Dogs vs Cats was a Kaggle competition in 2013 challenging Kagglers to train models to distinguish between images of cats and dogs. As of 2016, there is a new version of this competition currently running as a playground for experimentation given the explosion in popularity and effectiveness of deep learning (such as convolutional networks for image classification) over the last few years.
The input data consists of 12500 labeled images of dogs (label=1
and 12500 of cats (label=0
), as well as an additional 12500 unlabelled images
for classification and submission to Kaggle for scoring on the public
leaderboard. The images are of variable size, so all have been rescaled to
pixels without regard for aspect ratio (under the assumption that it's
hard to stretch cats into dogs or vice versa). I chose 299 pixels specifically
so the images could later be easily fed into an Inception network for transfer
I split the labeled data into train, validation and test sets (split
) and saved it into TensorFlow TFRecord files. All
preprocessing was also applied to the unlabeled Kaggle data so the trained model
could be easily applied to it later. Both the preprocessing into TFRecord
files, and feeding data to the model at runtime is handled by
The introductory notebook displays some sample images from the dataset. It also verifies that each dataset contains about half cats and half dogs (the validation set in particular is quite small).
My primary model is a convolutional network with a number of convolutional
layers with mostly small filters stacked into several groups separated by max
pooling layers. Though the specific architecture is different, this is
generally similar to VGG16/19. The model is trained and evaluated in
. It model attains about 88%
accuracy and scores
on the Kaggle leaderboard, following 10 epochs of training with rate
and a further 10 with rate 1e-5
(using the Adam optimizer).
dataset | accuracy | loss |
train | 84.9% | 0.389 |
validation | 84.8% | 0.402 |
test | 85.6% | 0.382 |
kaggle | 0.407 | |
(clipped) | 0.368 |
When designing the architecture, I followed the principle that one should keep adding layers as long as the network is not overfitting. However, I also keep the network fairly shallow by modern standards to achieve a manageable training time on a single GPU.
Dropout is applied after the inputs and before each fully connected layer to protect against overdependence on any single node and thus to make the network generalise better to the test data. L2 regularisation is also applied quite heavily on the fully connected layers.
I initially experienced relatively poor performance due to overfitting despite dropout and L2 regularization of the fully connected layers. This seemed to be a result of overly large convolutional filters. Once I made the filters smaller, obtaining a network similar to VGG16/19, performance improved. Though the individual filters are small, over a number of layers they should be capable of detecting larger complex features in the input images.
The network possesses a number of hyperparameters, e.g.:
- size of convolutional filters
- number of convolutional filters per layer
- size of fully connected layers
- regularization scale factors for fully connected layers
- learning rate for AdamOptimizer (and indeed the choice of optimizer itself)
Some tuning was performed by hand on these until a satisfactory architecture was chosen. Then several runs were performed to optimize convergence and to avoid overfitting. This experimentation was based on comparisons between the training and validation accuracy/loss over time; the test set was only used for final evaluation before submission to Kaggle. There is always a risk that by repeated evaluation and submission (to Kaggle) followed by model improvement and hyperparameter tuning, one can inadvertently fit to the test set or even the unlabelled Kaggle submission data. By making a clear and careful divide between the data used for tuning (the validation set) and data used for final evaluation (test set and unlabelled Kaggle data), however, I hope to have avoided this problem.
In order to achieve greater performance than the convnet without significant
increase in training time, I now take advantage of the image classification
capabilities of Google's Inception v4 network,
pretrained on ImageNet. Since ImageNet is such a large dataset, this network
should be able to detect fairly generic features in our images. Moreover, since
Imagenet contains many breeds of cat and dog as classes, it may even have learnt
features specific to identifying cats or dogs. This analysis is contained in
. The model attains about 99.5%
accuracy and
attains a loss of 0.073
on the Kaggle leaderboard following 25 epochs of
training with a learning rate of 1e-4
dataset | accuracy | loss |
train | 99.6% | 0.031 |
validation | 99.5% | 0.033 |
test | 99.7% | 0.033 |
kaggle | 0.073 |
I start by computing the bottlenecks (i.e. the penultimate layer activations)
for Inception on our images and then use a single layer (i.e. logistic
regression) on these computed features to predict the probabilty that a given
image contains a dog. Once the bottlenecks are computed and saved to TFRecord
files, they can be fed into the network by an input pipeline just like the
images themselves were for the convnet. This makes trainly much faster, since
we won't have to recompute the bottlenecks from the whole Inception network
while training our linear model. Where
handled the image TFRecords
(both reading and writing),
handles the bottleneck TFRecords.
