2.32.0 (2023-08-17)
- adds knex pool connection configs (0bf2a3d)
2.31.2 (2023-08-16)
- updates engine version to 2.32.1 to remove unecessary bp validation (dbf1d33)
2.31.1 (2023-06-20)
- fix typo on filename casing (0a299c5)
2.31.0 (2023-06-20)
- add graphQL custom node (c9a7a3c)
- fix typos (97d1e60)
2.30.0 (2023-05-25)
- add /cockpit/envs routes (73a71d1)
- update engine to add blueprint _extract and node extract properties (aad7342)
- update engine to add process_id on GET /cockpit/processes/:id/execution (7f0f979)
- adjust GET /cockpit/envs to return only table variables (152fb5d)
2.29.0 (2023-05-24)
- changes topic used to publish KAFKA beacon message (2560683)
- sets KAFKA_NAMESPACE var to name topic on beacon (16872b8)
2.28.0 (2023-05-24)
- adds extra data on state message to brokers (3a9df7a)
- adjustment to always send all process ids available (42ecdfa)
2.27.0 (2023-05-18)
- adds /connection/beacon route and its controller (3553dd3)
- adds error detailing failure in case of broker not enabled (7f876d8)
- moves /connection route to cockpit and adds optional 'token' data (7a2e1af)
- sets default topic name if namespace is not set (886f300)
- updates beacon route behavior and responses (5124554)
2.26.0 (2023-05-16)
- update engine to abort & expire process keep bag on state (0e6ad4c)
2.25.1 (2023-05-10)
- updates '@flowbuild/nodejs-diagram-builder' package version (3f2570c)
2.25.0 (2023-05-09)
- adds historyExecution route on cockpit router (5a85236)
- adds new routes to fetch state execution context (c7db792)
- updates fetchProcessHistory controller to add fromStep query parameter (afa6b44)
- changes endpoint, overwriting old '/execution' route (8d54b04)
- removes export from unexisting name (95e89d7)
2.24.0 (2023-04-28)
- add the workflow name in the response when a blueprint is published (d6e12be)
2.23.1 (2023-04-28)
- middlewares: add by default all token keys to extData (4560b98)
2.23.0 (2023-04-26)
- adds new listener for EventNode notifications and adjust topic names (1125f75)
- adds trigger event emition (511b790)
- separates workflow publishing and sets all workflows to be published (14444c4)
- updates engine version (acf526e)
- updates topic name creation (5c5f52b)
- updates workflow creation controller to emit event (24d2732)
2.22.4 (2023-03-29)
- update engine to adjust continue process (c0c5b1e)
2.22.3 (2023-03-29)
2.22.2 (2023-03-28)
- change implementation to kafkajs (b86da37)
2.22.1 (2023-03-28)
- add option to choose status to listen on engineListener (b8a1651)
- enable activityManagerListener to send message only on creation (b59c5af)
2.22.0 (2023-03-27)
- add kafka broker and publish node (9728c1a)
2.21.3 (2023-03-25)
- ποΈ add ssl property to prod knex config (68c781c)
2.21.2 (2023-03-25)
- add option to choose status to listen on engineListener (99affbb)
2.21.1 (2023-03-24)
- update engine to allow disabling timer batch (86f2abd)
2.21.0 (2023-03-21)
2.20.2 (2023-03-16)
- adjust mqtt topic key (e916dbd)
2.20.1 (2023-03-15)
2.20.0 (2023-03-14)
2.19.0 (2023-03-08)
- β¨ add process tree to process state listener (f73a307)
- controllers: β¨ add get process tree route to cockpit (a38b38a)
- controllers: update function signature (110e654)
2.18.0 (2023-02-23)
- β¨ add timers information to healthcheck (334f39e)
- β¨ allow the definition of a namespace to topics (09758ae)
- β¨ allow to set diferent jwt key, algorithm and payload structure (881246c)
- adds newrelic no server.js (752301c)
2.17.0 (2023-02-17)
2.16.3 (2023-01-30)
- add username and password to mqtt broker connection (80cb4a5)
2.16.2 (2023-01-27)
