Pages + Functionality
- Get mp3 to play
- Get mp3 to pause
- Better styles for the button
- Volume slider
- Volume slider --> range/progress bar
- Lenght of music visualized --> progress bar
--> musializer todo is moved over to dev branch
- Particles instead of waveform
https://www.twilio.com/en-us/blog/audio-visualisation-web-audio-api--react https://github.com/TylerStanish/electron-audio-visualizer
- Add more stuff
- Vertical switch: add friction to make it snap to top or bottom, reverse in other half
More examples
Cava (Audio visualizer) https://github.com/karlstav/cava
Scrolling lock thing
Sliders (?)
Idea: play with friction/resistance of slider based on position
Add more inspiration gifs
- Add a reference for pull direction/pull strenght
- calculate trajectory mode, + button to turn it on/off
- Ball --> add a randomize button to randomize hoop position
- Make tethers interact with eachother
- Tether effects on drag
- changes in color the further the drag?
- [ ]
Styles + Design
Low priority
Fix lefthalf and righthalf transition spinner
Consistent fps
fix DOM cant find darkmodeToggle when it starts on canvas page
Page transitions --> https://vuejs.org/guide/built-ins/transition.html
Hot Reloading shit
Hot Reloading: Things to do: - completely remove "webpack.paths.ts" and replace with "path.resolve"
Things to try out: - ts-node/register/transpile-only - cross-env - NODE_ENV=development - "cross-env NODE_ENV=development TS_NODE_TRANSPILE_ONLY=true webpack serve --config ./.erb/configs/webpack.config.renderer.dev.ts"
- Reset perspective when mouse is outside of box
- Cube: add "motions" --> "swipe left" to turn it 180 degrees, "swipe up" etc
- Figure out if possible
- Mousewheel
- Add velocity and friction
- Add lefthalf and righthalf** for scrolling
- Fix lefthalf and righthalf dragging/set reference to actual center(?)
- Figure out why mouse isnt at center
- Fix font not displaying
- Fix canvas size
- Smoother animations
- some toggle buttons
- button1 correct light mode colors
- Effects onpress
- Figure out inconsistency with damping and stiffness --> initscene called twice on window resize
- Add actual tether
- Prototype 2d basketball thingy
- Reset button in the center of screen + bigger
- Ball start position from wherever the mouse is down?
- Add a hoop
- Ball --> calculate bounding box correctly
- Ball: dont "spawn" ball when click in navbar area
- add a "manual" switch instead of click switch
- More designs
- Better style 3 segment
- Vertical switch: make it "snap" to points
- Vertical switch: add lines for segments
- Fix/Design better logo
- Preview for ReadMe
- Center on page
- Fix content centered in the middle of screen
- Working darkmode toggle
- Factor out Navbar into react component instead of on the index.html
- properly align icons in the navbar
- Figure out why settings button is not working on homepage
- Reload the canvas pages when darkmodetoggle
- Remove settings and replace with darkmode toggle instead
- Add settings button next to "ui-box" title
- Scale up active element in navbar/remove padding
Github pages
- Github actions to automatically push to gh-pages branch
- Fix position of ball and particles
- Fix particle sizes --> not depending on screen size
- Add some keyboard page with wasd
- Joystick --> mouse and keyboard seperately
- Joystick: Reset mouse position on keyboard press
Navbar & Menus
- Indicate what page is active
- Navbar better style
- Icons instead of text
Low priority
- Fix keyboard not resetting onmousedown joystick
- Navbar Tab styles --> https://github.com/adamschwartz/chrome-tabs/tree/gh-pages