super basic calculator written in C
Originally the infix.c and postfix.c were from a lab project for NWEN241. we were given the function headers and told to impliment the functionality.
For a small project I decided to try and join the completed programs together into a single calculator program.
It is very basic and can only support single digits with no spaces. It supports the following operators: +, -, *, /, ^ (exponent), % (modulous), and brakets
I had to replace the main methods from both programs (with methods designed to work with an external program) and rename a few others, but otherwise they are untouched, and all incorperated into the main program. They can be compiled with the basic makefile I made. (I made the programs on Linux Mint, so I am unsure if they will work on other platforms). The makefile will generate the 'CCalculator' program file.