- tests: β Fix unstable tests (eee8e9e)
2.16.1 (2023-01-24)
- updates package versions to solve sec issues (a53100e)
2.16.0 (2022-12-28)
- rewrite return value (b4a7511)
- adjust unsorted insertion (be4cf7d)
- adjust unsorted insertion on filter data (d1ab825)
- remove unecessary spaces (6a735e1)
2.15.0 (2022-12-28)
- adjust to receive primary data set (40dde72)
2.14.1 (2022-12-26)
2.14.0 (2022-12-21)
- adds grpc custom node (d872db2)
2.13.0 (2022-12-13)
- add custom node filter data (0558025)
- change function to filter data and generate n result by n keys (2d28c18)
- add data, values and key to required list (b5a22bd)
- add required variables (b13d46a)
- adjust required for get schema (fd4580e)
- adjust required variables (18cd2d1)
- adjust schema (c21e733)
- change logger info (d29be9c)
- fix schema ref (e14485a)
- fix schema validate, add check typeOf values and fix call to validate schema (97620cf)
- remove type items from primary_keys validateExecutionData (f4d7ea5)
- resolve duplication on schema (4419aa4)
2.12.0 (2022-12-13)
2.11.0 (2022-12-05)
- add customNode remapData (adb9573)
- add new validationExecutionData method (e061043)
- include dot notation & rename properties (f49f1e9)
- adjust schema validation (092e058)
2.10.1 (2022-10-08)
- update first time contributor action (77a5d4e)
2.10.0 (2022-10-08)
- FKIW-11: criação das rotas de workflow referentes ao cockpitRouter (6f13974)
- FLOW-10: Construção das rotas dos endpoints no yaml de acordo com as especificaçáes do código respectivo. Adequação das tags e responses (878d1e0)
- FLOW-10: organização das rotas em blocos e organização das rotas de acordo com o mainRouter (d0db4be)
- FLOW-11: adequação das tags de acordo com os correspondentes outputs (d319aef)
- FLOW-11: adequação das tags de acordo com os correspondentes outputs (5f3bf04)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /activities/available do mainRouter.js (aa7ee40)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /activity_manager/{activity_manager_id}/commit do mainRouter.js (0b8b91f)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /indexer do mainRouter.js (f83a4a4)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /indexer/{id} do mainRouter.js (dcde768)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /indexer/entity/{id} do mainRouter.js (05fbb8b)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /indexer/entity/type/{type} do mainRouter.js (a0c4f57)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /indexer/process/{id} do mainRouter.js (44bf9a6)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /process/{process_id}/continue do mainRouter.js (1c08c88)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /states/{id} do mainRouter (23d5e37)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /states/{id}/execution do mainRouter.js (bf2b89e)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /states/{id}/spec do mainRouter.js (aa657c0)
- FLOW-11: criação da rota /states/process/{id} do mainRouter.js (baadcee)
- FLOW-11: criação das rotas /workflows/diagram e /workflows/diagram/convert do mainRouter.js (054b1b7)
- FLOW-11: criação das rotas referentes ao cockpitRouter (16980de)
- FLOW-11: criação das rotas swagger e healthcheck do freeRouter (7058cda)
- fix eval to active openTelemetry (4c903fc)
- FLOW-9: formatação final do documento em versão de teste (aa4bb7a)
2.9.0 (2022-10-08)
- π adds OTEL tracing (7267a6b)
2.8.0 (2022-10-07)
- add environment variables for basicAuth node keys (70d02c0)
2.7.2 (2022-09-24)
- controllers: π fix format response when state is not found (91ddaca)
