removeformatPasted: true
# Hide button texts
# You can hide button texts showed when you put `svgPath` to `false`.
# If you disable SVG icons and button texts, you should design them by yourself.
hideButtonTexts: false
# Tags to remove
# Allow to sanitize the code by removing all tags you want.
# The `tagsToRemove` option is an array.
tagsToRemove: []
# Tags to keep
# Sometimes you want to keep some empty `i` tags for Font Awesome or anything else.
# You can define this list via the `tagsToKeep` option.
tagsToKeep: ['hr', 'img', 'embed', 'iframe', 'input']
# Minimal links
# Reduce the link overlay to use only `url` and `text` fields, omitting `title` and `target`.
minimalLinks: false
# Default link target
# Allow to set link target attribute value to what you want, even if the `minimalLinks` option is set to `true`.
defaultLinkTarget: _blank
# Tag classes
# Add classes to any tag.
# for e.g:
# h1: 'h1', // Bootstrap example
# blockquote: 'bg-grey-100 rounded-xl', // Tailwind CSS example
tagClasses: []
# Active dropdown icon
# Dropdown icon can change to the active sub-button icon with this option enabled.
# To activate this feature set `true`
changeActiveDropdownIcon: false
# Prefix
# Prefix of all class added on elements of Trumbowyg
prefix: 'trumbowyg-'
# Disabled
disabled: false
# Button pane
# Available buttons: viewHTML, undo, redo, strong, em, del, superscript, subscript, link
# insertImage, justifyLeft, justifyCenter, justifyRight, justifyFull, unorderedList, orderedList,
# horizontalRule, removeformat, fullscreen
btns: []
# Plugins
# Available plugins
plugins: []
template: plugins/trumbowyg/blocks/Trumbowyg/block.html
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2021 Sergey Romanenko