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FMJ Studios - Vaultwarden Helm Chart Vaultwarden Logo

Vaultwarden is an unofficial Bitwarden server implementation written in Rust. It is compatible with the official Bitwarden clients, and is ideal for self-hosted deployments where running the official resource-heavy service is undesirable. Vaultwarden is targeted towards individuals, families, and smaller organizations. Development of features that are mainly useful to larger organizations (e.g., single sign-on, directory syncing, etc.) is not a priority, though high-quality PRs that implement such features would be welcome. It delivers all of these features within a single Docker image available on Docker Hub.

Head to the Vaultwarden GitHub Repository for in-depth documentation and configuration templates.


Helm Repository Installation

helm repo add fmjstudios
helm install vaultwarden fmjstudios/vaultwarden --version X.Y.Z

OCI Installation

helm install oci://


This chart bootstraps a Vaultwarden StatefulSet or Deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. For cluster networking a Service and Ingress manifest is also created, whereas the Ingress needs to be explicitly enabled. Lastly the chart configures a PodDisruptionBudget if enabled. RBAC manifests are enabled by default.

The chart supports the configuration of all Vaultwarden environment variables via the vaultwarden key in Helm's values and makes use of the official Docker Hub container image, although this is configurable via the Image Parameters.


Image parameters

Name Description Value
image.registry The Docker registry to pull the image from
image.repository The registry repository to pull the image from vaultwarden/server
image.tag The image tag to pull 1.30.5-alpine
image.digest The image digest to pull ""
image.pullPolicy The Kubernetes image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets A list of secrets to use for pulling images from private registries []

Name overrides

Name Description Value
nameOverride String to partially override vaultwarden.fullname ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override vaultwarden.fullname ""

Workload overrides

Name Description Value
kind The kind of workload to deploy Vaultwarden as (StatefulSet or Deployment) StatefulSet

