It's been a month since our last newsletter so this one will focus mainly on all of the new and updated cookbooks and gems. In fact, this newsletter contains so many updates that the message will be clipped by some mail clients including gmail. Please view the entire list of updates on the web.
- Erlang Eye for the DevOps Guy and Gal website | YouTube
- DevOpsDays - Silicon Valley website
- Continuous Delivery website | YouTube
- Chef Internals With Dan DeLeo website | YouTube
We are preparing episodes on the following topics and would love your help generating questions, identifying panelists, etc.
- Secret Chef - Storing Sensitive Data in Chef - Tuesday, July 9, 16:00 UTC
- Immutable Infrastructure with Chad Fowler - Monday, July 22, 16:00 UTC
- Chef and Openstack
Cookbooks on the Community Site - 1036
Knife Plugins on - 133
Chef Gems available on - 170
- apache2_odin_auth - mpasternacki - Apache2 Odin Authenticator
- cacert - chr4 - Installs certificate authorities on linux systems. Provides a recipe that deploys the root certificate, and fixes broken symlinks on older distributions.
- chef-reporting - jamesc - Installs/Configures chef-reporting
- chef-server-webapp - mpasternacki - Configures Omnibus Chef server as an Apache webapp
- chgems - fnichol - Chef cookbook for chgems, a chroot for RubyGems
- colorize_output - vaskas - Colorizes Chef log output
- deploy_key - cassianoleal - Manage deploy keys on Github and Bitbucket
- dns - chrisroberts - Create DNS entries for nodes
- dpkg_autostart - chrisroberts - Control service actions initialized from dpkg
- enstratius_agent_proxy - lusis - Installs/Configures enstratius-agent-proxy
- eos - privateip - Implements an recipes for managing network resources on EOS devices
- etc_environment - locochris - Populates /etc/environment
- fanout - andruby - Installs/Configures fanout.c (
- gerrit - stephenking - Installs/Configures gerrit
- git-fs - andruby - Installs/Configures git-fs
- git_user - vaskas - Git users configuration
- gitlab-server - lucasec - Installs/Configures a Gitlab server
- gkrellmd - locochris - Installs and configures the gkrellm daemon
- ice - rarodriguez - Installs/Configures ice
- javamonitor - jsobanski - Maintains JavaMonitor applications and instances life
- loco_xvfb - vaskas - Installs and configures xvfb as a service
- logadm - meatballhat - Installs/Configures logadm
- lxmx_hostname - vaskas - A Chef cookbook to set and persist node hostname
- lxmx_oh_my_zsh - vaskas - A chef cookbook to install and configure oh-my-zsh
- mailcatcher - kchendil - Installs mailcatcher
- mono - guilhemfr - Installs/Configures mono
- multitail - dabl_web - Installs/Configures multitail
- newrelic-ng - chr4 - Installs/Configures newrelic monitoring
- onddo-spamassassin - onddo - Installs and configures SpamAssassin, a mail filter software to identify spam.
- osx - alexhowells - Manage OSX application and system settings
- pam-ssh-agent-auth - cpick - Install pam_ssh_agent_auth and enable it for sudo.
- pdsh - mmgaggle - Installs/Configures pdsh
- phpbb - millisami - Installs/Configures phpbb
- portage - vaskas - Portage helpers for package-specific use, mask and keywords entries
- postfix-dovecot - onddo - Installs and configures a mail server using Postfix, Dovecot, PostfixAdmin and SpamAssassin.
- postfixadmin - onddo - Installs and configures PostfixAdmin, a web based interface used to manage mailboxes, virtual domains and aliases.
- rbenv-bootstrap - joseairosa - Installs/Configures rbenv-bootstrap which will install ruby shims during chef provision
- rbenv-gemset - joseairosa - Installs and Configures rbenv-gemset
- resolvconf - chr4 - Installs/Configures resolvconf
- sauceconnect - dunnj - Installs/Configures SauceLabs Connect Proxy
- scipy - bflad - Installs SciPy stack
- service_factory - binarybabel - Generate services using native system features and service managers. (SysV, Upstart, ...)