- controllers: π fix when state id was not found (52acd23)
- controllers: π re-add the workflow version to list workflows (977cb7a)
2.7.1 (2022-09-23)
- controllers: π handle exception when node is not found (d8a1b63)
2.7.0 (2022-09-19)
- add basic auth http node (3d911bf)
- adjust route schema to accept $ functions (03e93d8)
2.6.3 (2022-09-18)
- activity manager tests (3237b08)
- fix cockpit processes router (78cb23f)
- fix cockpit workflow (e6a478a)
2.6.2 (2022-09-15)
- fix result on startProcess node (d55c62e)
2.6.1 (2022-09-14)
- update engine to 2.16.1 (b130f40)
2.6.0 (2022-09-06)
- add list and fetch node (8086bc3)
2.5.5 (2022-09-06)
- routers: remove testMapper (df8d9d6)
2.4.1 (2022-09-06)
- force type toLowerCase (89cf583)
2.4.0 (2022-09-02)
- add version and latest in workflow and process calls (54eb73b)
- routers: β¨ add state execution and state spec routes (cc50480)
- healtcheck: add configuration to response payload
- validators: fix activity schema validation on validate and create workflow
- routers: adds get state execution route to check the prepared execution data resolved to that state
- routers: adds get state spec route to get the node spec of that state
- routers: adds to the get process route a property whether the workflow is the latest version.
2.3.0 (2022-06-07)
- routers: adds continue route (dc7e729)
2.2.0 (2022-06-02)
- π add koa helmet (fbc6cb1)
2.1.0 (2022-05-30)
- π¨ add export script (f50f9ee)
- add createUuid node (b12c968)
- add fetch state routes (4a956e1)
- add mqtt (d9b05b9)
- add session to actor_data (d4f7ff8)
- add userAgent and IP middleware (94ca1af)
- add userAgent middleware (2da0ca1)
- adds tokenizeNode (a498727)
- adds validateSchemaNode (6c39b30)
- controllers: β¨ add sessionId to token (8a31d01)
- controllers: add buildBlueprint controller (59eb8f0)
- controllers: add processStatus at response (7c1417f)
- controllers: add wf version @ createProcess (7db49ee)
- convert claims to array (bb4b896)
- nodes: add tokenize and validateSchema (41d3c2c)
- publish states and logs to mqtt (7e7f013)
- restore features for mqtt (60142d4)
- routers: add convert route (977cc6b)
- routers: add route to find states by parameters (136d02a)
- routers: add route to list processes with filters (9f43c45)
- services: send message to actor and session topic (9dd28de)
- update diagram router to refactored diagram-builder (8e13bbd)
- utils: π± add index nodes (3f0ef76)
- validators: add environment validator at saveWorkflow (750711e)
- π₯ remove env file (65afb54)
- add crypto at start (8d313e9)
- controllers: add filters to fetch available (a6b5609)
- controllers: message type (ec9116f)
- fix command (92c399d)
- fix docker-compose (66bcc67)
- fix dockerLocal migrations (108c777)
- fix id validation (0a9c222)
- fix knexfile (cf9df96)
- fix pr-validation action (ee95102)
- mqtt: change host @ env.docker (526674c)
- routers: βοΈ fix healthcheck (89ade8d)
- routers: βοΈ typo @ healthcheck (6c27fe5)
- typo (09f8b2e)
- typo (5c57f02)
- typo @ healthcheck (6f859eb)
- update healthcheck in caso mqtt is off (195fa39)
- use main db, not test (6a42ebb)
- validators: allow lane rule to be $js (0ca97e9)
- validators: fix required fields at SubProcessNode (5bd45a1)
- validators: fix validation of customNodes (93bc305)
- validators: handle when a systemTask node has no category (b2ec5e4)
- validators: timer timeout validator (5ff8bfe)
2.0.0 (2021-03-01)
- update to version 2.0
- update to version 2.0 (66391c4)
1.0.1 (2020-04-06)
- change license project (49fd08f)
- reset version for flowbuild
- reset version for flowbuild (7db937a)