Vaultwarden Configuration parameters

Name Description Value
vaultwarden.domain The domain of the Vaultwarden installation ""
vaultwarden.web.enabled Whether or not to enable the Vaultwarden Web UI - enabled by default true
vaultwarden.web.folder A custom folder from which to load assets for the Web UI - defaults to 'web-vault/' ""
vaultwarden.allowSends Controls whether users are allowed to create Bitwarden Sends. Applies globally to all users. true
vaultwarden.allowEmergencyAccess Controls whether users can enable emergency access to their accounts. Applies globally to all users. true
vaultwarden.allowEmailChange Controls whether users can change their email. Applies globally to all users. true
vaultwarden.enableOrgEvents Controls whether event logging is enabled for organizations. Applies to organizations. false
vaultwarden.retainEventsDays Number of days to retain events stored in the database. ""
vaultwarden.ipHeader The Client IP Header, defaults to "X-Forwarded-For". X-Forwarded-For
vaultwarden.disable2FARemember Disable 2FA remembrance. false
vaultwarden.orgCreationUsers Controls which users can create new orgs. ""
vaultwarden.enableOrgGroups Controls whether group support is enabled for organizations false
vaultwarden.allowedIframeAncestors Allowed iframe ancestors (Know the risks!) ""
vaultwarden.adminToken.value The value for the Vaultwarden admin token ""
vaultwarden.adminToken.disable Disable token authentication for the admin panel false The name of an existing Secret containing the admin token ""
vaultwarden.adminToken.existingSecret.key The key name within the previously named existingSecret "" The data folder is used for all files by default /data The file path for the RSA key, 'data/rsa_key' by default "" The path for icon cache, 'data/icon_cache' by default "" The mail attachments path, 'data/attachments' by default "" The mail sends path, 'data/sends' by default "" The temporary data path, 'data/tmp' by default "" The size given to PVCs created from the above data 5Gi The storageClass given to PVCs created from the above data standard The resourcePolicy given to PVCs created from the above data Retain Provide the name to an existing PVC "" Maximum attempts before an email token is reset requiring a new email 3 Token expiration time 600 Email token size 6 Hostname of the Mail server "" The from-address for emails sent by Vaultwarden "" The from-name for emails sent by Vaultwarden Vaultwarden Either 'starttls', 'force_tls' or 'off' starttls SMTP port used 587 SMTP user "" SMTP password "" Defaults for SSL is "Plain" and "Login" and nothing for Non-SSL connections. Plain The name of an existing BasicAuth secret "" General SMTP settings 15 Whether or not to use sendmail for sending emails false The path to which sendmail binary to use. "" Server name sent during the SMTP HELLO "" Embed images as email attachments false Accept Invalid Hostnames false Accept Invalid Certificates false Require new device emails. false Enable debug mode false Setup email 2FA regardless of any organization policy false Automatically setup email 2FA as fallback provider when needed false
vaultwarden.websocket.enabled Whether to enable Websocket push notifications true
vaultwarden.websocket.port The port websocket should bind to 3012
vaultwarden.database.type Choose the database type. Can be 'sqlite' or (external) 'mysql'/'postgresql' "sqlite"
vaultwarden.database.user Provide the username to the (external) Vaultwarden database - ignored if the database type is 'sqlite' ""
vaultwarden.database.password Provide the password to the (external) Vaultwarden database - ignored if the database type is 'sqlite' "" Provide the host to the (external) Vaultwarden database - ignored if the database type is 'sqlite' ""
vaultwarden.database.port Provide the port to the (external) Vaultwarden database - ignored if the database type is 'sqlite' "" Provide the name to the (external) Vaultwarden database - ignored if the database type is 'sqlite' ""
vaultwarden.database.uri Manually provide the entire URI to the (external) Vaultwarden database - ignored if the database type is 'sqlite' "" The name of an existing secret ""
vaultwarden.database.existingSecret.key The key within the existing secret ""
vaultwarden.database.enableWAL Enable write-ahead logging false
vaultwarden.database.maxConnections Maximum database connections 10
vaultwarden.database.timeout Database timeout 30
vaultwarden.database.connectionRetries Database connection retries 15
vaultwarden.limits.logins.ratelimitSeconds Number of seconds between login requests 60
vaultwarden.limits.logins.ratelimitMaxBurst Allow bursts of requests up to this amount 10
vaultwarden.limits.logins.adminRatelimitSeconds Number of seconds between admin login requests 300
vaultwarden.limits.logins.adminRatelimitMaxBurst Allow bursts of admin requests up to this amount 300