- seyren - viralshah - Installs/Configures seyren
- siege - vaskas - Installs Siege
- skyline - bflad - Installs/Configures Skyline
- ssl-key-vault - mpasternacki - Ssl Key Vault
- sumologic-collector - benoitnewton - Installs/Configures sumologic-collector
- teamforge - dunnj - Installs/Configures CollabNet TeamForge
- tfchefint - dunnj - Installs/Configures TeamForge and Chef integration
- thruk - marthag - Installs/Configures thruk
- unicorn-ng - chr4 - Installs/Configures unicorn, allows sophisticated setups, provides initscripts for Debian/Ubuntu.
- zenoss_client - dpetzel - Configures a node to be a Zenoss client/monitored node
- accumulator - (0.2.0)
- activemq - (1.1.0)
- admin-user - (1.1.1)
- afw - (0.0.7)
- aide - (0.1.2)
- aminator - (0.0.1)
- annoyances - (0.4.0)
- ant - (1.0.2)
- apache2-windows - (0.1.11)
- apache2 - (1.6.6)
- app - (0.1.1)
- appbox - (0.1.1)
- application - (2.0.4)
- application_java - (1.1.0)
- application_nginx - (1.1.0)
- application_nodejs - (1.0.1)
- application_php - (1.1.2)
- application_python - (1.2.4)
- application_ruby - (1.1.4)
- application_zf - (0.2.0)
- applications - (0.0.1)
- apt-cacher-ng - (0.1.0)
- apt - (2.0.0)
- archive - (0.2.4)
- ark - (0.3.0)
- artifact - (1.6.1)
- asgard - (0.1.0)
- authbind - (0.1.6)
- authconfig - (0.3.0)
- auto-patch - (0.1.9)
- avahi-daemon - (0.0.14)
- aws - (0.101.2)
- aws_developer_tools - (3.0.0)
- aws_extras - (1.1.0)
- azure - (0.1.0)
- beanstalkd - (0.1.2)
- beaver - (1.1.0)
- berkshelf-cookbook-fixture - (1.0.0)
- bginfo - (0.0.6)
- bind-chroot - (0.0.16)
- bind10 - (0.1.0)
- bind9-chroot - (0.4.1)
- bind - (0.2.0)
- bluepill - (2.2.2)
- bsdcpio - (1.0.0)
- btm-test - (0.1.1)
- build-essential - (1.4.0)
- builder - (0.1.1)
- buildr - (1.0.0)
- ca_openldap - (0.2.1)
- cabal - (0.1.2)
- cacti - (0.2.0)
- carbon - (0.1.1)
- cerberus - (1.0.3)
- certificate - (0.3.0)
- chef-client - (3.0.4)
- chef-golang - (1.0.1)
- chef-lighttpd - (0.3.0)
- chef-server-populator - (0.2.0)
- chef-server - (2.0.0)
- chef-solo-search - (0.4.0)
- chef-zero - (2.0.1)
- chef_ec2_cli_tools - (0.2.0)
- chef_gem - (0.1.0)
- chocolatey - (0.0.5)
- chruby - (0.2.1)
- chz-firewall - (0.1.2)
- circonus - (0.0.2)
- ckbk - (0.2.4)
- clamav - (0.4.0)
- cloudfoundry-cloud_controller - (1.4.0)
- cloudfoundry-dea - (1.1.5)
- cloudfoundry-health_manager - (2.0.0)
- cloudfoundry-router - (1.0.4)
- cloudfoundry-ruby-runtime - (1.2.1)
- cloudfoundry - (1.3.4)
- cloudkick - (1.3.0)
- cloudpassage - (0.0.5)
- cloudwatch-monitoring - (1.1.0)
- cloudwatch-monitoring - (1.1.0)
- composer - (0.0.4)
- control_groups - (0.1.2)
- copperegg - (0.2.1)
- couchbase - (1.0.0)
- couchdb - (2.4.0)
