- Title [global object's name, for example: Map]
- Description
- Requires
- Functions
- Variables
- InfoMenu.open
- InfoMenu.close
- InfoMenu.createItemsByList(infoItem array)
- InfoMenu.addItem(infoItem)
- InfoMenu.openPageByIndex(PageIndex INT)
- InfoMenu.onItemClick(infoItem) - HANDLER (has to be assigned)
- imageUrl PATH_STRING
- onclick FUNCTION(this)
- typeName STRING
- InfoMenu.openState BOOLEAN
- InfoMenu.pageIndex INT
InfoMenu is the window on the right side of the screen, responsible for showing a list of all projects and their information.- InfoMenu.openProjectPageByTitle(infoItem)
- InfoMenu.goThroughPortal(ProjectTitle STRING)
{infoItem}: Documentation at README.md
map.js is the drawing engine behind the website.Requires: nothing.
- Map.init(points, factor):
Call Map.init with an array of points which need to be drawn and a displacement factor. (4 for overworld, 1 for nether)
- Map.drawLine(startX, startZ, endX, endZ, colour):
Draw a line from some point to some point with a colour.
- Map.MCToDOM(x):
Convert Minecraft coördinates to DOM coördinates
- Map.DOMToMC(x):
Convert DOM coördinates to Minecraft coördinates
- Map.DOMPanTo({x: x, z: z}):
Pan to specified DOM coördinates
- Map.panToItem(item):
Pan to the position of the specified item.
- Map.handleClick(x, z):
Handle a click on the map at the specified clicking positions
- Map.onItemClick(point): HANDLER
This is a handler for page-specific code execution.
- Map.findClickbox(x, z):
Check if there's a clickbox at the specified DOM coördinates
- Map.zoom(percentage):
Zoom to the specified percentage
- Map.zoomIn():
Call to zoom in.
- Map.zoomOut():
Call to zoom out.
- Settings:
Contains these settings:
- Max zoom (as maxZoom)
- Zoom step size (as zoomStepSize)
- Animation speed (as animationSpeed)