vaultwarden.limits.logins.adminSessionLifetime The lifetime of an admin session 20
vaultwarden.limits.attachments.orgLimit Per-organization attachment storage limit (KB) ""
vaultwarden.limits.attachments.userLimit Per-user attachment storage limit (KB) ""
vaultwarden.limits.send.userLimit Per-user send storage limit (KB) ""
vaultwarden.passwords.iterations Number of password hash iterations 350000
vaultwarden.passwords.hintsAllowed Allow sending of password hints false
vaultwarden.passwords.showHint Show hints directly on login page - disabled by default false
vaultwarden.signup.allowed Whether or not new users can register true
vaultwarden.signup.verify Whether email verification is need to sign up true
vaultwarden.signup.verifyResendTime How many seconds to wait to resend a verification email 3600
vaultwarden.signup.verifyResendLimit How many verificatione mails will be sent in total 6
vaultwarden.signup.domainWhitelist A comma-separated list of domains which can always register ""
vaultwarden.auth.authenticatorDisableTimeDrift Allow 2FA time drift false
vaultwarden.auth.incomplete2FATimeLimit Minutes to wait before a 2FA login is considered incomplete 3
vaultwarden.auth.yubikey.enable Whether to enable authentication via YubiKeys false
vaultwarden.auth.yubikey.clientId Yubikey client ID ""
vaultwarden.auth.yubikey.clientSecret Yubikey client Secret ""
vaultwarden.auth.yubikey.server Yubikey server ""
vaultwarden.auth.duo.enable Whether to enable authentication via Duo false
vaultwarden.auth.duo.integrationKey Duo integration key ""
vaultwarden.auth.duo.secretKey Duo secret key "" Duo host ""
vaultwarden.invitations.allowed Invitations org admins to invite users, even when signups are disabled true
vaultwarden.invitations.orgName Generic organization name for Emails Vaultwarden
vaultwarden.invitations.expirationHours Number of hours which an email invitation lasts 120
vaultwarden.pushNotifications.enabled Whether to enable push notifications false
vaultwarden.pushNotifications.installationId Installation ID from '' ""
vaultwarden.pushNotifications.installationKey Installation Key from '' ""
vaultwarden.pushNotifications.relayUri Set a custom relay URI for push notifications ""
vaultwarden.pushNotifications.identityUri Set a custom identity URI for push notifications ""
vaultwarden.hibpApiKey.value The HIBP API key-value "" The name of an existing Secret containing the HIBP API key ""
vaultwarden.hibpApiKey.existingSecret.key The key within an existing Secret which contains the key ""
vaultwarden.jobScheduler.pollIntervalMS The poll interval for the job schedular in milliseconds 30000
vaultwarden.jobScheduler.sendPurgeSchedule Cron schedule to purge outdated Bitwarden Sends '0 5 * * * *'
vaultwarden.jobScheduler.trashPurgeSchedule Cron schedule to purge trashed items '0 5 0 * * *'
vaultwarden.jobScheduler.incomplete2FASchedule Cron schedule to check for incomplete 2FA logins '0 5 0 * * *'
vaultwarden.jobScheduler.emergencyNotificationReminder Cron schedule for expiration reminders '0 3 * * * *'
vaultwarden.jobScheduler.emergencyRequestTimeout Cron schedule for emergency access requests '0 7 * * * *'
vaultwarden.jobScheduler.eventCleanup Cron schedule for event cleanups '0 10 0 * * *'
vaultwarden.jobScheduler.trashAutoDeleteDays Number of days to wait before auto-deleting a trashed item. ""
vaultwarden.logs.level The configured logging level info
vaultwarden.logs.extended Configure extended logging true
vaultwarden.logs.timestampFormat Timestamp format used in extended logging. "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3f"
vaultwarden.logs.file Logging to a file /var/log/vaultwarden.log
vaultwarden.logs.useSyslog Logging to Syslog false
vaultwarden.templates.folder Templates data folder, by default embedded templates are used ""
vaultwarden.templates.reload Automatically reload the templates for every request false
vaultwarden.icons.service Which service to use for fetching icons internal
vaultwarden.icons.redirectCode The HTTP code to use for redirects to external services 302
vaultwarden.icons.disableDownloading Disable icon downloading false
vaultwarden.icons.downloadTimeout Icon download timeout 10
vaultwarden.icons.blacklistRegex Icon blacklist regular expression ""
vaultwarden.icons.blacklistNonGlobalIPs Any IP which is not defined as a global IP will be blacklisted. true
vaultwarden.icons.cache.ttl Cache time-to-live for successfully obtained icons, in seconds 259200
vaultwarden.icons.cache.negttl Cache time-to-live for icons which weren't available, in seconds 259200
vaultwarden.rocket.address The address Rocket should bind to ""
vaultwarden.rocket.port The port rocket should bind to 80
vaultwarden.rocket.workers The amount of rocket workers to create 10
vaultwarden.rocket.tls Rocket TLS configuration e.g.: "{certs="/path/to/certs.pem",key="/path/to/key.pem"}" ""
vaultwarden.experimental.featureFlags A list of feature flags to enable []