- cpan - (0.0.28)
- cpanminus - (0.1.1)
- cron - (1.2.4)
- crypto-coin - (0.2.2)
- cube - (0.4.0)
- cutlery - (0.2.6)
- daemontools - (1.0.2)
- database - (1.4.0)
- databox - (0.1.1)
- datadog - (1.0.1)
- dbench - (1.0.4)
- deb_pkg_unautostart - (0.1.0)
- debian - (1.5.4)
- deploy_s3 - (1.5.0)
- deploy_wrapper - (0.1.0)
- discovery - (0.2.0)
- dnsimple - (0.5.0)
- dnsmasq - (0.1.2)
- docker - (0.5.0)
- doozer - (0.1.0)
- dovecot - (0.1.0)
- drbd - (0.8.2)
- drupal-windows - (0.1.18)
- dspam - (0.1.2)
- dusk - (0.0.1)
- dynect - (1.0.4)
- easy-iptables - (0.1.0)
- ebs - (0.3.6)
- el2centos - (0.0.5)
- elasticsearch - (0.3.1)
- elefant - (0.8.1)
- emacs - (0.9.0)
- emailer - (1.0.1)
- encryptfs - (1.0.1)
- erlang - (1.3.0)
- errbit - (0.4.0)
- etckeeper - (0.0.2)
- etherpad-lite - (0.1.1)
- eventlog - (0.0.1)
- extended_drbd - (1.0.1)
- fail2ban - (1.2.2)
- filezilla - (1.0.1)
- firefox - (1.0.6)
- firewall - (0.11.0)
- fog - (0.0.2)
- fpm-tng - (0.1.7)
- fqdn - (0.1.2)
- freebsd - (0.1.0)
- freight - (0.2.0)
- galera - (0.4.1)
- ganglia - (0.1.1)
- gdebi - (0.2.0)
- gecode - (2.0.2)
- gelf_handler - (1.0.6)
- gemrc - (0.0.1)
- git-ssh-server - (0.1.0)
- git - (2.5.2)
- github-deploys - (0.1.2)
- glassfish - (0.5.24)
- gnu_parallel - (1.0.0)
- golang - (1.1.0)
- gpac - (0.0.6)
- gpg - (0.2.2)
- gradle - (1.5.1)
- graphite - (0.4.3)
- graphite_lwrp - (0.1.2)
- graylog2 - (0.1.0)
- haproxy - (1.3.2)
- haproxy_lwrp - (2.0.3)
- heavywater - (0.1.0)
- heidisql - (1.0.0)
- helios - (1.0.1)
- hermes - (0.1.1)
- hipsnip-jetty - (0.8.0)
- hipsnip-mongodb - (1.1.1)
- hipsnip-s3cmd - (1.0.0)
- hipsnip-solr - (0.4.0)
- hollandbackup - (0.0.5)
- homesick - (0.4.0)
- hostname - (0.1.0)
- hosts_corrected - (1.0.2)
- hosts_file - (0.1.4)
- hostsfile - (1.0.2)
- hotsauce - (0.1.0)
- htop - (1.0.0)
- httplivestreamsegmenter - (0.0.8)
- hub - (1.0.4)
- hubot - (1.0.2)
- hwraid - (0.3.1)
- icecast2 - (0.0.1)
- iis - (1.5.0)
- ipaddr_extensions - (0.1.0)
- ipf_configure - (0.2.0)
- ipsec - (0.1.0)
- iptables - (0.12.0)
- isomounter - (0.1.1)
- iterm2 - (1.3.0)
- janitor - (0.0.5)
- java-management - (1.0.2)
- java - (1.12.0)
- jellyfish - (0.1.1)
- jemalloc - (0.1.0)
- jenkins_build - (0.3.0)
- jetty - (0.1.2)
- jn_sysctl - (2.0.0)
- jolicode-php - (1.1.0)
- kafka - (1.0.20)
- keepalived - (1.0.4)
- kernel - (0.0.2)
- kibana - (0.1.6)
- kismet - (0.1.0)
- kitchen-jenkins - (0.1.0)
- known_host - (0.1.3)
- kronos - (0.2.4)
- kvm - (0.3.1)
- ldap - (0.1.0)
- ldapknife - (0.0.16)
- leiningen - (0.2.0)
- libmemcached - (0.1.0)
- libqrencode - (3.4.2)
- line - (0.4.2)
- linux-dev-env - (0.0.10)
- linux-gamer - (0.0.10)
- liquibase - (0.3.0)
- liquid-feedback - (1.1.0)