Unlike some older Inception networks, Google does not provide a ProtoBuf GraphDef file for Inception v4. Instead, Python source files are provided which recreate the network using TF-Slim, a high level wrapper for TensorFlow. Also provided, of course, are checkpoint files containing the pretrained weights, biases and other variables. The following files were downloaded from the TF-Slim models page in order to recreate the Inception v4 network:
: the main model building file; I modified this slightly for compatibility with Python 3 and the latest TensorFlow (see comments in file for details)
: helper functions needed
: the model checkpoint
Since the bottleneck creation is handled by the
script, all that
remains to do is train a logistic regression model on the cached bottleneck
values. I could use, say, scikit-learn
for this, providing access to the best
routines for training linear models, as well as alternative linear classifiers
such as SVMs. However, in the name of simplicity and consistency, I instead
treat the linear model as a fully connected network with no hidden layer, so
that it can be trained using TensorFlow and my tfutil
helper functions as in
the previous notebook.
While minimizing the cross entropy on the training batches, the accuracy is
computed periodically on the validation set. If the validation error starts to
increase while the training cross entropy is still falling, it is likely that
overfitting is occuring. I do not plot any learning graphs in the notebooks,
but the cross entropy and validation error are recorded with a TensorFlow
, so plots can be viewed with TensorBoard. Log output to the
console from training can also be used to roughly track training against
validation loss/error.
For both models, the validation and test loss matched the training loss well following training. However, the loss on the Kaggle public leaderboard was usually higher (though still satisfactory). This could suggest the dreaded public test set overfitting. However, this seems unlikely due to the low number of submissions. On the other hand, the test set and especially the validation set were quite small, which might be why I failed to fully protect against overfitting. The obvious solution would be larger validation and test sets. Given the limited data available, one could employ cross validation, but since the networks are relatively slow to train, this would have a high computational cost.
There are a number of additional options for improving performance and generalisation, such as heavier regularization or stopping training earlier. For more possibilities, see the section below on improvements.
When initializing weights in deep neural networks, one generally wants the
scale of the variance to remain unchanged between layers. This helps prevent
either vanishing or explosion of the backpropagated gradients. I use the
inbuilt tf.uniform_unit_scaling_initializer
to achieve this, using the scale
factor of 1.43
specific to the ReLU nonlinearity. This approach and the
specific factor for the ReLU are numerically justified by Sussillo and
Abbott. For more information on Xavier initialization modified for ReLU
nonlinearities, see also this paper by Microsoft Research.
Some utility functionality has been placed in
, which makes building,
training and evaluating networks easier. I wrote this library myself as I worked
on this project, so it is very limited in scope compared to proper TensorFlow
wrappers such as Keras or TF-Slim, but it is sufficient for the current project.
I chose to write my own wrapper instead of using one off the shelf so I could
learn how to use TensorFlow directly. Its main tasks are creating sessions,
threads and thread coordinators, and running training and evaluation on models.
To help the model generalise, it could be useful to apply random distortions and noise to the training images on each iteration. This would require redesigning my input pipeline so is not a trivial addition, but it may be worth experimenting with in the future. Not only does this approach create additional (synthetic) training data, but in particular it should also make the model more resilient to random noise at test time.
To get better performance from the network while preventing overfitting (and without increasing the depth or layer size), we could try implementing:
- an advanced preprocessing stage adding noise to and transforming the input images (e.g. random scaling and cropping) to provide additional artificial input data and help make the network more resilient to noisy data during evaluation and prediction;
- batch normalization with
to enable increased learning rates and to help with regularization; - spatial pyramid pooling to allow arbitrary input size instead of
rescaling all images to
It might also be sensible to change the train/validation/test split from
to 8:1:1
since the current split provides only 1250
images. This is sufficiently few that validation accuracy cannot be reliably
computed to 3 significant figures. Better still, given the limited amount of
data, cross validation could be used. This also has its drawbacks, however,
since training the network is a slow process.
To achieve better performance than the bottleneck based transfer learning, I could fine tune the entire Inception network. That is, instead of caching bottlenecks, I would do backpropagation on the whole Inception network with the new output layer. (Of course, we still start by loading the checkpoint pretrained on ImageNet.) Below I discuss some additional improvements which also apply to the convolutional network and the bottleneck based transfer.