[ ] Roll out services.openssh.knownHosts
for all hosts on all hosts
[ ] Declarative config for syncthing (see https://git.darmstadt.ccc.de/maralorn/nixos-config/-/blob/master/common/common.nix)
[ ] Open firewall ports for syncthing
[ ] Can we do monitoring for folders?
[ ] Move around some services
* gitea on brueckenkopf
[ ] Avoid double import of findNixpkgs name
in deployment.nix
[ ] Deploy ROA checks for eBGP sessions
[ ] Central logging with loki
[ ] Generate backhaul.deviceId
from index in node list
[ ] Enforce DNSSEC on all devices with fixed DNS server
[ ] Configure VLAN IDs via IPAM
[ ] Configure firewall network filters using IPAM (like nas/share)
[ ] Restarting systemd-netword crashes PPPoE
[ ] Deploy monitoring user for mariadb [ ] Declarative config of glusterfs
[ ] Use the reverse-proxy module [ ] Use HLS / DASH streaming for camera * Compile ffmepg with omx and omx_rpi support * Patch Octoprint to support non-image video feeds [ ] Install plugin for bed leveling