- locale - (0.0.2)
- logentries-rsyslog - (1.0.0)
- loggly-rsyslog - (1.0.0)
- logrotate - (1.2.2)
- logstash - (0.5.9)
- lsyncd - (0.1.0)
- lvm - (0.8.10)
- lxc - (1.0.0)
- magento - (0.6.2)
- magic_shell - (0.3.2)
- mailman - (0.9.5)
- mater - (0.1.0)
- maven - (0.16.2)
- mcollective - (0.11.0)
- mediacore - (0.2.2)
- memcached - (1.4.0)
- mercurial - (2.0.0)
- minecraft - (0.3.0)
- minitest-handler - (0.2.1)
- minitest - (0.1.5)
- monit - (0.7.1)
- monit_bin - (0.3.8)
- monitor - (0.0.3)
- mplayer - (0.0.6)
- munin-statsd - (0.1.0)
- munin - (1.3.2)
- mysql - (3.0.2)
- mysqltuner - (0.1.0)
- mythtv - (0.0.2)
- nagios - (4.1.4)
- nephele - (0.1.2)
- netatalk - (1.1.0)
- netdev - (1.0.0)
- netdev_eos - (0.1.1)
- network_interfaces - (0.2.0)
- networking_basic - (0.0.5)
- newrelic-sysmond - (1.3.2)
- newrelic - (0.4.7)
- nexus - (2.2.0)
- nfs - (0.4.1)
- nginx - (1.7.0)
- node - (1.0.1)
- nodejs - (1.1.2)
- notepadplusplus - (0.0.5)
- notepadplusplus_2 - (1.0.3)
- nova - (2012.1.2)
- npm - (0.1.1)
- nscd - (0.9.0)
- nvm - (0.1.0)
- nvp - (0.1.0)
- oh-my-zsh - (0.4.2)
- ohai - (1.1.10)
- omnibus - (1.0.8)
- omnibus_updater - (0.2.4)
- opencv - (0.0.3)
- opendj-openam - (0.2.0)
- opendj - (0.1.1)
- openfire - (0.2.0)
- openldap - (0.11.2)
- openresty - (0.2.0)
- opensmtpd - (0.2.0)
- openssh - (1.2.0)
- openssl - (1.0.2)
- openvas - (0.0.52)
- openvpn - (1.1.0)
- optipng - (0.0.1)
- ossec - (1.0.4)
- osxdefaults - (0.0.1)
- owfs - (0.1.0)
- package-driver - (0.1.1)
- pacman - (1.0.4)
- papertrail-rsyslog - (1.1.0)
- passenger_apache2 - (2.0.2)
- pdepend - (0.0.4)
- pdns - (0.1.2)
- percona - (0.14.5)
- perl - (1.1.2)
- pgbouncer - (1.0.0)
- phantomjs - (1.0.2)
- php-fpm - (0.4.5)
- php-windows - (0.1.23)
- php5_ppa - (0.1.0)
- php - (1.2.2)
- phpcb - (0.0.4)
- phpcpd - (0.0.5)
- phpcs - (0.0.4)
- phpdcd - (0.0.5)
- phpdoc - (0.0.3)
- phploc - (0.0.6)
- phpmd - (0.0.5)
- phpmyadmin - (1.0.5)
- phpunit - (0.0.9)
- pinba - (0.1.0)
- pinto - (0.1.9)
- pkg-build - (0.2.0)
- pki - (0.1.0)
- polyglot - (1.0.0)
- postfix-dkim - (0.0.2)
- postfix-full - (0.1.2)
- postfix - (2.1.6)
- postgis - (0.2.4)
- postgres - (1.0.1)
- postgresql - (3.0.2)
- powershell - (1.1.0)
- proxy - (1.0.0)
- ps1 - (0.1.0)
- psgi - (0.0.12)
- puma - (0.1.1)
- putty - (0.0.5)
- pvpgn - (0.0.18)
- pxe_dust - (1.4.1)
- python - (1.3.4)
- quantum - (0.1.1)
- rabbitmq - (2.1.2)
- rackbox - (0.1.2)
- rackspace_networks - (0.1.2)
- rackspacecloudbackup - (0.0.1)
- rackspacecloudbackupagent - (0.0.1)
- rackspaceknife - (0.0.4)
- racoon-ipsec-osx - (0.1.1)
- radiant - (1.0.2)
- rails_application - (0.1.8)
- rake - (0.1.1)
- raspberry-pi - (0.1.0)
- razor - (0.5.0)