ConfigMap parameters

Name Description Value
configMap.annotations Annotations for the ConfigMap resource {}
configMap.labels Extra Labels for the ConfigMap resource {}

Common Secret parameters

Name Description Value
secret.annotations Common annotations for the SMTP, HIBP, Admin and Database secrets {}
secret.labels Common extra labels for the SMTP, HIBP, Admin and Database secrets {}

Ingress parameters

Name Description Value
ingress.enabled Whether to enable Ingress false
ingress.className The IngressClass to use for the pod's ingress ""
ingress.whitelist A comma-separated list of IP addresses to whitelist ""
ingress.annotations Annotations for the Ingress resource {}
ingress.tls A list of hostnames and secret names to use for TLS []
ingress.extraHosts A list of extra hosts for the Ingress resource (with vaultwarden.domain) []

Service parameters

Name Description Value
service.type The type of service to create ClusterIP
service.port The port to use on the service 80
service.nodePort The Node port to use on the service 30080
service.extraPorts Extra ports to add to the service []
service.annotations Annotations for the service resource {}
service.labels Labels for the service resource {}
service.externalTrafficPolicy The external traffic policy for the service Cluster
service.internalTrafficPolicy The internal traffic policy for the service Cluster
service.clusterIP Define a static cluster IP for the service ""
service.loadBalancerIP Set the Load Balancer IP ""
service.loadBalancerClass Define Load Balancer class if service type is LoadBalancer (optional, cloud specific) ""
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Service Load Balancer source ranges []
service.externalIPs Service External IPs []
service.sessionAffinity Session Affinity for Kubernetes service, can be "None" or "ClientIP" None
service.sessionAffinityConfig Additional settings for the sessionAffinity {}
service.ipFamilyPolicy The ipFamilyPolicy {}

RBAC parameters

Name Description Value
rbac.create Whether to create RBAC resources true
rbac.rules Extra rules to add to the Role []

Service Account parameters

Name Description Value
serviceAccount.create Whether a service account should be created true
serviceAccount.automount Whether to automount the service account token false
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account {} A custom name for the service account, otherwise vaultwarden.fullname is used ""
serviceAccount.secrets A list of secrets mountable by this service account []

Liveness Probe parameters

Name Description Value
livenessProbe.enabled Enable or disable the use of liveness probes false
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the liveness probe 5
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the liveness probe 1
livenessProbe.periodSeconds Configure the seconds for each period of the liveness probe 10
livenessProbe.successThreshold Configure the success threshold for the liveness probe 1
livenessProbe.failureThreshold Configure the failure threshold for the liveness probe 10

Readiness Probe parameters

Name Description Value
readinessProbe.enabled Enable or disable the use of readiness probes false
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the readiness probe 5
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the readiness probe 1
readinessProbe.periodSeconds Configure the seconds for each period of the readiness probe 10
readinessProbe.successThreshold Configure the success threshold for the readiness probe 1
readinessProbe.failureThreshold Configure the failure threshold for the readiness probe 3

Startup Probe parameters

Name Description Value
startupProbe.enabled Enable or disable the use of readiness probes false
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the startup probe 5
startupProbe.timeoutSeconds Configure the initial delay seconds for the startup probe 1
startupProbe.periodSeconds Configure the seconds for each period of the startup probe 10
startupProbe.successThreshold Configure the success threshold for the startup probe 1
startupProbe.failureThreshold Configure the failure threshold for the startup probe 10

PodDisruptionBudget parameters

Name Description Value
podDisruptionBudget.enabled Enable the pod disruption budget true
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable The minimum amount of pods which need to be available 1

Pod settings

Name Description Value
resources The resource limits/requests for the Vaultwarden pod {}
volumes Define volumes for the Paperless pod []
volumeMounts Define volumeMounts for the Paperless pod []
initContainers Define initContainers for the main Vaultwarden server []
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
affinity Affinity for pod assignment {}
strategy Specify a deployment strategy for the Vaultwarden pod {}
podAnnotations Extra annotations for the Vaultwarden pod {}
podLabels Extra labels for the Vaultwarden pod {}
priorityClassName The name of an existing PriorityClass ""

Security context settings

Name Description Value
podSecurityContext Security context settings for the Vaultwarden pod {}
securityContext General security context settings for {}