- rbac - (1.0.1)
- rbenv - (1.4.2)
- rc_mon - (0.1.4)
- re2 - (0.1.0)
- recognizer - (0.0.8)
- red_unicorn - (0.1.2)
- redis2 - (0.4.7)
- redisio - (1.6.0)
- redmine - (0.10.3)
- reginjector - (0.1.3)
- remote_template - (0.0.1)
- reportchef - (1.0.3)
- repos - (0.0.3)
- repository - (0.1.8)
- reprepro - (0.3.0)
- resolver - (1.1.2)
- resource-control - (0.1.0)
- resource_masher - (0.9.0)
- revealcloud - (0.0.8)
- riak-cs - (2.0.0)
- riak - (2.0.1)
- riemann - (1.0.0)
- route53 - (0.3.1)
- rsyslog - (1.6.0)
- ruby_build - (0.8.0)
- ruby_installer - (0.1.2)
- ruby_pkg - (0.4.0)
- rubygems-compatibility - (0.1.0)
- rubygems - (0.3.0)
- runit - (1.1.6)
- s3_file - (2.0.4)
- s3cmd-master - (0.1.0)
- s3fs - (1.0.3)
- samba - (0.11.4)
- sanitize - (0.3.1)
- searchef - (0.2.0)
- selenium - (0.0.2)
- selfsigned_certificate - (0.1.0)
- sensu - (0.5.2)
- shibboleth_idp - (0.1.1)
- shibboleth_sp - (0.1.1)
- sidekiq - (0.1.0)
- simple_iptables - (0.3.0)
- smackage - (0.0.1)
- smartmachine_functions - (0.5.2)
- smf - (1.1.1)
- smokeping - (0.4.0)
- berkshelf (2.0.6)
- berkshelf_ext (1.0.20)
- busser-serverspec (0.2.2)
- busser-shpec (0.1.0)
- chef-handler-sensu-event (0.1.0)
- chef-reporting (0.1.1)
- chef-skel (0.1.1)
- chef-tlc-workflow (0.3.0)
- chef-vault (1.2.4)
- chef-zero (1.5.3)
- chefspec (1.3.1)
- cheftest (0.1.0)
- fog (1.12.1)
- guard-foodcritic (1.0.1)
- guard-kitchen (0.0.2)
- iron_chef (0.0.10)
- kitchen-bluebox (0.6.1)
- kitchen-digitalocean (0.2.0)
- kitchen-docker (0.3.0)
- kitchen-libvirtlxc (0.4.0)
- kitchen-sshgzip (0.0.3)
- knife-bootstrapsync (1.0.0)
- knife-brightbox (0.3.0)
- knife-cfn (0.1.6)
- knife-cloudformation (0.0.1)
- knife-cookbook-utils (0.2.0)
- knife-essentials (1.5.3)
- knife-hitori (
- knife-hp (0.3.1)
- knife-joyent (0.3.2)
- knife-nodefu (0.4.1)
- knife-oktawave (0.1.0)
- knife-openstack (0.8.1)
- knife-profitbricks (0.2.2)
- knife-rackspace (0.7.0)
- knife-role-replace (0.0.4)
- knife-sharp (0.4.1)
- knife-spork (1.2.1)
- knife-xenserver (1.3.2)
- pearson_kitchen_manager (0.0.5)
- pocketknife_puppet (0.1.0)
- rake-foodcritic (0.0.2)
- ridley (1.3.1)
- right_aws (3.1.0)
- strainer (3.0.4)
- test-kitchen (0.7.0)
- thor-foodcritic (0.2.0)
- vagrant-berkshelf (1.3.2)
- vagrant-berkshelf (1.3.2)
- vagrant-chef-zero (0.2.4)
- vagrant-chefzero (0.4.0)
- vagrant-librarian-chef (0.1.2)
- vagrant-omnibus (1.1.0)
The Food Fight Show is brought to you by [Bryan Berry]( and [Nathen Harvey]( with help from other hosts and the awesome community of Chefs.
The show and this newsletter are sponsored, in part, by Opscode. Additional sponsorship opportunities are available.
Feedback, suggestions, and questions: or